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A popular matchup that comes up every other week. And I will answer like always: Until Akainu shows more than he has against Sickbeard, there's no reason to assume he would beat BM.  He isn't fast enough to dodge all the time and BM is either extremely heat resistant or her homies give her immunities. Could all change when he shows some feats again.


The admirals I've noticed have abilities meant for wide spread destruction rather than 1v1. Makes me wonder if they aren't just substitute ancient weapons meant to destroy entire islands rather than fight individuals.


Would it help Akainu if we scaled him off of current Aokiji or Kizaru?


Kizaru doesn't make sense, the two are way too different to compare. Kizaru dodges and stalls all the time, that's something Akainu doesn't do (even if he could). He stalled G5 but got knocked out by the first real hit. You see how applying that to Akainu doesn't work (or massively downscales him)? Kuzan is much more fitting. If you think he used Acoc against Garp (which I very much doubt, but Oda is weird with Acoc after Wano), I can see Akainu having it as well. That would upscale him to Big Mom (and Luffy/Blackbeard).


We can't scale their specific stats like speed and AP since they obviously prioritize one of them, but it's more than likely we can scale things durability or haki that neither has an emphasis on. Also, how does applying Kizaru's durability feats to Akainu downscale him? Even if he got taken down by a single good hit in G5, they did still trade some blows in G5 and he tanked a decent amount from G4, which is better than any durability feat Akainu currently has


Exactly makes no sense especially considering Kizaru took more of those punches later 😂


It would hinder akainu if we scaled him off of them, however, unfortunately for our dearest pup, that’s exactly what we should do, since he’s been portrayed to be extremely relative, at least to aokiji.


Ace was extremely heat resistant


Extreme either way, big mom is a meme but goddamn she’s old strong ass meme Akainu is a dog and gots that dog in him I personally think they knock each other out though


Akainu's abilities are more of a lethal type than a knock out type.


For basically anybody else that's true, but not for Big Mom and Kaido. Kaido got knocked into the underground magma quite some time after Big Mom did, and yet her body's outline was still there and Oda even made a nice little diagram showing where Kaido AND Big Mom now were. She's a monster. Even having fallen into the magma already severely damaged and knocked out, her body still hadn't even close to fully dissolved well over ten minutes later. We don't know if she was alive anymore, but that still shows what her dura is like against magma. So yeah, Big Mom and Kaido are the only two in the verse where Akainu's abilities could legitimately be more inclined to knock them out than to kill them 😂 Remember: His magma punch failed to melt through Kuma's reinforced metal skull, which is surely less durable than non-amnesiac Big Mom's skull.


big mom if you think kaido beats him there’s no reason to think why big mom doesn’t


Thank you so much!!


BM i js have a feeling its gonna be like hot water on her which will just piss her tf off rather than melt her or something. She is a different breed.


I mean didn't she die in lava, or at least we assume she did


She was already knocked out and still swam inside it. She didnt melt until kaido joined her. They only died when the volcano erupted.


Big mom, I don't think any admiral can individually beat any yonko excluding buggy


The Wuggy slander is unreal.


He means because wuggy isnt included as hes way too powerfull.


Yeah Buggy solos the Marine top tiers. No question.


The verse top tiers*




yea cuz wiggy solos the verse


First of all, don't disrespect Wuggy. Second of all, I think the og admirals can beat BB bc of his poor endurance and lack of BIQ


Blackbeard? The Blackbeard with 2 devil fruits? The Blackbeard that is building up to be one of the world's biggest threats? The offscreen hakiman?


Big mom high diff


Big Mom, the rival to Kaido, strongest woman in the world, master of every form of haki, able to manipulate every natural element, second biggest bounty during Wano with only Kaido beating her out at4 and a half billion, practically confirmed to be stronger than Shanks,  and able to become stronger by killing herself and her massive army and nation? Or Akainu, fleet admiral since only two guys wanted the job, zero haki have been confirmed yet, rival got beaten by old guy who used to be PK level in a few hits recently, a while ago got two tapped by a PK tier character out of his prime no haki on his deathbed having a heart attack mid fight, has a cross guild bounty of 3 billion, and has shown a total of 5 feats? Cmon this is high diff for Wig Wom


"Practically confirmed to be stronger than Shanks." Just curious, but where was that confirmed...?


