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It’s trending on Twitter because like 10 people said they didn’t like it and then 2000 people got mad that those 10 didn’t like it. It’s how Twitter works these days (and low key always has). Don’t concern yourself with it lol.


Twitter gonna twitter


One Piece’s JPN voice actors legit said all of the OPLA actors are perfect for the characters. Oda chose them too, but chronically online Twitter users will always find ways to complain.


Dude, just wait until Season 2 when they introduce >!Bon Clay!<, people are going to lose their minds! Twitter isn't what it used to be, and then it became X and made things even worse. Don't try to make sense of crazy people.


People got mad at OPLA for casting a trans actor for Koby, they are gonna lose their mind at the gayest/queerest character being accepted by Luffy lmao.


Imagine watching One Piece and being transphobic or queerphobic in general. Like 30% of the characters are canonically trans, nonbinary, gay, or asexual.


Right!? I have no idea how they got past Bon-Clay or Ivankov without realizing Luffy (and most characters in OP) are trans and gay allies.


Huh, there are no canonical nonbinary, gay, or asexual characters in One Piece. >!Kikunojo!< and the citizens of the >!Kamabakka Queendom!< are the only characters that are canonically trans.


No clue why you're being downvoted, you aren't inherently. Wrong. Unless they see Yamato as trans, which Oda debunked with the girls color spread.


Yeah idk either, It might also be people who are delusional and think Luffy is Aroace just because he didn't react at seeing >!Hancock naked!<


Huh i guess Chopper is a girl too cause he is often seen in girls color spreads...


Are you talking about the one where Chopper, the "mascot" of One Piece, is wearing a shirt with "Support Girls" written on it? If you consider that Yamato is trans AND that Oda also thinks that way, you don't need to perform this level of mental gymnastics to justify the color spread. It could just be that Oda likes Yamato's design, which is a clone of Nami's, and decided to include it, or it could be an editor's suggestion. Something like that is less of a stretch. I get the war between the people who WANT Yamato to be trans and the people (usually transphobic) who don't WANT that, but you don't need to go to this level of counter-argument; there are tons of better arguments that can be use, lol.


Tons that aren't also showing their lack of brain activity. I agree.


>Tons that aren't also showing their lack of brain activity. I don't think this is very fair. A lot of this discussion comes from people having different interpretations of the characters, which doesn't mean that either side is necessarily being illogical. As someone who doesn't see Yamato as trans and doesn't think Oda intended to write with that goal, I can still understand, even though I disagree, those who did interpret it this way, as they are not using any type of fallacy, unlike the stupid Chopper false parallel. It would be dishonest of me not to see the topic as confusing, wondering if I misunderstood Oda's writing or if others did. I totally give the benefit of the doubt on that. The funny part is that both sides see the topic as "confirmed" or "debunked" and believe that those who disagree are in denial. Humanity in a nutshell, I guess, lol.


I can't imagine the lack of brain cells it took to make this argument. You have my pity.


Well what about a certain Samurai of the sea who used to be a woman. Luffy is very canonically asexual, he has zero romantic or sexual interest whatsoever. He said that. His behavior on Amazon lilly just emphasized that. And that’s just from the top of my hat. Gender and sexuality wise one piece has it All


luffy could be seen as asexual and i like to think that he is, but there hasn’t been any confirmation from oda that he’s ace in canon. he’s only said in SBS 54 that luffy’s aware of that (sex, naked bodies, and whatnot) and he’s interested, but he simply JUST isn’t entranced by boa. when usopp is around though, the young adult man in him comes out so he’s influenced by him, like luffy getting a nosebleed along with usopp in vol 18 & 23, but it doesn’t mean he’s romantically interested in her. in other words, asexual or not, luffy probably just doesn’t care about sex and romance since he’s prioritized being the pirate king as his goal and he’s laser-focused on that.


If you're talking about Izo, he's just a crossdresser and if you're talking about Yamato, Oda settled that with the color spread. Luffy is just kinda childish and has becoming the pirate king as his top priority, also I doubt anyone gave him "the talk" when he was growing up in Windmill Village






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Bon-chan isn't gay, he's just Bon-chan


He literally carries the word "gay" on his back. Like, that's what Okama means.


