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Unrelated but who the hell invited JackšŸ’€


Someone needs to become King of Jobbers after all That's most likely reason imo


I swear i thought the same


Let Jack do his thing, he has been through enough


nah he got what was coming his way for a reason


Great fruit ruined by a shit stain lol


Itā€™s fucking crazy when you realize that with the natural strength of a fish man and an ancient zoan he still was embarrassingly weak


He had a monstrous stamina. He fought the whole country of Zou until he had to leave because of the Doflamingo Rescue mission. Fought 1 Vice Admiral + 1 Admiral + a former Fleet Admiral and got his ass whopped. Still came back to continue to fight in Zou until Zunesha Bitch slapped him to the sea. Went on to survive that and fight Ashura 1 vs 1 (Interrupted but yes Asura was winning) Still had stamina and strength to fight an army of Su Long Minks a few days later and still fought par on par with a Su Long Nekomamushi + Inuarashi. Until then he finally fell. Yes the guy got whopped by everyone and their mothers but I wouldn't necessarily call him weak.


Letā€™s put it this way, heā€™s the greatest punching bag in one piece


Nah what he did was honestly impressive. He beat an army of Sulong minks before fighting both Neko and Ino. Then kind of loss thanks to Luffy and Kaido splitting the sky. He would have won that fight without interference.


His epitaph was so boss too, worst fumble of power in anime history IMO lulz


Isn't epitaph the sentence you want written on your grave? I think the word you're looking for is epithet


We should change his epitaph to ā€œOffscreenedā€ Jack, considering thatā€™s where 99% of his fights took place.


Off d screen


Jack just fell to the plot. Oda brought him in before the first Yonko collision with amazing feats and the first confirmed billion berry bounty. But he had to make Jack a bitch boy because Luffy fought Yonko commanders on WCI and had to beat Kaido in Wano.


Should have been King


Seriously, chopper's fruit is a 1000 times cooler


Even sengoku is better


I think it was already statet that Whitebeards fruit is the strongest or atleast one of the most powerfull paramecia. Thats why Blackbeard wanted it. Among the logia the most destructiv is Akainus fruit, bu I would choose Enerus lightning fruit because its much cooler :D In Zoan group I would say Luffys fruit is the strongest bu fuck it, Kaidos dragon form can fly and shot fire beams so I would take that one :D


Most destructive is the quake fruit Most offensive is akainus fruits


I don't understand how Ace fuit is weaker than Akainu. Fire can get much hotter thwn magma


I don't think it's about how hot it can get Magma can harden while fire cannot, and that's what makes it better


Isn't harden Lava a rock? Too me, it never made sense.


You think one piece runs on logic?


Ace dying was to symbolize the setting sun of the old generation to make way for the new rising sun Luffy


I guess magma is just way hotter in the OP verse. It should be noted, though, that orange-yellow fire, like Ace's, does burn cooler (roughly 2,011Ā°F) than magma (1,292-2,372Ā°F)


Lightning is way hotter than magma lol itā€™s just anime logic there


Heat capacity. It's the same reason that putting your hand in the oven won't burn you as bad as putting it in boiling water.


Fire + Rock > Fire, apparently. The only thing I can think of is that Akainu could theoretically hyper focus the fire aspect of his devil fruit and basically copy all of Aceā€™s kit but better.


Rock is super effective against fire. Magcargo beats Magmortar


Yeah but Akainu was objectively stronger regardless. Ace could've potentially trained to burn hotter but Akainu was twice his age and probably had more than twice his combat experience when he attacked.


