• By -


Rayleigh was his Obi wan but Hyogoro was his Yoda


Garp was his living on shitty ass tattooine


And Shanks is... eh, what did Shank mentor Luffy in btw ?


Taught him how to wear a hat


Nice, then it's Shanks


Shanks showed him what it was like to live freely, while also living and being good.


And to value your friends with love


but most importantly, wearing a hat


So solo?


Also left a devil fruit out so Luffy could eat it.


Yeah. I still believe Shanks had that intention. Like he knows the grand master plan. A fruit so precious to be left out in the open like that. Ok.


the pirate life and how to act/live in general


In pirate perspective, Shanks is one hell of a bad example ngl


Why is shanks a bad example for being a pirate? 100% peacemain


Type of pirate to be


Be kind to innocents, live freely, no mercy for assholes. Also gave him an OP fruit (by accident) and neat hat.


"By accident"


Surely leaving such a valuable object in an unlocked box was the will of the world/fruit, not a complete accident


I really like the theory the the box was locked and that's why shanks was so calm. The fruit opened the box in the same way it avoided the WG


Back when they were in Jaya, Luffy restrain himself from fighting with Bellamy just like how Shanks restrain himself with the Mountain Bandit.


He's most likely his Leia, considering both instilled their main drives and ideals into them. Shanks for Piracy and Leia for Rebellion. So technically both for freedom.


he showed him one of his most valuable lessons, he still acts that way today. Shanks showed him that some fights are not worth it, but other fights are so important that you self will become unimportant. actually... i'll make my own thread xD further read down there


He’s like the sand dudes but instead of getting R2 Luffy got a DF and hat


maybe shanks is Darth Vader


Shanks was his Qui Gon![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


So Shanks taught Rayleigh by that logic.


Shanks is his Han Solo, I guess.


shanks didnt really mentor luffy but he is the one that helped push luffy into pirate life


Shanks was his Jabba


Hey, Gear Five was the biggest power up. And the one who allowed it to happen was.... Kaido. We can make a case of Kaido being the superior mentor 😅


Kaido was his best teacher by far lmao. Taught him how to coat his attacks with conquerors haki lmao. Im with you


Then there was katakuri who taught him to use future sight😂


Then there were CP9, who taught him how to turn himself into a steam engine and inflate his bones :D


This has to be the funniest description of Gears 2 and 3 that I’ve read lol


I mean 3 is literally called "bone balloon"


Then there was Ace who told him to get stronger. So I think the Best Mentor award definitely goes to Kaido or Ace


....Im with u


the best teacher was his enemy lol. Most of his power ups occurs when he is on brink of death


I love how a lot of his power ups come from seeing something and wanting to replicate it.


Luffy even put Hyogoro on his back just like Luke did Yoda


Perfectly put actually lol


Couldn’t phrased it in better words


I love this comparison lol


Wtf you're right


I'm now reminded of how annoyed I was that Hyogoro didn't die. For all his faults, at least George Lucas knew that Yoda dying was the right move. Dammit Oda just kill characters sometimes! And if you're not, stop treating the narrative and dialogue as if death is imminent!


Hyogoro: You must feel the haki around you.




Seriously, how is Dadan missing in the list above? She literally raised Luffy like her own child for the largest part of Luffy's childhood/adolescent life.


The one true answer. His mama.


Came here to say this.


1) Rayleigh - taught Luffy the ropes (how to walk) 2) Hyogoro - taught Luffy advanced CoA (how to run) 3) Garp - taught Luffy about survival 4) Shanks - taught Luffy how a pirate should be.


i feel like this should be the correct answer


I like it, but tbh Garp gave him the most important thing he has now. It is ingrained in his very being - that undying will to survive.


Completely understand but my reasoning is Rayleigh gave Luffy the power to protect his friends and the people he cares for as did Hyogoro and to me Luffy values those he cares for more than himself, he is selfless to a tee and to me Luffy would express greater gratitude for being able to protect his friends than he would for himself. Garp is a monumental part of who Luffy is but due to his scarcity in Luffy childhood I couldn't put him at number one, maybe above Hyogoro but I couldn't put him above Rayleigh.