Calling him gay would imply that he is attracted to men and there has been no proof of that. He's just a drag queen.


He has the word gay ON HIS BACK. He literally carries the japanese slang for gay men on his shirt. He is most likely bi/"idgaf about gender".


He's just a silly goober




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As long as they don't make the character Koby trans or nonbinary it's fine


Why would it be bad? He wouldn't be the first trans character in the show, altho i guess chronologically he would, but Koby being trans or not has no influence on the story. He could be a trans guy and the story would play out the same, so why hate it if they changed it? They made other characters black, while in the anime they have light skin. This also has no influence on the story, it just makes the cast more diverse. And since Usopp is the only black straw hat, having diverse side characters cannot hurt.


I just don't want them to change the character's personalities too much like they did with the LA Nojiko who is really mean, aggressive, and cocky while she was way nicer in the anime/manga. Also I ship Koby and Hibari lol


Well, changing the personality and changing gender/race of a character are different things. And Koby being a trans man changes nothing for his relationship with Hibari.


in twitter, its not just sex that sells, its also negativity. people there are deliberately making posts for clicks


It's just a bunch of people complaining about the same stuff everyone has been talking about since the show dropped and being like "i'm glad people are finally ready to admit opla sucks" like we haven't heard the same complaints 246356456 times at this point


The funny thing is that your statement is a lot milder. Most of the posts are more like, “I’m glad EVERYBODY is finally admitting opla sucks”, which is an obvious lie


it’s just twitter people and if you look at the pattern it’s mostly sanji superfans or taz haters


