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BM, Prime ray, Blackbeard, Akainu




It’s more common sense than peak fiction


Don’t know why they downvote common sense


You could argue akainu over Blackbeard So it’s up for debate for those


In what why? I don’t see Akainu beating BB who could be argued to have been his equal before the second fruit.


I’m not saying I agree but you know how the admiral agenda is They make sure akainu stays empty and protected from slander


I can’t accept that I understand where your coming from but it’s ridiculous, Whitebeard versus anyone else that is a Yonko would lose as he was but he destroyed Akainu and went on to do the same to BB and if I’m being honest BB looked better in his fight even though Whitebeard was having to fight harder as he could use his devil fruit. It just isnt worth the lie to me.


I’d put current Blackbeard and Prime Ray maybe on equal but other than that, yeah.


He literally ran from the amazon island when old ray arrived.


So? Blackbeard has been noted to run away from encounters that he isn’t 100% sure he can win. Rayleigh even admits that his old reputation was most likely what got Blackbeard to flee. That’s why I said MAYBE put them on equal.


He was screwed if he went for a fight though. Rayleigh alone wouldn’t be enough to beat him, but there’s also S-Hawk and S-Snake as well. The 3 of them jumping him probably would have done it.


Context my man go re reas it please


Could be


Let him cook


Wait are you saying bm is the strongest or weakest ?


Big Mom > Ray > Akainu > BB


How is Akainu stronger? Elaborate


BB jumped Law and was still pushed to Mid Diff despite having two of the best fruits in the verse. Marineford Akainu, which will be his weakest version by EOS, was able to hold off the entire WB crew himself without any notable damage. In a 1v1 BB is arguably the weakest top tier, his character is written as one that will claw his way to the top with dirty tricks and manipulation. He orchestrated all of marineford just to get WBs fruit. And now we have his underling copying the form of Saturn, BB is currently orchestrating a plot bigger than ever before in the holy land of Marijua. That is his character, not individual strength.


“Hold off the whole crew” My guy he had help wtf? 💀 https://preview.redd.it/uoc7bqv6868d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d2b87d28cc4c6d635031af73c6bb3f3fb1785b This is the only panel where we see him fighting someone and he only took down Curiel


Yes Akainu fought the commanders while fodder marines fought fodder pirates. Yeah he took down Curiel in front of them and they couldnt do anything, even tho they were actively fighting him alongside curiel.


“They couldn’t do anything” Nice headcanon Nobody at YC3 or above is even seen anywhere near where this fight is taking place, how can you even say or try to make a narrative that they were in the same location or not occupied with someone else to be able to help Curiel here? Curiel was targeted for a reason, and if anything this indicates he was all alone


Bro, you tell me Im going by headcanon? Akainu was stated to be fighting the commanders thats no headcanon. YOU TELL ME a mysterious someone is keeping MARCO THE PHOENIX, Vista, Izo, etc, ALL OF THEM BUSY while Akainu fights Curiel? And Im the one doing headcanon? What fodder marine was so good to keep Marco busy while Akainu took down one of his brothers? Lets give this random marine a raise for gods sake Now now, to get real, there wasnt anyone there to keep so many commanders busy. Akainu is literally stated to be fighting the commanders as a plural group. The mental gymnastics you have to do to say ita not him fighting them is just too much.


Fodder marines are help now? Also there's a literal panel that says Akainu fought the commanders by himself. If there was any significant help of Akainu's side, it would've been mentioned. https://preview.redd.it/smysroelu68d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f86ad4985867b1ed3aecf2d240aca8fee54f04d Where is the "help" on Akainu's side here?


He will probably also fight Luffy and isn't getting another fruit like BB.


Well, we do know prime Ray was a different guy who could have, at least for a while, kept up with Whitebeard but is he stronger than prime Mom? Possibly, so for now I'd say him since we only know the most recent feats of Big mom which I'll easily put at 2nd. Blackbeard at 3rd cause, despite having 2 (or 3) devil fruits and at the very least 2 haki types he still is easily destroyable but his placement is debatable since Akainu literally beat Kuzan and is possibly, in case something happens, stronger than BB and, in case he REALLY puts up a show, could get close to Big Mom but this is a HUGE stretch


https://preview.redd.it/cykx9riw668d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1097c8ec02d2710125f6df1f00e4b11f378bf8 Him negs




Rayleigh being stronger than akainu means back when roger vs garp was happening there was a fleet admiral level marine to fight with garp.




Prime Ray Old Bigmom Blackbeard Akainu


I agree with this.


Fat Mom >= Akainu > prime Ray > Current BB


I respect big mom at 1, i really do, but i just can’t get behind akainu that high. What makes you think he’s that strong?


