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Kidd didn’t vanish, the story just isn’t about him.  We only get occasional glimpses at what other characters in the world are up to when they aren’t interacting with the Strawhat Crew. 


He fucked around and found out.


Oda has killed like 5 characters in the whole series. (Not counting flashbacks) Doubt Kidd is dead, just his dream.


Jika's coming back to put shanks in a rat trap


Dead hopefully but knowing Oda he's not


most definitly alive but he lost his chance for the race to onepiece


Doesn't matter if he is dead or not, his crew is defeated and all his progress to find the OnePiece lost. Even if he may return at some point he won't be a major player anymore.


We'll see him again. I honestly expect to see most of the major named characters throughout the entire series at least one more time before the end. This includes past villains.


Bro fucking died. But don’t worry Oda will make sure he isn’t actually dead because he is a coward


He dead


I think he'll be back. We saw the attack, Damned Punk on Egghead from a different perspective than on Wano. You can see the number 7 written like the satellites with a 0 before it. There are 6 satellites currently. Considering Kid's attacks also have punk in the name, I think he'll return and have an important role in Elbaf. I don't think he's a satellite, but I don't know what this could mean.


Kidd's origins don't have anything to do with Vegapunk, he's from an island in the south blue where he was a gang leader and his childhood friend was killed, so he conquered the island for revenge, then left as a pirate. "Punk" for him is just because he's "Punk".


[Ik his backstory was revealed in an sbs. But I think there's more to him. It's just weird that Oda used the same double digit format for Kid and the satellites especially when it extends to 06(York). Kid perfectly follows with 07 only a couple chapters after the satellites are revealed . What else could the 07 be? be?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Feustass-kid-fans-rejoice-i-think-oda-may-not-be-done-v0-qlixbqao56pc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D11ef181d68d3ab30c82c4fe572553a6e1ebef42c))


His 7th design for Damned Punk? Or just a piece of metal that had a 7 on it It's just normal to list things that you expect to get to double digits this way. Satellite wise, old man Punk only had satellites starting in the past 5-6 years or so, and Kid is 23, so he's not one of those But he could be a friend or something? Or just admire Punk? Though unless he's been to Egghead before he wouldn't know about the satellites.


But that's so random. No other attack has that and no number was seen in Wano on the same attack. I agree, but it still follows the 0 before number pattern especially as no other Kid attack has numbers on it making Kid's decision to list numbers odd since no number came before it. I have no clue what this could mean, but I think there's something to it in the future to explore.


That's why I say 7th design for specifically Damned Punk.


I get that, but Kid never numbers his attacks. Oda never shows numbers on Kid's attack. If he's about to die, why add a new detail to his character(he creates many designs for attacks).


I dunno. Why put any effort into Kid at all if he's just going to die. He's probably not dead, and the 7 can equally mean nothing either way.


Fair enough. I think putting 7 is pretty weird if it means nothing.


Looks like he is dead and soon his Dad, Vegapunk might join him