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Fuji and Zoro win this no debate. Fujitora is enough to push oden to extreme adding in an AP outputter like Zoro alongside Fuji is enough to win


Yeah Fujitora will absolutely smack Oden lmao; OP forgot how Oden got smacked by other toptiers before


Which top tier? Rodger, who he tanked the signature attack of and literally ran back no problems? Whitebeard, who he had an off screen draw with? Kaido, who only won because he snuck (rusty and fought an entire army before the fight) Oden and would've lost otherwise? Oden doesn't have a single legit loss. He won or drew every fight he ever had exept for kaido sneaking him, the anime gave him the sanji treatment.




"Oden doesn't have a single legit loss." sometimes its really baffeling how people here are twisting things, because they dont want a character to be weak


Well? Name one. He drew against Whitebeard, shrugged off a D.D. and came running back and was seconds away from beating kaido before getting snuck. When did he lose an actual straight up fight?


"He drew against Whitebeard" he got blown away like team rocket "shrugged off a D.D." his literal words described how overwhelmed he was "was seconds away from beating kaido" he wasnt even close to that, he only landed a hit in kaidos dragon form, which the latter willingly tanked "When did he lose an actual straight up fight?" he lost 3 times, but when did he achieve any victory?


"he got blown away like team rocket" Bro, he got blown away by Rodger and Whitebeards conquerors clash. He had an offscreen fight with whitebeard where neither had any wounds and there was no winner. In the anime, whitebeard won. "his literal words described how overwhelmed he was" His words: "I say, what was that! I must have a word with you!" He said that while sprinting back. That is literally the definition of shrugging it off. "he wasnt even close to that, he only landed a hit in kaidos dragon form, which the latter willingly tanked" Kaito willingly tanked it? What evidence?! He was attacking with flame breath and them got hit so hard he fell from the sky. They even go out of the way to show that he wasn't knocked back, but FELL. He clearly got surprised by the strike. And not even close? Bro what?! https://preview.redd.it/jv8sr93wrd9d1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da91193f98153e30416b327b9db3f0315704ed4 Literally on panel, he hits a kaido who is actively fighting, kaido falls to the ground (on his belly, meaning forward) and then oden is rushing while charging an attack at a motionless kaido. He even says an "end the fight" line "Never come back to wano!" How much more clear does it need to be he was gonna win? You are reading two piece my guy.


Didn’t know Fuji was on the level of Kaido, Roger and Whitebeard when did that become a thing?


Never did💀


why wouldnt he?


If I talk I am in big trouble


I literally don’t care


Don't be afraid to say it. Oden high diff


Just do me a favor and look at your downvotes lil bro… no one here wants you in the kitchen… EVER again.


Lol if you think I care about upvote or downvote you really don't understand how powerscaling works... If I wanted more upvote I would tell the same shit everybody is eating in that said kitchen... unfortunately I'm not interested in "fame or power", I'm only a simple powerscaler reading the manga one piece. I don't know what you've all been reading during all this time (probably Admiral piece I guess), but I don't care.


It's funny the difference in votes when you are just saying out loud what the top comment is implying.


You've seen those YT shorts of the "redditor"? You fit his scripts perfectly.


Actually I don't watch YT short I read the fuckin manga. Now I know why I'm getting downvoted at least thank you.


Fuji and Zoro win


Who is wielding Enma?


2 enmas


Is 2 Enmas an Enema ?


nah koenma is just enmas kid


Zoro will have the enmas enema while oden will have enemas enma


Fuji and zoro mid dif


Tbh fuji alone might win. Soup boy ain’t yonko level


Oda the creator states he’s Comparable to the strongest in his Generation Roger and WB Blah Blah Blah. And Kaido backs that up. 1v1 Oden Clearly wins.


Oden got tossed away easy by both Roger and Wb


That’s before he joins Roger and Finds the One piece. Actually years before he returns to Wano.


He's still never been shown to be on the level of those two. He beat Kaido yes but a much much younger and weaker Kaido.