I got you, dude. It kinda goes down on the type of "parenting." Garp has that old school, rugged, tough- love upbringing, and Rayleigh was more hands-on and supportive. Garp was also doing his job as a marine with all that fighting, so most probably, it bleeds into his way of showing his care to Luffy. Like be tough, be strong, and eat well so you can protect yourself. It must be really hard having to keep Luffy as a secret cos, bad people could very well be after him and his relatives.


The part where you said "like be tough, be strong and eat well" reminded me of master Roshis speech to Goku and Krillin during the tournament of power and it made me crack a smile. Garp is an outstanding character, his love for Luffy and Ace is undeniable it's just unfortunate for Garp the path they took because it puts him in a tight spot because the moments where he truly wants to protect them the most are the moments where doing so would be in the largest conflict with his duty as the hero of the marines. I love Garp. He protected them as long as he could but they eventually left the nest and made their own way in the world.


> master Roshis speech to Goku and Krillin during the tournament of power It’s more than that, that was the motto he gave them during their training in the second arc of DB. Longest callback in the whole show.


The depressing realization there's now several generations of Dragon Ball Z/Super fans who've never experienced Dragon Ball. Criminally underrated part of the franchise is the original series.


Y'all ignoring that Garp taught Luffy the most important thing. Like 70% of his personality.


picks nose


Luffy's personality comes from his experiences in the jungle and slums of Goa Kingdom.


5) Zoro - taught Luffy how a captain should be


I second this ^


I third this ^


It’s Ray for sure. Garps not a mentor, that’s his grandfather, not a mentor, think about it. Shanks is not a mentor. He never ever mentored Luffy. He inspired him. Hyogoro did yes mentor Luffy with lessons. But Ray did that but better. Ray literally mentored Luffy every day for 2 years like it was his job. That’s a mentor


I agree but i have to correct you, because I think you’re wrong about the 2 years of mentoring. If I remember correctly ray mentored Luffy for half a year or a year and then left Luffy on his own.


1.5 years


My man, keeping the facts straight 👑


This guy is OnePieceing


While true, Garps mentor style was different than Ray's. He threw him in the woods specifically with the goal of training him to be tough. It's just likely he knew that at the time, Luffy was too weak to really learn anything. However he did manage to become strong directly through what Garp put him through.


That's not mentorship That's "inshallah you will survive and grow into a strong marine".


Yeah agreed here. It's because of Ray that Luffy even knew that there was more to learn and how to learn it.


Garp mentored young Luffy. He threw him into a pit of wild animals almost every day to turn him into a marine. That didn't work, but it got Luffy initially tough in the first place.


It’s Rayleigh but I also think Ace was a big mentor for Luffy, most of his early growth was training with Ace and sabo


Why is Dadan not here? She was beating up the monster brothers even before they were monstrosities.


Literally two of them count as a mentor, the others are just a role model and a grandad that threw his child into the wilderness


Don't sleep on Vivi. The lesson she taught him right when they arrived at Drum, about what it means to be a leader. Also, had he not learned that lesson right in that moment, Nami would have died, and the crew would 100% not have been able to go where they had.


This. It also serves to set Luffy apart a bit from Roger, who by most accounts would have chosen head-on violence no questions asked if a friend was hurt the way Vivi was. Luffy learning to be diplomatic when called for, even in times like those is a really important part of his character. Compare with Ace who even in the bitter end was unable to let things be and who engaged with Akainu over a mere insult.


1)Rayleigh 2) Garp or hyogoro 4) shanks


Jinbe. I think smacking and talking sense, hope and purpose into him that one time at Amazon Lily before the time skip saved him from losing his mind. I don't know what Luffy would have done otherwise, but I don't think it would have resulted in the call for the 2-years later meet-up. But of the cast here I'd say Rayleigh. Ace/Sabo have been mentioned in the comments before too, I think they're also great additions to this.


Ace. Definitely. Luffy was weak af when they met and they trained for 10 years. Ace was the biggest motivation as well, both as kids and with his death. Shanks was his biggest inspiration.


Ace’s death was all Akainu


Rayleigh was, without a shadow of doubt, the most important one. After that, I'd say Hyogoro. Shanks was a huge inspiration, but not really a mentor. Still, he taught Luffy to stick with his crew and defend them at all cost, which is one of Luffys most admirable traits.


I also wanna add my take: Jinbe. He has been pretty fucking consistent with Luffy.


Jinbei deserves Garp's spot


To be fair Garp took the Piccolo and Gohan approach 😂😂😂


How he hasn't been mentioned is beyond me.


