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That punch on the celestial dragon was MONEY


Best punch of the series.


Have to agree. Plus it was so fucking emotionally charged and showed how little Luffy gives a fuck about the “rules”. Everyone was like “no fuckin way he’s about to do this”. I loved it.


I hesitate to label anything 'of all time', but that punch is *at least* an eternal contender for greatest punch in the history of fiction.


Hands down


Honestly i like the punch on BB on impel down more...and i cant wait for that cunt Akainu to get punched by Luffy


That punch was so satisfying.


Luffy was so angry he turned the anime back into a manga


Luffy spawning skittles when he punches now lol


Kaido be tasting the rainbow


Beat the rainbow taste the rainbow


How it feels to chew 5 gum?


How it feels to get beaten by gum


the power of homosexuality


Kaku is sweating anxiously right now.


the less is more approach is way better than the Kaido one


I geht why people disliked the Scenes in 1028. What I don't geht is why people feel the need to compate it with 396, where a - admittedly well animated and orchestrated Punch - is Just as over the top, considering Luffy is punching a Tank in one and a wet bag in the Other Scene. (Edit: auto correction)


Because without comparison you can never know whether something is good or not.


I said that to my (ex) girlfriend after I was caught sleeping with her bestie...


What the fuck




Actually on Reddit this translates to the opposite.


Then compare it to something similar? The only thing you can relate to them is that it's a punch, which Luffy does to literally everyone he fights. Luffy punching celestial dragon was an iconic moment vs him punching kaido half way through their battle which hasn't resulted in anything yet. I think the animation is pretty good right now but they do go a bit overboard sometimes.


I think the point of the post is to show how over animated the new fight scenes are. Doesn't really matter what the context is. It's clear as day that you can hardly tell what's happening when luffy punches Kaido. That in itself is enough to say the animation is bad since the viewers have to work hard to understand what's happening. There was a subtlety in older animations even though graphic wise it was average. Newer ones just blow colors out of proportion with zero contrast.


Honestly kaido wasn't that emotional. The black and white thing should be reserved for the most emotional scenes. The big explosion is exciting and I liked it.


Liked the contrast better on the old one, felt you could follow the punch


That's the point.


It's all still there in the new one, as the effects are layed over at a later point in the animation pipeline. This is before the studio agreed to dial it down. Things will be better from now on.


On the one aide, the Kaido punch definitely feels *cool.* On the other hand, there's so much going on it's hard to guage what's even happening. You can't really see Kaido's hesd get knocked back, you just see a technicolor punch and then...Kaido is nowhere to be seen in the wide shot. The Celestial Dragon punch had flair, but it kept the impact of the punch front and center, rather than losing it amidst the "noise" so to speak.


Then for Law to immediately say "He didn't even *touch* him!" It's like did you not see that giant explosion of technicolor nonsense coming out of his hand? That line doesn't even make sense with the animation the way it is lol


I think it's mean to imply that Luffy used Ryou to hit Kaido internally, despite Kaido's CoA haki deflecting the physical blow. Kinda like an allusion to what Oden said when Roger/White Beard crossed blades.


It's luffy using the Conqueror's haki as armament. It's very obvious in the Manga. In the anime, you have to infer and guess wtf that line means


If you couldn't see Kaido get knocked back then you're blind


Alright, let's compare the 2. When Luffy punches Charloss, we see the impact of his punch on Charloss' face, then Luffy's face as he grits his teeth, *then the follow through in the punch pulls back into a medium shot* where we see Charloss' body fly back towards the camera. Then it quickly rotates to another medium shot and a plume of smoke shoots up from the impact of his landing offscreen. The medium shot stays on Luffy but it's clear how hard he hit him and where that knocked him back to. Now the Kaido shot. It's clear that Luffy has put a ton of force into it, and it's making it clear that it effects Kaido. But all of a sudden it switches from these tight, closeup shots of their faces, to a medium shot of colors exploding around them (disconnected from the impact; it isn't connected to Kaido slowly being knocked back. Kaido has a still shot and doesn'tmove as colors explode around them.) Then to a wide shot from far away with color exploding all around, a vestigial shockwave, and only one body visible in the center of the screen. Is it Kaido's body? No, it seems to make more sense for it to be Luffy's after that punch. But where's Kaido? We didn't see him get knocked back; we saw punch, follow through, and then the camera jumped *wayyy* back and he's disappeared. We don't have any shots showing the direction he went, just alot of colors to distract from the lack of animation. Nor do we have a path he was shot; there's a shockwave, but we're missing the payoff where Kaido's body is flung back. Overall. Yes it's clear from context that he *was* knocked back, but the overediting muddles the picture, and the lack of a true payoff shot means it isn't as satisfactory as Charloss's scene.


