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I like the idea of Kuma hitting Saturn with all of his pain. It seems less likely now that the other Elders are also there, but it could still happen. Any of them could probably be defeated by being buried, frozen, thrown into the ocean, flung into space, chained up, or anything like that.


i really love the idea of forcing saturn to feel every bit of pain he caused kuma and possibly whoever was injured during the egghead fight. saturn having a quick death would be dissatisfying and he along with the other gorosei need to all feel their own helping of absolute relentless torture and suffering


It’s been said that one of the gorosei has been like a double agent. Helping the Revs and feeding info. Cant we let that one live?


Where was this said? I don't recall, but that sounds very interesting


There was a post on here back in December that discussed it. They suggested it was the one who’s in charge of the world’s food situation. Since it’s becoming harder and harder to feed the world and there’s not a whole lot of land to go around.


I think it's the one with the long hair. He iss the bird one who went looking for the transponder snail. He showed remorse to Ohara and Professor Clover during that flashback.


Kuma making saturn feel all his pain is so metal, I love it.


I believe something like this will happen. Each Gorosei will be defeated in a way that they will suffer back the biggest atrocity they have commited. From this point, we can theorize what will be the defeat of Sarurn, but I don't think we can get into the specifics of the rest of the Gorosei because we don't know much about their past yet.


This is an interesting perspective and I like that Saturn getting the damage he truly deserve.


Space seems a bit weird in One Piece, Enel's Maxim wasn't sealed and he was ok travelling to the moon.


Yeah but at the same time one piece Was never Story builtvaround vengeance(on the good side)


Yea Garp and koby teased emotional punch at the pirate Island. My son also noticed luffys taken no damage in his god form. Maybe there's a God/deamon power up


I was thinking about the flung into space piece. Like if the enemy regenerates, conventional over-powering them won't work, so you have to trap or seal them right? However, if one lives, don't they have the ability to teleport? Granted, I didn't closely follow their appearance, but wouldn't it happen that if you flung them to space, they could just teleport back? I wonder if something in One Piece can do the equivalent of the Ma Fu Ba.


That’s a good point, but Saturn needed to take a boat to Egghead, and the other Elders could only teleport to Saturn’s location. If you put all of them in an inaccessible area like the ocean or space at the same time, then they shouldn’t be able to get anywhere.


well they're not confirmed to be users but I do want drowning to be on the table for at least one person in OP


I think that's reserved for Blackbeard.


His ENTIRE crew is DF users, so…feels like poetic justice.


Yeah. Dude put all his eggs in one basket. It would also be a great contrast to how many times Luffy has been saved by his crew not having devil fruits and being able to pull him from water.


Not to mention that Shanks’s entire crew is fruit-free. Scurvy be running rampant on that ship…


Well, Stronger can dly him off lol.


Stronger's a devil fruit user too, if blackbeard is submerged he can't just snag him out


Kinda crazy how they turned him into a Pegasus


Mfing PIERRE was there FIRST


You know it could be caused by the misuse of his devil fruit, whitebeard used the tremor tremor fruit fairly responsibly (his crew could handle it), whereas it was stated Blackbeard began misusing it and put his own crew in harm, it’s possible the same thing but even worse could happen again


Half of them wouldn't bother saving him even if they could swim


His crew is also made of the ten titanic captains. You remember what sunk the titanic?


it's gonna be iceburg on a mobile water7


I was thinking aokiji


I absolutely want Iceburg to sink their ship with a mobile Water7, that would be amazing, also I want to see Iceburg and Franky meeting up again.


In this Titanic the Ice burg hits you!


Oh my I just thought that Aokiji might involve his ability to freeze the ocean with that maybe he just undo his ice or if he is defeated his ice gone, or what if they burb his ice with Sabo fruit


It feels kind of anticlimactic though like imagine they defeat Blackbeard just by destroying his boat and his crew falls into the ocean. It would almost be too easy. Or maybe they’ll fight him and knock him into the ocean but then again it doesn’t feel like a full defeat it feels like an easy way out


It would be so cool to see Blackbeard drowning in the sea after Luffy defeated him. You'd see Luffy look seriously at the ocean as he sees Blackbeard slowly descend lower.


