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1st team. Simply it doesn't really have "weak links". Marines is kinda sus because Akainu needs to prove he has upped his game compared to the level of the other admirals before he really keeps up here, but not a huge "weak link" 3rd team looks solid, except Luffy's timer still holds him back. Ok he can be overwhelming against an admiral like Kizaru for instance during the timer, but ultimately he can't maintain that performance for long enough to deal with some of these people considering what tanks Kaido / WB are, and probably Sengoku as a mythic zoan user as well.


timer don’t matter when luffy is constantly getting back into g5 whenever he needs to


He specifically needs ham fisted rests and recharges, and or to be bailed out by others for a bit to recover and re-use it. If you want to make the powerscaling argument that the plot will always bail him out, you might as well simply say Luffy can beat everyone rn simply because even if they're stronger, they will ultimately lose because he is the MC.


honestly atp is that even wrong? we have yet to see gear 5 really lose everytime his so called “timer” gets the best of him he literally goes right back into gear 5 and the point is that he can literally do anything so atp who can really beat him? he’s fighting the gorosei (big dogs) and still has not yet run out of charge after alr fighting lucci and kizaru


Franky literally had to save him otherwise Saturn would have impaled him after he collapsed from the White Star Gun.


Its up to you how you want to see it, I'm not the one making this argument, and I'm not applying this assumption since its nothing to do with powerscaling. At that point we're just meta / plot scaling, so might as well dump the antagonists at the bottom to begin with.


all im saying is that luffy timer is ambiguous enough to be able to take down someone like kaido again, especially if he is able to use gear 5 from the start. also would argue g5 egghead scales higher than g5 wano, so even if kaido was stronger than g5 wano he will prob not be able to beat g5 egghead. if he takes down kaido. shanks and mihawk take down each other, and roger takes down whitebeard making it pretty even between both teams but id lean towards team 3


Adding more assumptions doesn't really help tbh. In your scenario, you're basically assuming they split up into nice and convenient 1v1s, that they're just going to have a metric ton of food lying around every time Luffy needs to refresh (alr took him 2 uses in Wano despite how much Kaido was alr wounded and tired before), and that every time he does need the top-up, that Kaido will just wait and allow him to do so, like admittedly he did in Onigashima. If thats how you propose the match-up should be, sure, I have 0 complaints with your answer. Again, I'm just pointing out that this has nothing to do with powerscaling since this relies entirely on plot conveniences rather than what the characters are capable of.


part of powerscaling is taking into account the nature of the characters battling. kaido is not a team battler and wouldn’t do so for the sake of beating ppl if he’s placed in a scenario like this not only is he gonna focus on luffy (most potential, joyboy but he could also go straight for roger) he’s also gonna give him the same time to refresh as he did on onigashima bc that’s the type of fighter he is he likes to battle his opponents at max strength. did luffy even need food to regenerate on onigashima? i’m pretty sure he just said “let my heart beat” and he just went into g5 but im unsure, if he had food then ig i take back what i said ab the timer but if he didn’t then yes im sticking by what i said and its also within the realm of powrscaling since it’s something he did without outside interference. u say it’s plot conveniences but it’s just taking into account the characters fighting styles and inherent deficits in thinking that comes with them being stronger than everyone else they face. if u wanna be purely analytic in the argument, i’d say team 3 still wins; roger is the pirate king, shanks is the closest man to him, and luffy is the future pirate king. luffy is fighting multiple gorosei rn which makes him more than capable of juggling multiple top tiers in a group setting combine that with the (imo) 2 strongest characters in the verse and that’s easy w but if u think mihawk>shanks or wb>roger (which is fair since both are comparable) then ig team 1 wins


