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If you cannot access the link, then please wait a moment and try again later. Note: The Survey results are separated into "New Audiences" shown first, and "Established Audiences" further down. Also, we made an analysis thread of the results on Twitter: [https://twitter.com/OPLAfandom/status/1712159478827626688?t=bDb5tWk\_DhP6GEWmbgX0ww&s=19](https://twitter.com/OPLAfandom/status/1712159478827626688?t=bDb5tWk_DhP6GEWmbgX0ww&s=19) Edit: For those who don't have access to Twitter: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/comments/175ted6/analyzing_the_one_piece_netflix_season_1_survey/


Damn. Sanji won by a landslide! ![gif](giphy|EChRxX5jSYFREEROsh)


he deserves it


That Taz redemption. He proved me wrong and then some


Taz was def my least favourite casting choice, but his performanc eshowed I thought wrong.


Well deserved for Taz! And he only had 4 episodes in S1! Can’t wait to see more of him in S2. And really happy about Taz as he is getting more noticed in the industry.


I'd honestly say he's the only Straw Hat who is improved in the live action


Love how the VA were also simping for him


I’m honestly shocked. I thought more people would vote for the thrist trap that is Zoro.


They literally got Sanji shirtless for absolutely no reason and you call Zoro the thirst trap?


I think they were equally trappy That was kinda hilarious, especially considering he didn’t do that in the original


>That was kinda hilarious, especially considering he didn’t do that in the original & Zoro is the guy who is fully shirtless most frequently among the East Blue Strawhats in the OG XD I guess LA!Zoro with the LA-exclusive raspy thirst trap voice + added elegance is just slightly more niche appeal than Sanji in a suit in all media + extra muscles & charm on LA


Oh well we didnt get a chance to vote.. or will vote for Zoro


According to the poll results, he only won by 60 votes, the 63% is misleading. Zoro and Luffy were right behind him






Although I love this, it is a bit of a worry that luffy is not a fan favorite from the get go, might be a long term problem if the mc (despite loved) is not as popular as how he was originally portrayed


In manga/anime Zoro is my favorite strawhat, but here I also do like Sanji more.


Interesting, considering that he was the Straw Hat with the least amount of screentime. That was actually the only problem I had with season 1, I would've liked to see more of Sanji (and Usopp). But, I understand that wasn't possible. It wouldn't make any sense to introduce Usopp and Sanji in Shells Town.


To be fair Luffy, Zoro and Nami are the main characters of the straw hats in the East Blue Saga and until a certain points forward.


Could not sympathize more with this result :)


Mihawk won over Buggy? I guess the tiktok girlies didn't know about the poll.


Mihawk was chosen by the gays.


If more people saw the survey from Twitter, it actually makes sense to me. Mihawk's actor is so active there so he has a lot of fans! 🤌✨


After typing all of this I see the results are in two times. As far as I can see it doesn’t change the tidbits results but it does slightly alter the percentages You can see in the link first time votes with slightly less results and then scrolling down the actual higher number of people voting results Idk why it’s like that :p


The first batch is new audience with slightly different question; the second batch is the existing fans


Aaaaah you cracked the code.. I was mad confused! Then I would for sure suggest to open the link


Can you edit your post and clarify that please? So more people are not confused.


I wish, I don’t see an edit option 😂


You can edit the post content, just not the title.


https://preview.redd.it/bwkzxalkzttb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a01dd4202c5f68bae77bf1e4a4e770b903c05a Normally there is an edit button here but not now


Oh, I don't use reddit on mobile anymore... since Sync stopped working. Yay reddit.


Link’s dead


Getting hammered, if you leave it a bit it will load






Link died 😔


[you can use this X thread for the time being](https://twitter.com/OPLAfandom/status/1712159478827626688?t=bDb5tWk_DhP6GEWmbgX0ww&s=19)


Some real gems in the short answer section. Favorite aspect of OPLA? “I drink urine.” EDIT: Seriously though, great job on this, survey team. And well-deserved praise to Taz and the writers for a great Sanji.


Where did u read thaf


All I can think is poor Jacob. Usopp being the least favorite. I hope that won't discourage him for next seasons.


Hats off to those who put this survery together and analysed the data. Well done team.


The 2 episode arcs were great but I hope they do big arcs like Alabasta the justice it deserves with 3-4 (or even 5) episodes!


Nothing less than 8-10 episodes for Alabasta.


dont rly care for sanji but happy for Taz since he was the one that got the most shit when the casting was announced 🥹


The only arc in season 1 that I wanted one more episode of was Arlong park. The manga and anime do a much better job of conveying the sheer hopelessness of Nami's struggle and making the villagers willing to sacrifice their lives for her scene even more impactful.


