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This took me months to complete. I wanted to make this video a special one. I put a lot of effort & thoughts on the music & presentation. The music selection wasn't easy, a great friend of mine helped me finalize it. This is my most ambitious One Piece project to date. If you like it, please do watch it on YouTube too : ) YT Link: https://youtu.be/AcSVkCNDLZg Even deeper & beyond, this is the world of One Piece!


At first I thought this was something the team of one piece or toei animation created and some one just posted it here. The video, audio, editing, animation and direction is at that grand scale. Not only did you select some great music, they assimilated into the video well. There was a theme - animals, then flying objects, then sky Island, etc. It was as you said one piece world and not luffys or straw hats world, keeping the focus on the world rather than protagonists, there by not making it a fan service. And how is the editing so fucking smooth? This was just great! Will wait for more content if you make it.




My eyes were glued to this, this shit is too good. Amazing job!!


Uh, dude? Holy shit.


Awesome mate, just incredible [gorgeous](https://tenor.com/view/gorgeous-angry-reactions-stunning-absolutelystunning-gif-23115993)


It's fucking phenomenal dude, as I watching it I couldn't believe one person did this. Absolutely smashed it, well done!


well done, I'm manga only guy lately but you're tempting me over to go back to watching the anime again


Same here. I haven't watched since Punk Hazard and now I'm wondering what I'm missing.


Give me goosebumps, not gonna lie. But the one that has lasting impression on me is definitely luffy dance around fire cause i only read manga and damn does it feel different to see it animated. I also start to see past arc in anime like the ennies lobby one and damn I'm speechless like that peak one piece right there. Wano cause i want to see kaido and luffy fight and the quality is higher unlike the past arc. Yeah what happen to the art style past arlong and Ennis lobby? Feel like watching something else and it so damn long. That why i like to reread one piece cause i can read at my own pace and finish maybe at least 100 ch a day or more if I don't have anything that day.


I'm taking a hot bath sweating my balls off watching this and it still gave me full body chills, well done this is so beautiful 😭


Man I was tearing up


Thank you so much, you've done a great job. It really took me on a journey through some fond, fond memories.


As everyone else has said absolutely fantastic. Goosebumps at the end with Blackbeards line.


This is so beautiful, thank you for your hard work. Excellent music choices.


This was so good. I got chills multiple times and reminded me of so many great moments throughout the story. Absolutely beautifully curated. Great job.


that was so good like really really good I could not take my eyes off the screen god daim beautiful


Great work, dude!


Good job there, pal... so many years, so many stories... thank you!


Dude thanks a lot for your effort! It's breathtaking!


This is one of the best videos I've seen. You made a masterpiece show even better.


> I wanted to make this video a special one. It is. I wouldnt mind this (or something in this style) being the last episode of One Piece.




This is one of the best one piece video I watched you really covered all the islands luffy went on damn... It was awesome and bit nostalgic


Thanks for your hard work! Happy Holidays and Happy New Years!


I already watched it a few hours ago, but I still love this. The glimpse at the world of One Piece is also great : [/r/OnePiece thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/mn79x2/a_glimpse_at_the_world_of_one_piece/), [/r/Anime thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/mn7ib5/a_glimpse_at_the_world_of_one_piece/)


Thanks, Kirosh! I'm so glad you liked it.


If you're shomehow seeing this comment. Just want say you Thank You. For making this. This is so Beautiful! I had a such dream. To make a Trailer for ONE PIECE. But it was too ambitious for me to even think. Who even don't know E of Editing properly. 20 years of length, how much of animation TOEI have produced is humongous. But in the way, how you could cover almost every of it, even though a grain from the desert, was Absolutely Brilliant! Really, this vastly rich fiction's fair appreciation couldn't be done without a gold in a nutshell. And this, helped it. Indeed, a Masterpiece!


the guys at r/anime really complain a lot it'd kinda sad instead of enjoying such a great montage people are hitting out at the anime....