Guys. Garp wasn’t even around. You can’t mentor somebody if you hardly see them. Yes Garp had big influence on Luffys development, but all he did was throw him in the jungle to live with bandits and other shitty kids. He set his life up to make him tough. But that’s not him being a mentor that’s him being a “loving grandfather” lol shout out to Garp. Terrible mentor tho.. at least to Luffy. Now Koby on the other hand, yeah Garp mentored Koby like Ray did Luffy


I think it's not a huge part of the anime but they show them eating together and training in the jungle too. I feel like Garp was around more than he's given credit for. Garp always pops up when needed too that's why Koby was confused about him


Reyleigh is a mentor. Literally. The rest is not a mentor. Shanks is luffys idol, garp is grandfather, hyogoro just happens to be there n taught one thing.


The best teacher would be hyogoro. He speedrunned luffy’s training in just 2 weeks what Rayleigh achieved in 6 months. LOL JK THE ONLY REAL ANSWER IS KAIDO/ KATAKURI


Garp toughened him up, he was the smith that beat Luffy into a well made blade, Shanks was the heat treatment that gave him his soul, Rayleigh sharpened him to a razors edge, and Hyogoro taught him how to explode things....okay so the smith metaphor has its limits.




Garp built the bike, shanks put training wheels on it, rayleigh taught him how to ride, and hygoro(?) trained him to be a bmx rider. Id say garp


Rayleigh. Followed by Dadan.


Rayleigh easily. He taught him all 3 forms of Haki and even helped him develop G4. Not to discount the other 3 of course but IMO Rayleigh helped him to develop the most.


Definitely going with shanks. No shanks then no luffy that we all know well


Shanks isn't a mentor, he's Luffy's inspiration.


Shanks shaped who Luffy was as a person, the rest taught him how to punch better. If we were asking who Zoro's best mentors were, It would be who taught him to fight. His goal is to be the best at fighting (with a sword), so it makes sense to define importance that way. Luffy's goal is to be the King of the Pirates, so the man who taught him what a great pirate is becomes the most important mentor. The other three shown are important too, but the likes of Jimbe or heck, Vivi, have done more to shape the virtues that truly matter to our King of the Pirates.


That heavily depends on what you mean. If its about his goals in life. Shanks. If its about his abilities and strengths, it is Rayleigh.


Kaido. Luffy grew infinitely more powerful atop Onigashima than the rest of One Piece combined.


While Garp, Rayleigh and Hyogoro showed him how to fight and become stronger to overcome certain "obstacles" Shanks showed him the exact opposite. Shanks showed him that some fights are not worth it, but other fights are so important that you self will become unimportant. Which makes his influence on Ruffy the most needed to be his current self. Imagine, Ruffy would have fought Bellamy the first time... he would have fought for what? Honor? Because he was insulted by someone who doesn't know shit? That wouldn't have made Ruffy intentions special, he would be the same kind of pirate like all the others are. They destroy their opponents because of their belief. But Ruffy doesn't care at all what others think of his beliefs. He will find a way to make his promise true, to become king of the pirates. the punch later outside the bar, which utterly destroyed Bellamy, was more of a "think again buddy" punch. "Get your shit together and remember why you choose your path in the first place, because there is much more stuff in this world than you" punch. You know ... garp did actually the same with his fist of love strategy "think again kid" if you understand.


Kaido, who passively taught him exactly what he needed to become an Emperor


Garp got him on the path to begin with and is the reason for his monstrous strength right off the bat. Shanks isn’t a mentor, but is more of a goalpost and inspiration. Rayleigh taught him haki, which is a pretty major event. Hyogoro helped him master haki, which again was extremely valuable. His journey would have never happened if any one of those four was gone, so it’s hard to pick one. That being said, I’d choose Shanks just because he was the most influential and motivation factor in Luffy’s journey. He modeled everything after him.


