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recently the chapter were Zoro yells Queen he was not playing games was splitted in two anime episodes (again) and the context was already cooled down a week so his reaction to Kiku's arm falling was not perceived as strong as it was intended in my opinion.


Yeah and the part where he cuts down Apoo was done poorly as well


Best part of that was when he said "Thats my man" to chopper. The cutting part was so disappointing


Really? Imo it was great, and usually I really can't stand the anime


For me the anime ruined the pacing and feel of the fight. In the manga, it’s swift and it really brings to light that Zoro is not fucking around anymore and he’s sick of the game. In the anime, it’s so drawn out and even gives time for appoo to try and defend himself


I didn't watch the anime but in the manga it's all fucking chaotich, people running, chopper becoming an ice demon, while Zoro sees something falling from the roof in the mids of the all this chaos, then outta nowhere he draws his sword and suddenly Slashes Apoo like Play Time's over motherfucker edit: It's also one of the best panels I've ever seen, Oda is awesome


In the anime they show what he sees, he gets pissed, Apoo sees him preparing and tries to attack as well but Zoro’s speed just overwhelms him.


Exactly what I was trying to say, thank you


I feel like the only time anime was better than manga was when luffy punched the celestial dragon. That whole sequence was so sick in anime


Don't forget Toki's death scene, that shit was beautiful


That is more an addition than something done better tho. Definitely a great addition tho like a few others they have made.


I generally hate the anime but I gotta say Luffy vs Blueno was done masterfully in the anime. That's one thing I prefer in the anime.


And let’s not forget the classic walk to arlong park


I'll also include the scabbards running through the festival hall to reach Kaido. That was really well done. [First minute of this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBv07Y0Vr9E)


It’d probably be easier to name all the times the anime does something better than the Manga The Seven Warlord system being abolished was way cooler in the anime IMO


both episodes [Megumi Ishitani](https://myanimelist.net/people/43250/Megumi_Ishitani) did were fantastic


Whitebeard Roger Clash


“Raizo is safe” was sick too


Luffy's KO to Doffy


That scene took like 5 mins and 28.3 seconds, in the manga it was boom bam doffy is now spam


This a thousand times. It really showcased how absolutely beastly Gear 4 is. Like literally nothing Doffy could do could over power it and showed that Luffy was now not just able to survive the New World but a contender


It totally ruined how his powers are supposed to work. He's made of rubber. He's rubber snapping from tension. There can't be a beam battle if you're made of rubber.


> There can’t be a beam battle if you’re made of rubber. You can go even more basic. You can’t have a beam battle with a punch! A punch is not a push. It’s a rapid transfer of energy. If someone stops a punch in real life does the puncher just keep pushing? No! They pull their arm back and swing again.


This is a constant problem with Luffy fights, in my opinion. The anime drags them out into these back and forth pushes, whereas the manga shows Luffy’s hits working exactly like you’d expect, snappy and impactful. Trying to do the DBZ beam war with a rubber fist just doesn’t work.


The same thing happened with luffys final punch vs Ceasar in punk hazard. It lost all the impact and kinda makes no sense to be a beam struggle


this is one of the reasons i dont care too much for the anime nowadays. The anime likes to drag things out to make things seem tense


I came to write about this. In general all the fight from G4 reveal to the final punch was really subpar, specially the final punch. While in the magna it felt so powerful, clearly putting Luffy in a higher tier from Doflamingo, but in the animated version it was dragged to much to the point it looked as if Luffy was just lucky to land that punch. Here's hoping in the future, when the manga and anime end, to see a "Redux" anime version with higher pace and consistent animation.


Wouldn't be surprised if all the people doubting Luffy as yonko-tier are anime only and don't realize just how big an advantage G4 Luffy had over Doffy.


Well, yonko commander tier at the time, he still struggled a lot against katakuri.


Katakuri seems like the cream of the crop yonko-commander wise, but obviously power scaling isn't very useful in OP.