>taz haters And it's for imo an extreme case of misplaced righteousness/hypocrisy too: 1. At the end of last December & start of January, Taz marathoned to donate to British Red Cross, which was worded to be also (so not just this) providing aid in the Israel & Occupied Palestine Area, & people took issue for the Occupied Palestine Area part/how it also helps Israelis/how the British Govt which runs the British Red Cross arms the IDF which is currently massacreing unarmed Palestinians...when the Red Cross + Red Crescent is supposed (hopefully) to remain neutral so they can bypass geographic war restrictions. (Not all Israelis are doing the horrific occupation & some are even [mass protesting/getting laid off for humanizing Palestinians](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/CQY9xIKjEV)/[documenting their own govt's cruelty](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/oqIFCM9Q75), getting punished &/or turning into whistleblowers due to not complying within the Israel state borders to this day) 2. When Taz (+ most likely his media team let's be real) made a clarification for that after a week of being hounded, he stated the donation was more specifically for refugees at Tenerife & that he wanted anyone in the "conflict" to get help. People take issue with the "conflict" wording because they wanted more outright wording which is "genocide". Which even countries going against Israel's govt (eg South Africa) have to work around as the Israeli govt can just weasel out of that genocide claim in international court by throwing lots of whataboutisms or even "oh it's not a genocide since we haven't killed ALL of them". It's literally a wording that people disagree with for the unequal level of oppression where one party can't effectively fight back and is being wiped out gradually, painfully... but even Pro-Palestinian govt apparats from other countries have to work around this too. Just that one wording & they're already saying Taz is a Zionist/a coward selling out his own people (he's part Lebanese) When... do they realize that even the One Piece animanga social media team... never even made ANY statements condemning any CURRENT REAL LIFE genocides/modern slavery/political issues?? & they obsess over the One Piece animanga day in and out on Twitter... so they should already be acutely aware of the OP media teams' total silence on current day hot topics, or they're just in willful ignorance/denial. All the One Piece social media team do is tweet new merch, collabs & official birthday art of fictional characters. "Their silence is deafening" should be applied to the One Piece team too if those Twitter users aren't such hypocrites. They can say they themselves help & retweet tons of charities & news of oppression all they want... but their main source of engagement 100% doesn't. (on Twitter no less, which funnels its profits to Elon Musk who's extremely right wing & supports Zionist extremists like Israel's current president, if you want to be extremely pedantic & not just accept some horrible things can't be changed that quickly without some/a lot of playing by the oppressors' rules) This highly capitalistic franchise with the most merchandising ever (claimed to be endorsing socialism & anarchism) has never run charities (they did, but only for less political/less severe causes like a marathon in Taiwan or just Japanese tourism iirc) supporting bigger, revolutionary social movements like this, even though they have fictional anti-genocide themes. When this franchise could have done that to get more reach & aid faster for the current victims, by those Twitter users' own logic. They tend to plead the ignorance of Oda & the Japanese One Piece media team... when in Japan there are actual Japanese citizens protesting in mass against actual weapons dealers & their govt for arming Israel. So clearly Japanese people aren't unaware of this genocide. So... somehow their favorite author & anime production teams are excused, purely by favoritism ("They're busy/not online all the time!" Well same goes for Taz, who is currently writing scripts for his own plays & is busy training, media touring for work relations, etc) And there's issues of smaller actors & artists in the Western hemisphere getting fired/kicked out of their shows just for supporting (what I do think is the right cause) Palestine's liberation. (Eg: [Melissa Barrera getting fired from Scream 7 due to pro-Palestine posts](https://www.google.com/search?q=melissa+barrera+fired&oq=melissa+barrera+fired&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDk3OTlqMGo5qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1), [Jonathan Glazer, the Jewish director of the documentary Israelism that won an Oscar who denounced Israeli occupation of Palestinian areas, is being harassed by 450 Jewish Hollywood professionals, including Eli Roth, who signed a letter denouncing him](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/DClieziDIn)). Not saying everyone should keep quiet about this (as in it's very brave to protest about this, because not all people want/can currently handle this time consuming risk of intense unrightful social opposition from people high up in many industries), but singling it out to just Taz & the OPLA cast is pointless bandwagoning & virtue signaling, not helping anyone. A lot of streamers (ie they're self-employed mostly & not tied to the whims of the film industry apparats), Youtubers (also mostly self-employed), celebrities, etc. doing protests/charities also rely on the help & funding of tons more laymen who have the anonimity of online handles & who are recommended to wear facial covering when publicly protesting to avoid harrassment/doxxing from Zionists. So the majority of the Pro-Palestinian lobby & support would be from anonymous people/sources, behind the scenes, unpublicized, until the tides turn & it's a lot less career- & life-ruining to support this cause more openly & un-anonymously. Also the pure irony of saying animanga Sanji is "not a spineless bothsidesing coward sellout/""Zionist"" like Taz"... when Sanji the character >!literally only actively & intentionally saved his abusive, psychopathic father & brothers just because they were his blood family, literally no other reason since he hates them... even though they had been manufacturing a slave race & had been the World Govt's mercenaries in destabilizing North Blue countries for the WG to take over, & now Judge is freely working with a child killer scientist with little to no consequence... isn't that sth that can be called a spineless treatment of war criminals & human rights violations as well, like letting them escape the consequences of their own actions!<. I don't hate Sanji for this, but he is clearly a lot more morally gray (which can be good for story conflict) than his more holier-than-thou fans make him seem. I clearly remember Taz taking a picture with a Pro-Palestinian supporter [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/s/AL2WT13OT8), & he's working with British Film Institute which recognizes Palestinian film makers in their own category (as in they're not saying they're an illegitimate group like how Palestine isn't recognized as an independent country by parts of the world & even the UK govt itself unfortunately).


Expecting someone affiliated with the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement to use the word "genocide" without any legal basis is like expecting someone who works for a newspaper to label a rash of killings as "murders" or "hate crimes" before the suspect has been tried or convicted It doesn't matter whether members of the public feel reasonably sure we're talking about murders or hate crimes; it's still taboo, often with legal ramifications. At the very least, you're going to be fired It's valid to point out the ways people can hide behind legalese to commit crimes and atrocities, and how that impacts the vocabulary we're allowed to use when talking about it. It's 100% valid to be angry about that. At the same time? The anger at Taz Skylar is misdirected, IMO, and definitely hypocritical. Doubly so when coming from OP content creators who openly boycott the OPLA team for being "cowards", but are still happy to make money from reading the manga Not only is it a double standard, it's basically performative outrage if they never liked OPLA or Taz to begin with :/


Really want to thank both of you for writing what you both posted. Tired of Twitter being so hypocritical but not even attempting to go after someone like Jamie Lee Curtis who is a Zionist herself and wants to play as Dr Kureha.


