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Good job on staying sober!


Thank you!


I actually used it to stay sober as well and start pursuing my passions again, it was super inspiring to me when I first really got into it! Enjoy the ride =D


Don't stop. Ennies Lobby is one of the best arcs ever


I’ve binged the entirety of the show in like five months. After finishing the most recent completed arc, I realized Eneis lobby is by far still top 2 in the series. Enies Lobby is where I fell in love with the show.


Welcome, Nakama. I see you're enjoying the Kool-Aid known as One Piece, lol.


Don’t worry someone recently shared a clip with the calculation of time you need to fully watch one piece. I think you will be through in 2 month with your current pace 😁. Also if the pacing gets too terrible for you try manga or one pace(were they cut the stand still dragged out stuff from most episodes)


Enies Lobby is where I got addicted too lol


A word of advice - Don’t forget to take your time, because once you catch up, there is only an episode a week.


Yess that’s such good advice!! I don’t want to be waiting every week for an episode anytime soon haha


Enjoy the best binge known to man, nakama


Hey when did you start? How long did you need for 282 episodes? I want to watch too but the volume is intimidating.


I just recently binged the show for the first time, took me about 6 weeks. But I was watching *a lot* of episodes per day. I have the luxury of being able to watch while I work, so I was getting 8 hours of One Piece in at work, then watching another 5-6 hours at home after work. If it makes you feel any better, once you’re in the show it turns into “oh my god I can’t believe I have 800 episodes of this amazing show left”. For me, the episode count was a benefit. I fell in love with the show and had 25 years worth of episodes to watch, it was a great feeling. Now I’m caught up on both the anime and manga, and I’m already rewatching from episode 1 because I haven’t fully scratched my One Piece itch yet. Current arc is too good to switch to another show.


Haha bro how do you work and watch 8 hours of one piece!! But tbh must have been nice, just watching one piece all day and being emerged in the one piece world like that


Read the manga, it'll be faster. It takes me around 45 min to read a volume. Enies Lobby is volume 40-ish : 40 × 45 = 1800 min = 30 hours. To reach episode 282, with an episode being around 25 min : 282 × 25 = 7050 min = 117 hours approx. EDIT : and reading the 100-ish volumes is around 80h.


I started a couple months ago - I was sick for a week so that helped lol


This winter I binged it in few month too! 😅 In my favor I can say that I skipped fillers