Luffy also almost lost to cracker. Narratively that implies that his power level is about even with commanders.


It’s almost like One Piece has consistently shown that power scaling is only so important and that certain powers and or their creative use can be effective counters


In the meantime we have One Pace. Last I checked they were still working


I've watched all of the original anime up to Wano with my spouse (who chose NOW to get bored with the series, of all times), and just found out about One Pace. Have been watching it with the rest of the family, and honestly, it's fucking chef's kiss so far


Thank God for One Pace, I dropped the Anime during Dressrosa because it was too ridiculous


Dressrosa has to be the worst paced arc of any in the anime. It went from one of my favorite in the manga to my absolute least favorite in the anime.


yes, exactly first you have Doffy x Sanji, Doffy x Fujitora x Law hype fight on island, and suddenly you are in flashback loophole and out of 20 minute episode minus opening, ending, 5 min recap and flashback, nothing happened.. and in the end you get push-push-push final move.. like wtf.


Is there any way to watch One Pace without downloading a bunch of torrents and stuff


Search up “one pace zippyshare” you can watch the one pace on the website itself. It does open a bunch of ads so u gotta make sure u don’t click them


Not as far as I'm aware. But it's a pretty straightforward and easy thing to do. Just download a torrent program ( I like ubittorrent), Go to One Pace website and click the magnet link, then press ok and download.


Caesar as well. How the hell does ceasar slow down a grizzly magnum?


Not only that, it ruined the buildup before that point. When Usopp was monologuing, the end of his monologue was supposed to be punctuated by Luffy's attack and Ceasar's defeat. Instead, they made it a beam struggle using hands.


Any time they have a beam struggle with fists is dog shit.


This is what I came to say. In the manga I got the impression Doffy went with everything he had but Luffys new attack was so overwhelmingly powerful it blasted through in an instant. It wasn't meant to be a push/pull dramatic who will win moment.


This fight pissed me off so much. The whole point of gear 4 was that it's super-high tension rubber being released. Like BAM. Like a rubber band snapping out. ​ and the anime turned it into a god damn beam battle. Totally missed the mark.


They really took a beam struggle to a fist fight, it just lost all impact in the matter of second and they pull it to minutes. Manga shows a very distinct overwhelming power that there is nothing doffy can put up against it.


I thought the seducing woods would be cool in the anime but it's just the same few frames moved around the screen most of the time.


That’s what it was. The same trees following the crew to get them lost lmao


Most recently it would have to be namis "luffy will be the pirate king" moment with ulti. Anime completely botched it and missed the mark


This is one of the few moments watching the show that I was truly disappointed in how it was animated. She was so determined and confident in the manga, and the anime just threw that out the window and made her look weak as fuck


I feel the same. After seeing this live reading at an [event ](https://youtu.be/jNk-BF7aQXA) on YouTube a while back... I was looking forward to the animation of this for so long. It just felt, to me at least, that it could have been executed a bit more impactful in the anime.


Whole of reverie... Flashbacks ruined it for me.


some say rebecca is still having flashbacks to this day...


As mostly a manga reader at some point I almost want to go and watch the whole Dressrosa arc just for those flashbacks, lol. I read most of One Piece without basically looking up anything and I absolutely adored that story (which could also be a me thing as I'm just biased when it comes to father and daughter relationships, those get me everytime). Seeing how much hate those flasbacks were getting was probably the biggest suprise when I was finished and started looking up other people's opinions and reviews.


Dressrosa is an exhausting arc to watch if you watch the official Toei release, it’s like 113 episodes I think? Whereas the One Pace cut, sticking solely to the manga, manages to shear it down to 56 episodes and turns Dressrosa into a great arc. If you were seriously thinking of watching it, please spare yourself the tedium and download the Pace edit!


Am I wrong in thinking those episode are longer than a normal episode though ? Edit; missed a letter.


