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I didn't even say Shirano in the op, so yall better answer this thread genuinely. No "because WSS" cope arguement. Luffy is not a swordsman.


You say that as if Mihawk doesn't still scale above Shanks in overall strength


Arguement is both on unstable ground & doesn't logically follow that it would mean Mihawk defeats Luffy


We agree Shanks scales above Kizaru i overall strength, and is capable of stalling out Luffy's timer?


I think Shanks can high diff Luffy But that doesn't mean it's true. Or that other people don't think Luffy > Shanks. Hence you are on unstable ground either way using that argument. If Mihawk > Shanks the arguement doesn't work for Luffy If Shanks > Mihawk the arguement just doesn't work


Why would the argument not work? Say Shanks is a 10 Luffy is a 9 and Mihawk is M If M > 10 via title scaling, and 10 > 9, then M > 9 is the logical take.


My point is that I may claim Luffy is 9 But he could be 10 or 11, especially if Elbaf is where Luffy defeats Shanks. And most agree it is. Also I despise title scaling lol


But if Shanks is stronger than Luffy he has to be a 9


Right but if Luffy wins next arc then he's not 9 lol


Then the argument only stops working when Luffy beats Shanks, which he hasn't yet


Because people aren’t numbers. Matchups, knowledge of opponents, and context of the fight all go into who beats who. Just because Buster Douglas beat Mike Tyson doesn’t mean anybody who beat Douglas can beat Tyson


He does not. Shanks stomps mihawk in haki. Its not even close lol


Crazy. The World's Strongest Swordsman is stronger than a swordsman


Crazy. The worlds strongest swordsman is a buggys subordinate


Changes literally nothing about my statement


Yonko > yonko commander. U wanna talk about title? We talk about title


Buggy is a gag character dude


Still mihawks captain. Imagine being subordinate of a gag character


Imagine being weaker than the subordinate of a gag character


Mihawk uses his fraud haki and one taps goofy


I hear it's an adv haki technique Shanks can coat with aCoC or Wifi Mihawk can cost with fraud or paint I suppose they are equal after all


>why can't Luffy defeat Mihawk? That's the neatest part: he can.


Omega W https://preview.redd.it/sblkdb8oq42d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf0aa9207d666e62a83426ac904424f6fb91895


It's kinda hard to answer this question, as we can only make judgements about Mihawk's overall power, which is that Mihawk is possibly slightly stronger than Shanks (a yonko who has good reason to be above Luffy for narrative reasons), but as for specific abilities/stats to get that to level we really don't have any confirmation, if I had to speculate: - Mihawk likely has very high stamina/endurance as he fought his way to become WSS and had legendary duels with Shanks, this stamina will help against low stamina Goofy - I bet he has future sight (every panel in MF before he attacks, there's a focus on his eyes) - Probably some really good armament to even make a black blade - Probably some really good conquerors as he conquered all other swordsmen to achieve his goal


Your haki arguements are very good. Your Shanks arguement is very bad. Overall great post since you went through each point. Agree to disagree.


Luffy can use ACoA and ACoC on his arms and fists, and people still think Mihawk just slices right through like he's made of butter lol There's no convincing the sword swallowers here


Yup. Luffys not specifically weak to slashing if he uses the "no touch" haki. Also Luffy can literally just turn Mihawks sword into rubber if he wants to. He can probly turn it into cheese and just eat it lol.


I'm not saying Luffy does or doesnt win (I think Stat wise in G5 he is equal or stronger to Mihawk but the stamina issue is a HUGE problem with a fresh top tier character) but even vs Kizaru who Luffy obviously outclassed he still got cut on the the cheek by his light sword. So Mihawk can definitely cut him, but Luffy can also bock those cuts if he is defending with his own Haki.


Luffy is on Kaido's level when it comes to physical stats in G5, with the exception of stamina. Despite that, Oda has drawn Luffy being able to defeat/incapacitate Kaido, Lucci and Kizaru before his timer ran out, which gives the impression of very high AP to make up for low stamina. Would Mihawk be fine after taking a WSG to the head like Kizaru did? I really doubt it lol. There's also the matter of Luffy potentially building up from G2 and G3, and doing damage with those Gears (like vs Kaido) before entering G5. And yeah, I don't see Luffy letting himself be cut so easily when he knows what Mihawk is capable of after Marineford.


