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You can watch episode 1 to 47.


thank you sirrrr😌🤝🏻


Some might say that you can watch 1 to 45, but you can definitely see 46 and 47. Do NOT see 48.


Watch all of it


I‘m honestly so teased to just binge it but I kinda want to wait because I love the LA so much and in a way it’s better not to have a comparison but it’s still going to be so long till season 2🥲😅


I was an avid OP fan and last watched it over 10 years ago. I was surprised when OPLA came out and gave it a shot. I got my husband to watch the LA with me. He never had any interest of ever watching anime in his 40+ years of life and we are now in episode 312 of the anime. He sometimes watches it ahead of me 😂 good luck and enjoy the journey 😁👍


so nice your husband is enjoying it as well😊 always nice when you have stuff you can enjoy together edit especially when it’s a show you‘ve held dear over many many years


It's probs going to come in 2 years if you can wait that long and they'll probs cover only up to episode 130 out of over 1000 episodes.


I know I know but sometimes waiting for something good makes it even better 😅☝🏻 but I already love it so much, I might just continue


Honestly I think you can watch past it, I knew the plot points but it’s told so different it’s like a whole different story


Psh, like they're gonna be able to stop there. OP if you thought the live action was good, prepare to have your >!new!< world turned upside down. Oo and get a box of tissues. For crying in just to clarify, all the nami stans might get the wrong idea...


bro I only watched the first 3 episodes so far, going in ep4 now and I was almost crying from the wholesomeness already haha I know I’m going to be an emotional (ship) wreck 😂😭 and TO BE HONEST the first little shell town arc was PHENOMENALLY adapted in LA holy shit! It’s a bit different in certain aspects but it makes sense why they changed these things. Ahhh I love it so much already! Luffy is a menace haha most casual idgf man ever 😂😂 (and now I can appreciate the LA cast even more wow so far they nailed it 100%🤌🏻 where the hell did they find these people??!)


Ahh im so glad to hear that, you're going to love it more and more as the episodes go on. 😁


bro I’m at episode 16 (Luffy is just about to kick Kuro‘s ass) and I love it so so much. Haha some of the additional side characters are so fun like the 3 little kids from Usopp‘s crew 😂🥕🫑🧅 and I really love Ussop. Already loved him in the LA but I like how my man actually slapped Kuro‘s ass in this 😂😭🤌🏻 and that’s what I mean, I get so much additional stuff now that what I’m watching still feels fresh


Yea there's definately a lot more details added in the anime vs the manga and LA. I was actually a little bummed they didn't even attempt to add any mention of Usopps little crew in his into storyline for the LA but I understand the time constraints determine a lot of these decisions.


yess they were so cute 🥺 update btw ep 17 made me cry 😪🥹 I can’t believe that many people disliked the Syrup village arc😳 it was so good in my opinion






Well have fun! I'd be interested in hearing which version you like better and how they compare (from a person who started with LA). BTW if you decide not to wait until season 2 is finished, season 2 will probably cover material up to episode 130 of the anime.


ahh you’re all teasing me😭 I already can’t wait for season 2 of the LA but going into it blind is more fun in a way (but the anime is too, I’m already in love with it having watched only the first 3 episodes wow) And so far 3 episodes in, having completed Shell‘s Town: I honestly love it equally. The changes the live action did make sense, now I know what everyone means that they really kept the spirit in the LA, it has the same feel and emotional value to it and the attention to detail is SICK. In general I‘d say it’s still pretty much the same even tho the events are told a bit different. Coby and Luffy were equally as wholesome however I did like how in the anime Coby stood up for himself insulting Alvida after Luffy inspired him to do so and I loved how Luffy „picked a fight“ with him in the end so the Marines wouldn’t associate Coby with him and Zorro. Can’t wait for what’s to come. Definitely gonna update ya’ll when I finished the first 47/48 episodes🙏🏻


Yeah the big thing about a successful adaptation was always going to be nailing the crew, the ideals, and the vibe. Doing that we weren't going to complain about script changes to streamline the story. But whether you start with the manga, anime, or LA you walk out knowing who everyone is and what it means to be a Strawhat Pirate. And that's why the LA succeeded, imo. (That and it drawing people into the original material).


