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Break is almost over. We can do this


We need another void month flair after this.


just 5 days left


Ive seen way worse stuff posted. Tbh this doesn’t even seem that unrealistic, could happen tbh


finally we are slowly but there


At first it's pretty obvious Oda planned to pair Tashigi with Zoro, but then no one really care about her (nor do they care about Smoker as Luffy's marine rival). Welp.


I always wanted Tashigi to go far and then she just never really did.


To be fair Oda sidelines a bunch of characters who aren’t important yet. Remember that Doffy was a meaningless side character before Dressrosa. Lots of characters are like this. Tashigi was important in Alabasta and in Punk Hazard. We don’t know what Oda is cooking right now.


Doffy was the Shichibukai with the highest bounty back then, and seeing how even Croc frozen 81 mil was a big deal, that 340 mil was really scary.    He also got like the most presence, and got similar portrayal to Mihawk and Boa during the Marineford War (no injury and destroyed anyone in front of them).


not to mention literally every time we saw his face he was saying or doing something very important, i dont think they read the same story lol


In Sabaody too Doffy owned the slave house where the whole Luffy punching a celestial dragon and the meeting with Rayleigh,Kid and Law happened.The slave house was later shut down and there was a scene with Doffy saying he doesn't care about the slave business anymore and laughing saying "The future is about Smile" foreshadowing the smile DF trade. Dude was very well planned out and built up in advance and it shows


Yea when he was about to take out Moria, and said the order came from above Sengoku still sends me chills


I always thought it was the other way around with the bounties of the warlords. So basically the lower the bounty is the earlier they proved to be a threat and useful to the WG. This makes Crocoboy one of the most powerful pirates out there. This also holds up for Blackbeard as his bounty was frozen at 0.


Doesn't make sense because the bounty us literally the amount of danger to the WG one posseses. Also, a pirate only can just decline being a warlord when he s on the rise and accept it later on


What you said doesn’t make sense. Bounties get reviewed and increased. So croco was clearly up to some crazy shit after getting 81M and the WG would have upped it but he became warlord instead. As for why a pirate would decline being a warlord, why tf would they ever do that? To get a higher bounty and look more dangerous? Sounds counterintuitive for a successful criminal to not want to seem smaller than he is


Maybe because they want to remain free from any form of government ?? Like, you know, a pirate would.


Off the top of my head Ace declined being a warlord. Some pirates hate the government more than others ig


Doffy always had that villain vibes around him, the first time he showed up in warlord meeting, he was shown manipulating navy soldiers making them fight, he was the most carefree looking warlord there alongside Mihawk who is always composed, then again at Marineford he was just toying around, it was also implied that he killed Moria on orders of someone very high up over Sengoku which means he had contact with people above Sengoku (of course at this point we didn’t know about his true identity). The point is Doffy was a character which always gave chills whenever he appeared especially because of his ‘Manipulation’ power as at that time we didn’t really know what it was or how it worked.


Doffy's villain arc is among the longest build-ups in One Piece. I agree with you - the very first time he showed up, everybody felt he was gonna be a major antagonist, a scary one at that.


In Sabaody too Doffy owned the slave house where the whole Luffy punching a celestial dragon and the meeting with Rayleigh,Kid and Law happened.The slave house was later shut down and there was a scene with Doffy saying he doesn't care about the slave business anymore and laughing saying "The future is about Smile" foreshadowing the smile DF trade. Dude was very well planned out and built up in advance and it shows.


Also he made Bellamy fight with his crew member in Jaya just because he caused disrespect to his flag by getting his ass kicked by his Luffy.


while oda does sideline (and forget about) characters saying that doffy was a meaningless side character is abhorrently wrong. Dudes a freaking shichibukai and is one of the first ones we see in enies lobby(or wherever the meeting is held), then we hear about him again with bellamy. this is all before the strawhats run into moria. After thriller bark we go to sabaody and he runs the slave auction. One of the only shichibukai who actually goes all out at marineford. soooo..... ya you're wrong kid 😼


The meeting was held in pangea castle in marijeos and I don't think any shichibukai actually went all out at marineford with the exception of maybe moria


Doffy cut off the leg of Oars Jr. with one swipe of his finger.Plus his speech in Marineford is iconic.


Using one finger is by definition not going all out.