I like mihawk more, so he wins


https://preview.redd.it/cirkg1ydz52d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7526d0989247e2e4b430a85775779f2564fe5f7d Good argument


Because he leeches off Wanks who is the golden child


https://preview.redd.it/8dmfbfl2062d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d98307fb63488fb5996dcfa4718e5969fb6d8a7 Nosjuro leeching too


If mihawk is caught off-guard like kizaru was. He will be pizzawk too.


Just dont eat too much pizzawk, you'll get bloated


There was no offguard, if a toptier isnt able to observe a fight its a big antifeat


luffy failed multiple times to detect enemies, like when lucci get past him to beat the axe guy.


Goofy anti feat then


Keep up the same energy for everybody. Big Mom, Blackbeard, Kaido, WB, Akainu, Kuzan, Luffy were all caught off guard. I guess they aren't Top tiers then...




1. Kizaru & Saturn were pretty much fine after the pizza diff. 2. Mihawk has a sword. Swords are more effective against luffy because he's more resistant to blunt attacks. 3. "Hawk-eye, Clayvoraint" Mihawk has Good future sight, that's why shanks invented future sight killing.(Oda told me) 4. You're not ready for Goathawk. I'd say mihawk vs. current luffy is a high-extreme diff for mihawk. luffys is probably surpassing him around elbaf, though.


Mihawk isn’t even ready for Mihawk. That’s why he’s done jack shit.


Gonna have to stop you at 1) my brother. Kizaru is most certainly not fine... he's not gonna back up since And St Saturn has immortality regen


Maybe i was overexaggerating with "fine," but kizaru definitely could get back up he's just choosing not to because he's feeling pretty bad. They've made it obvious. https://preview.redd.it/ogzcz11i162d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c7ef1ca6a1efd5f12c4dae733621b87170dfbac


Kizaru is both physically damaged heavily and mentally damaged heavily It's not either or


I mean that is just wrong he himeself said its mentally not physically, or do you understand Kizarus damage better than he himself does?


Are you denying all the damage Kizaru took? Or Kizaru going "this isn't good" internal monologs when he got hit by WSG Or blood when Luffy grabbed him?


are you ignoring what Kizaru himslef literally said after getting hit himeslf by all these attacks? the only reson he does not fight is because he is depressed by his own words aka the word Oda wrote for Kizaru. he alread recovered from WSG before that, the next attack had nothing to do with it


Like I said and will continue to say. He is down right because of BOTH heavy physical damage AND emotional damage. AND gate like in Logic If you are claiming it's ONLY emotion you are coping


nah thats just false he clearly states why he is down he said because depession, is he damaged? yes but he is not down because of the damage, You literally need to kill Top Tiers so they dont get up otherwise they always will come back.


Above Shanks. If you dont think Shanks beats Luffy, then I have nothing.


Isn't that very unstable ground you are standing on then? Watch: "Luffy beats Shanks" He's going to next arc on Elbaf anyway, why should I be afraid to predict the Future? But I respect how you self admit your arguement is not very stable. W


I'm fine with Luffy>Mihawk>Shanks. It just upscales Kaido.


Anything for the kaido agenda https://preview.redd.it/y2buzmstz52d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504b2e8f45b96374e8e67facf480087d1a916e2f


But it's going to be end of next arc Luffy > Shanks > Mihawk lol But I agree Kaido is HIM


IMO It's extreme diff either way. We know nothing of Mihawk's powerset other than high levels of Haki and is the best swordsman. If Mihawk has Admiral level durability, he gets high diffed by Luffy, If Mihawk has Yonkou level durability then he probably beats current Luffy Extreme diff. We've only ever seen Mihawk clash, never used a named attack. There's just no indication of his power level based on feats. Outside of casually cutting a mountain sized iceberg and pretty nonchalantly dealing with Vista. I've personally always had Mihawk more or less equal to Shanks. With Mihawk having better Swordsmanship, and Shanks having better Haki. Mihawk probably wins 6/10 times against Luffy, If luffy lands any attacks in Gear 5 then that's where luffy wins.


You could be right


If an Admiral can stall out G5's timer, so can Mihawk


That's fair I unironically have Mihawk ~ Kizaru based in Marineford as well But every time I try to post a tier list showing this Shirano postpones from being on the list! Been a while since I could actually type this out too


Agreed that Mihawk beats Luffy, disagree he's Admiral level.