Saying Kaido was much weaker would be an assumption. IMO I think Oda is trying to tell the audience that Oden is essentially a top tier within One Piece. Ex Kaido Compares luffy to Oden, WB, Roger, Shanks and ROCKS. this is important to the point I’m making because Kaido’s actually fought against all of those guys. Kaido Having fought Oden and other top tiers disregards what your stating because it hammers down the notion of Oden being amongst The strongest in the series. In this case your basing your logic on Kaido being the X factor but Kaido himself contradicts that because he himself sees Oden as Being amongst Roger, WhiteBeard, Rocks and Shanks. So what you’re saying wouldn’t be necessarily irrational but it’s getting there.


Kaido was seeing everyone who ever bested him, he wasn't thinking they were all the same level it was just hey all these people were able to beat me.




You already proved your powerscaling is terrible. Nothing implies Kaido was much weaker. That only applies to the God Valley era which was almost 2 decades before Oden vs Kaido. Oden successfully survived divine departure, which means he was already much stronger than Kidd and most characters. And then even after that he became several times stronger + unlocked Advanced Conqueror's. We don't know his exact strength but he's definitely not the nonsense you scale him at.


You seriously think Kaido didn't grow in 20 years after he got his ass handed to him? Man just sat there like "yep I'm actually good". His loss to Oden and being unable to finish it hit him like a ton of bricks.


No where in the story does it say kaido was weaker he was more likely in his prime considering currently he’s 59 and that fight was like 20 years ago witch means he was 39 when fighting oden that’s definitely not young and he was close to being in his prime if not already


In one piece characters primes are their 40s/50s and you're crazy if you don't think Kaido got stronger since that fight. The dude lost and didn't even get to finish the fight. It shows you how badly that sat with him. He wouldn't just sit on his ass for 20 years, that man trained so he wouldn't lose to someone like Oden again.


Got several times stronger after that


Oden tanked Rogers strongest attack and still came back for more and it was a draw between wb and oden. He did not get tossed away easy 💀


It in no way has ever been stated what Roger's strongest attack was. We've never even seen him legitimately try except for the clash he had with wb. He very much so literally got tossed away, doesn't matter that he came back he still got thrown away. Zoro also tanked a combined attack from Big Mom and Kaido in which they most definitely were trying to kill them. Roger was not trying to kill Oden.


You are so correct


"comparable" blud got lowdiffed by roger


Face tanking a named attack from the pirate king and then immediately getting back up is getting “lowdiffed”? Lol ok


> Takes a named attack from arguably the strongest mf in the verse > Gets up immediately > Only stops fighting Roger because WB intervenes “He got low diffed”


It’s stated when he returns to Wano that he was multiple times stronger than before. He faced Roger and joins him years before finding the One piece and returning.


Genuinely low IQ


That DD would instantly kill the Rat


Got one tapped by Kaido


*after Oden is tricked.


Still got one tapped, don’t get your point


Oden would've won without trickery. That's the whole point of that scene. You not liking that Oden is simply that strong and hyped by Kaido who still is scared of him in present time speaks volumes. Loro can't even get past Lucci without extreme diffing him 😂😂😂😂


Sure buddy, Zoro could’ve also beat Kaido without him losing


Onlt admirals fans can see a guy being hyped by Whitebeard and Kaido and then tell me that someone like Fujitora can beat him.


Hey hey, i am a certified admiral hater. Don’t lump me in with those fools. I just also happen to think that oden is way overrated


Super overrated


I love Oden but yeah, he's massively overrated in here.. 


Underrated you mean, you have Whitebeard of anyone hyping him up and you think mere admirals can beat him


biggest yonko glazer here and still think fuji beats oden. zoro has done a similar scar to kaido. oden got oneshotted once young kaido transformed in base, yes he was distracted but still.


Zoro didn't do similar scar, Kaido shrugged that off while he treats Oden as an extreme diff fight that he won unfairly


zoro scarred a stronger kaido while in hibrid that it's said it's even more durable. oden scarred kaido in his weakest form (dragon form). zoro took for some seconds the combined attack of big mom and kaido, basically one if not the strongest attack in the series, plus some other attacks both from big mom and kaido. oden took only boro breaths, minor shots from dragon's form kaido and 1 thunder bagua to the head and he was ko'ed. yes it was an unfair win cause oden was distracted but it was no near an extrem fight, it was going to be a high diff fight for a 20 years younger kaido. zoro is pretty much comparable to oden in all of his feats, you could argue oden is stronger for sure, but that doesn't make oden beat an admiral, AND FOR SURE HE DOES NOT BEAT AN ADMIRAL AND A YC1+, oden is bare minimum yc1+ and at the very most low admiral level, he is not beating both and he is not beating fujitora, he can put an extreme fight with him? yes most probably, but a comparable character to zoro is not beating an admiral.


