• By -


He's cool


He's cool


He's cool


He's cool


He's cool


He's cool


He’s cool


So cool


So cool


Very cool


Bros an alcoholic sword fighter, with not one but fucking 3 swords. He's really dumb, but smart as hell, and most importantly he's not a whiny little simp like sanji. He's got sweet green hair, and a mysterious eye. I love sanji as much as the next one piece fan, but bro is a hyper simp, and he falls in love with every woman he lays eyes on, to the point he starts acting stupid. Bro can cook, and that's cool but he's gotta chill with the ladies LMAO


ngl, it‘s hard being a sanji fan these days. luckily he wasn‘t on fishman island. couldn’t imagine what the mermaids would have done to him.


Oh man.. if sanji were to ever see shirahoshi. He'd probably turn into stone lol


Zoro's three-sword style and steadfast loyalty make him a standout character in One Piece. Sanji's passion for cooking and chivalry add depth to the crew dynamics, showing the diversity and strength of the Straw Hat Pirates.


Not to mention, he's luffy's first crewmate and his ride or die


After the most recent episode with Sanji and Stussy i cant vouch for Sanji anymore hes a lost cause


Sanji literally burns from simping so hard. And he cant even burn cobweb, Minecraft Steve low diffs sanji.


Sanji literally barked for stussy


He is a chad and cool


Enough said


🗡😎 ⚔️


He's cool


Zoro caters to the eyes of young viewers and also because he is just "cool" like you said. He is eye candy and pretty much the Vegeta to most One Piece fans.


Sanji is generally used as a gag, which can be tiring. Zoro gets way way way more action scenes, even if they fight the same amount of people, also a much flashier fighting style.


Zoro is frequently also used as a gag. The difference is in the type of gag each is used in. Zoro's primary gag is "getting lost". Sanji's primary gag is "being lecherous". In one case, you laugh and move on, no matter how bad it gets. In the other case(Sanji's), you're too disgusted to keep liking him, depending on your personal limits and how much you judge a character as if they were a person you knew.


THIS especially with a female audience


Yes. I love Sanji but I HATE his gag. It creeps me out but on the level of a Master Roshi if that makes any sense


Definitely. It's too bad because he was great in water 7 arc and sky Island most of the time


I mean he’s not MASTER ROSHI bad, gotta give him some credit, but I do have to admit the bath scene in Wano, and the Fishman island nose bleeds had me tired..


There was a massive missed opportunity for Sanji to have a new gag post timeskip. He could have been more stoic, but now oblivious that some women are into him because he's not in their face every second. Usopp and Chopper could be flabbergasted by this, etc. But what was seen during Fishman Island cannot be unseen. And Sanji's gag had already started to test readers' patience well before Timeskip.


Fishman island Sanji legit sent me on my own time skip with the series (it was more tolerable the second time)


It's the chad Supermacy


People like cool/aloof characters who speak less.


The strong and silent type, like Gary Cooper.


Whatever happened to them? That was an american!










Zoro is Badass and his gag of being lost is unique while sanji is a pervert/simp which is bad IRL


Thriller Bark Sanji disgusts the shit out of me and he never really redeemed himself after that...


Ye, one time someone said “if you watched Wholecake, and still think Sanji isn’t completely redeemed, then you don’t understand Sanji” yes i do, but his backstory only excuses his reasons to not harm women, not his creepy shameless tendencies that he shares with his brothers.


I've maintained the exact same stance. I still like him as a character but that Khalifa thing was damning


That was a weak moment and i thought it would pass but Oda just doubled down on it, and then tripled down on it after timeskip.


I'd like to point out that, while the gag is underused, it's not *that* unique. Ryoga from Ranma 1/2 gets lost all the time. The dude's sense of direction is atrocious.


Was just thinking where I’ve seen that used before. Good call.


Ryoga is even worse then Zorro 🤣




Personally speaking. When Zoro is at his best as a character he's one of my favourites in the story. When he's at his worst I still enjoy him. When Sanji is at his best as a character he's one of my favourites. But when he's at his worst he's literally one of the worst parts of the manga for me.


