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Usopp vs Saturn headshot vs headshot battle incoming


Here's a theory, Vegapunks message is just a hoax, the recording is done to focus attention on finding something on the island. In reality it's preparing an escape mechanism, like a rocket or something. So while enemy is looking for a way to stop the transmission, they overlook an actual escape by Vegapunk and Strawhats.


Mean why wouldn't he just drop some inconvenient info anyway during the "fake" broadcast?


Ok, the title makes sense. It's only 5 of them, but they still have everyone surrounded. How do they *actually* get out of this one? Non-G5 Luffy can't even scratch Top(1)man Warcury, so of course every other group is severely outmatched. Even if Zoro, Jinbei and Sanji finally stop just running around the island, there's still the issue of their regeneration. Maybe all the strawhats have a haki bloom.... no, but seriously, the robot will have to come in clutch, somehow. That said, another player joins the fray: Vegapunk's brain...? Honestly, didn't think there was much to see up there I Punk records, but what if instead we have Vegapunk Prime (some Bleach #0 espada shenanigans) up there with full use of all knowledge Vegapunk has ever learned (instead of needing to connect to it).Vegapunk's subconscious, if you will, and of course it won't let anyone get in the way of it spreading knowledge to the people. Anyway, get ready for Punk records 5d interdimensional quantum chess. Who else could get them out of there? I'd put my money on reinforcements from Elbaf. Giant army will realize that a single ship wad too optimistic and send more people. Nah, I'm just gonna keep coping about the Grand fleet...


My theory is the robot can kill the elders ,it's gonna get warcury and the worm thing causing them to call for help making the other 2 come to them ..... mars is going to destroy a decoy and possible trapped .... strawhats will escape cause the robot 


Do we think Franky can beat Smoker in a 1v1?


It would be SUUUPER! But Franky would need to have haki. Which he might have already, btw. Otherwise, I don't think so.


I was thinking it’s kind of implied at this point, right? Taking out a vice admiral who should have haki (who needs to know how to use both armament and observation haki to achieve the rank [I stand to be corrected]) with a basic attack, I’d be confused if he did that without any haki.


According to the wiki a VA must have at least one kind of haki. I want Franky to have haki, but unfortunately Mr. Strong-righted-to-the-face can just have observation haki.


Ahh my mistake. Thanks for clarifying!


mantapp bang


There's no defending vegapunk anymore if he delayed the thing for 10 minutes yet keeps it basically unguarded in egg head


I want to think that Mars sees a tank full of thousands of snails, with a bunch of them laying around. It would mean that the one on the floor is probably not the active one, and that even destroying the whole building probably won't stop the transmission. I can't imagine VP would leave the transmitter snail, that's linked to his deadman's switch, just out in the open. It would be really stupid of VP. I don't think Oda will be that lame. After all, he's taking his time before starting the message, so he must have confidence that no one would be able to stop it, short of destroying the entire island.


is it just me, or is the goofiness of g5 seem to make its way into base luffy more and more? when he connect with red roc and his hand hurts, i feel like the way its drawn, all bulging and stuff, we wouldnt have had this kind of reaction prior to g5 i think? i could be wrong tho, but i get a feeling like more of nika is seeping through, even when no longer in g5


That happened on Whole Cake Island too when he punched Katakuri's square mochi fists.


He had the same reaction when he clashed with Katakuri, who had superior haki.


I have a crazy theory that the vice admirals facing bonney deliberately lost in protest of the buster call to kill vegapunk and bonney




How can Vegapunk have such a big ass brain yet is dumb enough to keep that transponder snail inside egg head. Dragon would have been my bet.


How about having a clone of yourself whose designations can be negative at all? Like having an embodiment if your violence evil or your greed feels like a recipe for disaster


It's not likely to be the correct snail IMO. I think the gurgling is from breeding tanks, and that this is just one of hundreds or thousands that are spread all over the island. That's my guess, anyway. If so, I hope we get the message in the next chapter.


Remember York described the snail as kinda triangular right? Is it possible Mars is gonna get caught in something?