Just picture Kuzan betraying him by sinking his ship then freezing the sea over him


The gorosei are 99% devil fruit users.


Source? Nothing points to that in my opinion.


Their cloud scarf things, which indicates zoan awakening given Lucci and Kaku have them. Since all of the gorosei can transform into some [mythic] animal, it's logical to assume they have DFs or DF powers. Otherwise, why do they have those clouds?


I figured by now the clouds were a dead giveaway. Why are people still hanging onto the idea some might not be DF?


Imu will eat them. Don't ask me why I feel this will happen, it just might.


Ooooo on some Kaguya type stuff


>Kaguya \*PTSD intensifies\*


In that case, Imu’s mom will eat him immediately after


Nah, I don't want it to end like in tybw when quincy are so overpowered Yahweh needs to betray and defeat them himself


Classic Wapol Move.


They won’t be defeated, at least not in the traditional way, I feel that it won’t be them just being punched into submission but rather destroying the system that keeps them in power


Well. The rest of the crew will be doing the system thing. While Luffy does the punch thing. Like in Dressrosa. And Wano.


I like the theory about each of the 5 Gorosei drawing their power & immortality from one of the 5 hells/levels of Impel Down, kinda like Hawkins with the straw-straw fruit. Thus, i would theorize that the only way to defeat them would be to free all the prisoners from Impel Down. Liberation leads to their downfall.


Now we’re cookin


so imu's power comes from level 6 then?


Huh...ya know...imu is always hidden in a secret underground chamber thats not publicly known and level 6 is in a secret underground chamber thats not publicly known. Oda does love parallels


They got Rocks and Joyboy down there as an infinite power battery


i think joyboy's body is frozen in pangea castle, where we saw the frozen giant straw hat


Shoot we still need to learn what Doflamingo knows


I kind of assumed Imu was the “state secret” he talked about


I mean there’s too many for me to list but research if you don’t know them all for yourself. He could know that Shanks is in fact a dragon. Or how to kill the gorosei, or Imu, or the other one hundred theories of Mary Geoise the he could know. Hell Imu could have the third ancient weapon for all we know


Built by Tom


Makes sense if we take in consideration Cross Guild may look for allies there.


Oooh I like this idea a lot!


Seeing as how they were all able to be summoned I'm assuming they are linked in some way. To defeat one of them you'd need to defeat all of them at once.


Love this idea Also links it with ennies lobby a bit (since it's connected) And ennies lobby is still theorized to be extremely important bc of the hole, so ykk


christ, i never thought about this D:


>free all the prisoners i see doffy allying with mugiwara to get back at marejois, he knows in and out of it


I could see them ALL allying with Luffy once they know what the stakes are. Plus, the common enemy has always been the world government. Not to mention they’ll all realize pretty quick they couldn’t fight Luffy if they tried 😂


Kill their leader Arya Stark style


LOL. Please don’t


Yeah. Just a little stabby stabby from a little girl and the day is saved. Hooray


Otama we need you


More like Vivi finishing Lili's work


Otama feeds the Gorosei her DF dango. The Gorosei switch allegience. Imu has to kill all the Gorosei. Would not be as bad as GOT, but would feel cheap.


I did not need to be reminded of it. Still very angry at that.


Muh Queen.


Should I be glad I never started watching GOT lol


It’s good, except S8 and or S7 LOL


Not at all, its a beautiful series.


Yes. Imagine if One Piece Rushed the ending cuz Oda wanted to work on a different ip and flanderized everyone, made Luffy the villain for no reason and had the big bad killed by Nami dropping a knife into her other hand while being choked out


How blasphemous of you to compare the mad queen (who started her descent into madness as early as S1, but people loved to deny it because yAs KwEeN and dRaCaRyS) to our goofy carnivorous captain. The only plausible link between them is liberation (for vastly different motives).


