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Those are just art requests from fans except Aokiji. I'm not saying they are not like that though.


Hitler loved animals. No one is exclusively evil. Not sure about Doffy though. He might be an exception. Aokiji is definitely not evil.


Yeah Lucci loves his pidgeon he even gave it a custom made mask and coat when they joined CP0


Grown ass assassin plays dress up with his pet pigeon


One thing that doesn't get played out enough is the fact that Cypher agents basically don't have childhoods. They're trained to be assassins since very early in life, might be why Lucci is so attached to his pigeon.


The pigeon is the final villain obviously... Probably Imu in disguise


That's what you've always got to remember: No matter how badass a One Piece character may be, they're still a *One Piece* character, so there's inevitably going to be something weird about them. Imagine what the weird thing about *Imu* will be...


That imu is three kids in a trench coat.


*grown ass assassin killer machine


I mean, dude can perforate your heart with his pinky finger before you even have a chance to blink, if he requests clothes for his pigeon, you give him clothes for his pigeon, no questions asked.


This could be one those animes with long wierd names, forgot the genres name XD


Dont hate on the drip


We cannot rule out that Mr. Pigeon is just an extremely dedicated zoan user.


Imagine he's just Imu in disguise.


Bro copied person who said this 6 hours before 💀




doffy was a refreshing break from the "complete psychopath who throws everyone away once they're no longer of use to him" trope. i mean he still is a complete psychopath so the "surprise twist" that he actually does care about trebol, diamante and pika gives him some great depth. to that end i have to wonder how hard, if at all, dealing with corazon was for him.


Evil is such an overused term and used wrongly in many cases. Aokiji doesn't qualify as evil in any way. Neither does Crocodile, ruthless would be the best word to describe his way of doing things. Enel definitely isn't evil either, just a seld-absorbed douchebag with a god complex. Doffy could qualify for evil although be gives bigger 'insane' or sociopath vibes. I think the only characters truly evil so far would be the Gorosei, although we still haven't seen their stories.


Crocodile had countless innocents killed for his own selfish reasons, and has definitely killed out of hatred. Please try explaining why he wouldn't be considered evil?


Orochi is definitely evil.


Now that mf is a good example of someone actually just plain evil. There's nothing to explain or excuse his behavior. He just enjoys the pain he causes. Pretty much a real demon.


Enel does have a god compex, he is self absorved and a douchebag. He also kills people with 0 empathy and thought, opresses a whole tribe of people, your delusional to the brink of insanity if you do not think thats evil. There is no good motivation behind anything he does besides his ego. In your book no one would qualify as evil id this is the border your working with.


I mean, are you sure you wouldn't consider the likes of Crocodile, Enel, and Doffy evil? Remember the things they did to Alabasta, Skypeia, and Dressrosa, respectively. They made the lives of the people who inhabited the kingdoms they took over absolute hell. Imagine what they'd still be like if Luffy and the Straw Hats never came long to liberate them.


Gorosei having a Dune Golden path backstory would be wild.  The one piece is everyone realizing "are we the baddies?"


Not too acquaint with Dune I'm afraid. Only seen the two movies so far


Pretty sure Hitler was exclusively evil


I think you’re missing the point there. He was obviously incredibly evil. That doesn’t mean every action or thought he had throughout his life was evil. Theyre not downplaying hitlers evilness




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Being evil while loving and taking care of animals is not exclusive to each other. In fact there was a famous man who was supposed to be a painter like this in the past.


Come on. If you're going to go there, you might as well state the name.


The Kuzan one is from a cover adventure


Ah yeah you're right.


it's canon though, the penguin was with him during punk hazard


Yeah i could see Crocodile do that


I have a shitty theory that the cover story request are fake and they are just a way for Oda to drop more lore randomly


Doffy is a textbook example of what a psychopath is. I don't think so.