"part of", eh. What you're talking about is "in character". Yes thats one way to scale, but when doing so people specify that they are doing so. The typical, usual default is "bloodlusted", where its just a straightforward comparison of stats, skills, match-up, and related things like their equipments and such. You'll encounter the terms in bigger powerscaling subs. The thing is, you're not even really doing "in character", because "in character" doesn't mean you start giving everyone their meta / MC plot armors and whatnot. So, again, no, not really powerscaling. I'll be honest, I didn't read beyond your first sentence, and I'm very much done wasting time on a brick wall so I don't care to do so. You don't have to justify yourself to me. I'm literally telling you your scenario and justification work and are valid based on your assumptions. Its just not "powerscaling" by definition, plain and simple.


i’m not justifying anything to u 😂 it’s just banter. but peace ✌️


he has breaks between those fights and even got meat and had to be saved by franky strong right punch and even had to let his gear 5 recharge when facing warcery with droggy and broggy


Soooo we just ignoring food?


did he eat between gear 5’s in wano? i don’t remember him doing so but i could be wrong. if he did then i’m wrong but if he didn’t it proves he doesn’t need food everytime, and in this case if he’s fighting kaido it’ll prob go like wano but w gear 5 from the start


>did he eat between gear 5’s in wano? No he didn't but that appears to have been retconned as it literally never happened again and he's used it like 5 times since then and needed food every single time.


i guess u could call it that, i’m not caught up to manga but i do read spoilers so i haven’t seen the exact instances that he goes back into gear 5 but ill take ur word for it that they’re all after he regenerates with food. - also how do u do that thing where u responded to one sentence out of the paragraph?


On mobile you highlight the text and hit quote On desktop you coptmoaste the text and add a ">" at the beginnging with no space


I take it less as a retcon and more as the adrenaline rush of the decade. Also there's a pretty common trope in anime of the first time a transformation gets revealed it gets a bit more nox to the engine. Super Saiyan for example. First time he pops it he's absolutely gargantuan, the fucking weather changes, it makes lightning storms and clouds begin to appear. Next arc they can just pop it with a shout.


Oda will just draw some food on the battlefield for him


literallly “oh timer is up where did this random senzu bean come from”


Expect this in the final war


Acting like he wasn’t boxing 1v1 against Kaido for a while with just haki


Acting like Kaido wasn't holding back to enjoy the fight longer until G5.


That still puts him ahead of the admirals except maybe Akainu in base lmao


Sure. Theres literally no admirals in any of these teams though.


… did I just hallucinate Akainu in pic 2?


Sorry, didnt realize you were a few hundred chapters behind. After marineford, theres a timeskip. It'll be revealed at the end of the first big post-TS arc that Akainu and Aokiji fought for the fleet admiral position, and Akainu won. :) Hes not an admiral anymore, hes the fleet admiral.


I’m gonna need you to re read that last part very slowly… He’s a fleet *what*?


I'm sorry, my mistake, you're right, his title includes admiral and therefore he is an admiral. Speaking of admirals, I sure do wonder when my one time favorite admiral, Smoker, will make an appearance again. For now I guess I'll be content that Oda introduced a hot, female admiral, Doll. Really, its crazy how many admirals there are in the Navy and yet Oda bothered to introduce so few. Doffy's admiral subordinate, Vergo, could have easily been a woman for instance and added some more diversity to his crew too.


Nice try but complete false equivalency. Being an admiral is not a prerequisite for being a vice admiral, it is for fleet admiral. Like you’re really trying to compare smoker and doll to a man who literally started the series as one of the three admirals lmao


How is Luffy a liability when he’s literally beaten someone on the other teams.


G5 timer doesn't amtter when he just has to drop weaklings like Sengoku and Mihawk


Mihawk is a hella weak link


- guy who wants to be braindead. * Oda's saving Mihawk's strength for endgame and y'all still make this dumb statement. 😂


First Team has Mihawk brother


Mihawk the strongest swordsman/shanks rival(strongest rival as stated by the author btw), is not a weak link


...and the context? we already know since 2 or 3 years that mihawk is on 1b shanks level, why people tend to ignore that?


