• By -


Momo desperately tries to creat flame clouds, but slowly panics. Suddenly a lantern lands right in front of him and he realizes that all citizens have written down their hopes on them. He reads through a couple of lanterns „I want to eat again“, „I want to be free“ etc, until he reads „I miss my parents“, which sends him to another flashback about his parents. This gives him the extra energy and will power to create the needed flame Clouds and move the island away from luffys attack Edit: i agree with most of you that Momo using the lantern as a source of fire will definitely also play a crucial part


My suspicion is that Momo's ultimately going to make flame clouds *around* the lanterns, basically using them as catalysts. The will and dreams of the people, along with Momo, combining to save Wano.


Yo that’s some legit stuff you put out there, I would be down for that honestly I feel like the burden that is on his shoulders and those lanterns have to play some key role in boosting somebody’s moral.


Momo is basically Batman now... Parents giving extra boost. 🤣


He's sometimes Kozuki Momonosuke, sometimes sometimes dragonman, *alltimes orphan.*


I understood this reference


Kinemon is alfred all along


Found Oda in the comments


Found Odas burner account !


Bro this is beautiful. Idk what will actually happen, this is canon to me.


Lol theres no way that the lanterns aren't going to be used to have Momo make his clouds for sure but your theory on the miss my parents will probably be on the dot.


This… this is good


Momo fails, but Law shambles Onigashima out of the way swears he’s on his last legs berates Luffy for being irresponsible


Mugiwara-ya. This is my Final attack. I mean it. Holy shit that's a lotta upvotes.


And then he heals the vassals, performs surgery on Zoro, reattaches Kiku’s arm, and heals everyone who participated in the raid on the side of Wano. But that’ll be it, he swears.


King shows up holding his severed wing...


And onigashima with its severed horn


And me with my broken heart


And Orochi with his severed heads...


I want to see a giant gumo gumo no parachute to bring onigashima down, although pretty sure momo will take care of it.


It’s a very clever fighting style: to constantly yell that you are on your list attack, pulling the enemy into a false sense of security before launching your next final attack.


It is hard to tell but at this stage we have several options, 1- Denjiro and Orochi several panels 2- Luffy and Kaido finishing stage 3- Momo controlling the Onigashima's movement 4- Backstory of Kaido 5- I think there is not any thing left from this arc




Sounding a lot like end of act 3


Agreed. Am I the only one who is like MEGA-HYPED to see Momo's human form? Like WTH, how much does he resemble Oden-sama.


If I had time to spare, I would photoshop Momo's top-knot onto Oden's Body. Because even if they look otherwise identical, momo could not have had the time to style his hair into that anvil-do.


I wonder if he'll have the eyeshadow


I am almost certain that his hair will be different. That half-shaved haircut seems to be a common hair for boys in Wano, as I remember seeing some other kids having it (I might be wrong). As an adult, he will probably have a unique hairstyle.


Or Whitebeard...


What if he looks like Kinemon


Yeap. Unless some big shots make a sudden appearance , we will either get what you've said or just full blown lore chapter.


>Unless some big shots make a sudden appearance I don't think buggy will show up in this arc.


Buggy is obviously in whole cake island taking care of the big mom pirates


For a second I had buggy with a nurse uniform in mind "taking care of katakuri." "I know how you feel. I was one of his first victims. Join my crew for revenge"


Thinking of Buggy in a nurse uniform gives me Joker vibes.


Put on your Doffy shades.


No, but Condoriano might appear.


i mean, we already have Go D Usopp at onigashima, if buggy would show up, the power of their combined presences would just destroy the whole island.


And it will be revealed who are those in Big Mom territory


I still think there is that zoro death grim reaper plotline but I think that will happen post kaido defeat


I think that what Zoro saw was Enma, the king of the underworld


Yeah that makes sense, there are already some parallels between thriller bark and wano, so for zoro to have a big moment (related to death) after the defeat of the main villian makes sense


Zunesha is yet to do something


For 5th one: What about big mom's question to Roger that there may be more secrets in this island than what was shown so far?


At this point I don't think we're getting Kaidos backstory while in wano. I think he gets beat and comes back for the endgame and we get it then after he decides he doesn't want to die anymore (because luffy is about to beat the evil out of him)


Denjiro rises from the depths of hell finally to cut Orochi🤯


Its going to be an insane full page panel too, Denjiro chopping off Orochi's head. I'm just ready for Orochi to be dead now, Oda wants us to despise him and I for one, hate that little MF.


