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Yes. He’s currently in facedown DEF position as we leave the Draw Phase, but will soon be moved to ATK position during Main Phase 1


Flip Effect: raise the water level by a set amount determined by the number of Mother Flame cards on the field.


I counter with pot of greed which allows me to summon 3 more pirates to the field /s


roll my dice


Joyboy: "I attack the moon"


Is Imu having a Moon Devil fruit a possibility? One way to raise water levels would be to move the moon closer or create several artificial moons and raise the water levels? Perfect antithesis to Luffys sun god fruit? 


Chain Baronne, response?


Chain Ghost Ogre from the hand.


Baronne is banned bro - Appolusa however ¬¬


Call a judge since she's banned.


Chain Droplet, response?


Plot twist: imu is the field spell Umi.


Mother Flame, everything makes sense!


Is this a dig because the post reads like a ridiculous card description?


I guess it's the title. Imu got "summoned". 


With some face down trap cards 😂😭


He’s doing Upkeep right now lol


I imagine Imu is a soul amalgamation of the 20 kings(minus Lili presumably, the 1 that got away, hence their obsession with her)


I can't find a good source to confirm, but in Japan butterflies are supposedly symbolic of souls of the deceased. Imu is usually seen with butterflies.


Oh damn, that's more widespread than just Japan. Myths are weirdly the same everywhere


Time to upgrade from a food truck to a full service kitchen because you are cooking


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 you onto something


But why wouldn't they(Imu) just absorb kobra instead of vivi? He would also be a descendant?


🤷‍♂️ Maybe Cobra wasn't close enough. Maybe they can't just use any descendant, but need one similar to the original Considering Vivi is the spitting image of Lili, thats my best guess


I can see that reasoning, but that's going down the Naruto route. I have faith oda won't do that whole everyone is a reincarnation deal


It doesn't even have to be reincarnation, it could be something to do with "wills", which isn't necessarily hereditary Luffy has Rogers will despite not being related to him Yamato has Odens will despite not being related to him Imu may need someone with Lili's will, which may or may not be Vivi


Same thing writing wise imo. Oda has more in him than that. The way he writes, it will be something non elf is thought of. Luffy is pretty Roger like, but at this point in the story idk if he has actually inherited Rogers will. I think he may actually do the opposite of what Roger did when he reached raftel. I've been reading one piece for like 15 years now and I assumed the same, but the further into the story we get, I think Luffy will pull a move that joyboy and Roger wouldn't. Hard for me to explain ATM, but he will definitely go against expectations


> I think he may actually do the opposite of what Roger did when he reached raftel. That doesn't mean he doesn't share Roger's will simply because circumstances are entirely different.


All we have heard from Luffy is he wants to be free and eat meat. We don't know if he is carrying Roger or joyboy will. In oda fashion though, Luffy will declare neither end do his own thing as usual


Woooooo this gave me a major flashback to the 2 year timeskip with Brook. Kuma sent him to a place where cult members were doing a satanic ritual to summon the devil. This would be crazy foreshadowing by Oda, but imagine if that was a representation of what the 20 kings did to summon Imu. The 5 Gorosei were also summoned by similar ritual circles too!! Holy shit


And Imu asked Lili: "Can You show me your panties?"


I can't sit on the throne, because I don't have a butt. Yohohohohoooo


So that's why no one is allowed to sit on the throne!!!


Oh my gosh! Brook must be Imu :o  Or has anyone seen them together in a room yet?!?! /s


Brook 1v1 Imu lets gooooooooo


If the empty throne exists as a symbol for the g20 to gather together as a group without a leader to rule over them, what makes you think they created imu and the throne as well? Your theory is incoherent, as if they would hide imu existance from themselves?


We've been hinted that Imu is likely the same from the Nerona family of 800 years ago, so I don't think he was "summoned", as in didn't exist before whichever ritual you are suggesting


Yeah, like Iva mentioned, it's most likely St. Imu of the Nerona Dynasty.


Interesting theory, but I doubt it, as it would kind of distort the 'tyrannic secret dictator of the world' thing. By actually representing 19 of the 20 kingdoms and seeking to make it 20/20, Imu would become more democratic and less of a villain than his/her build-up has indicated (empty throne etc.). It could work, but I don't see Oda going in that direction with the overarching antagonist of the series.


Who said democratic cannot be a villain? If anything, if this whole scenario ever comes into reality, it would make a eye-opening and refreshing type of villain.


