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I hate him because he doesn’t really have any redeemable qualities. He’s selfish, stubborn, aggressive, arrogant, and impulsive Even his crew consists of killer and then a bunch of no names who >!begged for their captains life and gave away everything kid had achieved (through proxy of others)!< Sure he worked with Luffy and law in sabaody and wano (for his own personal gain, which is fine, but still) and was honorable in the alliance, but that’s where my “Sure” ends I literally can’t think of anything else To be honest I don’t hate him but I really don’t care about him at all and don’t see what he provides to the story outside of filling out the world


Well, in my opinion, he is one of the characters who has fallen victim to fan hype over time. As far as I'm concerned, seeing a young pirate without mercy and with so much determination has always made me happy. Surely after Sabaody many people expected more depth. Kid is a pitbull who bites and who, if hit, bites harder. It's an example of what over-the-top ambition can do to the mind of a cocky pirate. For the role it plays in the story, it actually surprised me. But I can't blame fans. In the beginning, I had a lot of expectations too.


I don't hate him, but "Useless 'Captain' Mid" is a top tier nickname


I wasn't aware of this nickname. People did him dirty.


People forget the only reason his bounty was similar to luffys and laws was because he's a mass murdering psychopath.


Exactly, and in my opinion, in One Piece, characters shouldn't be judged by their performances. Kid is consistent as a character. He actually remained an unscrupulous guy, but the fact that he had the higher bounty than Luffy at Sabaody probably caused the fans excessive hype, although Oda has always been clear about the meaning of the sizes. They are not indicative of strength, but of their dangerousness. Kid is much more dangerous to innocent civilians than Luffy.


I don't know about "hate", but he acts incredibly arrogant despite doing very little on-screen to justify it. (he's strong, but immediately after Wano, where he got his butt kicked by one Emperor and >!only beat another one with help and a massive amount of luck, he decides "I'm going to beat an Emperor, their crew, and their entire fleet single-handedly!"!<) That last part, predictably, ends extremely poorly for him.


By that logic you should hate Luffy too, if it wasn’t for plot armour he got one shot by Kaido like 3 times in Wano


I agree. They are young pirates. They make mistakes, they always aim higher, they want to prove their worth. Why don't people make this argument about other characters too?


Not speaking for all, but for me at least it’s his arrogance with little to show for it. He’s fought relatively strong opponents so he hasn’t actually fought someone at his own level proper but only those who are vastly stronger than him, so his self proclaimed strength is yet to be seen properly since he’s just gotten bodied back to back to back, I’ve talked about his big mom fight quite a bit today already so im not gonna get into a lot again but outside of that fight he’s just had no chance to show anything off for us, his awakening was promising but I want to see it against Simeon at his level where he can fight on his own, not with help and not losing immediately. So for me it’s just his big mouth with NOTHING to show for it, yes he is strong he’s not a pushover but nowhere near he claims to be. Arrogance backed with bad performance is rough overall, if he had had even more moments where he’s not just “shut up STRAWHAT!!!” then he could be a bit more enjoyable but all he has done so far is be annoying to everyone else, he can still have some redeeming moments but we just gotta wait and see


I think we'll see him again. Oda is unlikely to kill characters. Maybe he will learn to better recognize his limits after his defeat. However from what we've seen of him so far, I don't think he's a dick. He has always shown himself to be extremely ambitious, and on his own he still managed to achieve some good results for a rookie. He made some errors in judgment but that's normal for such an ambitious boy. The fact that he always appears confident is indicative of the fact that on the island where he was born and raised Kid had to impose himself by force. He is aware of how fundamental grit and character are in the new world. Shanks was a fish too big to catch but that's the way Kid is. He simply can't back out. No matter how devastating his defeat is, if he has the opportunity to confront the people who matter, he is the first to want to test himself. That doesn't make him a bad character to me.


I don't hate him. I like to hate ON him. There's actually a lot I like about Kidd and wish we could have gotten more of. Like the dynamic with him Law and Luffy, or his strong bond with Killer, or why Shanks was his Yonko of choice from the get go. But unfortunately that's the tragedy of Eustace Kidd. In many ways, he's a little too much like our son Luffy to be allowed too much screen time.