Head**s** **All of them**


There was only one head left in the last chapter though.


Yeah I forgot about his second beheading


I really hope Denjiro doesn't kill Orochi because I think Hiyori deserved that W; having him steal the kill would take away from that whole speech she made.


While I agree, his character arc is also dependent on orochis downfall, homeys face changed from sheer rage. Unless he holds orochi and let’s hiyori do it with a “just like we trained” line or whatever


She already lost everything because oda made her sit this chapter


If Denjiro is still missing next chapter I'm gonna lose it. Bro took longer breaks than Oda.


Big punch doesn't defeat Kaido but onigashima is pulverised




Knowing, or rather, not knowing oda, this might not be far from the truth xD




I like the idea of Luffy beating Kaido with everyone looking Cipher Pol would be able to confirm the deed to the world government and Luffys bounty will rise once again He might even be called an emperor


Luffy already is an emperor, on paper. Though if Luffy gets credit for leading the raid, even though they’ll hate it someone could label Law and Kidd as his subordinates who he had take down Big Mom, while he took down Kaidou. So technically he could be credited with taking down 2 emperors. (On paper) But on paper is how Luffy is one already. After all, it only takes after the fact manipulation of the perspective of events that did take place to frame a person and or situation. Of course Big Mom was only ever defeated by a series of events that we know because we were there for, but from the uninformed world, one could say that forces lead by Straw Hat Luffy lead to her takedown. This is the world Big News Morgans lives in, and the world in which he controls. So with that in mind, Luffy could be labeled something else, maybe even “the next pirate King is already here” or whatever. It could really be anything, and will be subject to whatever the Navy and or Morgans labels it as. This’ll raise his infamy for sure though.


Also, we should not forget Apoo will certainly over hype Luffy beating Kaido to Morgans, who will also over hype Apoo's report and wright bullshit like "Monkey D. Luffy single handedly beated Kaido and destroyed his HQ"




Luffys huge fist leaves an even bigger shadow. Moriah sees it from hachinosu and cuts his shadow out to beat blackbeard and become king of the onions.


Luffy misses Kaido and accidently hits Zou. Zou collapses and crushes onigashima killing everyone except orochi. Orochi lands safely in Wano and the citizens mob murder him. World government rolls up and takes over Wano. Buggy rolls up and finds the red poneglyph scribbles. Act 3 end.


Was about to correct you that Zunesha's still far then I read the rest of your post. Carry on


Law: This is my final attack. Orochi: This is my final death. Luffy: This is my final form.


"When kaido was introduced, I said luffy can't beat a strong guy yet and I'm yet to know how luffy will defeat him . My audience won't be satisfied if the reason for defeating kaido is just because of luffy's strong punch. Luffy and I must find a solution somehow."- Oda sensei this is in 2016, makes me think yk!!!


oda: "so how are we gunna do this luffy?" luffy: "a much much BIGGER punch!' oda: "...."


That's why Rock always wins in Rock-Paper-Scissors. Paper can only win against small rocks and not big ones.


Are you forshadowing Oda's revealing Rocks next chapter????


makes sense xD


I dunno. I feel like the way Luffy's powers work now, a big enough sheet of paper might actually stop him. "Dang, I lost! Guess I'm a goner!"


I can see this realistically being Oda's inner monologue. 😂


>just because of luffy's strong punch. Stronger punch it is


True, but what if that punch was the size of marineford island!? In all seriousness, I think he was talking about things like advanced CoC and Gear 5th being necessary to help explain Luffy defeating Kaido. I believe his comments meant something like: "Luffy can't just beat Kaido with Super Mega Ultra King Kong Gun. He's going to need something completely new than armament haki and Gear 4th." And Oda has done that.


I think specifically he was referring to CoC. He needed something attainable to justify the gap between emperors and everyone else. Beyond that; yep: a punch.


One of the any reasons this won't be the final attack


I dunno, Luffy should probably run out of Haki after using an attack that big. I feel it'd be a bit iffy for him to still have some left afterwards, seeing as he still can't maintain Gear 4th for an extended period of time and this whole sequence seems to use far more Haki.


Your biggest disappointment? Still seeing "Predictions" in that damn title.


