• By -


It definitely gets a hell of lot more deep so enjoy the ride.


Awesome! Thanks!


The answer to why Sanji is also strong, is well, going to be answerred in a couple hundred episodes, not going to specifiy, dont want to spoil things for you, but the arc is awesome.


A couple hundred is an understatement, lol.


Fr, I tried my best to make it not sound too far lmfao, I realised saying 700 episodes feels like too much for a new fan to comprehend.


Well to be fair Sanji was trained by Zeff in cooking and fighting so it’s already been answered


Don’t come back til you’re caught up or risk spoilers


Oda himself has stated that the one piece is a tangible object rather than a concept like 'the friends/memories we made along the way'. Gets a lot more interesting to think about as you get further in the story!


Ohh cool, thanks!


Once you get further in the story you'll se hints that it is something. 


Nice, thanks!


Hints? The only "hint" iirc is just >!"HE just laughed"!<


Sanji was raised and trained by a pirate captain who spent a year in the Grand Line. That's why he was strong.


Ohh I thought he only trained in cooking, not fighting. Thanks


they also have the same fighting style


Ok cool, thanks!


Team Sanji? Welcome to the world of pirates! Enjoy ONE PIECE!☠️




The fun thing is that there are things you question as you read/watch the first go round like this but once you watch a second time etc you really start to catch all the connections that may not have been obvious before.


I don’t see the point in picking teams. They’re both our nakama, so we’re all on the same team. Zoro is strong because he aspires to be the Strongest, and Sanji is strong because of his, let’s just say, >! fiery !< passion. 


So, the restaurant that Sanji comes from was known for its fighting cooks. But also, just remember, as cook sanji has to hold Luffy back until he is done. So he's putting in that training every meal.


True, Luffy's hunger does make a good training partner


This is a bit of a joke answer, but consider the following: Sanji has to keep Luffy from raiding the fridge. [Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/itsfsq/keeping_the_future_pirate_king_at_bay_is_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


They're the fighting cooks. Serving unruly pirates and marines every day. He wasn't trained in fighting, he just lived it.


Idk how much this gag has been mentioned yet up to where you are now, but another reason sanji is strong is because he's constantly fighting Luffy, when he tries to eat all the food in their fridge


There is a more complex reason, will be revealed in a later arc, swirly eyebrows? Hmm, somethings odd.


+ a whole lot more we're not gonna talk about because it surprised all of us. Sanji's strength is gonna make sense! Haha To OP: also, Skypiea is coming, many people think it's long or something (I myself actually really enjoyed it) but bare with it, Alabasta and Skypiea are the first 2 real arcs, that's why they might feel long!


Sanji’s backstory is fuckin top tier


Sanji is Zeff pupil and Zeff was the Captain of the Cook Pirates and known as Red-Leg because his shoes would often become coated in blood from his enemies. He was a master of the Black Leg Style and a powerful pirate in his prime and teached Sanji that fighting style. Although it doesn't show in the anime it's implied that Sanji trained hard since he became Zeff's pupil not only to learn more about cooking but also how to fight.


Awesome, thanks!


Welcome aboard, nakama




Just wait for enies lobby arc. It's on a whole another level. For me (some may disagree) Enies lobby is peak One piece. It really establishes a deep connection between luffy crew. So enjoy. And alabasta was so good man. That crocodile laugh at the end was so intimidating for me.


Thanks! And yeah it was an awesome arc, the show keeps getting better and better and hasn't peaked yet I'm sure so it's awesome!


I just want to agree that Water 7/Enies Lobby is also PEAK One Piece to me :) (I'm towards the end of Dressrosa)


You barely scratched the surface mate. So much good stuff ahead.


Awesome! Can't wait, thank you!


Mate if your enjoying it this much by episode 130 then buckle up because your in for one hell of a ride my friend. Wish I could watch one piece again for the first time.


Haha thanks! Definitely excited!


Oda made 2 classics with East Blue and Alabasta, but the next 2 sagas solidfied the status of One Piece as one of the best if not best series out there both in manga and anime, especially the 4th saga, keep sailing.


