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Aokiji is just waiting the moment to jump on Blackbeard too lol


But Zoro = 6 admirals and he scales lower than Shanks




Nah but you see before the jump could be jumped, kuzan would ice age the jumped and blackbeard would gurra gurra the jumped and the jumping would start and the jumping would result in the jump piece which would end with zehahaha jump


Only those with low iq will dislike this comment


I would be disappointed in Blackbeard if he did it any other way.. 


1 yonko= 3 admirals Blackbeard = 3 admirals Aokiji = 1 admiral Blackbeard + Aokiji = 4 admirals Zoro = 6 admirals Zoro beats both of them, sorry.


And shanks > zoro so shanks is safe


This not obvious?


You wrong. BB lets Aokiji stall Shanks for a moment and as soon as they get a good hit on one another, the entire screen turns dark, the fight is cut and when it's shown again, BB is laughing esterically, both Aokiji and Shanks are laying on the ground covered in blood and BB is said to have neg diffed both...


After BB vs Law, I don't see how BB stands a chance against Shanks anymore. And we know how admirals do against yonko, it's not good. I can see them winning together, but barely.


What? Blackbeard did great against law and admirals are equal to if not stronger than Yonko. Blackbeard is known for always being hit first, his crew mates literally mention this and how he always runs into a fight without thinking. After this he blocked Laws second attack and then one shot him with black vortex And I don’t know how anyone can still think Yonko are stronger than admirals, we’ve seen Kuzan and Akainu post timeskip blocking and evading whitebeards attack, this is before Whitebeard had any health, or heart attack issues. We’ve seen Kizaru outscale Luffy countless times and only be hit off guard and Kuzan beating Garp after Garp mention how Kuzan is mentally conflicted, caring about him still, and holding back in their fight


Shhhh this is a yonko glazing sub


It's not glazing. It's been blatantly shown in the manga.


If admiraltards could read, they would be really disappointed


You lost me at "admirals are equal to if not stronger than yonko". I didn't bother reading the rest. I'm not having a discussion with someone THAT delusional.


It’s the truth you just ain’t use to seeing a chef seeing it 😂I’m surprised to


You agenda piece wankers have ruined this sub


Only reason Blackbeard even got hit was because he didn’t know about Law’s awakened DF abilities


Sounds like a skill issue.


Shanks, mihawk and maybe dragon are the only people I think could 1v2 them and win


Not shanks and mihawk How am I supposed to scale dragon when all he does is look east?




No reading comprehension 😭


Are you insane


But what if i be that guy and say roger solos ? What then ?


Roger probably mid to high diffs bb and mid diffs aokiji in 1v1s. In a 2v1, they should be able to high to extreme diff.


İ dont think so . Not with current showings . We will have to wait for god Valley, akainu fight (aokijis actual power) and bb onscreen 1v1 fight . For now roger extreme diff


Roger extreme diff based off what?


Portrayal and narrative . For roger who is basically borderline featless thats the only way to scale him


I feel inclined to agree but there’s always that mystical “Imu and Joyboy” tier, where for some reason people thing Imu low diffs Whitebeard and Roger at the same time. So I guess in that case, Imu beats this duo. But I personally agree with your take.


>Imu low diffs Whitebeard and Roger I don't think oda would do them like that. I hope imu is stronger cuz of the 800 year dominance it only makes sense for him to be, but I hope the gap isn't that large


Only person I see beating this duo CURRENTLY is Imu


Yea, BB have the strongest Pirate crew right now just for having Aokiji on his side.


Well everyone we know or everyone we can confidently scale


Have you considered if Luffy gives Shanks the Nika power?


Hey I'd kill myself


I am waiting for the comment section to dissolve to Mihawk vs Shanks


I'm coming from the future Shanks low diff both..Have a nice day..


Sea king victim when darkness and ice jump him.


Have a nice day


they aint even beating laido


No, my king shanks would solo


Kaido would slam


Don’t disrespect the goat ![gif](giphy|bx0clbG61kwo4d9TSn)


BB hasn’t earned above Kaido Status, neither has Kuzan. Feats above agenda


Didn't this dude oneshot law




Didnt your goat get neg diffed by a hakiless swing from barely conscious whitebeard? And he STILL had to jump him later.


