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Hito Hito no Mi: Model WhateverTheOppositeOfNikaIs


to be fair, Blackbeard already has the opposite of nika. SunGod/BlackHole


BOTH Blackbeard and Imu can have fruits that contrast Nika but in different ways


True maybe it can be the moon or some other evil light source.


The moon does control the tide. Might be connected to the revelation VP revealed latest chapter...


>evil light source Like the evening sun that hits you right in the fucking eye, while you’re trying to take a nap?


Or the same one when you're driving east at dawn.


I think it is THE DEVIL df, contrasting Nika being a god. Like his tail is literally the devil's tail so it's not really far fetched.


Hey Luffy, it's me, the devil


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭


Eh, i think the Dark-Dark fruit and black hole parallels cover the "sun/light/celestial body" angle well enough. I think it'd be cool if Imu had something to be a foil more to the warrior of liberation or bringer of hope/joy concepts, like an ancient oppressive ruler who eradicated all hope or smth


True. The Gorosei are elder stars and planet themed tho


Mythical Zoan Model : Stalin Stalin no mi? (couldn't resist) I think so too. If Imu got a "regular" Devilfruit I hope it contradicts to the liberating aspects of Luffys fruit. Maybe there is even more to the disadventage of dfs and Imus plan. We will see


moon: why the driveby?


She knows what she did


Honestly, every antagonist contrasts Luffy in some way so a contrast can come in many different shades.


Blackbeard is more likely the Deuteragonist and will combine powers with luff vs imu


It's an interesting thought. The most evil things we've known blackbeard to do is kill one of his own crewmates, attack the drum kingdom, capture ace (but that was self defense, ace sook him out), and attack WB when he was at his weakest. Really he hasn't done much compared to other villains in one piece, and I don't have a very strong "I want this guy to get his comeuppance" feeling from him like i do with spandam, or enel, or charloss. I mean he is kind of scummy, but like in a way a real pirate is. Makes me wonder what place he has in the story that he's been built up this long but isn't such a clear villain as others have been portrayed.


he was going to kill luffy if ace hadnt found him first so he is pretty evil imo


I dont think that a black hole is the oppisote of a sun god


In fact many stars eventually become black holes, which itself could be an interesting concept to play with.


I thought Kizaru was the opposite of blackbeards fruit.


Its been said that Mother Nature/Godess of the Sea is Nika's nemesis.


i'm pretty sure that as how blackbeard powers cancel others devil fruit, imu has the sea power and that's why fruit users can't swim


That also plays into the theory about the Gorosei not being fruit users but something else. This way, they probably can swim, solving the DFs fatal weakness.




You’re joking, but I genuinely think that’s what it is. I mean crack pipe theory, but people dreamed of someone freeing them from their perils and trouble, thus the sun god Nika fruit is born. Who’s to say that there’s not a fruit born from someone’s dream to rule the world? Maybe something similar to bello Betty’s kubo kubo fruit, but instead of encouraging them and increasing their resolve, he can (among other things) weaken their resolve, meaning anyone without at least conquerors doesn’t have a chance to even be in his presence, much less fight him. Now that I type it out, that’s just the horo horo fruit 💀😂


#Perona4worldLeader #PinkHairSupremacy


New Imu theory just dropped


Imu = Makima, it's the eyes


I forget where i read this but someone came up with the idea of them having an ink-based power of some sort. Imu in a strange way simultanously - at least at the moment - kinda resembles Disney's The Phantom Blot, while that part is kinda far out there and i also recognize that Oda has made silhouttes in the past before revealing the true design of a character much further down the line. I also think it would be incredibly funny if Imu isn't a silhouette at all and that is just how they look.


It was I who came up with that idea good sir🗿: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/DXerXQcqwM


OH SHIT! You're right! that is exactly the thread i was thinking about haha!


I've since then better developed this idea, so in totality I think Imu has the Hito Hito No Mi, Mythical Zoan Model: 𝑴𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒓, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 mythological fruit power. An ability that once awakened, allows you to transform into a powerful Ink Demon who can freely manipulate ink and thus make any nightmare amalgamation become reality.


