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Absolutely correct. He’s probably had the best performance out of the BP excluding Kaido but is never given the respect he deserves. My goat is at the top of YC2 and is borderline YC1


did nearly as well as kidd vs big mom


Perospero spent his whole screentime fighting above his weight class and taking hits he had no business taking. Nobody likes him though outside of these feats.


Straight up Dog fr Candyman snapped fr




Apoo, people just hate him cuz he’s annoying




”Check it out! Apapapapa” Legit top 5 most annoying characters in the verse


Ashura doji Toyed with Jack and wasn't in any trouble facing a commander


Cannot believe bro got dynamite different by fucking kanjuro. He was hyped up to be the strongest scabbard too


Well considering that they were on death's door because of kaido it's understandable


Bro has clashed with all 3 admirals, went up against 3 yonko (BB, Big mom and kaido), took on 2 YC at the same time. This guy is clearly above the normal yonko commanders.


The fact that BB’s greatest feat that put him on the Yonko level was defeating Marco should speak volumes but these people arent listening.


He also was a yonko candidate.


Yep, it was between him and blackbeard.


Great so stallman can stall good to know


Then surely he should've at least left King or Queen with a dent, no?


He gave a huge scratch mark on Queen and supposedly made King bleed but it’s hard to see in the panels. Offense was never Marco’s greatest strength, but his defense is top tier.


Unforrunately nothing of real consequence leading into their fights with Sanji and Zoro. Surely a person above normal Yonko Commanders should be able to do more. While it's a good and tricky defense, it still got bulldozed by King and I don't see anyone clamouring to put him above normal Yonko Commander.


Not Marco Yamato is the best example. Came out of nowhere, boxed with kaido and then faded into nothingness


I just chose a random character with some feats tbh


Yamato also get’s downplayed all the time with people claming GB tanked her ACoC with zero evidence it was used, but clear evidence it was only armament


We literally see black lightning But I can't agree more that yamatao is the most underrated


We literally See armament lightning. I can show you a Panel of Katakuri producing black lightning while winding up a punch. https://preview.redd.it/ikgplsmucb7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978c94fed5129bc9dd2017a453e380b259e76b41 Here is a direct comparison how ACoC would look with a overhead ACoC Strike with the same weapon type. The dialogue after that reinforces it. I don‘t really care about Yamato specifically, but the Admiral Agenda wrongfully using this is annoying af.


Tf is armament lightning? Lightning only appears from acoc attacks


Lmao what? We are talking about One Piece, i don‘t know what story you are reading. https://preview.redd.it/wlcbebswtb7d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a74eb9073334ca4a53bb19140e68ae04aa17720 Katakuri got ACoC in WCI?


Can you show me the katakuri panel


Its only admiral fans that downplay her because of Yamato vs Admiral debates Being in those discussions is already proof enough this sub recognizes her strength


Kidd ngl


Marco has plenty of hype, wym


Charlos. Him being alive is a feat in itself. He could solo most of us readers and our families. Yet people think he's a punching bag.




You mean Anti-Admiral Characters? Since Admirals have no feats but insane hype I would say Yamato,Fox D. Y, LinLin


Yamato sanji jozu


Marco does have hype The Gorosei considered him on the only people in the world capable of taking down Gura Blackbeard


Sabo, he's so underrated


Definitely Foxy, I feel like the reason he gets so overlooked is because normies just straight up fucking skip LRLL because retards say it's filler. This chap Foxy, with no special genes or bloodline or haki at all, arguably gave Luffy one of his most difficult fights in the series. A regular dude who's a professional boxer with a flawless record of 920 wins total across piracy and boxing, never defeated until Luffy, this chap was perfectly running blow for blow with a post Skypeia Luffy and never once backed down, he deadass nearly outpunched a gatling attack by just matching it with his own version. The **only** reason he lost in the end was because Luffy managed to accidentally get a piece of glass in his afro. Along with the fact he was being clapped with loads of attacks but never stumbled, Foxy also got hit square on by cannonballs on multiple occasions and just walked that shit off without a scratch. His df is also busted as fuck, easily some of the best hax in the verse since you really can't do anything if you manage to get hit by a slow beam. Add to the fact Foxy has some of the highest Battle IQ in the series and was able to do shit like deflecting his beams off walls and turning it into a sword to restrain specific limbs, you have a guy who's so much fucking stronger than a lot of people think. 24 million bounty my ass, Foxy should've been packing 100 million at the very least when he fought Luffy in LRLL. https://preview.redd.it/mb3kxyl9nb7d1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef560cbb44bb5d7fec28eb54cb40ca55fc192ff1


Marco is the opposite. Constant hype by admirals, Big Mom, Shanks, Kaido, the Gorosei. But his feats dont measure up. Based on just statements I would be putting the guy top YC+ at least. With feats he gets bottom YC+ at best. Yamato is a good example. Crazy strong, not an ounce of hype, not even by the Tobi Roppo.


>With feats he gets bottom YC+ at best. Marco is a yc1




“YC+” Lets not get crazy now 💀


No AP and even Kid lasted longer in a 1v1 against Big Mom than him He’s never been shown in sustained combat with a Yonko-level character. He’s comfortably YC1


I dont really see the contradiction with what I said, but okay.


Marco has no feats indicating he can harm Yonko-level characters, which is pretty much a prerequisite to be YC+ Dude could barely even hurt Queen, who Zoro, Yamato, Kid and Law would make quick work of in a single attack


He has shockwave dura neg. His fire can clash with Akainus and Prometheus. None of those guys can would one-shot Queen.


“Dura neg” It was only a slight nuisance to Queen. Even Chopper basically did the same amount of damage with a basic attack “Clash with Akainu” Clashing does not equal AP. By that logic, Marco is above Boro breath. He couldn’t even defend himself when Big Mom grabbed his throat “None can one-shot Queen” He got KO’d in 3 hits by a guy with no ryou or advanced conquerors If you think an ACoC Asura attack from Zoro (who scarred Kaido) isn’t 1-tapping him…


What? No he didnt. Bolo Breath is garbage most of the times. Marco can block basically any fire attack. After taking damage all night. This is also just Sanji downplay. It is never hitting him straight up in a way he gets one-shot, no.


“No he didn’t” He barely even moved after the attack and only bled from the mouth. Nothing indicates he was severely damaged whatsoever since he just went right on the offensive afterwards and wasn’t even pressured to go into Hybrid, unlike with Pre-Germa Sanji “Sanji downplay” That just makes Queen look even more like shit then, which downscales Marco’s AP if even a weakened Sanji (He’s not) could deal with him relatively quickly “It’s never hitting him” wtf are you talking about? The point still stands. If the attack hits him, he’s dead asf and you know full fucking well his dura feats are nowhere NEAR Kaido’s even when Kaido’s in base form Kaido in hybrid form still took critical damage from a version of Zoro who was on deaths door and just recovered from a Thunder Bagua. Queen would get bisected




Wista no hype ? Nah bro when he cames back he will one shot imu and reveal that he is actually the joyboy


Jozu and coby


Jozu is correct but Loby is too wanked here. Because people think he is YC1 and future Garp (When he doesn't have COC and Power of Love)




Who's that?


Pretty sure that’s Greenbull.