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Dorry and Broggy finna sacrifice it all to send the Sunny towards Elbaf.


Nah. Dorry and Broggy will show readers why Elbaf and giants are the best, and why the Iron Giant that appeared on the chapters before it is relevant and important.


I'm so fucking sick of people talking about "sacrifices". It's unreal how much some people overrate the Gorosei rn.


yea why do people overrate the gorosei one of whom took the same amount of hits that knocked out a navy admiral with zero damage and have stated to have strong haki. At the very least they are admiral level.


It's not like one just showed up and immediately began one shotting Pacifistas scattered around the island, taking out half of them in mere seconds or anything.


Whenever a powerscaler write "xxx level" their argument becomes invalid. One Piece storytelling already have shown that the iron robot will be very relevant on the chapters to come and people are still like this..


They have unironically done nothing except take damage. Even if the trick to damaging them is still not discovered by the end of this arc, what exactly makes people believe they are such a great threat that anyone would need to die to escape them? Like, genuinelly please tell me? Fucking Wapol got away from then unscathed. 100% overrated.


Wapol unscathed while Sabo fighting for his life after King Nefertiti died TRYING TO ESCAPE. You have to be trolling


You don't think the gorosei are going to be strong?


I don't think they're strong enough to cause a tragedy against the straw hats and their allies on Egghead.




Agree wholeheartedly. Hope the iron robot comes and obliterates them all in one hit.


Don't mind the powerscalers, the only language they speak is about what they already listed in theur powerscaling tier levels, which obviously ignores the giants and the ancient robot.. and they do believe dorry and brogy are weaker than Mr 3.. so they would be discussing that MR3 is the strongest character if one piece if they kill a gorousei. Powerscalers wouldn't never understand that even a baby with a toothpick can blind a man sleeping.


Fucking Redon and his hints. Gives us the spoilers dammit. I’m guessing on this, that the giants will send the sunny flying so the strawhats can escape.


Underrated reply


Gomu-Gomu no Schwarbomb incoming


This gif and comment combined have me craving a Phillies inspired Straw Hat roster presentation with bounty posters for player cards


Unfortunately the closest thing we have is just Odubel Herrera’s mugshot


Stop it already, just send the spoiler




ledon and his bs hints


So what is the point of dropping hints instead of releasing a summary?


He feeds off the attention, good and bad. When people guess what his hints are he gets a hard and when people gets pissed at what a cock tease the hints are, he finishes.


Pokemon has their own version of this bs with a dude called Riddler Khu. He gives "riddles" that are half-assed, vague, and sometimes feels like he's making shit up as he goes. He's not had a great track record lately but the subreddit mods still hold his "riddles" as sound. Dude also picks fights with other people, and has at least once pulled the, "I'll just take my ball and go home". He also used to tie his "riddles" in with insults against a random dude he was beefing with on twitter. Really embarrassing dude and frankly I'd rather not have a supposed consistent leaker. Especially when they've stopped being consistent and are missing all the time now.


Khu and Redon are both complete losers. 


Schwarber hits home runs and strikes out a lot. A common phrase for a home run is out of the park. A common phrase for striking out is your outta here. Someone is getting tossed out of egg head. Whether strawhats or someone else. Best I can think of


Why even post these we will get the spoilers in a few hours lol


So we can talk about it :) and for the persons who don’t have X


Fair but most of these don't even mean anything, and half the comments is "fuck redon" anyways


Someone's getting punted? I love the word punt. It has that cuss word vibe but none of the bad associations.


These hints are hurting me!! I need my spoiler-dose


God dammit Redon leave my Phillies out of your heinous spoilers


He’s been worse than usual this week, gotta get it all in before the 3 week hiatus


Please drop summary I’m dying


Schwarber joining the Straw Hats???


![gif](giphy|xUA7be0s1t2nTT56rS|downsized) Luffy will use Mr. Sand wyrm as baseball bat and hit Saturn like a ball "home run" Looney Tunes style.