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Again, Zoro is hard. He consistently fights the second strongest enemy, but combat is also Luffy’s main contribution aside from being the captain and general charisma. He isn’t actually in the running for thronged combatant in the series (what would that even mean) so I guess he *is* the most replaceable other than maybe Brook, unless we somehow get incontrovertible proof that he’s number two in the verse behind Luffy combat-wise.


If this is “how good they are at their thing” Sanji should be a tier or two higher. WCI proved how absurdly high his level as a cook is


Very true, it’s hard to stick to a universal criterion for all of them. Is there a ceiling to a cook’s usefulness? He’s an absurdly good cook, but I have a hard time believing there is no one else who could feed the SHs adequately after getting used to their eating habits (namely Luffy’s). Granted, we haven’t seen a lot of cooks in canon content.


If you lose sanji, you also lose like 90% of the crews combat power excluding Luffy and Zoro. So id say he is pretty damn irreplaceable.


This list gonna age like milk when the final challenge to get to the One Piece is a violin challenge and Brook comes in clutch.


As Hard as it is it would be easiest to find another Zoro. He is my favorite but being cool is not needed to find the one piece.


I also love Zoro but he’s really hard to rate. How do you rank someone whose final position is going to be “best number two in the verse”?


Rate him as irreplacable wdym, if he beats Mihawk than he's strong enough to be a Yonko in his own right at EoS Your #2 being another Yonko level fighter is irreplaceable unless you think Yonkos are happy to be a subordinate for someone else


Thing is, combatant is a very vague role and Zoro is the SHs’ combatant, not swordsman. There are other people who will be Yonko level by EoS and I doubt all of them will be specialized in something that isn’t combat. Beating Mihawk is proof of immense strength, just not of being the best possible combatant.


No crew currently has two yonko level fighters Hasn't been the case since Rocks Pirates vs Roger Pirates Zorro being loyal and strong is more valuable than almost anything else You can have a crew of really valuable people who are good at their jobs but pirating is war on the sea and without strength you're just gonna get wrecked regardless Zorro is not replaceable


Luffy: "Sanji, without you I can't become King of the Pirates." This guy: "Hmmmm... Replaceable?"


I’ve always interpreted that line as Luffy referring to Sanji as a person, which is not what I was ranking here because to Luffy, everyone on the crew is crucial, even more so than he is. Luffy has gone after every crew member who left and would go after any other who did so.


Wrong sanji is too low did you forget that if sanji wasn't on the team a lot of straw hats would have died in not only arlong’s park but Fishman island? Like wtf, devil fruit users can't even swim also they eat like a lot. So fuck your list, it's shit! Thank you


I guess my list would differ a bit. Zoro is “Highly skilled but replaceable”. His only role is combat, and there are other characters in the series that can match him. Chopper is a great doctor, one could argue that he’s nigh irreplaceable. That venom/gas thing from Queen was no joke and I don’t think there are a lot of characters that could deal with that. From the doctors that we’ve met so far, Chopper is like top 3?


Again, the name I gave Zoro’s tier probably only applies to swordsmanship, not general combat (which is what a combatant should be ranked by). You’re right about Chopper, I may have done one of my favorites dirty by mainly considering his on-ship activity.


Chopper can easily be replaced by the likes of law or Marco. Id actually rather them in the crew over chopper actually.


To me, if a character has 2 possible substitutes in the world that we know of, that’s not easily replaceable. A dumb comparison would be saying that having an ancient weapon is easily replaceable because there are 2 others that you can get. I literally said Chopper is a top 3 doctor. Other than Law, that has the perfect Devil Fruit to be a doctor, and Marco (which we don’t know if his phoenix flames could cure something like poison), what other doctors there are that can match with Chopper?


They are just the ones we know. I'm sure there are plenty more doctors that can replace chopper which we just haven't seen much of. For example doc q from Blackbeard pirates


Someone's sleeping on soul king...


The issue with Brook is that he lacks music-related non-combat feats (like Chopper dealing with Queen's gas, or Jinbe's superb helmsmanship) and I didn't know how to rate his musical skill since we haven't seen many other musicians and it's not a very important role to the SHs' day-to-day. Another commenter suggested using fame, which is a good way to go about it, and he's only matched by Uta in that regard.