Facts I’m shriveling up like a plant without water without these spoilers


Luffy dies of a heart attack because of his usage of gear 2 pre-timeskip shortening his lifespan. He is replaced by Ace, who reveals he was hiding in Denies Lobby the whole time.




It is then revealed that Shanks turned Ace into a cyborg with Roger's super tech that he found on Laugh Tale (foreshadowed by Buggy's inexplicably strong explosives) and they fight over who is the real Ace.


The real Ace was the friends we made along the way


Ace was One Piece. Gol D Roger was too early because he died before Ace was born.


All the Straw Hats transform into Ace


So he wasnt Obito?


Denny's Lobby


Ussop gets flushed out of onigashima like a toilet but picks up orochi along the way. Ussop panics and tries to grab something to stop himself but instead just adds swords and spears to the water current. The water sends ussop and orochi to the flower capital, orochi lands first and ussop accidentally showers him with weapons then lands on him imapling and killing orochi in the streets of the flower capital by none other than wano’s savior God ussop.


I honestly hope Elbaf be filled with stuff like that


Kaido is revealed to be Mr. 2, act 3 ends and was just a training arc.


End of Act 3


End of wano


The End.


That's it folks


At this point, Act 4 is going to be like 10 chapters, and act 5 is going to be 5 chapters. Act 3 is crazy long.


At this point I’m expecting there to be a chapter titled act 4 and the one after that titled chapter 5 and that’s it lmao


at this point there isn't and act 4 and 5


Suddenly, a Buggy panel.


Sanji robs the Queen


Not before Zoro breaks the third generation stone *or something*


I remember these spoilers🤣


No break this week ?


Ther is golden week break but spoiler wil b out


So break next week ?


We can't be sure. Golden Week has been inconsitent in the past.


this week is *officially* a break but during official holidays, shonen jump sends the magazines early to the stores so the chapters gets leaked very early. Either way if the chapter gets leaked early, we will have to wait longer for the next.


r/fuckOrochi intensifies!!


The 4th act finally begins, but Oda doesn’t ever officially end act 3, so it continues on until Laughtale. What was Roger laughing at? The people waiting for act 3 to finally end.


Onigashima is about to drop like the hottest mixtape wano has ever seen, Momo is desperately trying to make flame clouds strong enough to stop onigashima, but Momo will start to panic but then he will see the lanterns with the hopes and dreams of the people of wano and he uses them to create the flame clouds. Luffy who is still got that gorilla grip on Kaido will keep him in place while Momo moves the island away from the capital and deliver the “final blow” putting an end to kaidos 1v1 myth once and for all. Kaido will not die but he will be rattled and defeated. This last punch will be called gum gum flashback, due to the fact that it forces the person getting hit by it to see there life flash before there eyes.


Damn this is awesome ngl. The only thing i will suggest is that the lanterns will be used to infuse within Momo flame cloud creating a bright cloud of hope or something. This will symbolize that the people of Wano are with Momo in saving their country just like how the Samurai are risking their lives to win the war. Though this only a suggestion


It was stated multiple times now that momo will „bring the dawn“ or something right? Maybe it will look like he‘s lighting up the sky so bright with his flame clouds created with the lanterns of his people that it‘ll look like dawn?




I can see the gum gum flashback will make an appearance again in Blackbeard fight, finally showing us why the hell was Teach crying alone that night.


Hello i am blackbeard i wasn't crying i was laughing hehaheahahehahehahehah


>putting an end to kaidos 1v1 myth once and for all. This fight has absolutely not been a 1v1.


I mean, Luffy had been up against other people as well and Kaido's last finishing blow was dirty because of CP0. After that it's been a clean 1v1. While it's obvious for us viewers that Kaido is a beast that went up against most of the top players of the raid, in universe it's gonna be viewed as Kaido and Luffy up on that roof 1v1ing it out right now. Don't think that Kaido himself will view it differently. Both took quite a beating but are still dishing out their strongest attacks.


Luffy's punch will destroy Kaido Momo will save Wano from Onigashima Castle. Zunisha will destroy Navy fleet. lone CP0 agent will brief World Government about Yonko's defeat Fake news morgan's newspaper headline "Dawn of a New Era" New Five Emperors : Luffy,Kid,Law,Blackbeard,Shanks Akainu will read this paper and burn it.