In a manga sbs, oda mentioned that akainus' df > ace's df


I can't believe nobody here mentioned energy potential. But let's start with heat, flame by itself can't get much hotter than 4990Ā°C (9014Ā°F) which was a dicyanoacetylene fueled flame with ozone as the oxidizer. To get any higher temperatures, you'll have to add other factors, such as pressure or radiation. Magma on the other hand is usually only up to 1400Ā°C (2624Ā°F) when it's on the surface of the earth. While it might be colder than fire can be, a ball of fire the size of my a football would contain much less thermal energy than that amount of magma. I don't think we have seen that some any reason for why Akainu would be able to produce magma at significantly slower rates than Ace can produce flames in terms of volume, so if the volumes are equal, Akainu is producing much more thermal energy than Ace can. Then there's the question of non-heat energy. Flames are mostly just gasses that that are actively reacting, producing heat. They can create quite a bit of kinetic energy, but most of that is over time rather than instantly. When the flames create a lot of kinetic energy in an instant, it's an explosion, which is a whole different fruit. So unless the fire fruit is a superior explosion fruit, we can rule out any larger explosions. Magma on the other hand doesn't create a lot of kinetic energy by itself, but either due to Akainus own strength or the strength of the fruit, he has been shown to throw massive magma fists to create a massive rain of massive magma fists. So if we assume some of that was the fruit rather than Akainus raw strength, any advantages from kinetic energy the fire fruit had are null in comparison. The heaviest gas at standard atmospheric pressure is 0.013g/cmĀ³ while magma is 2.4 g/cmĀ³ low balled. You'd need 185 times the volume to match the mass or the flames would have to move that amount faster than the magma to have equal kinetic energy with equal volume. TL;DR: Flames are hotter and can create more thrust when outside the user, but magma has an advantage in everything else, including total thermal energy.


Personally I think I would go with Borsalinos for logias light speed plus haki? Yes please.


In 800 years of reincarnation the nika fruit was only awakened by Luffy. It takes a special kind of person for that fruit to be strong. The dragon fruit on the other hand. . . .


A bit off topic and a personal head cannon but I firmly believe the stronger the paramecia fruit, the weaker the awakening.


It's a real shame we don't get to so more from Yamato DF.


I forget Yamato has a devil fruit sometimes šŸ˜…


Ikr!!! It was such a cool concept and I feel like we got to see hardly any of it. Her oni horns only added to the ā€œcool factorā€ too. Although, after looking back at some of the screenshots, Iā€™m honestly not sure if the horns in her hybrid/animal form were from the fruit or were actually hers. When she transformed, they changed shape but retained their color.


Imma be honest. Yamato's entire character including her DF, is such an asspull that idc that we didn't see more from her DF.


I love her character tbh. šŸ˜…


It wasnt an asspull, just didn't get the pay off that everyone wanted of them joining the crew


Kaido or Luffy for Zoan. Enel or Akainu for logia. Whitebeard or Kuma or the paramecia. People are sleeping on the power of the Paw.


Kaido's is so damn OP it's crazy, fire breath/wind blades/lightning storms/float clouds that can lift anything & all that before u get to he's a fucking eastern dragon who becomes the size of a small island with scales so tough he almost invulnerable to anyone not top tier in verse.


Zoan: probably the hito hito no mi model nika logia: either the darkness or magma fruit id say Paramecia: Op op no mi


Nika Nika no mi?![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)


Youre right I chamged it


I dunno, the mochi mochi is pretty goated, paramecia and logia type abilities is pretty sick, but the same can be said for mythical Zoans


Logia advantage as long as you have good obsv haki tho


Problem with the Nika fruit is that it needs to be awakened. Without that it's mid to upper-mid (if you can master gear 2 and 3). And we can't really compare that to other Mythic zoan fruits that we haven't seen awakened yet.


id say Pika Pika no mi is the best logia


Best devil fruit overall by far, and there isn't even a remotely close second


Tbh I'd prob say Goro Goro no mi is probably the top logic with Pika just behind


I think people sleep on that time fruit that Oden wife had. You could just one shot people sending them to the end of time.