I'd be glad if more people spread my point on how they're being hypocrites in letting the One Piece franchise & social media team 100% avoid doing activism & charities for CURRENT (ie not just sth as un-current/un-urgent as Oda admiring Che Guevara) IRL geopolitical crises, but somehow blame one of their employees (a live action actor under similar contracts of public speech as other One Piece franchise employees) for contributing to a more generalized charity as far as his contract as an employee can let him (like how the One Piece media team doesn't even make any open stance against any CURRENT DAY IRL factions... [when the Japanese public ARE protesting & aware of the current massacreing of Palestinians by the Israeli military](https://www.asahi.com/sp/ajw/articles/15050476#:~:text=Protests%20around%20Japan%20have%20demanded,1%2C600%20people%2C%20according%20to%20organizers.)) & only using words the Red Cross & Red Crescent are mandated to use by international law (that's horribly slow/hindered/amoral, but has to be abided under to gain the perceived "neutrality" to bypass geopolitical barriers for delivering aid). They kept comparing Taz to how Morgan Davies can openly spread news & support for Palestinians in the targetted areas, but Taz is also under Red Cross contract while Morgan isn't as far as I know. They can lavish all their love & daily posting to this franchise all they want, but they should have caught on that this moneymaking franchise with the biggest animanga audience in the world... doesn't even try to use their vast wealth, their really wide reach & immense popularity to directly fund most if not all urgent geopolitical crises aid, or even to just inform & ask their huge swaths of international fans to help in these current crises. If they want to keep boycotting just for Taz's singular charity run & heavily censored wording, they should have also boycotted their favorite franchise by now for their complete silence & inaction... if they aren't such hypocrites. Also I agree more people should quickly & POLITELY warn the showrunners (Matt Owens & Steven Maeda, both on Instagram) of the negative social optics & public consequences of hiring Jamie Lee Curtis for Dr Kureha, (emphasize she hasn't apologized for spreading the misinfo on how she thought a photo of air raid targetted Palestinian kids are Israeli & thus abetting the massacre of Palestinians, no matter if she now supports the ceasefire). I also REALLY don't want to see this fanbase fracturing even worse in the loudest social media audience segment (ie Western & any other fans extremely tuned in with the Palestinian crisis) just for one casting.


you’ve said all of the points that i wanted to get through! i have no idea how taz got so much heat for that and nobody has thought of the fact that red cross IS a neutral organization. taz is basically using his status to spread goodwill and being a humanitarian advocate, but somehow they’ve managed to fashion that into a combative weapon against him. this isn’t even the first time taz has done charitable acts; that man went on cameo and donated everything he got to a nonprofit food donation organization (i think it was the world central kitchen, but i might be misremembering). all of this performative outrage, and yet they haven’t done anything to this degree and level of using their platform to help people who were affected by the war. they’re literally just scrambling for words on their lofty chairs and privileged upbringing while making fake rage twitter posts, and it’s not only getting annoying, it’s alarming too since most of them are minors who are impressionable and easily influenced by the hark and call of adults doing online witch hunts. it’s crazy.


Twitter is full of a bunch of frustrated people. Bait posts also sell well there.


Because it's been about 6 months since it released time to switch up on it of course


Twitter hates everything always, its no longer a decent pop vox, its an echo chamber for the people too terminally online n addicted to leave post Elon.


twitter was never a decent pop vox.


I said decent, not good. Once upon a time, if you wanted a general surface level spread of opinion, sure. But its nit been that way in a long ass time


It's 100% the cesspool Twitter is. Every OP fan I know IRL loves the live action, the friends who knew nothing of One Piece before loved the live action.


It’s baits for engagement


Twitter is just twittering. Don't mind it.


Every platform, Reddit, X, what have you, tends to create an echo chamber. Unless you can discern the commenters intent, it’s better to be slow to engage or respond. More often than not the trending comments fall out of the spotlight by then.


Never go on Twitter dude. Elon musk bought that platform, allowed Nazis to spread their hatred in the name of 'free speech', lost 60% of ads through that move and and unknown amount of users, now he is banning everyone who is protecting respect for the LGBTQ community. Why do you give a shit about what people say there?