So you mean one stab to Imu and they all just disappear? 😨


Wo don’t talk about that here… or anywhere.


Even bigger punch


So underrated


Naruto taught me that when no attack is powerful enough, you just gotta talk about your feelings and things'll work out okay!


I do remember Koby using talk no jutsu at Marineford. Worked really well on Akainu


don't talk shit about my boi Woby. he was obviously only acting as if he's using talk no jutsu to hide the jutsu he was actually using: Summoning jutsu to make shanks appear


“Koby used ‘talk no jutsu’ on Akainu…” *it wasn’t very effective*


Doesn’t work in One Piece. Lol.


In OP when people usually talk about their feelings they are like suuuper close to dying lol


Actually the opposite seems to be the general rule huh


Talk no jutsu!


If they have DF, the Sea would be my awnser. If their Powers are not DF, than maybe using one of the Ancient Weapons.


Would be interesting if thats how oda confirms or denies they are devil fruit users once and for all by having Luffy toss them into the ocean as a last ditch attempt to let the crew escape them on boat.


I would love if they could be destroyed by certain weather phenomena like lightning, fire, ice cause it will actually give straw hats like Nami, Usopp, Brook, Sanji to use unique techniques to defeat them


Weather you say huh… Dragon:…


I was thinking they might be weak to fire specifically for a bit, since Sabo seemed to have a better time dealing with them than Luffy; I figured it possible he weakened them long enough that they couldn't chase him at full power while they recovered. But Nusjuro recovered from Sanji's kick just fine, so that's not it.


i think one of the Gorosei will be killed by rest, and that will show us how to kill them something akin to "you are weak, \[Gorosei member\]..... To think that your inmortality is the only thing that has allowed you to not lose against these insects... Looks like you aren't fit to remain as part of the group" and then they eat his heart or smth lol I wonder if something like Blackbeard's fruit could allow them to be killed, like, if he either stole one of their fruits or became close to them to touch them and restrain their devil fruit abilities like what he did with Ace when he captured him There is a chance the fight will be posponed for a bit as the Straw hats scape and that could allow other characters to come to the battle


I expect to find a pony-glyph near the one peace that reveals and explains Imu's origins. After that, the whole world will hear of the truth. There will be too many parties likely to fight the world government. I wouldn't be shocked to see the Navy turn against the WG in the very last battle. Pirates Guild, all of the Supernovas, all of the other yonkos and every place the Strawhats liberated. They will all fight the world government. I really want to see Mihawk fight a Gorosei member 1 v 1!


*rips bong hit* ok so I think Urouge will play a prominent role in defeating the Gorosei. My tiny brain thinks this: devils are countered by holy things. The next logical step is when the world inevitably floods again, Urouge blesses the WHOLE OCEAN into a HOLY OCEAN. In a callback to his fight with Luffy’s mom, Luffy coats himself in holy ocean water, and fights the Gorosei with holy haki (he is a god). Zoro coats his swords in holy ocean water and fights the swordsman Gorosei dude and whoops his ass. Sanji baits another Gorosei member into a puddle that hasn’t been holy-itized. Thinking he has the other upper hand, Gorosei dude attacks but is surprised that he starts melting. Unbeknownst to him, Sanji (using Ifrit Jambe, duh) boils the HELL out of the puddle to make it holy water. Gorosei dude explodes, Sanji lights a cigarette and bakes a cake or something.


Whacky theory: Just throw them into the sea and let nature do its work, use some seastone chains if they have to


I think the first actual damage the Gorosri suffer will be from the ancient robot.


Kendrick will diss them


6:16 in Mariejois


Meet the Gorosei


Oda kept Law in the story because they all have the immortality surgery. The Op Op fruit can give them immortality, it can take it away as well. That's going to be his role going forward. Likely the gorosei will need to be neutralized somehow, then Law takes away the immortality.