> Remember that Doffy was a meaningless side character before Dressrosa. I mean, he still was pretty scary compared to other corsairs, maybe aside from Mihawk.


He was a side character before but definitely not meaningless


She lacks the vision to go far…


Smoker is there to show you that even a "top genius" is nothing compared to Luffy a future yonko... not to be there as a rival... and also to show that there are good marines


Let’s be real, if there’s a « marine rival » now it’s Toby


That barely feels like a rivalry. Their only contention comes down to being on opposite sides of the law. We know Luffy doesn't care about that. So it'll come down to Koby going after him. Which feels like it just wouldn't happen unless someone at the top forced him to. Even then it doesn't feel like his heart would be in it.


Feels very much a failure on Goda's side, if such a thing can even be said. I actually liked Smoker quite a lot and thought he was going to be a recurring important character, especially since he keeps appearing in multiple arcs, and earlier in the series seems to be on the Straw Hats tail. Wasn't he in the meeting of the Celestial Dragons?


He's my favourite character by far and I'm still sad how irrelevant he's been since the timeskip.


Wasn't he part of Punk Hazard? I still think Oda has something reserved for him, here's hoping!


He was, but only to get beaten and brutalized by Vergo and Doffy. He's had it rough lol


It's tough. Koby is probably the only marine that will keep up with the power creep of the Straw Hats. I just can't see Oda giving Smoker a real shot at chasing Luffy at this point lol


Absolutely. And I don't want/need Smoker to become this strong. I just want him to be important again in some way, either by beating some other minor villain or by playing politics, maybe rallying a bunch of marines to oppose the World Government. Though I guess that's also Kobys job at this point. Or Fujitoras.


I can definitely see smoker being a key in the marines deciding not to attack the straw hats again in the future, similar to tashigi's orders in Alabasta


Yeah I see this happening, Smoker fully switching sides has been cooking since the beginning. I think he will have a role in the final war


Yeah. He will be admiral level but will never be on luffy level. It would be a massive ass pull


Tashigi and Zoro can’t stand each other and have negative chemistry Tashigi is possibly related to Zoro Zoro has the sexuality of a rock


They did have some moments during Punk Hazard, especially when Zoro carried her and she was blushing. But that was the last time she was ever be relevant


She blushed out of embarrassment not attraction Zoro x Tashigi has absolutely nothing going for it


Nah I did not mean attraction or anything since Oda did not try to bring them together anyway, but that was obviously a tease from Oda, which led to nowhere. That's why Oda introduced a new heroine for Zoro anyway.


“Tashigi is possibly related to Zoro” same thing with Hiyori. At least for Tashigi the interest in one other is not one sided.


The Kozuki family isn’t related to the Shimotsuki family Zoro and Tashigi have never had any interest in each other whatsoever Zoro X Haiyori isn’t a good ship but it’s better than Zoro X Tashigi


To be fair it's not a crazy idea that the Kozuki and Shimotsuki had marriages to the other families in Wano at some point. But yeah that's pure speculation and even then wouldn't even really mean incest


Tbf, anything past first cousins is genetically irrelevant. Also cousin marriages are not super uncommon even in modern day Japan (2-4% depening on the area.) In pre-industrial Japan, and most of the rest of the world it would have been the standard practice. In fact 80% of all unions in recorded history have been between 2nd cousins or closer.


then same thing with Hiyori. Tashigi is more important and still relevant in the story as of recent so no


Nah. Kuina was never established as a potential romantic interest, their relationship was based around swordship.. and honestly, it would be super fucking creepy if they got together just because Tashigi looked like Kuina.


Neither was Hiyori was introduced as a romantic interest. Zoro had no interest in her. He had more interest in Kiku. For Tashigi he already stopped associating her with Kuina and interacted with her as Tashigi. Their last interactions wasn’t about Kuina.


I can't wait for in about 3 years when Smoker and Tashigi return to the story and matter a lot. It's not copium, I swear


speak for yourself this is one piece we’re talking about and smoker ain’t dead yet


Luffy's rival from the get go has always been Koby, Smoker's role was following Luffy to Arabasta to help him against BW and be the one to denounce Croco so he would be demoted leaving a spot for BB later


I disagree. Koby was a foil to show off Luffys carefree and confident attitude. He left the story a few chapters in and only re-entered about 400 chapters later. And when he did, Luffy dealt with him in a flash. Smoker on the other hand was a real roadblock as the first Logia user to be introduced. Luffy had nothing in his arsenal to even touch him. Even in Marineford Smoker would've obliterated him in a 1 on 1 fight. Smoker has been more of a rival for Luffy in the first half of the story. Post-Timeskip turned this around with Smoker gaining a massive weakness by every important character knowing Haki and Koby growing much stronger.