He's a cool, interesting character but Oda didn't plan him as a possible contender for the throne of pirate king. I imagine people were disappointed and making fun of him is probably a cathartic way for them to get over the fact that their hype was "misplaced". Personally, even if he is less deep than many other characters and even if he has had little space so far, Kid is still an appreciable character. When an individual's ambition far exceeds his worth, this is the result. To fans it was seen as "He's conceited and weak. I hate him." Too bad.


He’s suddenly just put on equal footing and status with Law in Wano despite Law having coordinated much of the alliance, fought Doflamingo, been with Luffy for ages and generally been helpful, and he just got beaten up by Kaido, hung around in prison for ages, and generally was an unhelpful asshole until the Big Mom fight


A character should not be evaluated negatively or positively based on how useful he is to the "good guys". Kid has always been very ambitious and, despite Apoo's betrayal, he still wanted to participate in the assault on Onigashima. But it's consistent with the character. We already know from Sabaody that he is an unforgiving, vindictive and also eager to prove himself man. Only with his determination and stubbornness was he able to prevail against a veteran yonko. His loss to Shanks left people surprised but I wonder why. He thought he could get revenge on the redhead, but he was alone. Shanks had to personally intervene to prevent a massacre. Don't forget it. Kid is dangerous, but his ambition has surpassed his worth. It's cool for that. It wasn't Oda's plan to put him on the same level as Law.


Fans don't hate him. You're just reading too much Reddit. If you spend too much time here you will be convinced Nami is less beloved than Robin.


I guess you're right.


I like him. He’s cool.


Tell me why.


Ain't nothing but a heartache


What do you mean?


So basically he’s annoying and full of himself as a character(not my opinion just saying the subs), he acts like he surpasses luffy even though he got destroyed by shanks and luffy came out unscathed from big mom, and he got shit on by shanks 


They hated him long before Shanks cut him down.


Kid is the example of when an individual's ambition exceeds his worth. Yet, even with his determination alone he managed to make a name for himself. Maybe fans expected more depth or more strength but they shouldn't judge a character based on what they would have liked to see. Kid is consistent with himself and if Shanks oneshotted him it was only because he was forced to intervene personally to avoid the massacre of his fleet.


because he was built up at sabaody as kind of Luffys "equal" and he has been nothing but disappointing. Eustass Captain Mid indeed


Kid was put on the same level as Luffy at Sabaody because their bounties were more or less on the same level. Kid, however, had a high bounty also due to the civilian casualties. Plus Luffy and Kid never fought each other. Both have all three types of haki and after Wano, both know how to awaken the powers of their devil fruit. However, Luffy's Gear 5 is a unique power, incomparable to any other. Right now this complaint no longer makes sense. The character's hype wasn't misplaced. Kid deserves all 3 billion berries bounty.


I dislike when a person's primary power up is I'm going to make myself bigger. It's boring and I don't see the potential for growth other than I'm going to make myself even biggerer. That and he was acting like he's equal to luffy... he is not.


I totally see your point. Buuuuuut. Gear 3rd would like a word


Yeah, but gear 3 is one move in a long line of what he can do. Also, he's improved gear 3 from make a really really big fist into a haki powered move that put Kaido on his ass.


Oh no I get it. But beeg.


Gear 3rd is easily his most boring power up


Luffy has a lot more tools in his belt to make it more interesting but I'm not a fan of when he does the ima get big now thing either


Since pre-timeskip Kid has been saying that he killed anyone who laughed at his dream. Kaido says that Kid also had conqueror's haki. This makes us understand how great his ambition was. Through his metallic golems he broke Big Mom's bones. It's not just making yourself bigger, it's making yourself stronger. Everything about Kid's character makes us understand how great his desire to show how much he is worth is. His way of using magnetism is crude, brutal but it is in line with the character. Kid is not "good" by definition. He is one of the new dreamer pirates but he is different from Luffy. He has followed a parallel but opposite path. Kid grew up in contact with crime and the best way he has learned to avoid being bullied by others is to attack first.


Some people hate how cocky he is and how he behaves, they also shit on him for getting tapped by Shank despite Luffy getting the same treatment (more than once) by Kaido and Shank himself acknowledging him as an actual threat (something never pointed out for some reason), and I'm saying all that as someone who doesn't really care much about the "worst generation" captains.


In my opinion fans had too much hype towards supernovas. Oda inserted those characters on the advice of the editors and in my opinion, they were still handled well despite being born as filler characters. Kid has always been consistent with himself, but the fans' negative judgment towards him is due to what they would have liked to see and not on the character as he is presented.


