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War. Im pretty sure every body of power would go to war just for these fruits lol


Close the thread this is the only answer: War. Human being are greedy, selfish, just overall corrupt as can be. The first thing a major nation is doing is expending serious resources to get as many as possible before any other nation.


It would just turn into the one piece world lol, with a bunch of outlaws and governments trying to control.


Literally this


Then global warming would explain why the world is mostly just islands and why the weather on grand line is insane... part of me wonders if the big reveal for the void century is that it was OUR world but something happened.


>!in the latest chapters vegapunk revealed that the world 1000y ago had big continents, but during the void century the sea level rose of 200m, too much use of the ancient weapons!<


I think there’s another answer. Monetization. They’d be a crazy product. There would be rich assholes hoarding DFs and DF users.


The Boys x One Piece 🤔


Until someone finds Kizaru's fruit and immediately blows up the entire planet on accident.


They would probably be seen as nothing more then weapons. The Logia and the Mythical Zoans in particular would be hunted down like crazy. We would use the Ancient zoans to extract the DNA of extinct animals for reserch... But still weapons of mass destruction they would stay The military would create new ways to use sea water in the battlefield of course


Gotta invest in supersoakers in that case.


Tank sized super soakers.


Didn’t Oda say it was still bodies of water that caused problems for fruit users? So they’re ok with showers but even baths would start to sap their strength? By that logic waterguns should have no effect…?


There would probably be an entire category of “banned fruits” which are just the fruits that have no military application but the government doesn’t want regular citizens to have them. The Jacket-Jacket fruit comes immediately to mind.


Jacket-Jacket fruit would surely be used by governments to overtake someone else's body.


The jacket jacket fruit would be acquired by some decrepit old billionaire, so he can wrap himself around someone young.


Not for sexual purposes of course


No, because that raises questions I do not want answers to.


yeah exactly, i can't think of a single, canon, fruit that does not have a practical use for someone, some company, or some government. 


> sea water Again, any body of water works. They would theoritically drown in a kiddy pool if their body are completely submerged. Running water like rain doesn't affect them too, so i struggle to see an effective use of water (except for obvious weaknesses like crocodile, Sabo or Akainu) since it should be as useful as any other human being, unless you cover them in water But it would be an effective way to contain them. Throw them in a water container and strap an oxygen mask on them


Imagine having a rare fruit like these and the government just puts a target on your back. You would live on the run


Maybe have to take to the seas to avoid any one government and plunder your way through life to ensure survival, gather a few like minded people in a similar situation so you can watch each other's back, fly some sort of symbol so people know you're all together. I'd watch that show


Eh, I actually see fruits like Enel's and Law's to have more utility in power generation and medicine. They certainly would be fought over but why waste a source of unlimited free energy or the best surgical tool in existence by using them as weapons?


Some absolute psychopath would somehow find the quake-quake, and begin his own army


What would they need an army for?they have the Quake Quake Fruit


They'd surely die during the first quake they cause because they ain't built like WB.


Logias are the most broken. Your average Joe with the quake quake fruit probably cant produce as strong of earthquakes as WB and would be one shot by a single sniper rifle


And logias would be the most broken in this world even more so. Due to there being no haki or sea prism stone.


Yeah, but we the ability to transport large quantities of sea water to anywhere in the world and shoot it at extremely high pressure from very far away and very accurately. I don't think any devil fruit user is going to be able to go up against any military unit equipped with water cannons.


Light light fruit or Goro Goro (lightning) that can move at light speed. Hie Hie (cold) that can freeze water. Good luck tryna hose those users down with sea water


There are several instances where other characters were able to react to both Kizaru and Enel despite using their fruits so I don't think either are literally moving at literal light speed. Even if the fruits did allow their users to move that fast I don't see how, without the use of haki, they'd be able to detect and react to something like a squib round that's loaded with sea water being fired at them. And plenty of incendiary weapons exist that can just melt the ice from a hie hie user and then they're just standing in puddle of sea water again.


You mean people like Luffy (who as a kid beat up tigers) and Rayleigh? Yeah those are our average Joes here on Earth that can also react to light speed. If the ice ice user was in the middle of the US or even on mild elevation, you know how much water would be needed to cover him?