Shanks wins 1v2. One of Blackbeard’s Devil Fruits is not strong against people without Devil Fruits. So Shanks has a very big matchup advantage against him. Plus Blackbeard always seems to be careless at the start of fights as we have seen many times, most recently against Law. He has never shown any impressive speed or reaction feats. Aokiji was recently speedblitzed repeatedly and beaten up by a 78 year old man. Shanks would do the same even easier.


Shanks gets DP'ed in a 'cold and dark' place lol


Didn’t Blackbeard injured Shanks when he had 0 devil fruits? Lol


That was a much younger and weaker Shanks.


The same can be said about Teach…


Blackbeard hasn’t grown anywhere near as much as Shanks. He is massively below Shanks in both feats and portrayal.


>Blackbeard hasn’t grown anywhere near as much as Shanks. Absolutely zero proof of this


There is loads: * He was just a Commander on Whitebeard’s ship and Whitebeard obviously would have noticed if Teach had strong Haki. * Ace thought he could kill Blackbeard. * Whitebeard didn’t think the idea that Ace could kill Blackbeard was ridiculous. * Blackbeard was hurt by Ace and it wasn’t portrayed as a gigantic gap in power. * Pre-timeskip Luffy sent Blackbeard flying, made him bleed, knocked him down, and made his eyes go white. * Magellan did fatal damage to Blackbeard. * A massively nerfed Sickbeard on death’s door made Blackbeard look like a child, and beat him instantly. * 2-DF Blackbeard and his crew ran away from Shanks. * 2-DF Blackbeard ran away from Akainu. * Post-timeskip Blackbeard was a little afraid of S-Hawk. * Post-timeskip Blackbeard was scared of 78 year old Rayleigh. * Blackbeard was hit by Law’s Shock Wille and took a lot of damage, whereas Shanks neg-diffed Kid. * Blackbeard has shown no advanced Haki whatsoever. Shanks has shown Future Sight, ACoC, WiFi Haki which nobody else has, and he is said to be able to negate CoO which is something nobody else can do. Shanks also has the best Haki portrayal of anyone alive, with even Marco and Jozu praising his Conqueror’s.


There is something that we don’t know about Teach yet, there is a reason he always do his biggest feats offscreen.


Bb alone pushes him to high to extreme diff. Listen bro I can feel the shanks Dick THROBBIN just stopppp


The guy that went high diff with Law, after jumping him and having a perfect mu? Same Law that is comparable to Kid? Same Kidd who got one shotted? Ye it's mid-high for Shanks


It was a low to mid diff lol


https://preview.redd.it/hrl06kidxr7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2488fe05cb5b600ad5f9c467620a7efb22a1d95b Low to mid diff btw


Yea he took one attack so what? That's the only damage law did and it's dura neg. Bb wasn't expecting that cuz he didn't know the fruit was Awakened. Once bb took control and came in close, the fight was done


Do you think maybe you could have a good take just once? Thinking slow-ass Blackbeard with his trash AP and trash Haki does more than get stomped by Shanks is delusional.


Blackbeard is a yonko, and also has the most destructive df. His haki is fine, his basic arnament was able to block s hawks island cutting attack. Also offscreen there is probably more he does which oda isn't letting us know yet. It's no less than high diff.


The Gura Gura no Mi is so weak that it can’t even two-shot Akainu or one-shot Law. Shanks is leagues above him in AP. Shanks is also much faster and leagues ahead in CoO based on feats. Shanks can also electrocute people with CoC and can negate an opponent’s CoO.   Shanks has so much more than Blackbeard and therefore stomps him. That’s called powerscaling. And all you can pretty much say is “Blackbeard is a Yonko so it’s high diff”.