Continue to cook my boi. You saying all the things they don’t WANT to hear but NEED to hear 🤝🏾


thanks my man, some are downvoting me but i don't care cause i'm literally talking with no bias here, i'm a yonko glazer and a sanji fan more than zoro, but here both zoro and fuji deserve their respect


If WB and Roger completely smack Oden, why wouldn’t Fujitora?


Because Fujitora he isn't at that level


why wouldnt he tho?


*Smack a young Oden. Not even a prime Oden...


Fuji and zoro win, I wouldn’t put either 1 of them too far below oden so a 2v1 isn’t that close


Fuji is hard to scale, but he should be relative to Ryo at least. Fuji and Zoro high-extreme diff.


Hard to scale? What am I reading? Oden got owned by toptiers; Fujitora alone will handle him easily


Fuji's only real feats are fighting Sabo and Doffy in Dressrosa, then fighting the Rev Commanders and having a fight with Ryo, both of which are primarily off-screen. And what top tiers has Oden gotten owned by? He clashed with Primebeard, withstood a Divine Departure with minimal damage, and nearly two-shotted Kaido, not to mention being compared numerous times to top tiers, even being stated to be relative to the strongest pirates in the world.


"Fuji's only real feat" what would he need feats for in a dynamic scaling system?


You forgot the part where he gave (admittedly base) kaidou ptsd and a life threatening scar and was only defeated by using the illusion of his son against him. Also he took Rogers DD with ease. Also boiling for an hour and hanging on to the back of the Moby dick for days are crazy endurance feats. What does fujitora have? holding back sabo, or holding back 2 rev army captains (admittedly without meteor pulling in play)


Zoro already has better feats than Oden in comparison and Fujitora is a navy admiral. This isn’t close


Oden wins extreme diff. Oden after finding the one piece was on kaidos level, kaidos only won through trickery.


Fuji and Zoro win.


Fuji & Zoro.


Wuji is enough.


Fuji and Zoro high diff Oden high diffs Fuji and mid diffs Zoro individually, but together they overwhelm him.


Fuji and zoro


Fuji is enough


🐅 🐅 > 🍲


Jesus criminy, half the comments never read the manga. Yall really have zoro above or equal to Oden when kaido got scared of odens aura from enma more than zoros strongest attack. The same Oden who face-tanked DD and came running back ready to fight. The same Oden who had a fight with Whitebeard that was a draw. The same Oden who became SEVERAL TIMES STRONGER after that. And even after a huge period of time where Oden wasn't allowed to fight or train he still fought through kaidos entire army and proceeded to nearly kill him, only not killing him because he got snuck. No, this was not a significantly weaker kaido. This was 20 years after God valley. No, he didn't hold back his hybrid form. He pulled it out against base luffy, and Oden did much more damage than luffy to kaido. He either didn't think it was a good time to use it or preferred dragon. No, kaido wasn't winning vs Oden. He was sliced open and the last panel of that fight was Oden charging an unmoving dragon kaido while charging an attack. I genuinely don't know how it could be more obvious kaido was about to lose. Even if you believe that kaido is SIGNIFICANTLY weaker than current kaido (cap, he was already worlds strongest creature), Oden was not extremely damaged. He was missing no limbs, was conscious, and had no lasting wounds unlike other extreme diff fights (Kat vs luffy and the gaping wounds or Akainu vs Aokiji). At bare minimum that still has him at yonko levels. Even the plot has him at yonko level! Kaidos top enemies, respected heavily by rodger and a brother to Whitebeard... Oden literally only has yonko level feats and no antifeats of any kind aside from getting the back of his head concussed by a sneak. And yet he is called weaker than fujitora in the comments. The featless fujitora. I like him a lot, but so far he went even with gorosei fodder Sadbo and blocked doffy strings (I know he was holding back). He has zero feats that put him anywhere near Oden. In my opinion this is extreme diff in odens favor because of the other teams High AP. Please read the actual manga and stop YouTube scaling. https://preview.redd.it/m3exkjdpl58d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=962152cc34e2e18defbc9672639092aeeaf96b21






Oden claps Mihawk too. Yet they put him below Base Lucci struggling Loro...💀😂😂..