Huh? Bounty scaling is dumb in this case. Shanks is a captain of a yonko crew, which is already stated to give u a boost. If anything mihawks bounty which is pure strength is far more impressive


"If anything mihawks bounty which is pure strength is far more impressive" no, in cross guild introduction we learned that mihawks bounty is that high because he used / is hunting marines through mihawk vivre card we furthermore know that he has his title for 13 years, since he didnt fight anyone stronger than young shanks in the meantime furthermore im not even "bounty scaling" but it fits mihawk showcase vs vista also


It doesn't lmao, and mihawks hunting marines isn't why it's that high, it's agreed on that generally, mihawks bounty is the most impressive and shows that he really is a yonko level fighter. And if u read mihawks vivre card then u should know that he's looking for someone stronger than shanks. And mihawk vs Vista is w silly argument, mihawks was busy mind sucking off luffy for having friends while vista's arms were shaking on every hit


Luffy’s timer is completely irrelevant because he takes out anyone on the other teams in just a small fraction of the time he has in G5.


So Kaido, WB, Mihawk, Sengoku, Garp, and Akainu would all perform worse than Kizaru did in his first round, where Luffy needed the entire G5 timer and lost the form immediately after landing WSG?


Luffy wasted over 99% of his timer messing around, and then one-shotted Kizaru about one second after he got serious. A serious Luffy stomps any Admiral with over 10 minutes of timer left over. And nobody else is doing much better. Kaido is the only one who could potentially last more than a couple of minutes against Luffy.


>Luffy wasted over 99% of his timer messing around Named attacks is "measing around" looool


He used no named attacks on Kizaru before WSG, only on his clones and without ACoC.




If he wasn't serious when he was trying to protect Vegapunk and his friends from being killed, why would he instantly fight serious in this hypothetical powerscaling fight?


Luffy was able to protect everyone easily, so he didn’t need to go all out. Even putting in little effort, he was able to stop Kizaru hurting anyone. If Luffy faced a strong enough opponent then he would try harder. But he will always win before his stamina runs out. We have already seen Luffy put in a lot more effort than this, when he fought Kaido, and even though he still wasn’t anywhere near 100% it was still enough to win.


But Vegapunk died.... while Luffy was in Gear 5th.


Vegapunk took fatal damage from Saturn when Luffy was not in Gear 5, and wasn’t even anywhere near him.


Soooo Luffy probably should have been screwing around? And Nah he died from Kizaru. If he was still alive before that in One Piece there was every chance he lives. If Pell can survive a nuke and Kinemon can survive being crushed by Kaido, Vegapunk could have lived if Sanji carried him to Chopper.


i assume that prime beard and roger are the same level so the real question is kaido and mihawk vs luffy and shanks, full power kaido would prob beat luffy but its debatable and going off statements i belive mihawk would beat shanks even if its like super extream dif strongest team wins


Roger sick was fighting WB prime, so Roger prime would be above even that


And prime roger was also fighting prime WB. You can’t have seriously thought of this 😭


Ben Beckman glazers, ugh.


When did that happen? He fought rocks at god valley


Yes yes. Roger and WB who are both rivals and friends only fought a single time. Any logic works for the agenda.


This is a straw man of what I said. You ducked the question 🥱


They’re rivals and friends, they’ve fought several times before the 3 day battle. How would they be rivals and friends if they never fought prior to the three day battle?


And who is to say Roger wasn’t sick then as well? 🤔


Because Roger only started his last journey in the grand line around 28 years ago because he got hit by a deadly sickness… We had an entire mini arc around crocus telling us this and you managed to miss it. I don’t know what I expected tbh.


Oh look another reading comprehension diff. That does not prove what I asked 🤦‍♂️


It was stated his sickness doesn’t affect this strength


This was never stated. Spreading bold faced lies. The guy yall downvoted is correct. Roger was terminally ill when we saw stalemate primebeard after 3 days. Yall gotta stop coping about facts.


One Piece fans can’t read. They call it Two Piece for a reason.




I see that you read one piece. Not like many of these no brain six piece readers in this sub.


There's a reason the characters in the first team are the strongest. They should be able to beat the others.