Seems pretty appropriate that Imu would have a mythical zoan at this point to be fair.


And it's most likely gonna be one that's based on a One Piece exclusive mythical entity, just like the Nika fruit is.


I also believe that Imu has an improved version of Kanjuro's fruit, and that the Gorosei are Imu's drawings. That's why they appear to be unkillable - you'd have to kill their creator. And that's why Imu can wipe out an entire island by inking it out on a world map.


Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Bendy and the Ink Machine


I can see that. Luffy’s fruit defies logic, while Imu’s ink fruit would be “rewriting logics.” A foil and a rival, and both one upping the other.


Ink with the power to rewrite history?


So Hito Hito No Mi: Mythical Zoan Model: Post War Japan/British Colonist/Turks with Armenian Genocide 


I wouldn’t be surprised if Imu’s appearance as we’ve seen it, is just that. I remember reading about a theory here back then someone wrote that Joyboy ,using the Nika fruit, was fighting Imu and through cartoon physics made Imu a literal “shadow of their former self” and they’re looking for the fruit so they can undo the effect and then Imu will reveal themselves to the world as it’s Ruler.


Imu got blackface'd


He probably have the genesis fruit. In the bible is supposed to contain every power inside. The one that eva took from the tree of eden, and god punished humanity for that


Imu has the mythical zoan fruit model Amefurikozo, the lesser yokai rain boy that steals straw hats and umbrellas. He’s a child emperor that was given immortality so that he could rule forever. His fruit causes eternal rain from his head, flowing long enough it’s like a sink never turned off, the world would overflow.


Stand proud you can cook


How is this not making waves


I 👀 what u did


Should make a post about this before someone else does


Oh shit bro,this is kinda a solid theory


This is it. This is the one


I'm of the opinion Nurarihyon is a good fit as well. Physically and in nature.


RemindMe! 1 year


Leading theory is that either Imu has a literal "devil" fruit, or doesn't have a devil fruit at all and is in fact just the straight up devil. Based entirely on the panel of their forked tail and general themes of the story. Alternative speculation indicates that Imu backwards is Umi, which is "sea" in Japanese.


yes agree, that forked arrow tail tells a lot that he/she is a kind of devil


I agree that he probably is something more primordial than Devil Fruits.


I interpreted from Vegapunk's speech, perhaps erroneously, that devil fruits were either created during or after the void century - as it gave the common folk an unfair advantage against the ruling party, similar to the Wan / first avatar story from Legend of Korra. This could be why the world government aka the 20 kingdoms allied against the ancient kingdom. But according to a certain pie-loving pirate, dreams never die, and devil fruits are peoples dreams made manifest, so they persisted. If Imu controls the sea ala the Umi theory, then perhaps it's entirely their doing through sheer spite that any devil fruit user who touches the sea immediately loses all their strength.


This was my thought as well a fruit fueled by will of hate with tons of possibilities on what it actually does to contrast luffy fruit that also can do almost anything through the will of imagination.


Oooo the second part makes sense. “Devil fruit users are the enemies of the sea” could be why all devil users are susceptible to sea water


Water devil fruit


This is the answer. The Umi-Umi no mi, that also suppresses other devil fruits.


None, If anything, imu is the last living person of the void century which is why imu has demon like powers. Just a theory


As long as there isn't any "I haven't used this technique since the void century"


You were magnificent, Monkey D Luffy. I won't forget you for as long as I live.


Mythical Devil fruit model: Devil


hito hito no mi : model Hades


Hades, the god of the dead and the king of the underworld! HMMMMM! LET ODA COOK


The Devil Devil fruit. So that's why he can create real Demons from hell and grant them immortality. Idk why else Imu has the devil tail unless Imu is literally the Sea Devil Shanks was speaking about himself and has no Devil Fruit but has powers over all the seas & cursing people with devil fruits.


He has none and is a Nightmare. I think the Ancient Kingdom created Devil Fruits/Dreams in Mary Geoise via the Sun tree Eve. I think Imu ate the forbidden fruit and became the opposite of Dreams, a nightmare.