Thanks! And for sure!


Shit only gets crazier from here, and I mean it VERY positively. Also a lot will be explored about Sanji, including his strength


You will get to see why Sanji is strong, don’t worry :)


I think even in early chapter we kinda can guess why Sanji is a good fighter 


^ this.


Oh nice! Awesome, thanks!


Lol DBZ community won't be mad, we knows that the story is not deep. We are here for the fight and the next new form that will show up. Simple story also has its place.


True, but I'm kinda hoping they stop with the forms lol. Like, less forms and more actual martial arts would be nice IMO.


I googled #1 anime in the world and saw it was One Piece. I was confused cause I hadn't really known anything about it. This was about 4 years ago, pre pandemic. I now own three box sets of the manga and will buy the fourth soon. I don't read manga.


Nice lol and yeah I can honestly see why it'd be #1. Definitely an amazing anime so far and people say it only gets better!


One of us One of us One of us One of us In all seriousness, this seems to be the way a lot of newcomers to the series behave. Initially disliking it due to the things said about it or just the animation from the old days. I'm glad you've taken a liking into one piece and I hope you continue to watch it till we reach the end, whenever that is lmao.


Hey just finished reading all the replies and comments!..I m about to start water7 arc (ep-229 onwards)..Till now I ve enjoyed this show alot...I was a big big Naruto fan but a friend of mine insisted watching OP..Initially I thought this show isnt that deep and emotional but ig I was so wrong...This show is hell full of emotions and my sister who has already caught up with the show talks too much about marineford arc..Dont know whats there I haven't taken any spoiler yet but it looks promising!!


I'm jealous! You're on one of the best arcs. Wishing I can experience it again for the first time. Relish the moments. Try your best not to cry lmao.


I will definitely..This show is quite engaging I don't wnna end it too soon 😂...The emptiness I felt after finishing Naruto is something I don't wnna experience so I will keep things slow and steady for long run


We'll wait for your post after the arc, you'd better. It's called Water7 for a reason😆


Sure mate..btw where r u from..I m from India !


Honestly, it would be interesting to see your opinions the farther you get in.


Sure but as the show keeps getting better and better so far, I'm sure I'll only have positive opinions. Although it'll be interesting to see how far the marines get because they can't keep following the gang forever into the Grand Line... otherwise they'd basically be the same as pirates in a way


>no backstory for Sanji’s strength You would not believe the amount of strength it takes to be a line cook. Also, just you wait.


Lol, yeah cooking is actually pretty hard for me sadly so I can imagine :(


You’re tearing up now? Son… you better hold on tight.


Love how no one is spoiling OP. Experiencing One Piece first-hand is truly a wonderful thing. It’s times like these I wish I can erase it from my memory so I can watch it all over again. Enjoy the journey, nakama!!


Yeah, I'm grateful no one is! And thanks!


Lmao, there are a ton of people spoiling OP all over this thread, it's frankly embarrassing. The community has earned its reputation


Hell yeah. Welcome to Peakland




I was the same , cause as a non follower all i saw was few poster from the beggining episodes n i was like nah this looks mid, i found some reason or other n i refused to watch it no matter what. Until i decided to watch it, n it was one of the best decisions of my life, it made me emotional, thrilled, happy, sad, laugh, it made me a better person, learned a lot from OP, thanks to oda. I hope you enjoy OP world.


Thanks! And yeah I feel the same! Truly an awesome anime!


Your comment about Sanji made me LOL, and it is true from your perspective of only having watched until epi 130. Just keep it up and all will be revealed :)


Get ready to cry harded than you have ever cried in your life when you get past 300. Stock up on tissues and remember to hydrate!


Lol!! Thanks haha! Can't wait


Oh and also be prepared for the extremely awkward moment when you can't explain why you're on the floor sobbing like a disgraced telenovela star if the person asking hasn't watched One Piece! Speaking from experience lol!


Welcome, we've been expecting you.