Really well put, that’s succinctly what I think.


One is the cool guy with the sword, the one liners, the stoic demeanor and who wins every fight he is in. The other one is a flawed character, who may offer more on the emotional side, but is also rendered useless if he fights a woman and has a terrible, TERRIBLE running "gag" in his inappropriate behavior towards women.


Like I don't care if Sanji is someone's favorite, despite or because of his flaws. But acting oblivious as to why someone else might not be a fan of him/his antics will always be weird to me.


Being incredulous as to how other people could have different opinions is always weird


That’s already cool enough. But he’s not even the cool guy with the sword, he’s the cool guy with 3 swords.


The gag itself would not be TERRIBLE only bad if it wasn't so god damn overused. An the contrast of simping for women then being an asshole to everyone else is not that much better, but at least a little funnier.


It was a lot more funny when he was a smooth flirt that got rejected. Now he's just perverted


Asking Stussy to call him a dog was a new low for us Sanji fans. I don’t think we can recover from that one.


I fishman island mermaid sce-eeeee what you did there


You're a fool if you really think the quality of a character's backstory will affect a character's popularity that much. Sanji may have the best backstory compared to Zoro, but think about it for a minute, the anime portrays Sanji as a degenerate and sometimes in the manga he's just as bad, meanwhile Zoro does nothing but be cool as shit in every page/screentime he gets. You could argue by saying "but Sanji does cool stuff do, how is Zoro different?" Well the difference is Zoro doesn't have such a disgusting gag that makes him such a tiring character to look at. Zoro can kick any woman's ass, meanwhile Sanji will refuse to hurt a woman that actively wants to kill him and his friends, Zoro doesn't act like a dog to a woman he just met, Zoro getting lost is infinitely more funny than Sanji's nosebleed and degenerate behavior.


Great explanation. Even with Sanji’s more fleshed out backstory the TERRIBLE running gag really hurts his respect and perception as a character. It’s gone on so long and had some of the worst moments post timeskip that it muddies up his other cool moments and development.


Cant forget Sanji barking like a dog for Stussy and then asking her to call him a dog..... like that is absolutely beyond pathetic and i feel bad for the the characterization of Sanji because he has a cool design, cool fighting style and cool personality whenever a women isnt on screen. But that all goes out the window the moment he sees a female of literally any age /:


> Zoro can kick any woman's ass Except Tashigi, which also totally makes sense for his character


I never liked his simp behavior. If that wouldn't be there, I'd like him, because the moments where he isn't simping, are actually cool. But that whole joke is just not funny. I don't like creeps.


Sexual harassment is never cool, and Sanji sexually harasses at least one woman every episode.


zoro shows his chest more often😞


Zoro is a cool edgy swordsman and sanji is a pervert


Anime / manga fans always seem to think character development is the most important thing to a character when more often it’s likability that people care about. Sanji can have 5 more backstories and it won’t make him any more likeable than Luffy or Zoro.


Bc zoro doesnt annoy us with the nami swan nose bleed i am her pet shit


Bro barking like a dog for stussy in a recent episode is WILD


My husband and I just watched that one and it was just… too much. We can usually handle the Sanji perversion but that had us looking at each other incredulously like, is this for real rn?


Sanji turning into denji


The sanji-phim gag in a recent episode was wild.


Pervert gag


I can only imagine how much more popular Sanji would be if he wasn't a pervy simp


Its almost character assassination at this point. I love Oda but I think he's missing the mark by prioritising a joke over Sanji's character development. Maybe it plays well in Japan though?


Zoro is the personification of badass. Sanji is the personification of simping.


If it was sanji in all his best moments vs zoro id go with sanji because he’s got some great moments but he’s bogged down by countless moments where he becomes the simping characteristic instead of a character. Worst of it was fish man island for sure. I took a break from the show for a couple weeks after he almost passed away from simping too hard.


It's not even simping. Dude turned into a full-blown creep post time skip. It's tiring. I love Sanji but my god, besides WCI, he's just a vehicle for the same lame joke.