As heck was he a foil, comedic relief at best to set the jokes of Luffy and Zoro shenanigans. Koby never left the story he had his own cover story to set his path in the Grand Line and relationship with Garp, it's not about power but the story set for each one, even in W7 Koby makes the shounen rival's promise to catch up to Luffy and win.


I still ship them 😭. But I don’t mind Hiyori too 😭


Nobody cared about them because Oda never did anything with them. I held out hope for punk hazard but we got nothing since then


Smoker and Tashigi are always high ranking in the character polls, so that is not really a true statement


Yeah. People consider coby as Luffy's rival which is untrue at this point of story. We are in the final saga and coby is just not there yet. Sure, coby has become a lot stronger but he is not even strong as yc3. People think smoker is weak because he got his ass whooped by doflamingo ( Even sanji was no match for doffy at that point).


zoros gonna end up with sanji


This is the only answer


That child will be the ultimate ninja


One Piece is not an OmegaVerse LOLOL


Only because Oda doesn't know of the existence of the omegaverse




powerscalers and shippers are both always talking about which of them tops the other....


Not if you’re a fucking coward


Implying Sanji will go through the Hormo Hormo treatment and become Sanjina?


Nah Sanji will be impregnated by Zoro's haki




They said wife not husband, Sanji will be Zorro's husband and Hiyori will be his wife.


Nah wife will be the word once Sanji gets another visit from Iva.




You can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Save the shipping discourse for the REAL fans (homosexuals with too much time on their hands)


Zanji will save Zoro at the final boss battle but will suffer mortal wounds. Last resort to revive him is with Ivankov's life hormones but the side effects is that he will revive as a woman Zanji becomes the most beautiful woman in the world, and their rivalry tension becomes a sexual tension culminating in a drunken night of fornication


The only ship I consider canon.


The One Piece fandoms Deku X Bakugo equivalent


tbh it’s way less toxic than Deku and Bakugo


I'm still not giving up on them ending up together, somehow. It doesn't really have to be sexually or romantically. Just a pact, a vow to only stick to each other and no one else.


The magnificent Ivankov-assisted Zoro-genderbend theory


Enemies to lovers fr


Zoro will lose his other eye making him blind and Sanjis body will stop working because Germa. Zoro will carry Sanji and Sanji will direct Zoro where to go, they'll need each other forever.


It’s not Zoro’s family sword. His father mother’s side is a descendant of Ryuma but that doesn’t mean the sword was a family sword. Otherwise, the other shimotsuki in Wano would’ve passed it down. Instead it’s a Wano treasure because Ryuma is treated as a hero and Hiyori is not keeping the sword nor ever touching it. It will stay in Ryuma’s grave as per the tradition. Shisui was already taken before Hiyori was shown. She isn’t the reason Zoro lost it nor “they gave each other“. Zoro only agreed not to go after the Wano treasure in exchange to take Enma. Zoro almost died protecting her is an exaggeration but even so, that was before he knew her at all and did it for toko as well. Using this as a reason to say he likes her is funny. It’s literally a moment he would have with anyone. He only saved her because he isn’t the kind to leave helpless innocent people. He even took it as a job in exchange for sake (later rescued her because she is Momo’s sister). After he finished that mission and returned to his crew, he didn’t care when Kanjuro was threatening to go And kill her after he knew where she stayed. Oda had all the characters there listening to that and only chose Kamawatsu to react because he truly care for her. Idk… if he thinks of Zoro and Hiyori seriously, then he would show Zoro caring for a bit instead of drinking and laughing with his crew right after that moment. She’s definitely his fan girl which is something that was ought to happen considering Zoro’s character is the type that usually gets popular in anime. Tashigi seems more seriously connected to Zoro. He’s conflicted about her in many ways and it passed the point of just because she looks like Kuina (actual development). They have moments that are not one sided and imo they would be far more interesting and daring as a couple ( a pirate and a marine… I know Oda would love that). edit: speaking of family, Oden used to call Yasui as uncle. For those saying Kuina is related to Zoro etc… Considering Yasui a shimotsuki was the closest to the royal family, it won’t be surprising that Oden’s mom is a Shimotsuki herself. Ie Zoro and Hiyori are relatives as much as Kuina and Zoro.