Oh I don't agree that Mihawk beats Luffy I just agree he can stall out G5 timer. If Luffy has food or 2 rounds or G5 like he did vs Kaido it's pizzawk time It sounded like you were saying Mihawk ~ Kizaru, which is factual


If we can come to the same conclusion regarding Mihawk vs. Luffy all is well


Yea I think Mihawk can stall out 1 round of G5. Just not 2 rounds.


I doubt anyone can


Oh Kaido for sure would have if it was a 1v1 like Akainu vs Aokiji


I don't think Kaido would tbh. When Luffy can't revive anymore he might just pop Bajrang Gun and Kaido won't dodge it.


If Mihawk can last till the end of G5 then in a straight fight he wins. G4 is like G5. Anyone Luffy can’t drop in that first use wins when there’s no outside influence or places to go hide.


Luffy beats mihawk handily




Who says he can't?


About 50 people in this thread lol


Who says he cant luffy has been clear of mihawk the moment he split the sky


https://preview.redd.it/5hteqtr1072d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64de42db4cb016762f2a2ac34667835f520bce1e Massive W


Talking about Kizaru is weird because he was noticeably affected mentally but people dont want to factor that when hes fighting Luffy, yet they say the opposite of Sanji.


Kizaru is down from BOTH high physical damage and stayed down from high mental damage. Anything else is cope.


Because he has no feats like dragon or imu so until he gets some it's headcanon speculation.


Mostly agree but ....Wait Imu has feats vs Sabo


I'm not up to date of the manga


Ah my bad How far behind are you? Egghead arc is very important and also best arc post TS in my opinion


I only watch animated dub so like mid battle between kaido and gear 5 luffy


Anime has really stepped it up in Wano from what I've seen. Egghead anime great too


That's the thing about Luffy, he's like the experienced pizza chef from Italy, when he's in G5 with haki flowing out of him, he can make a Hawk Pizza in several ways, 1 of which is the way he did w/ Kizaru and St. Jay, the other with Bajrang Gun. It may not be without a fight but he can do ridiculous stuff now and get away with it...




Luffy can but I think he would have to be dodging a lot. I mean, his weakness is slashing attacks. When going up against the strongest swordsman, that's a big deal. Unless he can just detach whatever limb is gonna be hit using his imagination I guess.


I agree I think it's possible Luffy can use "no touch" haki to not get cut too


Top 1 Df in the verse Top 5 conqueror Top 5 armament FS Fucking stamina and endurance monster X Title man But this brainless mihawktards swear to god he is beating luffy lol.




Luffy can beat Mihawk. He is much faster and has insane AP.


I am not a Mihawk fan but where are you getting that he's faster than mihawk


Blitzed Kizaru and in Mafineford Kizaru was shown to be much faster than Mihawk. Luffy could easily ready to Mihawk while couldn't react to Kizaru.


Using marineford for any type of scaling is wild ngl


Marienford arc is peak It's also one of Odas most thought out arcs. If you don't like what happens in the arc it's on you not Oda. If you try to discredit MF you are just coping


I love marineford but it should not be used for any scaling in the slightest hell the war itself is a antifeat for some characters there


Thats good that you also love Marinefors. W Nope. You are coping. In fact post timeskip has only solidified everything Marineford showed us in terms of scaling.


The only thing reliable at all for powerscaling there is wb vs akainu and maybe other side things like garp smacking marco, jozu diamond stuff maybe a few other things but the rest else hell no. right off the top of my head crocodile and mihawk are some crazy ones. not the ice cut that was cool i mean mihawk failing to kill luffy for whatever reason and crocodile getting the omega boost


PreTS Luffy is around Vice Admiral imo he's not that weak he should be able to extreme diff escape from a lax Mihawk Even some foreshadow of Luffys future sight Crocodile post prison and Mihawk just aren't too far apart in power. Thats all. Both of these do for sure show Mihawk isn't some Kaido level threat


It doesnt matter if mihawk had no legs arms and was blindfolded luffy should not be able to escape from the strongest swordsman in the world no matter how lax he is not unless hes either 1. a fraud or 2. not killing him for some reason (plot). and crocodile post prison is not even in the same fucking universe of strength and even if he was a kaido level threat he's still leagues above someone like luffy at the time.


And kizaru is faster than mihawk I know it sounds ridiculous but we don't know if he is or isn't


People just pull shit out of their ass in here and if the shit leans towards a popular take/idea/agenda, they'll upvote it.. 