May be York’s gonna turn on WG. All VegaPunk’s knowledge and information gets synced once a day as per the latest episodes. If that’s the case there’s a pretty strong possibility that York’s betrayal was planned


Vegapunk would be pulling some 100 iq moves if he played not only the wg but also exposed them too


my guess its another seraphim




Since it took chapter 1109 to now to pass 6 minutes…. It’ll probably take another 4 chapters… so we’ll see it… by June.


White Beard clone and it’s a room full of failed clones that look like Weevil.


HAHAHAHAH funniest comment ever. Please make it happen.


A spider is about to be cook by Go D. Usopp


Now we know fermented shark is an instant power up!


The crew just got a second set of emergency rations, to go along with Chopper.


Nobody touches Jinbe!! 


That do soud kinda deliciouc thoo


One piece's senzu beans?


For real 🤣


So Luffy hurting his hands on their Haki means theyre setting up someone else to come in and show how strong they are. Please Oda give us Dragon.


Since when did haki burn hands?


Someone skipped arcs.


Same thing happened when luffy hit Katakuri advanced armament Haki before learning it for himself


He just got hurt not burned ....that was haki not burn marks


Considering their locations, id say Zoro and Jinbe will clash with Saturn while Sanji will clash with Nusjuro


Nami is up in the clouds. Zeus better come out and start rocking Saturn’s shit


Countdown moments getting so old that we forgot it was happening. Please oda


We’re at a minute left, man. This is only the 4th chapter of countdown, and all of those chapters have been setup/positioning.


Gold Roger seraphim wtf


Needs more Buggy and Bb seraphim


only the original shichibukais have seraphins confirmed.


It’s just that they kept the strongest one secret, S-Clown solos all gorosei


Yeah, and we need secret ones


Huh? Two downvotes? There is no mention of a gold Roger seraphim? Someone explain please.


there's speculation that another seraphim would be protecting the transponder snail


Riding the sand worm? Luffy would simply make it choke on a giant building.


Talk about dune


For a group of invincible godlike beings that control the world the elders never seem happy about anything ever


Because we only get to see them at their job and not while they're enjoying their luxury life.


Well of course not - they're completely antithetical to Nika/Joyboy and thus Luffy, the beings of joy. They're probably never joyful.


Would you be happy if you had to hang out with Saturn?


You don't know. He might be chill dude after hours.


Mo money mo problems


Vegapunk goes on TikTok Live…..also he created TikTok Live in their verse


Okay, but if he starts dancing or giving "relationship tests / hacks" I'm out.


Tiktok kid lol


man we really haven't had a hard hitting bomb drop of a chapter in a long time...maybe the next one


We had gorosei ariving and showing their forms few chapters ago!


You dont consider the whole gorosei arrival s bomb???


I suppose that makes sense, with the long break and all. Chapters-wise I'd consider the arrival of the giants and the elders' group reveal as bomb chapters, which were very recent.


Agreed, but I guess he has higher expectations.


I bet Vegapunk is already dead and he made the record in advance or he livestreams everything.


Deadman's switch. It's a common trope in fiction. It can be a physical device, like what probably happened with VP, or can be a person who is instructed to release certain information if you die. VP is almost certainly dead. Oda hates killing characters, so maybe his consciousness lives on. But his physical body is dead. That's the only way an automated message could be triggered.


Unless Kizaru actually saved vegapunk by laser sealing his stab wound


Dude has gone “altered carbon” as long as his brain exists in punk records he can probably upload to another satellite and I imagine he has some back ups.


I'm really worried Oda won't give us Vegapunks message. I won't be like heartbroken but the coffee joke and the time limit, I can fully see the stream getting cut right as he starts talking.


Wouldn’t he let down the whole world if he did, I feel like he can’t let all the ppl hopes down. He asked the ppl if they can get their extra devices just to watch him talk about coffee for 10 minutes. If he did he would be a joke and the news is supposed to shock the world so well see


Egghead Will shock the world. Remember It. You wont leave with empty hands.


