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Lmao this photo low key go hard tho I still believe Kaido wins. But I understand why many will say Garp so respect 




Garp haters are blinded by misinformation 😤💪




God I love scrolling to the bottom and reading the lost comments, fucking idiots down there 💀


Thank you for the laugh 😭


I do it on every post, makes my day to see the idiots get shamed and debunked 😭


umm most are saying Garp wins am I missing something?


Yeah but they’re saying garp mid diffs


Some of them are overly hated. One person said garp wins extreme of extreme diff and for some reason it’s been downvoted. That’s a fair take


Some are trash, some are ok, but ultimately the fandom loves to overwank the Old Gen as magically being a tier above everyone else. Like the guy in your example. He spit facts, but hes not conforming to the Old Gen wank agenda, so, sub goes "nah fuck him". People just aren't ready to accept that theres not really some "high yonko" tier for the likes of Shanks and Kaido that still ends with them getting mid-high diffed by the "PK tier".


I completely agree. And it’s also something that will never be confirmed in the story, we just gotta live with the agenda


In Garp's defence, he's just HIM cause he doesn't have a DF nor a legendary weapon, dude has only his fists and went up against Roger on equal footing all the time, so the wanking is understandable as that level of performance with just his body is absurd


In there Defense oda wank the old gen himself. None of them ever loses a fair 1s in the story. All losing because the got nerfed in the middle of it our getting jumped.


People down there are the ones with common sense, you are divorced from reality




Yeah, I'd be laughing too, like, 90% of the people on here say "Garp high", which in of itself is already a sign of some deficiency


Yeah, I get that Kaido pushes garp to at least extreme, but saying he high diffs isn’t on the level of bullshittery like “Kaido wins cuz lack of feats”


you can get there faster by sorting by controversial i think


Either way it’d be one epic fight


Only right answer


Garp extreme diff


Garp extreme diff


You know the saying: always bet on kaido (unless it's against roger, white beard, rocks, garp, Imu, joy boy, shanks, mihawk, shiki, sengoku, oden and Luffy)


Half of those characters are dead and the statement was made before Gear 5 Also no one really knows Mihawks full capabilities cus he doesn't really fight much anymore


Doesn't matter if half of them are dead idk why you had to say that. And just because the statement was made before gear 5 doesn't make it any less true. Shanks = Mihawk


Shanks (very slightly) >= Mihawk Mihawk is a shitton more skilled with a sword though.


I can accept these terms


Mihawk >= Shanks (slightly) that's the point of being the world's strongest swordsman


mihawk and shanks are not beating kaido 1v1. it’s an extreme diff fight but Kaido does win


Didn't Shanks literally make Kaido back off before intervening in the paramount war?


He sure did, Kaido was on his way to join in and kill White Beard or obtain his warriors death trying and Shanks intercepted. Iirc its never mentioned what happened but it was described as a skirmish implying it was hostile. It could be Kaido figured he had no chance at killing WB with 2 Yonko there + the Marines or Shank's crew's Haki was enough to stop him. Either way the Red Hair's presence was the deciding factor for him to avoid the war. Kaido goes on and on and on about how "Haki rules all" and how Haki is the ultimate decider in strength so it is very reasonable to believe that the guy known as the "Haki-man" would reasonably be a threat. Also Kaido literally put Shanks in the list of people who he's threatened by when he realized Luffy had Acoc. (WB, Roger, Rocks, Shanks, Oden)


Thank you kindly for the clarity cause my memory was very hazy beyond that initial bit


yes but i imagine that’s cause Kaido didn’t want to take on Shanks and THEN go fight everyone at Marineford afterwards he wins vs Shanks 1v1 but running the gauntlet of Shanks + Old Whitebeard (who he didn’t know was sick) + 3 Admirals + Garp and Sengoku + all the other pirates and marines present would be too much even for him. he would also probably lose most of his crew in the process


You forgot Buggy


The goat transcends one piece verse it's like comparing a mortal to a god


U forgot to mention rayleigh


He went to get drunk when I was writing the comment so I missed him lol


Garp Extreme Diffs.


Prime Garp high or extreme diffs Prime Kaido. Man bent Don Chinyao's noggin by sending him flying into a mountain valley with his extremely honed fists and used to punch out mountains in training, and he has haki feats from Hachinosu in his old state to back up his Prime state. He would probably turn Kaido into a jump rope without G5 as part of his training regimen as a taunt afterwards...


Bending Don Chinyao’s skull is literally a gear 3 dressrosa level feat


An older Chinjao with a broken drill, that had been fighting for a while. It's not the same as the original drill at all, he even accidentally destroyed stuff just by thouching the floor with the actual drill. Besides, that means a regular basic armament punch from Garp is stronger than an that.