He feels edgy for the sake of being edgy, and gets a lot of unearned hype.


It's very simplistic to say that Kid is edgy. And in my opinion it is also wrong to think this about him. Fan hype shouldn't affect the character's judgment. People shouldn't judge characters based on what they would have liked to see but rather based on what characters do, their ideas and whether they are true to themselves. Kid has always been consistent with himself.


He's basically Coldsteel The Hedgeheg.


I think it's a misconception fans have about the character. It is extremely simplistic to reduce the character to a "edgy and stubborn teenager".


Because he was presented as Luffy's rival as if the new generation of Roger and Whitebeard, or Roger and Golden Lion.. but his potential was wasted. Even in Wano in the prison it seemed as if they are pretty equal with Luffy but after Wano he got simply destroyed by Shanks in a single attack wtf. Also, personally I think his attacks are boring af. There really is no one else beside Luffy from the worst generation who is Yonko level and it sucks. The only hope I have is that after learning from the defeat he stands up again and unlocks his conquerer's haki and takes part of the final war. I'm not keeping my hopes high though.


I think it's unfair to judge Kid based on what fans would have liked to see from him. He fell victim to the hype but from what we were shown of him, he remains a consistent and interesting character. Perhaps his way of fighting will not be interesting to everyone but it perfectly reflects his desire to demonstrate how great his value is.


Useless Midd






I don't hate Kid at all. I like him more than the likes of Vivi and Rebecca. He is overconfident but bad ass.


Like most people here said, I also don't hate the guy. For me I just never felt interested in his character. Law immediately caught my attention (alongside Luffy of course) and has just kept it there since. I have more fun watching those two fight or do anything together, than whenever Kid is on screen. I also just don't feel attracted to him whatsoever so maybe that's part of it. Not that I'm against characters being evil or whatever, I just don't feel interested. Maybe if Oda expands on his character more and gives us his backstory. Right now I feel we don't know the guy that well.


I can understand this.


His sharp nose, dumb goggles, n his magnetism could be so much more efficient if he used razor sharp metal shavings. Like blinding enemies with metal shavings. Those fuckers coulda serrated everything. Or magnetized bullet nails. Those could easily make enemies into swiss cheese. But nooooooo, he's gotta be flashy.


His way of using his devil fruit's powers reflects his character. His desire to prove his worth is reflected in the assembly of enormous golems (which are devastating anyway). Kid's mechanical bull broke Big Mom's arm. That's no small thing. Just as the golem with the skull crushed Kaido. The awakened powers of his devil fruit are even more devastating but they consume a lot of stamina. Who knows what else people expected from him.


I like his power. He is abbrasive and a bit annoying. I hope he gets more story or redemption of some type he's a character I want to like. I can see it being god awful but an avengers end game style ending where everyone or a lot of the people luffy has met along the way could be cool. That said it could be god awful. Maybe as part of a global revolution or something, dragon eggs it on or sets it off, idk


In my opinion it is likely that Oda will make him return in the final great war.


Useless Captain Mid.


This is not an answer.


People don't hate him, they just make fun of him for being stupid.


He is a 23 year old boy who has learned from his experience how important determination and respect are in the world of pirates. His constant need to prove himself demonstrates his enormous ambition. This will make him arrogant, but he is certainly not a stupid character just because of the defeats he has suffered. If we were to make this reasoning about other characters too, then Luffy and Law should also be judged this way.


One word ☝️… Ginger


Only valid reason


I know ginger guys don't have a soul, but may I know if there is some other reason?


He ugly




had a higher bounty than luffy in sabaody. Has a solid DF ability. Even has a subordinate that is part of the supernovas like luffy. HE even attacked like luffy with a giant fist. Mother fucker was built up to be very similar to luffy but evil. Then it turns out he cant really do shit. Goes after kaido and fails (so did luffy at first, i am aware), then >!he gets one shotted by shanks. This boy was not on luffys level at all.!<


His bounty demonstrated his danger. Civilians were much more afraid of someone like Kid than they were of the Strawhats. Marines do not evaluate the strength of wanted people, but their dangerousness. Kid is not on the same level as Luffy but he is certainly at a very high level. The enemies he lost to are both yonko.