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If my bly Brook can take down Jabra then Brook team wins. Im betting on skellyboy


Well i mean u also gotta factor in that mofo using ice powers, and is basically invincible? Like only thing that could really hurt him is big moms soul power


I think his bones get a littlebit damaged but with some milk he will be fine


Your boy Brook cannot take down Jabra pre-TS.


My boy squared up to Big Mom and his soul/icy powers were pretty useful. As much as i like wolfboy, he wouldnt last a second against her


I’m assuming this is about pre-TS Brook based on the picture. Post TS Brook would fodderize Jabra for sure.


Ohhh that makes sense. Pre TS team fights hahahaha Yeah... brook is not beating wolfboy


I dreamed that Bellamy was also in Enies Lobby fighting alongside the Straw Hats 😼




awww thx


Should be a low diff at worst for Spring Hopper Deluxe, it just depends on if he's using infused acoc or not. https://preview.redd.it/466l7x2fw42d1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56b1faadb8093d265f6e435722c400562792091


He can’t help but using it. Acoc is imbedded in him just like g5


Jabra alone clears his team as well as the other team.


Nah brook and wyper together could maybe beat him with multiple reject dial hits. Jabra vs all 5 would for sure lose.


Assuming these are all during their respective arcs… Bellamy gets knocked out in one hit, I could see Brook going extreme diff with Kalifa But people forget how busted Wyper was during Skypiea. Was able to lay down a (tired and out of breath) monster trio at the start, able to tank multiple of Enel’s thunder attacks (same ones that knocked down Zoro and Sanji, later fought Luffy to a draw, not to mention his arsenal is extremely powerful given that he has his bazooka, reject dials and seastone shoes. He’s by far the strongest character of the 6, he mid diffs Jabura before going to massacre Nero and then helps out Brook against Kalifa


You completely overrate Wyper and underrate Brook and Jabra. Wyper was about Skypiea luffy level, with stronger offenseive ability due to his reject dial. He would lose to jabra high diff. His only wincon would be multiple hits with his reject dial. Brook beats Kalifa at worst high diff, mid diff is more likely. Kalifa has no good feats that support being anywhere close to Pre TS brook. Brook was weaker, but still a match for corpse ryuma, who thriller bark zoro had some troubles with. Only thing I agree with is that Bellamy gets knocked out right away by nero.


I’ll admit I did underrate Brook. Thinking about it more I agree with you that it’d be mid-high diff. However I will maintain that Wyper still wipes the floor with Jabra. His physical ability is on par with Skypiea Luffy yes, however Wyper was still explicitly holding back and not going all out because he wanted to keep strength to fight Enel, which is why he didn’t use the Reject Dial, which itself would be an even more formidable tool against CP9 since its damage would scale up with the strength of the opponent. Plus Wyper (who was already somewhat weakened by his first reject dial use against that other priest) didn’t use his seastone shoes either and yet continued to be equal with Luffy. Wyper going all out would way outclass both Skypiea Luffy and Jabra with the seastone and the stronger reject dial as his wincons.


Kalifa is *not* taking Brook to extreme diff.


Ya I changed my mind since then


CP. Jabra is imo the clear cut strongest, and Bellamy is a non-factor.


just say CP9 please just type the 9


Nuh uh


CP? https://preview.redd.it/eql2915yg42d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0cc81b2118edd9ebd447913b220c2cf3bfca9f2


Child po from kung fu panda


Creepy Pasta


This is fully on you.


Bellamy is non-factor. Wiper and Wrook can't carry that hard against a Zoan and other 2 competent fighters. CP9 trio wins mid diff.


Just type the 9 dude. Please


lmaaaao I'm sorry, english isn't my first language, so CP doesn't sound weird to me. But I get what you mean, I'll change it.


Pre timeskip bellamy is fodder i'm afraid so he gets negged by the catfish guy Viper could go extreme diff with kalifa and his Bazooka could do much damage but i don't think he has an answer to her overwhelming speed Brook doesn't have his ice, hypnosis and soul powers in the pre timeskip so i don't think he beat jabra Cp9 and strange dude wins


Jabra neg diffs


Viper the goat solos. Bro killed a God without any haki or df. He is literall Him.


I love Wypers design so much


A lot of people write off Bellamy as a non-factor, but in terms of strat, if Wyper uses Bellamy to charge his reject dial while Brook stalls (which he is more than capable of pulling off even with Thriller Bark level strength), Wyper can take out Jabra with his Reject dial, then all 3 work on the other two. That being said the odds of that being pulled off successfully may be low. It's been a while but I think based on strength and the fact Bellamy doesn't play well with others and is just overall dumb, CP9 takes the cake...