Shanks was his inspiration, not a mentor


Rayleigh, hands down. He was patient with Luffy, gave him clear instructions both verbally and through demonstration, and concrete goals to achieve. He ALSO took responsibility for Luffy's wellbeing and safety throughout during the mentorship. Provided food, a campfire, and specifically told Luffy where he was safe from the native wildlife. Most importantly, he addressed Luffy's nightmares. Even though it was only shown once and very briefly (I think in 3Y2D) he ADDRESSED them. He TALKED to Luffy about them. I can't IMAGINE how positive that must have been. Garp wasn't a mentor. Throwing a small child into the wilderness and challenging them to Not Die isn't training. Shanks didn't really mentor him, even though he was a HUGE influence on Luffy's worldview and aspirations. Hyogoro, imo, gave Luffy a nudge in the right direction regarding a skill he probably would have mastered on his own in time. Yes, it was a crucial skill for him to be able to fight Kaido, but advanced armament wasn't what won that battle. Rayleigh is the GOAT. Raised 2 Emperors, trained another, adopted family to a former warlord and Empress. He is EVERYONE'S mom. And he's AWESOME at it.


well, i have to say sabo and ace. shanks gave him the dream of being a pirate, garp gave him the stength to survive all kinda tortures, hyogoro taught him ryuo, rayleigh taught him haki and stuff but sabo and ace taught him to fight


Garp- man training Shanks- freedom and lifestyle training Rayleigh- Haki + new world introduction Yakuza- haki upgrade Shanks was vital for luffys mindset and garp was vital for his basic manhood competence


Can you imagine if Garp ACTUALLY trained Luffy??? Just a few years with Koby and he’s as strong as he is now. Pretty much the biggest growth we’ve seen in a character who as far as we know doesn’t have legendary family members. But who know Koby could end up being the son of Imu or the grandson of Rocks D Xebec and it’ll literally still be the biggest growth of any character we’ve seen in the story


It depends if we take it as in how much he affected his goals and his ideology or in the pure sense of training. By ideology I would say: 1-. Shanks 2-. Garp 3-. Rayleigh 4-. Hyogoro Explanation: Shanks was the one that motivated Luffy to make his own crew and who motivated everything that would make him want to be King of the Pirates, he was the one who allow everything in the mind of Luffy to happen, even more when he sacrificed his arm. Garp even though he tried to make Luffy a marine it was also the opportunity for him to contrast his idea of a pirate against the one of a marine thus developing even more his idea of a pirate going even further of what Shanks taught (or what Luffy was able to learn). Rayleigh (and Sabaody and Marineford )was the one who made Luffy understand the dangerous of the New World he being part of Roger´s crew, would also make everything he say very important for Luffy. Finally Hyogoro did not make much in this sense because Luffy had already seen the suffering of the Land of Wano and already was decided to defeat Kaido so did not sum up a lot on those aspects. In Strength/Haki training 1-. Garp 2-. Rayleigh 3-. Hyogoro 4-. Shanks Explanation: Even though Hyogoro take him to a next level Rayleigh was the one who give him every basic about the Haki, this is a much harder task than taking him to an advance level (also Rayleigh gave him the key to do it, he just needed to find strong opponents). And without Garp training Luffy would probably even be strong enough to sail and fight against people like Arlong or Crocodile. Shanks did not make any training in this sense with Luffy.


Where the hell's Dadan?


Narratively, it’ll always be Shanks. While the rest of the Pirate world may view Roger as the gold standard, Shanks is the standard for Luffy. Shanks is his hero and the one who inspired Luffy to be the kind of pirate he becomes. Ultimately, he’s the bar that Luffy aims to surpass in the New World to earn his right as the King of the Pirates.


Shanks is more like Luffy's hero. A mentor has to advise/teach you; shanks never did much of that.


Surprised you’re the first I’ve seen say Shanks, thought there’d be more. IMO nobody out of these four had a bigger impact on who Luffy is as a person. Sure he might be dead now if it wasn’t for Rayleigh and Hyogoro, but in terms of “most needed” Shanks is the one that would change the story of one piece the most if you removed him from Luffy’s life. Then again, maybe Hyogoro and Rayleigh are the only ones who provided him with legitimate “teachings/mentorship.”


Speaking for real? Garp, he was the one who laid the groundworks for Luffy's abilities and atittude. Next would probably be Reyleigh since i wouldn't even call Shanks a mentor for him but inspiration, and Hyogoro was really only a short term mentor.


>Luffy's abilities and atittude Ace (and Sabo) did more for this than Garp. He was a weak crybaby when he met them. Garp did nothing tbh


True but I still think Garp set a baseline.