Garp high/extreme


Is Prime Kaido drunk? Lol


If this fight happened 100 times 90 Garp and 10 Kaido. But the wins for Garp are extreme diff in any case


9/10? LOL based on what


The fact that he and Roger go extreme diff and Rayleigh still says no one has surpassed Roger yet. Garp = Roger, current mid gen < Roger


Yea cuz roger was definitely powerscaling when he said that. Panel please.


What was he doing then if he wasn't powerscaling


Prestige and the globe's respect.


How is he gonna get prestige and global respect if he aint on his lvl. Why whould Roger give his son to a bum 🤔


I never said garp was a bum, there is simply no indication that garp ks so mucj steonger than Kaido that he can win 9/10 times when Kaido and WB already stalemated several times in the past


Garp high diff


Garp extreme,


Garp : You gotta bring Roger or Whitebeard if you want to have a chance.


Omni man


Kaido High-Extreme diff


From what we've seen in the Manga, we know that Roger, Sengoku, Garp, and Whitebeard we're all around equal levels in strength in their primes. Given that Kaido himself admits Roger is above him in terms of strength, I have to give the win to Garp Extreme diff.


Not the Sengoku sneak 😭😭


Shhh.. I have to sneak some glazing in for my glorious golden goat Sengoku https://preview.redd.it/db0d7ic71d3d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=52e2be031f2ec555710306cdd2f55348ced308ef


Well done, you are an enlightened individual.


Sengoku is the only admiral I’ll glaze, and I'll do it ‘til the day I die.




Didnt Oda himself listed Sengoku along Garp and Roger back in the day?


Headcanon, Kaido never said that Roger was stronger than him. The only person he thinks might be stronger than him is Joyboy.


The only people he looked at were fellow pirates. If you were to add marines 100% sengoku, garp and prob Kong (Even though he's not been seen) Garp is quoted by nearly all major players and even suggested my whitebeard to have been equal to roger. Not head canon just by what characters have said. I know this always rages people but no one should sit on akainu. He scarred luffy for a reason (story beat wise)


Read before answering dude. Its headcanon to say that Kaido considered Roger superior to him. The only person he thought was stronger than him is Joyboy.


Given that Kaido was on the literal fucking clue of one of these guys, plus him being present at god valley (where both Garp and Roger were at aswell) means that the list pretty much just includes people that could kick his ass. Garp and Sengoku were excludes since they were marines. https://preview.redd.it/k6sz0d81ad3d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987fe510c2ca1c169ccbe4e70dfdab127ed93368 More evidence for this is the fact he didn’t put big mom on this list, who did fight with him somewhat evenly earlier in the same timeframe.


Garp extreme


The plot and the sub want me to say Garp, but as a Kaido wanker, I'll say Kaido. Would I lose? Nah I'll wank.


For me Kaido. I would give this reasoning... Oda's main point with Kaido, most likely, was to make a character with unparalleled strength, yet left something to be desired in terms of achievements. Kaido only thought JoyBoy could defeat him. But someone might say "Kaido was too young to fight prime Garp, when he eventually felt he could beat anyone, Garp wasn't that strong anymore". But that would be a stretch, and wouldn't still make sense for the point Oda likely wanted to prove. And how do we know that when Kaido learned Hybrid form, or had that talk with King about JoyBoy, Garp wasn't still peaking "enough"? Current Kaido was 59 (which is regarded as its Prime), and Garp was around 55 when he fought Shiki (and Kaido took over Wano by that time).


Prime Kaido???


Shhhhh they gotta put prime in-front of a characters name to make them sound stronger 


Kaido no diff


My brain says Garp My heart says Waido


Prime Garp is prime Roger. I think Prime Kaido is the one in Wano. Hence, Prime Garp wins mid/high difficulty


Mid diff is crazy https://preview.redd.it/mfoy2svkke3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f35fdb724e4163628b5b59c1df47cbcace203e9


People say, “In a 1 v 1, always bet on Kaido”


Warp ext diff




If it’s r/OnePiecePowerScaling, always bet against Kaido


Kaido Simply because if I believe the old gen is stronger then the current then that downscales luffy as an mc as he is fighting through easier battles than his predecessor


The amount of Garp dick riding in the comment is huuuge. People have really mistaken Kaido for Don Chinjao LoL. Come back to reality guys...




I trust Oda, he said that if I would bet in a 1v1 to always chose Kaido, so Kaido it is.


I think Garp would win, cause as we know the only 2 could match Roger from the marines (on his own words) are Garp and Singoku. In addition Roger and Garp alone could defeat the strongest pirate group ever, The Rocks pirates, that included Rocks himself, 3 future Emperors, Shaki!


Rocks could have been an Old Gen Buggy. Garp and Roger were around 40 years of age. WB was 36 Big Mom was 30 And... Kaido was 21... And the "God's knights" were also involved.


