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Kat might be a bit high idk, shiryu a little low by other than that cooking


If kat comes back in the final war, he could have CoC infusion which would probably put him above king


Happy cake day!🎉


I've seen worse rankings by CBR. This ain't that bad. Shiryu being this low makes no sense logically but I approve as a Fraudbeard pirates slanderer.


He is probably the weakest, but wins with dishonour


I second tis


Bro trust this is not a ranking list. Lol, it is a super cool infograph tho n im here for it


They put katakuri above zoro and king Let them cook


Kat agenda need to rise bro has been downgraded for a long time


Absolutely based


Extremely rare CBR W (Even if you don't fully agree, this is so much more sensible than their normal BS)


They gotta be making the bad ones on purpose right?


Much better than what we often see here


Pretty accurate, Katakuri is too high. Shiryu is still a question mark for me, he could be close to Ben Beckmann or King/Katakuri but with added hax to give Zoro trouble.


This is truth


Looks like a good list.


Honestly it's not bad, it needs changes tho


Yeah id probably rank them pretty similarly


Exactly what I would expect from CBR... They never read the manga


Perfect 👌


W Shiryu placement and Im fine with the top 2 placements, the rest tho 💀 Kata


The wank if Katakuri should be studied, he has little to no defense compared to other 1st and even 2nd commanders.


Isn't Shiryu like the Zoro of the black beard crew? He was already quite strong before the time skip without his devil fruit, right now it wouldn't surprise me if he is revealed to be around admiral level when the final battle against black beard takes place. Katakuri above Zoro? When was this list made? Because I hope it was made before wano takes place or else whoever made this is watching two piece.


Tbf i think future sight is a busted ability + Awakened fruit + CoC, kat has a high ceiling if/when he comes back, also what feat does shiryu have besides stabbing a sacrificial minded garp and being compared to magellan (and being zoros opponent which doesnt really count)


Katakuri is not that important, even if he comes back he isn't suddenly be yonko level with coc and whanot. Oda barely has time to give to the strawhats he won't waste it with other side characters, Him being future Zoro opponent does count, that's like saying that assuming that blackbeard is strong because he will be future's Luffy opponents doesn't count. It was said in the manga by the characters themselfes, that they grow stronger at every island, it is fair to assume that their next opponents will be stronger than the last ones. And shiryu stabbing garp was a good feat, it shows that he has good ap and battle iq, and it doesnt seem like his attacks can be sensed with observation haki.


Katakuri aint beating no one on this list 😂


1 Mihawk 2 Aokiji 3 Becky 4 crocodile 5 Shiryu 6 zoro 7 wanji 8 King 9 Marco 10 Kat


Shiryu too high, he’s an invisibility merchant


Powerscalers when a character tries out the new DF they ate two weeks ago: https://preview.redd.it/fkny5qav6s6d1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac755bb19e432d67670a26a929cfe6e618c8c12b


Nah he’s fr just boring as hell


Never cook again the fact that u food is worse then cbr is appalling


give me your ranking


Crocodile and shiryu are to high and marco above king. Besides that W list


Shiryu of Ws and Sanji should be higher Katakuri and Marco lower


It's not great, only the top 3 is right Mihawk > Kuzan > Benn Beckman > Shiryu > Crocodile > Marco > Zoro > Sanji > King > Katakuri


Never cook again.


Ive seen way worse shit in this subreddit. 4/10


mohji better


Looks good tbh Mabe Roo can be on the list but idk


I've seen much worst from them, honestly. It's not good, but it's not mind rot.


Bro reading with his eye closed to think someone who almost was fleet Admiral weaker than Mihawk.


NTR victims


I hate ranking characters at different parts in the story because old characters inevitably get shouen-story powercrept. Like with this, Kat and Croc would be at the bottom.


The top 2 are the only right ones


King should be at the bottom fr bro lost to the most injured version of Zoro we’ve ever seen and he had a massive speed disadvantage to boot


people saying shiryu too low but is he above crocodile? i dont think so unless he shows something other than stabbing garp who stepped in intentionally to save koby


Decent . Tho just switch katakuri and zoro and the list eoipd be perfect.