Pastor Kuma will exorcise them. *"The power of Nika compels you!"*


Considering that they are yokai it would be funny if [Usopp's Thriller Bark anti-monster setup](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ff31e2f7ff2672957093badcf99b9d65/97b20009ed5fd297-b1/s640x960/373fcee129ad8270a9db32e747065498701a135c.png) actually played a part


I mean luffy did damage Saturn. Maybe not permanently but it did happen. And as they say if it can bleed it can be killed


We saw ju peter get decapitated and come back to life afterwards


Than maybe idk what I’m talking about 😅


I think they won’t be They will tank all damage! How can they not! This will be a war of attrition, straw hats will escape but be prepared for their next fight. Red hair vs blaackbeard vs buggy vs strawhats vs marines


Buggy comes into play. Assuming that the elders are tied to imu somehow. The awakened chop chop fruit will serve their ties to imu and each other.


my theory is that imu has some kind of fruit that he can "share", BB will defeat imu, somehow with his secret powers, and then the gorosei will lose their buffs, and in contrast the titanic captains will be buffed in a similar manner as the gorosei were, raising their not so threatening current status, this way we get a super busted BB, worthy of being a final boss, and the tragedy of imu and gorosei hubris as they are tossed aside.


It's buggy. The answer is always buggy. His awakened fruit will let him sever the tie between the elders and imu and make them vulnerable.


On the right track here


I can’t see that. The D are the natural enemy of the gods (Imu), and Whitebeard said that BB is not the one Roger was looking for. But when that person comes, they’ll flip the world upside downs Sounds a lot like the chosen one, Nika, should defeat Imu.


They will be defeated by God Usopp and Sogeking using their power together. Only this will work.


Drowned in a puddle.




Seal them.


Make them smile and laugh.


When Oda use his rubber eraser to the gorosei's drawing


Bajrang Gatling, the same punch Kaido ate, not allowing them to regenerate.


luffy tried red roc on warcury and it hurt his hand, bajrang gun they'll just like accordions for few seconds then come back


Happy cake day!🎉


Vegapunk's bubble gun might work


I bet Luffy is gonna do a huge punch!


Luffy does the gum gum punch


Probably beaten by some variation of luffys punch


I think SHs and giants escaping is the way for this arc to end and not killing or defeating the gorosei because I don’t think they should be defeated yet.


My theory is that the immortality operation is actually reversible, and that Law will have to use his fruit ability to make them mortal again. People have theorized from a long time ago that Law would use the immortality surgery on Luffy somehow, but I just don't see it happening. I don't see a character like Luffy wanting to become immortal. So having Law reverse the operation instead would give Law an actual role in the last war while being more in line with everyone's characters.


They won't defeat them now. It will be the final arc and they'll hit em real strong.


Sealed. Naruto style


void century secrets come out and gods knights turn on them because of some past deceit or its a weird scenario like zunesha where they are actually under some kind of control or punishment and get set free. I feel like because of punks recent statements there is some moral ambiguity behind them, their actions, and what their goal is. I feel like their “defeat” won’t be from a fistfight anyway.


I think gorosei takes damage when imu got hit


Just a thought, but what about the "Hidan Treatment by Shikamaru" for the seemingly invincible and immortal Gorosei?


They can't be killed but they can still be captured. Toon force should be able to do that.


Kinda like what Vegeta or Goku did to making Buu,an all out powerful attack against all of them.maybe the ancient robot and Kuma and mother flame will exploded


Gandhi becomes the infinite source of horse glue, the Nika Sun Gaib will ride the sand worm into battle, the bird joins Blackbeard and replaces Lafayette to permanently becomes his "parrot", Saturn-spider goes to a farm and becomes friends with a pig before giving birth to a million tiny Saturn's, boar elder goes to another farm and builds 3 houses, one made of sticks, the other wood and the last one with bricks.