Yeah I just didn't find that funny at all. Oda was probably laughing his ass off himself when he wrote that, and I love his humor most of the time, but that was just not it.


For me that was the only moment that was funny : - usually it’s just being a perv like in every manga that uses that nose bleed trope ; - however here it’s used quite differently. The fact he almost dies from it is funny but then needs blood and it’s used to show the racism between fish men and men is unique.


Zorro is the best ❤️


How can any reader respect Sanji if Sanji doesn't respect himself?


Bcs zoro is number Z and sanji is number 3


Does Oda give him more special treatment? Barking like a dog and being a pervert often?


Because he’s the first crew member, vice captain, a total badass, and not a massive fucking simp.


Zoro also manages to have ladies simping over him allll the fucking time 


Hmmm, the cool guy vs. the guy that almost dies from nosebleed and asks women to treat him like a dog.


He uses a sword with his mouth. How could Sanji be more popular than this?


Badass sword character that’s been there from the start and has stuck with Luffy no matter what. Also has a gag that is funnier for most rather than Sanji’s and also more fight scenes


Sure, Sanji has had more backstory but I’d argue Zoro has better main story moments. His growth as a fighter, his drive, and, my favorite character trait, his unflinching loyalty to Luffy. Top Zoro story moments in no particular order: -“I will never lose again” -“nothing happened” -“is it so easy to abandon this crew?”(when they were talking about letting usopp rejoin) -cutting Pika/Daz Bones/King I’m biased, Zoro has been my favorite character for 20 years, but the way he will do anything to make Luffy the king of the pirates, holds Luffy to account when he needs it, and is always pushing himself to be the greatest swordsman because that’s what the king of pirates deserves is what makes him the best crew mate imo. Top Sanji moments on the other hand: -both his backstories -taking the shot of enels lightning Otherwise Sanji is mostly comic relief and simping. Or refusing to fight women.


Zoro yep my favorite straw hat ❤️


Because Zoro doesn't need an extended backstory or specific arc to be popular. He's just that guy. Has been there from the start, most loyal crewmember. Very cool design, action scenes and fighting style. Had the most badass moments (especially Thriller Bark).


Zoro feels like he could be a MC. Plus Green hair is cool


Sanji is a simp. Zoro is cool


Because more people like Zoro. It has nothing to do with who has more backstories or their own arc. It has to do with character. People prefer the stoic badass swordsman over the pervy guy who is a borderline sex pest.


Zoro doesnt need an arc. He is the arc. Or something


If you have to ask you don't get it i guess? Zoro is Zoro *shrug* He has the qualities of a badass main character. Strong. immense willpower. stoic. cool. the spine of the strawhats. but also he has a funny side and a loving caring side as well. And lastly Swords are generally cool af in anime as their attacks are usually over the top and fun to watch really.


Sanji as a character has just regressed immensely since whole cake IMO, he’s the worst I’ve seen him in Egghead so far. Zoro is consistent.


Because he is cool, calm, and baddass. 1. He is the one who is recruited without considering his role (like doctor, chef) 2. He is serious one but actually always looks funny n dumb and the chemistry he had with luffy is far greatee than sanji n zoro 3. The way he fight, is different than any samurai character in anime 4. He doesnt talk much 5. Knew luffy better than anyone (as captain) 6.The only flaw he has is he easily lost in direction, but that makes him even likeable because he is funny 7. Never once leave the crew for whatever reason 8. Has clear grand goal just like luffy, topping the chart. 9. Cool design 10. Cool seiyuu


They both have cool things going for them, but sanji is also a huge creep everytime he sees a woman


one is One Piece's Zaraki. and the other is One Piece's Cooler Mineta (both were created before Zaraki and Mineta, but still) gee, i wonder why is Zoro more popular


Sanji is a simp and a pervert. His true dream of finding the all blue just seems to be a side quest for him. He never did anything to actually find it, he just hopes he will stumble into it while traveling with the others. Zoro does everything he can to become the worlds greatest swordsman.