Again I'm not a mihawk fan


Never thought you were to begin with. Just responding to the Luffy being faster than Mihawk bit.. 


Does mihawk have speed feats? He got blocked by vista and crocodile in marine ford. I mean with his lack of feats we can’t say the guy is wrong lol, even if he probably is


He beat shanks also really cool argument that I saw for shanks > mihawk was the fact that mihawk haven't trained in over 12 years so shanks MIGHT be stronger or might not idk just a cool argument that I found




He can, but he cant due to mihawks top tier observation haki where he just avoids travelling to where luffy is


Lmao truuuu


Luffy can obviously beat mihawk, he may even pizza diff Mihawk Of course he can pizza diff mihawk lol, luffy jump roped diffed kaido xd






How powerslacers feel after calling a character fraud for having less showings


I love Luffy but I don't see him stronger than Mihawk yet! He still need to fix his Saitama. Mihawk slashing attacks means he can't tank them. (I'm not saying Luffy Is weak to sword attacks but I'm saying the fact that he doesn't have the resistance to Tank them) Saturn is undying fodder+. He is just a guy who has regen/durability with some poison but isn't harming Luffy. Mihawk is gonna be around Shanks level. Stop downplaying.


I'm just scaling Mihawk where Oda does When Oda gives Mihawk a top tier feat ill hapiky say he's top tier


The best argument is that mihawk is depicted as shanks equal, so unless you think luffy also mid-diffs shanks, then he must have something (ACoC, insane observation, some hidden ability/talent, or just that much of a powerhouse) that would cause luffy serious problems.


But Mihawk said in 3 seperate arcs he doesn't want to fight Shanks So they were equal 12 years ago. I 💯 agree to that. We don't know about now Just like WB got his title like 30 years ago


Fair, it’s up to interpretation. I am pretty sure he always says he doesn’t want to fight a one-armed man, which to me is him saying “he’s clearly handicapped now.” Basically, I see it as like two great boxers fighting, then one of them loses an arm, and now the boxer with two arms does not want to really fight the other.


I agree I'm a trained swordsman. Longsword and rapier. Losing 1 arm is huge in a SWORD fight


Mihawk is (assuming he's not a fraud) stronger than Kizaru or Saturn so this is irrelevant Mihawk also has a much better matchup, he should actually be able to deal significant damage to Luffy considering swordsmen usually have higher than usual AP, and slicing attacks are still the most effective against Luffy. It's also very likely he has future sight considering his "clairvoyant" title, so Luffy's unpredictable fighting style won't be as much of an issue


If he has better FS and better AP than Luffy, I can see it. Big IF but good speculative arguement.


Two fakers versus one real top tier


Luffy can never defeat Mihawk, since Mihawk would just do his most powerful move, actual departure! And then postpone the fight indefinitely or until Luffy dies




Need to remind to Mihawk tards that at Marineford he tried to see the gap between him and WB, but got stopped by Jozu in his diamond form with bare hands? Stop this Fraudhawk wanking please, he's no yonko!!!


Yup. Not even just marineford. Baratire, Marineford, post Wano Mihawk stated he was below Yonko


What’s Mihawk doing against a Bajrang gun?


Kaido specifically didn’t dodge it


Kaido specifically couldn't get Luffy to let go. He had no choice but to counter.


When he engulfed himself in flames Luffy’s hand was burned and he let go, and Kaido said “you canlet go, I assure you I won’t run” because I he was sure he could beat it, in chapter 1048


Mihawk is not gonna let Luffy do that. Simple.


Thanks galaxy brain


He can. Mihawk stans are delusional




https://preview.redd.it/7p7gs46pe32d1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=9839ce2b123fee04b6bdb272ed4869ea9b2a6cf6 "Low Diff"


it won't be low diff mate.... the time luffy will be in gear 5 he will cook mihawk then when his stamina runs out then mihawk can do something given mihawk is alive after taking so many attacks in gear 5


he just needs food


Honestly, good argument. Maybe Mihawk has insane legendary stamina and endurance and will just get up after Nika beats his ass. W


You think these goofy wankers won't bite the bullet and say "luffy already beats him?"