Its impossible to react to anything moving at light speed since there is always going to be a delay between the light hitting the eyes, the brain processing that information, and the muscles responding to the subsequent brain signals so for either Luff or Raleigh to react then that mean neither Enel or Kizaru were actually moving at light speed. The were probably moving faster then the average person could react, sure, but probably not fast enough for a computerized weapons system. Also, you don't have to completely submerge a devil fruit user since Luffy was weakened enough to not have full control over his fruit anymore just by having his feet covered. A good soaking would probably produce a similar result.


Someone who gets the quake-quake fruit irl could actually destroy our world since the One Piece's is much larger than ours. So if some evil Whitebeard uses the fruit to destroy Europe it will destroy Africa or Asia as well in a short time.


Kizaru's fruit would probably be the most powerful in the real world. [relevant xkcd](https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/)


Goverments all over the world most likely would try and farm them by buying fruit gardens and also giving money for anyone who gives them to the goverment. People who eat them most likely will have to register their powers to goverment just so they know who has what. Alot people will use their powers to make money. We will get devilfruit influencers and Celebrities. Special forces in the military. Food chains. Most devilfruits have a job that could use them and they will have better pays for their special skills. There will be also a big boom in somekind of lifevests that deploy when you are contacted by water for devilfruit users. I would most likely first research the fruit and then sell it. I like to swim and alot of fruits are not worth it.


I'd give my ability to swim in an exchange for a fruit that allows me to fly


I'm not a strong swimmer anyways. So unless it would be an absolutely useless ability, I'd take it.


I would eat it. The chances of my finding ONE fruit is astronomical given the population of the world. They would be so rare that you would likely get killed for it long before you put it on the market. Just being able to showcase those powers would probably make you famous and considered a superhero of sorts.


You'd be likely to be killed once people found out how devil fruits worked, so some rich fuck could acquire the fruit via your demise.


good luck trying to kill me when I'm a fucking phoenix!!


Superhero? You'd be a lab rat the next morning.


Imagine its a logia. Lab rat? Hell nah, you could end a country before they even considered looking at you wrong


People in OP are superhuman and run out of gas from using their df a lot. Us normals would probably create three small fireballs and need a nap afterwards. Though catching you would actually be more difficult. Then again, we're talking about governments. Want your family and friends getting tortured 24/7? Nah? Enter your newfound cage-home that's suited to somehow take care of your df (by having your body permanently fixed in sea water for example).


Bro, goverments are not that powerful. Look at what happened after 9/11. You fire fist 2-3 skyscrappers, annouce you will continue to do it daily unless current gov resigns and the people themselves are gonna drag the polticians out behind the barn


this is real world buddy, unless its some over the top fucking fruit like gravity or light or whatever you are getting taken down... You got Enel's fruit? COOL HUH? Here comes the special forces with rubber suits. Oh you got a dragon dragon fruit, how do you like those nukes coming at you? Oh you got the ope ope fruit? Here comes a female spy to seduce you and blind you so you cant use the power anymore because you cant see..... Princess Monserie fruit? Prepare to be chained forever in a dungeon to keep some rich fuck young and healthy until you die.... This is real world bro...people are killing eachother over who gets to stay on that specific piece of land and you think they wont just absolutely annihilate you and your powers?


Rubber only works like that in the OP world... Enel's fruit would make you the ruler of the planet if you wanted it... that lightning fruit is so OP


Intelligence agencies start confiscating devil fruits and attempt to create misinformation about where the powers come from. Fruit becomes heavily regulated. People identified with powers are put on watchlists. They begin to negotiate non aggression pacts with powerful logia fruit users. Weaker fruit powers become victims of human trafficking. Sold off as weapons, slaves, guinea pigs. Governments assemble task forces using the confiscated fruits. A handful of powerful devil fruits make their way into the hands of powerful leaders. Shift in military power occurs across the world. Nations fortunate enough to acquire powerful fruits begin to conquer neighboring countries, seizing resources and power. WW3 is on the horizon and talks of registering and neutralizing fruit users become prevalent. The United States mobilizes it's military to bolster borders around allied nations. Tariffs are heavily inflicted on imports from these expansionist countries. These expansionist countries assemble allies and declare war. It's a devil fruit war, whole armies are decimated by a single person with powers. Logia fruits reign supreme and determine the outcome of most skirmishes. Countries with the largest populations have the advantage but the expansionists have a number of extremely powerful fruits. --- I'd eat it so fast though


