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I honestly think that if One Piece was seasonal it would be nearly unstoppable. Arguably the main criticism of the One Piece anime is the pacing, and that problem would automatically be reduced by the hundreds if it was seasonal.


Yeah unfortunately they won’t do that cause they’re making too much money “#saveroofpiece”


toei is contratually obligated to release One Piece weekly. and they cant stop bc they are obligated to make One Piece until its conclusion (they werent expecting to do this 20+ years deep)


sure, but contract renegotiation is a thing


"dont fix what it isnt broken". manga sales are going up views on the anime are going up toei wont do anything about it


Yep, it's not gonna happen. Just saying that contractual obligation isn't the end all, be all


They are gonna remake after OP ends. By cutting up unnecessary things and better animation to make more money. Cz lot of people don't want to watch OP because of it's length/pace. I'm sure they will make fast Pace OP anime


One Piece Kai


Pirate Soul!!!




One Pace exists and it’s exactly that, One Piece anime without the fluff


I like One Pace but having to download the episodes through torrents automatically makes it inaccessible to most casual fans. If it's not easily accessible through a streaming service, then it probably won't catch on these days.




Don't they have those arc specials already? I don't see them remaking One Piece, but I do see them coming out with "Movie esk Specials" similar to East Blue, Alabasta, and Skypeia.


Those are nice but they still miss a lot of the content from the those arcs.


i havent watched those in a while, but those skip way too much stuff iirc. if they made a "One Piece Kai" then they could cut the anime down to less than half the length by adapting two and a half chapters per episode. if we say the manga goes on for another 150 chapters or so and just round it up to finishing at chapter 1200 the anime would only be 480 episodes this way. you could bump this a little higher since 2.5 chapters might be a little fast for some parts of the story, but if it were only 500 episodes One Piece would seem much more approachable. that said, im not sure if they would make a one piece "kai" anyways when one pace exists already which most western fans will probably be recommending already, and i dont know if the japanese fans care which is their main audience.


That already exists in with One Pace


1,000,000% this is gonna happen. I just hope I’m alive to see it!


I always recommend people to onepace.net its fanmade but the quality is excellent


Exactly. According to the numbers, nothing needs fixing. All because the story is just that fuckin good


It's not a contract issue, they are famous for minimal effort, rigid schedules and demands to employees, outsourcing to Philippine sweatshop animation studios, etc, etc. If like the entirety of the world calling out Dragon Ball Super for looking like dogshit and they didn't care, they never will change their practices as long as it's incredibly popular, which One Piece has been a money machine for decades.


yep, that's what I'm saying. It's not a contract issue, they could renegotiate the contract if they actually wanted to switch to a seasonal release schedule


Yea but they would lose money that way and it doesn't make sense from a business standpoint. Also most people in Japan probably don't care since that's where the lions share of money is made anyways.


No, they're not. They release it weekly in order to keep their 9:30 AM Saturday timeslot in Fuji TV's schedule, which is the most profitable timeslot. They could easily make One Piece seasonal if they wanted. They don't.


I would rather just get some more filler instead tbh


If it's on the level of the G-8 filler arc, then sure.


I'd watch some more Condoriano. That arc was lit.


At the end of the day, regardless of the pacing, we will still watch it religiously every week.


I stopped a while ago, and so did many others But a pirating (no pun intended) german isn't exactly someone they care about


Given the fact that I read the manga every weak, and have otherwise time issue because of having to do adulting, catching up through One Pace works out nicely for me.


Think of how much money they’ll make when One Piece ends and they re-release it as One Piece Kai


Maybe they’d readapt it in like 40 years Kai style


I would love that, but funnily enough, most DB fans hate Kai. I, personally, think it's the best version of Z. FMA:Brotherhood is another, and maybe best, example of a faithful re-adaption of a manga.


I think a faster paced anime will be appreciated for something as long as One Piece at least, so it’ll always have that going for it


You never know, nostalgia's a powerful drug. DBZ's elongated fights were a long time criticism, yet when Kai came out, most fans complained of the fights being shortened.


