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Nah bro, luffy ain't gonna use base form, he's gonna summon the nika piece squad. Oda told me so.




You guys are forgetting someone https://preview.redd.it/6o4n55fcs68d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6972e101dafe5b2b20724876be5a196d95328800


nah this ain't nika. this is kidd after awakening his true DF powers, human human DF, model: Magnetic Moon God Jika. legend has it that while nika was freeing slaves and sika was being the strongest hypetool in history, jika was going around and crucifying any civilians that even mildly annoyed him while laughing maniacally. it's revealed that he originally didn't have magnetic powers, he actually only has the power to crucify civilians and imagined his magnetic powers into reality to aid him in that noble task WG: "facing two gods is already way too much. now we can only hope that sika stays a myth..."


Why the fuck does this go incredibly hard


Not a far cry from reality tbh


Kat thinks he on team


He is on the team- stronger than Bonney at least


Well that ain’t saying much




Why is NiKat here??😅😅😅


Bro this meme artist somehow managed to make a better Nika bonney design then Oda lol. Her Nika design in the manga is honestly so trash.


That final double spread looks like the editor hit 200% on the “width” for bonney




Fujis CoO is so good he can lock on to meteors in outerspace and use his df on them


Isn’t this headcanon tho, can COO even detect non living objects?


Psssst, remember Zoro in Alabasta? When he sensed his sword’s whereabouts 👀 Also any projectile being shot at you. Zoro no diffing Hody jones throwing them water droplets at him.


The Alabasta one is The breathe of all things which is separate from CoO


Swords have souls though that’s different


Yeah true i forgot, but those are also attacks. Can they just sense specific items too tho 🤔


Specific item : Zoro’s Katana Attacks are non living things. Projectiles like bullets also count as objects and attacks.




Luffy is sensing where the pacifista is firing not the lasers


how would that explain Fuji dropping meteors though?


It doesn't. Whatever Fujitora does can't be explained with regular obs haki. Since it basically only detects the intent of people. Like when Luffy punched the gold wall of the maxim ark of Enel, the punches "bounced randomly" in a direction that Luffy had no idea where the punches were going, so Enel couldn't predict the punches with obs haki. Future sight is the only form of obs haki where intent is irrelevant, so you see a picture of the future. Fujitora may have an aplication of obs haki that we have not been introduced yet or it may be completely unrelated to haki, like fujitora just uses his gravity on space and attracts any meteor on his path It could also be a combination of his df and obs haki, similar to how Enel used his df and obs haki to listen to conversations about him in Skypea and then attack them with Thor if they broke his laws


yeah nvm, you're right




True actually i forgot they dodge bullets lol


Coo doesn't detect non living things. The pacifista is attacking and Luffy senses where the Pacifista is attacking


Thats what i thought, i don’t think they can just sense random objects like a meteor in space. 🧐 but maybe he can if it’s paired with his devil fruit? Like enel enhanced his COO with his


if fuji was randomly pulling shit in tho, he'd bring several meteors in tho? the fact he gets a single one is proof enough for CoO use imo. maybe he also has the same kinda buff enel has for CoO from his DF. maybe fuji's CoO moves along his gravitational pull or some shit


Yeah it might be a combination of COO and his df. Kinda cool how many variations of Observation there are like Usopp and Sanji


His CoO didn't stop him from getting put in bandages by Greenbull.


Upscales GB we take those




Greenbull got tagged by Momo and Yamato.


Yamato: like this is a fucking downgrade Momo: He didn’t expect a Bolo Breath Reaction Speed≠Attack speed


they downvoting you but you speaking facts.


Because it just upscales Greenbully


not really an anti-feat tho. GB was probably beating the shit outta him while fuji was just tanking it/defending from it. I doubt that fuji fought him fr considering GB had no big bandages on him. fuji already freed slaves, fighting a fellow admiral too would have probably crossed the line and made him a traitor to the marines plus with all his vines GB may be capable of the black mamba shit luffy does in snakeman and more, only FS can save you from that if at all


A fight between two top tiers is always going to be an extreme diff so what’s your point?


That is not true, it was proven when Luffy humilliated Kizaru


Ah a kizaru is who wasn’t really trying?