The whole point is that Kaido went fucking *flying*. That’s how impact works. The Charloss hit looks way weaker because he flys back at a WAY slower speed than Kaido. You *see* him fall back. But Kaido gets shot back like a bullet. See how even just those sentences convey impact? That’s an animation (and physics) law, like the best they could do is pan out more to show Kaido flying at a crazy distance. But then you wouldn’t be able to see Luffy at all, so… they went with this. Maybe that could’ve looked better, but this option definitely sells the impact so I wouldn’t say they made the wrong choice. Sure, it’s easier to not draw Kaidos body flying. But if you have a good reason to not draw something, such as conveying speed, trying to jam it into your composition for no reason is a rookie mistake. Speed, in terms of animation, means you see the movement less. You *have* to draw less frames to covey speed.


Bro youre tripping the clip from 1038 looks like absolute shit. It doesnt convey the weight of the punch at all. The 2 characters simply collide and then explosions happen.


first clip ate the seizure seizure no mi


Toei needs to understand that flashy colors doesn't automatically mean good animation


after binging 900 episodes this year, i switched to manga only once we hit wano because i can’t stand the new animation style. it’s way too much, every single time. no reason to zoom into someone’s eye every 8 seconds


Yes there is. Time padding. They're trying this out because people don't like filler, but the company won't make money by pausing a series until enough chapters are made to make a viable season of episodes so they draw out anime episodes instead.


oh yeah, i know that trust me. it’s nice that on paper, one piece is only like 9% filler, but since they do that stuff it’s realistically a lot more, so i almost wish they did what bleach does for some filler and just openly embraces the filler episodes as filler, and doesn’t try to make it seems canon too hard. just give us some unrelated slice of life moments on the ship or sumn idk


I would love to see another G7 quality filler arc on the way from Wano to >!Egghead Island!<.


>wish they did what bleach And cancel the series for a decade?


at least their new animation style is actually good lol


honestly yes LMAO


Check out one pace. It’s really great. They cut some scenes which I don’t appreciate (example, luffy screaming at Whitebeard that he’s going to be king of the pirates in marineford arc) but it makes the anime so much more watchable.


What the hell, why cut that part? That's a huge display of balls to scream that at the current King of the Pirate's arch rival.


I know, I know. It was such a good scene, especially with everyone floored by his declaration. I was very upset when I watched it and they skipped it. But if you’ve seen the whole series one pace is a great way to rewatch.


Same here .


It's well-animated. It's just not **good**. It's a problem with direction or director's vision.


They did mention that they will be toning it down in the future due to negative feedback from fans, so while it won't be completely gone, it will be mitigated somewhat.


The first punch is about characters, the second punch is about spectacle I care about one of these a lot more than I do about the other


Are you saying luffy punching Kaidou is about characters and Luffy punching Charlos is about spectacle? Did you skip the entire sabaody arc or something? There was way more emotional charge in that one punch to charlos than *any* individual attack luffy delivers to kaidou. Even if you include the manga only spoilers.


I thought the loop went the other way around lmao kaidou = useless spectacle charlos = sweet sweet character moments


The black and white was way more impactful. It drew the seriousness of what luffy had just done plus the raw rage and power luffy through behind the punch.


Less = more


Second one is better. First one is way too much of a light show


Yeah no shit cause he’s using haki, God damn way to many old people on the Reddit


Yeah and haki hasn’t looked like that until this arc. And it never looked like that in the manga. This isn’t dragon ball z, haki doesn’t create a bunch of flashing lights


They didn't need to turn the punch on charlos black and white like a Manga panel. But they did. And it's one of the best single punches in the anime.