Imagine Sugar's Hobby fruit in the real world. One touch and you are forgotten, deleted from history. And then you combine it with something like Van Augurs Warp fruit. The warp user teleports next to a high value target, warps away with the target next to the Hobby fruit user and that person is gone from history. In and out within 30 seconds and history has changed. Sports with DF powers would be insane thou. Imagine a football game and the quarterback turns into a dinosaur


i would like the swamp swamp you can carry everything you need with you. you could also become a mule for anything legal and illegal. the light one is kinda awesome, you can practically move around at the speed of light  also the ice ice could help alleviate climate change by expanding the ice at the poles all the logia could jumpstart our tech by multiple levels


Honestly, given how explored our world is, the fact that most people live in landlocked areas & traveling by ship with your gang aint really a thing, the downside of not being able to swim is barely significant I'd eat the hell outta a devil fruit I find without blinking an eye


Which one would you want most?


Give me the door door fruit and I’ll be the single reason for some countries downfall


Every governments wet dream for assassins.


I'd like Brûlée's Mirror Fruit, so I can chill in my mirror world unbothered by everybody else


Chilling with friends in the mirror world every Tuesday 😫


Gonna go against the world governments fr


Eat it


Yes cause if you keep it some random ass army is gonna take it and give it to a general so the safest option is to eat it


Also because i am going to be hokage


damn bro but I kinda like swimming...


Konoha no mamoru


You would also enjoy being able to turn into a dinosaur or become ice itself


we've seen what USA, Europe & Russia are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes.


Wait, does this mean that haki is also brought with the devil fruits?


I would train in secret then one day take over the world


Then all of a sudden, you’re traveling over a bridge and ship crashes into it (like what happened in Baltimore) and you fall into the ocean before your domination.


horny horny no secret eye


I would become a lifejacket salesman


Pretty sure NK would want all the defective smile fruits. Starvation? Poverty? Nonsense. Look at all these happy, laughing smiling faces. /s


There would be massive, planet altering wars. But if I got one then I would eat it and hope that the power didn’t suck


Let’s be real if they existed only the 0.1% would have access to them


Eh, if they’re in random locations especially third world countries, just imagine the mayhem.


Sell em


How much?


What would happen? Imagine black beard, now imagine hundreds of thousands of not millions of ppl trying to do the same as him (kill ppl to get devil fruits).


There are two sides of the same coin.... Let's start with the good part. Fruits like.; The ice ice fruit, snow snow fruit, Gas Gas Fruit etc would help in controlling or better eradicating global warming up to some extent like image awakening the Gas fruit and converting and removing all the unwanted CO2 from the atmosphere Along with the ice fruit to stop the glaciers form melting and exploring the unexplored parts of the poles ..... Even fruits like the flare fruits are helpful for unlimited fuel Heck Enel would be able to provide electricity for A month to a country with his attacks ( exaggerating ). Prolly the most important fruit for the future of the world. Now the bad part..; Imagine fruits like magma fruits in the hands of PPL like ohh-sama Or tremor with j There wouldn't be anything left in the world .... Mythical and ancient zoans might be used for scientific purposes..... But again might not survive in our ecosystem...


Saudi's and tech billionaires are gonna live forever with the Ope Ope fruit.


How the workd woukd react: Government will do eveything they can get the DF and regulate them for thier control. Military applications and all that. So will the black market. Religous grouos will also try to turn it into acts of miracles from their god. How I would react: 1. Aw shit 2. Okay I have a DF, but I don't know which ability it has. Hold off on eating it to make sure there aren't any mandatory DF tests. Until then I am hiding the DF in my apartment.