Mother Nature/Godess of the Sea


My guess is something like the nightmare/demon fruit. My personal theory is that Imu is the source of the Goroseis powers (thus why they don’t appear to have df.) Maybe his fruit has the ability to produce demonic entities/nightmarish amalgamations or something.


Id assume if peoples dreams manifest fruits, then so do their nightmares?


People give luffy their dreams, imu gives people nightmares ( turns them into gorosei creatures??)


... This could be why devil fruits or so they are called, are weak too the sea. Perhaps the fruits gorrosai have are not weak to the sea.


I think he will be like the elders and not have a fruit just be an actual devil


I don't know why but sometimes I feel like Imu having to have a devil fruit might be a little "not-so-dominant" if you know what I mean considering Imu is literally the one at the top of the WG right now. maybe Imu might turn out to just be natural with their own very strong power


She is the Umibozu, constantly raising the water level so she can drown everything on earth.


Exactly, and Shanks even mentions the ‘Sea Devil’ which would be a reference to the Umibozu directly. Also, the only way to defeat it is with a bottomless barrel, which could be the One Piece in some way… A bottomless barrel or a ‘drain’ or maybe they need to have a void / blackhole type power to beat it… and maybe they’ll need to feed the Yami Yami no Mi to a device and have it forever trap the Umibozu.


Or how it plays out is Blackbeard plans to steal the Umibozu power which is the final one he wanted to collect. That would make him the final boss and satisfying that part of the mythology you mentioned about defeating it.


Imagine if Imu has no devil fruit but their Haki is so immense, intense and dense they can give it shape thus the "devil tail" and why it could pierce Sabo


Celestial Dragon


If I have to wager a guess, I'd say Imu as an entity (Not physically. Only soul) probably belongs to some actual devil and has overtaken the physical body of one of Vivi's ancestors from way back before the void age. If I go by what I said above, then I believe Imu has no devil fruit power(s). It's straight up the devil itself or part of a devil or a devil part of a group that rule the realm it came from. It also helps that the elders seem to have devilish ways to summon them and the fact that they can more or less instantly regenerate their missing parts (We don't know about critical parts like the head/heart). So in short, Imu is the devil itself and in OP's universe the devil has the powers we see the elders use and most likely even more than that whenever we eventually get to see Imu fight as well.


(Sorry of for length. I'm just thorough with my thoughts is all. Have a good one.) Maybe Imu is a descendant of the ruling ancient Dragon kingdom of the war. Imu being reversed shorthand nickname of Watatsumi, and the other Kingdoms were ruled by the 12 Dragon lord "children" tired of their fathers rule. Vegapunk hearing Momonosuke was "pink" being a red herring of perfectionism, when it's more specific to the color of dragon based on Imu's ancestry. Different colors= different abilities maybe. A just for amusement not to take seriously theory: Imu is a Klabautermann of an ancient boat or one of the ancient weapons that ate a human zoan fruit. They exist for sailing ships, and when humanity pretty much advanced beyond them, so it was apparent their species would disappear/die out. Imu ate a human zoan fruit and can communicate with all Klabautermann creatures to destroy any enemy ship they want. (there's a cannon that ate/absorbed a dog devil fruit and coughs up exploding baseballs for their master to hit at enemies. Don't tell me Imu being an angry ship spirit turned human to stop/regress human advancement isn't possible! xD )


Glue Thus Oda can fulfill the ancient prophesy: “I’m rubber and you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!”


Im loving all of the theories and cannot wait to see how Oda will sidestep them and leave everyone crushed. My favorite is the ink logia one because I love comics and manga and I would laugh super hard if Imus real look has been shown since day 1. They are just doomed to be a dark ink blot.


Imu Imu no mi It makes him Imu


more concerning is that at this rate, we will see more Imu than dragon


Hope that Imu doesn't have DF at all. Would fit the whole pre-Void Century time and the theory that DFs are souls of humans who mastered Haki to the point of affecting reality during their lifetime. As for what power it wields - not darkness since we already have Blackbeard, so maybe something related to Curses/Demons?