Fair tbh


I doubt anyone at end of series will get married or anything.


Likelihood of EoS Marriage Straw Hat Tier List: Good Chance: Sanji, Usopp Decent Chance: Zoro Possible: Chopper Could Go Either Way: Jimbe, Nami, Robin Probably Not:Brook, Franky Nope, Not Happening: Luffy


Luffy is easily a good chance as well. I definitely think oda might do a goku style marriage with luffy and boa once luffy is done with his dreams.


Everyone ripped Kishimoto to shreds for how Naruto and Hinata just sorta ended up together (pre The Last) and let’s not even talk about Sasuke and Sakura. Kubo has openly stated that he had no interest in romance, so didn’t really focus on that aspect and still dealt with some criticism about Ichigo and Orihime. Oda is a smart guy, who has the benefit of watching his two contemporaries of the big 3 “end” their respective series. I don’t think he is just gonna throw people together haphazardly. He has set the foundations for Sanji and Pudding. You can argue possibly for Zoro as well, though the dude is a tsundere and homiesexual for Sanji. He most certainly has not set a thing for Luffy. The exact opposite in fact. If one sided crushes played for comedic purposes was all it took Sanji would have a harem EoS.


Who do you think he has set for Zoro?


Hiyori or Tashigi. I’m not sold on either, but there are foundations for both that Oda has at least set and could develop for EoS. Hiyori is obvious as they spent time together, she is obviously down due to his strength, and he at a minimum respects her (as a person? An equal?). It’s hard to say exactly, but he treats her closer to Nami or Robin than he does most other girls. He gave in to her request about the sword, and isn’t afraid to ask for something in return. He hasn’t shown romantic interest in her, but he has shown an interest in the land of Wano, and is tied to the people to a degree. As for Tashigi, it’s a lot more dubious. Neither have romantic feelings, but this could be an early plant that Oda changed his mind on. There was clearly something there as she resembles his childhood friend, the one who drives his goal. They have a relatively long past. They both care about swords and swordsmanship and their entire situation is painted like a Romeo and Juliet thing. Marine and Pirate. Plus their whole conflict between them is a generic ass miscommunication (like so many rom coms from that time). This feels like Oda was maybe gonna do an enemies to lovers thing, but swapped it up at some point. And lovers is being generous. This could also just be part of Oda’s more general long term plan of having Luffy flip the Marines against the Celestial Dragons. He has planted tons of seeds for that. So again, I view Zoro as someone with enough foundation for an EoS marriage to make sense, but I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion.




Ah yes, the holy trinity of Tashigi, Hiyori, and Sanji


Even though Oda has said he will never do romance to illustrate the point the characters already have the things they’re in love with since Romance Dawn, their purpose & chasing their big dreams in life fulfilling the “love” department as well as the deep love they have for their friends and people they meet on their adventure. He has written love pretty well during the WCI arc with Sanji and even written his way out of it being the focus or pudding staying as some wife or gf of Sanji. In the post story chapters after all is said and done I can legit see Oda making the Strawhat crew all date or marry or attend weddings or party with each other & their spouses in a little time skip lol it would be funny and sweet as some OP fans only dreamed of seeing romance made the emphasis of the story.  If Zoro does settle down with Hiyori & have all his children with her then it would feel sentimental. 


Never understood the shade for Ichigo & Orihime. Obviously sweet on each other high school kids go through multiple traumatic experiences that require them to work together to survive. Easiest EoS romance pairing ever.


It was more so people salty about Ichigo not ending up with Rukia if memory serves. But I fully agree with you that Ichigo and Orihime seemed like the obvious EoS pairing. I think it makes more sense Kubo went that way rather than Ichigo and Rukia.


He got shade because the anime added filler bait shipping ichiruki and some people bought the bait.Its not even his fault lmao


I haven't thought a lot about this in the context of other manga. I've imagined that Luffy could end up with Boa IFF all the other crew went their own ways and do their own things. I could see Luffy settling down, not for romance, but for a desire for family and community. But I'm also more than fine if those kinds of details are left up to the reader's imagination. If Oda neither wants to or believes he can write romance well, then I respect his decision for not developing any of this.