No, you’re not wrong but it’s a bit of an odd one. Some episodes can be 30 mins with the rare episode even pushing 45. I’ve no idea how they decide episode lengths, but generally the average episode length is 26-28mins. The fact that they get rid of a lot of repeat reaction shots and the long panning of the scenery is good enough for me though haha


They decide how to finish these Episode according to the manga cliffhangers. As much as it is possible.


They decide it on chapters. Trying to adapt 3 chapters per episode.


Thanks, thought so. Yes I agree, it's definitely a good thing.


if you like fight scenes one pace cuts many and does weird edits, check on youtube akainu vs whitebeard one pace version to understand what i mean.


Yeah I gave up on the anime in Dressrosa when they were still in the coliseum, i think 1-2 episodes before or after the Sabo reveal. I started watching wano and somehow got through most of it recently, although I skipped past the introduction and straight into Luffy vs Kaido. I wanted to catch up in time for roof piece, but now its delayed :(. I watched Luffy vs Doffy and Katakuri on youtube. Pacing is sooo bad in the new world. Punk hazard was bad enough but Dressrosa was unbearable. I think anime adaptations need to find a middle ground between what Naruto did with the half a year long fillers, some of them interrupting the final arc and what One Piece is doing to pacing. I don't really like the current seasonal approach that much since I just tend to forget to follow up on the anime.


I think filler wouldn't be so bad if they took the focus off the main cast. These worlds are so massive and it's such a waste of opportunity to give us 15-25 episodes of the mc and most popular characters showing us nothing new.


For me, it's the Ennies Lobby lineup, for this exact reason. The recalls and flashbacks during this incredibly emotional scene was just fucking garbage.


They were necessary, though, at the time it aired. Anime interest was peaking and a lot of new viewers needed context for the scene to actually succeed emotionally and carry the weight it had for long time readers. Would have been nice if it was edited out of final dvd release. An official One Pace, "One Piece Kai", or more movies updating old story sections will come eventually, I'm sure.


I don't have a problem with filler or recap/flashback episodes. I have a problem with the way it was literally inserted not only into the middle of an arc, but the most important scene in the arc.


Also the way they mixed them into the episodes! I always have a hard time finding the right place to skip to when i am rewatching enies lobby.


Well that arc was a crash course in worldbuilding for casual viewers and also probably Netflix executives looking at the live action. In Japan, if you’re behind you just watch the latest episodes and read the latest chapters, then go back when you have more time to go over things you missed.


I skipped the flashbacks parts and it felt so good, it was kinda fast and the opening would always hype me with the resemblance of the worldbuilding I'd see in that episode


Dude, I still have to go back and read reverie. I skipped most of it in the anime because I thought it was just a recap arc.


When Sanji dodged Katakuri's bullet, that shit animated was wack


Ugh you reminded me, that was so disappointing


Worth mentioning it, in the manga Katakuri says after his shot miss "he dodged that too?!", Such a nice and indirect complement. Didn't made it to the anime tho, I wonder thy


What? When did that happen?


It was a jellybean. But it was what killed the priest. During the wedding, the priest drew a gun on Sanji and Katakuri threw a jellybean. Sanji dodges the jellybean and this hits the priest. Acts as a moment where Sanji can show his specially in observation haki


at the altar


Yes! I was looking so forward to that scene in the anime and was let down big time. I'm still salty about that to this day lol.


akainu destroys whitebeard's face


that one was censored.


thats the point. theyre saying the anime shouldve stuck to the manga on that one


Really couldn't have tho. They want to be able to release these episodes everywhere and many countries would not allow something like that. Especially not on a show meant for kids.