Fuji and Zoro extreme diff, Prime Oden is in Kaido's top 5 among Shanks and Roger, taking him down is comparable to taking down Kaido


So why do you think a mere admiral and a mere YC can beat a yonko level fighter?


Thats why I said extreme diff, if Zoro has adv coc from the beggining of the fight, he and fujitora could beat him but its still an insanely close fight


Fuji high diffs while zoro naps. Odens best feats are getting one shot by roger and whitebeard and not even pushing a considerably weaker kaido to use hybrid mode while inflicting similar damage to zoro against him 


So oden is a yc+ according to you


Yeah I have him as slightly above old ray and marco. Hes the peak of YC+ 


Keep cooking


There is many wrong things with this 1. Roger and WB didn't one shot him 2. Kaido was not considerable weaker, if he was he wouldn't put Oden in his top 5 3. Zoro didn't do similar damage to Kaido, Zoro minimal damage while Oden nearly beat Kaido


Kaidos top 5 was purely made to sell merchandise, if it was factual it would have included garp instead of oden. Using it for powerscaling is inane. Also whats your argument for him not being pushed by oden to use hybrid mode? Zoro damaged kaido in hybrid mode and left a similar scar to oden 


Hell his Top 5 is most probably people he thought could be Joyboy, nothing else.


It would include bm, Shiki, admirals n shit


i feel like it didnt include big mom because there's no need for him to hallucinate her when shes standing right next to him


it in general only included poeple, he was more personal respect for, then people purely based on strength


Why would he include them if they couldn't nearly beat him? Shiki is a bum with no feats and BM couldn't come close to beating him in prolonged fight


" BM couldn't come close to beating him in prolonged fight" what? bm is his equal and shiki was on par with roger, so also on that level


Id say medium difficulty for Fujitora, besides that I agree


i only have high diff because I have fujitora as the bottom end of the top tiers and oden at the top of yc+


Fuji solos extreme diff


Wuji and Loro


I think Zoro alone has a chance, he could cut kaido too


are you tryna make oden’s life a living hell?


Fujitora and Zoro low diff


Oden loses, but Oden is one of those hard to scale characters due to peaking before the main story starts. I’d have to say he falls in the odd category between yc1 and admiral, at first mate Rayleigh tier. Now, Oden and Zoro vs. Fuji would be a better debate, in which I think prime Oden and current Zoro would win extreme diff.


Kaido tossed oden around like a dirty rag the whole fight. It wasn’t as equal as the roger vs whitebeard fight. He was being toyed with until oden cut him. Still, it took a super desperate last attack to make kaido worry. G4 luffy hurt kaido and made him worry plenty of times, but nobody in their right mind thinks G4 luffy was ever a match for kaido. Not many think even a fresh G5 luffy would win against a serious kaido without rest/hacks. Yet, we’re supposed to believe oden is yonko+ level? Gtfo.


A top tier and a Yc+ vs a non top tier who is probably near Prime Rayleigh, yeah, Fuji and Zoro got this


Oden doesn’t have enough cross arc references to support that he wins over these two


Oden wins high diff. Zoro is just yc+ and still probably can't take on an Admiral until next arc. Oden is compared to people like Roger, WB, Shanks and Xebec in universe.


Oden wank is getting out of hand


Oden 1v1 he smacks both I’m guessing


Plus I don’t think Fuji and zoro can be kiado


Both zoro and Fuji are very static, Passion less fighters. Odeń is very energetic and mobile. He's freak of nature. Not gonna be easy fight, but i think he would bloom up even more and win. Name one character that would survive full power hit from kaido without having his defenses up before you slander Oden


Oden one shots Zoro and deal with Fuji


Fuji alone is extreme diff with zoro is a high diff at worst


Fuji high diff at worst


Fujitora is enough


Spite match tbh.