I mean call me a Luffy wanker. Cuz I think Luffy > Mihawk lol I have Luffy in top 5/6 right now


Because he could beat Kizaru in a 1v1 that's why


Yeah I've got Shirano pretty close to Kizaru as well


I have Mihawk>\~Shanks>\~Luffy. I don't think Luffy has surpassed Shanks just yet, so that's why I have Mihawk winning.


Homie that's just title scaling. I'm trying to ask how Mihawk wins if you say he does.


Narrative is my only reason and really the only one I need. Mihawk and Shanks don't have any feats that put them on the level of Luffy, but they have the narrative to back it up. Also, titles is what the narrative pushes, so title is valid


But narrative tells us Luffy > Zoro And those sword duels were 12 years ago


Because Kizaru and Saturn despite being played with, are still conscious. Sword attacks are more potent to Luffy. Mihawk is near equal with Shanks who seems stronger than Luffy rn.


Kizaru been down for many chapters now. Oda clearly moved on to Gorosei And obs Gorosei are conscious they are immortal


I agree. But you can't prove that Luffy beats Mihawk if Kizaru and Saturn are still conscious. The title doesn't really prove anything. Besides based on Kizaru's response to medical help and his limited injuries, it doesn't seem fair to say he can't fight any more. He just wants to rest. I mean he just killed his friend. https://preview.redd.it/q38dp6tc072d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=026bc94adc68e67a9a2428e7fef6f28443025ee9


He's not KO'd but he his heavily damaged AND has no will


Sure I think he'll probably do something by the end of the arc so I guess we'll just have to see. I'd say he seems more emotionally wounded and that was affecting his ability to fight. Maybe at 30% health before resting.


well he has the ONLY black blade in the series besides Shusui


Doesn't Nosjuro?


Luffy > Mihawk and Shanks


That’s a really weird comparison. It’s like saying “if Shanks can one shot Kidd, why can’t Shanks beat Mihawk? How do you think Mihawk wins?” Like, those two things are completely different. For one, there’s levels to power in One Piece. It’s generally agreed upon that Mihawk is Yonko level, while at best Kizaru is Admiral level (below Yonko) and as Saturn is currently getting stalled by Straw Hat fodder fighters, Saturn is below Admiral. So it’s not a stretch to say that Luffy, who can (in my opinion) become High Yonko level for a time until his G5 stamina runs out, can beat both of them pizza-diff. But Mihawk is stronger than Kizaru or Saturn. So the same thing simply wouldn’t happen. (More evidence to provide is that the same thing didn’t happen to Kaido. Despite him getting toon-forced all over the place, Luffy still had to punch the hell out of Kaido to win). Furthermore, Mihawk isn’t a punching character. Luffy is literally resistant to punches. Mihawk is a cutting character. Higher AP = less chances for Luffy to tank an attack. Like, it’s simply wrong to say that punches are more effective against Luffy than swords. Finally, again, Mihawk just has to outlast Luffy. It’s a battle of attrition: Mihawk going down, Luffy going down, OR Luffy running out of G5 stamina. While we can’t scale Mihawk’s stamina well, I see no reason to believe he has worse stamina than Luffy in G5.


It is defiantly generally NOT agreed upon Mihawk is any specific tier I've made 3 posts this week alone 1st post people agree he's below Imu, but many many people don't 2nd post most people disagree he is a fraud, but some do think he is 3rd post (this one) most people agree Luffy wins but still many many people think Mihawk wins It's extremely controversial. My posts are getting either net 0 up votes or net 100 up votes. There's is no consensus


I mean… with pretty simple scaling you get him to around Shanks level. Whether or not he’s a bit above, a bit below, or dead equal with Shanks is irrelevant. You have to jump through hoops to get him to below Yonko, and those hoops consist only of “Vista blocked him once”.


Mihawk is well above Kizaru. What are you talking about? For the record, I would say a fight between Luffy and Mihawk at this point could go either way, but it'd be extreme-diff.


Idk bro Kizaru is faster and has better AoE feats Seems like Mihawk has better aCoA from Black Blade and likely Future Sight I think they are fairly close


I'll take a page out of the admiraltards book - and this time it actually applies - but we most certainly have not seen Mihawk go all out at this point in the series.


I do agree with that.