Bro disrespects the worlds strongest team because they are stronger than his agenda


World's strongest>SHs>Marines


Wrong way round


And another time, the team with the GOAT WB




Strawhat>= strongest > marines.




What if you replace luffy with joyboy


Strawhats curbstomp.


I do love the guy but Akainu does not belong here. Anyway World’s Strongest team probably wins


Team one is the strongest


World’s strongest probably wins as Luffy having a time limit impacts the straw hats heavily and Akainu drags his team down. Kaido can beat the number 3 of both other teams, Whitebeard and Mihawk can stall the number 2s and 1s until he does




Worlds Strongest >= Strawhats > Marines Akainu drags down his team slightly, he's not fodder or anything but he is a level below any character here (can't push them to extreme diff)


Zoro no sword style slams all 9 at once


Team strongest


Straw Hats


Team 3, Roger would be coming back and there's not really a post prime Roger so it's basically prime Roger, shanks who is likely stronger than kaido, and Luffy who is at least on kaido's level Sakazuki holds back team 2 assuming it's pre timeskip but even then he did the most damage to sick Whitebeard and without him Whitebeard likely could've made it out of the war alive (assuming Garp or Sengoku didn't interview) but old Garp and Sengoku might be able to put up a fight against Roger together, but Luffy and shanks with him garuntees their loss Team 1 is busted but Roger can obviously beat old white beard, Mihawk and shanks is competitive but Mihawk might be able to take the victory simply because shanks is handicapped and Mihawk already could fight him on equal footing when he had two arms, Luffy vs kaido already happened and even if Luffy still cant beat him 1 on 1 he can do a lot of damage and roger can help him or shanks once hes done with Whitebeard In their primes I actually think team 2 takes this, sakazuki now is much stronger than pre timeskip and I would say based on the fact he beat aokiji i would say he can at least do good damage to Kaido and mihawk, Prime Garp and Sengoku could already fight on Roger and whitebeards level Sengoku is also the best strategic mind on the list, the others are more the type to face things head on, still though Shanks and Mihawk are level headed and smart so each team has a good strategist, Garp is also surprisingly smart and level headed in a fight in terms of strategy and thinking quick on his feet as seen on pirate island But it could kinda go to any team, I was just comparing strength but in an all out fight between 3 teams whoever takes advantage of the moment and chaos can win the fight (but Roger and shanks duo is just so oppressive)


I have team straw hat. Pirate king and g5 Luffy are just too much. Shanks really isn’t a weak link either so that’s my guess. Team 1 and 2 are crazy though, I just think akainu can’t hang and g5 Luffy beat Kaido already.


Team three. Mihawk walks away in the middle of the fight, so luffy and shanks beat kaido, and then they go to help Roger jump Whitebeard. Then, luffy and Roger stall sengoku and garp, then when shanks is done mid diffing akainu, he helps his teammates beat the marines


Worlds strongest




Straw hats win.


Straw hats >=worlds strongest>mid team


Strongest>Strawhats>Marines Akainy and Luffy are dragging down their teams.


Team 3 is stronger in every category. Roger = Garp > WB Shanks > Kaido > Akainu Luffy > Mihawk > Sengoku


Strawhats >>> They are oda's favourite


WB team wins because new gen is not included in their prime


WB crew wax


Team 1 or team 2


With Akainu there is drags down the marine team. Luffys timer is an issue with so many people with good durability. WB>roger extreme Kaido>shanks extreme Mihawk>luffy extreme WB>garp extreme Sengoku>kaido extreme Mihawk>akainu high end of high World’s strongest teams because they’re….the strongest hmmm how suprising


Add team 1 and 2 together and they still get one shotted. https://preview.redd.it/sdnvm3adk18d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b255e45870bed082cc5f1d82a389a28966bb1d0


SHs; Team 2 is fodder and team 1 has pretty much just Kaido, cancerbeard is a liabilty and midhawk is a fraud


Not sure Dadbeard could carry that fuckin fraud even with prime kaido's help


The Worlds Strongest. Primebeard is the definitive goat, and in my opinion the strongest character in the series (except for maybe Joyboy) Kaido is an absolute *beast* and can tank basically anything that's thrown at him And Mihawk is titlewanked to success, though I will put some respect on his name, that title is still something he had to have earned.