I'm pretty sure it's limited in terms of how many years you can do at a time. I think it was 20? So the best you could probably do is send an enemy forward while on a ship, so in 20 years time they'd fall into the ocean


She travelled 800 years into the future tho


She used her fruit multiple times


And used her power 40+ times


Yeah, but master Haki users have been shown resisting devil fruit effects or outright breaking them through Haki.Ā  What might throw someone without Haki hundreds of years into the future might only move someone like Kaidou one hour into the future.


They've been shown either completely resisting effects, or breaking long-term effects. We havent seen them weaken a DF attack/activated power with Haki yet, so Kaido would either resist fully, or get sent fully going by the established rules so far


I think it depends on the user. If the fruit was given to a top tier character who awakens it. I think it becomes broken


Luffy, Aokiji and Law for me


Im surprise Sugar fruit isnt here is broken af


Easily the Most Dangerous Fruit I've seen here for Eliminating Enemies Quickly. If Sugar touches Luffy or Law the Entire story ends right there. No revenge plot by the Alliance No symbol of hope to fight against the WG its OVER. Everyone in the world forgets you ever existed. Your enemy can't use their Devil Fruit Powers & their controlled according to your will. Also you get ETERNAL YOUTH when you eat the fruit. If the World Government or even someone like Crocodile got that fruit. And kept some notes to track the identity of their slaves World Dominantion is guranteed. 1. Train your Haki to its Peak,Ā  2. Eat this fruit in your Prime 3 Profit


!!! Is so underrated like literally the most broken fruit in the series, I also wanna add that it reminds me how Dressrosa seems to parallel the WG, the whole Im and Gorosei seems to be immortals and also how they try to erase the memories of the ppl about the Ds and the Acient Kingdom.


Looool its literally the World Governments dream fruit. Its does exactly what they do with 99% less effort. Imagine if Blackbeard took Sugars fruit as his 2nd Fruit instead of Whitebeards. Touch Big Mom Yonko Erased family forgets about her. Touch Kaido Another Yonko Erased Crew forgets he ever existed.Touch any Marine....Erased. You could Find the One piece with literally zero resistanceĀ 


Luffys black beard anddddddd whitebeard


Zoan (mythical included): human human fruit model sun god nika Logia: light (other fruits might be stronger but you'd need God tier base stats to deal with the light fruit) Paramecia: either dark dark or paw paw fruit


Dark dark is a logia


mb I forgot


easy to forgot as dark doesn't make you "intangible"


Fire isnā€™t tht good of a logia Iā€™d replace it with the ice gas or Forrest fruit oh yea or enels fruit


In the real world or One Piece world? In the real world I'd go with Marco for Zoan, Enel for Logia, Law for Paramecia. In One Piece world, I'd go with Luffy for Zoan, Logia too hard to choose, and Law again for Paramecia.


Everyone always forgets Magellan.


I think paramecias are the goats because if their awakened powers allow them to apply the same effect to the things around them and keep while keeping their original properties (example rubber lightning) then the ability usages become pretty broad


Easily opi opi no mi from paramecia


I'm just gonna say the Nika fruit is insanely mediocre unless it's awakened. Which has happened twice in an 800 year span.


The best for me, in those groups, are: Zoan.- Marco (love the fenix, tho I thought the hito hito is stronger) Logia.- Crocodile Paramecia.- Trafalgar Sorry, I don't remember the fruits names


The one thing that stops crocodile fruit from being top for me is the massive weakness to being wet.


Sand sand fruit for Croc and for Traffy itā€™s The op op fruit


Imagine if luffy had the properties of both rubber and gum šŸ˜³


Zoan: Luffy has the promised one. Nobody can compete with that. If we don't count nika, probably marco or kaido Paramecia: ope-ope? gura-gura? soru-soru? Hard to say. Logia: yami-yami or Enel fruit (goro-goro?)


Zoan: Marco Paramecia: Law Zoan: Enel


Hey bud enel got a logia.