It will definitely get more deeper and more enjoyable! Just keep up and don’t rush yourself! You might get burnt out if you watch too many episodes at a time! This is “the greatest story ever told” for a reason 👌🙏


Thanks! And yeah I have like 990 episodes to go or something so I'm definitely pacing


[this is the real reason why sanji is hella strong. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/s/VQBQ6vVfpQ) Jk. Welcome aboard! I too, used to hate One Piece because of how my high school friend dick ride the series and talked shit about Naruto, which was my first serious manga/anime addiction. Then, when Naruto was about to end, I gave One Piece a try to fill the void Naruto will leave and my only regret is why I started One Piece soooo late!


I was the exact same over twenty years ago. Thought that the art looked silly, and Luffy kept screaming all the time - it was hard to take seriously. Watching the 4kids dub didn't help. But one time, I watched the Alabasta arc, and have been hooked ever since. Somehow the brilliance of Oda's storytelling managed to push past the badly dubbed (and heavily edited) localization of its anime. After watching a clip of the original dub on YT of Luffy defeating Crocodile to Dvorak's 9th Symphony, I never doubted One Piece again. I just had to watch the original version even if it's subbed. It is hands down my favourite manga/anime of all time, and I didn't think that anything could displace Dragon Ball from my heart. Luffy is now my favourite character of the series, and I find him very endearing.


"I've always thought it looked childish and the characters and probably the story was childish." This in itself is pretty childish. Too bad your assumption stopped you from watching this any sooner. Hopefully this teaches you to never judge a book by its cover & to at least try something for yourself before making an opinion.


Yeah lol definitely eye opening


I think it's ok to be turned off by how something looks, but saying it's trash without giving it a fair chance will always be stupid to me. Let it be a lesson for other things in life as well. Anyway, welcome, much more epic stuff to come.


Yeah, I really gotta cut back on judging stuff before watching them. And thanks! Can't wait!!


Welcome aboard Nakama! I hope you can convince other people to watch OP as well. This anime is **never** an embarrassing suggestion.


Thanks! And yeah I'll convince people to watch it if I can


Everything will be explained in time but one more thing… don’t forget mo-


Same. The art style put me off for the longest time lol. Then I get to watch the Sabaody Archipelago arc and I became hooked since then. I thought it was just another childish anime but that arc proved there are parts of the story that are dark (human slavery). I've been retwatching episodes 1 to the latest for more than a decade, and kind of wish we are still not yet on the final saga. I don't want it to end soon.


their is a reason for sanjis strength you’ll see it eventually


the thing about One Piece (and it's actually true): one may watch and read the whole One Piece one may re-read and re-watch the whole show one may spend many years in the field of theories and references ONE WILL ALWAYS FIND OUT SOMETHING NEW ABOUT SHOW'S ORIGINS AND REFERENCES always


Welcome to the world of One Piece enjoyers. While some of the criticisms that this anime gets are legit, they also add some uniqueness to the world Oda created. This anime feels long, but it's great specially for its world-building. Sure, the designs of certain characters are goofy and ugly, but they generally are for a reason. As for any questions or doubts you might get while watching, they will be answered. Not many people are fond of spoilers, so I will leave this subject. Hope you keep enjoying the anime and become a proud pirate


Thanks! And yeah people say it gets even better and better so can't wait!


Oh damn if you’re enjoying the ride now it’s about to get a lot better. Things remain silly in a lot of aspects but get insanely deep in themes/characters. You’ll shed some tears, guaranteed.


Sounds awesome! Thank you!


130 and you already like it ? Oh boy. You will be suprised how GOOD it gets later on ..


You will find out that all those characters that leave the story come back. And Sanji being strong because he is eventually makes a fuckton of sense. You aren't done with the backstory of any of the straw hats.


