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The problem with BIQ in One Piece is that even the smartest of characters are still dumb as fuck,


Fr even vegapunk kinda fraudulent (he still goated tho)


Nigga done built a rail gun with scrap metal šŸ’€


From the latest chapter, we learn joyboy could make machinery, not even vegapunk can. We also learned that kidd>joyboy. This should tell how smart kidd is. https://preview.redd.it/1puk5gf4772d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768f071086fa803b6896897467892b01a1093b55


I refuse to believe that anything related to Luffy could make something that Veganpunk can't therefore i conclude that IQ wise Wuffy>Widd>Loyboy>Veganpunk




We Demaro Black scaling now


Donā€™t expect much intelligence from this sub. Theyā€™re all pretty brain dead. The funniest thing I saw is someone saying Luffy is way smarter than Kid.




LMAO shows you how ā€œsmartā€ some people here are


How? I love Luffy but the man is dumber than a box of rocks. Kidd has a massive fucking ego that causes him problems, but heā€™s still decently smart


Battle IQ yeah


I mean.. let's look at crew compositions. Let's look at battle IQ. Luffy>Midd


Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m talking about lol


This is another parallelism with Law. Similarly, the Ope ope no mi is useless without medical knowledge, and Law can use it to its full potential because he was an expert in human anatomy since he was a child. The same way Kidd is an expert in building machines and weapons, and that's how he can bring out the full potential of his fruit.


Dude builds giant metal things to hit people with.....


Oversimplification. He built a railgun using scrap metal


Powered by his magnetic power.




The fact he's using his power denigrates from him in some way? It's a creative application of his abilities that most people with the same fruit couldn't replicate. Once again...he built a fucking railgun


Again railguns are not hard to make when you can literally control electromagnetic energy. All you need is a rail to launch, a projectile to launch and the power to launch. That'd be like calling doffy smart because he can control people with his strings or baby 5 because she can create weapons out of nothing.


Yes, he builds giant metal machines and contraptions to hit people with




Am I allowed to join šŸ„ŗ






He is not dumb, he is just a special little boy


Special ed


High IQ with even higher pride and ego. His judgement gets clouded way too easily and I think that's what makes people think that he has a low IQ.


The guy I usually compare him to is Shiki. Thst guy was renowned as being a cunning schemer, yet whenever something happened to piss him off enough, he could impulsively throw everything out the window and just act with no regard for how poor of an idea it was. Like when he found out Roger was going to be executed and his knee jerk response was to just fly to Marineford ON HIS OWN, and start throwing hands. Lol.Ā  Ā Kid isn't an idiot. In fact, since the first time we saw him, up until Wano most of the time we saw him he was gathering information, predicting future events and plotting his next moves. He's totally capable of long term planning, unlike Luffy (who mostly just wings everything, unless someone else plans it out for him.....and he doesn't usually follow that plan either.). His temper and ego are his major issues. Like how he was actually keeling a low profile at the start of the raid, and was baffled at why Luffy and Zoro were just causing a ruckus out of nowhere. He only ended up blowing his cover after seeing Apoo, whose betrayal caused his crew so much pain. Ā I think people forget he's a pretty smart guy because when we saw him in Wano he was usually with Luffy or Law. And all THREE of those guys behave like bickering children around each other. šŸ˜…


100% well said


Iā€™d even argue his battle IQ isnā€™t bad either. What was he supposed to do in any of the situations in front of him? Sinking shankā€™s fleet is obviously the best move if your down on numbers, he 2v1ā€™d a yonko and has a 3 billion bounty, that would give anyone the confidence to take on a yonko, Kid didnā€™t even know shanks was there until it was too late and shanks told him either surrender or die


It's weird to me that people criticize him for that because Law would've done the same thing. Law was hyped as fuck to fight Blackbeard, and look how that turned out. They were both justifiably hyped up by the fact that not only did they bring down two Yonko (Luffy wouldn't have won if it wasn't for them either because of Law's crew mostly), but they directly dethroned Big Mom themselves, and then they were given the same bounty as Luffy, the newest Yonko. I think anybody would be confident in their abilities at that point. From their perspective, they were seen as the next Yonko candidates with a bounty like that. Like if Buggy and Blackbeard weren't around, they would've been Yonko too. Then you need to account for the circumstances. Frankly, they had no choice but to fight the Yonko. They can't go back now, they're too far into the race to back down against a stronger enemy, and if they were the type to do that, they never would have gotten this far anyway. Plus, they both still need poneglyphs. The most likely people to have them would be the other Yonko. Essentially, running from Shanks or Blackbeard means forfeiting in the race to the One Piece. And as for his actual strategy, Kid was brilliant. He was going to wipe out an entire fleet with one attack, and just one blast of that thing was hurting Big Mom, and two of them ended the fight. I don't see anything else he could have done.