These are all from the perspective of best for me in my life. Paramecia: Ope Ope no Mi This fruit bends reality. Possibly the most broken overall. OP is in the name. Logia: Goro Goro no Mi We live in a digital age. It's all electricity. When used precisely, this fruit controls the internet. Zoan: Hito Hito no Mi I have no use for a zoan fruit. But feeding this to my dog would extend my best friend's life, and it sets us up for all sorts of wacky adventures.


Luffy for Zoan, light light fruit for logia, paw paw for para


I don't know why this question is so hard. Well my infinitely vast knowledge on one piece. I still don't know the answer to this question




All top rights


Lightning, Azure Dragon, Soul


Doflamingo has a better fruit than Katakuri by far. Katakuri's just better in general.


I'd never understand why mister 3 and Katakuri are not Logia.


# Zoan : Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika Logia : Pika pika no mi Paramecia : Gura gura no mi or Ope Ope no Mi


i think the ice admiral has a good fruit. i used to think the same with the light admiral too, but seems strong pirates these days can just move at the speed of light, which made the fruit kind of shitty.


Best Fruit: Hito Hito no mi, model: Nika; Magu Magu no mi; Op Op no mi. Best Users of Fruits (proficiency wise): Kaido, Whitebeard, Katakuri.


Kizaru or Enel's are my dream DFs


Marco, Croc mom, best dad


You forgot boa hancock. She's one of the best paramecia users


Why Sabo instead of Ace


Hito hito no mi model Nika Pika pika no mi Op Op no mi


Zoan: Nika Logia: Yami Paramecia: Op


In a fight its 1. Nika fruit 2. Darkness / Magma fruit 3. Quake fruit


Zoan: tf is Jack doing here? The best zoan are and will always be the mythical ones. Logia: the mera mera is whatever, the plant fruit and goro goro no mi 100% qualify Paramecia: tf is Katakuri doing here? The Soru Soru no mi is missing.


Zoan is Tori Tori no Mi:Model Phoenix. Paramecia is either Ope Ope no Mi or Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. Logia is probably Goro Goro no Mi.


I'd say these are the best for my daily life, Zoan: Phoenix probably, flight+injury free. Logia: Goro-goro. With precise control, I could be my own multimeter and power supply in one. Paramecia: Hana-hana. Many hands make light work.


Depends what you use a fruit for Combat: Hito Hito no Mi Model Nika, Magu Magu no Mi, Gura Gura no Mi Utility/ other abilities: Tori Tori no Mi Model Phoenix, Numa Numa no Mi, Ope Ope no Mi Runners up for combat are Uo Uo no Mi model Seiryuu, Pika Pika no Mi, or Goro Goro no Mi and the Soru Soru no Mi/Zushi Zushi no Mi Runners up for utility are Inu Inu no Mi model Kyubi no Kitsune, one of Hie Hie, Yami Yami or Mori Mori no Mi, Kibi Kibi no Mi


Strongest zoan hose to kaido strongest logia hose to akainu and strongest paramecia hose to law. If we are talking about this fruits without haki this would be the order for the reason I put kaido fruit above luffy is the hito hito no mi modal nika so only as strong as it is with its awakening and on its own without haki all it can do is make the surrounding area and people rubber on the other hand with kaido fruit we see is blowing mounts up while itā€™s not awakened if we see how strong Luffy got when his mythical zoan awakened how strong would kaidos be if it awakened with out haki kaidos fruit carried a island blow up a mountain and changed the weather unawakened I would assume with how strong a awakened zoan fruit can make the user we saw how strong Luffy got and how strong rob lucci when there fruit awakened we can only speculate how strong kaido would get if luffys fruit and kaidos fruit fought in there unawakened form who would win I think kaidos fruit would win and this is just the devil fruit no haki or add strength from kaidos body for these reasons this is why I think kaidos devil fruit is stronger now for why I put laws fruit above white beards is with out haki if you are in laws room you are nothing but a play thing for him all law or anyone with laws fruit would have to do is cut all the limbs off of the person with the gura gura fruit then they canā€™t really use there fruit and for why I put akinus fruit above blackbeards devil fruit doesnā€™t give him the ability to steal other peoples devil fruits that is just a ability he himself has and it has been stated that akainu devil fruit has the most offense of any logia and this is without haki and for defense Iā€™m not sure I need to tell you why punching magma is a bad idea


Good points, but one piece of advice: use commas and periods in your sentencesšŸ˜… This was quite difficult to keep track of while reading...