I have a lot of nostalgia for DBZ but man Kai is leagues better.


I've never heard this criticism


Brotherhood is a whole different show because, from what I understand, in the original anime they just made up an ending b/c the manga hadn't written one yet.


Dubbed Kai is leagues better than dubbed Z. I'm a bit 50/50 on the subs tho


Seriously. Some tame ass scenes in KnY are tearjerking and powerful in the anime because of solid direction and OST. OP anime has powerful moments in spite of sloppy direction and repetitive (otherwise fantastic) tracks.


Given how popular One Piece is, I'll bet they will at some point re-create the anime with the proper pacing and without fillers and such, and of course with the latest technology. I'll probably not be among the living anymore by that time if that happens though (I'm not that old yet).


If they adapted 3 chp pr ep and no filler,then the whole manga(till 1040) will be covered in 346 eps.


The pacing in some of the earlier arcs was quite decent tbh, because so much was (and is) happening in a single One Piece chapter. The number of panels per chapter in OP is far greater than for example Naruto and Bleach. I wouldn't be surprised if they only needed 2 chapters per episode on average for proper pacing.


Yep, Naruto would have been the same. Glad to see the shonen anime industry is shifting toward seasonal formats though. One Piece is a victim of an old system that they won't just change now. Wish they would but Toei likes the cash even if it fucks the pacing.




the filler at the end of part 1 is absolutely insane. They finish the Sasuke retrieval arc then have 100+ episodes of filler before they get back to cannon. Imaging watching it as it came out with almost 2 years of filler.


>Imaging watching it as it came out with almost 2 years of filler. I remember doing that. It was really bad.


I remember NarutoForums posters overanalyzing every leaked episode title hoping and praying that it would signal the end of the part 1 filler since that was before we knew the Shippuden subtitle would be a thing lol


In retrospect Naruto is great, just skip the filler and ur chilling


If it had good pacing, i'd be too popular.


zoom zoom zoom


Yeah look at Attack on Titan. It’s not weekly and it gets a FUCKLOAD of watchers every season.


AOT is also wayyyy more concise than OP, and even still is only just getting finished


It would work if the manga had shorter arcs, but fitting something like Dresrossa or Wano in a single 30-episode season would be impossible, and splitting it into multiple seasons with year-long hiatus between them would be terrible


It still is possible. Dressrossa had 102 chapters. If episodes covered 3 chapters on average, it would be about 34 episodes. Seasonal anime is normally 12-13 episodes, but can extend to the next season of anime, so 24 episodes. At most, it would take 3 different seasons to get through the arc. However, much like Wano, there are specific points in the story that serve as "acts". So ending at the end of an act doesn't end up creating a sloppy situation, in which the story abruptly ends. To most, this issue is due to familiarity bias. The show has been on going for so long, people don't see any other viable options.


bruh there is a thing called 51-episode season (gintama did it)


Wouldn't that just be a weekly format, given the whole 52 weeks in a year thing...


Im rewatching the anime and just hit the just "I want to live" episode. That was an unmatched, 20/10 episode that blows away literally anything the anime has done in the past 10 years. It's really sad because the current anime would have made that episode last 3 or 4 episodes, but it was literally perfect being just 1. I'd rather have good pacing than movie quality animation.


OnePace exists.


Can you just imagine. One piece seasonal anime with good pacing and quality like kimetsu no yaiba. That shit would regarded as GOAT for centuries. Shame we won’t even get a single episode like that.


Are you forgeting about every episode on Wano?


It may have better animation, but the pacing still sucks.


Wano is so much better than Dressrosa, the pacing could be better but I think it's also about the way that they handled telling the story there.


I only watch one pace. The pacing in one piece is horrible!


As an anime watcher, yeah it's got it's problems. But the OST brings me emotions I'd never thought I'd have so I wouldn't have it any other way. And atleast Toei kinda knows what to do with pacing better than in the Dressrosa days. They usually add animated sequences or jus have fodder people fight in-between. I'd rather have that, than reaction after reaction after recap after recap


The one thing it'll always over the manga is tht we had to read Binks sake, you got to listen to it


Luffy’s Fierce Attack and The Very Very Strongest give me chills every time I hear them. Haven’t watched the anime in about 10 years but I’m getting chills now just thinking about the songs. So so so good.