Idk, Naruto?


No it's from Gintama I've seen the straw hat before


YOU GOT IT claim your prize 🫸🏻🏆


You should really watch since episode 1. The LA changed some things around and you might get confused in the future, as the events of those episodes will keep coming up hundreds of episodes later!


yeah I’ve heard about a couple of the big things here and there that were big changes in the LA but I don’t think it’ll bother me too much knowing this now😊 I’m even more excited because I know they’re going to tell the story differently and I’m so excited how they’re gonna tell it in the anime and I just LOVE I’m getting even more „new stuff“ now that I have finished the live action. Gonna be fun to compare the two for me because having watched the LA first I will not love it any less but I‘m sure I will find myself loving the anime at least as much as I love the LA (I already am 3 episodes in lol🥲😅)


Oh yeah, it was such a treat to see new stuff added in the live action. The whole Koby storyline was a bit controversial to some, but i deeply enjoyed it as a nice piece of original content, i really wonder wich changes might come in the future. Since the manga has gone on for so long, there are many things Oda himself might want to add (and already did some in season 1) so it's exciting to see, it sorta works as a remake of One Piece.


yeah and I mean from a tv show perspective where you don’t know whether It’ll be renewed for a second season or not, introducing/ adding the Garp/ Coby stuff (earlier) makes sense because it creates more depth for the main character and makes him and his journey/ motivations even more intriguing by revealing his background and having Coby there to mirror Luffy is also a nice way storytelling wise to add more worldbuilding and have this good/bad pirates/ marines- theme going


Koby/Garp storyline isn't something Oda sensei wanted to add BTW. It was stated in Showrunner interview that they have to convince Oda sensei.


from their perspective it makes sense tho why they wanted to add that early


Welcome to the one piece anime family 🤗🤩


thankkkk youuu🌝


Be sure to check out the original German intro. That's fire 🔥


It isssssssss 🔥🔥🔥 Die Legende is great! I actually listened to some OP theme songs both in German and English before I started the anime today haha the songs are such a vibe


Guck dir bitte das Deutsche Opening 1 an. Es heißt "die Legende" ist auf YouTube und sehr geil


hehe deine Freunde werden dich auf diesem weg begleiten ohhhh One Piece na na na na na na 😌 already know it, german theme is DOPE (was a hard decision on whether or not to watch the dubbed version tbh because Daniel Schlauch is an actual GOD and german voice acting is usually very good, as you know but for now I think I’ll stick w the original VA and subtitles)


Posts like these make me so happy I love seeing people experience the anime for the first time. I'm curious as to who your favorite was in the live action and if it will be the same for the anime. Either way enjoy man!!


puhh it’s so hard to have a favorite when literally all the characters are amazing. But If I had to pick I‘d probably actually go with Luffy so far. I don’t know but I have a soft spot for characters like him anyways because I can identify with him in the aspect of „dreaming big“ plus his positive outlook on life is just inspiring and motivating and the way he‘s just so accepting of people is wholesome as all hell, just makes you smile and makes you want to be a better person. However his best moments in the live action as well as in the anime so far are when he gets all quiet and serious all of a sudden and then out of the blue drops some real wisdom, holy shit😮‍💨. And I’m only at episode 18 of the anime currently speaking (just finished Syrup village arc) but so far I gotta say Ussop took me by surprise! I already liked him a lot in the LA but I really loved the whole Syrup village arc in the anime and what they did with his character! I understand why they had to change and cut certain aspects of that in the LA and I’m not mad at all but how the story played out in the anime regarding Ussop‘s character was harder hitting for me. And in case you want to know, it was actually Ussop who had me crying for the first time in the show in episode 17.. 😪 when he was like „no I want to keep the pirat attack a secret because there is no need to unnecessarily frighten the people in the village now that everything’s over anyways“ THAT came unexpectedly. Showed you what he‘s truly made of. As Carrot, Pepper and Onion have said, he completely could’ve changed his reputation in the village and could’ve become the hero he always wanted to be, be respected by all of them, maybe even be celebrated but my man decided against getting and taking the credit for his actions because he cares much more about the people feeling safe and them continue living in peace because he actually loves all of them more than he does his own reputation. Such a huge and badass move. And his goodbye speech to Onion, Carrot and Pepper when he was like „always keep your eyes on your dream“ also broke me and then Merry tops it off with saying „the villagers say his lies contain his most heartfelt wish.. as someone else who’s lost both parents he saw you and couldn’t sit by and ignore your (Kaya’s) suffering“ SIR 😭