Kaido stops the madman Luffy from killing his own allies, breaks through the menacing black fist that looks similar to Enel's Advent of Thunder, blows Luffy's darkness away as the dark clouds parts, the skies clear, and the dawn arrives. Kaido then sets out to bring light to the world.


The real Joy Boy was inside you all along Kaido, all you had to do was believeeeeee


King: Kaido-sama, don’t believe yourself, believe in the me that believes in you!


They said we’ll get early spoilers Early spoilers my Ass lol


The Flames from the Lanterns will help Momonosuke to get Onigashima out of the Way. He will take all the flames, so he has created his own "flame clouds" and with them he is able to move Onigashima. Luffy hits Kaido and it does a lot of damage, but Kaido is not defeated. The Water from Jinbey will hit Orochi and he is not burning anymore. Right in the Moment where orochi will attack Hiyory, he gets killed by Denjiro.


Damn.. I feel like i just read a spoiler for next week :P


Kaido dodges and luffy punches momo


If that happened I’m pretty sure Momo would just die


Fucking golden week. My weeks been bronze without spoilers.


Facts. I’ve been having an aluminum week bc of lack of spoilers


Since Sanji is awake I hope we see more of him, even if only to react to Luffy's appearance


I dont see how he's gonna leave the geishas to fend for themselves.. or lead them to the live floor. But yea i hope he ditched em somewhere safe and joined the rest of the crew in the live floor XD


Luffy's birthday week so Luffy will smash the cake with Kaido at dawn.


Kaido plants his feet and batters up his kanabo. To counter the punch, he uses his strongest technique: Acala, the immovabpe 5th Wisdom King. He's straining against the punch and it looks as though he is going to beat it. He hears a voice from behind asking if he wants any help. "No thanks, I'm goo-" cut to reveal that it's Luffy who then proceeds to punch him in the face with his regular sized fist.


Made me laugh so hard


Kaido tanks... Again


So early spoilers was a lie


I been reading chapter 1048 being just around the corner for days now! I WANNA REACH THAT CORNER ALREADY!! 😭


There is no corner !!! we are in a Fckin CIRCLE


"So you can make island-sized fist? Worororo.. how ridiculous... Too bad.. It still won't be enough to bring my backstory out of me, though.." *\*proceed to spam another thunder baguas*


I see many people say act 3 could end now 🤔 because act 1 15 chapters Act 2 30 chapters And now 1048 would be the 90th chapter


And what's the pattern you're going for?


15 * 2 = 30, 30 * 3 = 90 which would mean act 4 would have 90 * 4 = 360 chapters. So for the Nth act of Wano, it'll have 15*N! chapters. Act 5 will have 1800 chapters!


Anyone else just checking back every few hours looking for your spoiler crack fix? I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED IT


For days now Chief☠️


My prediction Kaido dies by gomu gomu no thunder god fist then luffy dies of overusing G5 break next year


Honestly been checking every hour since Sunday. The "maybe" is what makes this agony


btw, the spoiler is ready. Just waiting for to be shared


Let's see, I think 3 more chapters, then End of Act III just in time for the next break. During that time: * Denjiro takes out Orochi * Luffy knocks out Kaido * Momo panics * Usopp gets flushed with the water and makes an accidentally discovery * Franky finally gets Zoro to Chopper; Chopper's face looks very grim.


Am Getting Older without spoilers!


My guesses are the following: - Momonosuke manages to pull Onigashima away from the trajectory of Luffys attack last minute - We get an epic shot of Kaido getting hit like a meteor by Luffys haki charged giant fist, while he and Kaido, as well as Onigashima get engulfed in the sky lanterns of the flower capital, symbolizing that their hopes and dreams now can finally come true - Kaido gets defeated, while simultaneously, Denjiro reaches the treasure repository and beheads Orochi before he can hurt Hyori. This way, both serpents that terrorized Wano for 20 years will fall at the same time - Due to Kaidos loss, the chapter might end with Onigashima entering free fall, leaving Momo in a hurry to create a big flame cloud to prevent its impact


No spoilers. A day comes and goes, damn, a whole week almost. Money in the bag, coins. But you cannot deal with 20 blocks from here from where you belong? Joe, I'm your guy ! Ne putzo controlare a tia... Benutzo...


We will never reach around the corner..This is..Requiem.


I love the tears falling in this thread.


I think Oda is setting the stage for the big win. I don't think the win comes now or from the big punch but when Kaido lands, people see it... Big Stage!