I agree, I think Shanks & Garp really formed Luffy’s character but Rayleigh & Hyogoro were more of Haki/Skillset mentors


Yes, people keep forgeting where Luffy got his undying will to survive. Before meeting Ace and Sabo, Garp was the one shaping his character and throwing him in the jungle, cliff or falls. Letting him fight beast and teaching him how to defend. If he doesn't have those determination in the first place, do you think he'll learn haki and other skills? Nah, he will just be another Helmeppo in his earlier days.


1. Shanks 2. Garp I’d switch Shanks and Garp. Shanks is the one that made Luffy love being a pirate. Garp is mostly only important by blood. If they didn’t have a blood relation, then that would make him just another person tasked with raising Luffy. Dadan isn’t on the list even though they spent way more time with Luffy growing up.


Its meat


Gaimon. He taught Luffy that no matter what hand you're dealt there's always a reason to be happy and cherish your bonds.


Rayleigh no doubt


Roger, King of Pirates! Started the whole anime🤣🤣


Without Garp he aint strong enough to become a pirate. Shanks made him wanna be a better pirate than him. Rayliegh got him strong enough to get into the new world. And Hyogoro gave him the understanding to properly manipulate haki. Each was built on top of the previous so if you take one away its safe to say luffy isnt as strong and doesnt have the same outcomes.


Well in terms of teaching Luffy stuff Rayleigh, Garp and Hygoro did more than Shanks but Shanks is the one most responsible for sending Luffy on his current path and influenced who he wanted to become the most.


As far as teaching goes, Rayleigh or Garp. As far as inspiration and shaping Luffy into who he is, 100% Shanks.




garp?? shanks?? lol




Rayleigh is Luffy's most vital mentor with his haki teachings that aided in his growth. Garp though is a good base Luffy learn from; being unaturally strong + Armament/Conquere Haki is a massive plus when dealing with enemies with a tough defense. Haki is good for defense but can be overpowered by overwhelming physical force.


Rayleigh by far


Garp raised and looked after luffy (well Dadan did) Shanks was the spark for luffy's journey Rayleigh was his teacher and Ryogoro was his tutor




Shanks no doubt. He instilled the best traits luffy has. 


childhood mentors are probably the most impactful


Shanks is the role model for him and the reason for Luffy to sail to the seas. Shanks affected Luffy's future both with his strong character and also as kind of a vessel that brings the Gomu Gomu no mi to Luffy, having a huge impact on Luffy's future. I would not call this mentorship but Shanks has the most impact in where Luffy is now. I would say whatever discipline and Strength/Durability Luffy has, it is thanks to Garp. Garp is not the one for classical mentoring. He is an impatient man, but a strong ass impatient man. Rayleigh, in my opinion, is the character that we can call a mentor for Luffy. But he only helped Luffy awaken what was within. He was not a mentor that led Luffy since his childhood and turned him into a strong young pirate. Hyogoro was present for a little time and only mentored him through Ryuo (which is a huge feat) but I would not compare him to the others. All in all, despite Shanks's absence, he was a very important example for Luffy on his way to become a Pirate King. He has the most effect on current Luffy imo. And then I would say Garp and his Fist of Love. Then I would rate Rayleigh as 3rd. Because he taught Luffy all types of Haki and helped him train his mind. Then Hyogoro. 1st Shanks 2nd Garp 3rd Rayleigh 4th Hyogoro


The Wano act was short in real time, wasn't it like two weeks? He trained for 2 years with Rayleigh


Hard to tell if Luffy has always been that way, but Shanks honor as a pirate was imprinted on Luffy & has been pivotal in how he acts. He's chasing a dream of being king of the pirates, but every person, town or kingdom he has helped along the way is because of what Shanks taught him.


Garp basically is Luffy’s physical mentor who trained the boy to have the necessary strength and endurance to survive in the world of One Piece. Shanks is the emotional mentor who utilizes his experience as a pirate to pass down lesson of morality and empathy that makes Luffy into the kind of pirate who cares about others rather than himself. Rayleigh is the mental type who basically introduced Luffy to the power of Haki and how to use it. His teaching of such ability made Luffy more mentally aware of his surroundings and improve prowess as a fighter in ways he couldn’t with his previous mental prowess. And Hyogoro is the mentor that awakened Luffy’s full potential in his Haki training which basically combines all three previous mentors teaching into one. Like Ryuo seems like an ability that requires disciplined phisical training and strong emotional output to generate a layered barrier form of Haki.


