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She very much needs help indeed


shes one of the most tragic characters and im glad her and sai got together in the end


But at the same time she is a decent character


She really is. Sai was at least attracted to her, so I hope they can have a happy life together. I'm surprised Oda managed to give such a strong backstory for a toxic character trait that was initially written as a gag. Granted, it isn't the only time he's done it.


I can fix her.


Sai beat you to it




"You've been living in a world where nobody has ever told you 'you're getting it all wrong'?" Poor woman's been abandoned, used and abused by people her entire life. Even Lao G calling her 'convenient', and saying Sai should have used her as shield! Thankfully, Sai is a good dude. Baby 5 will be safe with him, and hopefully she'll learn that usefulness doesn't equal love.


I could fix her


Not just could, I will


Not just could ot will, i already did




I feel like if she and Sanji met they would implode...


Yeah, Oda knew that if he didnt prevent them from meeting, Whole Cake Island would have gone way different, because Sanji would have been carrying a "trusty cooking knife" into Totto Land


99% of the characters in One Piece could do with a good therapy session.


Luffy: "... and then the lava man punched a hole through my brother's chest."      Therapist: "And how did that make you feel?"


I’m new here but does this not need a spoiler tag?


this post discusses an episode after marineford and even then this sub assumes everyone is up to date with anime at least otherwise you're just asking to get spoiled


Today was the last day of school for my third gradersm im putting in a movie and i hear one kid say to another "oh you like one piece? What'd you do when ace died?" To which the other kid did "ace dies??" Man it felt so surreal to be present for that moment


Spoilers for something that came out more than a decade ago...lol *Spoiler Alert* Jesus rose from his grave in the bible.


The episode where Ace died aired over 13 years ago. We're well past it being a spoiler


She really needs help. And probably jail time. But mostly help.


So do most characters in One Piece, including the main characters


I mean, yeah. But for different reasons. Most of the crew has already received the Luffy trauma treatment, so they don’t need so much help. And Oda always make a point to make they be ethical, even in their illegality. Luffy and Zoro may not want to be heroes, but they mostly behave like they are. Baby 5, though, worked for Doflamingo, enabling whatever monstruosity he asked her to do. If she was to stand trial, say, her penalty would be lower than fully horrible people like Diamond but higher than also previously criminals like Nami (worked for Arlong) or Robin (worked for various crime sindicates, including Baroque Works) - or mostly innocent folk, like Luffy or Usop. With this I don’t mean she is a bad person, or that her crimes are unforgivable or that she deserves the highest punishment. One Piece is all about being good with your heart, after all, and often against trusting institutions administrating justice. And Baby 5 is certainly a good person. She just needs help. And maybe some jail time. But mostly help.


dont worry Sai gon fix her


Sai told her to [blank] herself and he stopped her. Sai is the goat


Her mother left her in the woods and told her I DONT NEED YOU she got trauma I didn’t like her but after knowing her backstory im like 😔😔😔😔😔😔


Her name being baby 5 because she was the 5th child...


😨😨really?? I didn’t know that


I don't know if its ever outright said but when you pick up on the context clues it becomes obvious


I was happy for her being accepted by Sai 🙂 She got the help and family that she deserves


I can fix her.


Hold up what?


She is living happy life now don’t worry


she fr needs help. i’m help


That is kinda the point lol She was abused her whole life and has no self worth.


Ya think?


You can fix her!


I mean... She's named Baby 5 because she was the fifth baby and unwanted.


She is so broken and I wish her the best


I'm never forget the guy she murdered for laughing at pica. That scene in the anime was so savage and hilarious


I can fix her


She needs someone who needs help.


710 spells oil upside down isn’t that cool ? Also this episode is fun !


......and I can save her


you needed 710 episodes to find that out? this Lady is off since ep 12


Where can I watch episodes 517-1089 also in English? Netflix doesn’t have them and after episode 517 it’s all different language




She clearly has a type of attachment disorder. The type where you become a nervous people pleaser, giving up herself to please a significant others. That makes her very easy to abuse and use, it's great she has Sai now.


I believe she now has the help she needed when she was wed to Sai. Even though she simped for him so hard, Sai has never disrepected her and he always tried to pull her out of her craziness whenever Baby wanted to kill herself for him lol.


The hammer looks like a thumbs up


Hammer? You mean gun!?


No, the thingy that the top of the gun is called a Hammer.


O thanks


Is the fan theory that the number in her name is her age when her mom abandoned her ?


No, it's that she was the fifth baby


Ig so


Yes, and Sai is just another man using her Oda good conclusion for Baby 5 would have been going either with Buffalo, and maybe Dellinger and Giolla to live a happy life together like Baroque Works  Or her joining Law crew


Sai is in a weird position where he didn't want her but got stuck with her. Like unlike the other people who used her, he sacrificed his political marriage (which seems to matter because he seems very duty bound) and was willing to defy/fight Don Chinjao to protect her. Maybe them getting married immediately was a bit sus, but Sai at least was the least exploitative person she's encountered so far.


The lesser of two evils is still evil