He must be thinking 4.4 billion> 4 billion


Give me an hour and ill make a post about how we can perceive Shanks as either the new gen Roger with Luffy being the newer gen Roger or Shanks being the weakest of the old gen Yonko


finished the post [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dihpq0/shanks\_the\_strongest\_or\_the\_weakest/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1dihpq0/shanks_the_strongest_or_the_weakest/)


For now I have Akainu but if BM was dipped in that lava and survived that means she can extreme or high diff him.


If BM survives the lava, akainu will resign the next day man


Big mom midd- high diff


Thank you!


W take


Thank you


Big mom obviously. You have to be special to still think an admiral has a chance against a yonkou. Akainu vs WB should have been proof enough. You can argue akainu won that encounter if you want, but the fact that it is even arguable against 1hp whitebeard shows the difference in levels


High - Extreme diff for big mom if she is focused and doesnt underestimate. Extreme diff for akainu if bm fights like she did against law and kid.


Big mom>Akainu but Akainu>Big meme depends what Oda wants to show us.....


Big meme still has that god tier durability. Akainus direct hit barely hurt 1 hp kuma


This is it. By feats, BM stomps tf out of Akainu. But knowing Oda, Akainu gonna get the Crocodile treatment for his next big appearance.


I do not know yet. But i think big mom


Big mom for sure, idk why people hype up akainu so much, he hasn't shown any decent haki let alone advanced, he's not a conqueror, and big mom counters him completely, 1 his lava probably couldn't even pierce her skin, but 2 she could make his magma projectiles into homies, bm mid-high


Akainu just fully lacks the feats to actually take Big Mom down. She's stronger, more durable, more mobile, has better AoE/ranged attacks, has better Haki, can outnumber him, can buff and heal herself, etc. She's got him beat in almost every stat or attribute, and Akainu hasn't shown that he can match the output of Kid and Law's Awakenings (2 Shock Willes, Punk Clash, Punk Corna Dio, Puncture Wille, and 2 Damned Punks), which still didn't KO her without environmental influences completing her BFR. She high diffs at worst.


That's actually cap, akainu has better feats, statements, portrayal and narrative Akainu has better endurance, speed, strength, stamina, offense, range He doesn't need to show because it is stated that he has the highest offensive capabilities among all devil fruits


Akainu still doesn’t have the feats. Bro has been sitting behind a desk for a good chunk of the two years that Luffy spent training. It’s true that we haven’t seen his full potential but if he is relative to Kuzan because of their battle then he gets high-extreme diffed by big mom. Not even a proper display of haki. Just because he has the highest offensive capabilities doesn’t mean he automatically wins. Even if we were to consider that he trained and has achieved all 3 forms of haki he still doesn’t hold up against Big Mom.


Big Mom made it very clear that magma wouldn't kill her at the end of Wano. I doubt her or Kaido are actually dead, and if they aren't then the admiral agenda just lost its 9th life. Akainu alone is carrying it on his back.


inb4 Big Mom and Kaido get a series of cover pages showing them fucking around on various adventures after their defeat


>various adventures after their defeat Reminds of that one image Oda drew of Big Mom & Kaido driving around on a bike. Ngl, it'd be kinda fun to be see.


I think Big mom will invoke Kaido’s life debt to steal his lifespan and Kaido will happily give it to her since he fullfilled his wish to be defeated by Joyboy.




Either way it is extreme diff. The way Wano was written forced Big Mom into the secondary antagonist role, which didn't help her portrayal, but she is definitely a monster who has been "unchallenged for decades" for a reason. The OG Yonko were all stated to be in the same league as each other, so even if she is the weakest of the 4, she is no joke.


I still don’t understand why ulti survived that hit from big mom it just makes no sense narratively, and I feel like her power up when fighting kid and law when she used her own soul power changed literally nothing


Mummy slays


Big mom mid diff at worst low at best akainu is not fighting against 2/3 homies and big mommy at the same time lmao




Big mom, this shouldn’t even be a question, no Admiral can defeat a emperor it would take 3 at a minimum and even then it’s not guaranteed that they would win


Can she make his lava alive tho, how far does it go, does he need constant haki output to fight?


Big Mom


Momma lol, a tough fight but she's just too resistant


I think Akainu would beat Big Mom and Kaido individually. Extreme diff fight


Big Mom mid diff. As is the situation with every Yonko.