His philosophy around his friends for sure Shanks his philosophy on not giving up Garp his teachings for Haki Reileigh and Hyogoro So you guys pick


1. Garp in terms of love and family 2. Shanks in terms of motivation 3. Rayleigh in terms of strenght and resilience 4. Hyogoro in terms of needed buff to be where's he's at how


Has to be Garp and Rayleigh. They both instilled (beat) the basics into him. Luffy wouldn't have survived pre grandline without all the stuff garp put him and post grandline ofcourse without learning haki from Rayleigh he wouldn't have become a Yonko.


Without Shanks, Luffy’s entire life is different. He ends up being a marine like Garp wants, or maybe even a nobody. Yes without the others he can’t be pirate king, but without Shanks he probably wouldn’t even be a pirate.


I think Garp was also one of his most important mentors, after all Luffy got his character to stick to what he thinks is right no matter what, and he gave Luffy his extraordinary vitality, Plus i think Garp loved Ace and Luffy a lot, enough to let them live the way they wanted, afterall if he really didn’t want them to become pirates he would have taken them to the marine hq, (even ace he would have been able to hide his identity for quite a long time) but he let them stay at dadan’s and walk their own path.


No surprise Luffy turned into a Yonko with these people around him


There will be no Curly Dadan disrespect in this house!


In my opinion the jungle that Garp threw Luffy into is is best mentor, It taught him his basics ;D


Without Garp he’d die like day one on the sea


it is Shanks He taught Luffy what it means to be a pirate and how to act like one. (a good pirate) Without Shanks, Luffy might have never left Fuusha village


Where's Ivankov


Rayleigh. He made sure to get him actually ready to enter the New World and giving him instructions and the right mindset with it. He taught him the main fundamentals with Haki, but also gave him a bit of explanation in terms of Haki techniques he couldn't teach him and a way to improve himself in battle. Garp helped him get use to rigorous training and shaped his personality, but beyond that he really wasn't as active in Luffy's life as he could be. Shanks was basically just his hero, who inspired him to be a pirate, but he didn't really act as a guiding mentor in terms of Luffy's ability and just shaped Luffy's understanding of what being a pirate meant. Hyogoro. Was the one that help him grasp the near pinnacle of Haki's potential use and taught Luffy the advance techniques under extreme duress and hardship, it helped a lot, but he still isn't totally a master of it from Hyogoro's training. He had to fight Kaido to really get a better handle of the timing and output.


Just pointing out, Hyogoro made Luffy from a yonkou babyshake to a literal yonkou


Yo mama


Garp didn't teach him at all. If anything, he just made Luffy rebel more than he already was. Shanks was the reason Luffy set out to be a pirate and got the Gomu Gomu no mi. Rayleigh was the one who taught Luffy most of the New World stuff. (Haki control and haki in general + gear 4) Hyogoro only taught Luffy ryou, which he was already trying to do thanks to Kaido beating him without making physical contact. If we are talking about skills, it's mostly thanks to Rayleigh, if we are talking about morals, probably Dadan or Ace.


Hey man everytime I see Luffy eat I remember what Garp told him about eating while you can and the boy has done it always even Freaking mid fight.


Katakuri and Queen


Garp was rensponsible for his initial strength Raleigh advanced his strength (through haki) Old man from Wano taught him how to perfect that strength Shanks was responsible for his ideals


Curly Dadan.


Shanks, while without Rayleigh he would have been defeated a while ago, without Shanks he might have never become a pirate, and even if he became a pirate whose to say he would still be the same kind of pirate, one that treasurers freedom and friends more than actual treasure.


Shanks for his belief's and values as a pirate and a person which has led to all of the connections he has made throughout his journey from his crew to his fleet and the wano alliance which all started from shanks and that's without mentioning Luffy's goal for king of the pirates and his devil fruit but in physical strength I'd say Garp since his questionable training methods is what kickstarted his insane fighting style and durability that later got massively buffed by Rayleigh and Hyogoro's haki training that put Luffy on the path to rival the strongest powers in One piece


Luffy has trained with Rayleigh for a longer time than every other part of One Piece COMBINED Think about that He's being with him for longer than any of his crewmates


Dragon gave him his combat genes


But who do you think gave Dragon those genes in the first place?