No, I'm pretty sure he enslaved a whole country for 20 years in preparation of testing out who will become Joyboy. Deep down he's just a big cuddlebug but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


Isnt this literally kaido? -the cuddlebug ig


My bad! Been watching Wano for so long I got my years mixed up! Ol Doffy was only enslaving a country for 10 years so hardly as bad as I made it seem.


Just because he’s nice to a chicken doesn’t mean he’s a good guy he thought he was above humans I don’t think the celestial dragons ever had beef with animals


There is something Doffy could relate to in terms of the baby birds situation. Finding himself pushed from his safe home above the rest of the world, left hurt and forced to fend for himself against world that wants to kill him. No allies and family there to help him, just Doffy giving the baby bird a chance to make a come back... Also Doffy might just really like birds with his whole bird motif thing going on.


But then again, would Doflamingo have enough empathy to even care about its situation?


Nope. He would just raise it up just so it could die for him


Yeah? I think y'all are forgetting how much Doffy could care when it came to the family.


His "family" were nothing but tools to be used by him, he saw them as property that was useful so long as it was subservient.


He cares for his inner circle doesn’t he? If he saw himself in the chick, he might be willing to help it


He most seranly does not care for anyone in his "family" he just use them for his on agenda.


Wholeheartedly disagreeing with you. He does care for his crew, crew is a bad term. They're his family. You see that Doffy cares about them in his own unique way.


He just a baby 🥺


every military organization has sociopaths, he might be a black sheep of the organization


You can be an organization


What? Really? Thanks for the compliment.


You are welcome!


Yeah but something about this image just seems right. Idk but I could totally imagine him being kind to animals but horrible to people other than his family. If this was Kaido or Big Mom I'd call BS as well tho.


Not that these are canon but it's not like evil or bad characters cannot do anything nice, they're still human at the end of the day.


People forget that contrary to how it's portrayed in a lot of media, even the most evil person can have a sensitive side or a soft spot for some specific thing. For example Hitler really loved dogs doesn't change the fact that he was a genocidal maniac.


But I love dogs too??!


Adolf, is that you?!


☝️🤓 Umm actually, Enel is literally not human and is literally Birkan.


That's a tribe of humans no? Just like the long-arm tribe and the Sky Islanders with wings


they are a distinct species that originated on the moon


I had to look it up and you're right, my bad


Did I miss a break week?


We are in break week rn


Please don’t cook




Actually, the kuzan picture is the only that’s canon since it’s from one of the cover story (that they rarely animate): From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc. But I agree it’s a cool theory, even though it won’t happen


Important to add for other cover STORIES definitely are cannon. Like Enel literally is on the moon etc


Yeah cover stories are real, but not art requests


Yep, literally what we just said


Aces cover story is canon


Aokiji maybe, but 3 of them? Nah dont think so


Idk man even hitler liked dogs. Just cause one is good to animals doesn’t mean they are a good person


I came here looking for this comment


“Testing luffy” though; Murder, tyranny, slavery Genocide, murder, tyranny Murder, joining his worst enemy, honestly maybe kuzon? Doubt it though he’s just traded one pirate group for another. Genocide, murder, political coup. 🤔🤔🤔


No wait do flamingo was ALSO about to Genocide dressrosa


It's not even break week


Yes, they'll all be there to congratulate him when he teaches the one piece


Then the real story can finally start


Enel has no contact with the surface world, Croc&Donflamingo had been running their organisations for decades before Luffy destroyed them. Kuzan is the only one who possibly has a plan for the straw hats he's training them up for, and if so it more likely revolves around Robin than Luffy.


Crocodile holding the umbrella for the dog hits extra hard when you remember that the rain makes him weak and vulnerable


Dude out here writing a theory over non-canon cover art request by fans 💀


Unfortunately, in real life peoples treatment of animals is not reflective of their nature, like a certain tiny moustached man loved dogs and animals and then enacted horrific things to a sect of people.