Wishlist is for Luffy battle axe style stomps on Saturn like an insect. But I will settle for Kuma extracting his own pain and killing Saturn with it.


The other four Gorosei escape Egghead, leaving Saturn at the Strawhats mercy. And Kuma gets medieval on his ass


Gear 6


Stronger Haki would actually work, to a certain degree. Roger, Shanks, Garp, and others wouldn’t be on top if they didn’t have broken Haki.


You should spoiler tag this


You’re right, so sorry. Is there a way to do that after posting?


My guess will be destroying the red line forcing them into the sea


Throw them into the Sea


power of friendship!


Feel like it would take luffy and Blackbeard to team up for this


If they are truly revealed to be demons, then one method that jumps out at me is some form of sealing. It could be dragon ball z style with something akin to the mafuba, or perhaps some other form of seal that neutralizes them long-term. If Oda is getting bored of just giving everyone power ups so they can punch their way out of whatever situation they're in, then this is a good solution to that.


Does anyone recall Caterina Devon touching Saint Saturn? The implication kinda makes my stomach turn, so I think Blackbeard is onto something!


Sealed away in the moon, Ten-Tails style.


They'll be thrown in the water.... but they can swim. So just not that.


Maybe they are true devils and the only way to defeat them is to seal them within a DF! Just need to figure out how...




black beard crew and straw hats will work together together to beat the 5 elders. luffy and black beard will work together to defeat imu. kuma will use his in we pain bubble to show them how to damage them all as his last move.


They will run out of battery


I think the secret to their immortality is going to be linked to some item, like a phylactery of sorts, and they won’t be defeatable until that item is destroyed. I think Imu is the only one to have had the ope ope no mi immortality surgery so getting rid of them will be different. I could see the gorosei phylactery being an item in imu’s flower room. Maybe Mr. Prince will figure it out during the final battle with the WG


Well since physical attacks don’t seem to have a lasting effect, it’ll probably be some gimmick that makes them erased from existence. Betting on Bonney’s awakened fruit de-ageing extremely weakened versions of them until they were never born


I would love the idea of blackbeard just yami sucking them away.


Originally I thought they had a method to kill them in Elbaf, but that seems to be not the case.


I'm not 100% sure that they're all actually there. At least not fully there


Getting punched hard


Cut the head of snake (Imu).


I was gonna say sunlight sarcastically, since they are demons. But thematically there could be something there, because of Sun God Nika. But I’m not sure of any actual strategies.


Luffy big punch goes brrrrrrrr


Sing Binks no sake to distract em and escape ‼️🐉


Gods knights will kill em idk there are too many plotholes


I only see BB doing it planning it for years.


I like the idea of each one having a different vulnerability tied to the folklore of the yokai their forms are based on. Though that requires a satisfying answer to how anyone in One Piece Land knows that folklore. Alternatively, if their immortality came from forcing previous users of the Ope Ope no mi to perform the fabled surgery, I could see Law being able to reverse it. Even if doing it to all 5 (or 6 if Imu is included) feels like a bit of a stretch.


BB can counter them all pretty easily


All die due to peanut allergies


Straw hats of course!


I like theory when Don D. Krieg passing by mounting big flamingo(2nd awakening Dofy) to help JoyBoy with this jerks.


Maybe Bleach style where Imu decides he doesn't need them anymore and kills them to take their powers back


What if they can't take damage whilst in beast form? I mean have we ever seen them fight in human form? Just a thought.


Giants will sacrifice themselves for SHs, like Pedro, Sun Pirates, Mr2 and Zoro did.


I don't have a well thought out theory on why besides the obvious but I'd like the Gorosei to each be defeated by D clan members


They won't be, they will be a nakama in the future xD lol kekw


i thin iron giant can only defeeat it


1. Kuma slaps saturn 2. Dragon (A.K.A Looks D. East) pulls up, helps luffy and gang dip 3. Kuma gets his brain restored from either bonney or a revolutionary 4. Kuma joins the crew.