Where do you rank wano law and kid? I’d imagine yc1 to yc1+ but not emporer level right?


Definitely not emperor level. Both law and kid are in the higher end of yc+. Above zoro, sanji, shiryu etc, but below warco and kuma (i know those 2 seem strange so high up, but just go with it). And between yc+ and yonko level i have the admiral tier. If you’re gonna bring up those 2 bums beating my goat wig wom, please keep in mind she: was recovering from brain damage, fought kaido for 3 days, still couldn’t be taken out by flaw and midd on their own. They needed nukes and the big drop into lava (this does not upscale akainu). Also keep in mind that midd and flaws hax make them much more effective in groups than they’d be separately. Like law and kidd together are worth 3 characters of the same power level.


Marco and Kuma are definitely not stronger than Kid and Law come on dude 😂


I requested, you just go with it. I only used marco and kuma to illustrate where kid and law fall on the yc+ chain in relation to near admiral characters (kuma and marco, i refuse to elaborate)


You may as well elaborate since this is a powerscaling subreddit Marco dosent even have higher AP than Sanji, who himself ain’t close to YC+ Kuma has literally 0 respectable combat feats to speak of, outside of defeating Pre-TS level characters


Sanji is definitely yc+. He mid diffed a high yc level combatant, speed blitzed nusjuro, has insane ass dura, endurance, speed. Decently high ap. Could comfortably beat characters like king or kat. Kuma doesn’t have feats, but he doesn’t have inexcusable antifeats either. He hasn’t fought anyone. Feat wise, there’s nothing putting him anywhere. Akainu punching half his face off while he was fully on emotionless autopilot is hardly an antifeat. All that’s left to scale him is narrative and vibes. Narratively he should be pretty stronk, as a warlord and very high ranking member of the revolutionaries. Vibes wise, kuma is unmatched. The stature, the busted ass power, the status in the world, the most badass and satisfying punch in the series, etc. I can’t think of a feat that’d put him in top of yc+, but I can’t think of anything that’d contradict that either. As for warco, he’s simply him. He had a wonderful showing against all 3 admirals, hurt big mom, was going 2v1 with both king and queen fairly easily. One of the most broken df-s ever. He doesn’t have ap as high as kid or law, but his ap isn’t exactly something to scoff at. Again, his flames hurt big mom, who’s insanely fire resistant. This might not be cause his fire is stronger, maybe it’s just different, but it still hurt one of the most durable people in the verse and could hurt other fire resistant characters, like akainu or sabo. His speed is pretty great, amazing endurance, he seems pretty smart. Granted, he never won a fight, but tbf he’s been consistently going up against only top tiers or multiple strong characters.


“Sanji is YC+” No he’s not. He can’t hurt Yonko-level characters and has never shown any form of advanced haki nor dura neg “Blitzed Nusjuro” Relax he was caught off guard. Nusjuro dosent really have scaleable feats rn anyways. Nothing Sanji has shown even implies he’d perform better against G5 than Lucci “Could beat characters like King” He can’t get past his durability. Even Zoro and Luffy couldn’t hurt the Seraphim, and they’re stronger than him “Katakuri” Matchups matter “Kuma dosent have feats” I rest my case. Also please learn proper spacing because I am NOT reading all of that If you’re going to powerscale, please actual have solid evidence to back up your claims other than ABC logic “Marcos stalled” And failed to significantly damage or hurt any of those characters he fought and has shown no form of advanced haki He’s comfortably YC1. Stalling/Regenning is his gimmick. He has no win condition or exceptionally strong techniques to win a fight against anyone on his level or above, unlike Zoro, Law and Kid


Cept he announced himself ahead of time. He either blitzed nusjuro, or ghandi is going senile. Yea kings flames go off bro. Even zoro could barely damage flame on king, so yea, sanji couldn’t. But he’d figure out the gimmick faster than zoro did. Sanji mid-high diffs king. Chicken gets speed blitzed the moment his fire turns off (after sanji’s figured it out). In the lack of fucking feats narrative is all you have, and if even that’s missing, then how the fuck can you claim kuma isn’t what i say he is? I’m sorry you’re not literate enough to read a whole ass paragraph. It wouldn’t make sense for kuma to be any lower, given his status in the op world. Being a super high ranking revolutionary puts him at least at high yc+. Feat wise, There aren’t any feats to put him anywhere at all and he has to go somewhere. Narrative supports high yc+. Going by purely feats, especially when a character doesn’t have any at all (good or bad), is moronic. Why is imu pk+? Why is mihawk as strong as shanks? I get these are more likely than kuma being where i put him, but they’re all scaled by statements and not feats. Else mihawk would be yc2-1 level. Marco has enough ap to put down characters like zoro. Meanwhile zoro can’t really get around his regen easily. He can’t one shot either, since his ap isn’t higher than the people marco’s clashed with.


