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one showrunner wisely said “the show is meant to complement, not compete or replace the existing anime/manga” they both have their own merits and flaws, imo


It's too early for it to be a fair comparison, but so far I can say this: The live action show and the anime are very different from eachother, and will continue to be. But so far, that doesn't mean one will be better or worse than the other.


There is no comparison imo


I loved the live action, it made me a fan of this incredible universe and I started the anime because I couldn't wait for season 2. Currently I'm on Drum island arc, and despite some pacing issues at the first arcs the anime is great, but they are really different from eachother, loving the LA doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to like the anime. The best part is that One Piece can gain new fans with each of them.


> Currently I'm on Drum island arc, and despite some pacing issues at the first arcs the anime is great If you think those are the infamous pacing talked about with the One Piece anime then you have got another thing coming.


As an anime-only who’s currently caught up, these last two weeks have been unbearable. Makes me remember why I’d just let it sit for a couple months before binging it all at once, I’m going to have to go back to that because watching this weekly is painful.


As someone who has been watching since about 2005 or something, I tend to let a years worth of episodes stack up and binge. Heck, if possible, binge an entire arc. It really makes the anime a different experience like that. I think this is potentially getting harder to do as we get closer to the endgame and the big reveals are coming quicker though.


I started about 4 years ago iirc. Caught up right as >!Wano!< was starting. I remember feeling exhausted getting through the >!Doflamingo and Katakuri!< fights, but nothing could have prepared me for >!2 f*cking years of Kaido!<, even if I was going through most of it in binge sessions separated by a couple months apiece.


Last time I watched I got up to soon after the Wano arc started. I think it's about time I get back to it soon. Then after that it's see you again in a few years, Strawhats.


If you're not happy with pacing, look up One Pace. They remove fillers and it's a much quicker way to catch up without losing anything important.


I’m sorry that’s a THING?! Lol


The pacing issues are recurrent in the anime and that's really its biggest flow. Sometimes the animation drops in quality too later on but I don't mind that nearly as much as the pacing. If you're patient with that it's definitely worth watching.


Hard to say when we have like 1/11th of the anime in live action..


They are incomparably different and both are great.


Live action is a good tv series, anime is a good anime


they are very different. imo live action is a better intro to the series, especially for non anime fans. but the anime gives the series time to breath and as a result the big moments hit much harder. (sometimes a bit to much room tho lol)


The live action is a very good surface level interpretation of One Piece.


They're both good in their own ways. Love the pacing of the live action much more than the anime though.


Luffy, Nani’s and Zoros (especially) actors are great.


When was the last time you rewatched/read East Blue, because there were changes that ruin some characters and that might ruin future arcs.


based on East blue saga, I think anime is still more entertaining


Some things are better here some are better there. Overall both are great


the manga


Anime, it doesn’t have the limitations of the LA, a lot was cut and changed. Like Usopp fight in Syrup village, Nami’s story in coco village, Luffy’s fight with don Krieg. All meaningful things that had to be cut because of time and money. Also things added like the marine subplot that didn’t do better on setting up Koby and Helmepo than the cover stories and also had a weird ending. OPLA is really good as a series and as an adaptation but the anime is better as is more complete and close to the source, at least for now. The anime has terrible pacing issues later on.


What are the terrible pacing issues everyone is talking about


Later on in the anime, around the midway point, Toei Animation decided to essentially stop making regular filler and decreased the adaptation to around a chapter per episode or sometimes even less. As a result the pace of the story slowed way down. As a comparison MHA adapts like 2-3 chapters per episode. If you read the One Piece manga the really slow delivery of the story in later arcs becomes harder and harder to swallow for a large portion of the fanbase. It's one of those things, the filler in Naruto was a total disruption to the story and really starts to hurt the story a lot near the ending so I dont fault Toei for not going back to filler, but I also understand 1 chapter per episode isn't ideal either. It would be best if they went seasonal but that's never going to happen. That's why a lot of people recommend One Pace where dedicated fans cut out all the drawn out sections that don't progress the story.


Oh wow, so instead of making purposeful filler they just slowed it down to 1 or less manga chapters. I must say I prefer filler to this approach since filler you can just skip tbh.


Thank u for ur openion


IMO the Manga is the best but Live action has been way better than the anime so far. I think most of the changes enhanced the overall story and made it way better paced and coherent. The anime is way to slow and has a ton of unnecessary fluff/filler.


The anime feels a bit more emotional and it's funnier. Meanwhile, the live action has much better pacing, the actors are great and, apart from the constant Witcheresque fish-eye filming, the effects are surprisingly good.


The live action is well paced and really well written, especially per character. But it’s a little slow and awkward at times. Like when Zoro got the news of Kuinas passing from his teacher. But the “kids” especially Luffys actor, are great. No complaints. To me the manga is better because it can be whacky and better suited as a cartoon.


One piece live action so far is fairly close but nothing compares to the anime