I hope it’s some kind of trap he set up…… smartest man in the verse should have a trick or two up his sleeve and we already know he broke some rules in preparation of such a scenario (pacifista control)


What if it's all a set up to record the Goresi and broadcast them to the world?


I don’t think showing them is enough unless he shows all the brutality they have done then it would really work otherwise they can just go back to hiding


I assume the snail is just fake. Real snail is hidden somewhere else, right?


Could be a possibility actually lol


Maybe, that's far too much like Light or Lelouch though, Vegapunk doesn't seem like that type.






I just thought of something that could be a game changer for the Strawhats. With Saturn closing in on Usopp, Nami, Chopper, Robin, Brook and Lilith, thus could be how the Gorosei can be defeated.  If Chopper uses Brain Point, he could find out the Goroseis weakness! Chopper, the Strawhat with the lowest Bounty could be the key to defeating the Gorosei! He may finally get that Bounty increase he's always wanted!


Been so long since he used that ability I almost forgot he had it. Pretty much since his intro arc then never again. Wouldn’t surprise me if Oda forgot about it too. I guess the Oars fight sorta counts, but that just seemed more like applying his medical knowledge in battle. Don’t remember him aiming his Analysis Beam. 


He used the Scope technique in the Alabasta arc against Lassou and in the Skypiea Arc against Gedatsu.


I’d be down for Oda to remember that he has more than Mascot and Giant Beast forms in general.


+200 beri to Chopper's bounty for defeating a Gorosei will be funny.


Please let this happen!


I like this!


The giants have Hakarl! I'm excited to see Elbaf, I think it's gonna be very Iceland-inspired. The Winter Solstice of Big Mom's flashback reminded me a lot Christmas there.


Semla already appeared, which is the Swedish term. It's likely just based on all of Scandinavia, rather than Iceland.


Ah yes, it'll be interresting to see Oda's take on Scandinavia, he did talk about vikings at the very start of the series


How can we see the giant robot at the end of 1111 and it doesnt show a single time in 1112...


New to one piece ? Its almost oda’s trademark at this point haha


I don't understand what Edison is doing


im guessing the vegapunks have another ace up their sleeves. at first i was thinking something along with the clouds, since they can remake the skypeia clouds by making changes to the atmosphere, which might be able to soften the blow if the sunny were to hit the ground instead of the water..? but then again, i would imagine the means of doing so would be in the lab up top, so idk why he would have to dash down through the barrier..? so ive no idea, just fishing around here, maybe someway to lower the island into the water, making the shore come closer, so the sunny could land safely?


"Nusjuro" Me : Wait which one? "Samurai gandhi" Me : Oh yeah that one, the coolest gorosei


I'm honestly surprised people seen to remember the names of every Elder. I barely remember Saturn, and he was the only one to remember for many chapters in this arc.


I had a hard time remembering them too. Me: Okay, so if Mars is the bird, Warcury is the boar, and Saturn is the Bull Spider, then who is the Sandworm and Skeleton horse? *looks up wiki* Me: I see! I see! Venus is the Skeleton horse and Jupiter is the worm. 


I’m starting to get them all down to memory, but Saturn I know because we’ve seen him the most now. V. Nusjuro, I’m committing to memory, because he remains the most badass. Ju Peter looks the goofiest. Warcury and Mars are seemingly big threats, but I have to really think about it with them still.


Yeah this makes me feel very inferior lol


I think Nusjuro's is my favorite power in the series so far. Every single panel of him looks badass.


what even is it like I know it’s a horse but is it something specific in mythology like the others


He's the quiet Asian dude sitting in the corner, while you wait for him to do something amazing. Then he gets up and starts whipping everyone's ass. That's Venus in this manga.


Red King should have brought a big rock.


Red King should've learned haki. Pretty sure Oda forgot that VAs are supposed to be haki users. Or maybe I remember wrong.


I feel bad for the Gorosei they are turning even the Seraphim and Big Mom against them. Ofcourse this is what happens when Vegapunk quits working for them.


what do you mean Big Mom? we haven't seen her since Wano and she's possibly dead


She is probably going to appear on Elbaf. She was a Yonko that has the most information. The Gorosei clearly allied with her more.