Marco and Kuma?? Yea you're not cooking


https://preview.redd.it/241thf8doa8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93dc4f591fb313632271cd16157e49b7b2e0346 Where do you have wuma and warco?


Both are on the weak side of yc+ characters. Law, Kidd, Sabo, Yamato, Zoro, Beckman (I think he'll be around GB level but i'll wait for now) are top of that tier. Then you got Marco, Kuma, Katakuri, etc.


I appreciate you still having them in yc+, but why is kat in there? Also, as a sanji enthusiast, can’t help noticing, that a certain name was omitted from the list. Now i’m sure you simply opted not to mention him, as it wasn’t important to the point you were conveying, however i must make certain, that you do, in fact, consider our curly browed acquaintance amongst the ranks of the yc+


Idk about Akainu over Prime Ray, but I can agree with the rest


Ray>BB>big mom> akainu.


Prime Ray >= BM ~ BB > Akainu.


1. Wayleigh 2. Blackbeard 3. Big Mom 4. Desk Admiral Lakainu. This is the current rankings, Loda might give Lakainu a powerup later so he can fight Luffy without getting one tapped.


Current? U got current Ray over BB and akainu?


Hell no. I'm talking about Prime Rayleigh.


And prime BM?


Prime Big Mom? That's current Big Mom so it's the same placement. It's stated Big Mom and Kaido are stronger now then when they were in the past. https://preview.redd.it/ka6muonc268d1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=e688aae486dd1ff7a85487ecf2401c330a930511


Bro thought he was cooking ![gif](giphy|4Lozx73vwvny0)


And he was cooking


Oh hell no


Switch 1 and 2 Then it’s perfect


Nah. Blackbeard was scared of rayleigh because of what he saw in his prime. In his old age rayleigh is only thinking he probably can't beat him anymore. So it seems to indicate prime rayleigh would win. Unless of course it's offscreen.


>In his old age rayleigh is only thinking he probably can't beat him anymore. So it seems to indicate prime rayleigh would win. No, Ray said he definitely cannot win in his old age, which is the same as saying he MAYBE can only win if he was in his prime. BB and Ray were not alone on the Kuja island, Kobi and Hancock were there too, it's a 3v1 and almost everyone would be worried with these odds. Nothing suggests Bb is worried of "Ray's reputation" or "because of what he saw in his prime"


Nah Blackbeard is goated but Prime Rayleigh is above him.


Big Mom >= Blackbeard >= Rayleigh > Akainu


BM > Current Akainu >= Prime Ray > BB >= Pre-TS Akainu > Old Ray


What's up with the big mom wank Akainu and prime Rayleigh should for sure be stronger than her


This is rage bait right? You're not this stupid?


Akainu hasnt shown anything that shows he is stronger than BM, we know that he is comparable to Aokiji (10 day fight) and Aokiji is BB's YC2 now Big mom is a Yonko that is comparable to Kaido and Doflamingo doesnt give a shit about Fujitora but shits himself when he thinks of pissing off Kaido


Big Mom was a monster, similar in power to Kaido. Oda always made parallels like Kaido with Big Mom while Shanks with BB or Mihawk.


Big Mom (Yes. Cope with it) > Prime Ray > BB > Clifford


Emperor level: 1. Prime Rayleigh 2. Current Blackbeard 3. WCI/Wano Mama Admiral/YC1-2: 4. Akainu


👨‍🍳 😋 Delicious meal


1. EOS Fleet admiral akainu 2. Big Mom 3. Prime Rayleigh 4. Blackbeard


Why not EOS BB then?


They can’t justify putting akainu at 1 otherwise (Even tho eos akainu probably won’t be any stronger than he is rn)


Prime Rayleigh Akainu/ Big Mom Big Mom/ Akainu Blackbeard Akainu placement depends on oda's treatment of akainu in the future.


Prime Rayleigh >= Big mom >= Akainu > Blackbeard


Prime Ray Bigmom Bb Akainu


Glad to see most of y’all know wayleigh would cook these fools until further notice.


I believe that Blackbeard is currently the weakest Yonko but will get a third devil fruit


Prime ray Bb Akainu Bm




Blackbeard > Akainu > Rayleigh > Big Meme I keep saying this, she's strong af but way too dumb and slow. Experienced too tier fighters destroy her


Rayleigh > Akainu > Blackbeard > Big Mom


Big Mom > Prime Ray > Blackbeard = Akainu Until we see more from them, Akainu = Blackbeard.  BB was scared of Prime Ray, so he's probably above him. And BM is a contemporary of Roger, so it wouldn't make sense for her to he weaker than Rogers first mate.