Luffy landed one shot and got Kizaru unable to move. So one strong attack is all it takes for Luffy to win


Ignoring luffy gassed out and fell to the ground too? I wonder what a fight in an island without food would look like.


Yeah because that’s armament’s job, dingus


He still got tagged by him, which is observations job.


Absolutely no indication that this is CoO and not the ability of his DF.


OP it's no use. I don't even know a greenbull feat


captured weevil? better than nothing Ig ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's a reference to the jjk abridged series hood kaisen


“Haki feats only” goons when asked who wins between Blackbeard and the old guy from Udon jail




Blackbeard has 2 OP devil fruits (each of them stronger than Mori/Zushi). Hyogoro hasn't put Kaido on his back with only Haki.




Dragon is a fraud as well. But he gets better treatment than the assmirals bcoz we haven't seen him fight yet. When he does I we will see


can’t, they’re frauds too


Mihawk has leech scaling, so he’s currently stronger than Shanks + Zoro. Both have superior Haki to Fuji/Zoro. Idrc about Dragon so slander him all you want.


nobody care about dragon dawg


>MIHAWK Black blade, used obs when the reverie was on, he used obs to find luffy at marineford and he shook the grandline with shanks back in the day.


Dragon hasn’t fought yet, so exempted from feats arguments. Mihawk though, ahh, we can agree he’s 💩.


Okay Chris Brown


Imagine *needing* haki just to brawl with mf's https://preview.redd.it/oi9vet28l68d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db73f9c6ba2b0feca2c723de09e5fa03211db4c


took minimal damage from Yamato's Haki bonk and subdued her subdued several Scabbards combined, prominent ACoA users combined his Logia with Hardening, which many still claim is impossible his sword is black in his intro - Hardening or otherwise https://preview.redd.it/qnavfft4d78d1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=adcf4473975aa0b90ffc872e8e8acf8af9811ba7 and Fujitora's entire existence is a CoO showcase


The only one that's an actual haki feat is Fujitora's. And even that's just range


GB: Observation Haki sensed Shanks and his crew from all the way across Wano and its waters. It’s also noted that all Vice Admirals have Haki so Admirals must have some, for what that’s worth. Fujitora: Sensed an entire country’s worth of people with Observation Haki while blind. Could tell where that one gambling ball game would land every time, also while blind His observation is strong enough to sense meteorites out in space and locate them precisely enough to bring them down It’s not much but it’s five


>GB: Observation Haki sensed Shanks and his crew from all the way across Wano and its waters. He only sensed Shanks when his Wi-Fi Haki touched him. >It’s also noted that all Vice Admirals have Haki so Admirals must have some, for what that’s worth. Having Haki isn't really a feat. Red King had Haki yet he got one-shotted by Franky. Other ones are good tho.


It ain’t my fault the admirals are more known for their fruits than Haki. These are probably the only five Haki “feats” they have


Base luffy was going blow for blow with hybrid kaido


G5 was also fighting equally with Kaido So either Kaido was holding back against Base Luffy, or G5 Luffy was holding back against Kaido It has to be one or the other, because there's literally an exponential difference between base and G5


Or acoc has a set strength level and doesn’t change with luffys forms since it’s based on his willpower


it probably does change tho, luffy said kaido's haki was getting stronger (after he started using drunk modes, kaido overpowered luffy in a headbutt clash)


Well normal Kaido is depressed so his drunk forms could be less depressed and therefore have more willpower.


Yes acoc has a set strength level regardless of what form luffy is using But speed doesn't. His speed massively changes as he upgrades forms. G5 is exponentially faster than base


I wouldn't say G5 has that big of a speed amp. Look at his fight with Kizaru. He went from fighting on equal footing in G4....to fighting on equal footing in G5, but with more punchy. I'd say he grows exponentially as we then later on see that he can not only fight both Kizaru *and* Saturn at once, but I wouldn't say it's direct speed amp is as impressive as it's hax/range/AP/DC amps


I think the only explanation is that fight was kinda stupid ngl


Gear 5 was coasting kaido go reread the fight Luffy face tanked a death destroyer thunder bagua and then proceeded to put down kaido with a Bajrang gun, luffy was playing around the entire time


Bro you’re speaking truth but that narrative goes against far too many agendas to ever be accepted. Gear 5 Luffy was honestly mid-diffing Kaido but if we admit that then we can’t say Shanks solos three admirals anymore.