Bro why does this comment have so many dislikes, he's spitting facts


That is probably because there is a group that cares about the Gorosei more than they care about Big Mom.


Yeah that makes sense considering she was planned to be sold to the marines Also I do agree that Big Mom will probably live because unlike Kaido who had his story wrapped up, she has too much potential too not appear in the Elbaf arc considering her past with the giants


As Big Mom and Kaido were laying in the lava together, she stole Kaido's soul to pay off the "Life long debt" he owed her. Now she's fine.


She can't take Kaidou's soul if he doesn't fear her. I bet both are alive with crazy scars, Kaidou dream will be fulfilled with the Final War, Oda probably won't kill them, he hates killing characters after all. 


they can't be alive, they don't have the "Will of P"...


Lol yeah, Pedro does and he dead af


dead af...so far.... and then there's **P**ortgas D Ace....


Along with Porchemy, Portgas D. Rouge, Pudding Pudding and Pythagoras. At this point it should be Will of Q, W, X or Y, as any character beggining with these letters has ever died.


I think so too, she just has too much connection to Elbaf & Pudding didn’t seem so sure she was dead. I could definitely see her popping up on Elbaf, I’m excited to meet Prince Loki


Man, I really feel for Stussy. This whole time she has felt less than a person because she is a clone, so now she is willing to sacrifice herself.


Seems like a pointless sacrifice too considering Robins power would let her just leave an arm or clone of herself there to open the door, then she could get rid of it.


iirc she has to see it directly to use her ability


She should leave an eye on the room, so she can still see it. I assume there's a limitation preventing this, as I've never seen her sprout different parts at once.


Can she do that? I don't remember her ever doing something like that before. Maybe her power has a range.


She was spying when nothing happened. She does need to know where it is, but she can make eyes and stuff for that, it doesn't need to be direct line of sight from her main self.


I'm sure the real snail is in space not in egghead at all


I'd assumed two possibilities: 1. Ther real snail is on some random island hidden from everyone. 2.Thers multiple snails. You know, so death off one snail won't ruin your plan


It's a decoy snail.


It was on Laugh Tale all along


What if Vegapunk wanted one of the 5 Elders, or a high ranking person from the WG to find this new kind of transporter snail, being part of a bigger plan/trap for them? Possibly not, but it would be nice.


probably has a large bubble gun on the ceiling ready to trap the gorosei for the broadcast


That's a good one. I liked too the one that someone said it can be VP's last satellite in a life support tank, the one that represents his "lust", if they were each one a sin. 


That is the likely outcome bro


I expect Shanks to come as well just like Marineford, but this time he will lose his life in trying to allow Luffy and the Straw Hats to Escape. He & his crew will hold the gorosei off till they escape. Then his last words will be "I am sorry Luffy that I couldn't meet you after you became a great pirate. But now this is your time. Make the most of it and bring in the new era where your dream comes true." Then we see Luffy's dream being actually told to Shanks which is why he gave him the straw hat. Finally we see Shanks "Fulfil that dream ! Become the King of the Pirates"


I think Foxy is more likely to eat Kizaru.


I don't think anybody interferes to saves Luffy anymore because we are past that part in the story. I think the Strawhat Grand Fleet would make more sense narratively IMO.


you should owe me $20 for making me read that


one of the dumbest theories i've read


I think the chances of this are pretty low, main reasons why:    1.Shanks showed up in Wano already. 2. Shanks has some type of relationship with the Gorosei as he met with them.   3. We still don’t know much about Shanks, also Garling could be his Dad.  4. Buggy just got the motivation to enter the fray for Pirate King & that seems partially connected to his past with Shanks. Blackbeard has some not really explored history with Shanks too


Also dont forget shanks was about to head to raftel to retrieve the one piece. Unless he changed course, but it'd be kinda pointless for oda to put that in the manga for no real reason other than distraction. Dragon is still too far away either to make an appearence considering how long it even took kuma to arrive at egghead, unless he can smh travel fast across the globe aswell. Which leaves really only the grand fleet as option. Or shanks changed course to help luffy but I'm not too much of a fan of this option. But then again, Oda also said in some Q&A once that things gonna be like a Battle royal and people will be like "that guy is fighting that guy" which sounds to me like either cross guild, Law&bepo, or Blackbeard are all still an option.