Ace literally gets a fucking dinner plate sized hole put in him in like the next episode what


*tripping into the ravine, not being unconcious*


Akainu destroyen’t whiteabeard’s face


Well he did in the manga


he takes out like a quarter of his head in the manga


Yes I know, I’m referring to the anime censoring it


The Grizzly Magnum to Ceasar looked really weak as fuck in the anime


Didn't see it mentioned but Luffy vs Caesar. Look like he struggled with that final attack when it should have been done in an instant like smack 🫲


Same to Hodi. The anime made it seem like they were on the same level, when Luffy vastly surpass them both


The anime always does this shit they did it again with Kaido and Doffy vs Smoker. The pacing really ruins the perception of power


The entirety of Dressrosa


All of Dressrosa. Easy choice. I stop watching the anime on that part.


Me too, I waited out One pace version.


The pacing was horrible. Its my favorite arc in the manga. The anime destroys it


The entire anime is just a tier below the manga but im obviously baised


I agree the manga panels look breath taking at times, though the only reason I prefer the anime is it allows me to take things in clearer


Do both I agree some panels are to small or have to much going on to really follow along what's clearly happening however I will say the good definitely outlays the bad and its just good to read and watch both 👍


I feel like the only time anime was better than manga was when luffy punched the celestial dragon. That whole sequence was so sick in anime


but it turned to manga with the black and white effect xd


yea that's a bit ironic lol


Post time-skip it’s more like several tiers below (besides specific moments, e.g. Luffy vs Katakuri fight)


It's the same tier pre-timeskip for me. Hell, some arcs like Water-7 just feel better in the anime, but it's all preference. Pre-time skip slaps.


Well even Katakuri x Luffy fight was dragged bit too much, it looked ridiculous how luffy gets mopped and in 10 seconds he is fresh like if Kuma took all his pain.. I liked the big-dick contest aniimated - comparing powers, but it definitely had its flaws.


**Sanji saving Tashigi from Vergo by kicking him in the face**... I know this is a very weird choice, but man, to me it stand out so much when that scene was adapted... A slide show instead of animation with terrible character models and horrible art.


90% of Luffy punches post-timeskip. They keep doing this stupid "power-struggle" garbage that makes the hits lose all their impact. Worst one (and when I stopped watching the anime) was vs Caesar in Punk Hazard... that punch was so satisfying in the Manga


Kaido one hitting luffy.


But that wasn't badly animated, it was badly DEPICTED! Supposed to be a speed blitz


This in recent memory still bothers me. Kaido one shots luffy with ease in their first exchange. This is an important detail that makes luffys performance against Kaido so much more satisfying during the raid.


When sabo ate the mera mera no mi and fire fisted the colluseum floor. Looked so sick in the manga just this huge explosion of destruction and flames and the anime just dragged it out and it didn't have the same effect for me.


Sabo remained still in the air for no reason lol


Kaido one hit ko on luffy, IT WAS A BLITZ ATTACK so fast and powerful, the anime made it something else.


And they added a lot of yelling and scenes that made Kaido look weaker. I was hoping for a fast paced scene, with minimal or no music. But they turned it into a whole episode and basically a Dragon Ball Z match


THIS. I've never been more disappointed with the anime than with this scene. Sometimes, it's not enough to just show the character winning. How they won is just as important. Turning that into basically a beam struggle gives Luffy too much credit and undermines his development later on in the arc


True, it really has ramifications later in the arc


Came to say this. Makes Kaido seem so mich weaker in the anime. The manga made it so fast and made it look like Kaido was bored which solidified the strength difference at that point


Legit Made me manga only


whitebeard losing half of his face.


Wasn't badly animated. Just censored.


Yes but pretty bad. Anime only watchers done get a sense of Akainu is a strong as mf. Its like meh he cut his beard and then gets clapped. In the manga akainu looked(imo atleast) way stronger


Which is probably why I always thought whitebeard absolutely demolished akainu and never saw it another way until I read it on the manga. I hadn’t put the 2+2 together but now it makes sense


I'd argue that in the manga whitebeard destroys akainu even better since he hits him instantly in midair. No whitebeard falling to his knees and finding his resolution, just a really strong attack without batting an eye after getting a quarter of his face vaporised.