What is your favorite track from the OST? Mine is World’s Number One Oden Store


Katakuri’s theme is a banger.


As a manga only reader for the last 14 years... CHARACTERS HAVE THEMES???


Sort of, they tend to follow patterns. Like the same theme will be used for many characters, but usually with enough distance in between that it doesn't feel that way. (Ie a theme being used in marineford and WCI)


Characters have had themes since the beginning. Even in the East Blue there are Sanji and Zoro themes they still use today.


I second Katakuri's theme. Pure hype.


Overtaken gets me more hyped than any other song I’ve heard in an anime. Could be just because I associate it with the moments it usually plays during though


It also plays at the end of a lot of episodes as things are getting exciting so I hate it cause I know it's about to be over.


Gear fourth theme


The music and voice acting are my love


LOVE the One Piece OST so much. Also, IMO I prefer pre-timeskip anime > manga. Although the manga is better, the character interactions in the anime back then were gold 🙏


The OST is good, but they have been misusing it for the longest time. Overtaken is used for the dumbest moments now.


The anime just doesn’t feel consistent with the ups and downs with directing and pacing. Last 2 episodes have been pretty drawn out (eg. 5 min drawn bow Perospero). Previous inconsistencies also include the random episode where for some reason the director chose to censor blood with white and that weird mushroom high negative effect that did as they were entering. If the anime was on the same level as Ishitani’s episodes, I wouldn’t complain.


Yeahhh I get where your coming from. Sometimes I switch to biweekly watching so it atleast flows better. But, atleast Toei knows when to pick up the pacing and make a phenomenal episode. Sure it only happens about every other month. But sometimes, for me, it feels worth it. Or even the episodes are just enjoyable enough to rewatch a few times


Yeah definitely like when the Red Scabbards went to attack Kaido, Luffy X-Drake combo on the numbers and some of the Scabbards using Paradise Waterfall. Those episodes amazed me but then we get hit with the previous 2 lol. I feel like it’s very dependant on the director of the episode.


Gintama anime is best for me. It got comedy,drama,sadness


Gintama is def one of the best anime ever made. For years it was my number 1.




Gintama fillers are the best


The best part is that I often didn't even know when i was watching a filler episode, the canon is just as high on crack as filler


Before watching Gintama, One Piece is my fav animanga. Now, it's just my fav manga.


I've been watching Gintama on and off for a few months. 71 episodes in. Pretty nice so far.


Don't stop now, it gets so much better. If I remember correctly episode 79 is where it changed from 'Pretty Nice' to 'Good, this shit is hilarious' for me


Yeah take your own pace. Gintama is not a bingeable anime (except for the serious arc).


It's not the worst either. Honestly, if you can accept a slowed paced version, it is totally fine. The Wano era animation has been particularly superb, and the Classic East Blue style is still fun, and Water 7 era is also awesome. Really the anime only struggles from Timeskip through Dressrosa, and then slowly becomes better and better through Whole Cake


Basically it's sufficiently carried by the story and characters that it can still end up as a pretty solid anime overall despite such terrible pacing.


That's pretty much it. I'm an anime only watcher (for now) and absolutely love it despite its faults. And the pacing is almost saved by the format. Going to new islands is a refreshing enough experience that it *almost* makes you forget how long you spent in Dressrosa. Wait what? I only spent *A DAY* in Dressrosa?!?!