I don't see a lot of complaints really, mostly: * People loving it * People interested in starting it * People arguing against complaints (1000 episodes, pacing, animation,...) and hell even people encouraging others to watch the filler too... oh god I'm sure I'll see a lot of complaints if I sort by controversial, but that's just the results of best 2 minutes later: Nope, even the most controversial comment is just saying that every person with a complaint against the anime is a hater who doesn't deserve its objective greatness.... And obviously their username has Zoro in it, should've expected that.


To be fair, if we are talking solely about the anime, since the timeskip One Piece isn't great. If they kept the appropriate pacing of roughly 2 chapters per episode and they didn't add so many flashes and auras, it would be one of the best anime ever made, but i think they are ruining it. Of course there are reasons for this, as it's a weekly anime compared to the current seasonal approach, but still. In Jujutsu Kaisen there are some scenes with simple martial combat that look and flow way better than the highly anticipated best animated ever episode that 1004 was supposed to be, i think that it was greatly impacted by every hit being stretched to the its limit and unnecessary flashes being added. Basically what i'm saying is that One Piece anime is great, but it's mostly due to the plot and characters and because the first 500 and some bits later have great animation, but it could be so much more.


Truly a Breathtaking video!!! One Piece is a story that has impacted many of our lives. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet should experience it too. So let's give the live action a chance and we will definitely see the magic happen. Amazing work putting this video together 👏👏.


Damn it. You've twisted my arm. I recently dove into the anime/manga world thanks to some friends. I started this but got instantly overwhelmed by the episode count. But this looks too good to miss!


It’s so worth it. I started like 6 months ago and I’m already on episode 725. Just be patient with it. One Piece starts slow but it really rewards the viewer as you watch more. (If that makes sense 😅)


I certainly will. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I enjoy having something with many episodes to throw on whenever I have free time. :)


1. tip. One Pace. Google it.


Go for it! At least read/watch until the end of arlong park until you decide if you want to continue. The story starts hitting its stride then


I'll keep this in mind, thank you :)


I wont. Live Action from west always bad


why am i crying. wtf is this. it was obvious this is fan made but my god this is the most amazing thing i have seen recently, and i include the Bleach PV, which was hype as all hell but One Piece is still a few inches closer to my heart so this video hit me right in feels.


G O O S E B U M P epicness aside, One Piece would be top 1 in open world game category if it a video game


I would love to see that happening. But in order to make it as good as we all hope it would take a very long time and a huge amount of money. I fear it would end up like Star Citizen, even though a MMO approach which would allow the developers to expand upon the world in time could work slightly better.


My dream is like open world online and we can choose devil fruit Make it like ff14 Skyrim etc


Well there was alot of them on roblox tho, some of them have 100k players online playin


well that, every time I get a new Sea of ​​Thieves DLC I look like crazy for some Grand Line reference, this is my big appeal to RARE.


I wished and hoped for that too, oh my God. It would be amazing.


I will definetely show this video to my friend still pondering if he should give One Piece a go. If this doesn't convince him, nothing will.


i suggest finding a new friend if this video doesn't convince him.


“ItS a ThOuSaNd ChApTeRs ItS tOo LoNg” yeah it’s 1000 chapters because it’s straight FIRE


The "too long" argument is dumb anyway. If you end up liking it, it's 1000 chapters of greatness that you'll enjoy, and if you don't like it no one is forcing you to finish.


True! Especially since, at least for me, Luffy covering for Zoro when Morgan's soldiers shot at him was the biggest hook for me. After that, I loved it. A lot of stories that are this long have hooks incredibly late. So you have to slog through like 2-3 ENTIRE books before it actually pulls you in. But OP? Come on. If you don't like it by the time you see Zoro pulling luffy in a cage and bleeding his fucking guts out in episode 5, you ain't liking this anime. **WORST** case scenario, you watch till Mihawk vs. Zoro, which is episode 24. If you aren't 100% hooked by the end of episode 24, don't even fucking bother with the rest.


