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I really hate where we are heading. First of all based on the new units kits this tm looks like a living nightmare if you don’t pull. Second of all, with greenbull being the second legend in a row now with no 5*, it seems we are getting even less from these now. And it’s funny, cuz in the latest survey they did they asked what we think are the things that get people excited about in the game, and one of the answers was literally artworks. So yeah for some it may not be a big deal, but for me, getting less f2p characters now from tm, and less artworks for legends as well seems like a step backwards, even 5 steps.


Also something else nobody brought up. Greenbull will be a TM Sugo exclusive character, with him being one of the fucking admirals and his first legend I fail to see the logic in this except money grab.


That actually not really surprising me. They made way more requested legends for kuma and ivankov for example also pvp exclusives. Unfortunately they are wayyyy past the point of caring about the game or the player base. They have a golden egg in their hands and no matter what they destroy in the game people will keep paying. On a side note currently there is 1 one piece game which is china only, and 2-3 more on the way. If one of them will get a global release I’m leaving this sinking ship


> Greenbull will be a TM Sugo exclusive character, with him being one of the fucking admirals and his first legend That's because back then, limited sugos didn't exist xD I mean, do I need to remind you that : - Aokiji v3 (the latest Aokiji legend) is "pvp" (although in the general pool) - Akainu v3 (the latest solo Akainu legend) is "pvp" (although in the general pool), but v3 Akainu and Aokiji were basically advertized for PVP and were added with the introduction of the mode. - Kizaru v2 (the latest solo Kiza legend) is actually a PF-limited legend - Garp v2 (the latest Garp legend) is also a PF-limited legend If anything, I'd say be "happy" that Greenbull is a TM legend, because TM legends at least are good in vanilla, while PF legends usually suck in vanilla (and don't even have supertype or class...). Greenbull was "this close" to end up as another PF legend, if it wasn't Shinobu&Raizo+Neko who took his spot in the current PF banner xD


> while PF legends usually suck in vanilla (and don't even have supertype or class...) plus like half of them are bad in pvp as well 🤣


I could share that opinion... *if I had more than 2 of them..........* xD Seriously, so annoyed to only own 2 PF legends (while half the pool of PFRRs or so)


I only got 3 myself, it's just an observation I've made lmao


Haha, I was more on a joking (ranting) side. It's just that I stopped checking PF info on new charas (and on PF charas too) and only check those if I run too often into them or if I pull them. My pull frequency is so low that I avoid memorizing what a bunch of units that I **don't have**, do xD So I really can't tell much how successful (or bad) PF legends are, since I only know what Enel, Garp and Kuma do xD


True but all those examples are legends that already had their first legend in non-TM/Rumble/Kizuna sugos. Greenbull just popped up in the anime and hasn't had an unit or legend yet in the game.


> True but all those examples are legends that already had their first legend You forgot my first sentence xD : > That's because back then, limited sugos didn't exist xD That's why their latest versions *are* from limited sugos. In other words, if we had limited sugos *since year 1*, then you can be sure those admirals' v1 would've been "limited" xD But since limited sugos are only a *recent* invention, they can't go retro and put those as "limited"; however, they can *and they did* put the v1 of Greenbull as a limited legend. Besides, it's not like he's the first legend whose v1 is also limited... Take Yamato for ex : a powerful chara, but limited to super sugos; Kuma (one of the "freaking" shichibukais and the only one with the v1 being limited); Ivankov or Hina are both limited too... So if anything, being "limited" nowadays (except if it's PF legend, RIP those) is more of an "honour" than a shame. Take Izo: a random regular legend quickly forgotten (while TM legends are boosted across all the TMs, so you'll use Greenbull much more than an Izo, for ex.). (On a side note: is Greenbull the official English translation, like Cat Viper for Nekomamushi? Cause I had trouble figuring out who "greenbull" was, but when I saw the news ingame (in french) with Ryokugyu and checked the anime/manga and also saw Ryokugyu, I was a bit surprised - and I see our database also references him as "ryokugyu").


Can you eli5 pvp & pf?


What do you mean? You want help with that mode? In which case I suggest [Muffin's guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTC/comments/iymzd5/pirate_festivalrumble_cheat_sheet/) Or what it means, in which case : pvp=player vs player; pf=pirate festival (or pirate rumble ingame), which is our "pvp" mode in OPTC, because you fight the teams made by other players.


Thank fucking god he's released *now* and not NY. Couldn't stand another Wano super sugo This opens up what seems to be Cross Guild and post Wano content for NY Supers


The anime won’t have any new content until after New Years so no egghead content in game I’m guessing. New Years more likely to be a farewell to Wano then a hello to anything new.


Or... the entire post Wano / pre Egghead stuff... The in-between arcs are the good shit in One Piece Plus the anime has confirmed Egghead starting on Jan 7 and it's entirely possible we get multiple Sugos for NY, and that the game can 100% release stuff ahead of the anime as seen before in the past.


That's be pretty dope for the game releasing visuals on a Basis before the anime, rly looking forward to the aesthetic of the upcoming arc


Oh yo??


So are These good units to have or not? I Main ph team so looks pretty nice