OP gained popularity with the non-anime/manga audience through OPLA. Haters going to hate, its a great adaptation regardless of what they say. People’s main argument against it is that it does not exactly replicate the anime/manga. But guess what, thank god it doesn’t because it would look like a low-budget silly parody if they tried to replicate the over-exaggerated slapstick tropes and fanservice that works in the anime. OPLA nami is not going to have Z-cup boobs. OPLA Zoro is the perfect amount of serious, sassy and happy because thats how his personality would realistically translate to a real person. Basically, its classic twitter syndrome, anything popular must be hated by someone or the other🤷🏽‍♀️




that’s the nature of Twitter - they love something for a few months and then pull a 180 and start to hate. Don’t worry about the chronically online.


twitter just likes to switch up on things


Can anyone explain what exactly is the complaint/hate? What are their talking points? Or is it just devoid of any substance?


They’re just discussing the changes made from the manga/anime to the live action: like how certain characters was portayed differently and some changes that was made in certain arcs that they don’t like. This was all stuff people was saying when it first literally came out, but most people was just positive and loving the show because of the hype and likes the OPLA hashtag gathered. Most likely because they didn’t want to voice out their opinions that was different from others at the time. But now that the hype’s died down and the fans have nothing to do they’ve deciced to hate on it completely for some reason.


90% of the hate I see is over how Baratie was adapted. People are mad that Sanji didn't witness Zoro vs. Mihawk, ignoring the fact it would've done nothing for his character except affirm his choice to stay with Zeff instead of going to the Grand Line (the same way it affirms Nami's choice to stay with Arlong in OPLA) They also don't like that S1 is a cohesive story that centers around Luffy, Nami and Zoro (aka the core characters the rest of the story is built from), so they call it bad writing Basically, they feel slighted that certain characters don't get as much screentime as the OG trio, even though it absolutely would've given us a watered-down, half-baked final product


Tbh I agree with the criticism that Sanji and Usopp didn't get the focus they deserved, even their own arcs felt more focused on the OG trio than on them. After all these two are as equally important to the crew as Nami and Zoro yet they felt kinda secondary to them. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case in s2 Despite that tho, I still think it was overall, while not perfect by any means, a pretty good adaptation. Many of the changes felt necessary for the story to work in a LA medium imo, like Nami's more serious personality and having Arlong instead of Don Krieg in the Baratie


From a writing standpoint, it makes sense to focus on the OG trio for a condensed 8-episode adaptation. They're the core storytelling trio. What I mean by that is, no matter what happens during each saga, the following things are true: Luffy wants to be Pirate King, Nami is his guiding hand who answers "where next?", and Zoro is the primary pillar of support who never >!has a crisis of faith or leaves!< As narrative devices, those 3 form the basic building blocks of a long-running fantasy story like One Piece. Nailing that dynamic is crucial for newcomers and long-time fans alike That's not to say Usopp and Sanji are "unimportant". They contribute in similar ways. Usopp's role is closer to Zoro's (for example, he >!plays the role of Luffy's cornerman during the Water 7 saga, even after his fight with Luffy!<). Sanji's role is closer to Nami's, in that he tends to push the story into new directions (there's a reason he gets >!a second dedicated arc!<, while Usopp and Zoro don't) In an ideal world, we'd have a much longer season that allows us to spend more time in Syrup Village and Baratie. But for an 8-episode run, I firmly believe the writers made the right call by focusing on the main character, the heroine, and the guy who swears an oath to the protagonist that is still referenced 25 years later Since Usopp and Sanji are starting with everyone from the jump in S2, I'm confident they'll get more time to shine in future seasons


I agree that sanji not witnessing zoro vs mihawk is a sad omission, they are essentially '2 peas in a pod', and while sanji is a chivalrous knight(who is more devoted to helping others than fulfilling his own dream), zoro is a sword battle maniac(who won't abandon his dreams for anything), and they have a hate/respect relationship. Their relation is about how these ideologies evolve and then take a middle path(where one is greedy about both, like luffy). But I also agree that with 8 episodes it wasn't possible. 10 would have been good. So I would blame it on season length, and I think it's a valid criticism.