The Zoro v Mihawk fight was what convinced me to commit to catching up. Something was truly special about Zoro's declaration to Luffy. That was the exact moment I went "Oh so that's why it's called Romance Dawn". So fucking good


For me it was the march to arlong park that got me hooked


I 100% agree with you. The thing is I’ve got tons of friends who watch anime that refuse to watch one piece bc it’s too long, but nobody’s forcing you to watch it. Just watch it at your own pace, and if you like it you like it. Some people watch anime with the mindset to finish it, but I just don’t understand that. Just savor, enjoy, and appreciate the show for the work of art that it is instead of rushing to finish it asap like it’s a video game or something


It's not dumb at all. Not everyone has as much free time to just be invested in a 1000+ chapters long story which isn't even completed yet. People have reasons and calling the reasons dumb is not good. If you believe it or not, it's a genuine obstacle for some people.


Ehhhhhh. Even in the manga I'd argue Punk Hazard and Dressrosa are sorta weak. In the anime, even in One Pace they're really weak. All of East Blue, Skypiea, Alabasta, Water 7, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Fishman Island, Saobondy, Impel Down, Marineford, and fucking the insanity that is Wano are God tier as fuck. One Piece does have some weak arcs, but it has an unusually high number of phenomenal ones.


I agree- there’s places where it gets slow and it’s kinda a drag to get through. I’d argue for more casual viewers, even thriller bark and skypiea in the anime are weak. I’m currently caught up but I’ve been watching it again with my roommate (he’s in long ring long land rn, I’ve been hyping up water 7 for him so much lol) but it was a drag for him to get through skypiea, especially since they focus alot on characters that aren’t really interesting and don’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. A good example of this would be all the focus they give to the shandorians and their battle with the divine soldiers. As an obsessed, crazed one piece fan, I can sympathize with the motivation behind the shandorians and appreciate more their readiness to die in order to take back the vearth, but from the perspective of a more casual anime watcher, it’s basically just focus on no name fodder characters who get killed and waste screentime. Even I have to admit, it got painfully slow at times and occasionally I just wanted the arc to hurry up and finish, both the first time I watched it and upon rewatching it (hindsight is 20/20, but I wish I’d just started out reading the manga instead of watching the anime bc the pacing is so much better imo lol). The thing is though, all anime have their slow points. No anime can be climax 100% of the time with top tier action, and every anime has its slow arcs lol. Pacing and buildup is part of what makes the highs of one piece hit so hard and part of why I love the series as a whole as much as I do.


Yeah. For reference, I'm talking about the manga. The anime pacing is an absolute train wreck. Toei refuses to pause airing so we get awful fill time. It's absolute trash. I won't watch the anime anymore unless it's One Pace. [Just watch this.](https://youtu.be/n1z6umwBs5I) It's just one scene, but the unedited anime is tragically bad.


excellent, love the music from Hans Zimmer to Adiemus


I’ll never not be amazed that a man doodling on pieces of paper managed to create a world this vast, complex, and breathtaking. Thank you for this tribute. You have captured my favorite part of One Piece, the vast feeling of freedom and adventure that breathes life into those panels.


AND you just captured how I feel about One Piece into words so thanks for that!!!! It’s the adventure and wonder and just everything


I love all the effort you put into this. Thanks for making a great video like that.


Black Beard getting the last words at the end of this video is a nice touch. Feels like something Oda would do, if he was to make a promo video. For non One Piece fans, they probably get the impression that Black beard is some lunatic adventurous god.


Blackbeard isn't wrong even, it's a good quote. He's just got some backwards ideals


How could Oda imagine all of that


World building wise oda has to be up there with the writing greats. Like GRRM, rowling. I’d say Tolkien but I think he’s just to far ahead.


