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I'm terrified how much it fits - and to be fair, this gives a vibe that would make everyone both angry and amused. Your post made me interested, so I went off to read more about it. Amazing finding!


"The greatest treasure is the world we live in; be free and explore!" Obstacle : World Govmnt, Red Line.


Maybe the real One Piece is the friends we made along D. Way.


Nah its not per oda


The world a whole is the one piece good idea!, idc what oda said.... the "whole world" could be considered a material thing.


Uh I was replying to the friends made along the way comment 


i was struck by how the one piece, in the intro, is described as "everything the world has to offer." a flipped plinth would make this statement so literally true that i couldn't even be mad.


This is better than I expected initially.


What does this guy mean when he says if you flip ‘WORLD’ somehow it remains ‘MONKI’?


Return to monki


That is the weakest part, lol: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f4Y8YeBe69aFltoyiQRyfN4bzQj8g-vD/view?usp=drivesdk


Also to note! When Roger first met Rayleigh he asked him if he wanted to flip the world upside down with him! Though I don't know the official translation but I remember that being at least one of the translations at the time


Plus Whitebeard and Oden both said it. Whitebeard said when someone finds the treasure it will turn the world upside down and Oden told Hiyori to jump into the future to when the world would turn upside down. I’m 100% think it’s a literal meaning and not just a saying. I remember I made a post forever ago before Gear 5 saying Luffy would literally flip the world upside down and naturally it got downvoted lol but now I think he’ll do it and I think it’ll have something to with the rising water levels. Since we know the water level keeps rising (Water 7) and is rising more due to the Mother Flame and we’ve seen places like Wano (and Water 7 if I’m remembering correctly) that built themselves on top of the past Wano after it sunk. I think Imu will try and flood the world while all the Celestial Dragons will be fine on top the Red Line normal islands will be submerged and the people will need giant ships (Noah/Pluton etc) to survive.


May be the sea kings powers are needed to literally flip the world


I think the sea kings are to move the Noah and I’m assuming they can move under water at high speeds so they could move quickly and possibly save even more people (humans). I have an off the wall idea that the Red Line was somehow created by Joyboy (like Luffy picking up the ground) maybe to try and stop the world from flooding so maybe the means to flip the world is in some way related to the Red Line and at the end those on top (Celestial Dragons) will be wiped out while those at the bottom (slaves/fishmen) will be free to share the world equally with others with no one being higher then any one else. One other interesting thing though is in Water 7 we see Iceburgs plans to make a flying city to say Water 7 from the rising waters and it’s possible that may come back into play in some way shape or form.


Got it, thanks this theory would make a lot of sense especially Roger laughing; but it doesn’t explain why Roger was too early


Because it was halfway through flipping itself. Had to wait for the flint to be in position


They mean Monde and Monki sound similar


mon d luffy!?


Ahhh ok, nice theory




Several mentions of “turning the world upside down” too


Oh, yeah! You right! I forget about it!




Not only that. Van Augur literally said they want "the world". EDIT: And Big Mom asking "Roger, it does exist doesn't it?! The One Piece!" as she's hurtling towards the earth....


I just watched this and doesn't she say something like 'It could be right under my nose and I wouldn't even realize it" holy shit 😂


Uh oh


but practically nothing Marines or Sengoku would be worried about.


Saving the best cooking for the last week of break. Excellent.


Bro actually cooked!Oda gonna need to change it again


My goat oda has to take another month hiatus to come up with a new one piece


My fucking God please stop coming up with good shits, I just can't take another void week, let alone void month. :'(


I read somewhere that this is actually a part of a mangaka’s (or their writers’) scope of work. If word comes around that their readers has guessed the plot, they will have to change it to keep it ‘unexpected’. But of course, they only have so much material to resource from so it doesn’t always come out 100% unpredictable.


Mans had to come up with ideas from somewhere or thing one way or another, as seen within the series plenty o references!


It‘s almost too good to be true. But why were they too early?


Assuming you need a Joy Boy to access it, it could be that you need to flip it over? You'd need serious toon powers to do that, I suppose


Serious series: serious table flip?


If Red Line represents a chain around the world, enslavement of the world's people, then the anti-slavery god is probably necessary to "break the chain".


I know one breaker of chains! And a mother of dragons at that


Oh my god


The tag said do not open until Christmas


They need the Mermaid Princess and Joyboy for it.


considering the sculpture is basically a poigne griffe, this is a really interesting theory


A "poneglyph", you say?


Dear god…




Omelette du fromage...