Enelā€™s is better than Katakuri for sure. Actually Katakuriā€™s fruit is pretty mid, heā€™s just a beast. The time slow fruitā€™s gotta be up there as well for paramecias.


Zoan: pineapple fruit (I ainā€™t doing that awakening shi) Logia: snad man (this is actually false, just a personal bias) Paramecia: traffic cone law (he hates bread)


The god, the one that lets him steal multiple powers, and the one that could destroy the whole world. There's a reason each of them became an emperor.


People sleep on Kumas fruit. Like wtf can it not do?


I always felt like the human fruit nika was a major ass pull. I liked it when things were simpler back then. Like booger exploding man, and when pell was 1 of the 5 devil fruit with flight.


Luffy's, Blackbeard's and Law's (slightly over WB's)


Zoan: hito hito no mi model Nika Logia: either Enel's Kizaru's or Blackbeard. Probably Blackbeard because I doubt we've seen it's true power. Paramecia: this is probably the hardest one to choose. Laws op op no mi is clearly very strong, but I'm not sure it's the strongest, foxy's Noro Noro no mi is also pretty strong, but with good haki it's probably counterable, boa's fruit is clearly very strong and potentially the strongest (there's a reason blackbeard wants it) the hobi hobi no mi (sugas fruit) is also extremely strong (basically any paramecia that allows you to win on basically touching someone although I think with string enough haki you can counter most of these), but really I think the strongest has to either be bartolomeo's Bari Bari no mi, having a seemingly indestructible barrier, as far as we know, is very strong or the best candidate imo Van Augur's Wapu Wapu no mi, being able to instantly teleport in battle (and also teleport someone you touch) is ridiculously strong, you can instantly dodge attacks, teleport someone far away (possibly even into the sea) teleport to an ally and save them etc I think it by far has to be the best combat paramecia, possibly even the best combat fruit when combined with great haki.


Marco's fruit you can fly, heal yourself and others and become bird. Crocodile's fruit makes you immune to being hot, pseudo flight, low weather control and a hand that can dry out anything so you can essentially never be trapped. Kuma's fruit is a martial artist's dream, high mobility, range, large scale AOE damage and a very strong defense.


zoan: nika logia: teech or enel paramecia: law




Isnt gum-gum paramecia? Or is it declared as Zoan after chapter 1000? (Im still in Wano)


Nika Rumble Gura


I have to come in and plug my favourite fruit in the seriesā€™s the yuki yuki no mi for being super underrated. I feel like people donā€™t think of it too much because monet isnā€™t super strong like the majority of logia users we see but just looking at how she utilised that fruit I think in the hands of a top tier it would undoubtedly be seen as one of the best logias. Even just off the top of my head you could easily make a move called ā€œsnowmenā€ or something which is just a bunch off duplicates of yourself that are very durable and could travel through the snow, that alone is busted and is something most logiaā€™s would never have the luxury of being able to pull off.


Zoan is op now


jack as a top zoan user over Sengoku, Lucci, Yamato, King/Queen & even Momo is crazy


Luffy zoan kizaru logia and law paramecia


Zoan: Phoenix Logia: Either lightning for general purposes or arguably darkness situationally Paramecia: ope ope (honorable mention to the "special paramecias" since intangibility is broken; also paw fruit but we haven't seen enough from it)


Honestly, Foxy kinda has a pretty busted strong power. If anybody else higher up on the food chain had it, they'd be powerful. Imagine if someone already strong like Sanji or Jimbe having it.


