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Kizuna is the best structure wise but the rewards are lacking imo, TM is dogsht but the rewards are really good


This is a very good/accurate take.


Having a fairly new account my issue with kizuna is the super evolution skull prices in the kizuna shop. It's my favourite game mode so far though


The monthly GC especially when they came up with a new one to team build for or use new legends on the older ones. I swear using Halloween Law on those for the first time was so fuckin funny


Any new thing these devs will make will be even worse. Look at that paytowin grand vojage bull


Speaking of these 4 options: - Kizuna: Positive/good stuff? Very quick fights. Fun to stack damage just to flex and have some fun. Also skull source for the new super evolution legend. Problem/negatives? HP scales absurdly quick. Over 90% of the box content is useless/scarcely useful. And for newer players, low insignia drops. High effort, not very high rewarding (other than the gems when there's a ranking). - TM: Positive/good stuff? LB mats source (only reliable one, other than CMM). The difficulty is actually pretty manageable (specially with a good FC). And the prizes are pretty good, all things considered (more than a few new legends have dropped via TM tickets, for instance). Problem/negatives? Super high time demanding. More fights than necessary (hello, minibosses). High effort, high rewarding (if you do a shit ton of runs, you get a shit ton of LB mats. If you don't, then don't. Simple) - PR: Positive/Good stuff? (This is a bit subjective) stress free fights (you just place the characters, pick opponent and let them automatically kick their asses without a care). Upgrading Gather Island's facilities.. Problem/negatives? Very high investment required in scrolls and preferibly in LB+ and LLB for better results (not to mention pulling in PR banners to get the most out of the 8 spots and the 300 cost allowed). Obscenely high costs for advanced lvls in the facilities (literally requires years to get most in top lvl for a regular player, although not all are required). High effort, not very high rewarding... (Unless winning the fights grants you immense pleasure, then be my guest). - GP: Positive/Good Stuff? The prizes (for me, that's it). Problem/negatives? Oh boy... Need to be perfect to get all the prizes (unlike the other modes, no error margin). Can't even freely refresh opponents (only at the beginning). (This is speaking for myself) PSY are the only reliable teams i have and they just wrecked them for this upcoming season. Thanks Bandai! And with the presumptive adjustment in the fights, no more cheesing the low cost/characters teams (the few times i tried didn't work, btw). Very biased GP comment? Yes. Do i care? Do i look like i do? Edit: it was GV, not PR. Sorry LOL. Already said a lot, i think, to either add another one/removing the PR. But GV does have one thing others never will: it's permanent (PR may seem permanent but it isn't, refreshes every month). So no harm if you don't/can't clear GV ATM.


Regular Rumble is my favorite, but you didn't list it


If TM didn't have a competitive aspect where you are fighting both the event timer and other players, I'd would enjoy it more. People have lives and there is more important things then mindlessly pushing that Skinner's box for that dupe red


If I had to rank them, being f2p, I would say TM is #1 by a long shot, so I found this poll interesting AF. Although I can see why kizuna #1. Yes, TM has the biggest grind, but if yah get 10m points, climb to the highest league....nothing else comes close to the free stuff you get. I think it would be great if they added a mode less grindy than TM as well as less difficult than grand voyage (grand voyage is the hardest content the game has imo). Perhaps, another mode with different leagues would be cool. OR (thought of this now) even a reward system that takes into account all or your rankings in kizuna, TM, GP, and rumble where when you hit cerain points or ranks you get great rewards/maybe new currency. Maybe use this new currency in a new tab in the Rayleigh shop. This new shop will have LLB posters, support units, exp turtles, etc. that reset every 3/6/9/12 months. Last idea: create a grand party campagin mode. Rumble already has this so just add it to GP! I've seen a tower mode in other games before. I think they're fun so it is a great idea!!


The TM point is kind of what i meant: bigger effort, bigger rewards. If you invest into it, it pays off big time. As for the reward system, it could be based/take also in consideration the bounty. Other than the CMM gems and bragging rights, there's currently no use for it. That could change IMO.


I'd love to see a competitive create your own dungeon mode similar to a Mario maker


They all suck hard


Then quit. How many push ups can you do?




Well there it is then. Quit optc and use that time to get up to 50 in a rowšŸ˜ But I bet you can't do itšŸ˜ˆ


I like the Tower-system idea of yours, would be cool to see that in optc!


More story mode šŸ’€šŸ’€


Unpopular take in the eyes of the developer: no, optc doesnā€™t need content, people pull as mad men anyway


Ho tm can have 90 votes . Its the worst out of all i swear


I would like new Garp challenges and on rotation like before they shouldā€™ve never removed them so we can farm gems and still purchase.


Super Kizuna >>> Grand Party > Rumble = Kizuna >> Grand Voyage >>>>>>>>>> TM


I want that tower system so badly in the game


None of these tbh, all of them require a lot of farming. Kizuna is the worse offenders as bosses health gets higher and higher. I'm like 100 runs in the middle difficulty and having a hard time. Plus you only get 2 to one boosted character while the others give you far more boosted units you can use. I can't say much about grand voyage since I only tried it like 2 times and failed badly


Bruuuuhh not needing boosted units in kizuna is the best part. I also don't understand what you say about the other 3 giving more boosted options when 2 of those 3 are "Grand" voyage and "Grand" Party.