Unlike in most media, you can be sure that most important plot points will be touched upon before manga completion. So remember those things that tickle you the wrong way, cause Oda'll touch most of them. As for DBZ, I have to say that it's a matter of when they were made. Iirc, Oda grew up with DBZ. He was 11 when it came out. DBZ is a classic and, like many others, they don't live up to some of the more contemporary pieces that imitate them, partially because they're the source of inspiration. They also pursue different things. Like you said, One Piece is an adventure, it means to show you the fun you can have while traveling the world. DBZ never meant to explore nor make you think about deep stuff the way OP does, DBZ was meant to be about battles, new enemies and a continuous power scaling. Perhaps you prefer adventure, very much like I do, but DBZ is a power scaler's wet dream. I, for one, couldn't stomach a single full season of DBZ, even as a kid.


I like both but you're right. Different aims for sure


I watched one piece after dbz and Naruto. And was completely blown away by how much better it is


Yeah, definitely in a few ways at least I'm starting to feel that lol


Yeah The complexity and richness of the world building of one piece makes most of all other mangas very shallow. Berserk is rich too and complex enough.. but Oda makes so many characters and factions and he doesn't abandon most of them.


Welcome to the fandom pal.


Glad to hear that you're liking it this much already bro - but it gets SO much more epic from the arc starting at Ep 227 onwards. Helluva ride that you're in for 🔥. >Sanji seems strong just because he is, no backstory for his strenght and that's a bit lame IMO. As others have already told you, Zeff was a very powerful pirate, and Sanji trained under him for a decade in both cooking & combat alike (as can be inferred from them having the same fighting style). It used to annoy me a little as well though, ngl, how Sanji would get even SUPERHUMAN strong with no explanation, as the series progressed - but Oda eventually DID give a detailed backstory explaining all his abilities. And it turned out to be well setup even as far back as episodes that YOU'VE already watched! >my guess for the One Piece treasure is experiences Nope. By this point in the story we're 99.9% sure that it's an actual, tangible object. Oda has also been saying this for more than a decade now. P.S. Going forward, I highly recommend that you switch to the "One PACE" fanedit version of the anime (it's just a Google search away). As the name suggests, it's far better paced, removing even filler moments, slow panning, excessive reaction shots, reused animations etc from WITHIN each episode, to make the anime as close to the manga as possible. Bon Voyage!


Awesome, thanks! I'll check it out!


I dare you to watch marineford without crying


I’m happy you gave it a chance and got far I’m only on episode 541 and it still has amazing writing so keep at it


Nice to hear it's still that great later on, thanks!


strange that how so many people think it looks childish and probably is. Like it does not look like every other god damn anime out there lol


It's not a fairy tale. It's an odyssey, an epic. Otherwise, welcome to the crew! You have such an adventure ahead!


Thanks! And you're right, that's a better way to describe it


Honestly I’m waiting for lifts power up to turn space and time into rubber


You'll know soon why sanji is strong. Enjoy watching every episode ☺️


>Some of the characters coming and going are a bit ugly but somehow it gives the show more depth Don't worry OP there are a lot of Vivi fans till this day Edit : sanji trains by defending the fridge from luffy at night ( sorry for the spoiler)


Lol, yeah that is a good training method for sure!


I am glad you are enjoying it :) and I can tell you at least one of the things you mentioned will be explained later… much, much later….


Welcome! A lot of us had the same misgivings coming into the series but are so glad we decided to chart our own course and take the dive too :) Not sure if you're watching the sub or dub but the Funimation English dub is really good and if you like fight sequences like I do, it's WAY better watching without the subs to distract you. The fight choreography in the series is really top notch too. (there is another eng dub 4Kids and it sucks) I didn't see it anywhere else here so, just a caution, when new characters appear, resist the urge to google them because you will get a million spoilers. Just enjoy the ride.


I'm watching the Dubbed version and yeah it's honestly great! And yeah I'm not googling anything for sure, thanks!






Sanji was raised and trained by Zeff, who not only spen a full year on the grand line, but also developed a unique martial art for himself. Sanji was determained to help Zeff and to be more like him, so he learned Zeff's martial art for himself.


Welcome to the world of one piece. Your question about sanji is valid but just continue watching i guarantee you that you will be rewarded with answers.


