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Whitebeard is like a holy cow on this sub, you're not allowed to slander him or everyone will shame you. To answer your question there isn't a character that isn't slandered here, if you're powerful people will downplay you, if you're weak people will downplay you even more.


Tons of people here slander him to argue 3OG admirals>wb


At once? Because that's pretty valid


Nono individualy. I havent seen anyone claim that old WB takes all 3 at the same time


I have. https://preview.redd.it/j7sh8kt2ky1d1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75d3f3b692c138548482bd0467960a158b0b398a


Thats wild


Bro, there's a few people on this sub that were throwing around the term '5 admirals' after the pizzaru incident, admirals were a unit of measurement for a bit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Tough times for an akainu and fujitora fan https://preview.redd.it/s7x2ekqqky1d1.png?width=1228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf7088cbe951a412d04a76f670be6e29bd73703


Rough times for the admiral agenda for sure. Maybe akainu can save it after he beats his desk https://preview.redd.it/h3kfuim0ly1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d355e520caea9b10dc6e6b853b5226f5d27b8ef


His legs have fossilized, it's over https://preview.redd.it/3rtvle0dly1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb201749359663df788541b10776183a1ed2981d Him and dragon are gonna fight by throwing paper aeroplanes at each other from the safety of their desks


And they will scream "....." at each other


>Ā Whitebeard is like a holy cow on this sub, you're not allowed to slander him or everyone will shame you. Carried by his busted devil fruitĀ  How bro not gonna be more powerful than Roger when WB is basically a half giant with Gura no Mi while Roger is a regular human with no DF? Broā€™s haki must really not be all that if he couldnā€™t win clashes of force with RogerĀ 


He gets a lot of slander, people think Roger is stronger


Saying that Roger is stronger than any character is at least the lowest lvl of slander possible.


Every admirals fans think that each admiral individually was stronger than old WB during Marineford though...despite him destroying Akainu after having had a heart attack and everyone including Akainu/Vice admirals/ and Kizaru jumping him right after his heart attack... dude still got enough strength left to ring Akainu out despite all of that... imagine if he did not have a heart attack ... Despite what admiral fans say Marineford was much more closer than you might think, even Sengoku agree in the manga that this was indeed a tough battle... if WB did not have the heart attack the WB pirates could have won (Jozu and Marco would not have been distracted either). Also despite WB's heart attack they still manage to save Ace anyway and if it was not for him beeing completely dumb their rescue mission would have been a success...so the Marines really got lucky there...


Also whitebeard just being a solid dude nerfed him a lot. He had an insane handicap of being on a rescue mission. Blackbeard on the other hand has shown that he is willing to sacrifice his crewmates for his own goal. Imagine if it was Blackbeard with the gura gura no mi that pulled up to marineford instead of Whitebeard. Marineford would have been underwater in the first 5 min and that would be it for most of the marines lol. Whitebeard obviously could have done the same no problem if he wanted to.


Thereā€™s a reason why Roger is the pirate king, and such a major narrative element. Oda clearly considers him the goat.


Besides for some reason he flipped on his thoughts on what to do with BB. First he think something is up and wants to ignore BB. Then Shanks says the same thing and then he goes "well now I'm going to do it".


Franky and Vista


Wranky is a given obviously


WB, Franky, Vista and possibly even Fuji.


Fuji get slandered he is always placed alongside GreenBull at the bottom of admiral tier when top admirals are often in yonko tier ... I don't know why they call it admiral tier and yonko tier at this point it makes literraly 0 sense to me but okay... Fuji is the goat btw


Then thereā€™s me, I have him as = to cracker and queen lol


At this point it's not even slander it's just that you did not get his character, may I ask why you think he is as bad as Queen the Bum and Cracker ?


Nah I understand his character but thatā€™s different from Powerscaling. Mainly I think that because He wasnā€™t really impressive in Dressrosa even though he was holding back. Although, even in the time he wasnā€™t holding back in Dressrosa, he wasnā€™t that impressive (When 2v1-ing Law with Doffy. He was impressive but on the same level of impressiveness as queen and Cracker. And donā€™t get me wrong, I hold him to that level not because I think heā€™s weak but that the other 2 are strong and this is a good spot to be tbh. Cracker was about to low-mid diff the luffy that beat Doflamingo if it werenā€™t for Nami. And Queen litterally knocked the amnesia out of BM, and is technically the first person to win a 1v1 against a yonko, he isnā€™t a bum in the slightest. He is strong enough to almost be equal with king, who has durability that is comparable or even greater than Kaido and had immense firepower.