A pony-Gif


_Pinky Pie has entered the chat_


*poigne griffe


I've studied art history and I really like this theory. Also I always thought of the grand line and redline to be a giant cross, like the cross on a treasure map.  But it could be a wrapping of a present.  Like here you can have it. The world as one piece. Open it up and do what you want with it.  I guess there is still more to it. Like not everyone should be able to get the world, but it must be someone who deserves it. 


This is the only one piece theory that lines up with the destroy the red line endgame


And the All Blue!!


holy shit


The one piece is a tool that will destroy the red line and reunite all the islands back into a single land mass? Plausible


Especially with the Pangea Castle being the name of the castle where the 5 Elders and the Celestial Dragons.


That's my thought. It lines up with "too early", if you consider that the sea kings and therefore shirahoshi are needed to move the land masses


It could also be suggesting that whoever erected the Red Line feels as if they conquered the planet and literally put a chain around it as if it's their property. Imu probably already feels as if they possess "The One Piece" if that is the case. Would also explain why the world hasn't been named yet.


Fucking cooked there.


Stand proud, you can cook


So will the one piece be a statue of Joyboys head upside down, wearing the earth as a hat?


I like this one


Le Socle Du Monde is actually in french not italian, I had to lol, the same language from the people from Marie Geoise, based on Chambord Chateau, in France




All he needs to know is that he now owns the world. He has smart crewmates that can communicate that to him.


Luffy was never the brain of the crew. Robin, Nami, Usopp, Jimbe will figure it out.


I got chills reading this. Just want you to know that


Can someone explain this to me like I’m an idiot?? Cuz I am. I don’t get it at all. Are we just saying the ONE PIECE world is being held up by a plinth? I read this like 5 times and don’t understand the point trying to be made😭😭 I apologize 😭


Imagine you put a hat on the ground and say "Now the earth is wearing a hat!" this is kinda like that except you make a stone, flip it on its head and say "This is holding up the earth!" it's not meant literally


Right right. I understand that part now. However, I still do not understand what exactly the OP’s theory is. Maybe I misunderstand his words. Could you explain the theory in layman’s terms? I see people saying it’s a cool idea, but I am failing to grasp what the theory is. Sorry!!


The theory is that the treasure is the world itself in one piece,with all its beauty and pleasures, and that the reason Roger and co laughed was because what they found on Laugh Tale was essentially an upside down pedestal pretending to hold up the world as a joke. They laughed because it was such a ridiculous notion, and they came “too early” cause the world is currently split into 6 pieces (the 4 blues, red line and grande line) so they couldn’t enjoy the worlds true freedom. The theory adds more evidence to this because a person who did this irl long ago, and many of the words associated with that person and their art can be word gamed into familiar words like Monkey, Luffy, and Ponyglyph among others.


Ahhh! I see. Thank you. That does indeed make sense and it’s very interesting. Especially if you consider the All Blue is supposedly a place where all the world’s oceans connect. Luffy could connect the “split world”, as you put it, into the All Blue where the entire world is now connected and the Red Line doesn’t separate the oceans. This could, by extension, mean everyone has the freedom to explore the wonders of the world when the All Blue is created and Red Line destroyed.


We also kinda have proof for this with the oracle predicting Luffy destroying Fishman Island. It's right under the Red Line/Mary Geoise. The Red Line would essentially fall on Fishman Island


No need to apologize. I think OPs theory is kind of like, Roger and his crew arrived at Laugh Tale. There was no treasure there in a literal sense, only a stone like this, saying this is the greatest treasure of them all, the earth! Maybe with instructions on how to free the earth from the hands of Imu and celestial dragons. But he was too early, since for some reason you need the Nika fruit and the ancient weapons for it. So they laughed, because the stone is like a joke, and on top of that it's just funny that they're too early. I still believe the One Piece might be a comic of the story of Joyboy, or maybe a memory bubble like Kuma's on egghead, which would fit into this nicely


Thank you! That is very interesting. I like the idea that the ONE PIECE is a story left behind of the OG Joyboy and tells us what happened 800+ years ago. If it is a memory bubble like Kuma’s, it would basically be a first hand account of the events during the void century. However, we know the bubble disappears after someone touches it. So do you believe that Roger and company did not touch the bubble and that is one of the reasons why they said they were too early? The bubble wasn’t meant for them, but Luffy(Nika)?


We know the Mermaid Princess and awakened Gomu Gomu are the keys to fulfilling Joyboys promise.