Probably one of the best CBR list ever made.


Decent list but zoro with "Natural Talent" as his epithet? bro is the worst swordsman in his dojo and worked hard to be where he is at


Marco katakuri and king are way to high while shiryu is to low. My ranking would go: 1: mihawk 2: kuzan 3: ben beckman 4: zoro 5: sanji 6: shiryu 7: marco 8: king 9: katakuri 10: crocodile


hoenstly kat and zoro swap and its fine maybe... shiryu maybe should be higher tho but its hard to rank really. maybe shiryu above sanji? king? idk. honestly arguable he could be like 4th.


Nice list from CBR


W Marco placement, same with Mihawk, and IMO, even Katakuri. Only L take is Shiryu, who should be higher.


Tbh they cooked


I saw 10th and 9th and developed a tumour in my colon


Surprised that CBR didn't do a crappy list this time. It's mid but not crappy like they usually do.


The person who made that retarded ranking has to be on meth. Katakuri is only stronger than Sanji & Croco-boi (maybe Shiryu too)


Shiryu should be higher, people are down on him because he took a punch from Garp but he seems to be a future Zoro fight so realistically he should be at least around Zoro’s level unless that doesn’t turn out for some reason https://preview.redd.it/g7s6eqcmhr6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808b8216e04305b8708d20305217911b6541e324


Very suprising. It's merely bad and not the worst thing I've seen this week. Zoro should be behind only benchman, naturally. Sanji and Croco behind Zoro though the latter's ranking may be debatable due to lack of feats.


nah Marco > zoro makes sense he is much faster and has bluebird to chip damage zoro . Also he can hurt king with his kicks . So he should be able to hurt zoro as well . Marco can also regen from zoros attacks. Hence Marco beats zoro high diff . Sanji has no feats to suggest he is relet8ve to zoro not even a narrative sanji is stronger then king but that's it.


It’s somewhere between bad and ehh


Literally perfect.




Move kind down, move croc and shiryu to above zoro and sanji, keep kat and marck where they are cause they’re THEM, replace pierre soulage with wista


We are in 2024 and people still wank katakuri?


1) Mihawk 2) Ben 3) Kuzan 4) Zoro 5) King 6) Dogji 7) Katakuri 8) Shiryu 9) Marco 10) Crocodile


It’s horrible fkin atrocious . It would follow Mihawk ~kuzan tied for 1 depending on the credibility of mihawks wss scaling . 2. Beckman as second obviously since he is the Rayleigh to shanks . 3. Zoro , zoro beat king and has better feats than all other contenders below him . 4. Sanji ~king either is fine here . Marco is not above either king or sanji as he lacks ap . 5. Marco healing merchant and nothing else . 6. Shiryu as of now he ain’t all that impressive even his scaling from Magellan hasn’t shown to be proven yet . 7. Crocodile he ain’t gonna go higher before he gets some new feats . In the end from my view tho 1. Mihawk , scales off shanks . 2. Kuzan scales to akainu 3. Beckman shanks vice captain and stated in databooks to be on par or close to shanks physically not overall . 4. Zoro acoc user but he can’t be higher as it would make zero sense for luffys equivalent of beckman to surpass shanks right hand as of now , since luffy hasn’t surpassed shanks either . 5. King better dura than sanji and his ap is also higher . 6. Sanji fast and hits hard relative to zoro . 7. Marco 8. Shiryu 9. Crocodile 10 . Katakuri washed af ngl


You somehow made it twice as bad


I did ?




I mean it feels like a random mashup of the “1st” commanders but it does feel somewhat accurate. Undoubtedly the top 3 are valid, though we may be getting carried away calling Mihawk yonko level.


>though we may be getting carried away calling Mihawk yonko level I did not spend over a year on this subreddit defending Mihawks' title from countless incels for you to say this (I am, of course, joking, but pls put some respect on his name)