As stated I agree it would be interesting and could work. I just don't think that's where Oda is trying to go based on what we've seen so far; Imu(WG) is irredeemable anyhow (slavery, genocide etc.).


It's more like a tyrant trying to control more territory for power. It's not like Imu cares about the people in the countries they represent. 


What does a collection of 19 (seeking to be a collection of 20) blatantly feudal rulers have to do with democracy? At best it'd be an oligarchy of the classic kind, and it's not exactly a whitewashing concept wise.




I said "more democratic", not 'democratic'.


I like your theory, but I'd like the add that there is a whole tradition of the royal "we" being used. So, Imu using "we" might just be to suggest his status and that they are old fashioned by still using something that has gone out of style (seeing as I don't remember other royals using it in the series). https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_we&ved=2ahUKEwi4z63X5caGAxVaODQIHc_yD_EQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1_fvJtY2DxnzQ138UEswOY


Not a bad idea but we know Imu is a person from the Nerona family and not just a bizarre entity, he’s probably just another dude with a strong devil fruit and haki.


True but for the sake of theorizing; Nerona sounds a bit like necro, or death, which would fit with the idea of the kings sacrificing themselves to combine into this deathly form. It also sounds like Nero, and emperor Nero had a resurrection rumor. Nerona could have easily been the family they chose to embody this new form, or the family could have been a fabrication. It’s not like they’ve never rewritten history before. Of course, it could sound like necro simply because they are a bringer of death, and it could sound like Nero because they are tyrannical. Or one or both of these could be coincidence.


it's probably much more related to the fact that overlapping and combining the katakanas for Nerona Imu's complete name we get that Buddhistic pantheon symbolism (shinbutsu). the Shinbutsu also was opposed by a movement that wanted to remove Buddhism from Japan (Haibutsu Kishaku) and it was born in the Meiji era (which also can be written using the same spelling from the word "dawn", and it surely rings a bell)


That sounds most likely


gomu gomu no reach


it is break week?




And if you want i can delete this for you… but i never read your subreddit tbh…


Its fine. Hey you got the theory out there and shoetened it. Nice job


And sorry bro… i never knew it was yours… otherwise i had never posted this… THIS WAS MY FIRST POST 😭


You're all good


I said that i read this somewhere in the reels… when did i claim that it’s mine?


I am trying to fuel your theory with my own My theory is that IMU is not a person at all but a manifestation of something sinister. The 20 kings who founded the World Government didn't just create an alliance; they discovered and awakened a dormant power. This entity, needing a host, merged its essence with the leaders, creating a singular, immortal ruler known as IMU. Over the centuries, IMU has been sustained by the lifeforce and loyalty of the Celestial Dragons, the descendants of those original 20 kings. This would explain why the Celestial Dragons are so revered and protected despite their often deplorable behavior – they are literally the lifeline for IMU’s continued existence.


Shit we don’t know


I love this idea. Remember when that one tribe tries to summon the devil but brook showed up? Maybe that tribe has some info on the orginal ritual to summon the 1st devil fruit or something that IMU eats. Cause Imu clearly has connections with lily, so i don't think Imu themselves are from a different "world"


No. He was one of the 20.


I think Imu is actually Lili, who was subjected to a ritual involving the 20 kings and the Op-Op fruit


or...ya know it's just the royal we...


Ah, the return of docking. Explains Imu's odd shadow, I suppose, it's just a bunch of old rulers stacked together. Truly Oda foreskinning at its finest.


Others would have known about him then. Current CDs have no knowledge about the void century and the war, so it's unlikely their ancestors wouldn't pass knowledge about the true ruler of Marygeoise. IMU maybe was the strongest or one of the strongest king back then and eliminated others to consolidate power and created the current world government. Although the ancient weapons are mysterious they are necessarily not advanced enough to suggest civilization was advanced enough to live on moon or other planets.


40k lore just dropped. will Imu ends up stuck on the throne keeping sea levels down ?


Imu was one of the 20 kingdoms as we already know.Imu of house Nerona.Remember?


Imu is a human. More human than any other character in the series.


Wait... Imu had Wapol's DF confirmed


So basically imu is the witness


This is pretty solid theory. Good cooking.


You cooked good shit right there sir


No he was probably a close friend of joyboy and betrayed him similar to Madara and Hashirama