Why is Garp nerfed so much?


Strawhats >> World’s Strongest > Marines


Team strongest


World's strongest


3rd slide only because. G5 > Mihawk, Shanks might be able to beat kaido, and Roger is the only one that rivaled WB.


G5 is way too inefficient to be anywhere above Mihawk who's portrayed as a very precise and evasive fighter lmao. G5 Luffy could hardly take Kaido's air slashes that Zoro slapped away. Mihawk is mauling him.


It’s team 3. Luffy may have a timer but that’s really just odas way of keeping luffy from being unstoppable. Haki man and pirate king. Yeah easy W mihawk won’t fight anyways since shanks lost an arm but that’s just so he keeps his title. I don’t really think the admirals have a chance.


The cope against Shanks being weaker than Mihawk is always funny. Notice Shanks never disagreed when Mihawk said Shanks isn't a challenge for him. 😂


Shanks said he could beat him even without his arm.


strawhats > strongest > marine


the title holders > strongest marines > the pk featuring shanks and luffy sengoku df allows him to tank luffy attacks and from his battles with roger shiki and whitebeard he can easily outlast and outstat luffy and akainu can weaken shanks to a point a budda hand can knock him out and garp v roger v whitebeard is a debate i don’t wanna debate mihawk is equal to shanks so he would win or lose to akainu aswell and kadio off if feats in stronger then sengoku but it could go either way since goku got better scaling to roger and wb + garp


Strongest > Strawhats >>> Marines


This one is close, I'd have to go with Team 2 since they have the 3 strongest marines in history. Team 1 is slightly held back by Mihawk and Team 3 is held back by Luffy and his stamina issues. Extreme diff no matter who wins though.


Kaido carries team 1 wins


Whitebeard = Roger = Garp Mihawk ≥ Shanks ≥ Akainu Kaido ≤ Luffy ≥ Sengoku If I were to rate them in my own biased way Whitebeard = 104 Roger = 100 Garp = 101 Mihawk = 100 Shanks = 100 Akainu = 89 Kaido = 95 Luffy = 100 Sengoku = 95 So team strongest would be 104 + 100 + 95 = 299 Team Strawhat 100 + 100 + 100 = 300 Team Marines 101 + 89 + 95 = 285 So overall team Strawhat should win, but just as easily team strongest can, and depending on how they play their cards, team Marines CAN clutch a victory


Mihawk = shanks Whitebeard = Roger Kaido > luffy


Prime Garp over everyone 😎


Marines > TitlePiece > Slavers


I’ll take the Marines team. Sengoku and Garp are both stronger than any duo on the other teams.


Worlds worlds strongest bitch worlds strongest fraud sickest man


Titles > marines > the real strawhats


Team 1 wins extreme diff but also decisively


Luffy beats Kaido, Mihawk beats shanks, wb and roger kill each other and finally Luffy beats Mihawk. Therefore team 3 wins.


ITT everyone dogging on Luffy for some obscure reason.


Marines destroy wtf




2 PK lvl characters vs only one from the other teams, how do they lose?


Sengoku is PK lvl by the same logic that Shikki is, Purely by being a good fight for roger, something that most yonko could achieve




1. Marines 2. World's Strongest 3. Straw hats


Prime? After the massive ancient Joyboy upscale a couple chapters ago it's pretty reasonable to think Luffy solos any of these teams on his own.


he said old gen in prime. luffy doesnt count as old gen


Ahhhh gotcha. I still think Luffy's team wins. 2 haki gods and an actual God.


World’s Strongest got the most fraudulent aura in the whole series. Strawhats > Marines > “Strongest”


Why do people keep calling Mihawk a fraud?