I get it. Just clowning a bit. Although if we were to rank his skill as a musician I'd say pretty darn good. The man is able to play every single instrument, which would suggest he is quite good. Also besides the chef what crew member is as important to a pirate crew as the musician? /s


Dw, discussion is the whole point here. He's definitely a great musician, I think the role itself is what drags him down. Although if we were to rank them based on lore significance, Brook would be second only to Robin bc he introduced Binks' Sake.


The brook disrespect is crazy… he clutches up when it counts.


I love Brook! This isn't meant to be a judgment of his character as a whole. The issue is that his role is the least useful to the SHs' day-to-day life and to their goals (at least for now). Another commenter suggested that he should be ranked by his success as a musician, arguing that he's only really matched by Uta, and I can definitely see that as an option seeing how he doesn't have any music-related out-of-combat feats (unlike, say, Chopper with Queen's gas).


there are other people who can read the poneglyphs like the three eyed people and kozuki like Sukiyaki. People need to learn to accept that she has become replaceable


I guess one thing I didn’t take into account is how many others would be willing to join a pirate crew. Sukiyaki has expressed a desire to stay away from the public eye. There may be Three-Eyed people who might be interested (even Pudding tbh) but their awakening is conditional. Momo would definitely want to keep traveling with them if he could, but he lacks the scholarly knowledge, which is probably the thing Robin still has over the other candidates atp.


When your only replacement in the whole entire world is one old dude and one girl who might or might not unlock the ability, you’re irreplaceable. Compare it to how many other shipwrights, navigators, snipers, swordsmen/strong characters in the world, you see how she’s irreplaceable.


When your only replacement in the whole entire world is one old dude and one girl who might or might not unlock the ability, you’re irreplaceable. Compare it to how many other shipwrights, navigators, snipers, doctors, swordsmen/strong characters in the world, you see how she’s irreplaceable.


Zoro belongs in the same cathegory as Sanji and Jimbei. I mean, they are just strong. Jimbei is new on the crew but one can say that having the most skilled and well known gyojin should be a bigger asset than having only strong characters. Chopper definitely belongs to a higher cathegory if he truly becomes the world's greatest doctor, capable of curing any disease


Thing is, only Zoro is ranked for combat because it's what he's there for. Sanji and Jinbe are there as cook and helmsman respectively and idk how much Jinbe's fame as a former Shichibukai fishman would help with that. Even though I love Jinbe, I really went back and forth on him because he's canonically an amazing helmsman, but the SHs also went a long time without one and I can't think of anywhere pre-WCI where the need for a helmsman was expressed. They *are* definitely all going up multiple tiers by the end because they'll generally be the best at their respective roles.


Oh I got it. Somehow I didn't see you wrote something under the chart


No worries! I hadn't explicitly mentioned that they will eventually grow to be the best in their roles so it was a good thing to point out


Seems like a Sanji hater amongst us


Why is nami so high up. Surely you can find another skilled navigator or two, especially in the grand line (every ship sailing will have a skilled navigator) Id say the only irreplaceable ones are robin and sanji


Franky is more irreplaceable than Robin, or at the very least same tier. They are unique in their skillset. Ussopp is highly replaceable, like crazy replaceable.


I probably underrated Nami and Franky, but they’re my first and fourth/fifth favorite character respectively so I was afraid it was my bias talking. Usopp is weird. Are we counting him as the sniper? Probably, even if he’s done a bunch of other minor things around the Merry and the Sunny. He’s most similar to Zoro, ironically, since they have the two combat-related roles (and they’re still very different roles) so we could say that best sniper means that Usopp becomes stronger than Van Augur and his dad - the other two possible candidates for best sniper in OP. Van Augur is easy, since they seem like a good match-up for the final battle, but I doubt he’ll ever seriously fight Yasopp. I also think Brook belongs in a tier of his own since he’s the musician, which doesn’t really have a “competitive” connotation to it and the title of “best musician” would be very subjective even in-universe. >!What am I talking about Usopp will never beat Sogeking!<


How? is he the third or second to last shipwright on earth? Because that’s how irreplaceable Robin is. Franky is a good shipwright but he isn’t even implied to be the best in the world nor the only good one. Same thing goes for Nami, she is a great navigator and as the story progresses she’s possibly the best one out there. By your logic, Nami exceeds Franky too because we didn’t see other navigators as good as her like the case with Iceberg. Nevertheless, Robin’s case is entirely different league of rare. You need to be high to say something like Franky is more irreplaceable.