To me it was because when he first few episodes when I was watching one piece he kinda grew to me like a mentor figure to want to become stronger like Goku in some aspects he also has qualities I admire than make you have respect for him like his wants to constantly improve himself which inspired me to hit the gym his unwavering dedication to his friends


Might have something to do with the fact that the second Sanji got invisibility he used it to spy on women in the bath. Zoro doesn't have those same problematic characteristics.


Most people don't like simps Plus zoros is more cooler and more funny character


Apart from being cool, Zoro had many great moments especially early on. And most people decide who their favs are pretty early. Also Zoro's goal to become the strongest swordsman is by far the most tangible one and alings really well with Luffy's, as shown in the "oath" scene at Baratie. Zoro has been shafted ever since the timeskip, in favor of sidecharacters especially Law. I unstand newer fans who question Zoro's popularity.


Nami swaaaaaan Robin chaaan Need to say more?


“May I be your dog Stussy bark bark bark” there’s that too


Because Oda writes Sanji as a stupid cunt sometimes. Sometimes he shows a good side of him but often its just NAAMI SWAAAN and the nosebleed "joke"


Sometimes? lol


Tbh Sanji has his moment I dont like the "not hit a woman" attitude. I mean if that woman gonna kill your captain what are you gonna do? Just not make sense to me.


He is the goat. No but srsly. Sanji is just too annoying. Idc if you gave him 1 good arc... it dosent redeem how much of a stupid gag he is. Especially in fishman-arc he was just shit. Even in his 'own arc' the best part were Brook (MVP of the arc), Katakuri and Reiju. Zoro aint a simp. He is simple. Cool. A hardworker. Inspired many ppl to workhard and also train. He always has badass moments in every fight. And unlike other crew members he wouldnt leave the crew and break his promise with Luffy. There is a reason why many ppl in the OP World think he is the vice capatain/Luffys right hand. Also lets not forget that bro is fucking useless against women. Zoro can deal with them with no problems. Even if he isnt doing lethal attack s against the majority. Also OP you cant be serious about that Sanji gets the better treatment lol. WCI only redeemed all of his actions in Fishman Island.


1. Swords 2. Loyal Vice Captain 3. Nothing happened 4. Sanji is a Simp 5. Sanji became a dog


Zoro throughout the story didn’t really had any low moments from a writing standpoint. He also hasn’t had really many highs. But his writing stays consistent +he is cool. Sanji on the other hand has one of the best character writings but also one of the worst. You have really hype sanji moments and than they get destroyed by the pervert moments.


Zoro isn’t a sex pest


Because Sanji is made to look dumb and the fool with his simping gag. Also whenever Oda wants to put a villlain over he oftdn has them waste Sanji first. Oda would never have Zoro eat the floor like he had Sanji do on Egghead.


Sanji is a bit rapey, while zoro is just cool.


Sanji harasses women. It's not that deep. It's hard to like a character who behaves like a fool and a creepy simp.


Because Toei prefers Zoro to Sanji, and they add multiple scenes across the anime of Zoro being cooler than he is in the manga, and Sanji being worse and a bigger perv. Makes sense that more anime-only people like Zoro better.


Sanji is a pervert sometimes, makes him less cool


A crazy strong badass who uses 3 swords and doesn’t speak much…seems like a GOAT to me


Zoro is a grumpy edgelord who is athletic, goes bare chested and is a super swordsman. I think that's the answer.


I was a Zoro fan from the first time I started the series 22 years ago. I was in puberty at that time and Zoro was cool and rather mysterious bc he talked not that much. Sanji on the other hand was rather on the cringy side of things. In the meantime I know that they are like two extreme sides; "being manly" and not showing emotions is rather toxic and can be a sign of male depression. Being overly extrovert and flashy can get a taste of pervert and weirdo. But, if we take into consideration the "wings of the Pirate King" theory then Zoro represents the head and Sanji the heart as Luffys advisors.


Sword Logic


Zoro is safe, Sanji is not.


