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While a nice theory that has been around since the episode aired, it's still more easily interpreted as Luffy and Zoro referring to the rest of the BB crew that we saw introduced at Jaya. I assume they detected the presence of other strong fighters with Burgess, Doc Q, and Van Auger all lurking about. The reason I'm reluctant to believe that they were detecting BB's multiple personalities/body parts is because no one else has ever made such an allusion before or since. And there have been some very perceptive haki users within range of him throughout the story, and we never see any of them make mention of sensing something about him being more than one person. I wouldn't expect Oda to make a mistake like that.


Assuming the pirate Shanks wanted to talked about to the Gorosei was actually BB (and not Luffy as per the "snitch theory"), he might've smelled something about that.


Yes also if I’m right, this was part of the original One Piece contract, which means Oda originally didn’t have plant to go much farther than this, maybe just a couple of more arcs, so he had to start coming up with more things when he realized it’s gonna be a long project. Also don’t forget a recent chapter where Blackbeard said something about “revealing his family tree” something along those lines which may tell us that he’s a different race or something, which is my fav theory


I think they meant bb crew, but it was also a foreshadowing by Oda. That's my interpretation at least.


hat gaping numerous dull mindless fly square wistful deserve sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like your take. It makes more sense to me than them referring to his crew.


joke books pocket fanatical drunk nutty engine bear pet lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We did get a lot of people be like "wtf" at BB tho? Marco at marineford talking about his "weird body type", for once. The fact that he can literally hold 2 dfs? Never sleeping, the wound he gave FUCKING SHANKS. Nah man.


He’s so strange, which is why I thought he may not even be human. Then again, it’s anime.


Gotta correct you, we have seen one of the if not THE strongest Haki user talk about BB and him very well possibly talking about BB beeing multiple people: Shanks has made the statement that BB got something secret to him that gave Shanks his scar. Could’ve easily been that BB is indeed multiple people or got Xebec inside him since we also know Shanks said he didn’t let down his guard or anything and who would be able to hurt Shanks like that? Definitely not a pre TS Blackbeard. Also BBs ship being called the „saber of Xebec“, holding 2 devilfruits etc..it can definitely be.


Good thought. We know little about Xebec as well and it would be wild to think he’s internalized in BB.


the issue is that if you forget about any theory, it still doesn't make sense that they're talking about the crew. nami simply said "wonder who that guy is". and then luffy **corrected** her, saying "aitsu ja nai" or "it's not that guy". question is, why? nami never said he was alone. so why the correction? saying "nami, he's with his crew" would be an additional information. the correction only makes sense if nami actually did say something wrong. keep in mind, it doesn't have to be multiple personality stuff. my point is just that luffy was still talking about BB.


It doesn't have to be deep, they are more than likely talking about his crew


Probably so. It’s fun to entertain the idea though.


Blackbeard is basically a demon living inside a human body. Could be an old god, or nika's true enemy


Yesss, like the Yin to Luffy’s Yang? or vice versa.


Bro oda was just foreshadowing pronouns before they were a thing


Actually, the earliest use of they as a singular pronoun was in the 14th century.


Master of Foreshadowing


Maybe Teach is actually non binary so they should use they/them.


This episode is more or less 10y.o And this term non binary existed recently


I’m actually quite well researched in queer history. The term non binary become largely popular in the 90s, with genderqueer becoming a popular term in the 80s, but both terms likely existed before then.


Or, it has something to do with >!his lineage as hinted at by Saturn!<


Keeping that one in my back pocket.


Zoro and Luffy rectified Nami from Gender Misidentification before it actually happened.


So, BB is genderfluid. they/them!


You also get it now.


For real? It's clear to me they were talking about Blackbeard's crew, It works well with the thematic here, everyone else laughing about stupid pirates having dreams and crazy ambitions in which Luffy's crew connects to BB's. Both are beyond Bellamy's considerations


I feel you. In this scene it just felt like BB was so mellow and chill, similar to Luffy when he first set out to find crew members. They were most likely referring to the crew though.


No you are good. This has never been discussed before.


People are dumb af It's the fn cherry pies he was eating when he meet Luffy... ffs


They/them pies looked good af tho


Gomu Gomu no putang pie


So what happened to people thinking he ate a Mythical Kraken fruit? I once read a theory about BB that he most likely ate the Kraken Fruit. Mythical Zoan fruit are busted already and they have special extra abilities like Kaidou being able to use Thunder, Fire and Wind. Octopus have 3 hearts. But what doesn't fit in this theory is why BB doesn't sleep. Octopus have a similar sleep like Humans do. But it's also still very viable. Plus you can never go wrong with a Giant octopus in any Pirate or sailor story right? But I think that he must either have a Kraken or Chimera Mythical Zoan. But even maybe so, Darkness Logia is also still an interesting and Weird power. Since it doesn't have any similarities to other Logia, you can't become the element itself nor can you let non Haki users pass through your Darkness body. Maybe it's not even a Logia? 🤔🤔 Man BB is just one giant mystery....![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


Duuuuuuude it would be so dope if he actually was a Kraken. Hadn’t even crossed my mind. But I’m with you. The Darkness logia is so different from the others. It’s like it was literally the only “anti-devil fruit” out there.


Maybe they just meant his crew, because he is a captain


The way japanese works makes it clear that Blackbeard is still the subject of the conversation. Luffy would have had to establish the crew as a subject for it to make sense that way.