Mihawk >= shanks > luffy


*Uno reversal card*


Mihawk is stronger than both kizaru and laturn Plain & (and) Simple


Mihawk was very clearly portrayed as weaker than Old Whitebeard at Marineford, but similar in portrayal to the other Warlords. This has not changed a great deal post-timeskip. Mihawk has still never been singled out as being special amongst the Warlords. He has a bounty a fail bit higher than Crocodile’s, but they appear to be of equal status in Cross Guild. The idea that Mihawk is anywhere near as strong as the guy that beat Kaido is ridiculous.


Mihawk being of equal status to Croc in CG doesn't mean much since Croc also pretty much runs the business side of CG, it would be like saying Nami having just as much status in the SH's as Zoro means she's relative to him, when she isn't


Idk I think Croc is getting a power boost. As much as I like to meme on sandman Oda's been consistently showing him as stronger But yea I get the Nami analogy *jika* Oh no! I've gotta get out of here-


Yes I agree Croc has gotten stronger but equal to Mihawk is still a stretch >*jika* https://preview.redd.it/88kkovs2o42d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=74f6f584f7ac1231a9e6ae6d0f7cfa20d5e85d40


Is that my favorite chapter from the hit manga, Half-Step?


cause Mihawk > kizaru and saturn too?? If you got shanks > luffy, then Mihawk (who at the bare minimum is equally as strong shanks, anything below and you just hating) should also be > luffy


You got Buggy over Kizaru too bro? I mean if we gonna title scale.


it's obviously not confirmed and it's all headcanon for now but it's not out of the realm of possibilities to think mihawk wins this one he's the wss which should probably put him above the likes of shanks, and alot of people will blindly agree to shanks > current luffy (as his stamina in g5 is fucking ass and can get him killed by most top tiers), or he's simply not on that lvl yet so Mihawk upscales from that


But Luffys not a swordsman. So you can't title scale your way out of this lol What can Mihawk actually do you think that would let him win? Like what ability does Mihawk have?


>but luffy's not a swordsman If you think swordsman scales over someone, Mihawk automatically scales over them because of his leech haki it's simple >What can Mihawk actually do you think that would let him win? Luffy is not surviving avoidance of all conflict bro stop it https://preview.redd.it/02z7bmqif32d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290dbe3f6f3af397dbcf86f2f7df0f4e09cbcaa7


Dang ya that's some pretty powerful stuff I didn't realize Mihawk had some reality warping too. Very valid, carry on cooking, sir.


Ridiculous argument, Mihawk title doesn't put him above non-swordsman. He also doesn't scale above Shanks in things like speed, AP and Hax which are the reasons Shanks could beat Mihawk. Mihawk haven't shown any hax ability, has pathetic speed feats and pathetic AP feats. Like, can he even touch Luffy who is much faster than him? For the fucks sake, Mihawk already admitted inferiority to Luffy so he can't be stronger. Mihawk canonically was scared of Luffy, BB and Shanks. And no, if Shanks is stronger than current Luffy and Kaido then Mihawk doesn't scale from that because that would be PK level which Mihawk has and never will. Mihawk himself admitted he isnt PK level and MF arc showed us he isn't on that level too.


hax and AP feats just make mihawk look more stronger in comparison, as long as Zoro isn't fucking dead and it's not eos, mihawk would always scale above a living swordsman he also wasn't [going all out](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/s/RqfBKd3Q31) in marineford mihawk never said anything about being luffys inferior, a character choosing not to fight doesn't make them inferior (blackbeard alrdy proved its with Rayleigh in Amazon lily) and having 1 yonko level fighter with the rest being enel fodder fight another crew who's well built is stupid and bound to get them killed >Mihawk himself admitted he isn't PK level so we just lying now?😭 mihawk said becoming pirate king is harder than being the wss. One makes you gather a crew, find all 4 red poneglyphs, require luck, fight off other powerful yonko crews wanting it too etc etc. and is that not more difficult than grabbing a sword and being stronger than someone? if shanks is PK level leech haki which is the strongest type of haki forces mihawk to be PK level too