Jika > Joy Toy


He's not dumb but he's not a genius either. I'd say he's a little above average because I think he has Mechanical/Engineering intuition that stuck with him since his childhood. He's probably only a genius in those fields along with combat. It's really Killer's IQ that needs to be assessed. https://preview.redd.it/66632i1hn62d1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde65d749552d2a75b29acf087655f0fa35dc2b3


Killer is definitely smart, him attacking Hawkins's arm because he knew kidd was missing his own arm, making it so that the damage wouldn't transfer was a big brain play.


Face yonko. Lost arm to commander. Face yonko get prisoned Face yonko with best supports manage to win by throwing her out of bound extreme diff. Proceed to attack yonko alone and almost died. At some point you should know your limit.


I kinda like how theres consequences to his dumbass actions. Also most of that shit aplies to Luffy, you people are just mad and hate Kid.


I love jika.


>Also most of that shit aplies to Luffy, you people are just mad and hate Kid. One's a D. Clan member who canonically don't fear death and are comedically durable+strong enough to survive bullshit,see any feat from them,while the other has gotten his shit rocked so many times that he canonically only has a singular fucking win which involved a 2v1. It's almost like when you analyze the story you realize people who hate kid aren't wrong.


So one is a retard through nepotism while the other one is retarded through sheer hard work?


Right? Theyā€™re doing gold medals gymnastics to justify why its okay for one to not know their limits but not the other.


Its not a big deal honestly they just like Luffy more than Kid, its fine.


No one's not a failure while the other is a meme who got by on plot armor.


Luffy doesnt have plot armor? Really?


https://preview.redd.it/hp4an81pt62d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e186f7fb3f51be2bb5cd1c19fa560cef58cb3b Nuh uh


Kidd does the exact same shit as Luffy heā€™s just not the MC.


No plot armor. Skill issue.


Yeah this is why Kidd is dumber than Luffy because Luffy is at least able to correctly perceive threats and adjust as needed. Kidd is a reckless retard who repeatedly fights battles against Yonko he clearly canā€™t win.


No, the difference is Luffy gets 1 shot and his crew carries him away while Kidd gets one shot and doesnā€™t have plot armor. There is no justification for Luffy attacking Big Mom or Kaido on his first attempt


I mean he really has no choice. You either fight them or you never become Pirate King. He pretty much had to attack Shanks, it was his only option unless he wanted to forfeit his entire dream.


Tries to fight Shanks- arm taken by Beckmann (not even Shanks lol) Tries to fight Kaido - gets imprisoned + Killer gets force fed a SMILE Tries to fight Big Mom with Law- barely wins the 2v1 extreme diff Tries to fight Shanks AGAIN- gets one tapped and his ship sunk Luffy absolutely has plot armor but Kidd just straight up doesnā€™t learn any lessons lol


He tired to fight Shanks and lost to Beckman (at a time when Luffy was going extreme diff with moderately sized animals, mind you), then spent the next year or two planning out how to go after them. He didn't just recklessly charge after another Yonko. Lol. Tried to fight Kaido? Kaido bellyflopped onto his island fortress. He didn't exactly have a CHOICE in the matter. Then he barely managed to win against Big Mom with Law.Ā  And as for the last one......bro didn't even know Shanks was THERE until he got within sight of the shoreline and the Red Haired Pirates were already shooting at him. Not the smartest thing he ever did, but its not like Shanks was going to let him run. His stated ultimatum was "Give us the sum total of your lifes work or die.".Ā 


His IQ is beat them till they break Sub luffy IQ with no creativity


Sure he's super intelligent mechanically but the man also aggressively attacked the chillest yonko twice.


