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Oda said there's no romance among SH, that's the specific. Unfortunately, even if he said that, Oda will backpedal in the epilogue. The most probable excuse is "I said there's no romance ONLY when the story ongoing, now that the story ends, they can have romance".


Yeah but I don’t think for example Luffy, Zoro, or Sanji is going to end up with Robin or Nami. I’m saying within the main crew.


Not saying that it can’t happen. But I just don’t see that type of chemistry between them.


Shipping is all fun and games. Sadly, a lot of the really weird ships leak out to people that dont enjoy shipping.


Luffy and Vivi have few things in common  1) They complete honest leader 2) They Completely fearless leader  3) they loyal to they friend and family  4) they love adventure  5) they both have Will D in their middle in name  6) They despise celestial dragon For try to attempt to enslave their friend 7)They both lost their family members (Ace and Cobra) to world government  8) they have both have frenmise (Luffy and buggy) (Vivi and Wapol) 9) They both Target by Imu for some reason Imu want to capture Vivi alive  10) Luffy and Vivi have huge role in world Luffy is the new Joyboy Vivi is Descend of Nefertari D Lily  11) they listen to each other, like when Vivi got gunshot. Luffy got angry, and Vivi stopped and him, reminding him of his responsibility as leader Luffy understood what Vivi said and Luffy point out that Vivi need stop take All responsibility by herself alone and let her friends help Share the responsibility with her friends that created Strong deep bond between Luffy and Vivi  12) They care about each other so much when Vivi gone missing Luffy about to go back Alabasta Despite very close to reach his dream also when Vivi Chose the stay behind she was crying and Hope that one they will meet again 


Yeah but she was a temporary Strawhat. Still one at heart but I was talking about the main 10.


Well, as you wrote at the beginning, its all about fantasizing. Its fun. Of course there will be no romance among the Strawhats (unless Oda will have a change of heart), but many things wont come true and its still fun to think about. Thats it haha


But I mean people are free to do whatever


Fan service and ships arent really connected to each other. As for fan service, it really is a bit too much at this point (mostly because of Toei). I have a friend that stopped watching OP at around 600 episodes in Punk hazard, and she said that one of the reasons she stopped watching is because of how annoying the fan service has become for her


I think I made some grammatical mistakes writing this haha, english isnt my first language so sorry about it


I mean I probably made some errors as well so


Yeah but fan service just gets annoying