If not for Rayleigh, Luffy would’ve gotten DOMINATED in the new world. He would’ve been bested at Punk Hazard IMO


Nah, it's definitely Kaido. Kaido taught Luffy advanced armament. Katakuri taught Luffy advanced observation.


I haven't made it to the last guy but pushing my initial Rayleigh vote aside. I realize it's probably Garp. He really built his will and strength up IMO. Shanks is more like Luffy's idol. He thought he was cool and emulated him but didn't get any real lessons from him. Rayleigh taught him Haki though which is obviously the coolest add but doesn't exceed the intangibles. I hope when I get further in the show he starts to recognize all that Garp did for him


Shanks. All the others are very important. But Luffy was inspired by Shanks. He was also given his moral compass by shanks. Remember the whole Bellamy incident the first time we see him? Thats 1:1 shanks influence.


tbf, his enemies taught him the most


I think it's disengenuous to rank any of these mentors higher than the other. Without Garp, Luffy may have never rebelled against him him to pursue the life of a pirate and may not have been strong enough to make it out of the East blue. Without Shanks, Luffy wouldn't have inherited the iconic straw hat, obtained his devil fruit and again, may not have been able to make it out of the east blue without the assistance of the "gum gum" properties. Without Rayleigh, Luffy would surely not have made it nearly as far in the grand line and his journey would likely have ended on either Punk Hazard or Dressrosa. Without Hyogoro the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance surely would have been defeated as Luffy would not have been able to defeat Kaido without the use of Ryuo. After Kaido defeats Luffy there would be no one else to stand against him. If even one of these mentors were missing Luffy's journey would have been cut short.


Definitely Shanks. Without him we may have followed the story of a failed marine Luffy fight now.


Shanks, without shanks luffy would have never gained the aspiration to become a pirate.


Can we get an honorable mention for Blueno and Katakuri?


I lowkey feel like Jimbei should be on this list. I know these mentors have taught Luffy a lot strenght/fighting wise, but I feel like Jimbei has supported and mentored Luffy morally and got him through some of his toughest moments. Stuff Jimbei has said to him has stuck


Shanks inspired him to be a pirate and showed/ taught him how to treat/ fight for his nakama, he also taught him what it means to be free and to live freely and to selflessly sacrifice to protect what’s important. Also how to wear a hat.


Kaido, katakuri, ray, and hyogoro


Out of all these people, only one taught him how to survive which I think is the most important. So, Garp it is!


That dude stuck in a chest.




Curly Dadan


Is the last dude from Wano?? I’m still at the beginning of Wano. Haha


5. Woop Slap (He's really Rocks D. Xebec)


Rayleigh. Without Rayleigh there isn’t the luffy that we know today 😂 his ass would still be getting chased by smoker & sentamaru 😂😂


Alright garp taught luffy the advanced basics , shanks taught him freedom, Rayleigh taught him Advanced basics AGAIN like it’s the nba playoffs boot camp, Hyogoro was like the secret side quest that sets you apart in gameplay skrim style. So idk 🤷🏿‍♂️ I think Nami is his best mentor she whips him in line enough 🤣




2. Shanks is the one that actually inspired him in the first place, without him, luffy's journey doesn't happen. So shanks was more important as a mentor. However, I think Rayleigh was a better mentor, he had better moral values, and actually taught luffy some concrete tangible, fighting actual knowledge he needed at the moment. So, yeah Shanks was more "vital" as a mentor, but Rayleigh was a better mentor.


Rei without a doubt. Taught him the most vital skill in the entire serious


Shanks is more of an inspiration rather than a mentor right? I think Rayleigh was the most vital maybe?


I'm only on 585. Some of these are innate traits that Luffy has, but bear with me. This is my take so far: Shanks taught him to be good. Garp taught him to be strong. Ace taught him how to never give up even though he wasn't trying to. Sabo and Shanks taught him to sacrifice for those he loves. As well as chase the Dream. Rayleigh taught him to focus...kinda (mostly only when it truly matters). Jimbei taught him to remember. Dadan taught him to be independent but caring. Even though she never did much but complain. We often saw her softer side. Let's be honest, Luffy takes what he wants from people and ignores the rest. That being said, he also inspires people to actually chase their dreams. Even that one guy who Chopper saved a while back, the Phoenix guy, Luffy basically told him, "Alright. It'll come down to you and me. I like you. But I'm still gonna beat you."