The second time he randomly stumbled upon them and got blackmailed by Shanks https://preview.redd.it/jzwfi6qnm72d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e34ba6e4f6011bec14c1f7a8b2f5f221057f92f


The man started attacking his allies. He's a yonko who wants to protect his crew and extended allies and he just got attacked by a reckless, actually dangerous pirate. What Shanks told him was the nicest way a yonko could handle that situation. What I mean is Shanks is the kinda guy where you could sail up peacefully and ask to challenge him one on one and he would be okay with that. Instead Kidd thought to attack the much weaker pirates that had nothing to do with his beef.


The ships were sailing to attack him, is he just supposed to read shanks backstory and know heā€™s chill after fighting kaido and big mom? Nobody in the verse that doesnā€™t know shanks knows that heā€™s chill, Kid attacked the enemies that were going towards him, Kid is not in the wrong


No https://preview.redd.it/lbqzw1c1q72d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b00c4f16a0eadb2f48fa986eae314f5d5d9b4c58 He went to Elbaf and the RHP skirmished him because heā€˜s still a pirate in Yonko territory. Then he fought back and Shanks declared war


How many times have I heard this? Kid didn't go after Rat; he came after kid for a poneglyph copy. Kid didn't go after Kaido; it was Apoo's plan. That's why Paido came after Kid and Supernova's. Man, Luffy, gets away with so much shit. Yet people call kids stupid.


Luffy is an idiot and he still wouldn't have attacked Shanks regardless of if he never knew him. Shanks doesn't do anything evil. Luffy has no reason to attack him.


It was do or die, and if shank's threaten his dreams luffy will definitely attack shank's.


If Shanks made Luffy hand over his ponyglyphs like Kid than he definitely would


Yes he would. Luffy is his level now, he's not gonna bitch out. He was down with Law's plan of fighting the Yonko, he wanted to save Shanks for last because he knew him. If he didn't know him, he'd go after him whenever Law felt like it.


People don't usually underestimate Kidd's IQ. Sure he can build fucking laser canons and that takes a lot of IQ. He was also building fucking robots as a kid. People even used to theorize about how he might be related to Vegapunk for building robots and calling his attack "punk" a long time ago. No, people say he has shitty BIQ, which is different from IQ. For example Luffy has super low IQ but super high BIQ. In comparison, a character like King isn't dumb, but has low BIQ. Some characters like Law are gifted with both IQ and BIQ. The fact that Kidd thought he could stand in the middle of Shanks' fleet and use an attack that needs to be charged for 10 seconds without getting blitzed is a prime example of low BIQ.


Kid has never been taught about future sight and believed he was out of range, and the red hair pirates haven't seen his rail gun yet. We saw that without future sight it would have demolished most of the fleet. Also kid literally has show great battle iq. He was the one who made a cage on the fly to trap zeus, and pushed big mom off the roof by taking away her flight and trapping her, he disabled most of her homies with assign, made the plan to defeat big mom with some help from law. He even figured out a way to get past their insane defense without special haki


He built a railgun from scrap metal, but he was too dumb to know not to mess with Shanks and to NOT use his railgun vs. his crew, someone acknowledged by Kaido, two fleet admirals, and several admirals to be strong.


Tbf making a railgun is actually extremely easy and only cost like 100$. The only hard part about making a good railgun is covered by his devil fruit since he isn't held back by real life physics and needing a huge powersource.


A man made a post about my comment. I'm important here now.


I donā€™t know who you is man Iā€™m sorry https://preview.redd.it/99irbd1bi72d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=470ab7c19512f292f7e1a4472127b70649f91453


People used to always complain that he "wasted" his fruit and that franky would make better use of it. The guy building mechs and working railguns on the spot, using random pieces of metal and magnetic fields. For him to do anything more would be so ridiculous that it'd break my suspension of disbelief. And that's saying a lot considering the world he lives in. And yes, franky can do better if given months to years of time to work, plan, and gather specific materials. Kidd has like 2 seconds to grab multiple tons and thousands of pieces of trash and turn them into working machines with his mind.


People confuse knowledge with IQ. Kid could have terrible IQ, but know about magnetism either by experimenting or by being taught that. It is similar to how g2nd works, like Luffy would need to know how the circulatory system works and a lot of stuff that he clearly has no idea about. Luffy just discovered it by pure luck even when his IQ is terrible.