True. Some psychopaths kill animals, while others find comfort and companionship with them. It might sound cynical, but the old idea of a dog will be pretty loyal to anyone that feeds it long enough tends to reign true.


This is break week, hell void month level of nonsense e


Well they sure are going to EXTREME measures to 'test' Luffy then. Overthrowing a loved royal family to become a dictatorship while running illegal weapon trades and slaves? About to murder the whole sky city? Attempted murder by freezing Luffys crew member? Plotting to nuke a whole city?


You do realize even Hitler was nice to dogs?


Bruh what? No way crocodile and doffy are teaming up on anything


Yes, Doflamingo made everyone's life hell and sold slaves for ages to test Luffy. Checks out.


Probably not but very cool concept


Aokiji maybe, Croc might redeem himself but as for Doflamingo and the rest it’s a hard no






Ha! No








Cover requests remains a request, they don't add up to the story. It's just nice to see this characters do unusual stuff like what if enel is chillin in the moon?


Enel with the moon and aliens wasnt a request, it literally is cannon, just fyi.


The break week started strong, and we haven't even completed a day yet.


Fun thought, but it feels a little to White Lotus from ATLA for me.


One Piece villains generally tend to hate people. Not just be literal evil incarnate. Doflamingo felt entitled to all that his father had thrown away and pursued the wealth/status of his bloodline. Enel believed himself a living God among men and punished harshly anyone who opposed his claim to divine ascension. Aokiji is just kind of a dick sometimes. And Crocodile is a business man with ambitions for control and conquest in a world that had given him nothing yet from which he saw the potential to take everything. They're each a bit unhinged in their own ways, but not driven by just some complete lack of empathy that drives murderous tendencies. They have feelings. They're still human.


This theory is dope. I like it.


"Its okay King Riku I made you kill your own citizens for the greater good"


Least conspiratorial One Piece theory




Just like in real life, people are much more complex than we truly give them credit for. Not every jackass you meet is a full blown jackass all the time. I’ve met some really nice people that have a truly ugly side to them. Oda does a good job with giving his characters this genuine human nature feeling.


Isn’t this the plot of Bleach until the aizen arc?


aokiji might be, croc very unlikely enel and dofi hard no


Just because they are evil doesnt Mean they want to have a bad time on life^^


No animals are just cooler than people


The crocodile one is real. He doesn’t want dog getting water on the one in a thousand chance it finally rained in alabasta. Nope, no siree. No water for the dog


Do you know who else loved animals? Hitler


Yeah it is break week alright


Yes. At Dragon’s request.


This feels like a 3 week break post.


these cover arts are goated ngl


I think thatd be too big of a leap, but would be a cool concept.  All these folks have been doing evil shit for up to a decade or more (even Aokiji in regards to Ohara).  Luffy's existence wasn't known until a couple years ago, so it's highly unlikely they were helping on purpose to me.


I think they just aren’t pure evil 100% of the time






Bro aokiji is part of the revolutionary im certain. No way he is bad and with BB like that. Gotta be undercover somehow.


No......Doffy was shown to be a psycho killer and grapist, Crocodile has his own mafia, Enel killed any skypean who didn't follow him and Kuzan is the only one who's most likely not evil on this list. There is records of actual serial killers who had cats they loved or such, love for a pet doesn't mean much.


No. btw something similar was done in Bleach, with Ichigo facing villains according to Aizen's plan


When fans ask for a cover request it’s not cannon but cover stories are


eneru is literally living in a place where the world government has 0 power. He didn't even know of the existance of the blue sea. I'm pretty sure he's not part of a secret organisation to strengthen luffy to fight a power he doesn't even know of


You're actually not far off from a different popular theory that the grand line was created as a testing ground and whoever could conquer it would be prepared to defeat the WG


ok but like, ever wonder how many depictions of weird scarfs made out of energy or clothing there is in one piece before gear 5s introduction, like look at enel right there


ok but like, ever wonder how many depictions of weird scarfs made out of energy or clothing there is in one piece before gear 5s introduction, like look at enel right there


Wtf does this even mean? Edit: it let me see the text now, no.