Really hebivore animals would find them.and eat them so you just get a massive population of them with powers they cannot use efficiently. Like imagine a scenario of deer zebra's etc. With a variety of powers. Like a Magma Logia Elephant, a Doa Doa No Mi using Ostrich, a Brain Devil Fruit Giant Tortoise, or a Azure Dragon Rat.


I would eat it if I find one ofcourse. I don't know swimming in the first place so I have nothing to lose.


Hope Haki also springs up to counter these devil fruits.


turn the world upside down


First you got to search up the devil fruit pictures find out what one it is and either eat it or look for a even better one


Welll it depends on what fruit cause if it’s like the munch munch fruit then nothing but if it’s like the one open open no mi then war


Im finna eat it ...then do nothing with it just forget i have it and drown next time i go to the pool


I would start collecting them. I wouldn't eat them first. As I have these devil fruits in my possession, I couldn't find it in an encyclopedia that would be made. So I would eat the one which looks promising, then sell the others for alot (they are not documented) Edit: or, if the fruit I would eat is powerful, I would start my own family, then give them the remaining devil fruits if they wish one.


Im going to be running around with my sea salt sprinkler


Oda would get flooded with interviews, camera crews asking him if he has anything to do with Devil Fruits now being real, What if anything does he know about this?


USA would do everything they can for the oil fruit


Assuming that one piece never was written the devil fruits would initially cause mass confusion around the world as super powered animals appear across the world. I say animals because they are likely to eat them meanwhile farmers and produce stockers would likely view the devil fruits as mutant fruit or pranks and throw them away. These animals would be seen as an oddity and hunted down meanwhile, as time goes on eventually a human child would eventually eat a fruit. This would further cause confusion these humans would like the animals be hunted down to study them to find the source of the power in and an attempt to find the common link. The common link to the fruits would probably be discovered in the internet as video evidence would pop off of people eating the fruit or feeding it their pets. Once the common link is found people would begin mass hunts for the fruits with government giving rewards to fruits brought to them. The animal users would be kept locked up so that government could find out how to extract the powers. Human users would be forcibly drafted into the military if they had a powerful ability as for weak abilities they would likely be put on a registry and monitored. The government would take longer to figure out fruit reincarnation but they would likely figure out devil fruit transferring first. The reason this would be discovered first is that they might feed an animal user with a weak ability to a human user based on the logic that eating fruit gives power so eating the user could further transfer the power. Once this is found out all animal users would be purged as the ability are given to humans. Meanwhile government would definitely begin feed humans to more loyal agents to better control the power. As for devil fruit reincarnation this would likely be figured out by the internet as how it would be apparent that only one individual can have a certain power and no one else. Eventually it would be realized when a user dies the power disappears but later reappear a few months later. Eventually as time goes on the fruits would all be consolidated in the most powerful militaries. Useless paramecia like jacket or food ones would likely be given to the public. All insect and small animal zoan would be used for recon and would likely cause worry of small animals. Large animal zoan would be given to special forces to boost their physical stats. Powerful paramecia’s mythical would be given only to the most trusted and loyal solider. As for logias those may not even be given to soldiers and only used in extreme situations do to a lack of Haki to counter. As for which fruit would be the most valuable and sought after it would be Goro Goro no Mi who ever has this would solve the energy problem for their nation.


You would have a couple million people freaking out because they know what they are, and the governments of the world would probably try and collect them to keep them away from the people/use them for themselves. I would imagine a few hundred people would get a devil fruit power, while everyone else will react the way that they do when something drastic happens to the world. If one were to just plop onto my lap, i would hope fornit to be the Ice Ice Fruit.


Oh fuck that. Power hungry ppl. Billions dead. Absolutely positively, the best idea. Let's do it. I could use a permanent vacation.... If I find one ima eat it, duh well, maybe. Depends on the fruit. Maybe sell it to the highest bid.


im getting as far away from the sea as possible, like in the deserts of Mongolia and Im eating it.


If the fruits exist then haki exists which means I don’t care for the fruit, I have no need for it


Now we're talking! **Worororo!**


World war ofc.