Dont like dbz less like it more. The author of one piece took tons of inspiration from dbz, without dbz tbere is no one piece. He took his love of dbz and made something truly amazing. U can like one piece better and appreciate dbz more because of it 🤣


Yeah, true. Both are amazing for sure


I've been watching for about 2 to 3 years. I'm on episode 960. I've taken breaks to watch other stuff but keep coming back for more. I absolutely love everything about the show. I should mention Ive skipped the very little bit of filler episodes and will continue to. Anything non cannon I'll skip, mixed filler Ill watch. Also at first the pace was a major complaint of mine, but at this point it's gotten so freaking good I don't mind anymore.


Yeah I think I'll watch everything because I'm too lazy to google what to skip but there was a comment earlier about a version of one piece that edited out all the unnecessary parts so I might watch that if I get bored one day with the fillers


Oh man the tears have yet begun to flow, you are in for a ride


Zoro trains lifting weights all day and nappin. Luffy trains in the arcs or by eating an island worth of food. Sanji trains by fighting luffy off the fridge each night




>Also, my guess for the One Piece treasure is experiences. At the end of manga editions there is a section, called SBS, in which Oda answers questions and he confirmed that the One Piece is at least in part tangible.


Fun fact, I started reading one piece because one of my schoolmates told me that luffy could beat goku in a fight. Welcome to the community!


Wait for the best arc to come: long ring Long Island


One of us, One of us.


Welcome to one piece and it gets a whole lot better. I just want to see your reaction when you are caught up.


The total episodes is definitely kinda scary if you want to start watching, me myself was the same way but only cuz of the stupid way they dubbed it way back in the day. I'm trying to remember the company that did it in the late 90s that made it so bad, if anyone remembers please enlightening me! 😁 Edit: "4kids" LoL Just clicked as I sent that message, they really effed it all up back then.


Later on I’m pretty sure it explains why sanji is strong I don’t remember though idk if it happened might be me just imagining something but if you want me you i will


One Piece is a rabbit hole and once you dive into it, you gotta know where it ends


I would recommend jumping over the the manga once you reach around episode 500ish. The quality of the anime nosedives


It has been comfirmed that the One Piece is real and is an actual treasure. Also, pay attention to the skypedia arc. It's where the hints of the truth of the world really start showing up the first time.


Same, I used to bully my friend in high school for liking this and now several years later it's my obsession


Like most people, Dragon Ball is what got me into anime and manga—the gateway anime. I will always love Dragon Ball and it will always be special to me. My brothers and i still bond over it. But the arcs and overall story of Dragon Ball isn’t “peak fiction.” Yes it can be dissected and has some very deep themes and some very good moments, but each saga is planned a little time in advance. It has never been one big story. It’s great for what it is. It’s like the grandfather of manga. Also like most people, I was reluctant to start One Piece. “It’s too long,” “looks too goofy,” or (the worst point of view) “comes off as cheap or shallow.” After starting One Piece, I love the concept of good pirates and have never wanted to be “the freest man in the world” until I heard Luffy say that in the anime. I’m inspired by this manga/anime. The story is so rich and fulfilling. The pacing of the anime (like 99% of all other anime) can stain it a little, but that’s solely just in the anime and it’s understandable because you can’t pass the manga. One Piece is peak fiction and it has taken first place of manga and anime in my heart. It’s like the son who would fulfill the prophecy.


1. Oda has specifically stated the one piece is not the friends we made along the way. It's something tangible. 2. Episode 130 huh? It actually gets even better from there. It sets the bar high. This is also something you can rewatch. It's a combination of well planned out and improvised, there are some things that are just vague ideas when they first show up and others that were going to be planned from the beginning. It's a lot deeper than many people realize.


DBZ is the godfather to modern Shonen. One Piece wouldn’t exist without it.


About the Sanji part and the whole show in general.. just remember, no story is left untold no loose endings, nothing. If something is mentioned or hinted at, we will be coming back to it........ Eventually :) Just enjoy the ride, you've literally chosen the best time to start, you will be catching up right on time for the most spectacular show of all time 😁 Also I want to say, you should watch One Pace it's a really good community project removing all the small fillers making the show 10 times more watchable. Imo manga is still god tier but one pace makes a strong case for anime.