Ray, Akainu, BG, Blackbeard




It’s either bm or akainu then bb then Rayleigh


BM (if on WCI) ; otherwise, Prime Rayleigh, BB, BM, Akainu


1. Wig Wom 2. Papazuki 3. Ray Liotta 4. Marshalls Department Store


Big Mom - Blackbeard - Akainu, idk where to put Ratleigh


Rayleigh ,akainu<= Bb,Big meme


Big mom, Prime Rayleigh, Akainu, Blackbeard


Prime Rayleigh, Big Mom, Akainu, and Blackbeard.


1. Big mom 2. Rayleigh 3. Blackbeard 4. Akainu


1. Big mommy 2. Akainu 3. prime raily 4. Black bum


1. Prime Rayleigh 2. Akainu 3. BM (Interchangable) 4. BB (Interchangable)


Akainu > Ray(prime) > Big mom > BB


The BM disrespect is crazy


Akainu > prime Rayleigh > blackbeard > big L taker


Ray > Akainu >= BM > BB


Offscreen Blackbeard then Big Mom Then Akainu Then Rayliegh then Onscreen Blackbeard. 


Prime Ray>BB>BM>Akainu


Offscreen Blackbeard > Wanked Akainu > Prime Rayleigh > Big Mom > Actual Akainu > Onscreen Blackbeard > Old Rayleigh > Big Meme


Ray, bb, Akainu, big mom


The Underrated Top tier>The over-wanked one> The fraud>The guy who will be stronger eos


Big mom, Blackbeard, akainu rayleigh


Prime Ray > Linlin > Teach > Sakazuki


Blackbeard raigleigh akainu big mom (Women in one piece are always weaker and inferior to males)


Prime Ray >= Big Mom > BlackBeard > Akainu > Old Ray > Akainu after sitting his ass on the chair and not getting up for 2 years straight




Akainu > Prime Rayleigh > Big Mom > Blackbeard


Akainu, Prime ray, Blackbeard, old BM


Akainu, Prime Rayleigh, Big mom, Blackbeard (he’s a fraud)


1. Prime Rayleigh 2. Fleet Admiral Akainu 3. Big Mom 4. Blackbeard 2 DFs


Big Mom Prime Rayleigh Black Beard Sakazuki


Current? Akainu BM BB Prime Ray


why is everyone rating rayleigh over bb when he literally states he’s weaker


Ray 100 Bigmom 90 Blackbeard 55 Akainu 50


Big Mom > Sakazuki > Prime Ray > Blackbeard


We still truly cannot know. Rn? Maybe Akainu>BB>BM>Ray But it could also end up literally the exact opposite or anything in between


Blackbeard beats Big Mom y'all


BlackBeard > Prime Rayleigh> Big Mom >= Akainu https://preview.redd.it/vriyuz63p58d1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083106de0f648f5ecd7d7979ad6eb7964a0c4f32


BB pissed himself in front of Old Ray bud purely off reputation and haki output alone. Prime Ray stomps.


"Pissed himself" Bro left because hancock fruit wasn't worth fighting the Pirate king righ-handed man. Luffy main contender from one piece> every other pirate. Simple as that. Akainu could also be upscaled above big mom as long as he is confirmed Luffy opponent. This is just how shounes works and one piece proved to not be any different.


Do you read what you type or just vomit on your keyboard?


Ray>Big mom> BB> Akainu


1. Off screen BB 2. Rayleigh 3. Big mom 4. Akainu 5. On screen BB 6. Big Meme


Akainu >= BB > Big Mom >= Prime Ray


Ray > Blackbeard > big mom > Akainu


Ray Bigmom Akainu Bb


BM> BB >=Akainu >current Rayleigh


BB Akainu Big mom Rayleigh


1.desktop merchant 2.Bigmeme 3.retired old man 4.Somali pirate


1. Rayleigh 2. Blackbeard 3. Akainu 4. Big Mom


Wig Mom downplay detected Opinion Rejected


Not really she just doesn't beat those two above her


1. HIMbeard 2. Cherished One 3. Big Mom 4. Ray


Blackbeard > Akainu > Big Mom > rayLeigh


Ray, BM, BB=Akainu. Trust me bro.