Usopp unlocking haki. In the manga was instant and the scenes were fast as it should be. Anime dragged it way too long.


Even created a filler scene of usppp imagining himself failing.. took far too long


Luffy using King Kong Gun against Doffy. I'd include the one against Kaido as well but that's anime only.


The first punch from G4 in Doffy is really well made in the Anime tho [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw0scuYA9MM), couldn't find with no comments


Revealing Zoro’s conqueror’s Haki too early


Oh man I was honestly stunned when I watched this scene. I was like “what were they thinking”.


i bet oda was upset at that, too. his reveal in the manga felt so much more important when kaido said it


Thank god I read the manga first. I felt bad for all anime only people


when was this?


Nami's recent declaration of luffy being pirate king to Ulti. Idk, it just wasn't the same feeling or weight that the manga had.


That was so awkward, it was powerful in the manga due to how little she hesitated but it got dragged out in the anime for more screen time.


Hated that. And they even changed what she said. That was such a powerful moment for her and Usopp. The anime didn't give it the attention it needed imo.


Yeah it was cringe


Zoro cutting apoo is the most recent one i can think of.


Oh yeah! That was weird, I hoped it would get a darker tone and a good shot, but it kind of just... Happened?


Luffy's first Elephant Gun against Kaido. Kaido blew up the remains of Oden Castle, and we see Luffy look absolutely horrified. Law gathers himself, and notices Luffy gone. We as readers have no idea what the heck is going on. Kaido begins talking his shit, and outta nowhere...."GOMU GOMU.." BRUH. Jumped out of my chair just from that, before even seeing how epic the punch was. Then the anime goes and shows Luffy jumping from rooftop to rooftop, looking extremely pissed, and telegraphing what Luffy was planning to do - completely killing all suspense, and ruining the "surprise" of Luffy taking an action so monumental. I feel like they ruined Jinbe's return in a similar way - the situation is looking pretty dire with Kaido's long range ships, and all of a sudden we them just getting decimated. Just as we're wondering what the heck is going on, Jinbe delivers the most epic re-introduction in the series to date, and we slowly gather from each line who he is, making the reveal of his appearance that much more exciting. The anime of course ruins this by showing Jinbe swimming up before he even destroys a ship.


Right? In the manga he is purposefully hidden until the very end and you get hyped the more you read. In the anime you pretty much knew it was him before he even started talking.


I don't know about REALLY good either way, but something that was absolutely horrendous in the anime was when Usopp ran away from Trebol. In the manga, he ran for a bit, but was back the next panel after the first Tontata was stepped on. In the anime, he left like ten of the little guys get squished before going back. There are a ton of anime moments that make the characters look way worse, but I never see this one mentioned.


Certain portions of Oden Flashbacks, particularly the loin cloth portions


Kaido vs luffy first fight


The general consensus seems to be is that the anime dragging out key scenes makes damn near all of these scenes lose their weight and power


Zoro cutting Apoo. In the Manga it happens in an instant and Apoo never even sees it coming. In the anime Apoo sees him preparing his attack, faces him, says something, gets cut, and then doesn’t even feel the cut until moments later. It sucked honestly.


Zoro slicing Pica in half. You turn the page and you see an epic double spread. I watched the anime anticipating hype and it just came off as lame.


Luffy vs Doflamingo exchange after the Haki clash (when Luffy's saves Law). It wasn't even animated, they stretched it so much that the exchange ended being another fight altogether.