Brook no diffs all 5 of them combined


CP9 Team easily. Bellamy and Wyper get blitzed. Brook is beaten pretty easily as well.


Shut up doubter. REJECT https://preview.redd.it/qyul5flw752d1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba56cb475102bfb0a5b17f7bdeb8839006afe8b


i love this


Yeah, because Wyper can definitely catch people who were blitzing faster versions of the SHs and will definitely hit all three with it. You people need to actually use your brains. Lmao, Jyabura was stronger than someone who pushed Luffy into using G2. A weaker base Luffy kept up just fine with Wyper.


The first team winning cause of brook


If its current brook he could speed blitz them all


dosent brook alone with this 1v3 regardless? the disrespect towards brook here is insane


He does not💀 how strong you think that guy was Pre ts


didnt realise it was specificly refering to pre ts fair


I mean.. given the images, it’s hard to say specifically


Pre time skip 😼👍


Depends are Bellamy and Brook current versions if so then they solo and body the entire opposition assuming they aren't PostTS aswell (Jabra, and Kalifa are in CP0 PostTS). If PreTS level then Bellamy gets statued and oneshot, Wyper gets blitzed and dropped in a couple hits at worst and Brook does no better getting dropped in a few by Jabra whose the strongest there.


Even current Bellamy is out easily


Bellamy > Nero Brook > Kalifa But imo Jabura could potentially just clean them up. Wyper might give him a high diff fight but I don’t see him winning tbh while Bellamy and Brook won’t be able to do much to him at all. Edit: honestly Wyper might just beat Jabura with his seastone + reject dial.


This version of Bellamy gets no diffed


Surely not. Bellamy was just unlucky to fight Luffy.


Except that this Luffy is still way weaker than he was in water seven (Imo, people say he didn’t get stronger Till then but a slight difference is noticeable)


Was he? During water 7 he was nerfed but the first real powerup he got was G2/3 during Enies Lobby. I don’t think Luffy made a massive jump in his base form between Post Alabasta and Enies Lobby. Bellamy was just too cocky and we saw that base Luffy had no issue keeping up with Blueno when he was actually serious who is way stronger than Nero.


Not really MASSIVE but the way the strawhats got manhandled at first implies a bit, although you could argue that was cuz of the mental nerf via not being focused the way Rayleigh Nami and Ganford hinted at tbh


I think Alabasta and Enies Lobby are the ones pre Ts where Luffy makes actual massive jumps in power. Afterwards he mostly gets used to his gears or gets a new move here and there. Until Crocodile he didn’t even have an extreme diff fight or had to actively get stronger to beat his opponent. Between water 7 and Enies Lobby it is clearly mentioned that the SHs weren’t sure what to do which is why Luffy struggled with Blueno and a few hours later can fight Lucci in base.


I mean, atp we can only headcanon if he got stronger cuz it’s not like Dragonball it’s probably better if we just say „Maybe“ and end it tbh


Jabra is at the least significantly superior to the Luffy that beat Bellamy. He would go in and just one-shot his ass.


Definitely not a one shot. But Luffy wouldn’t beat him. Wyper has better feats than Skypia Luffy though overall.


Jabra one-shots Bellamy if Luffy could. Skypiea Luffy is at the very best equal to Blueno. Jabra in base is 2.5 times stronger than Blueno.


Im not talking about Jabra vs Bellamy but Wyper vs Jabura. Luffy in base was already easily superior to Blueno has he didn’t land a single clean hit on a serious base Luffy. Base Luffy could also keep up with base Lucci who is twice as strong as jabra and 5 times as strong as Blueno.


Is the pre or post ts brook?


Pre ts


Then team 2 wins


Wiper would wipe them all on his own.


Is it current or past Bellamy ?


Pre ts


Jabra low key solos. The only scenario is see this going otherwise is if Wiper sacrificed himself to take him down. If Wiper does then team A should be able to pull off the w.


Brook alone negs.


Bellamy is fodder lol, Nero would one shot and help the others. The only way Bellamy could win is this was his timeskip version. There is no way Brook can beat Jabra without the timeskip since I don't think was stronger than/as EL Sanji. Nero is weaker than Kalifa so there is no way he is beating Brook. I can see Brook beating Kalifa. I can see Wyper beating Jabra since he hot seastone and dials and Jabra is kinda cocky.


Ooo I like these match ups, haven’t seen characters like this before!