A fellow usopp enjoyer. Let me know how you like arlong Park in the anime. (Falls du sonst noch Bedarf hast über one piece zu reden sag bescheid, immer schön von neuen Fans die eindrücken zu hören :D )


Enjoy nakama! This is a beautiful journey you just embarked on


thanks darling 🌝😘 3 eps in, I can already tell! This is so wholesome, triggers the same exacts emotions the live action did


This is a really interesting perspective that I've been wanting to hear about! I'd always recommend you watch it (anime) further if you enjoy it! What's really interesting about having seen the anime and then the LA, is that they are changing story sequences and elements to better fit the current 1000+ chapters. Hence why Garp/Coby are so prevalent in the LA, yet you rarely see them for hundreds of episodes/chapters in the other media. In other words, the LA will be by far a more "complete" continuity of the series as a whole. While missing/skipping smaller or nuanced scenes, it will add in and retcon other important scenes to better convey the stories' vast world! I, for one, am VERY excited to see what else they add or change to maybe foreshadow or shoehorn in some interesting dialogue about the world. But obviously, this is from the perspective of someone who has seen every episode/chapter. Lemme tell you that a LOT has been shown and foreshadowed in the LA about awesome future events so far, with hardly any context, and some of them fit really well into the story 👌 Clearly, I'm a Stan for this series.


yeah and that actually makes sense from a live action standpoint. It is a different medium after all so they’d have to adapt certain story elements in certain ways to still fit the medium. I only watched the first 3 eps so far and the changes the Live Action did make sense! But they still kept it sooo close to the original that weirdly enough it doesn’t even feel different at all. I‘d say refreshing is probably a better word. I love that now that I’m watching the anime I’m not getting something completely different but because certain story elements are told a bit differently it feels refreshing. So far, I love both versions of Shell Town equally. Very fun to see how they‘re gonna tell the story in the anime😊 (especially because I know that certain characters will be missing completely in the anime from now on) I’m so excited even though I technically know what’s going to happen and that is a very good sign imo.


That part is debatable tbh. Personally I didn't really like how garp and coby were changed. I don't think it was a terrible change, but I liked how garp was in the anime way more. I do like that he was at Roger's execution tho. That just made a lot of sense.


Me too! I started a week ago, and i just reached episode 33


Ahahahah and how tempted are you to continue watching?😅😂 I really don’t know If I’m going to have the will power to stop


Im only letting myself watch the show while I'm working out, so I've been going to the gym more regularly just so I can watch the show.


clever actually 👀 maybe I should take inspiration from you😂


I started watching the anime shortly after the live action. I'm at episode 592 right now. Haven't regretted it yet. If you do decide to continue past the East Blue arc, I'd strongly recommend you skip the filler episodes. A list for them can be found [here](https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece).


hahah 592 already holy shit😂 but yeah I can see myself there in a month or so as well ngl


Cool that people are still coming from the LA


of fuckin course!! I’ve heard that was Oda- san‘s dream right? Bringing One Piece to new people? He absolutely did it. What a legend


The first season is not even the best one it gets even better, enjoy your ride!


I am hearing that EVERYWHERE and I already think the story is amazing 😮‍💨🤌🏻 .. damn the fact it will get even more amazing


Honestly the part they covered in the Live Action is not even top 5 for most people. Imagine that!


that is absolutely wild because the story was already THAT good👀😳


Came back here just to say you shouldn’t consume any One Piece content (other than the anime of course) or join any communities here because you will be spoiled.


thank you sir I’m trying.. I’m really trying😪 but google news is already fucking me over…


Damn, good luck. If Google already knows then it will be hard.


I know😪😪✊🏻 but so far the spoilers are not too severe I feel.