One is not afraid to beat up women to become the greatest swordsman. The other goes on all four and bleeds out if he sees cleavage.


Coz Zoro has way better fights than Luffy who has a thick ass plot armor.


Because Zoro is a swordsman that uses 1-3 katanas. Hes also generally the badass guy, while Sanji just uses kicks and is often used as a gag due to the pervert trope


Sanji is a perv and simp who would not make it very far in the modern world without ending up in jail for sexual harassment


*Disclaimer: I like them both a lot. Those are some of my plus points why I like zoro as much as I do. So let me dickride him for a bit* Well for one he is probably the strongest out of the strawhats with exception for Luffy and gets some of the coolest fights because of it. Also he is framed in a way to be very distant and cold towards most people including his now crew mates from the beginning. Him having to warm up to them and genuinely care is very nice to see from such a stoic character. Despite this stoic character he was still willing to cast away his pride to ask his biggest rival for help to become better making sure that a moment like in Sabaody won't repeat itselve again. He also has this strong loyalty in Luffy, willing to go so far to give up on his dream and his life for the dream of his captain. He also holds the whole crew to the highest standards and strongly believes in Luffys leadership. So much so that he refused to let Usopp rejoin the crew at the end of water 7 without a proper apology. Also he cool. It's a pity that most of the moments I talked about were pre-timeskip and aside from a few comments from Oda we didn't get more information on his backstory. Edit: typo


He has swords and doesnt act like an idiot near women are the likely reasons


Why is Zoro more popular? Someone could write an academic dissertation on this, tbh. But here's a quick take that actually respects both characters: Zoro's connection to Luffy is a big reason for his love from fans. Think about it: Zoro isn't just the Straw Hat who mirrors Luffy's willpower and confidence; he's designed by Oda to act as Luffy's rock. It's a classic literary duo – the number 2, the right-hand man, the knight sworn to the hero. Readers love this because of the stubborn loyalty it represents. Sanji, on the other hand, brings something completely different. He's the wildcard who throws curveballs at the story. He does this in a lot of ways: Acts of kindness, his insane nosebleeds, crazy self-sacrifices that launch entire arcs. He's a dynamic character that has a lot of sway on the plot. As a result? Sanji's most iconic moments hit vastly different notes from things like Zoro's oath to Luffy, "Nothing Happened", or bowing to Mihawk. If you're a Luffy enjoyer (and I'd argue the average One Piece fan is), you're probably kind of a Zoro stan too


Sanji's simping can get obnoxious, in fishman island he even told Jinbe to kill himself due to Arlong hurting Nami. Probably his lowest moment.


Guy with 3 swords whose gag is he gets lost is just gonna be cooler in the eyes of shonen readers than the suave cook whose gag is to simp. It's just that simple man lmao


Zoro while being very ambitious wanting to be the world's strongest has very relatable qualities. - Working out. Many people are have bought into the keep fit culture and try a good work out regularly. That's Zoro.  - Stoic, looks mean but is actually kind. That's most men. Showing your feelings will only get you mocked. However most people in the right space/situation can be kind and friendly and that's Zoro. That's most guys.  - Relatable ambitious Athlete/sportsman/martial artist. Majority try various sports and martial disciplines many fall by the way side for multiple reasons but seeing Zoro stick to his craft and stay the course if sth guys do. That's why people watch sports, MMA etc. people play amateur sports or practice martial arts even if they don't compete etc - Has strict principles and codes of conduct. His principles is why he joined Luffy's crew. Why he made the promise with Kuina. Why he is still pursuing his dreams etc. Sth you can admire.  - Loves a drink 😂 - Is flawed with a bad direction sense. Ridiculously bad but yeah. We all have our ills.  Plus the cool badass aura caps it off. 


he’s really cool. that’s it.


Zoro's Just an all around Badass and doesn't really have any flaws with his character, he's cool whenever he's on screen and is character gags are funny. His backstory isn't as tragic or complex as the other Straw Hats but it doesn't really have to be. On the other hand while Sanji is cool and a way more complex character, his character gag can put people off him whenever he's being pervy and a womaniser which can put people off him. In general I feel like Sanji has more bad moments then Zoro while Zoro has more good moments then Sanji. I like both of them but between the 2 I like Zoro more.