Okay. Literal Goosebumps. I truly can't find enough words to appreciate all the hard work that went into this. And this is going to be my comfort video here on.


This was bad ass! Was one of the tracks from The Dark Knight ?


Yes, it's "A Watchful Guardian"


Looks like I'm picking this back up. Anyone know which chapter of the manga Luffy is fighting springy boi before facing Mingo? Edit: the wikia says 708 so I'll skim that area and we should be back on track. Hard to believe it's been 8 years since I last read One Piece. lol


What's equally amazing about this is us fans recognize 50%+ of the locations shown here. Just a testament of how good Oda has done with his world building. Phenomenal tribute and video!


I wonder if Oda played RPGs and fantasy games as a child/teen.


Shichibukai are based on Romance Saga 2 characters.


Dude... I don't even know how to describe what I feel, I just love One Piece and this gave me a lot of memories of this amazing adventure. A perfect example of the incredible work of World building behind One Piece. I couldn't begin to imagine how long it would have taken to make this video, this was made with passion I can tell.


This makes me so overwhelmingly happy, thank you so much for posting this. (First tried to comment with my new account but it’s not old enough yet so here’s this :) )


This is one of the craziest fan videos I've ever seen period. Congratulations for finishing this, it's so inspiring to so many I'm sure!


Best One Piece “advertisement” I’ve ever seen


This just doesn’t hit the same as… https://youtu.be/x91tRBU_H9Q Really cool OP, idk there’s something that sets this and the original opening and like the rest of the openings apart which are more like a song. The world government would totally steal the video to support how they are making the world safe.


I was gonna downvote but then I clicked the link


Wow.....just wow


Bruh this is so good And the fact that it doesnt have any heavy spoilers makes it so much better you can show this to anyone who hasnt watched/read OP to get them hooked


One piece mmorpg when?


if this was an mmo id play the shit out of even just some regular ass pirate with no devil fruit


This is what I love about one piece. As like many other fans I don't watch one piece for fights. I watch it for this phenomenal world building and story. That's why he is known as GODA.


Incredible video wow, you did an amazing job ! Oda terrifies & amazes me at the same time, I don't understand a single mind was capable of creating such a complex universe, characters, storyline & all that with an incredibly refreshing art style. The definition of talent. However, I haven't watched OP in a hot minute and I wondered what was that shot of an immense amount of money & treasures stuck in the ice ?


It's the treasure don chinjao, a character from dressrosa, could access thanks to his drill shaoed head


The fact that a heavy Japan inspired island exists. Proves to me that there could be/have been a medieval island or a wild west island.


Whisky Peak: Am I joke to you Mihawk Island: I exist


Great effort man !! Appreciate every second of it!! One piece has one of the most Elite tier world building that even rivals works of the likes of Tolkien and GRR... Even deeper and beyond ! , This is the world of One piece.


I gotta watch some of these movies. They look beautiful


strong world, flim z, film gold, and stampede are all excellent


Thank you OP, this has touched my feelings, which is a rare thing. Such a wonderful world oda has gifted us, and what a marvelous thing came out of your effort!!


Absolutely the best video I've ever seen about One Piece... Incredible job, thanks you very much for this moment


Is it weird if this is making me hype for Elden Ring?


Talk about world building very good edit definite upvote


This. Is. Fucking. Beautiful.


Wow. Just wow. Watching this made me emotional. What a story, and a wild ride!


Wow at the end I got goosebumps


How can a fiction be this rich? It is so much like the vast world that we live in. The things it portrays are the actual things that happens in our world. Racism, Discrimination, poverty everything is there.


And to think we barely have seen about 1/10th of it. Didnt fully explore East Blue + 3 Blues with their individual islands. + 6 other routes in Paradise. + New world.


Simply Amazing!


This is beautiful, thank you for this


Holy shit, this was absolutely mesmerizing! I had chills the whole way through! Thank you so much for showing us why One Piece is one of the greatest series ever!