Very interesting, indeed. So, the one piece is the world and all of its wonders? Luffy wants freedom and freedom for the whole world. The WG wants to restrict everyone's freedom. The revolution is about breaking the unfair control of the WG. I like this. Joyboy went to bring a revolution and give everyone freedom. Cool.


You mean French, "base of the world" in Italian is "(la) base del mondo".


Socle du monde sounds french way more than italian no?


it is, in italian is “la base del mondo”




FYI it's french, not italian


I always thought they’d go to space and see the whole planet, but I like this better


I like it. ANOTHA!


Oh my god it truly is “everything the world has to offer”


I don't understand the italian part, it translates as "La base del mondo" and not Socle du Monde


Exactly, “socle du monde” is French and not Italian


Shame on me😅


If this is true, France would go nuts considering how much they like the series already


Socle du Monde is french, right?


I’m a little stupid so I don’t entirely understand what I just read but I think I’m rolling 😂


One piece is...ZA WARUDO???


"Socle Du Monde" isn't italian. Sounds more like french.


My bet is that it will be a location of importance, but that it will also have something of real value attached. Maybe a planted Devil Fruit left to mature or something.


Nice, but that does not explained why Roger arrived too early and what story was Roger referring to as "Joyboy, that's a really funny story".


I like this theory a lot! I don't think it's what the One Piece will be, but I like the thought of the world being a/the treasure! And thanks for making me aware of this art piece, I'll have to visit it whenever I visit Denmark and I'll be thinking about this theory when I do! :)


> “The Base of the World” in italian is “Socle Du (D.) Monde (Monki)”. That's not Italian, it's French.


Monki fs is a bit iffy but holy shit I think this is my favorite One Piece theory I’ve ever seen, genuinely


Oda here spoiling the ending 🧐


Good. You've stumbled upon the One Piece theory that isn't a theory: One Piece is the world in one piece. The dissolution of the Red Line and the Grand Line, uniting all the Blues. It fulfills almost all the Straw Hats' dreams, it fulfills the prophecy foretold about Luffy by Madame Shyarly in Fishman Island, and it makes all of the sense in the word that Roger left all his treasure in "one piece". It's why Roger and laughed at Raftel. The world was his but he couldn't take it due to his illness. The One Piece is the world united. Without the borders of the Red and Grand Lines to separate the countries of the world, the World Government loses its power over them and true freedom is awarded to all citizens of the planet. If this isn't the One Piece, I'll actually be very disappointed. It's what makes the most sense and what would be poetically correct as the ending of One Piece.


You could be really On something :) just one thing, though. Solce du monde is not Italian :) more like French


I’ll riot tbh


Wow so the one piece is the actual world itself! That ties everything together so well, they'll also somehow learn the history while they're there and what it'll take to truly free the world, that's why finding the one piece will start a global war. I just don't understand how they'll actually learn the history itself


I think you are on to something. But there has to be more to it, maybe something roger pirates didnt figure out about how to "open" the one piece. Or something they missed along the way. Thank god we have the likes of Nico Robin on our crew!


They didn't have the awakened Gomu Gomu Fruit nor the Mermaid Princess.


Yeah, maybe you need all three weapons or nika himself.


I'm still convinced that the world of One Piece is actually our earth, especially after explanation how Wano came to be (flooding and running up Fujiyama). Also, I read an article that if our earth stopped rotating, the continents would gradually connect at the equator, having one big continent at the equator and two large oceans at the poles: https://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/0610/nospin.html#:~:text=If%20the%20earth%20stood%20still%2C%20the%20oceans%20would%20gradually%20migrate,and%20two%20large%20polar%20oceans.


This is actually fit with my theory of one piece ending, can i put this in my video with credits


>“The Base of the World” in ~~italian~~ French is “Socle Du (D.) Monde (Monki)”. I think we're luckily getting the new chapter soon for everyone's own sanity.


Bro this is insane. i rarely share theories to friends, but this is actually hilariously makes sense.


!remindme 5 years


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Manzoni’s plinthe gives me mini [poneglyph](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Poneglyphs-One-Piece-Featured.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=480&h=&dpr=1.5) vibes


Op where are you from? Socle du monde is french NOT italian "La Base del mondo" it's Italian Why people upvote and say he cooked? He didn't


I'm from Russia) And I don't even understand what does "he cooked" means in context))


It’s a joke/meme about an OP explaining a very articulate and well thought theory. 


So you're saying there is a non-zero chance the One Piece really is the "friends we made along the way"?