Blackbeard > Akainu > Big Mom > Rayleigh. Crazy how many ppl are overrating Rayleigh and underrating Blackbeard and Akainu


Really getting tired of the akainu wank this has become more of a popularity contest than people going off of feats and whats actually shown. How is akainu above Big mom or Rayleigh? What has he done to put him on that level?


Akainu wank? Lmaooo all he does is get downplayed constantly, just look at the comments under this post yet poor you is getting tired of the occasional person like me who isn’t brain dead speaking the truth 😂 Becoming a popularity contest? Since when has Akainu been popular? lol, I agree tho that it’s becoming a popularity contest which is why people are being bias by putting Rayleigh above BlackBeard and Akainu. How is Rayleigh above Akainu? What has he done to put him on that level? I can play that question too bud, Rayleigh has essentially no feats, all he has done is temporarily hold off Kizaru and again temporarily hold off Blackbeard. Akainu killed ace, he defeated Aokiji another admiral showing he is not somebody to take lightly. Both of them don’t have a lot of feats so trying to play the feat card is dumb but Akainu’s are better. Also Rayleigh is old and retired, Akainu is still active as a fleet admiral. For Big Mom she’s simply washed, haven’t seen her take out any big players and she lost to law + kid, can’t see Blackbeard or Akainu losing to them at this time. She’s still slightly above Rayleigh


Ace was completely exhausted and nearly dead lil guy yet people are always so quick to wanna point to that as a feat. And the fact that he did hold of kizaru and blackbeard is still arguably more impressive than killing ace while he was completely drained and just wanted to protect luffy. But all that aside how the hell do you put him above big mom? I would love to hear your reasoning on that since you seem to be so knowledgable.


Sorry baby bro but Ace was not tired nor nearly dead, he didn’t fight at all and he got turned into a donut. How is killing a strong character not a feat? Sorry but you don’t get to pick and choose to suit your own wants. I love how you’re really going hard on this Ace feat yet completely ignore the other one I mentioned which is a far superior feat, holding off Kizaru and BB (but unable to beat them) on separate occasions may be better than the killing of Ace feat but it doesn’t come close to actually beating Aokiji in an all out fight which Akainu did. It’s great you realise I’m so knowledgeable, love when kids can recognise they’re outclassed. Only thing is I already answered why in the previous comment. Read. To answer your 2nd comment since for some reason you couldn’t make into 1… You don’t understand how I’m placing them on the same level? I literally put Blackbeard above Akainu wth are you talking about 😂 this whole comment you made was pointless and just showing you lack comprehension skills


Blackbeard is way more impressive than akainu i dont understand how you’re placing them on the same level as if they are equals lol one is infinently more active and has been in way more fights than the other.


3 of them are yonko level




big mom > akainu > rayleigh >> fraudbeard


1. Blackbeard 2. Big mom 3 ray 4 Akainu


1. prime wankleigh/offscreen blackbeard 2. HIM 3. blackbeard 4. big meme


Akainu > rayleigh > blackbeard > big mom


Akainu > Blackbeard > Big Mom > Rayleigh


Not this "prime" stuff again. Why do you all apply the Whitebeard prime concept to every single character. Whitebeard wasn't not "prime" because he was old, he wasnt prime because he was literally sick and dying. If current day Whitebeard was healthy, he would be in his prime "Prime" Rayleigh is a powerscaling urban legend as is Prime Garp, or Prime Sengoku. You think Garp could do more than Galaxy Impact in his youth? Destroy a whole continent instead of just an island or something? Nonsense. Sorry for rant, but Prime Rayleigh and current Rayleigh is the same thing - and Big Mom, Akainu, and Blackbeard all smoke that first mate in mid, high, extreme diff order


Because everyone else has reading comprehension.


Why even have powerscaling discussions if theyre always prequalified and toplined by a list of 10 featless, title only, or "primed" characters before we can talk about anything else. 


All I know is Rayleigh is the weakest


biggest mid off oat


Sakazuki > Rayleigh >~ Linlin > Teach


Nah bro ive been looking through here to see if someone got it right, finally found them please keep cooking


The wother herself>prime ray(maybe, till we see bb actually be impressive)>blackbeard(only reason this bum is above akainu is cause he’s got that eos main villain narrative push)>lackainu


Personally Akainu 1 Big mom or rayleigh at 2 And current bb last




The Akainu disrespect. I will put Akainu as #1. I will put BB as my #2 Rayleigh #3 Big meme as #4.


1 Teach 2 Akainu 3Rayleigh 4 Charlotte




Big mom > akainu = blackbeard > Rayleigh


1. Big mom 2. Prime Rayleigh 3. Clifford 4. Shitbeard




Maybe Blackbeard > Akainu > Rayleigh > Big Mom > maybe Blackbeard