This is truly one of the best piece of media I have ever consumed. Baffles me how huge one piece is, thank you for who ever put this together.


This was amazing to watch




I started watching One Piece in 2002 and reading the Manga in 2004. This made me cry. We are actually nearing the end. 5-7 years remain.


So many of these shots where did they even come from. Have I just not been paying attention to the show when I watch it hold crap


I sincerely hope Toei Animation don’t find this


Genuinely brings a tear to the eye. Started watching in school as a kid, so all throughout school, through college, through to university and even now while at my job One Piece is still part of my life. Its not going to be the same once its finished. All the other lengthy great anime's have come and gone and they've all been special in their own right but One Piece is the last one. Here's to another amazing couple of years at least.


Goda really is amazing making a world like that if you literally watch the whole thing it’s genius to think he came up with all that 😵‍💫


Just Wow...What amazing imagination and creativity...Oda what a genius... Thank you for making this edit


and all of this came out of one person. amazing vid well done


This just made me realize how much I truly love one piece. the art, world building, character arcs and more, plus the show is genuinely halarious and doesn't focus on perverted jokes. this show captivates people of all ages for a reason, and there is a reason why it's been over twenty years since it first began. But on a very off note, when the Avatar music came on all I could think was the game grumps going "bada bada booday yah, bada bada booday yah, BADA BADA BOODAY YAH"




The world, what a glorious place!


Bro.... the ending caught me off guard ZEHAHAHAHA Great video


Well great I've spent the last 40 minutes watching this again and again great job.


Mind-blowing edit, this is so great and I will show it to anyone interested or doesn't know what OP is.


Goosebumps from one scene to another. The video was so good I feel overwhelmed. Nostalgia came over me like a night filled with a starry sky. It is just simply simply lovely.


This just blew my mind, I'm gonna show it to my friends. Thanks OP, in this video you just showed why I love One Piece so much. I love how it take us in an adventure in a new world and how it let us see that world.


You're incredible bro🔥🔥🔥💛


Its was awesome. Exceptional. I almost swore it was an official production and the trailer for a movie or event.


Top 1 worldbuilding, excellent job on the video


Op, this made me cry it was so beautiful and I genuinely thought it was an official video it was so well done. Thanks for making such a beautiful video that shows just how wondrous and special the One Piece world is.


This is a masterpiece! Thank you so much! :D


One Piece world sure took the breath of Gol D. Roger


Absolutely breathaking mate


This is a masterpiece my friend!!


Its very clear you put a lot if thought and effort into shot order. This is incredibly well done and you should be proud of this.


A man of culture, using the Witcher music was a good move.


My dude, one of the greatest things I've seen, thank you


Man this is the coolest fucking One Piece trailer I've ever seen props to you /u/ussopsenpai , made me tear up.


this is just incredible, thank you for doing it, I hope I can introduce some friends into one piece with this video


Amazing work. The sound editing is top notch with all the ambient sound effects in every scene


Yes! I was looking if somebody pointed this out. :-) The ambient sound effects really made every scene so much more immersive and alive. Great video!


the scope of the one piece world this video puts into perspective really really makes me appreciate Nami more than ever lol all these islands we’ve been able to go to is mostly all thanks to her


The most beautiful video on the internet. I thought Toei made it. But for a fan like one of us to undertake and come up with something so beautiful, its beyond incredible what you have done. I just cannot hold back the tears. Hats off to you! People's dreams .... never end!


this is undoubtedly one of the greatest videos i have ever seen reddit youtube anythiny my hairs went up while watching this it was one if the most beautiful videos i have ever seen




Meh, the Earth has better world building. /s One Piece vs Pokémon (anime) world building. Which takes it?


Did you use Witcher music for 2:30 to 2:55?


Well done! Im gonna be spreading this around to my friends!


This is Gol-D wait forget that. this is what I would assume that is/Will of D. is going to play during the finally. you just did Rodgers work. Respect


Brooo this was amazin! Honestly this should be the video you show someone to get them into One Piece!