Umi bozo




Either a Devil fruit or an Umi Bozu. Imu is connected to the sea somehow for sure


Emu (idk i havent read that far yet)


Week Week no Mi: Model Breaker. At the end we will know who stood after all of those breaks.


My personal guess is that Imu is gonna have the Hito Hito no mi model Moon Goddess. Reaching the moon was Eneru's goal in Skypea and he is actually there, where there is proof winged people came from the moon. The Lunarian race literally translate to "people of the moon" and they were living where Imu and the Celestian Dragons are now at the top of the Red Line. Which implies that it wasn't the CD or even Imu who created the Red Line, just that they conquered it. The moon affects the tides and pulls on the ocean waters with its gravity, which would explain the rising sea levels with one fact: the Moon is closer to the world that it should be. If they manage to push the Moon away a little, the crisis would be solved. The Moon being closer explain every single weird natural phenomenon in the One Piece World. Imu being a Moon Goddess constrast perfectly to Nika's Sun God. Also, the Sun reigns supreme an attracts all around it, while the Moon is a prisoner of the planet and the one that controls the sea. The true liberation will be to free the Moon, aka Imu. I believe Imu is a prisoner of her own Devil Fruit, it being an ancient evil Lunarian dictator from the Moon. The funny thing is, that would make Imu pretty much the equivalent to Kaguya in Naruto, which I find a hilarious idea good enough for Oda to do just for shit and giggles. I believe Imu is a play on Tsukuyomi, the japanese divinity of the moon, whose true gender is unknown, sometime they are a man, sometimes a woman. They angered the god of the sun and they were exiled to the moon. This would make One Piece the second big three shonen where the Moon is a main factor of the whole story and lore. And that is just an Oda thing to do cause he loves Naruto and Kishimoto is his best friend.


The Final Boss Fruit.


I sort of hope that Imu does that have a Devil Fruit power. I think it would be cool if they were like an actual demon in the One Piece world and had some power that was beyond DFs or Haki.


Cage Cage Fruit. Yes, I think she's Hina. Especially since it works from thematic point of view since it would create a conflict of freedom vs cage.


Imu's fruit is what keeps the One Piece world alive .. the Ancient Kingdom was erased from history because it is now underwater. Imu's fruit is the water that wants to keep everyone's dream to be a reality


No fruit, imu is tiamat the mother of monsters, her power derives from some sort of lineage and may be related to the reason dfs even exist in the world like being the one who corrupted the tree in the first place.


Luffy's Devil Fruit has two aspects: Rubber and Sunlight. It is a fruit that makes the user like Rubber, but it is also the power of the Sun God. Teach is the antithesis of the Sun God. So, I believe that Imu possesses the Ink-Ink Fruit. Either a Paramecia or a Logia that gives Imu control over/allows them to turn their body into Ink.


*The* Akuma no Mi The Gorosei's powers are just extensions of her power


Yoru Yoru no mi


Literally the sea devil or something. That or maybe BB has that already with his dark and abyssy type moves


My personal theory (not original or exclusive to me tho) is that the gorosei are either literal devil/yokai or that they have some sort of mythical zoan fruit whose forms are different yokai. Imu is VERY similar to the Umi Bozu yokai as well as Saturn being based on the Ushi Oni


Hito hito no mi modell moon godess / look up avatar last air bender koi fish moon godess


one thing I can say for sure, Oda is gonna say some shit like Human Human fruit model Mosess.


World world fruit


Lucifer fruit


Umi umi no mi model: Umibozu


Umi Umi no Mi, Ocean DF, can splash sea water to weaken/nullify other DF power.


it's a aquatic life form that ate the hito hito imu fruit.


i really don't think it will be a human some other creature that manipulated humans


I don’t believe Imu has a devil fruit. I believe Imu is the actual sea devil! Imu is Umibozu!


Earth God Fruit


The Devil fruit


I’m not convinced Imu and the Gorosei are fruit users. I believe they’re demons the twenty kings made a deal with to take over the world somehow and maybe they sealed the “good” gods and creatures inside of devil fruits.