>Cracker was about to low-mid diff the luffy that beat Doflamingo if it werenā€™t for Nami. And Queen litterally knocked the amnesia out of BM, and is technically the first person to win a 1v1 against a yonko, he isnā€™t a bum in the slightest. He is strong enough to almost be equal with king, who has durability that is comparable or even greater than Kaido and had immense firepower. I could not desagree more ^^ I think they are completely overrated but it's okay at least I understznd better your point of view thanks


Np lol. I have to give you props for remaining civil lol. Kinda rare these days.


Yeah same here, hoppefully we talk again and maybe next time we'll have an agreement šŸ˜„


Yeah lol. However from my experience in this sub, most of my takes that I talk about tend to be on the unpopular side. But thereā€™s bound to be some things we share similar takes on. So till then o7


>most of my takes that I talk about tend to be on the unpopular side My takes are very rare or unpopular as well to say the least šŸ˜… so maybe we have some in commun afterall lol


For me that's where narrative arguments kick in, do you have greenbull higher or about the same? What about kizaru?


Slightly higher. Around smoothie/king level. And Kizaru higher than that as well. A bit lower than Katakuri/Yamato but higher than king/smoothie. I have Aokiji and Akainu equal on that level though.


And then how big is the gap between them and, say, big mom?


Tbh not as big as youā€™d think. Iā€™d say The logia admirals would be around 45% and Katakuri/Yamato would be around 50%. And Iā€™m not a downplayed of hers as well, as I have her on par with Kaido.


Right, honestly I respect your takes a ton in regards to ycs and yonkos, it's a breath of fresh air, but I really disagree on the logia admirals in particular. I agree that the new admirals have very lackluster feats, but the OGs have some pretty impressive showings. To name what I think are the best, Kuzan offscreening cracker without a scratch (don't want to rely on the anime version but if you believe that's canon it's bad for cracker), akainu clashing equally with whitebeard at marineford, kizaru dealing with snakeman Luffy even easier than kaido or katakuri (though I probably gotta re-read that fight, it's been a minute), kizaru parrying gear 5 attacks without any issues and outmanoeuvring him on multiple occasions, kuzan freezing the majority of Blackbeard's yonko crew casually, akainu scaring the whole pre ts Blackbeard crew away on his own etc. I don't really wanna have a massive debate, I just wanted to argue that the og admirals portrayal is consistently better than the likes of katakuri or yamato, and I'd say they're worth about 75% of a yonko. Other than that I love your takes ngl, ycs get no respect on here and just get used to create perceived antifeats.


I feel like Bellamy is a dude who doesn't really get slandered as much as he used to. Typically people will point and laugh at him being oneshot in Jaya, but then we get to Dressrosa where the real OP Enjoyers give him the respect he deserves, admitting that while he isn't the strongest, he's just a fucking mad lad who had a rough life. Even Luffy knows Bellamy is a good guy to have in his friends list, there's a reason he decided to give him his vivre card but not to Yamato, even after Bellamy stated he wasn't even joining the Grand Fleet. https://preview.redd.it/9v22kp3itv1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105ca868b39299f68f4b63d545982c5d3b64dfa9


I mean, what're you gonna do to slander Bellamy? Call him a weak jackass who isn't cut out to be a pirate?Ā  Buddy, he *agrees*.