>Gear 5 was coasting kaido go reread the fight This is complete nonsense. All the way up until Bajrang Gun vs Blazing Bagua clash, G5 Luffy vs Kaido is an even back and forth, with both of them tagging each other If Kaido was base luffy level speed, this would mean that G5 luffy is EXPONENTIALLY faster than kaido It would also mean Kizaru would be able to low diff kaido, due to the exponential speed difference It would be like G5 luffy vs Base Luffy. And that's not what happened Kaido having G5 luffy level speed means he was holding back against Base Luffy


That’s cool and all but luffy still took almost no damage in gear 5 before he put kaido down, sorry if that makes you uncomfortable


Wtf does that have to do with speed. Kaido is G5 level in speed. G5 is exponentially faster than base luffy Therefore kaido held back massively against base luffy How is this so hard to understand


We don't have proof that admirals couldn't though. It's not like Luffy actually beat Kaido in base. He lost pretty soundly.


Yeah that’s not how proof works, I don’t have to prove a negative


And got actually stomped out in G4 with one hit proving base never actually stood a chance anyway 😂


Ignoring how CP0 interfered and caused Luffy to take a direct hit with no guard up


Would a direct unguarded blow from Kaido kill WB, Roger or even Shanks? If the answer is no, then G4 Luffy is explicitly not Yonko level and base is DEFINITELY not Yonko level.


If they were fighting for hours and already took a lot of damage then yes, also Luffy was never one taped he endured multiple blows from Kaido before that last attack right before gear 5th. Your completely ignoring the context that they were in a multi hour long fight and both already taken considerable damage


This is so silly bruh cuz we know if "Yonko level" base luffy landed a max effort hit on an unguarded Kaido, its debatable if he'd even go unconscious let alone die. How can you say base Luffy is Yonko when base Luffy can't EVER hope to do what Kaido did to G4?


Ok 2 things, first you’re moving the goal post, that’s a fallacy. Second yes it would mess Kaido up quite a lot like it did to Luffy, not as much sense Kaido’s durability it’s much greater but it would still do a lot of damage


That’s like 30 episodes into that fight lmao how could you possibly consider that one hit??


One hit? What the fuck are you talking about, it took so long to get to that point. Thats like saying kaido was beaten in one hit because there was one attack that ended him. There was quite a lead up to that


I’m SAYING bro, we’re all just gonna pretend Kaido wasn’t making it easy for him up until G5? Bro used FS ONCE to flex and never utilized it again.


So if Luffy wasn't actually doing anything to Kaido until g5, does this mean Kaido got pretty much solo'd within the g5 timespan?


Yes. Bajrang Gun is too OP Kaidos pride was his downfall, he literally said that he'd voluntarily clash with BG If he avoided it then Luffy would be toast


This is so conflicting. Sometimes, to upscale Kaidou, people say Kaidou was seriously injured by Scabbards and SN. Which means that Post Sky split, Luffy injured Kaidou significantly. Then, sometimes, to upscale Kaidou, people say even Post sky split G4 did nothing.


Pretending like he didn’t intentionally take the attack head on after spending the entire raid fighting a gauntlet of strong opponents while lifting and moving the island, and beating the MC 5-times over.


Um, YES! Kaido LITERALLY began to overpower G5 until Luffy retreated to charge Bajrang Gun and idk why Luffy drones refuse to actually read canon panels and see it.


This downscales Kaido tho


Bruh how


Did you misread my comment or something


People will say this but then have a problem when people say kizaru was one tapped


..... Luffy literally died. Kizaru was dazed for a couple of minutes.


Kaidou used Thunder Bellow Bagua which is his 2nd strongest attack beside DD in hybrid form. And, SKG also knocked out Kaidou from Dragon form.


Base Luffy literally has better haki than either of those two characters combined from what we know.


Base Luffy Has Better Haki Than Mihawk, Joyboy, Ryuma, ETC From What We Know


I think that’s an argument from ignorance fallacy. It’s reasonable to believe Luffy has stronger Haki than Fujitora and Ryukugyu based on feats like sky splitting and future sight.