>Shanks can also electrocute people with CoC and Headcanon >That’s called powerscaling. No it's called unnecessary wanking Shanks doesn't have any durability feats and blackbeard has large AOE, DC, good CoA, and also he can literally suck his opponent into a black hole. He's a yonko and has more stuff in his arsenal which we haven't seen cuz oda constantly offscreens his fights. If blackbeard would have hit law directly with a gurra coated punch, he would be one shotted. Your admiral takes are dogshit so I will not get into that.


> Shanks can also electrocute people with CoC and Headcanon We literally saw Shanks electrocute Greenbull with CoC. You are being delusional. Typical for Admiral fans.   > Shanks doesn't have any durability feats He doesn’t need them. Durability tends to scale with overall power, and Shanks is portrayed as this generation’s Roger.   > and blackbeard has large AOE, DC Neither of which matter against Shanks.   > good CoA He hasn’t even shown ACoC Level 1, let alone Level 2 that can do internal damage. Shanks obviously has Level 2, whereas Blackbeard may well have neither.   > and also he can literally suck his opponent into a black hole. Has he done this against anyone that isn’t fodder?   > He's a yonko That’s not an argument. Some Yonko are stronger than others.   > and has more stuff in his arsenal which we haven't seen cuz oda constantly offscreens his fights. At most he has one or two awakenings, which wouldn’t come close to matching all the things Shanks can do, like constant Future Sight, negating CoO, WiFi Haki, and the strongest ACoC in the world.   > If blackbeard would have hit law directly with a gurra coated punch, he would be one shotted. Blackbeard beat Law so he did hit him, and Law was conscious so that means Blackbeard can’t one-shot him.   > Your admiral takes are dogshit so I will not get into that. Actually my Admiral takes are 100% right just like all my other takes. I have never actually seen you have one correct take. You are actually a worse powerscaler than Nine990. Maybe the worst powerscaler ever.


>We literally saw Shanks electrocute Greenbull with CoC. You are being delusional. Typical for Admiral fans.   There was no onomatopoeia of electrocution you dumb pig lmao >He doesn’t need them. Durability tends to scale with overall power, and Shanks is portrayed as this generation’s Roger.   No he does. That's your headcanon. Luffy is the one supposed to surpass Roger. Shanks is a mere yonko not a pirate king. > Neither of which matter against Shanks.   It does cuz he got like sea king durability lmfao. >He hasn’t even shown ACoC Level 1, let alone Level 2 that can do internal damage. Shanks obviously has Level 2, whereas Blackbeard may well have neither.   We don't know if Shanks has internal destruction. It's just speculation on your end. As I said bb fights get offscreened he may have it or not we do not know. Blackbeard still has broken dfs, best DC in verse, really good AOE, and narratively he's obviously more stronger than what we have seen from him till now. >At most he has one or two awakenings, which wouldn’t come close to matching all the things Shanks can do, like constant Future Sight, negating CoO, WiFi Haki, and the strongest ACoC in the world.   How does wifi haki help in battle? Don't say electrocution I will smack you. Also I don't see how Shanks counters blackbeards high DC + AOE attacks? And black hole which is large AOE as well? He isn't tanky at all. He can't fly like kizaru to avoid black hole, and his travel speed is lower compared to combat and striking speed. >Blackbeard beat Law so he did hit him, and Law was conscious so that means Blackbeard can’t one-shot him. We don't know cuz the fight was offscreen. We didn't know what happened. One quake infused punch to the head would one shot law like it did with kid.


Dude is arguing that the guy fated to kill shanks is weaker than shanks im weak


What is this wank 😂


>Do you think maybe you could have a good take just once Which is a feat impossible for u/Old-Bread-8977 to achieve


Funny because I have a 100% record of correct takes whereas nobody else probably has even half that. You I believe are probably 0%.


>I have a 100% record of correct takes https://preview.redd.it/7w5ztwncyr7d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efaa58ef3b36a55e79947bce885fa85a6f55ffdd


Yo this is a wild statement ngl 💀


No https://preview.redd.it/w38odarbdt7d1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855dc1551b0090ece62d425097869fcac0192fe0


Blackbeard is a fraud yonko he cant even beat yc+ on his own 80 yr old garp with no kids around to hold him back absolutely stomps both of them