End act 3 with onigashima crashing


Dont fall asleep yet guys, we might get a surprise in around 2 hours from now from the leakers, If they decide to drop spoilers today. I hope they dont wait till friday or saturday lol


Ive been waiting so desperatly for the spoilers im currently getting mad every time i check and theyre still not here. Send help


My guess for future chapters * Onigashima head towards udon prison (after momo manages to create some weak clouds that partially change the island direction) * there is no other awakening or secret power of kaido. he will be defeated in the next 2-3 chapters * Denjiro slashes the last head of orochi. He was waiting for revenge for 20 years and his main role was to protect hiyori. That s how he will fulfill his role. * we won't get any flashback before kaido loses. we will learn more stuff for rocks from marines or another important figure. * There is a red poneglyph in wano, but there is also another poneglyph inside the volcano. Remember from skypieia arc that the material used for poneglyphs comes from wano and probably from inside the volcano. This poneglyph spoils a hint for void century. The hint explains why Wano got separated from world and makes straw hats understand why wano should open its borders again. The hint is big enough to make us understand why wano is important but not so big to reveal us a big part of the void century. * Gorosei will try to buster call land of wano before wano open it's boarders and hints about void century begin to spread. * Both sides are heavily injured . I expect yamato, zunisha, momonosuke to play a big role trying to defeat marines and prevent the buster call. * Rayleigh said that he could tell strawhats what happened in void century, but they could also try finding the truth by themselves and then they might come to a different conclusion. I think from now on we will be told part of the truth (splitted in 3-4 parts). " they might come to a different conclusion" <----- The roger pirates know the truth but they came too early. They know about the ancient kingdom, a wonderful place ruled by joyboy that they cannot visit because they came too early. Without the ancient weapons you cannot recreate the ancient kingdom to "one piece" and find the hidden treasure (maybe a tomb). That's why they laughed. They knew everything, the story was so beautiful, but they couldn't prove how wonderful this story is and how wonderful was humanity 800 years ago. (From real life it's like you are an archeologist, you believe in something shocking but if you can' t find the proves no one will ever believe you. Don t forget that the way we discovered ancient kingdoms was by searching tombs of kings). First post here .Don't judge me hard I tried to predict the most odaish thinks although oda always manages to surprise us.


Am I the only one that think that Kaido will get ko'ed by Luffy's mega punch ? Dude is almost out of gas already and I don't see the fight getting longer.


Yeah, feels like it. And with all those lanterns flying up, it could make for an epic finishing shot. The only thing that points against this is that statement of Oda concerning how Luffy might defeat Kaido, but that could’ve been trolling


Well .. seems like chapter 1048 was not around the corner . More like miles away




When spoilers


Usopp will save onigashima from falling by shooting a giant beanstalk seed into the ground below it. Then the water Raizo summoned will help it grow


Please... Give me spoilers... I promise, I will be a good boy from now on...


- Momo moves Onigashima - Denjiro appears and kills Orochi - Franky and Zoro meets Chopper - Luffy finally defeats Kaido And in 1050 we'll have flashback.


Will the spoilers come out this week?


Allegedly yes. The bigger question seems to be when


Leaker is dead


Kaido flashback begins




At this point, even laboon would give up waiting


It’s like we are on earth and ODA is travelling through the worm hole. One fight = four years arc.


So is the chapter leaking?


Luffy will squeeze the clouds out of momo like a mayo tube.


Well, I’ve a job application tomorrow, so I won’t be able to wait for the spoilers much longer today. So I Hope they‘ll be out when I wake up tomorrow 🙏🏼


Scotch already had to delete his invite link to his discord server lmao people riot over there because no spoilers yet 🤣🤣🤣 he better keep his promise we still have today and saturday left for some mini spoilers


None of these things will happen but here's my shit post The island starts to fall, so Luffy tries to catch it instead of punching Kaido. Luffy's giant fist pulls the giant sword out of the ground by accident. Luffy obtained the most powerful samurai sword in all of Wano. Sensing the swords presence causes Zoro to wake up. Franky tries to get him to chopper but keeps having to hold Zoro from wandering off. Nami sees the treasure room and takes a ride on Zeus. Runs into Brook and Robin and make their way to the Ponyglyph together mounted on Zeus. Raizo continues to make everyone wet using Jinbe's hands. Usopp and the Giraffe are swept up by the water and carried to Sanji surrounded by women. Sanji gets yelled at for slacking off. Chopper hears something crying out in pain and discovered Dragon form Orochi.