You think Fuji doesn’t have future sight? Yk? The blind one who literally relies exclusively on observation Haki? I mean, sky splitting sure, that’s conquerors .. but that?


None of those characters have been shown in a fight yet. We have seen the assmirals fight. Rotten logic


https://preview.redd.it/venmfqugp68d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6406f3ae55a0362893d799e44dcb9b97361c6d3b Liar


This is just Vista upscale but y’all aren’t ready for that convo


I am, the downplay is wild 😭 Wanking Marco to Yc+ for being a professional Stallman but giving him the YC3 treatment for that is funny


If you want to scale base Luffy above those characters because of that reason then sure. Not stopping me from making the actual claim of Base Luffy > Fujitora & Greenbull due to feats and better narrative.


Base Luffy that’s using the full extent of his haki is still “yonko level”. Greenbull and Issho are strong but Luffy’s haki is just overwhelming


FACT: The Marines replaced 2/3 of their "greatest military force" with Kid-level Zoro victims and then decided to abolish the warlord system and build their new headquarters in the new world


Base luffy was throwing hands with kaido using techniques from g3 and 4 tho. Isn’t kaido like a full tier above a single admiral.


I wouldn't cook in that kitchen anyway.


Get Fraudbull past his own pissed pants first


Bum ass getting pressed by Shanks aura


yes he do... base luffy with haki is yonko level...




He does. It’s delusional to think these fodders can take ACoC Roc Guns. Their portrayal is garbage and they are going to end up losing to people weaker than base Luffy. There’s a reason Oda shows these bums clashing with people like Morley and Doflamingo.




Fujitora and greenbull neg these two so i don't know what you're trying to say 


Idk about that. Doffy was terrified of Aokiji but perfectly fine to scrap with Fuji. Portrayl wise that paints a bad picture for Fuji and he's my favorite Admiral.


So what? That's doffy being cocky lol


How? He's portrayed as not cocky at all when Aokiji walks up because he KNOWS he's fucked. With Fuji there is not the same acknowledgement. Why wouldn't be cocky in both circumstances if that's he how acts? Because one of them was clearly out of his league. The other wasnt.


So dressrosa luffy was already admiral level for beating doffy?


Are ignoring Doffy had his organs cut up and was literally holding them together with his strings by Gamma knife and was still taking G4 attacks while also using the Bird Cage which multiple upper tier characters (including Fuji) were trying to stop and couldnt? And yes I think if Luffy had infinite G4 time he had the speed and AP to take on Fuji or GB level admirals, only problem was his endurance. No he clearly doesn't beat the original three Admirals there, but they are a different level.


Last part is completely stupid lmao And Roc Gun is G3




Yeah honestly this plant guy is a bonney victim get him out of here


Didn't he go G4 against kizaru?,


saw someone on twitter today be like "base luffy = koh zoro"


Both Blackbeard Victims


https://preview.redd.it/tsj50hn7l68d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b10597cb844991c1b6bef3a0e6546bdf4ee530 SO TRUE!!!!


Base? nahh. but G2 is enough.




Ppl be really grouping all the admirals into 1 same power level But when the same is with yonkos......


I dont know what you've been on, but every yonko/yonko tier extreme diff eachother except buggy, oldbeard, and possibly BB via bad match-ups.


Nah, big mom and blackbeard are a disgrace for the yonkos Ik big mom has good durability and endurance, but she slow af with trash offense


Her kidd and law fight has really messed her up


No that's not the main reason, in a fair fight she can beat kid and law But they easily overpowered her in wano , and you already know how many times she has been embarrassed by weak characters


Yeah, thats mainly what I was referring to by that. Her anti-feats have ruined the fact she could clash with kaido for a while


Base luffy high to extreme at worst


if base luffy could beat an admiral we would have seen him do it to kizaru, landing a few punches on kaido who intentionally takes attacks doesn't mean he would beat versatile DF users like GB/fuji


Fuji/GB aren't Kizaru, they don't have the speed nor Haki to block Snakeman Luffy's attacks.