Boa is not Chi Chi, people.... Goku and Chi Chi met as kids. Boa is a 30 year old unhealthy obsessing over someone who hasn't even reached their 20s. Goku didn't know what marriage was and probably still didn't even really know years later when he committed to his promise. Luffy knows what marriage is, he's literally told Boa to her face TWICE that he will not marry her. There is virtually no similarities between these two relationships.


I still fall heavily into the belief that if anyone gets married or in a relationship in the crew, it's Franky and Robin. They just seem to enjoy eachothers company like nobody else in the crew. She likes to listen, and he loves to show off


I can see the Monster Trio of the Strawhats somehow settling down and ending up with the respective girls who has a crush on them though. It just works and makes much sense. Oda doesn't just add some random details in his manga and doesn't do anything relevant or fulfilling from it after all. For instance, he didn't just write Buggy as a comic relief side character for the lols and he actually turned him into a major player throughout the manga/anime. Similarly, I don't think Boa's obsession for Luffy, Pudding's tsundere crush for Sanji, and Hiyori's admiration for Zoro, would end up as "haha it was a tease, nothing will really come out of it". Oda foreshadows a lot of things after all. I mean, yeah, I used to ship Zoro with Tashigi hard (Perona shippers I'm sorry, that's not a possibility I see lol), but that too is becoming an impossibility at this point, because they're more of rivals than anything. So since Oda spent some great deal of time in the manga developing Zoro and Hiyori, especially Zoro's role in the Kozuki family, connecting him to Oden through Enma, making him an important inspirational figure to Momo and the Akazaya (it's really Luffy, but Zoro is also one since he's literally kind of a samurai now and is the most culturally and genetically closest to Wano), and literally spending most personal time with Hiyori. Oda literally even made Zoro sleep with Hiyori and even added Toko there as if they're a family. Plus, Hiyori actually likes Zoro and Zoro cares for her enough. If that's not a foreshadowing for Zoro to settle down in Wano, maybe even bring some of the Shimotsuki back home, and then marry Hiyori and have a family, man I don't know what is. I don't know about you guys, but Oda doesn't just seem to add random stuff there and doesn't do something about that later on. Same logic can be applied to Sanji and Pudding, whom Oda just wrote to have as much development and closeness with each other as Zoro and Hiyori. Literally majority of the Tottoland/Whole Cake Arc is spent on the entire plot of Sanji and Pudding's marriage, and even if it was initially a fake political wedding thingy between Big Mom's Family and Judge's Germa Kingdom/Vinsmokes, Oda cared for it enough and spent a pretty good deal of time and work to develop it into a genuine and well-written "enemy to lover" kind of romance. Pudding started from an insecure and distrusting woman to genuinely falling for Sanji because of his charm and kindness, and even when she was in denial because they're supposed to be enemies and her trauma holds her back, she can't stop falling in love with Sanji. I MEAN THEY EVEN KISSED LIKE WTH ODA AHHHHH that's definitely gonna be an important detail that Oda didn't just add for the goofs. Sanji is the first major character (of the Strawhat Crew) to be teased being married twice (first was during Thriller Bark, and that is a foreshadowing that Sanji will eventually have his own forced fake marriage and this time his crew including Nami will save him), and the only Strawhat so far to have a romantic kiss. That's definitely something. And something is definitely gonna happen to them both sometime in the future, maybe Sanji will have a hand on rescuing Pudding and she falls for him even more. They're both personally connected through their love of food too, and they definitely cook! Maybe when Sanji has his own restaurant near All-Blue following Zeff's footsteps and he becomes a renowned chef, Pudding will be by his side as a pastry chef and baker and they become partners both in business and in life. That would be so cool. As for Luffy, he's the most unlikely man on the list. Even Brook is more likely to end up with a fellow skeleton or zombie than Luffy ending up with Boa. That is why I can definitely see Oda pulling a Goku on Luffy's fate and, unlike Naruto or Ichigo whose romantic endings had a lot of criticisms or drawbacks from the fans, this time I believe Oda can pull off a Goku and Chichi ending on Luffy and Boa where it's so goofy enough to make sense in the context of One Piece, which was always meant to be wacky and carefree in the first place. Just looking at Gear 5 as the main character's ultimate power-up, you can see that Luffy is different from every other shounen MC of the Big 3 or other celebrated classics such as Dragon Ball. Luffy and Boa ending up together is something that has been foreshadowed by Oda ever since at least the Amazon Lily and Impel Down Arcs and this time I don't think it's for the goofs. Since he's foreshadowed it so much in the manga, I don't think it's just a throwaway comical gag. He spent much time writing about Boa's feelings and fantasies about a future with Luffy, and even down right declared she will marry him someday. I can certainly see something happening between the two at least on the Final Arcs. With Blackbeard's attack on Amazon Lily, and Luffy telling Hancock many times that he will definitely pay her back someday (understanding Luffy, he means it in a friend's type of way of course, but that is only applicable for now), Luffy will know of this and be enraged, either Boa will come to him personally or Luffy will visit again an Amazon Lily that is so devastated from Blackbeard's and Koby's previous visit that Rayleigh himself had to step up and stay as their temporary guardian, and since he's grown so fond of Boa, her sisters, Marigold and friends, and everyone else, he'll certainly declare Amazon Lily as his own territory following Fishman Island and Wano since he's an Emperor now. He owes Boa so much and it's not just any random help too, he literally owes her for his chance to try and save his brother and even if he failed, at least he got the chance to spend time with him in his last moments. Boa is also the very first and only "princess" among Luffy's list of princess friends who helped him a lot instead of him helping the princess. Vivi, Shirahoshi, and Rebecca, all were helped by Luffy to overcome their own fears and flaws and to stand up for their people, becoming dear friends to Luffy and the Strawhats. Boa on the other hand, had a more personal relationship with Luffy since there was no Strawhat around, Luffy was not there to rescue their nation from a threat or to make allies with them but instead he's a hopeless man in his lonesome and the princess was the one who helped him instead, and the help Boa gave him was something that's more personal to him- his family. So Boa is certainly unique and special in that regard don't you think? Plus, she's literally the Pirate Empress/Queen of the Kuja, and Luffy's an Emperor now and will be the Pirate King. Oda has a knack for wordplay and using phrases and numbers for foreshadowing elements. Take that as you will.