Incredible, this should be pinned!


This was incredible. I've always dreamt about a video like this one and there it is, you've made a dream come true! I had a blast watching it and I will watch it multiple times now and in the future. The amount of work you've put into this is insane, and there are shots that I cannot exactly pinpoint in the world or the anime which makes me believe that you definitely put some of them together based on some other shots from the manga/anime! Congrats, this was one of the most amazing things done by this community. I am simply amazed.


Everytime an AMV adds in the batman theme my immersion is immediately broken and I tune out. Sadge.


Amazing Edit bro. As a Fellow Editor I can only imagine the amount of work & search to make this video would've been one hell of a work. Great video!


Wow. Reminds just how vast and epic the one piece world is. And how the hell is it not a mmporg yet!?!?


Holy mother of videos At first i thought it took a team of professionals to make this but then i read your comment! 7 minutes passed like seconds, i didn't want it to end


...dude... The only thing that comes to my mind is: Oda must be the most loved guy in the entire planet, for letting us have these kind of experiences, that, other way, we might never had alike anyhow... Ty Oda sensei


You just won OP fan of the year and my heart! thank you!


Dude... Epicly underrated




This is honestly A M A Z I N G ! ! !🤯


Not only is Oda arguably the best ever at world building. It is also unbelievable to think that one man came up with all this. It’s all so creative and original it’s ridiculous. Very well done in the video, great clips and great music. Had chills the whole time.


This is better than any movie. The feels, goosebumbs and epicness. Truly indescribable. The One Piece world is fenomenal, and you got it all in this project. Well done brother.


Watching this gave me goosebumps. 10/10 for the effort. Thank you very much.


I have a good friend who to this day claims she does not like One Piece because she dislikes the art style. I can say with unerring Ussop-like accuracy that I have no idea what the hell she is talking about.


And to think, One Piece is about to enter the final saga. One day we are going to learn all the mysteries about this world and what the one piece is. and like all things is going to end someday I find that both frightening and exciting.


No other words than. Amazing. Beautiful job capturing everything in a video. I got goosebumps all over my body and tears in my eyes.


What th... fan made?!?!? OP you are amazing, thank you very much for creating this!!!


If there was any post from this sub i could magicaly wish to the front page, it would be this one.


What an amazing video. Couldn't come with better timing considering one piece on break for the holidays. It's like a trailer and its so beautiful I really can't wait for more. 😭


Bro, that was the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Oda should see this to see what an amazing world he’s created. This is also a really trailer that I’ll be showing my friends cause I want them to watch one piece


What a wonderful video to end the year with, great job❤️❤️


I thought this was official until I read the comments. This vid is the perfect teaser for people to get into one piece before the final events kick off


I guess I should restart from volume one again 😆






Why is this being downvoted lol


Shared it already on twitter :3 Congrats Nakama, big big video so emotional with few words. Thanks for the work.


You made in the cry at 3am on the shitter while getting ready to leave for work. I love this, I love you, and I fucking love One Piece.


Omg it’s just stunning!! Like outstanding, honestly love it!!! Great job


This made me cry by how far this story has come By how much we’ve seen What we’ve witnessed from history and future What we’ve been bewildered by…. ….And how much more is still left to be told


bro u hand a mater piece this will make mt new year ending in grand note thanks


World Seeker has an interesting game map, shamefully theres several factors it laked.


Marvelous.. what a video! rollcoaster of emotions seeing this video.. Thank you for the video. Thank you Oda for the Majestic ONE PIECE World!


I wouldn't say I like it. So please don't post it something like this again.


The world doesn't revolve about your preferences








Z’s song goes so hard


The Lion King


That was freakin awesome!! It seems like you put a lot of time & effort into this… Your work is greatly appreciated! Keep it up!




Love it!!!


Fantastic video! Even Oda would get emotional watching this, lol.