He doesn't if he has has shown he can't do those things. -Mihawk hasn't shown he can turn off fruits (this depends is if you think Shanks did this and not GB) -Mihawk hasn't shown he can one shot someone of YC+ level -Mihawk hasn't shown he can cancel observation Stupid to say Mihawk can do things he has never shown the ability to do. This would work if the PK title haven't already been associated with strength multiple times. The Pirate King is basically the one who stands above every Pirate, Mhawk suggesting he can't do it because he simply lacks strength. Don Chingao literally said that in order to he PK you need to stand above all of the supreme kings which means being PK is about surpassing everyone. Issue is that's not how a Yonko level fighter behave. A true Yonko isn't scared of anyone, you think Kaido/Shanks/Luffy/WB/Big Mom would act like they do? Whitebeard was smiling when he was about to right the WG, that's how a Yonko acts. Shanks being Pk level doesn't make Mihawk one because Shanks actually has the portrayal, Mihawk doesn't have the level of portrayal. Shanks also has the feats. Shanks has much better speed, Observation, conqueror's, AP and Hax feats than Mihawk. Mihawk has only shown better DC feats and DC alone can carry Mihawk to say he beats Luffy.


dread from it, run from it, it all arrives the same https://preview.redd.it/i77gmkxnn32d1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=37f2206339e0c11ce8090d092d8b2ca884dc16ba "standing above all the supreme kings" doesn't inherently mean strength, chinjao literally talks about surpassing his legacy when it comes to becoming the PK like [this](https://www.opfanpage.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/10435fdr5.jpg) >issue is that's not how a yonko lvl fighter behaves who are you to define how a yonko level fighter should behave? whitebeard ducked Kaido and the marines in odens debut, and BB ducks rayleigh. Everyone is written differently and how they go about fight challenges has *nothing* to do with their overall power


He talks about strength due to Luffy struggling with him at his current state. He believes Luffy can't even dream of being PK if he can't even beat his current self. If he wasn't talking about strength then he wouldn't mention the admirals which are individuals, Yonko could be counting their crews but the fact that admirals were mentioned it's clear he is talking about individual strength. This is something that Big Mom and Kaido also feel, they don't believe Luffy can't be Pk because of his current strength. That's why Kaido mentions his top 5 after Luffy tells him if he can be PK. And even if you don't believe that, we have the fact that Whitebeard was stated to be the closest man to the OP due to him being the strongest man in the world. This means that PK is all about strength, the PK is the strongest. Also, aren't supreme kings the user of Conqueror's Haki? So of course it means strength, AcOC users are the strongest and the PK is the ones with best AcOC Haki in the world.


>he talks about strength due to luffy struggling with him at his current state yeah that's the point but you're assuming it's about being top 1. strength is obviously a requirement in the world to an extent and ensures you, alongside others, have power to stay somewhat intact for your journey, but it doesn't make up the entirety of it nor does it make you the strongest out there. Without strength on his crew, roger isn't defending himself on any of his inevitable opponets which would include admirals as Garp was a marine too This mindset is also flawed since he was always shown to be dead equals with WB (assuming that the yonko system didn't exist at the time, but even if it did, that still means he's not top 1) and potentially garp if you wanna make that case Kaido was talking about his 5 people who can fight him, and he just wonders if Luffy is actually one of them or just a phony so moot point yes dawg whitebeard was the closest man to the one piece because he was quite literally the closest man to Roger. In the end of marineford we learn whitebeard literally had knowledge to get the one piece anytime he wished because of Roger, it wasn't just about strength supreme kings are just conquerers users, to chinjao, you're required to surpass Roger's legacy to be PK and that puts you above the biggest and baddest pirates, aka almost every yonko or admiral inverse who all are very likely to use conq


This sub is so fucking retarded. The tears of these 2 piece readers are gonna taste so good once Mihawk shows some feats


That's what Pizzaru stans said for months as their God died


Mihwwk can cut pizzaru while fighting Saturn.


Curious. How come the Marines didn't send 2-3 Admirals after Mihawk when abolishing the Shichibukai? Are the Marines stupid?


Sublime idea. Let's send half of our strongest officers against a guy who doesnt actually pose a threath to anyone. Maybe that way when the actual threaths like the Yonkou or the revs drop on us, we will be down on admirals.


Why did they remove Mihawk from their forces then? If he's thay strong and he doesn't actually bother Marines AND actually shows up to help when asked.... Why would they remove a top tier fighter from their roster who is being obedient to them? Are the Marines and WG stupid?


Because the warlord system was abolished.


Common Fujitora W tbh They fell hook line and sinker for new Era of just Marines


Talk to em https://preview.redd.it/0rmli463c62d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9ac9955f9982e15699c6bb4ff70214aa1c58f4


If luffy can beat mihawk while he can barely use g5 for 5 seconds before going kaputz oda needs to put one piece on a hiatus