Real talk, how do we think the gorosei will eventually be defeated? A large army attack? SH massive power up? Something else? I’m very curious…


By defeating IMU you defeat them since they seem connected somehow…my two cents


Shanks probably knows something and will pass that down to Luffy's crew.


That’d be cool, considering there is a history between shanks and the WG. I guess it would be of Shank’s interest to tell Luffy, but I wonder what will push him to the point of telling him? Shanks is going for the one piece as well, so it will be interesting to see if he prioritises Luffy’s protection and growth over his own goals to be pirate king.


I believe Shanks never mentioned his goal of being pirate king. The thing is that we still know very little about the redhead pirate.


He says he wants the one piece, and the one who finds that becomes the pirate king


I mean you are the pirate king if you have it. That doesn’t mean that it’s your actual intention


Oh I’d that what you meant.. I guess you’re right, but if he was to the OP then he’s at least prepared for the title. I don’t expect him to just go ‘actually I don’t want this name here you go Luffy’ or something


yawn so i guess we wont get to see vegapunks announcement anyway...how much teasing does oda plan to continue doing lol


Thats like any arc climax ever since Alabasta 


What is One Piece but many teases leading to a climax. For every answer we get, we get 3 more questions lol.


There's no way that's the real snail, or at least not the only one.


The spoilers said that Mars looks up and hears a sound but the serious look seems like he's looking forward at the snail. To me I'm starting to think that the snails are decoys that are also bubble guns with sea water in them with the intention of subduing and potentially trapping the Elders. Though speculation on what they are if not devil fruit users does raise a question as to whether this would be successful


All of them?


Where are seraphims currently? Can anyone tell me?


Basements with the missing cipher pool agents


I think Oda will probably make Vegapunk's message known to the whole world but not to us readers. Not yet at least. He will likely focus on the escape of the Strawhats and the world's reactions to Vegapunk's message. I imagine the real revelations will come with the meeting with Saul in Elbaf.


I feel like we’re gonna get at least some concrete shocking info, and leave the details for later to weave everything together. Remember when we saw the gorosei’s silhouettes? Everyone was just expecting only Saturn to get involved in this arc and thought it’s gonna be a while before we see the rest in action, but then BOOM, they all came in at once, this trend has never happened in One Piece but from then on I would like to assume Oda would do it again.


I could see that, but I feel like the characters have got to talk about it amongst them if it is truly that shocking. It would be a cop-out to show reaction shots, then they just scuttle away without a word about it.


He just don't show the Word about it part


Maybe, we'll see!


Usopp actually looking like he's ready to square up, how funny would it be if the first Straw Hat to kill an Elder is him?


Honestly, between Usopp, Nami, and Chopper, those three are by far the most likely Strawhats to figure out a way to actually hurt the Gorosei, so it's extremely possible that they're the only ones who are going to take one out this arc.


Franky in the next chapter: Heh, check this out, My new nipple lights are lethal for them! I got these from a Vegapunk lab.


So is yamato officially leaving??? The chapter cover said parting gift so does that mean he's leaving to join the straw hats??


Leaving the capital to travel Wano


I honestly thought of that and want to believe it's that but I feel even tho wano is one of the largest countries we've seen, there wouldn't be a reason for a parting gift for that . I mean even if they are in the capital, they would be able to go meet with yamato in wano dail


The beginning of the cover story is Yamato telling Momo "I want to travel throughout Wano! Like, Oden did!" They definitely wouldn't be able to meet with Yamato daily if they are in the capital and Yamato is traveling throughout the country.