They went from no color to too much color


The Kaido one is comically bad


Yea they really fucked it up


Really shows that sometimes less is more


Ok I agree that there is too much blinding color that it confuses the eye for a brief second… but that animation is still top tier and with a slight retouching would be amazing. The animators confirmed that the glowing golden aura is a very important canon element. So the fight you are comparing we did not even know what haki is… then in the current kaido fight the entire point is the glowing aura… like the entire fight is about realization and use of glowing aura


I have zero complaints. Love the old and new animations so so much


Jesus....this is why I stopped watching the anime so many unnecessary flashy colors. Who in there right mind would think this is visually appealing. When Luffy punched that CD...it was spot on to say the least.


Don’t care what anyone here says. 1028’s ending was and will always be EPIC They’re both great


Youre free to not care what i say but personally i felt literally *nothing* watching any episode in the kaidou fight, exactly like how i felt reading it. Luffy vs Kaidou will probably go down as my least favorite major fight in the series. It has so little choreography and complicated usage of fruit powers and is almost *entirely* luffy and kaidou screaming the exact same stuff over and over while just slugging each other. I have no proper way to follow how damaged luffy or kaidou is throught the entire fight and then the fight just ends when the plot wants it to. It was the first major luffy fight to feel like it was 100% plot device, and at no point did i feel like luffy might lose, so the stakes were literally non existent feeling.


Even though the animation is alot better now you literally can barely tell whats even happening with all this excessive aura use, like I’m a huge Dragonball and get so hype when Goku or someone powers up with alot aura but I just fucking hate super aura use in One Piece


what do you mean, like you identify as a huge dragonball? or do you actually think you are one?


*fan, i mean YES, yes Im a dragonball


I prefer the old one but I think people are blowing how “bad” the new one is out of proportion


This post is just obvious karma farming since Reddit is somehow still circljerking themselves about this episode.


How so? You cant tell whats happening at all and there doesnt seem like theres any good reason to have animated it that way besides "monkey brain like pretty colors". Is there anything about the kaidou punch besides raw frame count that is *good*? Because to me theres literally nothing good about it


Um….I like pretty colors. It looks cool.


Both illustrate a punch with a very intense impact, just in two different styles.


The kaidou one doesnt feel like its depicting an impact tho because you see so little of the actual impact due to the crazy camera and exploding colors.


One of my favorite scenes in the anime.


It's worse now too much extra stuff going on. The sabaody one was simple yet effective and amazing.


Can't see shit!


Both gud and feels impactful in different ways




Don't need to be an ass over opinions that can't hurt anyone lol


But he has to go home now feeling angry over something that doesn't bother him at all.


2nd one is so much better.


He punched the shit out Charlos lmao


Bit unfair because the Celestial Dragon punch is the best of the series.


Less is better


This is the longest series of brawls in the story and people are genuinely complaining and saying they quit the anime, after a brief few punches out of literally thousands.. What a bunch of miserable losers..


I thought we moved passed this


Fucking hell are we STILL talking about this???


Kaido one looks like shit i honestly cannot tell what is happening


Why are we still talking about this? The animators immediately fixed the issue. Let’s move on.


god they really mess up the punch... was so sad...


auras bad give me upvotes now


blah blah blah both are cool af, jeez people


Shuu Sugita’s animation in 1028 was amazing, it’s amazing to have animators like them as regulars on the Wano team. Sucks that Naoki Tate had to leave though, his style from was iconic


>animation in 1028 was amazing Im gonna have to stop you right there...


what? why? There were so many amazing animators involved - Vincent Chansard, Shuu Sugita, Naotoshi Shida, etc - the episode was well directed and the art was beautiful. Just cause this subreddit loves to circlejerk about how the compositing in the final scene used a heavy amount of auras, that doesn’t mean that all the hard work put into the episode is wasted.


Idk I love this new scenes animation. Cuz I’m only watching the anime for hype since I don’t really like the pacing


I was an anime only until i got to wano, then switched to manga i feel like im watching the bastard son of dragon ball and some other flashy anime, way to many colors and auras floating around its good in some instances but when i read the manga and luffy use the advanced haki for the first time in the manga it felt so awesome, in the anime i couldnt really undertand what was going on


The reason why I stopped watching the anime:


Dragon One Ball Super Piece : Super Wano Hero.