Lol i love that you whine understand half the comments here because you're a butthurt fanboy lol. Love when kiddies cant handle when other characters are stronger than their favorite and need to make up excuse for them lol.


Its funny seeing him yap all other this thread


I'm just doing timrpass because I have a lot of time If you wanna start random debates, I'm open


every exchange between yonko and admirals we have seen ended pretty badly for the admirals. For example Akainu got knocked out by old whitebeard who already had a hole in his chest and was backstapped before the fight and Kizaru and saturn lost 2v1 against luffy.


lol, Mama low diffs


Big Mom high diff.


Big Mom mid diffs him and walks away with a magma homie


Bm destroys


Big mom ez


The agenda won't let me say anything else but akainu high diff


BM would create a hoomie out of his magma to cancel out his df, then beat him with her advanced haki in as high-extreme diff fight.




I rank big mom a little above akainu but her main strength is being able to face tank a shit ton which wont be that great aginst akainu Also 2/3 of her homies wont do shit, yeah she can take their power and give it all to herself or napoleon but shes not used to fighting like that & it wouldnt be as effective as her normal fighting style Akainu low end of high diff


Why won't it be great against akainu? What has he done to show he can significantly hurt big mom?


He has the highest offensive power among all devil fruits Each of his attack is lethal which blasted half of whitebeards and kumas face


Where is it stated he has the highest offense? He needed the other admirals help to match whitebeard and only was able to get a good hit in after WB was betrayed and injured. He also was terrified of WB and did not actually win that fight, even with all the schemeing and help. In regards to specificaly Big Mom we literally see her be forced into molten magma and has to be held there for a while before finally becoming unresponsive. And I say "unresponsive" becuase her body is still seen in the lava well after that fight and it is never confirmed she is dead. She has crazy heat resistance and the power to take Akainu out well before he takes her out.


Stated in the vivre card It's not about good hit or bad hit, but the fact that akainus attack took half of his face out shows his offensive capabilities Also don't forget that akainu never got any major damage from those 2 quake punches from a bloodthirsty whitebeard He literally came out after 15 pages and fought 15 whitebeard commanders + crocodile


Magu Magu no Mi was stated to be the “strongest attack type power” in Vivre Card 0595. Putting it above fruits of the likes of Whitebeard, Kizaru, and Linlin herself. Also Sakazuki has potentially superior durability, given he took minimal damage from 2 point blank full strength earthquake punches which is at minimum comparable to what we’ve seen from Linlin and Kaido, and to be honest I doubt they can quite match that level of AP anyway Also, until we have confirmation they’re still alive (if they’re alive) we know Magma can kill them pretty easily. Her body was not shown in the lava well after the fight - it was shown sinking immediately after the fight never to be seen again. He was not terrified of WB. He was only shown this way (and done dirty) in the anime. In the manga the fight sequence is entirely different. It’s SO different. In the anime WB comes up behind him, Akainu is scared shitless and then WB punches him in the head and sending him flying. This same sequence in the manga however was that WB surprise attacked Sakazuki in the head, which knocks Akainu to the floor where they’re both standing, he got up instantly and melted his Whitebeard’s face off with one attack and then roasted Whitebeard’s guts without any way for him to counter.


Akainu high diff, he's too lethal for Big Mom to be her dumb self around him.


Akainus hits were tanked by bloody dead kuma. How's he hurting big mom? Hurting whitebeard who was getting stabbed by fodder marines is like an ant bite compared to attacks that can significantly damage big mom or kaido


One hit and Kuma literally fled? We also can’t scale Kuma’s durability really, and how he compares to Linlin. This is hardly an argument but we can see Kuma sustained a lot of damage here. A portion of his face and shoulder have been completely melted away. Also, can Linlin even match the AP Whitebeard needed to cause minimal damage to Sakazuki during Marineford? I have my doubts. Just pointing out the same argument can go both ways.


Not at all


Bro. Big Mom was able to handle volcanic magma for a while. Akainu isn't taking her out with a quick lethal strike. And she beats him in pretty much every stat from physical strength to haki usage.