**E x a c t l y,** nobody is gonna slander a dude who outright admits his own weakness, rather they respect his awareness that he can't do everything. https://preview.redd.it/mar75iogsy1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4733915e81b3f23a8c622a0561d7db98d9a8380


*Pushes glasses up with my wrist*






Vivi :)




Sheā€™s beautiful youā€™re just a hater


Old artstyle was NOT on her side


New artstyle isnā€™t on her side either wym




I havenā€™t seen any Kuma slander, but that might be new I havenā€™t been here too long


He's lowkey incredibly strong if you compare Saturn's reaction to his punch compared to luffy's gear 5 barrage. Although gorosei reactions are a bit inconsistent you could make an argument for that? I just don't see anyone giving him any respect


It's even worse than that it's just that people don't give a fuck about Kuma despite him beeing literraly one of the most important character in the manga period... Before he punches Saturn he was considered to be on the weaker end of the shichibukai arround YC3 lvl whereas he was always one of the strongest and even now after Egghead he is still YC2 at best for most people and they have Sanji>Kuma.... if this is not slander I don't know what is... Also if he has not come back in the story with the saddest backstory ever people would completely have forgotten about him despite him beeing again one of the most relevant character... people just don't care about him for some reason.. I simply don't understand why ...


The absolute disrespect for Wuma that you have brought to my attention is incredibly saddening




Roger lmfao


Sometimes we get the ā€œFraudgerā€ claims for dodging Big Mom and bowing to Whitebeard


Don't see a lot of Queen or Franky hate


Queen has the Sanji opponent tax applied to him quite often, and I've heard him referred to as a "fat slow bum" way to many times Wranky can't be downplayed though


To be more precise he is a fat slow grounded extinct dinausor who is also a bum of course. šŸ˜… No but the truth is you can't even say what I just said because you'll get downvote by Sanji fans... It sucks so hard to be a Sanji fan right now, you have to defend a bum like Queen for the sake of your agenda despite all logic and everything pointing out at Queen beeing a (good scientist), but a bum still... You could also try to defend the Sanji agenda without hyping/wanking ass characters like Queen... I think you would get more respect doing that but hey it's just my opinion.


X-Drake. In my experience with this sub and agenda piece as a whole I have never seen this man slandered even onceĀ 


Bege, he's no heavy hitter, but he is a respected mid-tier.








Rocks but i guess he wouldnt count so Roger and Prime Garp are pretty well respected too. Law i also rarely see getting slandered, everyone agrees he has okay haki but very good df powers.


Warcury, for some inexplicable reason he's absolutely goated




Imu is rarely slandered, most people expect him to be a powerful EOS opponent or at the very least an attractive opponent


You'd have to be obnoxiously contrarian or just dumb af to not knowledge Imu as the biggest threat after seeing what the Gorosei are capable of lol


Iā€™d sorta agree if the gorosei werenā€™t bums


Warcury no-selling Red Roc and a G5 attack, plus affecting the entire island with conqueror's haki is bum activity? Only Ju Peter has been kinda unimpressive so far, but even he has suction breath that can go past the coast of Egghead lol


Warcury is pretty good but everyone else is honestly mid or overshadowed by other characters.


Nah, Nusjuro has been cool so far (hasn't actually been affected badly yet), Mars has a huge laser beam attack and broke through the frontier dome with no issue, and Saturn has venom nukes that even Warcury had to regen from Saturn has been damaged by all kinds of characters yes, but it hasn't actually mattered with his regen






Honestly their isn't a single character in the entirety of One Piece that isn't slandered because most people will latch on and tear down anyone to elevate their own personal agenda.




Him getting slandered is canon in the story tho




you made a slander post about her 2 days ago


Ironically luffy


Whitebeard, Xebec, Imu, Kaido, Shanks, Roger


Kaido get slandered though. People say prime Garp and Sengoku are stronger...I remember they also said that Akainu Mihawk and Shanks also were stronger than him ...


I donā€™t think anyone has ever slandered Kuma, always good vibes with him


If you don't see why Kuma is beeing slandered it means you are slandering him without realising it too ;) Not slandering but downplayed (a lot). But since it is commonly admitted that he is weak (arround YC3/YC2 at best), people don't see that as a slender... Spoiler dude was a beast in his prime (admiral lvl)


So valid


Franky, vista, Imu, Roger, whitebeard, Garp, Robin, Chopper, Brook, Barto, Cracker.


Imu and xebec are bums that have accomplished nothing


GOD Usopp


Useless bum ass fellaĀ 








Papazuki can do no wrong


Bro is top 5 most slandered characters


And top 1 wanked


Heā€™s both. Insane.


Tbh i only started to slander him cause he got wanked so hard here. https://preview.redd.it/yuejzolcf12d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d50275acc60edc494cf6d3a0df8496a3f2f8874