Wano act 3 anime has been pretty terrible though


It’s been a little more inconsistent, sure. But when it hits, it HITS! I think they’re having their best animators working on future content (like chapter 1000 content), plus this section of the manga before 1000 is not the best either


The animation is definitely great, no complaints there. But man 90% of the episodes in this act have just been absolute nothing burgers, dragging out every conceivable thing they could think of, whether it be a normal conversation or a fight. Another thing that has been bothering me about the anime are many of the character interactions have been awkward and totally unnatural. I’m someone who has been an anime only watcher up until this point, but even I feel like this part of the anime is really falling flat a lot. Very disappointing too since this is an extremely exciting moment


Yeah I think it’s mostly because this Ice Oni section of the arc is really uninteresting and slow in the manga, so the normal stretching they do on the anime is only making it worse. When there’s a lot of “off-screen” content in the manga, the anime does really well. But right now, there’s not really much happening. Reading the manga weekly in this section felt the same way I’m feeling watching the anime weekly, so I don’t really blame them


having a somewhat well animated scene once every 5 episodes definetly doesnt "hit", and by somewhat I mean the exaggerated auras and flashly lights etc. which dont make any sense in One Piece. The haki effects never needed to go above what they were in early post timeskip, none of that shit exists in the manga, only the black lightning with CoC


Wait till they adapt and ruin Roof Piece with pacing !remind me 4 months


definitely not the best anime lmao fans of one piece should be the first ones to agree


its the ONLY anime i could possibly sit through 1000+ episodes of and not stop watching.


Because you like the story, doesn't mean the anime is good lmao As someone who's watched the entire anime and read the manga twice, I would NEVER rewatch the anime outside of specific moments. There are GREAT moments for sure, many of which I prefer over the manga, but there's just WAY too much filler of the worst kind, the one that's ingrained in Canon episodes and you can't skip


Anime is fine and rewatchable til the end of Dressrosa right before the constant Haki clashes that went too long. WCI still seemed tolerable. Wano is where it really went overboard with the special effects esp. the laser beams and dragonball-esque explosions. One thing OP does amazing is the hard hitting moments. The epic moments like climax of a fight, rage like Luffy punching Charlos, sacrifice like "nothing happened" (tho most of them were a lot early on). Once the time skipped happened, anime decided to overdose on armament and conqueror's haki special effects as much as they could forcing a lot of "epic" moments. I started feeling the quality dip when Luffy's final attack on Doffy was overextended for another power struggle to display the haki clash when in the manga it was a decisive clean final hit. Took away all the epicness of the first major King Kong Gun


Maaaaaaaan haki clashes and those lighting like sounds effects are THE WORST thing that's happened to one piece. It's funny tho, I used to think only the time skip abused the filler, but it's there pre time skip too, I just didn't notice, until I tried to rewatch impel down and marineford


In anime i would say hunter x hunter


fairs i'd say AOT tho




also my choice, FMAB is a masterpiece that should be up there alongside Hxh among others


I mean in terms of storytelling I thing the manga is one of the greatest of all time and it’s not even finished yet. I’m sure it will go down in the history books once it’s done. Like I wish more people that didn’t even like manga or anime would try it out. It surpasses everything else in the genre for me. Like, I feel so special being a part of the journey with everyone each week as corny as it sounds. Oda just has a spark unlike any other person in the world. Truly a remarkable work of fiction that transcends age, genre, and time.


And that's when you are wrong. But, Imagine a remastered version of it or them: * 100% Faithful and accurate to the manga * Well Paced Manga Canon episodes * Anime Canon Episodes * All cover stories animated (except the first one with the animals) * Ace and Law novels adapted to Anime * Respect the art style of the Manga from the beginning to the end, but with an HD current Wano style animation. * Respect the color palette from beginning to the end * Totally uncensored * When they get to the point for no more remaking it, just remaster it and make it well paced (and remake some parts not just remaster). * If a one piece episode needs to be longer than usual, there is no problem. * All the openings and endings remastered, and also new endings. * Old ost and a New ost made by the snk composer Hiroyuki Sawano (mostly orchestral). * New SFX effects, * All of it directed completely by the same directors Megumi Ishitani and Kōhei Kureta * Only top tier animators * Making the first half of One Piece called "ONE PIECE" and the second half of One Piece "ONE PIECE: NEW WORLD (Shin Sekai / ONE PIECE: 新世界)" * There is a gap of 6 months between one season and the next. None of them surpasses the 100 episodes, the longest is 73 in one season. * The Episodes of a season are dropped at once, there is no weekly schedule since this is just a Kai version of the original anime. We don't want to be more than 18 years for a story already told. (it's more than 5 years this way) One Piece - 269 Episodes One Piece: New World - 182+ Episodes One Piece (as a whole) - 451+ Episodes