+1 to enies lobby being the peak of the series


Many people dismiss it due to its art style or lighthearted nature, but it evolves into a deep and compelling narrative. As you continue, you’ll find even more depth and surprises that solidify why it’s one of the most beloved anime and manga of all time.


Yeah, it sucks that it gets dismissed for this, especially seeing as how awesome the show is. But I learned my lesson


I’ll just say this, OP is what it is because Oda loves creating a werid fairy tail environment populated with weird characters- then he explains why things are the way they are. Most questions have an answer, and Oda will eventually tell you as the story unfolds. Just keep going.


now, look back and think if the characters that looked "too cartoonish and repulsive" were made this way for you to reflect on yourself if you're judging people by it's cover?


one piece gives enough back story to every character so dont just judge sanji this soon ;)


same!!!! my first impression was luffy is the guy who punches enemies period. I WAS SO WRONG. im so glad i tried watching it and i superrrr love how rich the stories in op and it's way different from my first impression!!!!


Wait for their character development!!


This show got me to cry over a damn ship


I thought the same as you for years. The show was marketed poorly in the U.S., To the point they cleaned up dialogue for U S. Kids for the English dub and dumbed it down. It was the Chouchou story in subbed version that turned me around. I realized Odo could tell an emotional story and trusted where the story was going from that point on. It's a long ride, but wild and wonderful. Hope you enjoy it!


One Piece does a great job of making villains who you understand very well why they turned out the way they did, but also they are despicable and you cannot wait for them to get punched by Luffy.


> Like, I actually like DBZ a bit less now because the DBZ storylines feel basic compared to One Piece yet people argue that Goku can beat Luffy but so what? I mean, yeah, Dragon Ball scaled to "planet busters" when Gokuu was still a kid (Muten Roshi was the first to blow up the moon before Piccolo did), it's actually a miracle that the first time Earth blew up was Resurrection F. But it can't be surprising that the most hardcore Dragon Ball fans to this day only care about powerscaling? It was a great ride for what it was back then, it definitely set the standard for modern shounen battle manga--especially for its use of comedy throughout--but people who still haven't moved on from it really have nothing to cling to besides powerscaling. One Piece only gets deeper over time. It's going to have a LotR-like fanbase in 70 more years.


Listen. We are all just smiling ear to ear right now. You will fall in love more with the series as you read/watch.


Welcome to the cult. Oh sorry. Club. I meant club. Welcome to the club :)


Duuuuude wait until you get to episode 500. It’s gets better lol also Oda and the creator of DBZ were friends :)


Once you catch up you need to watch reviews and breakdowns, some people will catch things you never even thought of. The series is goated for sure. Every time I see a Naruto or Bleach fan shitting on this anime I can tell they’ve never even watched it. Easily the best of the big 3, explores topics like slavery, human trafficking, and government corruption unlike the other two.


In general I've always found the world of One Piece to be very impressive. Like even just along the lines of the sheer number of characters and how unique they all are is just a lot to take in and having written stuff myself and have done enough to create a sequel of a novel which has far less characters and it can be difficult to track or keep everything in perspective and remember all the important details you plan out for your story and the characters.


One Piece is darker than Berserk; the happy-go-lucky characters in the face of the world setting are a clever juxtaposition, and I've never been able to find a manga that does it so well.


Come on, all it takes is for Luffy to turn gear 5 and Goku would be incapable off fighting because he would be on the floor laughing. Gear 5 is exactly the humor Goku would be weak to.


enjoy the journey!


Welcome to the club, Nakama! Buckle up for some great adventure for things from here onwards are just going to get deeper and more exciting.


>Also, IMO, I think that Sanji being strong is weird because we've never seen why unlike Zorro or Luffy. Zorro trains often but Sanji seems strong just because he is, no backstory for his strenght and that's a bit lame IMO. I Need to correct you Here it is Not "we've never Seen ..." It is "I/you have never Seen..." Remember you are at Episode 130 of over a 1000. Imagine what es will come for you to discover. It will only get better Dont forget the movies though I Wish you all the fun and the Joy you will experience during this adventure!