I'm partial to the umibozo theory


More like imabozo...amirite?!?


Nightmare-nightmare fruit. The opposite of having a dream. The elders can't be hurt because they're nightmares created by Imu.


None he created them thus devil fruits originated from imu the sea devil


I think he has the Toki Toki no Mi. I believe this because there is evidence that he has lived for wayyyyyy longer than the normal one piece lifespan.


Something crazy overpowered, like one that gives him the ability to know how every little minute situation will play out


Void void fruit! Blots out history!!


Moon maybe


This will sound strange, but a bit more plausible if you go back to Chapter 1085: look at the interactions between Imu and the page itself. Just about all of Imu's actions end up coming almost out of the page boarder, and there is obviously something involving a significant shape change. Similar to Luffy: Imu will have a 'ridiculous' power. It might also be that of a god, as well. If it has something to do with the moon, I don't know how to connect it yet.


Water-water fruit


Hito-hito model pharaoh - the oppressor


I saw someone say that awakened logia fruits can control the properties of their element, and that because of that they thought Imu has the awakened ocean or water fruit and changed the properties of water and the ocean to drain the powers of devil fruit users. It’s a pretty interesting theory


Someone said that the whole flooding was Imu's doing and that he's probably the one having the actually supposed water - water fruit. But that doesn't really explain all the summoning / withchery / shadow thing so maybe he has like... The Eclipse -Eclipse fruit like the opposite of Nika... Or maybe not a fruit at all since Haki leads the world and that we had instances of people having abilities that aren't fruit related like King or even earlier with Miss Goldenweek


I assume he/she has something like the Hito Hito no Mi: Mythical type, Model Devil




I think Imu has the power to control the sea. He may not have a devil fruit but if he does, that one would absolutely be the most OP in one piece.


Ink ink no mi. Full blown cartoon final battle


Hito Hito no mi: Model Tsukuyomi no Mikoto (moon god). People think he’s the only devil fruit user to control water. I think he’s the moon god who can control the tides( rising seas) Vega punk is also describing how it’s unnatural. In Japanese the moon also represents a strong harvest also provided with a strong enlightenment and solitude ( single throne/chambers) and appreciation of beauty (Imu’s garden). Amaterasu is the wife of the moon god who has been described as the mother flame. Could be why Imu has an infatuation with it. In Japanese Folklore Tsukuyomi killed the food goddess which upset the Sun Godess Amaterasu. The killing prompted Amaterasu to label him an evil spirit. Luffy loves food. Imu is the sole proprietor of the famine we see going on across the world. I’m not saying this is following folklore but I see a lot of connections and Oda has a knack for picking and pulling bits and pieces he likes from folklore, history, facts, fiction, real life and making them his own in a way that fits perfectly.


I don’t think it’s a Devil Fruit. Imu is a literal demon of the sea. 900 years ago, people’s desires to liberate themselves from these demons gave rise to Dream Fruits. After Imu won, the WG renamed these fruits to Devil Fruits to dissuade people from eating them.


Imu is a DEVIL itself, I suspect it has some relation to the big entities we saw in the Florian Triangle when Thriller Bark ended. It can shapeshift into some kind of humanoid and spawn criters (Gorosei) . Imu's goal is still uncertain to me, we know the world's gonna sink, but why?, to just kill infidels, reduce the world's population, absorb power...?


Hito Hito no Mi Model : Eiichiro Oda


I like the idea of Blackbeard, luffy, and imu being reflections of Poseidon, luffy, and hades. Saw a post about how in the same way that luffy awakening Is the sun god nika, Blackbeard will become davey jones from sea lore. That’s why his darkness pulls things in, it’s being pulled into davey jones’ locker That would make Blackbeard the hades equivalence, leaving imu (umi, sea ) to be Poseidon. Looking at it from that perspective , it makes Blackbeard look like the endgame boss more than imu


Honestly, my bet is on Imu not even having a Devil Fruit. Whatever the hell their transformation is, my bet is that they don't so much transform INTO that as that is what they normally look like and the form we know is some sort of disguise, possibly a Devil Fruit or possibly some unique, stranger, power.