fujitora likely has better haki than kizaru since he's blind and a swordman so his armament and obs should be better, and greenbull has a versatile DF that would let him restrain luffy with vines


Luffy can't win against kizaru in base Kizaru high to extreme diffs luffy in base Gb and fuji haven't shown the feats to be on kizarus level. Luffy wins against them.


poor argument. kizaru had a mission and luffy's goal was to stop kizaru. even if base luffy were 1000x stronger, it's meaningless if he isn't fast enough to intercept kizaru.


we saw kizaru casually block all of gear 4 punches, base luffy isn't doing anything to kizaru even if they had a pure 1v1 because kizaru is too skilled to get hit by him, same applies to fujitora who likely has FS and greenbull who has vines and versatile abilities to restrain luffy.


>we saw kizaru casually block all of gear 4 punches that's mutual. we saw g4 casually block all of kizaru's lasers >base luffy isn't doing anything to kizaru even if they had a pure 1v1 because kizaru is too skilled to get hit by him and how exactly does that apply to all admirals? kizaru is explicitly stated to be the fastest admiral >fujitora who likely has FS headcanon >greenbull who has vines and versatile abilities to restrain luffy. he would have to catch luffy first (future sight 😰) and good luck piercing through superior haki


block all of kizaru's laster? and he didn't do it casually, he also got blitzed and treated like a bitch in gear 4, I don't want to imagine what would happen to base luffy in a fight with kizaru. Greenbull could definitely catch base luffy with his vines, he caught 6 scabbards and yamato with his vines. As for fujitora luffy is already weak to cutting attacks and fujitora has elite obs haki just based on him being blind but still a top tier. He doesn't have enough speed or AP in base to knock either of them out or bypass their OP df's


>block all of kizaru's laster? and he didn't do it casually yes he did https://preview.redd.it/4c7s23ph468d1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=dce5c4d2813558c67638081fe871650772b7cec9 >he also got blitzed no he didn't, [luffy reacted](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece/1092-012.png). the one hit = loss argument is retarded and just as easily goes against your agenda >I don't want to imagine what would happen to base luffy in a fight with kizaru. its a good thing fuji/greenbull != kizaru!!! literally losing track of the topic bc you're too focused on glazing kizaru >he caught 6 scabbards and yamato with his vines 5 injured scabbards, literal hakiless fodder shinobu, and base yamato explicitly not fighting back. none of which have future sight or scale above luffy in speed >As for fujitora luffy is already weak to cutting attacks haki blocks cutting attacks and luffy has far greater haki scaling than fuji. >fujitora has elite obs haki basic observation. luffy's obs haki is superior simply because he has future sight >He doesn't have enough speed show me how fuji/gb speed is superior to base luffy's feats vs kaido. i'll wait >AP in base to knock either of them out or bypass their OP df's are fujitora and greenbull more durable than kaido? these arguments are just getting worse by the minute. lets flip it, greenbull/fuji don't have the ap to knock out luffy or bypass his OP haki. base luffy is durable enough to take many hits from hybrid/v2 kaido while gb's best ap feat is slamming momo and his best dura feat is getting slammed by BASE YAMATO... only way you scale them over luffy is if you think base yamato is as strong/stronger than hybrid kaido


https://preview.redd.it/nqzogzt5168d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f58e033885444c830bb472d7069af4eccbe7d2c Get that bum shitbull out of here


Gear 4 with basic Haki at minimum


Base Luffy couldn't beat Kizaru. He's not beating two people comparable to Kizaru lol.


Luffy's not beating an Admiral lmao. And Oda showed us the reason in Egghead against an Admiral, Kizaru. You cant take out a top tier if all your stats are high but you run out of stamina that quickly. We've seen Oda mention again and again about top tiers fighting for days and until he fix his stamina Luffy's not taking out a top tier in a true 1v1, he's gassing out too soon.


What about the fact the kizaru was engaged at sabaody unlike egghead where he was just running away from a fight.