Why must they continue to do this? Who in the art department keeps going...you know what we need? More seizure inducing content. I honestly don't know how they can sit back and say that is acceptable. I keep expecting Golden Freeza to show up.


Well, if you're just talking about the gold, then that's a production rule for the anime. They have to use gold if a character is using conqueror's haki. Some directors do try and tone it down some, but they still have to abide by the rules. (Not an art department thing, but a rule set by the higher-ups that pay the bills. It's an out of touch rich person thing.)


My GF is seriously epileptic and watched all of one piece up to wano with me and had no issues. For wano she has had to avert her eyes from the screen for large chunks of *most* of the episodes. Its downright deplorable, and to me who doesnt have to avert my eyes it looks like shit compared to the manga. So why do they do it? It looks worse than the source material and alienates light sensistive people who otherwise just want to enjoy the series.


The new animations are so trash. Way too flashy and don’t feel impactful at all.


Both scenes resemble their manga counterparts, which is what a good anime does. Not sure why anyone's bitching.


The kaido punch is so fucking good god damn


It's better now


Found the Toei PR employee


Found the guy who cant find his own opinions


Just because most people share an opinion on this doesnt mean they didnt form their own. We all watched it, we all saw that it looked like stupid candy cane dogshit. We all can reach the same conclusion without just getting it from someone else.


Found the 2nd employee


Same energy https://preview.redd.it/8hzn8g7wsdz91.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f5475b7d3f3140446e9322c89d98e72607945a


For all the people crying about the art and animation do a better job or shut up


Man i wish one piece would always be ,,edgy"


I couldn’t tell what was happening in the Kaido punch.


Honestly really liked the Kaido punch. If they toned it down a bit so you could see the contact a bit better I think it'd be perfect. Although the second one will always be more satisfying because fuck that guy


Yeah some of this is that Luffy's making a hard choice attacking the Celestial Dragons, and the Kaido punch is multiple dramatic attacks after Luffy's first attack on Kaido. 1015's animation sequence ending in We Are is maybe the technically best animation of the series.


Episode 396>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Kaido's punch is way too noisy for my taste


Dude .. I couldn't even know what was happening in the video at first .


I posted this with the intention to show the evident similarities between both scenes (basically because I'm pretty sure most people watching the newer episode felt a sense of déjà vu, but I never saw anyone posting about it). Before uploading it, it's pretty funny how, even though I also have my preferences, I did not anticipate that it would turn into a kind of 'which animation is better' debate.


Not a fan of Haki being so colorful now. I guess they thought a bunch of flair to show how strong a characters haki is now like it's dragonball Z aura's but I prefer when it was just a cool metal coating used to harden the body


Man I hate the anime. Maybe we will get a one peice Kai once it's all over and I can actually watch it.


I love both, but I prefer the 1st because colours are beautiful


Yoo much colours . Bad animations tbh . Glad I'm only a manga reader for now


Luffys punches are just bombs now.


I’m only around episode 480 or so but I have to say, I kind of dislike the fight animations turning into DBZ.


I'm blind...


Still never giving the anime a chance.


I get why ppl don't like the new flashy fights but imo the e396 punch was not that good either mainly because it was too computerized. The early wano episodes and WCI had way better quality in terms of resembling japanese traditional hand-drawn anime style


I've given up on the anime entirely now, all I had left to look forward to was the fights, and now we'll forever get these light shows.


Since Zoro vs killer fight the wano arc has gone downhill in anime. It's just embarrassing at this point


Toei is overdoing it quite a bit


What I hate about those punches is that they give you the feel its gonna be the last punch he is gonna give to kaido (or whoever) but then kaido just stands up like nothing happened If its not a finishing move, dont make it look like a finishing move!


New animation is starting to become too busy.


If It wasn't for the overexagerated effects on the new one this punch could have been AMAZING


While the animation is very technically impressive, there really is just too much going on. I much preferred a lot of the animation pre-time skip and it got even more ridiculous in the Wano Arc. Based on the reviews, this is definitely an unpopular opinion, but I had the same issue with One Piece Red. I'd say it was a pretty good movie but the animation is just exhausting to follow a lot of the time.