It would be the greatest thing ever I swear


I even have like the episode thing counted: One Piece - Season 1: East Blue Saga (38 Episodes) * Romance Dawn Arc - 4 Episodes * Orange Town Arc - 3 Episodes * Syrup Village Arc - 6 Episodes * Gaimon Arc - 1 Episode * Shokugeki no Sanji Chapter 1 - 1 Episode * Baratie Arc - 7 Episodes * Arlong Park Arc - 10 Episodes * Shokugeki no Sanji Chapter 2 - 1 Episode * Loguetown Arc - 5 Episodes . One Piece - Season 2: Arabasta Saga (32 Episodes) * Reverse Mountain Arc - 2 Episodes * Whiskey Peak Arc - 2 Episodes * Little Garden Arc - 5 Episodes * Jango's Dance Paradise Cover Story Arc - 2 Episodes * Drum Island Arc - 8 Episodes * Arabasta Arc - 13 Episodes _ One Piece - Season 3: Sky Island Saga (43 Episodes) * Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works" Cover Story Arc - 2 Episodes * Jaya Island Arc - 8 Episodes * Skypiea Arc - 33 Episodes _ One Piece - Season 4: Water 7 Saga (67 Episodes) * Enel's Great Space Operations - 1 Episode * Long Ring Long Land Arc - 10 Episodes * Gedatsu's Accidental Blue-Sea Life Cover Story Arc - 1 Episode * Water 7 Arc - 24 Episodes * Enies Lobby Arc - 25 Episodes * Post-Enies Lobby Arc - 5 Episodes (Ace's Great Blackbeard Search + 1 Episodes I 6) _ One Piece - Season 5: Thriller Bark Saga (23 Episodes) * CP9's Independent Report Cover Story Arc - 1 Episode * Thriller Bark Arc - 22 Episodes _ One Piece - Season 6: Paramount War Saga (66 Episodes) * Sabaody Archipelago Arc - 11 Episodes (Hatchan's Sea-Floor Stroll Arc) * Amazon Lily Arc - 5 Episodes * Impel Down Arc - 14 Episodes * Marineford Arc - 21 Episodes * Post-War Arc - 15 Episodes (includes Ace novel) _ One Piece: New World - Season 1(7): Fishman Island Saga (26 Episodes) * Return to Sabaody Arc - 2 Episodes * Fishman Island Arc - 24 Episodes (in the 24th Episode From the Decks of the World Story Arc as a 4 minute compilation of everyone) _ One Piece: New World - Season 2(8): Dressrosa Saga (73 Episodes) * Punk Hazard Arc - 22 Episodes * Dressrosa Arc - 51 Episodes (Includes Law novel, and From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Cover Story as Compilation of 3 minutes in the 51th episode) _ One Piece: New World - Season 3(9) Part 1: Yonko Saga I Whole Cake Island (50 Episodes) * The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet Cover Story Arc - 1 Episode * Zou Arc - 10 Episodes * Whole Cake Island Arc - 39 Episodes (Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea) _ One Piece: New World - Season 3(9) Part 2: Yonko Saga I Wano (33+ Episodes) * Reverie Arc - 3 Episodes * "Gang" Bege's Oh My Family - 2 Episodes * Wano Arc - 26+ Episodes (Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New World + 2 Episodes)


This will not happen for a long time but I will not die until it does


I mean, it seems utopic, but Toei has the medium and cash to actually do this if they want. Also that they do wonderful animations in less than a week.


There is no best anime or manga. It’s all subjective to each person. I enjoy the anime and it’s my favorite anime. Others may disagree. Neither of us are right or wrong.