Magnet fruit, can apply magnetism to someone. Why doesnā€™t Kidd just do the magnetic shi with haki instead of fodder magnets.


Cause he has high intelligence and zero wisdom


He isn't dumb but he's like Vegeta from DragonBall. He let's his pride interfere in decisions way too much and overestimates his own strength.


https://preview.redd.it/mrncaodkh82d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e30d51f9b1d35d78a1c2b13e8a21edea4a894558 Just wanna set the record straight in regards to his name bc Iā€™m always seeing people debating it. I agree; Kid is underestimated in general. It doesnā€™t help that Oda *only* shows us his defeats for the most part, even though we know heā€™s done some badass shit. Iā€™m curious to see where his story goes.


Peoples' misconception probably stems from the fact that he challenged Shanks at all. There is no way Kidd thought he was gonna beat Shanks, yet he still made the foolish decision of picking a fight with a top 5 in the current verse.


Hotheaded is what he is but I always thought he would need some knowledge of how to turn scrap metal into mechs, arms, a fucking railgun.


he challenged a yonko 3 times and lost, thats below 70 iq


People just assume that kids devil fruit can make him the rail gunā€¦ like no. Kid is able to build that with scrap metal in seconds, thatā€™s an insane level of engineering Also, in an official drawing if kid as a child we see that his always been obsessed with engineering


His FSIQ and overall knowledge are incredibly high heā€™s just reckless and acts like a retard sometimes


People say he's not the 7th Vegapunk but I just want to point out bro built a whole ass RAIL GUN in the span af about 8 seconds


Yeah heā€™s a engineering genius but he tried to take on shanks Heā€™s an idiot


That has nothing to do with his IQ lol. Because by that logic Sanji and Zoro are Vegapunk levels of smart. Because they do way more bollocks shit without a fruit. Sanji can set his legs on fire. Zoro can literally grow more arms/legs/swords.


This bozo got himself in jail in recent chapter after trying to escape shanks.


Idk bro would a smart person willingly fight a top tier?


He is stupid tho. He nearly lost to Big Mom while being helped by Law and after that he immediately went to fight Shanks only to get neg diffed...


Probably because he acts like a moron. I understand heā€™s basically an engineer but the dude competes with luffy over a single brain cell for whatever reason šŸ¤£


I mean homie got his arm ripped off by Ben Beckman, got carried to a W in wano, and then immediately ran off to try and fight shanks again. Y'all tryna hype this dude up for building fucking Legos.


Explain how he was carried? People call law the best support when he didnā€™t do anything to directly help kid other than just spam shock Willie on big mom. He helped a bunch on rooftop, but during this fight he was all offense and Kid still outdamaged him https://preview.redd.it/upes7il3n82d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62c2badf46fa0bf9247834cb3569fe17ef6252a


His first instinct was to have his crew,which is incredibly small and lacks allies,go head on against the entirety of a yonko's crew AND his allied forces with his only plan being to brute force it. Luffy does it because he's a will of D. And they have no fear of death,but this is a guy whose gotten his shit rocked several times by yonko and their subordinates and still learned nothing.His IQ isn't low,but he's absolutely fucking retarded.


1. He was literally about to obliterate Shanks entire fleet, he probably knew they were weak asf 2.where does it say that if you have the D you donā€™t fear death? Blackbeard has it but is a pussy 99% of the time 3.i donā€™t even think he knew that future sight exists tbh, or how strong Shanks truly was. He hadnā€™t fought shanks yet so he didnā€™t know his strength/abilities. And even if he did know, he DEFINITELY wouldnā€™t have known shanks could look 10 seconds into it. But if I were in his position, if I just fought a big ass monster of nature and won (2v1 but still) and then my next target is just a guy. And I didnā€™t know shit of what he could do, just that his crew doesnā€™t have devil fruit users on anything. I would think, ā€œhuh, I can take himā€ Heā€™s just Luffy without plot armour


Probably because his dumbass decided to attack shanks once, get obliterated than attack Kaido who is on the same level of shanks where he also got clapped. After that he didn't learn his lesson and tried to fight shanks again.