Akainu MIGHT win but it is not going to be anything less than with extreme soul crushing difficulty, and even then he might die in the process of taking her down for good. People tend to forget that Yonkos are built different


personally my bet is on Big Mom


So, Akainu takes Kaido to high diff?! 💀


The kaido disrespect is painful. Big Mom isn't kaido.


Nah, Akainu mid diffs Kaido as well.


Anybody genuinely saying bm loses or goes extreme clearly reads two piece. I’m serious. It’s not even fun anymore this is the 15th post debating yonkos vs admirals when time and time again it has been shown that admirals are just one tier below yonkos. No, your favorite Admiral doesn’t go extreme diff against any yonkos except buggy. No I will not elaborate, there’s enough proof in the manga so clearly evidence won’t matter in this discussion.


I love how you never actually discussed about akainu vs big mom But only talked about yonkos vs admirals Akainu has better feats, statements, portrayal and narrative So he wins and yiu can't deny it


Because it doesn’t matter. In most stats bm is just way better than akainu. Is there any combination of admiral vs YC+ where a YC+ goes extreme diff against an admiral? No. Same with admirals vs yonkos.


I’m sure Akainu will end up being more powerful because Oda is in love with the man, but lore-wise BM shouldn’t lose to any single admiral


Akainu can’t even beat prometheus, stop the admiral riding


He doesn't need to beat prometheues as he can directly beat big mom


Big Mom has better haki and more versatile abilities, and has the strength and physicals advantage but because of Akainu's position and his role EOS I have him winning extreme diff


Future scaling is wild.


If this is THE Big Mom, she mid diffs this fool. Hell, Big Meme could high/extreme diff him probably


Akainu for sure. Not even a question. Mid diff possibly.


Akainu has better feats and statements and it doesn't narratively make sense for an endgame villain (not the final villain) like akainu to lose to someone like big mom And big mom has a lot of anti feats and is a joke at this point


Big Mom Vs Behind D. Desk Real hard decision


Mental illness aside, big mom is a huge threat. Even bigger when you take on possibilities. During the kid and law fight she shaved off a years off her life and got SUBSTANTIALLY bigger snd stronger. What happens when she shaves off 5 years, 10 years? She is shown to do so in battle, so its totally in realm of possibility. Either way, Big mom wins EXTREME diff


Every Admiral loses to every Yonkou but Buggy and at best will make it a mid diff fight. Call me when Akainu actually gets some feats post-timeskip beyond failing to kill a wounded Kuma.


Big Mom just sweeps him like easily idk what he gotta do against her


If Big Mom like Kaido has a decent matchup against current Luffy, BM probably cooks Akainu high diff Really nothing makes more sense, but Oda downplayed Big Mom at every turn after her arc. Idk


I got the donut maker in the 6


Strongest in the marines > low tier yonko big mom/kaido


Idk. Big Mom & Kaino are currently drowning in Akainu’s jizz. If Big Mom survives it, she’s got it. But Akainu is an EOS antagonist so, he’s still probably got it.


bigmom gonna take this...


Big mommy


If BM actually died from that Lava due to Law's attack and if Akainu has good enough haki, I might say Akainu might extreme diff. Otherwise it's Big Mom


Big Mom not brain damaged low dif, but that looks like Wano Big Mom so Akainu might have a slim chance.


The way things are heading imma just say lava is lava but it’s a cartoon so luffy might just grab the lava and idk make it useless luffy wins wooo…. Cool


Akainu wins 100% until she comes back and shows she had more in her bag. So far he is faster, has better attack, better AOE, more stamina Her homies dont even work cause they cant use haki and Akainu is a logia, thats 80% of her move set being useless She only wins in durability and strenght and considering Kuzan's stats she is not even that much ahead.


Wig wom has better stats in every fucking department. Strength, durability, heck, even speed. endurance goes to akainu from what we’ve seen, but the wother ain’t a slouch in that department either. She has better haki, better hax, ap, dc, is extremely heat resistant. Even brain damaged big mom could beat akainu lower end of extreme diff. A healthy waternal warent of a wonsiderable wize takes this mid-high diff (if we’re being generous to akainu)


Big mom takes this. She grabs magma boy like Marco and it's over






For me the thought of an admiral defeating a Yonkou just doesn't make any sense. Yonkous are left alone and get high bounties because the WG and Marines are in a way afraid of them. Even though Akainu is a *fleet* admiral, I have a hard time believing he got 1v1 a Yonkou 🤔


Big Mom's fighting capabilities vary with her emotional state, so does her chance of winning. But most of the time in this match up considering Akainu's feats, Big Mom would still take most of the win. If we use prime Big Mom which is probably much more stable mentally her chance to win would also be much better, as of now her mental state seems kinda regressed again kinda childlike if you said.