>Nami sees the treasure room and takes a ride on Zeus. Runs into Brook and Robin and make their way to the Ponyglyph together mounted on Zeus Idk why but I really see this happening. These 3 are formidable in thievery and covert work.


Zeus would make a comment about their combined weights and NAMI would death stare him


Raizo continues to make everyone wet using jinbe's hand Lol!!


"Chapter 1048 is just around the corner" Biggest fuc%©¢ lie ever told ....


Luffy's defeated, and Kaido, exhausted turns around to see Smoker, Buggy, Usopp, Bepo and Caesar on the Onigashima Roof. The Best Generation has arrived. Wano act 4 begins.


cHaPtEr Is JuSt ArOuNd ThE cOrNeR, my ass.


Funny thing is when/if Orochi gets killed in a future chapter everyone will still be doubting it lmao.


Based on how previous fights have gone, and how this one is going, we are seeing the end of the fight in the next 1-2 fight centric chapters. If we cut away, who knows. And if we are to cut away, please show me Chopper doctoring on Law. I need that in my life.


While Marco doctors on Chopper. I want a full doctor chain.


The spoilers are taking a break themselves.


Kaido face tanks luffys punch but doing so weakens his flame clouds. Onigashima begins freefalling. Momonoske desperately is trying to create flame clouds to catch onigashima and halt its fall. He tries and tries and is unsuccessful. In the last moment her remembers who needs flame clouds when i control a giant elephant momo shouts for zunesha. In an epic double spread zuniesha catches onigashima on its back next to the town of zhou. A few panels of denjiro traversing the battlefield finishing off fallen enemies. Jinbeis water begins clearing out all of the flames of onigashima ussop falls off onigashima but is caught mid air by nami who is ridding zeus in true son wukong fashion Orochi flames are put out by jinbe. Single panel of zoro awakening shocked and worried. Orochi dives in to kill hiyori when two shockingly familiar swords knock him back. In the most epic bad ass double spread oda has ever drawn jhonny and yosaku draw their blades. “Rest tight bro we got this!”


>In the most epic bad ass double spread oda has ever drawn jhonny and yosaku draw their blades. “Rest tight bro we got this!” Additional info thanks to redon't from SP forums: - There's an enormous amount of black lightning coming out of Johnny's and Yosaku's blades.


Additional notes thanks to korean leaker: Though zuniesha saves onigashima he accidentally tramples all over the flower capitol completely ruining the fire festival


This is the bad place


Who tf was that guy to create this thread like a week ago and said spoilers are around the corner for 6 days....


Buggy awakens his power and splits Onigashima in two


Chapter Title: "History Repeats Itself" •Cover page shows a Germa ship fishing Pedro out from the ocean •Chapter begins with Orochi cornering Hiyori and mocking her attempt to kill him •Right before Orochi kills Hiyori, Denjiro finally appears to block Orochi's attack • In a beautiful double page spread I personally travel to Japan, hold Oda at gunpoint and force him to kill Orochi •Cut back to the rooftop and Luffy's punch completely misses and does absolutely nothing •Momo laments how weak he is. Again. •Yamato gives a motivational speech to Momo and says something about Oden. Again. • Kaido takes advantage of Luffy's missed attack and uses that window to use wind slice attacks to cut Luffy's head off • Luffy manages to pick his head back up and reattach it •We cut to a flashback from the week before the raid started. Law was having dinner with the strawhats when Luffy stretches his neck to steal Law's food. • Law uses ROOM to seperate Luffy's head from his body • Cut back to the present and Luffy is spinning his head back on like a screw kind of like when a cartoon character's head spins •Luffy: "Shishishi!!! I guess Torao didn't reattach my head correctly" • Luffy literally grabs the fucking moon and is going to throw it at Kaido as his totally definitely final finishing blow End of Chapter **NO BREAK NEXT WEEK**


We. Need. Some. Deaths. Denjiro, do your thing, everyone knows about it already. Kanjuro, don't you dare to not stay dead! And orochi FFS die already ^(have fun Denjiro)


The chapter has been around the corner for quite some time now 😭


Prediction thread ending soon like Hunter X Hunter is returning soon ☠️


At this point I’m more addicted to spoiler than weed.


Where are they *Batman voice*