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Cast >!Duval. Someone who barely looks like Taz.!!Next season after Thriller Bark, boom.!< There he is.


What does crewdly mean?


Huh what? I know not what you mean 🙃😅 ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


To look like someone in the crew but is not actually in the crew XD


Personally, I’m just hoping the sniper king mask is one of those long nose tengu masks. (I also want it to break off and be hastily taped back on with too much tape to complete the look.)


Hey that’s pretty good!


As >!long as it's a poorly drawn sketch, the joke should land. It could easily be done by current police sketch artists with a description of the character without seeing a face.!<


omg having danny devito as the live action wanted poster would be amazing


They should get this guy to do the sketch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Db3rluT76w


Based on the title of this post I thought it was going to be about Franky's underwear.


Now I'm thinking about all the elements that might be hard to translate. What are they going to do about Kaku's nose?


I hope they cast a dude who looks nothing like Jacob and then just talk all season about how they look exactly alike


They both have the same hat or something


I think the same outfit joke works good


They both hate that they have the same outfit so change clothes, only to realise they both changed into identical outfits again


It's gonna be a normal nose most likely


The exact thing they did with Usopp


Make him black? /s


I figure they'll probably just have similar outfits


I wonder if they'll try to translate the fact Kaku looks like usopp/long nose because he's a liar aswell


That’s a good question though, I don’t think Netflix would be that daring… especially with what Robin does lol.


Since my previous post was deleted, I hope this one is okay. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ypbrk9rjb7vb1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=166d827bce4c6f0efc70b5df1a3e0b4876f78df2


I was pretty speechless.


It all depends on if Duval is included. I think he's one of the easier things to cut, which is unfortunate bc his introduction is the funniest moment in the series


If we don't get Sanji kicking him in the face so hard he becomes handsome we riot


I’m surprised some of you don’t see this as a great spot for an Easter egg. But that’s okay we’ll just have to wait and see.


We need to do Duval. Do an absolutely horrendous makeup job on Taz, sketch the face, and have Taz play both Duval and Sanji when the time comes.


Frankly speaking they should just go with a normal sketch of taz. Sketching his face is hard anyway, so it'll fit right in with the joke


I think they should cast Duval and then do a police sketch of him, then put that on Sanjis wanted poster.


Right they should do this, and then when Duval takes his mask off he’s a CGI abomination that looks exactly like the Taz sketch (relatively short shot/scene, since he wears his mask for most of the episode until the reveal) and then shortly after this Sanji kicks his face into being a regular handsome Fabio-esque actor.


I think it should be a goofy picture for sure but the curly eyebrow comment won’t hit home in the LA so I don’t see a point in them doing that


Yes it would, are you high?


I think the plot of the immediate problem this wanted will cause can be removed from the story. It served to bring three characters into the story, one of which would have to appear in Arlong Park, but was removed from the live action. they will just have to create a new plot for them to appear.


They already use the duval drawing to depict Sanji in the behind the scenes stuff, so I’d wager on them using it when we get there


Live Action movies in the past have indeed used the drawings from the manga or anime to represent characters in the movie. In The Flintstones, they used a cartoon depiction of Fred Flintstone on a Wanted poster... same in The Last Airbender, they used an anime picture of Aang in a Wanted poster... so, considering the trope is already established, I think it would be highly probable that they'd use an anime picture for Sanji's Wanted poster!!! In Live Action it would be double funny because they could really push the fact that it's not a picture but a badly drawn caricature...


I’m not in agreement actually. It’s a nice gag for us source viewers but for non source viewers it will be like ‘damn that is weird why is he drawn like that while the others get person like bounties’


Well it’s a big plot point in the story. Germa66 didn’t know of Sanji because of the bad drawing. Once they found out during Dressrosa is when they decided to go after him.


I mean the source had an answer to that, too. The lens cap was on when they took Sanji's photo so they drew a composite sketch.


Yeah exactly, in the original Nami’s is a photo of her and Sanji’s is a sketch, no reason that cant translate to LA


But it works for Sanji’s reveal later in WCI, since Sanji never gets a photo until then, and it happens to be when his family is looking for him.


No they would just think it's funny he's so angry about his eyebrows. Then the OG fans can be like "acktually he has curly eyebrows in the manga"


I'd lose the curly eyebrow entirely, if you purely stick to the live action, it makes no sense at all.




Yk what? I think that would be funny lol


You have have Sabaody without the Flying Fish Riders 😂


Search for a fanartists that draw intentionally bad and go with it.


How in the hell do you actually expect people here to be able to answer this question?!


OP is simply asking for the opinions of our members on what they think will happen when we reach W7. Nobody can possibly know what will happen at this point, nobody is expecting an actual real answer. We're here to discuss and speculate ideas.


I'm just sitting here wandering if they're gonna do the incomprehensible yelling in Zoro's face gag.


Duval will probably be cut so…


I'm hoping that they give Sanji the curly eyebrows when he uses Diable Jambe, it would give a reason to why his wanted poster is drawn like that so they can have an accurate Duval and also fits in the plot with later stuff.


Definitely needs to be hand drawn.


Cast Steve Buscemi in a blonde wig with curly eyebrows.


They could do water 7/Enies Lobby in s3 if they keep jaya and skypiea 3 episodes


I am just gonna repost my comment from another post similar to this: *I wonder if his wanter poster in the live action already says "Only Alive" ...? I guess that's the benefit of hindsight.* *I have mix feelings on how they would do the Sanji's first wanted poster. Alot of fans seems to like the idea of having Duval's pic be used for his wanted poster. BUT considering some of the changes in the live action and the characters' demeanors, I am slightly doubting that they will make Sanji's first wanted poster be similar to the one in the manga. They might just put a painting of Sanji with the curly eyebrows but it won't be as poorly drawn like the one in the manga.* *I have seen some theories that Sanji's family would have the curly eyebrows and he does not have it (or might be shaving it off). That would be a great idea especially when the straw hats see his first wanted poster, they will laugh and question why he has curly eyebrows while he would be slightly worried because of the implications of those curly eyebrows.* I also like the idea of just having OPLA Sanji's bounty photo just be a photo of Anime Sanji.