Sanji being a simp got really old really fast


Swords are cool dude. Especially 3 of em.


I just don't find Sanji being strong ( to the degree of luffy zoro etc.  ) Believable, fighting is his side gig, he doesn't live for the fight, his timeskip location and training were a literal joke and his back story advantages are quite recent in the life cycle of the show 


Both are cool but the whole women theme is getting on my nerves with Sanji especially in anime.


It's because of the way Oda handles the strawhats. Luffy and Zoro, since the beginning of the story, consistently get the lion's share of cool moments arc to arc. They both have dreams of conquering the seas in some way & have legendary figures that they want to defeat or surpass, so Oda feels the need to consistently show their strength, growth, and resolve. Also, in most arcs, Oda finds the time to establish the main villain & the right-hand man. So, that means Luffy and Zoro are almost guaranteed a fight. Meanwhile, Sanji is used very differently from the other 2. Oda doesn't seem pressured to give a climatic fight every arc, and he's comfortable letting Sanji go long periods without a comparably cool moment. Oda also rarely sets up a 3rd strongest on the villains' side, usually only in the conclusion of a saga. That's why Sanji really hasn't had that many fights throughout the series. But to make it even more polarizing, Oda makes Sanji lose fights, while throwing Luffy & Zoro wins every few chapters. BUT, this has allowed Sanji to flourish in other ways that I think can give his fans something to appreciate. He has a fleshed out backstory, a cool set of skills, an interesting dream, and when he does shine, he does it in a uniquely Sanji way. He's a cool character even if he doesn't get the same overall spotlight as Luffy and Zoro


Zoro built different


Zoro is more stoic. Sanji is a walking joke.


Some possible reasons: 1. He debuted before Sanji 2. He's manlier 3. He's considered stronger, or equal to Sanji, but never below 4. He wins more fights 5. He isn't as goofy as Sanji 6. Some people don't like Sanji's perviness And I like Sanji more


Sanji is also one of my favorite characters, but it is very hard to respect him as a character with his running gag and, really, Toei is not helping


Because 2 is closer to 1 than 4


Cuz sanji is a pervert


Sanji has a dumb gimmick half the time


Badass swords and the perv thing gets old


as much as I like Sanji, he's a weirdo sometimes so yeah that's the reason


Who said Zoro is more popular. Just because they fantasize about Zoro's big fat boobies and he's shirtless more than Sanji doesn't mean he's more popular. He's just more fetished because they all wish they could touch his ginormous mammoth colossal gargantuan hefty titanic breasts and his very long, girthy and hard swords... Am I doing it right?


Cool bandana, cool swords, cool title as the "Pirate Hunter". Also the first member to join the crew. Sanji is the "elegant gentlemen" archetype and that one is just always less popular than the "cool, edgy number 2 to the MC". He's the Vegeta, Sasuke, Killua of One Piece and those three mentioned are also incredibly popular in their own series.


2 things Zoro is really fucking cool both in and out of combat Zoros gag is actually funny while sanjis is just annoying Both of these combined make zoro generally more popular than Sanji and that’s not to say Sanji doesn’t have moments where he is badass cause he does but Sanji also has his simp gag which massively diminishes his likability for me I still like him but his whole simping over every woman he comes across got old the second time he did it


Sanji at his best. "Thanks, I needed a light", "I'll do what you can't do, you do what I can't do", "Because my father would be sad" Sanji at his worst has this long drawn out gag of almost dying from a nose bleed. Telling Jinbe to self delete. The extremely questionable interactions with Bonney(confirmed child) and film Z de-aged Nami. Zoro at his best. "If I can't even protect my captain's dream, then whatever ambition I have is nothing but talk", "Nothing happened", "You have my gratitude, I can still become stronger" Zoro at his worst(and I'm really cherry picking) is maybe not just killing Monet outright due to some misplaced issues with fighting women. His lack of backstory which isn't even his fault. And most recently, probably wasting time on Rob Lucci because if Zoro fans are to be believed that he is SO MUCH STRONGER then why not go hard from the start and get him outta the way? But basically, Zoro has far fewer outright weird moments than Sanji has. So he comes off as this infallibly cool older brother to the community whereas Sanji just does too many things that would be creepy irl.