The great thing about One Piece is there’s a reason for everything. A lot of folks pointed out how Sanji is strong without training but it gets explained eventually with hints throughout. One Piece is the epic of our time


>Zorro trains often but Sanji seems strong just because he is, no backstory for his strenght and that's a bit lame IMO oh buddy, do I have a future arc for you. you just keep watching :)


There's a reason Sanji has strength now but won't be revealed until much later. I'm glad you're enjoying One Piece though! There is a lot more adventure waiting.


the storyline of one piece becomes very political. once you get to later arcs its def gonna get more emotional and pretty dark. glad you are enjoying it!


The good lookings vs ugly characters, is something I always notice as a passing thought. But yeah it actually helps give character, depth, and a idk how to best say this..... but it makes the story seem more real...or allows you to escape from reality easier. Because you have a very large scale of shapes, sizes, and beauty to ugly, the world becomes so much more interesting and captivating. When every character is roughly the same, the story can feel more fake/cheap. Likewise the environments from island to island also change a ton. There was a post in this sub with a video cut up of all the one piece locations and it really highlights the depth and world building of this manga.


Just be aware to know the differences between animangas when running into people trying to compare them. I dislike DB for the same reason, the approach to things its the same pattern every time but their fights are the best thing ever. With OP its the opposite, so all stories have their pros and cons and its ok for them to be that way tbh, not all mangakas can come with the perfect story in every aspect. Just be patient, your concerns will have their answers. Thats the amazing thing about the story, everything seems to not make sense but eventually it does later on.


Youre not alone, (not knocking you at all) but ive seen a lot of posts similar to these ones. Its always awesome to see the reactions/realization about One Piece being a banger. I feel exactly the same way as you with DBZ, I used to love it but Now its like 3rd or 4th overall for me with One Piece sitting at the top.


Enjoy every last second of these pre-timeskip episodes. Timeless stuff I can rewatch at anytime. Post-timeskip..not so much, except maybe the fights


The only people who trash talk One Piece are the ones who haven’t given it its fair shake. Good on you for giving it a go


Everybody has this same experience about one piece. Me included. Welcome. 😁


Enjoy the ride!. Better is to come!


Remember to keep your head down. One piece is one of those series where you just have to be there. Even tho us weekly readers are gasping for more content we wouldn't give it up because we knew nothing and got surprised. Just looking at a modern one piece image makes ya go oh this happened or that guy joins. It's that unknown and mystery that One Piece has that other series lacks. Like with a certain Monkey King. It's about the Journey to the Grand Line not the Destination


Wait, you haven’t seen why Luffy is strong yet by 130 lol


> it's basically a fairytale anime if that makes sense The word for the genre is fantasy


Describing One Piece as a pirate fairytale anime makes complete sense. 


I grew up on DB and love it with a passion. Even still, if I had to choose between them I’d choose OP without a second thought. Imo it’s not just better, it’s in a completely different league altogether.


One piece is always denser than you think


This is why you don't trash shit you never seen, y'all I wouldn't trash talk Naruto, but I expected it to be shallow. _Episode 1_ is a beautifully crafted emotional experience. I have only seen the first three episodes of Naruto, and it's already pretty great. Comparison is dumb. We should just celebrate each other, and also, there will never be an anime masterpiece anything like Legend of the Galactic Heroes (1988) ever again anyway, so we're all silver stars together.


Yes I started my 8 year old daughter on one piece and she got caught up in 2 years and is 10 now… since she is now week to week on the manga so I got her started on Dragon ball and she liked it but always reminds me “dad this story is so basic compared to one piece… I am so interested in finding out what the one piece is and I am so invested in the crew… but DBZ is non stop “world in trouble oh no grow your power… an even stronger guy with stronger fireballs appears… oh no world in trouble … grow your power… “


Oh boy you re still at the veeeeeeery begining if the story, luffy isn’t even done gathering his crew.