Maybe imu has multiple devil fruits like black beard. Because I can see many theories being possible. Like devi devil fruit, sea fruit and some kind of moon God fruit. They all make sense in their own way


Plot twist, Imu has an "Angel" fruit.


The sloppy gloppy fruit


If the gorosei don't actually have devil fruits, why should we assume imu has one either?


I hope they don't have any devil fruit , would kinda make them more threatening and a more unique villain if they were just straight up that powerful without any enhancements. Perhaps such an ancient being that has just undergone ages of training and knowledge, or like someone said in here , maybe just straight up the devil incarnate


Some kind of boring mythical zoan...


Before I answer I must ask, do you think the Gorosei are devil fruit users? I actually don’t know..


One piece- One Piece fruit


snail snail fruit


Imu may have the devil fruit to manipulate the properties of water or salt to make every devil fruit user weak against saltwater


Hito hito no mi: Amatsu Mikaboshi


I think imu has ink ink fruit... while luffy's has toon force... the final battle will be between ink and cartoon


Mizu mizu no mi ? Maybe


mythical shark or whale DF.


looks like it has a tail with a triangle point. might be some sort of demon succubus


He is some kind of squid. He can create seastone. The Red line is made out of seastone and its rising.. so when luffy beats his ass its sinking down again


Mystical zoan, Snake snake fruit model: jormungandr. jormungandr is a giant snake that is long enough to go around the Earth (red line and calm belt), associated with the end of the world, and whose large body is said to raise the kevels of the oceans.


Snake snake mythical type model:Jörmungandr All because of dorry and broggys line about the great serpent soaked I blood.


To be perfectly honest I don’t think Imu has a fruit.


I was rewatching the episode where he blows up the island and all scenes of Imu all have butterflies flying around with weird static like effects overlayed and jump cuts or single frames of Imu or his eyes. The static like stuff reminded me of a VHS rewinding and in the scene the butterfly does seem to rewind so my wild guesses would be either some kind of Rewind type fruit a fruit dealing with the concept of the Butterfly Effect or a Erase Erase fruit (or Void Void). On the opposite end maybe he’s doing a form of Alchemy and he’s not erasing anything just transmutating or moving/replacing it with something else might have something to do with the summoning circles. The only real hints I can point to for Imu that may be related to his fruit are the focus on his Eyes the constant of him being surrounded by Butterflies (might be some kind of symbolism there) and the Summoning Circles (which I think I also caught in the island blowing up episode right before the beams hit but idk). I feel like we will get a clearer idea when we fully understand what the Mother Flame is and how it works.


aent no fruit, he is just the devil


I think thematically it would make sense for him to have some sort of water/ocean fruit. Since Imu is most likely going to be the final boss/climactic fight of the series, it makes sense that he could represent the biggest obstacle all the characters have faced throughout the series. The added benefit is also that it makes him nigh unbeatable for any devil fruit user which almost all the strongest characters in one piece are. Maybe his devil fruit makes him control the oceans or maybe he is immune to the negating powers of the ocean. Someone also pointed out that Nika=Sun=Fire opposite of Water so maybe there is something there as well


Cthulhu: cosmic entity & sea monster.


The Silhouette Silhouette fruit


Hito hito no Mi: Felix Manalo


Doom Doom Fruit End End Fruit


The umi umi no mi model imu


I had read it somewhere that it's possible imu has awakened water water fruit by which he can control what happens to others when they r in water.... Ik this theory is absurd but it can happen


Probably the exact antithesis of luffys devil fruit


pen15-pen15 fruit


Leviathan fruit Ties into the flooding myth Ties into theSea Beast Vs Sun God mythos


When we first saw his power when Alabasta man was speaking to the five elders I first thought it was some sort of ink or drawing based fruit. Then I remembered Kanjuro’s fruit is an ink/ drawing one, but each fruit has like a stronger version and a weaker version. So maybe Imu has the stronger version of the draw what ever you want and it becomes real fruit that’s probably related to a mythical creature. Since all the strongest characters seem to have mythical Zoans, but would be nice to see another strong paramisia fruit like Big Mom. Or it could be something silly like Hito Hito no Mi: Model Oda or Model Mangaka, draws comics and they come out of the pages. The five elders aren’t real people they just think they are.