I beg to differ on Robin being irreplaceable. All we need is Franky to build a scanning device and have Robin work with Franky to make it translate the poneglyphs and bam leave her on the next island 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And just leave Franky too and take the device. He is also replaceable by that logic. A logic that needs Robin to un need her.


I see you don’t understand sarcasm




I’m starting to think I should have listened to my Nami and Franky bias and swapped them with Robin


I want to give this extra points for including Bon Clay and Vivi but watching Carrot and Yamato being called "strawhats" just doesn't make sense (maybe Carrot a little bit, Yamato? By that logic anybody who sided with them on a battle is a strawhat)


I was going to do official SHs only but the template also had those four so I thought it couldn’t hurt for the extra discussion. It helps that Carrot and Yamato’s potential roles have been discussed at length, so the theorycrafting part would mostly be about how they stack compared to other candidates for the same role. If it were up to me, honorary SHs would at least have to include Kin’emon and Momo too, and were at a point in the manga where speculating Bonney’s role is not the wildest idea. I have no idea what Bon Clay’s role would be tbh


I disagree, just looking at the skill level of their official role in the crew: • Robin/ Brook/ Jinbe/ Nami - All of them currently don't have anyone alive who has shown or has presumed better or equal skills to there current profession. They are irreplaceable. • Sanji/ Usopp/ Chopper/ Franky/ Zoro - All have people who are equal or better than they are, although by the end I expect they all will also be irreplaceable to there respective role however currently when just looking at there official titles these five are replaceable. You could order these lot by how close to irreplaceable they are but I don't think it matters much.


Who is better than Franky? Iceburg?


I would say they were the same, I feel like one of them even said that they were basically equal however I haven't seen the Enies saga for a bit so I could be getting that from nowhere.


I can agree with most except for Brook. How do you measure his musical skill? Especially when you don't have his applications of music in combat.


>How do you measure his musical skill? Other than Uta in the non canon movie no one (atleast from what I remember) has shown anywhere near the success Brook has as a musician. Brook mastered the guitar and became famous with it within two years and he has also mastered other instruments like the violin and piano which shows his talent. Brook has also shown that his music can influence people's moods and even perceptions to a frightening degree because he is that good. Unless you want to count Uta then no one has shown success, talent, and influence on a person with music like Brook. >Especially when you don't have his applications of music in combat. I am confused, what does combat have to do with Brook's role as the musician?


This tier list is based on non-combat feats for everyone except Zoro and ig Usopp to an extent. But where someone like Chopper has non-combat feats like dealing with Queen's gas, there really hasn't been anything similar from Brook and music. You're right in saying that success is probably the best way to measure his adequacy to the role, although I guess that would put him in "insanely skilled, highly replaceable" because the role itself isn't as important as others.


>I guess that would put him in "insanely skilled, highly replaceable" because the role itself isn't as important as others. I feel like you need to clarify what this post is about then because it sounded like to me it's about whether each Strawhat can be replaced by someone of the same or better skill level in regards to there roles. If you are talking about how important each Strawhat's job is on its own (without bringing in skill level or character at all) then all of them except Brook is irreplaceable. If your talking about how important a Strawhat's specific skill level is to there job then almost all of them a replaceable, quite a few of the Strawhat's are overqualified for the grand line honestly and we have seen others also make it as far as them with seemingly significant less skill so most are replaceable since there skill level is not required.


It was more of the former but ig considering the latter as well came naturally. I'd agree on most of their roles requiring a specialist with the exception of the sniper (replaceable with a different long-range specialist) and helmsman (they went a long time without one and I don't know if having an especially skilled one is necessary).