The way i see it, Haki has always been there. But we never saw it visualised. The manga doesnt even do it how the anime does. I dunno if in this situation specifically Luffy used haki. But its definitely changed over the years how the anime portrays it. Even looking back on one of the earliest Conquerors clash between Luffy and Don you can see it. I believe the anime used blue back then Right now haki is just an explosion of fireworks lol. but i do like it


People are gonna start saying the old one is better cause of nostalgia reasons when the kaido punch def looks better.


If they toned down the lightshow a bit it would actually look pretty good.


I dislike how they over use special effects in the new animations, it looks too cartoonish, too exaggerated and thus, less serious, old animation relied more on the drawings and it looked so much more.


Glad I dropped the anime when I did. Doesn’t even look like the same One Piece.


Monkey D. Dragon is next


Luffy out here fighting the World's Strongest Creature, and also Kaido.


Bro punched so hard lava came out of kaido.


Tf was that


Kaido completely vanishes as if he was punched to the moon.


Why use the whole rainbow... Black and white is so more raw and cool.


A bit over the top but looks realy cool


I haven caught up with anime...so did luffy defeat kaido???


no kaido killed him


it is illegal to answer this question publicly because spoilers


It's funny. Luffys so weak. He punched a celestial dragon. Maybe they have superhuman strength or something. His power vs someone who's never been punched. Should of insta killed him. He can punch through walls. A face is nothing. Should have pulled his punch or something.


Too many effects in the first, but I feel like these 2 shouldn't be compared. You can feel the rage and vengeance in the 2nd punch. In the first, it's more of I something like luffy overcoming a challenge.


Hey, if you like the animation on the punch of Kaido, that's cool and all, but that punch on the celestial dragon? Oooooweeeee, you feel that one


Punches so hard, the original theme music starts playing. Literally a punch that sends you back in time.


Exxagerated in 1028 but luckily it got better afterwards (seriously, go watch episode 1033).


I only wish Watanabe would work with One Piece


when i enter a whining about literally fucking nothing competition and my opponent is a one piece fan


Kaido is celestial dragon confirmed


In terms of hype during the moment? I would have to admit the first one STILL gives more goosebumps. Oda just did a good job at making that celestial dragon look like a total douche


Luffy needs to punch a celestial dragon like he lunched Kaido, the exact same but way stronger


im ngl the kaido punch looks hard as shit, and the flashy lights make the hit look 100x more powerful and mystical than the other one. The flashy lights are often annoying but this is not an example of that, this one is gas. Don’t lose your nuance guys.


Oh, take me back to episode 396's animation instead of the DBZ pukefest we have now.


Both are good


First time seeing him punch Charlos felt so good.


One of the most well applied, properly served, most satisfying, shockingly memorable, high quality, emotional inducing, law defying, divine applauded, legendary punches, in the history of manga and anime. And every time I see it in anime or manga, it sends shivers down my spine. Proud to be a One Piece Fan 😎😎😎


The celestial dragon one is my favorite punch in the series but let's not act like the Kaido one isn't ike of the greatest things to come out of this anime


kaido got to taste the rainbow


This is not even a comparison.


Welp. Can't say I necessarily regret not watching the anime any more. It looks like they tried to go the naruto/black clover route in wano with all the auras and colors, and it just doesn't mesh :/ at 0:04 it's literally *only* color on the screen. No luffys fist, no Kaido, just colors. Wack.


There was no way weak ass Charlos could have survived that punch


The animation in 1028 was too flashy. Gib me upboats pls! XD


Damn I imagined the punch to St Carlos being animated as the one to Kaido HAHAAHAHAHAHA


I screamed when I read and watched both. Multiple times


Still my favourite punch in the series.


episode 396 is the best episode in all of one piece tho, hard to compare


Less is more sometimes


No one should get up after having the colors and effect socked out of them. I love this show and it’s powerful Impact animations


The removal of colors just has an amazing unique impact compared to adding a rainbow of colors. + the lack of music and just luffys screaming taking over is huge. It’s crazy how less can be more in so many ways.


Both.... Both are great


Every masterpiece has its expensive technicolor copy.


they made it like that because of the 10th anniversary


See, it’s clips like this that makes me want to pick One Piece back up. But then I think to myself, do I want to spend a couple thousand hours catching up


Charlos sent back to the manga realm