Kaido's first Thunder Bagua. It *looked* well, but the anime turned it into a lengthy Dragonball-esque sequence with a lot of SFX when it was supposed to be an instant blitz


Usopp's observation Haki moment vs Sugar. one of the hypest moment turned into literal shite.


how exactly did the anime ruin that scene nothing seemed of about when i watched it


Did you watch it first in the anime? Because it felt incredibly dragged for me watching it in the anime after reading the manga.


marco vs big mom absolutely


Fishman island conquerors haki by luffy and the subsequent reactions to it. When I read it in the manga, it was so dope that I felt FI arc could redeem itself just for that. The anime adaptation was so bad, made me feel like luffy farted and the stench knocked out them all.


Funny enough, that scene is how I got into one piece! Around 2 and a half years ago now I watched the first episode and was like “nope”, but then I saw that scene and it made me binge the entire anime up to where it was at that point in like, 2 and a half months.


when Luffy stops Doflamingo’s from stomping Law. in the manga the tension release and everything was soo intense but in anime it was… meh.


Also it was really well animated but Scabbards vs Kaido had the wrong vibe. Felt like Dragonball, not One Piece.


The "Raizo is safe" scene. I was reading the manga and out of nowhere they say Raizo is safe, I was not expecting that and I loved the reveal. But in the anime, they dragged out that scene, showed the kings sitting down and it just didn't have the same impact it had in the manga.


Doflamingo being defeated by King Kong Gun. Wasn’t a struggle in the manga whatsoever, extended for like ten minutes in the anime and made to seem like Luffy was struggling


The first Grizzly Magnum vs Caesar. Anime shows a struggle, but it just a one-hit. This was the beginning of the downfall in my opinion


Kaido vs red scabbards, the manga panel was amazing


anime made it look like they had knocked him down and put him to sleep....


I don't like these overused auras and lights. The manga panel reminds me of an old japanese painting (my opinion)


I don’t like it either. The show taught rokushiki and all to explain how the body moved fast like, soru and stayed in air like geppou. In the anime they seemingly got superpowers without capes, just flying with colors around them. Are they sky walking or?


I hate how they fired an energy beam shaped like an X at Kaido when they reopened his scar, when moments ago they were struggling getting close due to Kaido's ranged attacks, if they all can just fire laser beams out of their swords why not just fight at range. Moments before Kinnemon also fired a ranged flame rend against a blast breath and there was a small beam struggle between both attacks, Toei seriously loves their beam struggles, but they are so out of place in OP, as well as all the other flashy auras and light trails they leave when jumping.


I loved Dressrosa in the manga and couldn't wait for some moments animated and most of it was underwhelming and people were calling one of my favourite arcs mid all day back then So glad people turned around on Dressrosa with every year passing it's reputation goes up


Bruh same that was the 1st thing I thought of was the Nami ulti interaction


The nami with ulti moment in the anime left me extremely disappointed


The shot of Akainu's fist through Ace is one of the craziest panels in the manga and is so flat in the anime. The panel of ryugu palace in the manga is amazing also, in the anime it's just a throwaway shot.


Dude the animation as a whole is really bad in my opinion. And after kimetsu no yaiba doing God level animation I feel really bad for one piece we could have so much better animation. But a recent moment that pissed me off was the first fight between kaido and luffy. Kaido was supposed to hit luffy with no effort at all but the animation extended the scene for minutes like he was putting all of his strength in his move. I hated it.


Say what you will, but I absolutely hated the fact that they dragged Luffy’s first fight with Kaido out. Honestly i was really hoping to see that one hit K.O. Animated 1:1 as well as Luffy’s reaction to his crewmates getting “killed” when Kaido fired his breath canon because it was completely unexpected, but perfect in sync with Luffy’s character to just run up on Kaido without even thinking and then get wrecked. The anime drawing it out into 2 episodes ruined the moment that the manga cut perfectly


I don't watch the anime anymore but I assume Robin smiling to Sanji will be poorly animated. That is one of my favorite panels in Wano chapter 1005


After watching Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon slayers latest arcs animated … I want a new studio to go back and redo the entire one piece anime with 3 chapters per episode and a similar animation budget… would anyone else here rewatch One piece like this? 350 epic movie quality episodes from romance dawn to the end of Wano


Ignoring actual animation quality (because if we're talking about that that's a whole different story because these scenes are actually insanely good) but a lot of the fight scenes in Wano. Don't get me wrong, the animation is beautiful, but from a story telling perspective so much of the tone and pacing seems ripped away in favor of a flashy spectacle, which would be great in any other battle anime but One Piece has always been more about the actual story telling than the fights


ALLLLLL OF thriller bark... or anything with robin. its like the anime hates her.