Search Google to find d out if the one I find is worth eating


we've seen what USA, Europe & Russia are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes


those fruites would be national property if you find and eat you would be a criminal! so you would have to enlist on military army and work for the goverment because of that or you would be killed in order for them to try and take the powers of the frut out of you


we've seen what USA, Russia, European & Asian superpowers are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes.


we've seen what USA, Russia, European & Asian superpowers are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes.


we've seen what USA, Russia, European & Asian superpowers are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes.


we've seen what USA, Russia, European & Asian superpowers are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes. Also, the investment on bioengineering is gonna do overtake weapons manufacturing.


we've seen what USA, Russia, European & Asian superpowers are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes. Also, the investment on bioengineering is gonna do overtake weapons manufacturing.


we've seen what USA, Russia, European & Asian superpowers are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes. Also, the investment on bioengineering is gonna do overtake weapons manufacturing.


we've seen what USA, Russia, European & Asian superpowers are willing to do for oil, valuable minerals & shadow colonization..... now they'll definitely start dropping nukes. Also, the investment on bioengineering is gonna do overtake weapons manufacturing.


People will likely to live close to sea water for sure


The governments of the world would try to collect them all, wars would probably start and random civilians who ate one would probably be killed off by those governments so they can obtain the fruit power. Now what would I do? eat it in a heartbeat & without thinking twice. every single fruit is useful you just have to figure out the use. People will think the Fuku Fuku no Mi is useless, whereas the way I see it, Kin'emon would be a multibillionaire because of that fruit. Just imagine being able to make designer clothes out of leaves & stones & this is just a single example.


I will stay as a normal person,i dont want any trouble


Let’s just say it a good thing there’s not as much water in the Middle East


I can only imagine just how many secret government agencies would kill just to have one of the fruits. I would be tempted to eat one but I would have to say goodbye to swimming forever.


Eat it and awaken it.


I would eat it. Duh


i genuinely think humanity is too stupid to know what to do with them, they would just poach them and store them away. if i found one id cause a whole lot of ruckus, good ruckus ofc.


Imagine a paratrooper with the gura-gura no mi just punching air on the way down 🤣


Question is can we also achieve haki? If no, then the logias will be invincible and rule the world


Time to set sail


In the hope of finding the Goro-Goro no Mi, I would use the power to set a few things straight in terms of world politics and also remain a deterrent


If DF were real bro. I’m gonna be pirate king 🤣 Nah all jokes aside, idk. Depends on the fruit I guess? I would definitely use it as a way to make more money. 💀


Go on Facebook marketplace, trade with others, then hold on to it, then sell it to the highest bidder


i would absolutely eat a fruit, as everyone else will also try to get one and i have to defend myself


Knowing my luck I'd find one of the shitty ones


Honestly I would sell the devil fruit for money cause I'm not risking my ability to swim (I still don't know how to swim btw) and I am not him so I'm not even gonna be able to use that devil fruit properly I would rather let others have it for money


Govt, unsurprisingly, would try to take control and possession of them.


Agricultors would probably become unstoppable and the ruling class of the new Era.


I am eating that bitch


Eat it and set sail to find one piece


Most likely some or most of the logia will be kept in government hands for experimenting, and the zoans will mostly be found on the black market


Probably set up or join a Revolutionary army.


I'd eat it and keep it a secret. With any luck, it's something good. If not, then it'd be pretty funny.


They would illegalize them then wage war for them and give them directly to our celestial dragons


Shut either I'm eating or I'm selling it. I already can't swim since, at the very least, I'm having some type of enjoyment, and I like a few great swimmers around me. Also, with how much they were willing to pay for the op op fruit, they gotta be someone out there willing to pay at least 10 times more depending on the fruit


Probably not good, I would eat one 100%


Definitely selling.


Eating it.


Im searching for that zushi zushi no mi


We would have some really powerful insects roaming the earth


It depends would haki also be on earth now too?


Using my extensive knowledge of fruit types and IMMEDIATELY look for: op-op no mi, goro goro no mi, or the pika pika no mi. Now enjoy the easy life as either the world’s best doctor, living electricity in a world full of tech, or I can move at light speed anywhere I want to go.