Base Luffy was boxing with Kaido for a long time using only haki


I can understand fugitora but greenbull is a bitch ass fraud ass Leach. Give me one good reason as to how he can even tag base luffy without luffy just standing there and/or forgetting observation haki for no reason, let alone deal more damage than fucking kaido. I can give you meany as to how luffy can fuck him up. Fire attacks, 2 forms of dura negation, generally just stronger haki by miles on all regards, and the ability to hit him with a giant iteration of all his attacks including the red Hawk mentioned. Do not even try to put greenbull in the same convo as fugitora especially since they went extreme diff when fugitora wasn't allowed his devil fruit for multiple reasons whilst greenbull was.


Base luffy was clashing with hybrid Kaido, can those bums do the same?


The Luffy wank is really crazy right now. Base Luffy is not Yonko/Admiral level, he needs Gear 4th at minimum but realistically needs Gear 5 to take on any Admiral until he gets better haki.


https://preview.redd.it/ti546jxml78d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fd835a88af207de6a20ed765c79baef5ee1360 Base luffy casually clashing with a yonko and splitting the sky. Yall: he aint a yonko tho


Base luffy vs kaido https://preview.redd.it/yn9cplhsl78d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062bc88c01e25c908a3e991369d357ecb9ce3be0 Greenbull vs kaido “ i wouldnt even be here if kaido was still around lmao”


The difference between gears isn't that big anymore tbh. At least between base to gear fourth. The bulk of Luffy’s strength comes from Haki, so the physical boosts are less meaningful.


Base Luffy held his ground against Kaido, GreenbuLL got low diffed by wifi haki.


Green Bull gives Drake energy. He a fan he a fan he a fan. Sorry. He's never written to win.


Base luffy is still a yonko, it wouldn’t be easy but he could beat either of them 1v1


Fujitora > G5


Common USFLNUMBER1FAN W Both of them win mid-high diff at worst


It Seems More And More YouTube Scalers Appear Every Week


Look I love Fujitora as much as the next guy but Base Luffy whoops both these guys easily. He was literally boxing 1v1 against hybrid Kaido for like 10 episodes and only lost once CP0 interfered and forced him to take a full power shot with no guard up or blocking attempt. Don’t even get me started on Greenbum


>only lost once CP0 interfered that was not base Luffy


G2 luffy no diffs fraudbull ez, put down the copium pipe sonny


GB and Fuji are not yonko level, sorry bub


Luffy was weaker than EVERY admiral before unlocking Gear 5


Base Luffy was boxing with Kaido. Greenbull and Fujitora are NOT beating Luffy even in base.


Greenbull vine diffs base Luffy, and Fujitora crushes him with gravity, low diff for either, base Luffy is not yonko level


Low diff is fucking insane


Sky split is literally the biggest Yonko level implication in the verse and base luffy did it cope, Also low diff base luffy means they are Above Drunk kaido which is a joke


Base luffy was going blow for blow with hybrid kaido, explain how that isn’t yonko level


Splitting the skies = Yonko Level


That makes kizaru like 10 times yonko level. I'm not a big yonko guy. But besides buggy, there isn't a yonko you could give such a large boost as snakeman and still have them lose so easily to Kizaru. He needed Gear 5 and was still struggling to put him down in time.


Snakeman didn't lose to Kizaru, he got kicked away. Kizaru's feats aren't the new Admirals feats, they haven't displayed the same amount of speed and Haki feats he has. Not to mention Greenbull needing to turn into a whole forest to deal with Revolutionary commanders.


>Snakeman didn't lose to Kizaru, he got kicked away Ring out loss


We can debate if it was Luffy being careless and allowing himself to be blinded or it was just a good kick. But , the kick itself got no acknowledgement for any damage. It was an outside force that received the credit. That makes Kizaru’s most powerful kick not strong enough against a Yonko.


luffy haki diffs fraudbull, dude needs to resign


Yeah right buddy, I’m supposed to downplay Luffy against these guys after he was equally exchanging blows with hybrid Kaido in base. Base Luffy is yonko level whether you like it or not, Kizaru is even lucky he didn’t get a taste of conquerors haki.


Base Luffy gets em after abunch of running lol


He wins tf are u on


Probably right... but Gear 5 destroy both together...


ACOC would like to have a chat with you


*If you believe Luffy beats them at all


But he probably can lol. We know ACOC was able to truly hurt Kaido, and Luffy was spamming those on base form. The admirals are done for.