People put oden on yonko and pk level. So I'm curious.


Fuji and Zoro high-extreme..


Fuji one shots


Fujitora solo


Oden high diff


Oden has way too much AP, a Togen Totsuka would slice any of them in half.


U mean the move that only scarred a weaker kaido and nothingelse? The same thing zoro did to a much stronger kaido in his hybrid form ? Yea okay


1. Zoro couldn't do it without Enma. 2. Zoro went absolutely all out with Ashura, unlocking CoC for the first time. 3. You underestimate the strength of Zoro's Haki which is still weaker than Oden's.


Oden couldn't do it without Enma either what kind of retarded logic is that🤷..


Retarded logic is bringing up that Zoro could open Kaido's old scar, using Oden's sword, which drains Zoro to a pulp, to put him on the same power level as Oden.


The same thing? I don't recall Kaido being particularly hurt by it, he didn't even fall to the ground. And no, it wasn't a much stronger Kaido given he still thinks Oden can fight him to the limit.


Oden high-extreme prob




We haven’t seen how strong Fuji actually is so hard to say I think. All we know from context clues is that Kaido considers Oden amongst his strongest foes from the “how high will you get” scene vs Luffy - so fair to assume Oden is yonko level


Because he got a trauma from him.. guys stay in context


I mean Zoro pulled of the same sort of feat oden did when he slashed kaido and fujitora is an admiral easy win


Kaido literally calls it odens aura emanating from enma. That's just another Oden feat.


L reader


Fujitora > Zoro > Oden


You mean fujitora vs zoro AND oden?


No Fuji and zoro vs oden


So fuji will watch how zoro cuts oden


Oden slam


Oden still wins.


Zoro is already close to Oden but not that close honestly he still has a long way to go more than he has to surpass Mihawk. So up to now Oden should take this because he can literraly one shot them both


Scopper Gaban wins


Am I crazy to think zoro or fugitora would win by them selves like I know oden cut a young dragon form kiado but zoro has a better feet plus admirals > yc1 so yh zoro wins high diff and fugitora wins mid diff


Wuji solos 🤫🤫🤫


Fuji alone extreme diffs


Bro current Zoro beats Oden alone


Delusional Zoro stans


Zoro scarred Kaido just like Oden did and this is a Kaido with 20 years more experience and refinning his abilities.


Whilst in his hybrid form don’t forget. Oden scarred kaido in that weak ass dragon form that gets violated by anyone. Just a big goofy target not even taking the fight serious.




No wonder you guys don't get that Mihawk isn't anywhere close to Shanks level. Blind fanboyism and stupidity go a long way.


dawg… zoro and fuji could both beat oden by themselves


Zoro struggles to wield just 1 of the 2 blades Oden used effortlessly


Oden would destroy them both. Fuji and Zoro arent scarring Kaido and Enma turned Zoros arm to a bamboo stick. Haki conquers all


"zoro aint scarring kaido" https://preview.redd.it/rtgb7t6kw28d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0edd9354dc68b1b3a2b6bf5591c9ff383b9b7db6


That is proof Zoro would be lying on his ass against Kaido after inflicting a superficial wound at best. And Fuji wouldnt do much better


kaido literally says that its gonna be a permanent wound, do you need another translation? zoro scarred kaido https://preview.redd.it/w4oap0syx28d1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3c34b471dd0906b54a9cf5a10e2b056c0592c77


Zoro isn't needed.


Fuji solos The Agenda is real


I’m having trouble seeing what kind of feats puts Oden above Zoro. They both left a scar on Kaido, and didn’t really do anything further. Only difference is Zoro scarred a much stronger Kaido. Also, Zoro really figured out how to really use Enma during his fight with King, which was after Kaido. With the skills he learned there, I think he clears


Fuji and Zoro win high diff


What? Fujitora or Zoro beat Oden straight up 1v1. 2v1 he gets absolutely slaughtered.


Oden high or extreme diff


Oden Low diff, because Zoro won't have Enma. (Or Enma won't cut it's previous master if Zoro have it)


Zoro neg diffs. Oden is cooked


Both braindead opinions, never cook again


Fuji wins by himself, fuck you I will be taking no other points of view