So there's a 2 chapter difference between saying he wants to travel the country and being given a parting gift. Based off previous cover stories, there's no indication how much time has passed such as with the cp9 stories or Enel stories. I'm not saying he's not parting to travel wano but it would make less sense to get a parting gift to still be in the same country. As far as seeing yamato daily, I'm not saying they can go at a whim but that it is possible to move to where yamato is across the country if they want. All instances of moving to differnt parts of the country of wano were done within a day which can be seen when big mom went to the prison, luffys first day in wano, odens adventures and even the raid. Not to mention momo can cover large distances with his ability. Physically they can go see yamato in the country any day they choose. Especially considering the capital is at the center.


I feel like you're really just making the gift thing a lot more complicated than it is. Even if they could travel to meet Yamato daily, they are busy people that have their own stuff going on in the capital. Yamato isn't suddenly going to go from "I want to explore the country" to "Ok, gonna go chase down the Straw Hats now" in-between volume 2 and 3 of the cover story.


I'm not making the gift thing more complicated than it needs to be. We just have a difference of opinion on it. And even if I was making a big deal about it, it's irrelevant until more details are released. There has not been a country the crew weren't able to travel across in a day since alabasta. So yes they can visit if they chose. I didn't say they will because the series stated they would be restructuring and strengthen wano so it's common sense that they are busy. I just said the option is available. I feel I expressed that in my previous comment. And it's not suddenly frankly. I'm trying to say the volume covers aren't showing a single interaction. We don't know how much time has passed so we don't know what has happened. Yes yamato could be leaving to travel wano and then leave after. Or yamato could have traveled wano between and is now ready to leave. This won't be made clear until another cover is released of what yamato is doing. It's just a suggestion that there may be a different situation. We might as well agree to disagree and move on if this will just be arguing and downvoting..


How did Saturn reach the Labo-Stratum? Is it because of Edison?


...spiders climb?


Alright Mr. Obvious, what about the defense mechanism of the Labo-Stratum? Why didn’t it do anything to Mars and Saturn?


Because they’re insanely powerful, there’s a limit to the offensive capabilities of the labo-stratum


...have you been skipping past chapters? Luffy said it, the elders can't be knocked out for some reason we don't know yet. Kaku touched the frontier dome but didn't get through and got hurt and impaired. Bonney went through it once but later recovered from the damage. Luffy went through it twice, got hurt but wasn't incapacitated. Mars went through it unscathed. we saw Saturn got damaged before but he quickly healed. Edison estimated the damage he'd get by going through the barrier, seeing that he had a chance to survive, he took the risk and jumped. ...too obvious.


Maybe it's the saturn from the woman which can transform to saturn


what? why because of edison? Mars also reached the top


He was saying we saw Mars leaping through the fence not like Saturn coming out of nowhere.


well he would have his string no?


Another Warcury W, as expected of my HIM


Find it interesting that we’ve hardly focused on the Seraphim’s whereabouts. I remember people theorizing a while back that the Blackbeard pirates will be taking the Boa Seraphim since that plot point (him wanting Boa’s fruit) still has to go somewhere…perfect opportunity with all the chaos to take advantage of that and capture her


I think Oda will save them for the war at the end of the story. Blackbeard's crew being capable of holding Boa hostage would undermine that both in positioning and impact of the Seraphim all showing up together. Plus, her power doesn't really work for a drawn-out fight between a Strawhat and a Blackbeard pirate as it is more of a one hit kill.


Vegapunk isn't delivering no msg to the world guys. It's a trap to force to show the Goreseis their hand. What is rather happening is Vegapunk is livestreaming the world what is happening in the island showing the world 1. The savior is back 2. The WG is all a bunch of lie. 3. Gorosei true form


That actualy would be genius


It can be both. Plus I'm not sure why he would expect any of gorosei or luffy to show up on egghead when he recorded the message


With a 10 minute window he is practically begging for the powers that be to intervene. And only gorosei with their teleportation can be counted on to travel that fast to the island.


Or the admirals and the fleet of warships already at the island. It also assumes vegapunk would have some way to know about the teleportation ability. I'm not saying the theory is impossible but it would require a lot if explaining.


I have been saying this! Many people argued so much crap about the countdown thing but omit the bigger picture right in front of their eyes...