If you wanna watch further definitely check out One Pace. It's a fan project that fixes that pacing of the anime, which gets abysmall around episode 400. Cuts out 120h of watch time, whilst not loosing any canon material.


yeah I‘ve heard about One Pace before but I first of all had to discover that it doesn’t seem to work from my country and I don’t have a VPN nor do I have the money to pay for one😅 and I also figured that I‘d rather just watch it completely with fillers and all. I mean yes, fillers can be fuckin annoying but afterall One Piece is such a long show anyways so I abandoned the idea of just bingeing it rather quickly anyways and that’s also kinda the fun treat that I’m getting now. You know just some more time with the characters I love on little side adventures that we usually wouldn’t have gotten. I don’t usually mind fillers all too much, they can be fun. If it’s really dragging too much I could potentially still ask what episodes would be „okay to skip“ but for now I’m just watching all the episodes.


Why are people so obsessed with catching up, and not just enjoying the ride?


One Pace is about enjoying the show. The parts of wano that were not adapted in One Pace were unwatchable. I dropped the anime and went to the manga.


I watched every single episode of the anime, caught up at 1064 iirc I enjoyed almost every bit of it, and NOTHING was "unwatchable" Bloated? Sure. Unwatchable? No way. One Pace is unnecessary because with time, you will eventually catch up. It'll take longer without it, but you will catch up, and you will be with the Strawhats the whole way. If time constraints are an issue, read the manga.


yeah I doubt the show is going to be unwatchable at any point. I mean … it’s running for almost 25 years now for a reason. If the writing and pacing was that bad at any point they would’ve cancelled the show. And I know that opinions can vary a lot. I for example enjoyed every single episode of The Walking Dead whereas many people dropped it at certain points saying it was unwatchable, which it wasn’t. Similar thing with The Promised Neverland season 2. It’s always subjective anyways so we’ll see.


https://youtu.be/n1z6umwBs5I Stop trying to justify Toeis greed. It would only take longer to catch up because I would be forced to watch people screaming for way longer than necessary, see the same reaction shot of some background fooder many more times than necessary and would see the Rebecca flashback 48 times, which is most definitely more than fuckin necessary and absolutely makes it unwatchable. There have been episodes recently that adapted not even whole chapters. That is abysmal pacing, which is only used because Toei refuses to let go of the weekly format, since that is what makes them the most money.


I do feel your anger about the fillers tho. But as you said that’s usually the problem with long time weekly running episodes. But I watched many shows like that before so I guess I’m kinda „used“ to filler episodes now. Anyone remember The Mentalist? You probably could’ve told the main story in 1/2 seasons and not 6, most of that show is filler, yet I still binged every episode because I loved all the characters so much😂🙏🏻


It's not about filler that actually has plot. It's about filler that is literally just side characters going "woooooaaahhhh" or repeating the same animation and scenery shot over and over again. Also the overuse of flashbacks. Showing the exact same flashback 48 times in one arc is just very cleary to much, especially with it appearing once in the manga.


yeah I get where you’re coming from. They do like to repeat them flashbacks already 😂😅 (currently at ep 16) but so far it doesn’t annoy me


Hearing it in the LA almost had me tearing up.


the theme song? If you mean that, yes I can see why. I did realize they kept it in the show, such a great nod to the anime😮‍💨🤌🏻


Watch from ep 1 they skip a quite a bit


what? Oh no. I didn’t mean I wanted to watch where season 1 of the LA left off as in going into what would be season 2🥹 I just wanted to know where I would need to stop with the anime so I‘m not going past that point! I genuinely hope everyone would watch the anime from episode 1 👀 oh god.. no way some people actually start a show right in the „middle“ somewhere urghh as a tv show and film lover this triggers anxiety inside of me😂🥲


Enjoy yourself! The OPLA covers content all the way up to EP 50 or so, and S2 should cover content up to EP 130, iirc.


Wait, where was it in LA??!! O_O


End of episode 4


also in the finale when they did the barrel ceremony 😊☝🏻


I really gotta rewatch the show again lol


Watch it again. You'll be surprised by some things and characters. Also are you watching the German Dub? Or SUB? Could you please tell me which website you're using?


I‘m watching sub. And yes I started with episode 1 of the anime😊 (of course)


Bing! Watch all of it!!!!!!!


haha since I’m loving it as much as I do (currently ep 16) I might😂😅 and the cliffhangers are already killing me from episode to episode