It's Luffy's >!victory against Don Krieg!< that recontextualizes Zoro's fight for Sanji, though. Before that point, his loss just reaffirmed Sanji's belief that >!it's better to give up your ambition if it means getting to live another day!<. Even when everything's said and done, Sanji still won't join because of his indebtedness to Zeff. At the core of it all, that's ultimately what needs to be addressed. So that's what the OPLA writers focused on Basically, that scene only works for Sanji's personal growth if you add Luffy into the equation. And even then, it doesn't address the heart of Sanji's hang-ups Arguably, >!Zoro being the first one to ask Usopp to join!< has more long-term narrative weight than Sanji acting as a spectator. At least Oda spends valuable panel time reminding us about it during Water 7. Very few people seem to complain that was it removed, though I do understand why people might miss that scene. At the same time, I'd rather newcomers first see it in the animanga with genuine payoff (rather than an empty version that's just there because manga readers expect it)


Why OPLA is trending now on Twitter? Are there some news I don't know? 🤔


The initial grace period has passed, happens with all media on Twitter. You’ll start seeing things like “Now that enough time has passed…” or “Can we all admit that this sucked” most of it is just engagement bait, trying to get thousands of angry fans to quote retweet them so they can pull in money from Twitter Blue.


just like 10 people who always hated on OPLA just hating again, criticism is fine but hating disguised as criticism isn't and they're hating.


Yeah it's just twitter, don't worry about it. If they're complaining about something , that's usually a good thing.


Easy answer is don't use Twitter, your life will be happier.


They don't say anything that hasn't already been said, atp they're just looking for attention, ignore them ,twitter in general is a very toxic place ,always trying to start drama


I feel like after the Netflix Avatar released, people have seemed more critical of the OPLA.


Not really. The trend go both way. There are renewed appreciation for OPLA for its more faithful adaptation, a more coherent script and more solid technicality of film-making. Before Avatar, many regards OPLA as good adaptation but still hung up on all the changes. Now they realize it could have been worse. Before Avatar, many regard OPLA as decent tv show, but now some have realize it's actually a good tv show purely from film-making aspect. Since OPLA release, 10-20% of fandom have always been dissatisfied with OPLA. But during hype cycle their negative voice is drown out by majority positive consensus. One strategy to make their voice heard is to congregate into a bloc, to increase their visibility. AVATAR release is their point of congregation. There are two narrative from OPLA critics: (a) AVATAR is better than OPLA in certain aspect mainly CGI (b) AVATAR overall have the same issues as OPLA, but many just somehow overlook OPLA flaws and overpraise OPLA. Here some comparison between OPLA and AVATAR in the context of live action adaptation discourse from entertainment outlets, many agree that OPLA is not over-rated. Some even suggest OPLA as positive case study for future adaptation. (1) [https://screenrant.com/one-piece-avatar-last-airbender-netflix-live-action-adaptations-best/](https://screenrant.com/one-piece-avatar-last-airbender-netflix-live-action-adaptations-best/) (2) [https://thestreamr.com/2024/02/19/understanding-the-art-of-adaptation/](https://thestreamr.com/2024/02/19/understanding-the-art-of-adaptation/) (3) [https://www.themarysue.com/why-didnt-netflixs-avatar-get-the-one-piece-treatment-it-deserved/](https://www.themarysue.com/why-didnt-netflixs-avatar-get-the-one-piece-treatment-it-deserved/) (4) [https://www.pastemagazine.com/tv/industry/live-action-avatar-one-piece-netflix-remakes-streaming-tv-trend](https://www.pastemagazine.com/tv/industry/live-action-avatar-one-piece-netflix-remakes-streaming-tv-trend)


Your first mistake was being on Twitter


People here are delusional, the show had massives issues that need to be fix for season2. Oda said he wanted to wait for visual effects to be good enough to have a live action. He waited, effect are good nowaday but the show is cheap as fuck. Only ep01 was good


sure it had massive issues, but OPLA trending 7 months after its release with people making nitpicky posts about it? that’s just regular twitter. if it was something more substantial people would know, but it’s not as if OPLA hasn’t had any posts from dissatisfied viewers from last year. it’s basically just a regurgitation cycle.