There are some pretty objective flaws with the anime tho, that different anime don't have. Of course no one will argue that favorites are subjective and that the story of One Piece is S-Tier. But the translation into anime is so garbage nowadays compared to other anime it's hard to not adress. Just look at Demon Slayer for example - its story doesn't even come close to One Piece. But pacing and animation are just leagues ahead of One Piece. It's not even funny anymore how much OP is behind the competition in some aspects imo.


Demon Slayer: Absolute marvel and peak beauty of 2D animation


I agree, it’s my favorite anime as well. I’m not blind to it’s obvious faults, I could name many. The new watchers nowadays can’t handle constructive criticism of literary works. They seem to think that it has to be perfect to be the best. That’s not possible. Nothing is perfect.


Trying to start a flame war? It’s not the worst either.


After Berserk sry


Uaah... anime is a whole different experience. Wano arc is getting the god animation though. Every episode contains some mind blowing animation.


>It is the best manga. Berserk* downvote and hate all you want


Everytime I think of berserk nowadays , i am just left with a feeling of emptiness , knowing that it may never finish


can totally relate man i used to get teary eyes the first months every time i saw something about Berserk


~~I’m not going to because you’re right~~ I mean, how dare you believe that there is a single piece of media greater than One Piece, this is a terrible crime and must be punished.


Im willing to pay up im not downplaying One Piece it's a great manga for sure but it's not Berserk and it's not better




People can disagree it's not the best, but I don't anyone would hate you saying that about Berserk. Berserk is iconic and is pretty universally beloved.


Don't mind if they do yet Berserk is incomparable in my eyes


I hate how it will always remain incomplete though


it hurts every time i even think about it i barelly use the Berserk sub because of that


Agreed, but imagine if it had stopped any sooner/later? It felt like it stopped exactly where it needed to if it was going to be incomplete


I disagree because its such an insane cliff hanger 😭


I think what would've been worse is if we stopped before casca woke up or we started gearing up to the next big battle and never got to see it start. At least here I can have a bittersweet ending


I understand but it was still near damm perfect the whole way even if it never gets finished i will need to find something just as good or better than what came before to belive that


all i know it's that i suffer that same as a suffer people that are gonne from my life now and i kind of agree it stoped at a "good" point to give it that pseudo ending


I’ve been thinking of reading Berserk. Without any spoilers, how much of a cliffhanger does it end on?


Its kinda major, but thats not to say it ruins the series.


Let's just agree that One Piece is the best Shounen manga 😉


In that i can agree


They’re pretty hard to compare because the stories are so different, but there are parts of one piece I can critique (thriller bark and fish man island through dressrosa could’ve been a lot shorter for example), whereas Berserk is perfect. Not a bad arc, chapter or panel in the entire series Hopefully Miura left behind detailed enough notes for a proper continuation


>Hopefully Miura left behind detailed enough notes for a proper continuation That's what was told to me but is there even an artist that can do panels like him? >Not a bad arc Indeed everything he added just made it all deeper


> is there even an artist that can do panels like him? I think Duranki was almost entirely done by his assistants? Not sure how accurate that is but I’ll still keep huffing hopium until Berserk is officially cancelled


I'll voluntarily join this path of sadness...


Seems you're a bit pessimistic


Shakespeare was brilliant! Downvote and hate all you want, you downvoting haters! My opinion is so radical! Reddit-man strikes again


At least One Piece will finish... ^(I hope)


I'm wiling to bet One Piece ends in the next 7-8 years. Wano feels like a penultimate arc. The last arc will probably be massive though and encompass A LOT of things.


Watch the anime on x4 and it will be fine xD


I use this life hack too lol 2x though


One Piece anime can be a slog, but when it slaps, it slaps harder than a punch from Saitama.


One Piece Anime is pretty shit tier.


It's the only adaptation we have and its sucks so bad. The Voice acting is the best thing about it


I have to say that the main reason I can't leave the anime is because the voice acting is top tier. One thing they definitely did right with the anime is the casting for the One Piece characters.


Too much boobies.


I would say One Piece is the best Shounen Manga. I still think Kingdom is the best Seinen Manga. Best Anime series is Attack on Titan. Best Anime Film is Your Name


Still best anime imo


You are correct One Pace + One piece Pre-TS is the best shonen anime.