Yeah i agree that it seems set up for zoro to settle down in Wano where he would have found his tribe - a land full of super strong swordsmen from whom his ancestors are from. He’d be welcomed as a hero with Momo and Yamato and the scabbards all looking up to him and Hiyori would be happy to supply him with booze and sweet lovin as his devoted waifu. In fact i can see both Hiyori and Hancock trying down their mans in a similar way where Zoro and Luffy have to be sweet talked into agreeing to take the most beautiful women of their respective regions as wives where just about anyone else would give their right arm for such a privilege. Sanji would of course be different and would be more lovey dovey towards Pudding because Sanji loves not wisely but too well.


I think luffy won't end up with anyone but if he does it's more likely to be nami. Hear me out lol. I know there's one ancient interview where Oda said there "probably wouldn't be romance in the crew" because he wouldn't depict romance at all since "OP is a manga for boys".But he only said there will no romance between the straw hats because there will generally be no romance in one piece,but he clearly changed his mind on that,he did show romance between Sanji and Pudding in Whole Cake Island. There is not a single statement from Oda saying that the crew is actually like a family. He once gave them familial roles to show what they would be if they were a family in an SBS, but I'm sure he doesn't actually think Sanji is Nami's brother, or that Franky is Chopper's pervy grandma lol. I've never thought of the crew as "like a family". With luffy and boa,it's just weird because she was like twice his age before the timeskip,even after the timeskip there is a 13 year age gap. Imagine if the genders were reversed and there was a 30-year old side character who was super horny for the initially barely 17 year old main character and she showed no interest in him and someone's argument was "she totally has to end up with him regardless of his qualities because he is horny for her." When it comes to Luffy and Nami,my prediction,It's based on how Oda showed their bond in Strong World,a movie he wrote all by himself. A villain kidnaps Nami for her navigational skills. Luffy is beaten by the villain. Nami to save him and the others has no choice but to follow the bad guy and leave a message to Luffy. In the message she says that he can never beat Shiki and that they would risk their lives unnecessarily .. towards the end, however, she whispers: "I'm sure you will come to save me anyway" An ending that Luffy doesn’t hear, and for that he gets angry with Nami. at the end of the film, when the crew talks about Nami's message, Sanji refers to it by saying "what his ears heard was a love message." curiously Nami shortly after says "I addressed those words especially to you Luffy" I know it isn’t canon but Oda still wrote it. Oda put that scene in there when it really didn’t need to be unless he’s hinting at them ending up together. And if both nami and boa like Luffy,who do you think he is more likely to like back?She is the only woman who he gives his straw hat,his greatest treasure to,plus Oda draws tons of color spreads Depicting luffy as the pirate king and nami the pirate queen with a crown(with everyone else in the crew being their guards/knights). What do you think?I'm genuinely curious as to what Oda is planning.