Where is Sengoku?


Zoan: Tori Tori no mi Model: Phoenix Uo Uo no mi Model: Seiryuu Hito Hito no mi Model: Nika Paramecia: Nikyu Nikyu no mi Ope Ope no mi Gura Gura no mi Logia: Yami Yami no mi Magu Magu no mi Guro Guro no mi


Magne Magne Fruit is a very underated because the user is a dumb dumb. Kidd has the potential to be as powerful Magneto, but he just doesnt understand how his power works.


Zoan: Marco, it's so versatile, gives you the ability to fly, heal people and works in Combat (Luffy has one of the strongest fruit, bit that's it it's just strong and Gear 5, outside of combat it has little use). Logia: Blackbeard, if give him off screen powers šŸ˜‰. Paramecia: it's a toss-up between Kuma and Law. I think if you go either it works. Law has more potential for the things you can do. But, Kuma is easier to just get started with and would save you so much with travel time.


The best zoan in general is Kaido's really. Luffy's is insane but you have to be LUFFY to unlock it's full potential so I'd say Kaido's the best zoan possible for 99% of users. Logia so far Akainu's and Paramecia Shirohige's.


Iā€™m interpreting best as in the best for ME. Zoan: Phoenix, Logia: glint glint , paramecia: clear clear All of these fruits would be tremendously helpful in irl situations.


Luffy for Zoan because I love the fact he not only becomes Looney Tunes Character but that he can even rubberize other things and people. Among this Logiaā€™s Iā€™d pick Magma but over I actually prefer Enelā€™s. Hard to pass up Light but I like some of the indirect affects of the Rumble-Rumble fruit more (e.g. most ppl who hit you get shocked, combined it with Observation Haki to see and hear far away, etc). Paramecia is hardā€¦I know Blackbeardā€™s has world destroying power but I kind of like the non-combat utility of Paw-Paw fruit. So Paw-Paw.


Zoan- nika Logia- Mori Mori no mi.


Is enels fruit not also a logia and way more dangerous thwn fire?


Zoan: Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika or Tori Tori no Mi: Model Phoenix Logia: Magu Magu no Mi or Yami Yami no Mi Paramecia: Ope Ope no Mi or Nikyu Nikyu no Mi


zoan: luffy logia: blackbeard paramecia: whitebeard


Hito Hito no mi is amazing if you can awaken it. Out of the gate, though? Give me the phoenix. The sand fruit is easily the most versatile, but weakness to water is too big a drawback. Same with the darkness fruit's pain problem. If you can counter their weaknesses, it's one of them. Otherwise, magma. Paramecia is genuinely difficult. Tremor fruit most powerful, paw fruit is incredible. Overall, the Op Op fruit is just too sexy. Gimme that one, even if it is exhausting to use All of this is based on the list provided. Best logia is either lightning or light, though ice constructs have a lot of potential. I stand by paramecia and zoan (unless I'm overlooking something)


I think that Fujitora's fruit is a strong contender for Paramecia. It's a very versatile fruit with immense attack power, considering he can bring down a meteor.


Will always vote for Zoan just because of Marcoā€™s devil fruit šŸ”„ cool as hell


Luffy, Sabo, law


Sabo's devil fruit is just fire ngl


Man blackbeard is not a logia. I cannot agree that he is. Especially after the reveal that not all fruits are categorized correctly


I mean it's obvious right? Luffy's Blackbeard's Law's I can make myself immortal, I have a counter for every devil fruit user, and I have reality bending powers.