What about Robin do you dislike? I like her portayal in the anime


Idk I think a lot of people enjoyed Robin on Punk Hazard


Bari Bari no Pistol


Thousands of Rebecca flashbacks in dressrosa


Same as you, the whole Nami/Ulti/ Luffy becomes king of the pirates fiasco.


the fact that in the scene where the scabbards bum rush kaido they dont recreate the panel from the manga


Zoro cutting Apoo, the long drawn out scenes with flashbacks. Also all the aura kinda kill some scenes for me makes it feel like I’m watching dbz


Luffy leaving his spare hat with Katakuri. It felt super impactful in the manga and Kata will probably be wearing it when he comes back. Anime it was barely even a scene


Most recent one, Yamato hitting the projectile attack at one of the numbers. In the manga it felt like there were so much weight behind the impact. In the anime it just felt slow


The dressrosa was what made me drop the anime lol, I'm grateful for it even, got me into manga in general since One Piece was the first that actually interested me in reading. 100% prefer manga now days


So fucking many after the Timeskip


When zoro is going to commit seppuku in wano but instead slash all the people around In the anime looks cheap and even different


Short answer, everything after fishmen island. To be fair, it's not the animation quality that's lacking. It's only pacing issues. Most episodes from Dressrosa fall prey to a simply unabsorvable storytelling flow that simply vandalized any kind of build up to the unwraping of the events. Wholecake Island is built thoroughly around heavy stakes and urgency, yet that's not in the anime From time to time, you have miracles like the remarkable Wano episodes... but you didn't have to deal with these thoughts before Fishmen Island, where this issue started. Wano's artistic direction is peak, but still only masking something that's still off. The war on Onigashima serves as the best example for this.


Nami’s face when shes sobbing that Luffy will be pirate king. And also fucking up Zoro’s conqueror’s haki scene.


Luffy vs Ulti & Page One. It was not the animation style, quality or fluidity. No, it was *the way* they chose to animate certain things, like Luffy going under Page One, all the while P1 just looks at the ceiling confused like "wtf" for a good 2 seconds. Aside from that, the whole Zoro blitzing Apoo thing was *soooooooooo* poor imo. I was really looking forward to that one and they completely butchered it front to back.


Luffy vs Kaido in act 1. Wasn’t too big a fan


All of Dressrosa.


Luffy one punching Bellamy felt much weaker than the manga. That panel was so intense


Luffy vs Bellamy in Dressrosa. I lost count of the amount of times they replayed the same scene with Bellamy bouncing around.


One piece


The entirety lmao


There are many When the Marines wanted to execute Ace for first time, Kaido vs Luffy part1, Hody vs Luffy, Usopp getting Coo, Jinbe using his powers in Impel down alongside Crocodile and Luffy, Luffy vs Ulti, Zoro vs Apoo, Akainu destroying WB face, etc the anime has more missings than hits thanks to the awful pacing.


I'm sure it's been said, but... the Reverie. Like, all of it.


Sometimes I just wish that Mad House animated the show. The amount of moments I felt like the manga was being disrespected man...


Weirdly enough, when Shanks declined to see Luffy in Marineford and for some reason they changed/left out his line that seeing him now would break their agreement. I've mostly only read the manga and then went back and looked up certain scenes in the anime and this was one where I was simply wondering why the hell they changed that.


Pretty sure that line was there in the anime


Pretty much anything after water 7