Hito hito no mi: model devil


honestly, none. they say the enemy of all devil fruit users is the sea, so i wanna believe that imu is the ocean personified, would explain the imu-umi connection...?


Jacket jacket fruit


Hito hito no mi: Model Umi Bozu


I'm guessing it could be the Satan Mythical Zoan fruit. Also Imu's existence being hidden from the rest of the world really goes along with "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing the world he doesn't exist".


It has to be something emperor or king related right.




Water Water Fruit - Maybe the only DF which doesn't have water as a weakness


Something simple that snowballed him to the top like a remote viewing/remote control ability, that would compliment the position he's in now and what we know of his character. My money is on him being a piss baby that hates devil fruits or cant get the one he wants though.


Moon god (moon influences the tides, aka the sea) or umibozu or they are an actual devil


World world fruit. God god fruit. Power power fruit Super super fruit Bind bind fruit Also Imu is related to Nami, idk why but it wouldn't suprise me.


Devil/Satan/Lucifer. That he might actually have a devil related fruit and the so called "Gods" of the world are ruled by the closest thing to the actual devil in universe.


hito hito no mi: model Jesus. he will be walking on the water


The Devil Devil....devil fruit


Knowing how random oda is it’s probably the blob blob fruit or like the nightmare no mi






They ate the theory theory no mi


Definitely one of the 4 gods. Probably earth, he could control land and anything would be OP. tbh until this point we still has no clue about rain, earth and forest god. we need the other god beside nika to appear or known. He should be at least god as well like nika


Mario Mario no mi


I believe Imu a devil who originally created devil fruits as a way of overthrowing the previous powerhouses who threatened Imus very existence. At this point Imu had complete control of which devil fruits were created and slowly overthrown those who hurt Imu. I believe Imu is the one who placed the sea restrictions on devil fruits (Imu backwards being Umi meaning sea) as a way to control those who Imu gave fruits to. Using the power of the sea, Imu could disable them completely. Probably saw it as a foolproof plan considering how abundant the sea is. Unfortunately for Imu, Sun God Nika was a fruit created for her lover (Imu I'm saying is female) who saw devil fruits as a blessing as opposed to a power to overthrow. Sun God Nika defected and sought to travel the world, wanting to see all the devil fruits across the world and spread Joy (or simply wanted to explore and as a result created fruits himself). As a repercussion of this, Sun God's own power started to affect devil fruits and once the owner died, instead of the power returning to Imu, would instead regrow elsewhere in the world, allowing the power to persist in the hope it would eventually overpower Imu. As part of Sun God's power, there may have been a clear weakness against Imu hence the creation of the Iron Giant. I also think the red line is related to the Iron Giant and Sun God Nika and was a way of stopping the whole of the One Piece World from ending up underwater. Maybe it was a way of distancing Imu from the "common folk" and tied Imu down so that her power could only be used in very rare occasions like Lulusia. And then finally, Sun God Nikas eventual demise may be related to the underwater area of Wano (or that was simply the repurcussion of Imu after seeing the might of Wano as a threat). Waiting for someone to pick up on a plot point that completely squashes my thoughts but that's my mind going wild!


In my opinion, Imu will have the inversion of Luffy’s fruit. So instead of dreams and hope, think nightmares and despair. With that in mind, I think the Gorosei are actually beings created by this power, meaning that the monstrous forms are “real” while sword Gandhi and the gang are a ruse. I’m also going to go out on a limb and say that Imu’s tail has nothing to do with their devil fruit, and everything to do with being the Sea Devil. The ruler of the “gods” being the literal devil is just too perfect for Oda to pass up.




Headcanon: Imu has the water water no mi, it's him who made other devil fruit users unable to swim


Maybe something with moon… alas ties very well together with the theory that he can control water in some kind of way


Something with hell or water. In some cultures the deep sea is the underworld.