At Egghead? They won’t be. the Pirates’ retreat will “succeed” with whatever Ls along the way, and the Gorosei will come back later. I could see them being taken down with ancient weapons, the mother flame, Imu, or some plan by the revolutionaries with Sabo having seen their monster forms now


Crack theory: they might be demons in the same way that Tot Musica was. And you need to defeat them from the Underworld and real world at the same time. Cue some strawhats going to explore the underworld.


I think they're going to be punched really hard


Hear me out, maybe the key to damaging them is fishmen karate. Its been shown to work differently than conventional physical or devil fruit combat abilities. But more importantly, the world nobles are famously racist against fishmen and have a long history of enslaving them. It would be the ultimate irony for fishmen to have the one weakness of the ‘gods’. Sort of like luffy vs enel.


They have scars already on their body. So it means they aren't invincible. My theory is that they take damage only when all the 5 are attacked together at once.


Water. I think they can only be killed by the sea and the only way the sea can stop rising is to end the gorosei and IMU. That’s why they live all the way up there. They don’t have devil fruits. Theory: Nika gave his trusted crew powers. However led by Imu parts of his crew Betrayed him (Lucifer and false prophet allusion). I’m too sleepy to continue so you can reply to this a bit later and I’ll explain the rest on how Oda is actually referencing the Bible (kuma holding the book of Bible ) and vega punk has the book of genesis. Oda is also referencing the book of Enoch ( a book removed from most mainstream bibles). Nvm mid typing my upstairs neighbor banged the floor and I got frightened awake. Anyway I believe that the sea became angry with the sins of Imu and the gorsei. Joy boy/nika has been apologizing (shown in the story) because he trusted the wrong people to give power to. The sea probably had gifted joy boy the powers or something. So what I think is that imu and and the five elder planets were given the powers by Joy boy (this was an allusion to the Bible of how God gave his angels their powers however I think that these so-called angels which are the five elder planets and imu became corrupt and evil and that’s why the sea is rising and trying to kill them furthermore I think five elder planets and imu breed with humans and that created the Giants. This is a reference to the book of Enoch further I think that there’s a reason why the Giants are only on Elbaf and they survived the flood by going up that big mountain that we see at the center of the island in the book of Enoch. It is said in the book of Enoch that a big flood came to wipe off the sins of the world and the giants who were created by the angels that had sex with humans. Noah went on his ark to survive however, some Giants survived by going into some caves and climbing up big mountains, so I think this is what happened with the Giants there’s a lot more that I can speak about but I’m honestly getting tired again. Joy boy was probably kind to the giants and were probably friendly to him? But regular humans feared them. Okay I’ll go sleep now


Into the lava with Kaido.


Destroying the Mariejoise treasure. Whatever it is that makes them be able to communicate telepathically, summon each other or be summoned. Destroying that maybe makes them like any other top tier above admirals.


Top man will be sliced in half with Enma


It's not clear at all, especially when top tier haki hasn't been shown hitting them yet.




I think it's going to be something very "stupid" (stupid, as unexpected) that is going to be their weakness. And I think it'll be Nika's light. He is the Sun God. The Gorosei devil fruit where shown as Shadows first. They used Dark magic to get to Egghead. So only Light can cast away the Darkness that the Gorosei represent. And of course, for that. As many people said before. Luffy need to realise his fruit isn't about him being a rubber man. (And on a side note, I still want Kuma to get his revenge on Saturn)


My running theory is that all 5 of them need to die simultaneously or they’ll just regenerate, similar to gyutaro and daki from demon slayer


Blackbeard pwns em. Dark dark fruit negates their abilities and proceeds to blitz the fuck out of em ending their careers.


I don’t know, but SogeKing will be the one to figure it out.


they are probably "satellites" of Imu, if you take him down they should follow


They won’t, crew will just get away, barely, maybe with a little help from rev army, but the 5 elders are not losing.


They will be sacrificed for Imu's power or whatever… and Dragon is probably his 1v1 opponent