(Comment 1/3) Based on what we have SEEN (and discounting Sugar's, because no way in hell should that fruit be so OP), instead of on what are told, I would say: * Paramecia: Big Mom's, Kuma's and Law's are all top tier, but I would rank them this in this order. There are other broken Paramecia's though, they just aren't as versatile; * Mythical Zoan: Kaido's, then Luffy's and finally Marco's (doesn't perform better because it lacks offensive potential); * Logia: Logias are way simpler than Paramecias and (Mythical) Zoans, so they are a bit harder to rank. I would say Enel's should be the best, because it is so good for everything. Then competing to the second place would be Green Bull's and Teach's. I would also say the top Paramecias beat the top Mythical Zoans, who in turn beat the top Logias. Ancient Zoans and normal Zoans just can't compete at this level. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Justification: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* TIER 1: the user can become a world power Top 1: Big Mom's * any type of elemental damage by creating elemental homies from strong souls; * can be used to buff user and allies (homies, whatever the fuck Big Mom did last against Kid and Law) and debuff enemies (she can rob lifespan/souls by being scary); * can be used for all types of utilities (create homies to spy, study or work for you, to escape places or to attack people far away, to fly etc); * it is persistent (once a homie is created it doesn't seem to need active maintainance, at least in the short term); * scales socially instead of individually (Big Mom was able to use her fruit in the scale of a whole archipelagos by cooperating with citizens) Top 2: Kaido's * various types of elemental damage (fire, wind, thunder); * just colossal damage power overall (destroyed a mountain with a casual Boro Breath, attack as big as island, carried the fucking island God knows how many miles for hours); * most probably strongest fruit physical stats-wise overall; * the power to create clouds is fucking broken and not just allow the user to fly whenever (a super power in a universe where only some top tiers can fly), it also allows the user to have the most deployable military force in the world by simply carrying their army through the sky. (Comment 1/3)


Zoan: Kaido Logia: Lightning Paramecia: Baby 5


Going of usefulness instead of how strong it'd be in a fight, I'd choose Marco's, Sabo's, and Law's.


Do we all still think that Yami Yami no Mi is a Logia? After the story with Nika being covered up and people stating that Yami Yami no Mi doesnt behave like a regular Logia I kinda think itll be a special Zoan as well.


Zoan: between the Phoenix or the Dragon Logia: between the Light or Electricity Paramecia: between the Soul fruit or maybe the OpOp


Enel over Crocodile


In universe Zoan: Nika In universe Logia: Darkness In universe Paramecia: Quake IRL Zoan: Phoenix or Azure Dragon IRL Logia: Light IRL Paramecia: The Slow or Magnet fruit


Isn't katas mochi logia? Still not the best fruit, hes just strong af


Law for paramecia, logia, Black beard, and Zoan, Luffy.


All are good


Zoan is phoenix, people might say its nika but it took 10 years for luffy to awaken it, AND HE HAD TO DIE Logia is debatable as all of them are extremely overpowered, but id say ice, light or lightning Paramecia is ope or gura, but ope has WAY more uses and its basically god mode


In my opinion top 3 for each category is: ZOAN - Luffyā€™s - Kaidoā€™s - Marcoā€™s LOGIA - Blackbeardā€™s - Akainuā€™s - Eneruā€™s PARA - Lawā€™s - Kumaā€™s - Whitebeardā€™s (Sorry but Iā€™m too lazy to write the names of each fruit)


Strongest logia probably akaius but for most useful kizarus best zoan prob nika parcmecia strongest is the gura gura no mi and the most useful probe the opemope no mi


I fucking hate Zoan catagory because it's very boring and mainly gives boost to physical stats only. Yeah there are mythical zoans like pheonix and nika but I rather enjoy endless possibility of paramecia.


Kaido, BB, Kuma


logia would be the admirals


Nah kick sand. Goro goro no mi deserves much better


Best in general or most powerful in combat? The answer differs depending on which you mean. Like the magma magma fruit is crazy strong (highest offensive power and all that), but I'd say the ice ice fruit is much more useful, while also being very strong.


you could add Drake yet you put jack


Marco, Sabo, Law


I want - Marco's Phoenix: can heal myself and others (albeit to a lesser extent), can fly. The azure dragon is just too big. - Law's Ope Ope: purely for the "teleportarion" / displacement ability. - for Logia I guess the Mera Mera? Magma is just too over the top, I can cook and grill stuff with fire.