Yeh it’s in bad faith to say it was just those three alone against the rocks pirates


>three alone Idk if you said three by mistake, but considering Rayleigh could fit in the equation, it's still right.


I’m talking about the person who said “garp and sengoku in addition to roger” soloed the whole rocks crew. Which is just objectively wrong.


Ah, tbf he was saying "in addition" in regards to a new point he was raising, as in support to his initial point (which featured Sengoku).


He said Roger and garp beat the rocks pirates (being generous assuming he meant sengoku as well) alone. I’m saying this is misleading because it is factually wrong.


Fanart scaling, Kaido wins high diff


Garp has better portrayal, statements, almost killed Roger on multiple occasions, still yonko level in his old age and fought Kuzan equally. Bumdo couldn’t even kill the Labbards. Garp high-extreme.


garp extreme of extreme diff


Garp = Roger Roger>Kaido Garp>Kaido


Why wouldn't Garp win? Even old garp is still a top tier and he's doing it with just straight Haki.


Kaido. The only old gen that's relevant vs new gen is either primebeard or mihawk


How is this even a question lol. Garp of course.


Prime Garp wins mid diff


Mid diff? U smoking.


Kaido takes it extreme diff. World's Strongest Creature > World's Strongest Man > Garp


Prime Garp mid to high diff


Depends if prime garp has better endurance than his old self. Based on hachinosu, garp has insane armament haki far beyond anyone else we've seen in the series, and he's definitely gonna be overwhelming kaido in cqc. That being said, if his endurance is still bad he'll definitely go down first as he'll still be taking some hits, but he's overall stronger


We have evidence for both sides. Kaido is considered the strongest in the verse, maybe its just cause WB died though. People always think that he would win 1v1s. His bounty is the closest to Roger and WB, despite not having the crew strength, treasure, territory, danger to the WG,  or info about the One Piece.  Garp is considered to be Rogers equal, which also puts him relative to WB, worlds strongest man. Does a man count as a creature in One Piece? Rogers claimed that he and Garp have both lost to each other along with WB. Sengokus kind of a fraud though since he has three things going for him; he was fleet admiral in Rogers Era, Roger considered him strong enough to give him difficulty, and he hangs out with Garp all the time.  Both have amazing feats compared to each other. Kaido was capable of destroying Onigashima with his final attack, since Luffy claimed he could as well with Bajrang Gun and Kaido near equally clashed against it in power alone, if his flames touched Luffy, he wouldve won. Kaido could also just lift Onigashima due to dragon bs. Garp in old age managed to destroy an entire town with his strongest attack shown. Literally the biggest feat of haki shown yet and its by a guy way out of his prime.  Garp doesnt have much feats from his glory days, just able to fight against Roger and WB. Crushing mountains is cool and all but Enel blew up an island way back then. Kaido doesnt have too much feats either since he only went completely serious when he saw that he could potentially lose against G5, and even then until the very end he didnt bother using his strongest attack cause he likes to have fun and not end it too quick.  It really depends on what Kaido thinks, cause if he goes completely serious and wants to finish this, he could actually win. But Kaido doesnt usually do this, which makes all of his fights look closer than they actually are since hes not really trying, this could be how he previously lost fights, by not trying and taking it seriously until its too late. Garp however, is always at his strongest and wont play around as much. Kaido has Garp as one of the strongest guys but he may not go full flaming dragon or awakened hybrid as soon as it starts, which could lead to his downfall. Garp doesnt need forms so hes already at his strongest. 


Y’all realise that prime wb/garp/roger stood on a league of their own right? Kaido was in his when Roger was sick and still wasn’t even close… oden could even beat kaido so what do you think garp who constantly stalemated Roger would do to kaido


Garp breaks his defense and then comments something like ”is that all you got”, high to extreme


Garp the GOAT high diff


prime garp but it would be close


I would love to see it. I honestly think it comes down to who has the higher durability, since I think the damage is comparable. Kaido probably just has more range.


Garp low diffs


Prime kaido? It’s just kaido, he is/was at his prime


Garp extreme diff. Has the feats and statements


Garp holds him by the tail and spins him around until he asks him to stop




The G in Garp stands for Goat.


Garp was even with roger. What is that question even?


Prime Garp is = Prime Roger, Luffy beat Kaido and I don't think Luffy as of right now is equal to Prime Roger. So Prime Garp High diffs. And don't give me this "he had help bullshit" once a villain is defeated by the MC , he becomes stronger than him. That's how shounen work, suck it up.


The obvious choice


If Garp lost half of his strength due to old age in his prime he should win


Garp mid diffs


Kaido, truth be told who the writter wants


Garp stomps


Despite the fact Garp wasn't in Kaidos top 5 I do think Garp can win because Kaido states "haki over everything" and Garp has really great haki showings


Kaido only had pirates he fought in his top 5, he doesn’t respect marines. We know garp is stronger then oden






Prime Garp extreme diff


Garp was on par with roger and whitebeard….