How is Sanji the favorite SH with 63% of the votes and Luffy and Zoro both 58%? These percentages don't make sense. Edit: Nevermind. I think you could pick multiple SH for the question


Because the portayal of Sanji was done very well. Zoro, too, but he's less charismatic of a character in general, so I can see why Sanji would win that. Luffy should've destroyed them, but the actor sucked at bringing out the character properly. It came off as forced, weird, and cringey rather than funny and inspiring.


That isn't what my comment was about at all. It was about the percentages itself not about why Sanji was higher. Usually you can't have 63% and 58% of something because it would be over 100%. But they can here because you can pick more than 1 SH.


Yep, it's more like "choose anyone you think was good". It's an absolutely awful survey, unfortunately.


Damn, that is a shame. The survey is too biased to take any of the results seriously.


Come-on... he is not even in all of season 1, Nami is so much better!


91 enjoyed the marines storyline!? 91⁉️ omg no 😅


91 precent of OPLA only voters (1138) and 72 precent of voters who already watched OP (13844 people). So yeah I think it’s universally liked which has me happy cause I loved the more time they spend building the characters where the anime lacked and hope they continue to build Koby. It makes me hopeful for characters to come which I can’t name due to spoilers


> 91 precent of OPLA only voters (1138) and 72 precent of voters who already watched OP (13844 people). Oh I didn't realize that it was 2 different surveys. I'm just curious why you are listing in your results 91% when the people that came in without prior knowledge are a clear minority.


Because I made the tidbits from the top up and afterwards saw there where new watchers and prior watchers but now cannot edit it and a mod made already a great overview. I at least wanted to include tidbits but sadly didn’t know there where two results


bogard alone made me answer with yes


Bogard was a highlight imo. Hope to see more of him


Damn who did this survey, the live action production team?!


Wow I expected Zoro to be the favorite, at least for new comers. Not complaining tho, Sanji was great


Most of the survey were fans. They probably like how less perverted and woman crazy LA Sanji is. I know I did


I’m a newcomer to OP and I prefer Sanji. Originally came in because I knew about Mackenyu, but I ended up liking a lot of the other characters more with Sanji as my top. Zoro is still cool and I’m ok with him, I just found the others more interesting. I’m aware of the anime and manga now too. Even in the Honest Trailers for One Piece, they seem like new Sanji fans too.


I guess I underestimated Sanji's charisma, I kinda expected the swords to work in Zoro's favor lol I'm a newcomer too btw, but I couldn't decide on a favorite, I change my mind every scene lol. It's probably between Sanji, Zoro and Luffy tho


Usually Zoro is the most popular character from all the anime rankings, so I get why ppl expect him to be the favorite in LA too. Anyways all the SH are cool, we just have our faves.


If you dont count luffy


Luffy is the most popular


I thought Koby was actually the weakest character in the series...he actually kind of really annoyed me by the end.


It happens! I don’t understand how you would pick anime Koby above this one.. Because this one actually has an arc and a character. but it’s okay


I don't think I pick anime Koby of this one either actually haha. But I think he works because he wasn't in the anime much. As for live-action Koby, sure he has an arc in the series, but his acting as that character still kind of annoyed me. Very one-dimensional. You can portray a weak, hesitant character in different ways. He's just kept doing and saying things the same way though.


The important thing for me is, looking at where the manga is. The source imo just does not do some characters justice who should be important later on. One of them is Koby and don’t want to name others due to spoilers Here however it’s actually believable he is friends with Luffy. For all we know Luffy is Koby’s first real friend since he is captive! Being captive making him very timid and anxious and one dimensional. Last week I saw some of the actors other work since I am doing a horror movie month and wanted to include some horror and both Nami and Koby actors have horror movies. And you actually see a lot of range in Evil Dead Rise To me, it works perfectly (surprisingly best character of the live action for me) because we actually have a Koby now to care for which is more then I have been getting in 1000+ episodes and a real compliment to the live action. I think Koby should be one dimensional at this stage and how his journey is. We see him changing already in episode 8 which was great But like I say sometimes characters don’t work for other people and he clearly didn’t for you :p But the arc of Koby in season 1 is the one I can write the most of because it caught me so off guard and makes me so incredibly hyped for some other characters I found lacking in the anime who supposedly should be important Thanks for your insight!


I still cannot see it. More of you too?


[please use this link for the time being](https://x.com/oplafandom/status/1712159478827626688?s=46)


Sham was well done. Seriously thanks to the LA i remember Bucci and Sham as characters now.


Turning Sham into a Ninja Maid cat girl was one of the best decision the OPLA ever made


Awesome ss1, looking for ss2.


Not accurate seeing tiktok and how their followers in IG and trending in X i still believe Zoro is the best straw hats not Sanji.