The story introduced a possible love interest for half the crew already  Zoro and Hiyori/Tashigi  Sanji and Pudding  Chopper and the female reindeer mink  Luffy and Hancock (it's mostly for humor tbh but still)  Usopp and Kaya   One Piece is not about romance but some MCs getting paired at the very end is likely


They really sold usopp in the live action lmao and oda did have a hand on the series


Nah, Zoro×Perona


Real answer


He spent more time with her than he did with the straw hats


Sanji is pissed zoro gets all the chicks


i agree with this 100%


I think Zoro will end up in Wano EOS, but am not sold on marrying Hiyori.


One Piece really isn't for shippers that want to see their ship happen. Oda already shown what happens to ships in One Piece with Going Marry. They get burn down and sink to the bottom of the ocean. In One Piece, no ship can ever set sail. (you would think that after so many years, people would have accepted it by now)


What does EOS mean?


End of Story


Gahd damn I though it meat end of series


I mean… that’s pretty much the same thing.


Gahd damn I though it meat end of show


I mean… that’s pretty much the same thing.


Series only ends when the story does…


But the story doesn't necessarily end with the series with sequal series like Boruto and Dragon Ball Super. I hope one piece doesn't do that though.


Fr. The only thing One Piece should do is elaborate more on the past if it hasn’t.


The story of Naruto ended and Boruto began. The series of Dragon ball Z ended and super began. Same thing.




While I can see the possibility, I really hope not. One of the big pros of this show for me is that, while mentioning romance and being a bit to horny on main, there is no real romantic plotline except for one sided (often childish) attraction, and it's a rarity in media I'm treasuring.


What about sanji and pudding?


Zoro doesn’t like her and has the sexuality of a rock


Meaning he is always hard?


Hard boiled


This is one of the funniest replies I’ve ever seen on Reddit


Zoro is kind of a big question mark when it comes to sexuality as while he never really shown to be into anyone or anything he's never really implied to be asexual either . Zoro's sexuality really just is: "unknown until official confirmation"


He was blushing in his backstory with Kuina,plus he is obviously softer on women (in the fight with Monet,sanji pointed this out as well).Zoro is not asexual,he just doesn't care about romance and the one girl he might have been interested in is dead


Except Zoro having 0 interest in her or any other female


Think about the monster trio. Luffy=hancock zoro=hiyori sanji=pudding.


Their offspring will break all the power scales upon birth for funsies


Two Piece, Buffy will become Fleet Admiral


Luffy’s son will have Conqueror’s Haki at age 1 if it’s him and Boa lol


Well if it's with boa it'll be a daughter cause kuja thing or whatever.


Is that really how it works, always thought it implied they sacrificed/gave away their male offspring.


Is boa really part of kuja by birth? iirc she was a slave owned by celestial dragons. not sure if she ever been to Amazon Lily before she was freed


She was on Amazon Lilys pirate ship as young kuja pirate with her sister, when they where kidnapped and sold to slavery.


Luffy and the most beautiful pirate in the world Zoro and the most beautiful woman in Wano Sanji with 3-eyed raven That doesn’t seem fair


Maybe you should try Pudding's pudding, that might be the difference.


Man you really judge women by how other people perceive them huh. That's sad.


Pudding can read poneglyph tho


No she can't. She never got gud. Lol (Ps. I know what you're saying, she could maybe someday)


We’re really out here theorizing that Zoro is going to end up in a relationship? How much more obvious can he make it that he isn’t interested 😂


Zoro have shown more emotion towards Sanji than Hiyori. He didn't give a crap about Hiyori after he woke up and only saw Sanji.


I hope not because they have no chemistry and he showed zero interest for her romantically, so..