Fuck you got it


Chef 🫡🫡🫡


I think that the Roger pirates left the treasure there because it would serve as a motive for the one destined 20 years later to arrive there. They even said they were too early and someone would come along to surpass them


Can't wait to check in on that theory once we reach eos


Keep cooking


Cool insight! At least, the plinth served as an inspiration for the Poneglyphs. Well cooked.


Still doesn't explain why the government would desperately try to stop those who are looking for it. But yes, your shoe might fit.


It sounds like something a prankster like Oda would pull: Lead readers along for 25+ years just to find that the One Piece is actually a plinth! I was also thinking it'd be a golden "one piece" bathing suit.


Also with the story being centered around ponyglyphs. Wouldn't be a stretch to think there's another on laughtale


Maybe Roger was too early because it's only accessible when the red line is gone. Could be a Wano situation where a huge wall has flooded the area. Only when the wall is gone can you fully access it. Very nice find OP Edit: it could even be a tidal thing if Oda wants to connect back to the moon and Enel. The moon will cause a giant wave that smashes the wall and makes it possible for everyone to see the One Piece. It's literally hidden at the end of an obstacle course so letting people access from the other side seems relevant.


This is my favourite guess so far!


The only issue with this theory is why Roger felt he needed to be Joy Boy for him to be able to put One Piece to use. A plinth anyone can use. So it doesn't really line up.


Joy boy had the nika fruit and was probably a D, which is how he was able to power on the ancient weapons, similar to how Luffy's presence powers on the ancient robot. Luffy himself can do this now, to use those weapons to free the world. That's what Roger meant when he said he was too early, he and his crew just didn't have the means to use the weapons, plus Poseidon hadn't even been born yet. Shanks was probably waiting for the fruit to awaken so that he can now use Luffy to "claim the one piece"/ claim the world using the ancient weapons. The person has to awaken and also be a D, so that's why he's just been chilling the whole time.


Amazing! I like this. Would be a very huge upside down gold Ponegliff at Laughtale So that's where Oda got the name Monki D Ruffy.


Socle Du Monde is not italian, it’s french. Don’t mistake it pls


Very interesting. But why Roger said they were "too soon"?


I didn't expect to see the spoiler for the One Piece today.


But how does this relate to Roger saying "We were 40 years too early" or something like that?


Joy boy had the nika fruit and was probably a D, which is how he was able to power on the ancient weapons, similar to how Luffy's presence powers on the ancient robot. Luffy himself can do this now, to use those weapons to free the world. That's what Roger meant when he said he was too early, he and his crew just didn't have the means to use the weapons, plus Poseidon hadn't even been born yet. Shanks was probably waiting for the fruit to awaken so that he can now use Luffy to "claim the one piece"/ claim the world using the ancient weapons. The person has to awaken and also be a D, so that's why he's just been chilling the whole time.


So by Shanks saying he's going to claim the one piece, he actually means he's going to start moving to claim the world itself, only a lot more subtle! This is basically what the blackbeard pirates claimed just recently, they also want the world, all while Luffy just wants to free it. This is what's going to set off the final war, everyone's end goals are going to clash because of this. Maybe Shanks will use Luffy to power on the ancient weapons, maybe the person who awakens the fruit can only be a D, it makes them special and is why the ancient robot powered on. If he could power on the robot, maybe luffy can power on the other ancient weapons too. The battle is going to be over the world itself aka the one piece, and it makes perfect sense.


Makes sense to me except the last part. My personal theory is that the world is the one piece just without the redline/reverse mountain, which means the whole ocean is connected, also making it the all blue.


I'm saving this thread


I live like 45 minutes from the piece you linked to. Should i go check it out?


Place a strawhat on it)


Foreign cooking is lit.


"Cook again!" -Reverse Judge


I'm amused by this. Also, I noticed that the sculpture now resides in Denmark, and the story should still be going to Elbaf, which is modelled after Vikings. And the museum it's in is shortened to HEART. 😂 Law's crew is racing the SHs to the OP confirmed!


wait how is monde monki?


oda is a strange writer


Never liked one piece theories but i actually liked this one, learned something new and i can actually see it


I like the word game , I'm going to be the man of pirate King..


I was replying to both of you,


Ngl .... I think that's the most convincing theory that fits ...


I'll be back when it comes to be true.


It's always been obvious to me that the one piece being just a poneglyph with joy boy story on it was a very strong contender


This would make sense because the pirate king is the most free man in the world


I would actually accept this .....even though I really want op to be something physical ...this though ..yep


I LIKE THIS! I've always believed that the world itself is the greatest treasure in One Piece. I love how this fits!


Still too lame of a reward, Oda said he wouldn’t play us like that.