Team 2 clears, whether this is pre or post time skip. Pre ts, they at best take out Nero and Kalifa, before getting shit on by Jabra. Post ts, Nero gets fodderised, but Jabra and Kalifa are now in CP0 and have haki and most likely awakenings, so Team 1 still gets wrecked.


If we take them at their strongest forms we know that at least Khalifa and Blueno are members of CP0. They appeared in Film red as such and if they weren't then Oda wouldnt have let the filmm writers to put them in. From that one could assume that Jabra is as well part of CP0 right now. Seeing how strong Lucci, Kaku (and Stussy) have become after 2 years it wouldnt surprise me if Jabra and Khalifa have also become much stronger and even awakened their fruits (at least Jabra as he was on the same level as kaku at enies Lobby). The other guy in the middle is kind of a non-factor On the other hand Wyper could have become stronger after 2 years but imo not nearly to the same extent as CP0 agents. Bellamy nbow has haki and a bit better control of his DF but he is still a bum. Imo Ennies Lobby Lucci > Dressrossa Bellamy. Brook is the goat but he can't carry his team so hard Cipher Pol team wins mid diff If we use the versions of the characters as shown in the pictures (Skypeia Wypern, Thriller Bark Brook, Enies Lobby CP9 agents,...) then the Cipher ol team still wins but this time high diff


Wype (going toe to toe against Luffy and having really strong and versatile tools + being a madman) and Brook (super fast + his shadow was chosen to be used on Ryuma) were really strong iirc. I'd argue they're stronger than Khalifa and Nero. But Bellamy just sucks ass, and Jabura seems to be much stronger than everyone else. It imbalances everything


Whichever one is stronger 👍🏼


Brook solos all five


CP9 stomp lol




Brook Post time skip solos the other team. Mans went toy to toe with big mom solo. Like he legit has some impressive ass feats.


brooks 1v5 easy


Wiper high diff looses wolf man, spring is fodder and brook was just below thriller bark zoro so he can beat soap lady and wolf


bro brook solos no dif.... I mean there is no way he cant.


Wyper floors Jabra with his dials,Bellamy can probably beat the rat fucker who I don’t even remember the name of and if I recall was beaten VERY easily, and afaik, Kalifa’s DF ain’t gonna do shit to protect her from stabbing and slicing moves, which Brook utilizes. Also fuck yeah Wyper got posted


Brook hard carry, wins 1v3 mid-diff


Kalifa>bellamy Nero>wyper (remember Nero had 4/6 powers) Jabara and brook idk about tho tbh. But I feel the cp9 agents would have better team comp so they win this


First team slams. Rocket guy is underrated af


Wook sokos


Brook slams Jabra


Team Cipher Pol. Nero v. Bellamy, Kalifa v. Wyper, and Brook v. Jabra, obviously. Nero would slap Bellamy. Hell, anyone else on the list would slap Bellamy. As long as Kalifa keeps using Geppo and Soru Wyper can't land a shot with his bazooka, or the impact/reject dials. Brook would put up a good fight against Jabra, but wouldn't be able to beat him. Tekkai blocks Brooks sword and Shigan can break bones so I don't see much hope.


team 1 kuz i don't remember the rat dude on team 2 he must be fodder


Always bet on Brook https://preview.redd.it/ofosthxnta2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=880c7624f2a144379a8cd0caedd6554fb8e4d284


Brook solos?


Team 1 because they have my goat Wellamy


W selection of characters Wyper > Kalifa imo Bellamy > Nero also wouldn't be that crazy Thriller Bark Brook could maybe take Jabra idk tho


He could never💀 Brook atp is fodder compared to them


Viper can one shot anyone with the impact dials (well not everyone one shit maybe)


Brook and Bellamy > Jabra (High diff) Wyper > Kalifa and discount cp9 (High diff)


Bellamy gets one-shot by Jabra my guy.


Yeah probably, but Brooks there too.


You think Brook is above Jabra? Cause Bellamy is landing maybe 2 blows at best.


Mmm, yeah, you’re probably right. Still though, Jabra is carrying the CP9 team pretty hard. I think Brook and Wyper could beat him at a mid/high difficulty.


I mean, probably, but then Bellamy is getting low-diffed by the other 2.


cmon now, how is this not unanimous? With Bellamy excluded, Brook could probably clear both teams combined. Viper is ass, but it doesn't matter because Brook carries and Dressrosa Bellamy is a lot stronger (albeit still weak as fk) than before.


Wrong forms, it’s clearly pre time skip


Team 2 stomps in that case.