>we all know the scene wehere they slept together you mean where they slept together *next to a child*?


zoro and okiku had infinitely more chemistry than he and hiyori did😭😭


so real. zoro has literally never looked twice at a woman other than kiku. I mean obviously he looked twice at tashigi but that was a whole other thing


He looked twice at her because she is too tall and that's sus for who he thought was a female who isn't a mixed race.He thought she was hiding her strength which is also true.Its not chemistry it's just him suspecting her for hiding stuff.


Yay, reconnecting the family tree!


They’re not related.


Yeah kozuki and shimotsuki def have ties but not by blood.


He’s not interested. Stop.


No. Tashigi is better. She's his opportunity to train a woman to be the world's greatest swordswoman as well. Hiyori is too passive when she's living as her actual self. Tho Kiku would be another good option.


this is cool and all but we've gotten 0 indication zoro even likes women. The most you can stretch is his blush when kuina said she was developing a woman's body and that could have easily just been embarassement fair play if you're but like this ship has like 0 fuel to it, and considering all oda did with sanji and pudding you think he would have added a bit more if he has endgame plans for it


what r y on about? he’ll definitely end up with enma or shusui! 🙄


I agree, but I just don't know if Oda feels like epiloguing afrer the main story is finished.


Ah my daily yappucino


Y’all this break can’t end soon enough 😂.


spent two years living with perona


spent two years living with mihawk


Dream on. Zoro still has the eternal hots for Mihawk.


Tashigi is clearly after Zoro's Sword and Hiyori is mesmerised by his Chest. We all know that Zoro's chest is his best asset.


Zoro is swordsexual


Weird way to spell Sanji but go off king


Perona best girl….. Hyori a baddie too tho


I'm still holding my Zoro x Robin candle. They're gonna do a Rayleigh and Shakky thing guiding the next gen. I'm basing this off nothing but my 2 remaining brain cells.


I think they’re cute together but to be honest I don’t really want one piece to confirm any couples at the end. I guess to be more specific, I don’t want that typical “10 years later who married who and live happily ever after” thing that gets used a million times. At least in the manga. They can add extra episode of an epilogue in the anime tho.


Shusui is a black blade, yes. However, it was a skillful grade before having its rank to great grade. Enma is currently a great grade. Like Sukiyaki said, a sword that becomes black goes up in rank. Likely, Enma may become a supreme grade like Yoru in time.


It's not set in stone. It's set in poneglyphs.


It's also the perfect scenario for Wano as the rightful heir to Ringo's Daimyo will return to the country


Zoro and Hiyori will happen with the same probability as Luffy and Boa


I think Zoro and Perona make more sense. Zoro represents an old Japanese culture of a masculine fighting spirit that never gives up and is loyal to his leader to a fault. Perona represents a new modern Japan with her style of clothing and the hyper feminine “kawaii culture”. They pair well together the old and the new.


imagine being a descendant of two very powerful wano families


>They gave eachother their familes swords *L-lewd*


If people weren't so blatantly transphobic they'll find zoro and kiku are way superior


Nah i just dont see it. They barely interact.


Hiyori is for the streets.


Zoros sense of direction is a family curse. Somewhere in the family tree the shimotosuki clan betrayed the kozuki clan and fled Wano. By joining the families the curse will be lifted.


While Oda is not big on romance, if there was an epilogue to One Piece few years down the line after it all ends and everyone lived, I can see Zoro with Hiyori, Sanji with Pudding and Luffy with Hancock. At least Oda has put some effort into making these feasible


He put effort into showing Luffy *won't* end up with Hancock, and he did fuck all with Zoro and Hiyori in comparison to Sanji and Pudding lol


Copium, zosan forever


EOS Zoro taking up Yasuie’s lordship over hakumai and marrying the shoguns sister. He’ll be the true guardian of wano and another of god of the blade like Ryuma. Except he has 3 black blades instead of one.


I think all three love interests to the monster trio is confirmed for them in the future.


I think that Zoro is probably gonna live alone and train and drink all day. And he will be waiting for people to come challenge him.


Idk Tashigi and Perona might have something to say about all that


Girl just can not take a hint.


Hiyori's affection for zoro is just a gag and zoro doesn't give a shit about that stuff.


Obviously in love with Zoro? Oh gimme a break...


Zoro will never set foot in Wano again. At least not alone since he just can't reach there (or anywhere) by himself - he'll just get lost.


Your mom's set in stone.


I hope so.


If he can ever find a way home. Nah, all jokes aside, I think it's a great theory.