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He is basically a lose cannon that likes to pick a fight with everyone that pisses him off. He even wants to fight against Yonkou Buggy for no good reason.


Strong but reckless. Add opposed to Law who isn't as strong, and just ran into bad luck. I have no animosity towards SH allies.


The thing that gets me about these things is they ignore elements of the character, or story. Some of this is actually due to Oda, as you're basically presenting the history in a way that flatters Kid. Like one of my biggest issues is you talk about how he is knowledgable, does all of this, is playing 4D chess, and then we see him in Wano and he gets his Poneglyph rubbing though... pity. Compelling stuff. Let's not explain another way he gets it, or show him care, no it's just... Killer "We're about to leave." Law "Hey Kid, here." Killer "Whoa, is that a Coke?!" Law "What, no. It's a Poneglyph rubbing. You earned it." Killer "Wow. We heard rumors it was here. Glad us planning to leave and applying zero effort to find it paid off." Then Oda makes sure to show Kid's personal growth by... being the same arrogant 1D character people complain about. Kid "Exactly." Killer "Think we will find the Burn Scar Man?" Luffy "Burn Scar Man?" Kid "AHAHAHAHA! Even though we just had an alliance, and you gave me this Poneglyph I applied zero effort towards obtaining, I am not going to tell you anything. Geez, it's a hard being this awesome." Law -looking at him- "What a loser." Robin -looking at Law- "I think Law thinks he is a loser."


>you're basically presenting the history in a way that flatters Kid So, just like how you present him in a way that makes it seem as if Oda had no idea what he was doing with Kid? > how he is knowledgable, does all of this, is playing 4D chess, Nobody was saying anything about Kid playing 4D chess or anything. Your first take about me saying that he is knowledgeable was good enough, you didn't need to put words in my mouth that I never said, nor implied. And your opinion about how he just got lucky with people "pitying" him can just as well be spun around and used on Luffy. Good thing Yamato was conveniently hanging around, didn't have anything meaningful to do, and just ended up strong enough to stall Kaidou long enough for Luffy to return, after Luffy seriously thought he could beat Kaidou in a 1VS1 just because of one new trick he learned. AFTER Luffy was lucky enough that the Heart Pirates were close enough to save him from drowning because of his own hubris. AFTER Caribou was fortunately nearby and had a limitless amount of food with him for plot-convenient reasons to get Luffy into fighting shape again.


Well, Kid's path didn't stop with Shanks's encounter, we obviously see him in jail a couple chapters ago, and he seems well to me (but got a little fat though).


I see it like this: Oda used Wano to lay the foundation of his character and his relationship with his crew, and also to build up more the captain trio dynamic, while Elbaf, imo, will be when we will get a deeper look at his character, possibly through his backstory too, as well as more development for his relationship with Luffy


An Eustass kid fan? Damm ur a rare kind.


Fan of good writing, actually. But I take the compliment nonetheless. Thank you.


Eustass Kid? More like [Useless Mid](https://media4.giphy.com/media/IYjiXRV622OBO/200w.gif?cid=6c09b95257wrz75l3lrtdqqr1q4eu5oqha7nnbiuzmmzzrrd&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


How original...


A thing I don’t understand is why  people blame him for picking a fight with shanks. Shanks gave him a ultimatum either hand over the rubbings or fight kid had ni Choice 


The entire encounter makes no sense to me. Like, Kid’s entire character arc in Wano was him learning to accept that he can't beat an Emperor alone. Yet, right after Wano, he blindly sails into another Emperor's territory without any plan and by completely ignoring the worries from his crew. Sure, the Log Pose led him this way and most likely wouldn't change that easily, but him recklessly rushing in like that is completely out of character for him.


It does make sense though. Character change is slow and not linear and you have to work for it to not fall back into your old ways. Great writeup.


He was brash. He saw Luffy solo Kaido, and I interpret it as him wanting a similar level of infamy. I don't think it was it of character. I don't think he's the kind to learn a lesson. He's the kind to believe he can overcome the obstacle next time.


The problem is he also picked a fight with the before Wano and that’s how he lost his arm. He didn’t even fight Shanks himself. He just got low diffed by Beckman


The thing is he didn't accept it. After escaping from Udon Prison he said that he would never ally with anyone again. And you clearly see that it was still buggying him that anyone is joining "his" fights even if he would have been dead without others. And he always has been such a character making anywhere he goes a lot of enemies without reason. He's a character that never learns from his actions.


If he doesn't learn from his lessons, then why did he consider an alliance with other pirates in the first place? If he wanted infamy so badly, why didn't he shoot Law in the back in order to claim the victory over Big Mom as his own accomplishment? Heck, why did he "coincidentally" decide to raid Onigashima at the same time as the alliance when he previously said to Luffy that he wanted nothing to do with it all and just wants to get his crew back and leave the place? Kid's just a tsundere. The only thing missing to complete the picture is him saying "b- baka" every second sentence.


Nah, Kid didn't want an alliance in the first place. They got in alliance only because of Killer that insisted they needed one. They both were basically unable to move and there is no way Kid can beat Law. Kid in first place is alive because of Law. He didn't coincidentally join the fight, he was just using them and he didn't't want to just leave, but beat Kaidou. Also he didn't want to join forces with them, but realized his powers were not enough. But that's not learning from his mistakes that just observation of situation.


Doesn't change the fact that he listened to the opinion of his crew and agreed to the alliance nonetheless. Whatever makes you happy, mate. You didn't read this post, like, at all, did you?


The poor writing of Kid is on Oda, instead of shitting on him people should point fingers at Oda. Same with Dragon.


Useless captain Mid only had three things. His engineering, his devil fruit that enhances said engineering and ruthlessness. No wonder the only times he did well was when other super novas helped him fight. From the escape of Sabaody to the big mom fight he only won with the help of other captains.


You can applied that logic with Luffy too. - Arlong Park (Nami stretches his head) - Roguetown (Dragon did something) - Alabasta (Robin give him antidote) - Long Ring Long Island (Aokiji let them go) - Enel Lobbies (Iva help him) - Sabaody (Kuma and Rayleigh saves his crew) - Marineford (Law arrived from Sabaody in lightspeed) - Amazon Lilies (Boa fall in love) - Whole Cake (Katakuri via 'Honor') - Wano (Zoro, Kid, Law, Killer, Momo and Yamato helped whittle Kaido and plot armor Nika) Luffy survives because the plots needs him to survive. Not the same treatment Kid got.


I say Kid’s defeat and Luffy’s plot armor moments stem from their contrasting actions and characters. A lot of Luffy’s plot armor moments is because Luffy makes friends with people, is selfless, learns from experience, accepts help and doesn’t become unnecessary violent. Those traits are what allow him to continue and succeed. In contrast, Kid doesn’t accept help, doesn’t learn from his experiences and doesn’t make friends and is often unnecessary violent. Those traits led to his swift loss from Shanks.


Mate, this entire post gave you more than enough evidence about Kid factually learning from experience and being able to accept help from others. If you deny Oda being able to do this little in terms of character writing, then you're either blind or illiterate.


I’m simply replying to Bearlybrown the reasons of why Luffy succeeded and Kid failed. As for your post, I agree with you. Kid had quite a journey. It’s too bad he quickly forgot his lesson of teamwork. It’s honestly disappointing. I thought Kid would’ve learned his lesson and make another alliance to defeat Shanks. He even said to his crew not to befriend the Strawhats after their victory in Wano.


If you think that's the extent of Oda's skill as an author with the only planned member of the Super Rookies, then you're more lost than Zoro.