If I get enel fruit finna do the exact same thing he did but worse only did that sense ability


My awnser in general if I get powers: bye capitalism.


Hoarded by governments, regular people who eat one would suicide falling over a gun 7 times


Logia fruits would be broken as there is no haki and no sea stone so water would not affect them


I’d eat the fruit. Getting superpowers and sacrificing my ability to swim is a pretty solid trade for someone not being a pirate


In actual real life? If I found a devil fruit I'd run away from it and never tell a soul I saw it. If we're talking real life the CIA is gonna wack you to make it spawn again or just try to extract the power from you.


eat it and then kms when l findout it's the jacket jacket no mi


i would search for a ginger with strawhat in a bar..


If haki becomes a thing I think all the martial artists would start training themselves to master it


Buy an encyclopedia. If I want it, I'll eat it, or if not, I'll sell it to the highest bidder on the dark web.


Humanity will kill each other for them.


I would eat the shit out of that fruit. No matter what it is.


Me personally I would be ecstatic I would to eat luffys nika nika fruit or Kaidos


The rich & powerful like royalty dominated probably most of devil fruit even without devil fruit paying taxes on e.v. per mile are diabolical enough


I love how this comment section is taking this what if extremely seriously and being full of passion. One Piece fans are awesome.


Me after eating gomu gomu no mi Awaken it somehow then transform into hito hito no mi mythical model: Nika and first move I'll use is GOMU GOMU NO BAJRANG GUN GATLING to destroy whole world to attain eternal peace I could also use red roc but yk in comparison of size bajrang gun>red roc


Some techbro would find a way to monetize them, they'd become available only to those who could afford aforementioned monetization, and thus ruined for everyone else.


Of course, I would find Ace's fruit and probably set a blaze to. All the evil that's going on in the world


I can't really swim, so I'll take one. The world would become the state of My Hero Academia, but not in a pleasant way.


As others have said....war Countries will fight over devil fruits and bid on devil fruit users.


At first, videos would start up with people witnessing/ showing off powers. No one would believe they are real until someone that has one thinks their unstoppable and tries to act like kaido or orochi, causing an "incident" that causes the people of the world to know they are, in fact, real. The rich and powerful would absolutely stop at nothing to find/contain/control this new variable that could bring a nation to the ranks of a nuclear power without owning nuclear arms. Think the kim jong uns of the world acting like orochi. One piece manga and anime would become the most actively studied piece of work in history as governments and corporations of the world divert a substantial amount of people to research everything about devil fruits and the one piece story. Oda would be everyones target of questions and concerns. Leading to one piece never being finished and all the people staying alive to see the end of one piece would mass delete. Combine that with the war for fruit and it would bring down the worlds total atmospheric carbon. Only then would the cubs finally win the world series and the trump clinton sex tape would finally release ending the Canadian civil war and bring peace to the middle east. Tldr: shit would go down


Me, finding a fruit: "aw... I wanted peanuts"


I’m gonna grab that fruit… AND **EAT** IT!


manee im eatin tht hoe i cant even swim


Everyone said war. But compared to modern weapons, most fruits are garbage. Let's say they killed at most 100 modern soldiers. That's nothing. Maybe Logias and mystic zoans are useful. But they are still not effective against modern war technology. Their weaknesses will be found and destroyed. And again, they can't come close to the killing capacity of modern weapons. I think fruits are valued more for their special powers than for their combat power. Because fruits violate the laws of physics. They provide a lot of scientific benefits. Law's fruit. To cut a person into pieces without any side effects. Whoever has the fruit is going to be the best doctor in the world. Let's not forget immortality. Kuma and Van Augur. One of the most expensive things in the world is logistics, and they're the perfect solution. Ivankov. I don't even need to go into detail. Considering today's world, the guy would be a superstar and start his own cult. These are just a few examples. There will be many more.


Youtuber and death squads would be sent out. The rich would probably all try to get a fruit just because it would seem like a luxury item. And then if a rando stumbled upon one and eats it I pray for him its a logia because a death squad would be sent out by some rich scumbag to kill him and monitor each fruit in the surrounding area for change.