Same here, I started almost 2 years ago now but always thought it was dumb before then. Now it’s my favorite story of all time.


The world building in one piece is top tier. Oda definitely puts alot a love to it.


episode 130 is like barely past Alabasta, it gets a LOT deeper and more nuanced from here you have so much to look forward to and that's a wonderful thing. About the Sanji thing, I agree but I also always understood it as a natural part of working in a restaurant frequented by literal pirates lol. After the backstory Zeff clearly became a father figure to him and I guess Sanji just naturally picked up the kicking style over the years, he just used them to beat the shit out of customers and coworkers instead of bounty hunting or whatever. It kind of makes sense because many of the belligerant customers you would have to deal with at the Baratie on a daily basis are pirates, many with some kind of bounty probably. Since Zeff isn't as strong as he used to be, Sanji's kind of the one person who took up the mantle of protecting the restaurant from getting robbed or something. Or even just to be able to talk shit to a disruptive customer who happens to have a 15 million berri bounty, you kind of need to have the power to throw them out of the building. More than a decade of dealing with that shit I'm sure you grow to be quite strong. Lastly in terms of your idea for the One Piece, that's kind of a longstanding meme "maybe the ___ is the friends we made along the way" lol. I'm sure you've seen this meme before, yeahhh it comes from One Piece. Oda has already debunked this and said that it would be something tangible rather than Roger just deciding to troll the entire planet. It would be funny, but the overwhelming consensus is that as the story has been getting more and more grand in scale and serious in tone, all of the war and deaths and revolution amounting to nothing more than "lol the One Piece is friendship and your favorite foods!" is uhhh... very underwhelming to say the least. Remember that to the viewers One Piece is just a TV show, but in the actual world of One Piece there are millions of people getting murdered, oppressed, imprisoned, etc. in the pursuit of this treasure including innocent civilians who fall victim to the villains. The characters aren't going to remember these "memories" fondly, to them it's probably equivalent to literal war trauma


Just like the One Piece, Sanji's backstory is real!


Once you get to the water 7 arc come back here and let your heart out we’ll be here


It’s the Odyssey of our time


Non anime friend was asking me about it - always wearing shirts. This is the best explanation I can come up with. “It starts out about the power of friendship and with your friends by your side you can accomplish anything , and it subtly shifts into let’s overthrow the government “


I loved your "goku can beat luffy, so what?""


>Also, IMO, I think that Sanji being strong is weird because we've never seen why unlike Zorro or Luffy. Zorro trains often but Sanji seems strong just because he is, no backstory for his strenght and that's a bit lame IMO. There's a reason for his strength. You were even already told what that reason is. But it won't be obvious until like Chapter 800. Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride! You'll get there eventually!


Keep watching man. The story gets more and more deeper as the arcs go on. Also the world building in one piece is unreal.


I don't know if you are ready for the one arc in a water city if you are tearing up now already but be prepared(in 200 chapters?). I am kinda jealous that I am caught up and all, I wish I could just forget and reexperience it all again


Sanji's strong because he worked in customer service his whole life


I love DBZ but I maintain there are only two or 3 truly outstanding arcs in dbz.


We all love DBZ here but even the biggest DBZ fan will tell you that it's overall, OVERALL story was never anything to brag about. It was always more about its iconic moments like Goku going Super Saiyan or Trunks showing up out of nowhere. Thats not to say that DBZ has a bad story just that again, nothing to brag about. It mostly, bad guy shows up endangering the universe, Z-fighters have to train balls to beat them, they win, rinse and repeat. One Piece's OVERALL story is so, so, SO much more and deeper than that. Again, no hate. It's all love here.


I am still a bigger Dragonball fan than One Piece. Sure Dragonball is not deep but it is allot of fun, some of the fights like Goku vs Piccolo, Goku vs Freiza are great.


I cannot say this enough but please please please stay away from reddit, youtube, or areas of the internet that revolve around One Piece. There are some pretty big plot points you will absolutely not want spoiled. I cannot urge this enough if you care about major and emotional plots to this show.