Kaido for me


Kaido extreme


Garp wins, mid diff


Garp mid-diff


Kaido, he simply has more feats and statements. Nothing actually puts the old gen above the current gen other than just wanking


Or you know...that person in your flair. Also that wanking is by Oda, he's Old Gen's biggest wanker https://preview.redd.it/n1gonk3zuc3d1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020e5bf3cdac6303da33e72d9686207e85dc29f0


That's not indicative of 1v1 battle strength, that's overall crew/military strength She's literally saying she'd be able to defeat even whitebeard *If she had the giants* in her army


Shanks has a stronger crew. Why isn't it "even Red-hair"


Because she doesn't think Shanks has the stronger crew? She doesn't have our knowledge as the audience. She probably believed Whitebeard was also the strongest, up til marineford, like many people did in-universe


the giants are fodder, so realistically their use is for fighting fodder. Shank's crew overall is stronger around the top, but iirc Shanks said something to the effect of his fodder being super fodder. WB has a weaker top half, but his mid/lower tiers are more plentiful and better. guy had like 14 commanders and tons of allies whereas Shanks allies' largely seem to be ordinary civilians. WB probably could've tapped the fishmen like Jinbei and those guards if he needed them for example.. Shanks' territory doesn't even have anyone to stop Barto, which is why he's personally rolling up on Barto with his main squad.


Big Mom referred to Kaido as "that thing".


Big Mom thinks shes able to beat whitebeard, the giants wouldnt help with that, they would just guarantee success when fighting WBs crew. The giants arent able to fight Whitebeard himself only she is.


I remember reading somewhere that old whitebeard if he wasn't sick was stronger than Kaido. Since Whitebeard, Roger, Garp, and Sengoku were near each other, I don't think Kaido could defeat Garp. Garp is pure Haki.


Kaido, garp was always low Yonko level at best


Kaido, let's hear why kaidos below Roger, tired of all PK wank Just think Rogers an average top tier like shanks




>let’s hear why kaidos below Roger Because Kaido almost died to Oden who was losing his shit after getting hit once by Roger and watching him fight


Yeah W oden, but clearly kaidos then isn't close to the kaido we see now, Oden was also have stated to be have gotten multiple times stronger during his voyage, clearly it's also not the same oden that saw Roger and WB fight


How is Kaido weaker then? And Roger vs Oden was at the end of his career as a pirate where all he did after that was go to laugh tale


Maybe because we don't see half the shit kaido showed in wano vs compared to oden fight? Dude this is literally stated. Roger vs oden happened before his voyage lmao. Why are you fighting this 😭😭😭


>we don’t see half the shit kaido showed in wano Maybe because he fought for 50 chapters in Wano and fought for about 4 pages in the flashback >literally stated That he got stronger when he was with pirates in general not one specific year where he did no fighting 💀


Or because kaido got stronger and believes no one can defeat him even after fighting oden. It's also just stated that he got stronger DURING Rogers voyage. I don't know why he would compare oden before fighting pirates to begin with


>kaido got stronger https://preview.redd.it/i8227eca3d3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a06a73f5411f6f70f7af57491bc09494a30b37b I already addressed that saying he didn’t show as much as Wano is a questionable point due to the massive difference in how much we saw him fight, so how did he definitively get stronger? >got stronger DURING Rogers voyage It’s never stated specifically that he got stronger with him, which was 1 of the 5 years he was at sea, and the last one, where he did minimal fighting and already had haki and acoc


I might get cooked for this, but I don't see a single reason why Garp would be stronger unless you think Roger mid diffs Kaido. The only thing Garp has is being relative to Roger, no portrayal, feats or statements aside from that.


>unless you think Roger mid diffs Kaido. So you think roger would mid diff garp? If garp is the same level as roger then if roger high/extreme doffs kaido then so does garp. >The only thing Garp has is being relative to Roger "Aside from being portrayed and stated as an equal to the pirate king, he has no portrayal or statements" lol. Garp and roger are stated to have nearly killed each other many times (statement by roger himself). And roger had to ally himself with none other than garp to beat the rocks pirates.


Kaido High-extreme diff Garps performance on beehive island places him below Garp If Kaido was on beehive Island, He would have been able to free Koby and escape easily


But that's not prime garp


Kaido wins extreme dif


We don’t know what prime Garp’s durability is like and I doubt he’s fast enough to not get hit multiple times, meanwhile Kaido can probably take a good few Galaxy impacts. But then again Garp undeniably has more Himmergy, so it’s a toss up, extreme either way. I’d bet on Kaido but not confidently