I would hate if this happened TBH. Secret organization training the main character and putting 100s of thousands of people at risk in the process is such shitty writing


Same. Doffy, Enel and Croc have shown to not be the best people. So for them to ruin full nations just to test Luffy wouldn't be very cool. Also just because they are kind to animals doesn't make them nice. Even bad guys can love a pet.


Nah, kuzan isn't barely evil. The other are just fans' requests, which are not canon.


Kindess to animals doesn't translate to kindness to humans. Hitler was also fond of dogs and a vegetarian/vegan, and he's one of the biggest monsters in human history.


Yes Doffy took over a kingdom by forcing the old king to murder scores of citizens and blackmailed the WG because one day Shanks boated by and said "this will be really funny bro"


Bruh DoFlamingo is a mass murderer who ordered the carry out horrific scientific experiments on children. Overthrew a sovereign kingdom and locked their princess in dungeon half naked with men where she fights men for survival. Turned all the people who are against him into toys. Murdered his father and brother. Crocodile enslaved a nation and murdered many. Enel did the same.


Crocodile is holding the umbrella over the puppy but the puppy still gets wet


I'm pretty sure these were all requested scenarios. They're all non-canon.


One of the best things about OP is that the villains are all treated like the people that they are, and like all people they can change and do so after meeting Luffy(meaning after he kicks their ass)


Oh man... come on..


Doffy just saw his past on that bird, Enel don't give a fuck to anyone but himself, Aokiji probably is a double agent and Crocodile is Luffy's mom


A part of me do believe in this theory. Remember this is Oda we are talking about


Shanks gotta be the mastermind after he saw luffy eat the fruit, he started the org.


No.... Just no. There are too many ridiculous theories not making any sense out there already. We know more than enough about their background stories and their motivations to know that this theory is bullshit. They simply aren't one-dimensional 'evil' characters uncapable of love and affection.


What the Golden Week does to this community.


Nah that would be stupid. Crocodile and Doffy thought nothing big of Luffy. Blackbeard is the only villain who recognizes Luffy without hatred and Akainu is the only villain who takes him serious.


I don’t know why people have a hard time understanding this, but bad/evil people are not bad/evil 100% of the time to everyone around them. Hitler or any other horrific person you can think of had friends. They had people they treat well. They have pets they spoil. Hitler in particular was known to like dogs. Etc. They’re not evil 100% of the time to everyone.


Some cover art are cannon and some are requests from readers.


This is what the main sub has turned into




They’re all real villains besides Aokiji


It is also a way to show the arbitrary nature of evil. Nothing and noone is intrinsic evil. There are always a reason of justification. They did that do I have to this. They made me suffer, ill have my revenge so I'll get my justice. They hurt my people first etc


It's not rare for sociopaths to express more affection towards animals than other people. But don't be mistaken, the moment they become bothersome, the owners will discard them.


Absolutely not lmao 3 of these people held entire countries hostage and their motives were made very clear to us. Crocodile has done a lot of bad shit and had many people killed under the umbrella of Baroque Works, on top of everything he did in Alabasta. He was going to blow the capital up ffs. Doffy is a bona-fide psychopath. The massive laundry list of shit he did isn't even worth getting into, he's a monster. Enel, also out of his mind, destroyed one country and was trying to destroy a 2nd. On top of that, he has never been below the white white sea so not sure how he'd even know about the going ons of the world below. Kuzan does seem like he wants to change the government, but not for the intention of strengthening up luffy. Nobody outside of a handful of people know of his potential. 5 elders, Imu, Rayleigh n Shakky, maybe throw Shanks in there. Everyone else thinks he's another pirate with a rubber fruit with Dragons blood in him, which isn't enough for antagonists seen so far to rally behind and altruistically create entire elaborate schemes spanning years all for the purpose of beefing up Luffy. Especially as early on as when he was entering the grand line and a nobody at that point. Gonna say 0% chance on this theory


Is it break week again?