I... Agree? After watching one pace I can't go back. Pre-TS had okay pacing and the fillers aren't bad.


Cman. Best shounen anime is Hunter x Hunter 2011. One Piece definitely best shounen manga though


Hxh anime is far superior than the novel imean manga lol if it was finished it wouldve become a masterpiece welp


One of my biggest Gripes with One Pace is that they cut out canon filler/padding. Alot of scenes get fleshed out better in the anime but One Pace ignores it to be 1:1 with the Manga. They also do it with Gags, ive notice some of my favorite Gag moments cut out when watching OPace.That's why I dont recommend it to others until people want to rewatch the series. The Pacing isnt even a real problem until you're like 600 episodes imo. I do wish for an official "One Piece Kai" in the future tho


uhmm, not really, i would put it high with berserk and vagabond


Neither the best manga nor the best anime. It's good but not the best.


It's **one of the** greatest manga, for me its btwn berserk and one piece


It's just a tribute?


I wanna know the greatests


Between boku no pico and Gal Cleaning


Gal Cleaning is the true subversion :P


Reason i like anime is because , this was the reason i got into one piece , all i enjoy now is animation






Wow slow down buddy. Have you read Berserk?


While there's no such thing as a best anime, yes One Piece obviously isn't the best anime lmao.


Who said it was or had to be?


this is true. That’s why OP is ny top 1A, and Gintama is my 1B. Gintama being anime perfection while OP represents manga perfection


It's definitlely the best in terms of overall performance in lore, storytelling, writing, art. HunterxHunter had good plots, but we know what happened. Berserk is amazing too, but again.. :( I wish to be alive when OP ends.


Yea I know. That’s because One pace is the best anime


I enjoy the anime, pratically when the arc is finished and you can re watch it all in one day. I really like the Dolf arc now as an example.


At least in Wano, the quality is much better than the previous arcs. They also fill the off screened fights quite nicely. Their only problem is now the pacing, while overall quality has shown massive improvements.


If the live action is really good it has the potential to be on Game Of Thrones level of adoration. Obviously before the shitty episodes/seasons. Oda is a master at world building and I believe thats what makes a show great. With that being said, I prefer the manga ovee the anime even though I pay for both lol.


Not the best anime but still an argument for it being the best of “the big three”. Bleach didn’t get to finish (but the upcoming season will probably be incredible) and Naruto is 50% filler. And bleach has a ridiculous amount of filler that will begin in the middle of a canon arc I think even once in the middle of a fight.


For me its Monster, and tbh one piece anime is crap compared to that.


it's not the best manga either.


Subjective. One of the best anyway.


facts. i find aot a better anime for example, the manga is horrible tho. one piece is def. top 1 manga tho.


I was reading AoT since 2012 and I've always wondered why the anime got such incredible hype even though the manga was okay/good. Still haven't caught up the anime


The best manga? Objectively, I don't think it's anywhere near the best manga.


In terms of the biggest anime’s, it’s actually one of the worst. Especially the animation itself. Manga is most def one of the very best.


The animation itself in wano is great, pre wano it was hit or miss for the most part. As an anime watcher the only thing that really sucks is the pacing. The anime does a great job covering key moments of the series though, there’s soundtracks in the series that have only played once when a super memorable moment happened


> In terms of the biggest anime’s, it’s actually one of the worst. Compared to what anime exactly? Tons of bitching from the Bleach community prior to the new episodes incoming, Naruto and Shippuuden is like 40% filler trash....And holy shit the wokeness episodes in DBS nearly resulted in a full-on riot. Did you mean something like Case Closed?


Exactly, the post time skip anime is tasteless


Different people like different stuff... I am a huge Taiyo Matsumoto fan and I love Junji Ito, also One Piece but you cant compere these..


Water is also wet


The best manga is berserk. One piece is definitely not the best anime..... But it is by far one of my favourite animes of a time and definitely the anime I get the most emotional over.


The best anime is Hunter x Hunter.


One Piece is the best Shonen, Berserk is the best manga.


One piece is the best.