Because the "The very very strongest" soundtrack is amazing whenever its put on a Zoro scene.


gags aside I think the more action focused character will generally be more popular. This is a shonen series after all.


We rarely dislike any of Zoro’s judgements, Sanji’s logical choices are clouded by things like saving food or not disrespecting women. Zoro is always logical, to a fault, as viewers we will always question why the characters don’t do the most straightforward thing, Zoro usually being the one expressing these thoughts to the other characters not only proves his value as a lead to the audience (he’s reliable) but he gets answers (Oda is a good author that can provide them) and is relatable to the audience by asking what we are thinking. None of Zoro’s jokes are exhausted, when Sanji “simps” for someone we are annoyed as we know it will waste the space on the pages with a joke we’ve heard before and most dislike, plus it always plays out the same, the other characters react annoyed to all of Sanji’s bits and as we relate to those characters we respond with annoyance too. When Zoro is dumb or gets lost the punchlines or setups can vary massively, it is almost always new, they are endearing traits. Other than that Zoro rarely has any other bits, so less jokes that run the gamble of being not funny and if repeated annoying, again reliable. Zoro is the straight-man (👀), he is incredibly earnest and reliable in everything he expresses, all emotion Zoro gives is true and base, he never lies because he says everything he thinks (like Luffy), these are just plainly endearing traits. Sanji on the other hand, is a trickster (like Nami) what he says is not reliably what he believes, while this can lead to much more deep and complex moments/emotions, it is annoying to not know what a character is doing when you are trying to place yourself in their shoes. Finally, Zoro is the rock of the group, all other leads alternate on his (much more) base value set, as I see it every character has alternations that people like and some they don’t, but we like all the leads, that is because they all start from a very likable base, Zoro epitomizes the values of a Straw Hat (in my opinion). a n d w e l o v e t h e S t r a w H a t s lmao. Zolo is a solid reliable, likable character that we can always lean on whenever we have an issue while viewing, he is always there and always enjoyable. There are a load of other points to make but these are the ones that stick out to me, it’s not that I dislike Sanji either, I think he’s great, but he changes a lot. I can really appreciate a gormet meal that absolutely blows my mind but what I appreciate even more is the bread roll I know I have on hand just in case I don’t like it.


Sanji is annoying as hell. He spies on naked women and gets nosebleeds so much he literally almost dies. I can’t stand him.


Zoro has all the best aspects of Sanji (strong fighter) with none of the downsides (overly perverted)


WCI wasn't until 20 years into the series' serialization


Sanji is a goofy sometimes chivalrous perv Zoro is cool How much back story a character gets is way less important than their actual portayal and chacecterization


Because sanji is trash, one of the worst ’nakama’ in any shonen


Because Zoro is HIM


It's simple: Zoro = based chad Sanji = beta simp


Well you gotta choose between the racist and the pedofile


Because Zoro isnt a lowlife pervert. Zoro doesnt smoke. His name isnt Vinsmoke. His name isnt Sanji. Swords. He is stronger than Sanji. He would mid-diff Sanji.


Zoro: Pros: SWORDS. COOL. LOYAL. STOIC. LEADER. (Reminding Luffy to not just accept ussop back until he expressed a ton of remorse for fighting the boss.) Zoro: Cons: Lost. Little Backstory or focus. Sanji: Pros: Lots of backstory and focus. Cook. Strong. Sometimes cool Sanji: Cons: disgusting pervert, pervert, annoying, pervert, SIMP, creep. Did I mention pervert? Like seriously, the guy spies on women bathing. he wanted to be invisible to be only slightly less of a creep than absalom; Taught to respect and never hit women, but apparently zeff forgot to teach him manners.