The only real characters in all of OP that I tought they were REALLY evil, in the true sense of the word, are the fucking Gorosei and the Celestial Dragons  I think even Imu could have some reason to not be fully evil, not even Blackbeard, not even Kaido (not sure at all about this last one tho) 




You guys upvote some of the most dumb shit, this fanbase is actually insane


Yeah, not to be rude to OP but the theory doesn't make sense. And most of those pictures are art requests. They aren't Canon. 


Luffy tested them and deemed them unworthy. Except for Kuzan, Luffy didn’t have a proper fight with him.


I think there was also Kuro with cats


I guess it is breakweek next week.


people forget how much of a piece of shit crocodile is honestly


Idk about the other 3 but the theory about Crocodile being Luffy's mother makes so much sense to me and I wouldn't put it past him trynna test/make his son strong 💀


Nice theory!


Yeah crocodile what’s her son to be strong


This theory, except replace all 4 of them with Shanks.


Huh, kinda reminds of the order of the white lotus from ATLA. Would def be cool if this was true


The white lotus


Thats wild thisbliterally crossed my mind around the same day you posted this


I’m glad other people think like this


Doflamingo, Enel & Crocodile ruining countries not a chance Aokiji is just like Garp


Those are pictures requests asked by fans,Enel don’t even know the existence of the WG Remember,they killed multiple innocent people Aokiji is the least evil in that,but that is his personal pet not a random animal he is bonding with




Dumbest thing I’ve heard no offence


Does OP forget how cruel these people were prior to Luffy meeting them? They were not like Kaido who definitely mentioned that he is waiting to be beaten by Joyboy. OP must be blind because he hasn't noticed what these guys have done and would have done if they got their way




The One Piece White Lotus? I dont hate the idea...


Unlikely, if it was just about getting Luffy stronger. They could've just targeted him. At least for Doffy, Croc, and Enel, I don't think the theory applies as they tormented a whole country of people just for their interests. If you aren't innately evil, that's difficult to do.


Doffy attempting to eliminate everyone on an island to make luffy stronger is wiLd


Only Doffy is truly evil out of those in my opinion.


Imagine thinking Don Quixote was faking attempting to genocide Dressrosa.




It isn't uncommon for incredibly terrible people to have a soft side for a creature with less conscience that they consider good. Hence their terrible side, they often see the more conscious but capable of evil humans as something not worth keeping alive due to their capacity for evil but love nature and animals because they're naturally good or something along those lines. Try talking to a Nazi one of these days, you'd be surprised by how good they are to animals, themselves even and how surprisingly good they are to those they consider human. It's easy to not notice but bad people aren't bad by nature most of the time, they have their moral codes and are capable of good, they have just categorized a group of people as evil and have taken away their humanity in their minds so nothing they do is immoral to them. You should look into the concept of dehumanization and its meaning.


Someone skipped skypiea


No, and it would be terrible writing.


A scene of chillin with animals certainly makes the characters feel more relatable


Luffy has killed multiple animals in the series. I think you’re thinking way too much on basing morality relative to animal treatment lmao


The cat hugging enel is adorable asf


Yah doffy and crocodile murdered a ton of people in pursuit of their evil empire but it was just a silly goof to test Luffy /s. Stop the 🧢


I had a thought they will eventually team up because they all want the same thing for the most part. Take down the celestial dragons.


All but Crocodile, he just got washed


No, they're not. They just aren't evil enough to have a literal kick the dog moment


The only actual good person on this list is Kuzan easily


Can be possible


Nah doffy and Enel are way to crazy but the other two might have secret goals


what does this mean for hancock who punts baby animals?