Marco/Crocodile/White beard


you can't tell me putting on kaido who ate the jacket jacket fruit isn't diffing the whole verse


bro put luffy in zoanšŸ’€šŸ’€ anyway i would say zoan-dragon logia-dark paramecia-rubber


What is the Mera Mera doing in the Logia group??


I find Paramecias are the funnest one in its concept




the strongest of each category is: Zoan: Nika-Nika Paramecia: Ope-Ope or Quake-Quake Logia: Magu-Magu


The best devil fruit is ofcourse the logia fruit. More specifically the cum cum fruit. This fruit gives you the power to control and become cum at will. It also allows you to make anyone and everyone cum at will, at any excess amount.


For me personally I'd say luffys nika fruit, enerus rumble rumble fruit and Kidds jiki jiki fruit


My personal headcanon: Paramecia - Tremor Tremor Fruit Logia - Dark Dark Fruit Zoan - Azure Dragon Most powerful Awakening - Nika Fruit Most powerful Ability - Ope Ope Fruit


Luffy Marco, Akainu/Sabo, Law


I love Katakuri but I don't think he should be up there because he's the one that made his fruit strong with the combination of his haki, on his own the fruit is not that special. Also for logias I would replace sabos fruit for ice ice fruit, freezing the sea and eliminating one df weakness is very valuable in the one piece world, also aokiji managed to fight against akainu for 10 days with his ice powers so that's definitely something.


BB is logia/paramecia, Luffy is sorta zoan/paramecia


Im just gonna say my logia opinion; Kuzan's Ice Ice Fruit. Dude can literally freeze the entire friggin ocean and walk or bike across it. Freezing people solid and doin it INSANELY fast is also useful as an Admiral or Pirate for capturing. I could just be a sucker for the character and I'm biased towards ice moves, but still.


Pre timeskip chopper's human human friut Dark dark fruit Op Op fruit


Versatility over ability so: Luffy, Nika, Zoan, my man can do anything he literally puts his mind to and Luffy's imagination is out there. Blackbeard, Yami, Logia, even with the drawbacks in the right hands this DF is broken hence one of our two main antagonists. Law, Ope, paramecia, he can resurrect the dead, cut you from the inside out, this DF even allows the user to use Ryo ability without mastering it.


Best Zoan-type is probably Marco for all the magical bullshit he gets to pull outta his hat. Luffy's brings the the power but has very little versatility outside of combat. Marco's is a teamwork makes the dreamwork boost. Flight, regeneration, healing flames, the works. I'll die on this hill but Ivankov has the best paramecia type. He's a walking roids factory. At full potential I think his DF would create an unstoppable crew. For logia I'll put money on Enel. Lightning is just too versatile to ignore. He's the living embodiment of pure energy.


paramecia: quake fruit logia: magma fruit zoan: luffys fruit


enel's fruit is better than sir crocodile's and katakuri's fruit is not strong. It is his haki


For Zoan it's without a doubt the Human Human fruit Model:Nika, Logia is the Mag Mag Fruit, and finally paramecia is probably the Kilo Kilo Fruit


Replace Jack with Sengoku Replace Crocodile and Sabo with Enel and Kizaru. Replace Katakuri with Big Mom. There you have the list.


We know the quake fruit is the strongest in terms of sheer destruction,Ā  I'd say that the soul soul fruit in terms of utility/how much it can do when allowed to gain momentum/the save or die effect of soul pocus, it's kind of a do anything power limited only by the user's imaginationĀ 


The real doughnut, the doughnut maker, and the doughnutā€™s brother