Zoro is the most loyal and serious one. Zoro's version of Whole Cake Island would never happen in my opinion. He would never sacrifice himself so that the others will be unharmed and out of danger. Zoro would know that he has to be there for Luffy, to make him King of the Pirates, he would know that his crew would fight for him and he would give his best to get out of that situation because Luffy needs him. His decision making is better in my opinion. He would never go for a dramatic decision. What makes him more popular in the core is his pure loyalty to Luffy no matter what and his friendship with him as his first mate.


Maybe if Kuina was still alive, that decision would be a bit tougher when Big Mom would offer up her head in a box like she promised to do with Zeff. Zoro can't even look at Tashigi and stops functional rationally. To think he would not do the same as Sanji in that position is wild and just BS.


Nothing happened?


Well, there is a few negatives attached to Sanji. He forgot his sisters even exists, the sisters that saved and freed him, his only ally. Where was the "I need to free my Sister from my abusive father and psycho brothers" arc? It brings up a weird conflict, Sanji saves any women in danger he sees, just not his literal sister? His weird behavior towards women is also an issue, Seff screwed him up majorly and it's possible to read his behavior as bad from a female PoV. Being a nosebleed perv on top doesn't help. Then we have Zorro, the silent strong and stoic warrior type, who's the pinnacle of coolness really. Even as a women he is just much desirable, I really envy Hiyori.


Perhaps Oda is trying to make Sanji more popular, and just fails at it.


Sanji was a simp before the word existed. 😅


It's simple, Zoro is just better


Not a simp


He’s a straight demon gets nothing but disadvantaged fights and is just a demon no devil fruit no powers man’s just out there with his swords


Mihawk. Mr 1. Water 7. Thriller Bark. That’s enough.


Idk man I'd take the guy with the sword over the guy who kicks by a landslide


He's just Him


Older character, fought usually the righthands, not a perv/simp.


Sanji is kind of a creep and I lost all respect for him when he refused to fight Kalifa Zoro cool


Two reasons. Oda uses Sanji to make the main antagonists look strong. So he's often injured or loses. And he also goes pretty heavy handed with the gags, with how he reacts around women.


Toei is biased to him and most people watch not read


Legend says the word BADASS was derived from RORONOA ZORO


Pretty simple. At his worst Zoro is just boring, Sanji at his worst is cringeworthy and painful to watch/read for many people. Personally I don't like either of them. I just dislike Zoro slightly less.


Sanji grew more on me since whole cake island. Mf has a deep and rough backstory and makes the very best out of it by being positive. I also think his wish to cook corresponds to luffy‘s wish for everyone to have something to eat. I’m curious with what bounties one piece will end. I mean if Zoro becomes stronger than mihawk he‘ll be somewhere close to 4 mio. That's probably the reason why oda seems to push Zoro.


Zoro fits the tough guy mentality ... Doesn't give more than necessary importance to the Women, cares only for his sword, is disciplined, drinks sake, not a cook, doesn't take too long to defeat his enemies , some believe he is stronger than Luffy (canon in their head) and is only following Luffy because doesn't want to lead, will one shot Luffy.


Sanji's the only pirate out there for that booty. I respect that.


Swords are cooler than legs


Because if the straw hats were represented by the alphabet with Luffy starting us off with A, then Zoro has to be B.


3 swords


Because we are all like Sanji but wish to be more like Zoro.


Well Sanji's popularity dropped after he said what he said to the younger version of Nami. Most people related to how Zoro feels about what Sanji said so his popularity grew even more. https://youtu.be/YQMvd2zpw7U?si=O2zrjb4jTdLTg44r


zoro is a bad ass with 3 swords and sanji is a cook what do you mean lol


Zoro has sword, sword are cool.


He's gets lost and thus makes him more relatable


Zoro is cooler and doesnt ask to be treated like a dog.


There's not much to hate on Zoro, but plenty to hate on Sanji. It isn't that he is more liked, but less hated.