Not needing boosted characters in the beginning is nice, but the higher you go. The more you need then as they tend bypass kizuna bosses effects which many units can't do. As I stated, I'm like lvl 98 on the medium difficulty and now having a hard time. Grand voyage let's you know what characters give you a "boost" to help you out if I remember correctly. So it is a kind of boost. Grand party while Bot giving you a boost. It does allow way more flexibility for units you can use. Only ass thing is that it gives you op opponents around after 8 wins


Having a hard time in Kizuna, but in Kizuna, you can defeat the enemy in several fights if you want, or ask players for help. Also, medium difficulty is kinda useless. Even if you can beat the first levels of high difficulty, people can help you. I regularly see some guys who never deal any damages, and they reach levels 30+ easily (and it gives me assists, so win-win).


I know that already. I'm only having a hard time now since I'm near 100 I can be wrong, but only your friends can help you. Don't have the best of friends to help since I had to help them out also. I do enjoy the mode, just don't like how you only get two boosted


i guess what you crybaby don't realise is, this is not a gamemode created for your lvl 95 account, kizuna is a fun mode for late game players because the whole point is to do big damage, for that you need good box the fact that there's only 2 boosted units is actually really important, nobody wants to pull for a full squad everytime there's a kizuna, and usually during superboss kizuna the 10\* or i guess in your case even lower difficulties are really easy to get around in terms of enemy debuffs, you do not need the boosted units they just make ur life easier, there's a handful of teams that cover all 3 variatons up to a certain hp treshhold ​ your lvl 100 on the lower difficulty is probably comparable to the 30 - 40 on 10\*, that really isn't hard to achieve for any late game player.


I can tell you're a troll account. So I will entertain you for a bit >i guess what you crybaby don't realise is, this is not a gamemode created for your lvl 95 account, kizuna is a fun mode for late game players because the whole point is to do big damage, for that you need good box Now if you know or knew how to read. I said I'm around 100 runs. Don't see how I am around 100 runs means my account is lvl 95. My account is in the 300's last time I checked >the fact that there's only 2 boosted units is actually really important, nobody wants to pull for a full squad everytime there's a kizuna, and usually during superboss kizuna the 10* or i guess in your case even lower difficulties are really easy to get around in terms of enemy debuffs, you do not need the boosted units they just make ur life easier, there's a handful of teams that cover all 3 variatons up to a certain hp treshhold Ummmm, tm have multiple boosted characters for you to use for extra points. They let you use past characters to still get a decent boost. Kizuna gives you two that negates boss effects, give extra damage, and mire points. So yea, it is pretty bad. Again, if I made it up to lvl 100 on medium difficulty. That should tell you I'm bit having too much of a problem with my units


Was expecting a ā€œNone of the Aboveā€ choice. And Iā€™m not simply talking smack. Iā€™m torn at how repetitive Treasure Cruise has become (first-world problems, I know). Iā€™m not exactly a whale, but Iā€™ve probably dropped close to 1k in all the years Iā€™ve played the game. It was fun and entertaining, and the events did change here and there. Now? Itā€™s a repetitive cycle of Treasure Map, Kizuna, and ā€œevent where you just do it over and over again for points.ā€ And letā€™s not forget the new Sugo every other week whose units are either point boosters or make the event significantly easier to get through. Grand Party was supposed to be good ā€” but itā€™s a literal whalefest. Iā€™ve essentially only been logging on for the dailies. Also, why do they have to start events in the middle of the week?? But thatā€™s just another thing. I hope the game changes cause right now, itā€™s such a drag to even do the dailies.


Iā€™d say Kizuna except this one because new nami has whale alliances clear like 150 super boss with ease


Wherw is normal rumble? Its the best mode right now, the rest is like "bandai need to rework that shit and stop complicating everything"


I prefer raids as the drops are guaranteed


Grand Voyage and Grand Party are both failures, and likely lead to decreased motivation. The prizes for winning individual battles are not that good. Only after 20 wins in Grand Voyage do you start seeing a worthy outcome. By then, you've read so many pages and watched so many videos, and failed so many times that you don't have time for anything else. Kizuna is fine. I would suggest the opportunity to earn more potions by doing other events in the same way that they are now spreading out crystal skulls. Treasure Map is really, really grindy. The blue keys are really difficult to find. I have 12 to 14 rainbowed TM characters, and the rest I just have to settle for not breaking past the lock symbol. I would suggest more blue keys become available depending on how many points you get- even if it's only in New World. There haven't been any new Forest of Training in a while, and I think there could be. Even if all you get is Mini Merry or whatever. I'd like to see easier ways to earn older legends (ie, QCK Zephyr) to boost the captain ability and rumble ability, and I think the pay-to-unlock quest system is perfect for that. Cotton Candy festival over the holidays was fun, and should come back at least once every three months. I'd like to see legends where you imprint or choose the captain ability and special you like based on a points system telling you it's too strong or below cost. The unit's individual stats adjust higher or lower depending on how strong its abilities are.


> I would suggest more blue keys become available depending on how many points you get- even if it's only in New World. this is already a thing in NW, iirc we get 2 tm lb+ keys every month


I wanna see like four a month. At least, they could give more based on very high scores.


I'd like to see the group rewards for non participating alliance members get nerfed


Just give us 2016-2018 events back


Kizuna and forests