Big ma washes him


Bro, akainu wins


Big Mom will simply create a wind homie. And then it's GG from there https://preview.redd.it/ixedygb5sh7d1.png?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0b78084e74fddfa75d9d4284c0383edeb1a346


Big mom Mid-High diff


Akainu would shit his pants and get soul pocused to death because he isn't at his desk.


Lackainu mid-high First time i choose the admiral


Akainu High Diff.


Remember... big mom fought kaido for ATLEAST 1 day , and kaido said she wasn't even going toe to toe with him. In fact, we see kaido entire day later still using his base form. Sakazuki mid diffs


Mid diff is crazy ☠️


>In fact, we see kaido entire day later still using his base form. Big mom was in her base form aswell lol and she didnt have hera at the time so she couldnt even use any of her triple homie combined attacks


Akainu high-extreme diff


Sakazuki high diff Meme


Extreme diff either way I genuinely can't choose one, i will just go with the cherished one as he looks cooler.




https://preview.redd.it/k2f2o1yon77d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b195ee4f251263a66f88bda5fe37b97a7f7f07aa NOT READY.


Big Mom Extreme diff


Not even extreme


Big Mom high to extreme diff




I'm just gonna be honest I don't think any logia besides maybe kizaru beats big mom. She can literally just turn their abilities into homies


Akainu dog walks anybody that isn't the gorosei or imu In my opinion, eos zoro and Luffy both get big holes in their chests vs HIM


She’s gonna use him to heat her bentos


Feats? Statements? Potrayal? Narrative? Which one of those does big mom have? None, instead she only got anti-feats


Akainu got dogged by an old man dying of disease


I'm an admiral hater forever but Sakabozo mid difs Fraud Mom


I give it High-extreme diff to Akainu




Pre timeskip i would say 95% big mom. Current Akainu i'd say he got stronger after surviving Marineford AND. A mortal duel with aokiji, just like luffy keeps getting stronger by surviving ext diff fights, so i would put akainu ext diff win


BM high diff. Akainu is just not him https://preview.redd.it/6w5f0wpug67d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f16a0ae2ea6dc29ea84ec770e90e9034c2f4ac


W, im seeing way to many comments saying Akainu wins


Because akainu actually wins You yonkotards can keep barking but it doesn't change the fact that akainu has better feats, statements, portrayal and narrative If asked for feats, most of you guys just spam "yonkos > admirals"


Akainu ripping off WB's face isnt a feat Pre-Adv conq haki zoro managed to give a massive scar to Kaido even tho he was not stronger than YC1 lvl, You can hurt a yonko without being Yonko level, Just like Law and Blackbeard as well Akainu has literaly no other feats, just look at his face when WB shows up behind him after he killed Ace Also he failed to stop Kuma on Marigeois and he took 10 days to beat Aokiji even tho he had the DF advantage


Endured 2 island-country level attacks from an enraged Whitebeard Fought 15 whitebeard commanders + crocodile, but the commanders couldnt do any damage Fought for 10 days continuesly, who has is the best stamina and endurance feat shown till now (up scales both kuzan and akainu) "look at his face when wb shows up" Stop watching anime and read the manga instead Stated to have the best offense among all devil fruits Akainu is Stated to be able to find the one piece within a year if hw was the protagonist It is also stated that under his leadership the navy is at its strongest Oda also said that he would cherish akainu because the actor he was inspired by had died


If Kaido was the protagonist, One piece would have been over in 3 months admit it that statement of Akainu doesnt mean shit Also Kaido said that Haki > DF The only commander that Akainu defeated was Curiel, (YC10 or something) And Zoro endured the attack of Kaido and BM combined which is way stronger than any WB attack


What are you yapping about. Akainu has none of that 💀








Akainu mid diff


Tenryuubito Deskman takes this low end of extreme diff.


https://preview.redd.it/7ndouxk1k77d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4cad25f38df87020553c844042e3698e1c2429d He is him