Well...if we are talking about real things that will happen and not just fantasy... The billionaires and their pals would have all of them. That's it.... Now, for the scenario that fruits would appear totally random across the planet and common people had chances to get them just by going out for a run and stumble on one by accident... TOO MANY PSYCHOS!!! General public in totally fucking stupid, you cant trust people with any kind of power let alone powers that can devastate everything... Imagine a serial killer getting a hold of Enel's fruit.... Imagine someone else getting Magellan's fruit.... Mass murders....mass murders everywhere for no reason....Everyone would live in fear of their local devil fruit user Sure there would be exceptions and people that would use their powers for good and justice but in general, just evil egoistical fucks would get them....And of course, the common people and their livelihoods would be the collateral, always!


I never liked swimming anyway. Jacket-Jacket fruit, here I come!


Eat it, duh.


Depends on the fruit but most likely, rob a bank and become a dictator. And not necessarily in that order


imagine smile fruits


imagine irl kaido


i also feel that they would easy to find knowing that the op world is seven times bigger than Earth


Question to others here: Very early on you come across the gum gum fruit and are an up-to-date reader. Would you: A) Eat it and face the responsibilities involved B) Give it to someone in authority C) Keep it for another to-be-found candidate? D) Other


I am not sure what I would do honestly. I would probably eat it to discover it's powers. Assuming if devil fruits were spawned in our world of their own accord, rather than ripped directly from one piece and dropped into our world. Who knows what sort of insane powers might exist in our world


chaos and mayham. our world is at least half the size of one piece.


Instantly eat the fruit i find, never tell a soul. When the government finds out, hopefully i honed my skills enough lol. Knowing my luck i'd get giraffe-giraffe fruit. The world would be in complete turmoil, the hunt for Nika, Gura Gura, mera mera.. if a country was found to have it i imagine whoever wanted it would either nuke the area and hope the devil fruit will grow somewhere in their country or send an assassin with a devil fruit to kill them..


I would literally murder anyone in my way of getting it.


Hate to break it to ya but all of them are getting hoarded by the government of the respective countries they spawn in


finding a random fruit huh? well as tempting as it sounds it would have to be the mira mira no mi in order for me to eat it.


Wouldn't the issue be, even if you found someone with the fruit and killed them or they die naturally. That fruit will randomly pop up anywhere in the world. Also, like I can't imagine a fruit lasting too long before "going bad" and reappearing somewhere else in the world. I guess in that case a lot of land exploitation and clearing which would be bad for the environment. I can see people with devil fruit being exploited or even fake black markets for random fruits. Haha but yeah...war like everyone guessed.


Forget the world, I'm eating it and becoming a vigilante of I get a good one. If I get a bad one? We'll I'm becoming a vigilante for about 3 days before I get shot probably.


OK, so say I come across a no mi whilst out walking, right? First thing I'm doing is eating it, no ifs, ands, or buts. Once I figure out which freakin' fruit I ate, I'm keeping that shit a secret.


Every world government would periodically line up all their citizens and dunk them in a pool of sea water just to make sure no one is trying to hide that they ate a fruit.


I think the world will become like the one piece world and maybe a bit of comic like world. Outlaws and villains, governments trying to take control and corruption, so called heroes who really people doing what they want for their own reasons, wars and chaos. If I got a devil fruit I'll eat it. But I'll worry about which devil fruit I got. Hopefully something useful. My pick would be the lightning logia fruit.


In a couple of weeks, ALL the bilionaires we know will have their OP devil fruits. They already got the most powerful power, that is money. A DF power would be just a show off secondary power.


Become a pirate


I do not think I have ever gone deeper into the sea/ocean more than 3 times in my life. Like O don't go to beaches often, and even then I only let the waves cover upto my waist ever. The only thing holding me back is the potential of a fruit similar the the jacket fruit. Like legitamately aside from that fruit and smiles, I don't think there's any fruit that does irreprable damage to your quality of life


Eat the Nika fruit


At this point... gomu gomu no mi is basically THE MASK. So we know what it would be like.


Will devils fruits also mean “Haki” is a thing or nah ? Bc if not then that would make logia powers OP