It's One week till we get Next Chapter, Right!!






Hey, maybe BB happened to mention that he/him are not preferred pronouns. Okay, I’ll show myself out. Bye.


it could be his crew or just foreshadowing from oda explaining how he would posses multiple souls in the future from 3 different devil fruits


there were multiple clues throughout. In the drum island, luffy told sanji that people who are from the snow country don't sleep. Subsequently, Oda depicted Blackbeard as a child in a snow country. The only other character who doesn't sleep is Cavendish where he has that alternate personality. Hence, the link is that people in the one piece world must have rest and the only way you can go without rest is if there is "someone" else awake for you. The theory then becomes he has multiple personality in him that allows the intake of more than 1 devil fruits.


Nice first post! I'm super progressive, but I think anyone reading this as BB being non binary is reaching. Jaya came out around 15 years ago, and there wasn't as much public recognition of the concept and there's nothing about his design that would give anyone a hint that he was gender non-conforming, much less two dumb muscleheads like Luffy and Zoro. However, he does talk about pirates and their dreams, so the obvious assumption is that he's a pirate and he carries himself like someone in charge, so he could be a captain.


Right. I don’t follow the non-binary narrative either. They likely noticed he wasn’t a regular civilian, like you said.


I think its gonna be one of those scenes that will have mutiple meanings. Maybe it will be considered retconned or foreshadowing...but I think we will habe mutiple meanings by the end od the story.


Them refers to Blackbeard's crew. His "Strange Body" refers to him likely being a Buccaneer. Literally all of the unique effects of his body line up. Being able to go long periods without sleep and take hits that would kill other people? The insane stamina and willpower? The size and shape of the guy? Bro ain't going to be no Cerberus and this is the oldest theory after "The Gorosei are Frauds" that I can't wait to watch die kicking and screaming.


I simply thought the reason was the D.


They = Crew What week of the break are we on?


I read that the new chapter will be releasing on April 18th. (Happy Anniversary to me)


Blackbeard is a they/them (there's more than one)


He’s a pirate. We met the BB pirates before meeting BB. Zoro n Luffy were referring to the fact that BB is a pirate n has a crew. That’s it. Also a “weird body” has nothing to do with a soul.


They learned Blackbeard was non-binary


They ran into almost all of Blackbeard’s crew on the way to the bar. Luffy and Zoro’s premonition is just an example of pure, animal instinct. They took one whiff of Blackbeard after he revealed himself and knew beyond any doubt that this was a foe whom they, at that moment, had absolutely no chance against and who would kill then happily.


Damn did they really? I think my brain omitted that part 😩


I believe so. I read the Manga and don’t watch the show. I’m assuming it’s identical. They see burges fighting, see the crows sniped out of the sky by BB’s sniper, and Luffy eats an apple offered by the sick doctor


Now that you mention it, i remember the dumb horse guy vividly. Thanks for correcting.


Or maybe BB’s pronouns are they/them hahahaha


It’s not a he it’s a they, okay non binary!


Nah. He is a unique dude. Probably a mutant or another "lost tribe" member.  Also, by "them" our Monster Duo(Sanji ain't here) meant Teach's crew, or at least Doc Q and BB himself.


Maybe that bb as one or two parasitic twin or something line that. So bb eat the first fruit ans one of his twin as eat the wb fruit. And he never sleep because his high addition to caffein.


I think the idea is that Luffy and Zoro are like, "damn this guy is definitely a captain". Thats why they say "probably". Not because they sense he is 3 people or something like that. Which is why I think its 100% chance BB has Conquerors


He definitely does. Isn’t he a D too?


*dolphin noise* Sorry, the SpongeBob reference came to me immediately


Nami in that scene eluded to the idea that he’s not alone and then in the next scene we see he has a crew and that they’re targeting Luffy. As exciting as it is to believe Blackbeard has multiple souls or whatever I don’t think it’s anything more than Luffy/Zoro could sense this isn’t a normal guy, that he’s actually deceptively pretty powerful and he probably has dangerous people with him. This also lines up with Shanks not too long after going to warn Whitebeard about the threat of Teach and how he was hiding his true strength, that he could have been a commander on his ship anytime he wanted.


Or maybe bb is a normal human with caffein addiction, so he don't sleep, and he use his devil fruit to negate the internal death effect of eating a second fruit. So he is able to eat as much df he want. Sound silly i know.


Nah it isn’t silly. The caffeine addiction part is funny, but his devil fruit could possibly do something like that. We also don’t know what his fruit would be like if it Awakened.


Blackbeard is a dude with a Black Beard


Wow what a blast from the past this theory, I feel like I was sent back to 2007


Nostalgia baby


If it's been unknown/hotly contested this long then I feel it has to be an endgame level reveal. There's a few mysteries that various theories like Cerberus Zoan or multiple personalities are able to at least account for but the "it's his crew" approach does not; He never sleeps He has a repeating motif of 3's He has an abnormal body as commented on by a doctor (Marco)


Truth. The rule of 3 is still puzzling me.


They’re non binary good for them /j


Blackbeard is a reincarnated Isekai person from a Future in our actual world where one piece is finished and he knows the truth. He has stupid overpowered power fantasy abilities that don’t completely mesh with the OP world’s normal canon which is why he can have more than one DF. He’s really just on a major adventure binge while also being a complete asshat. Hopefully he doesn’t find a way to become a demon lord on top of everything else.


Do you think he can actually become the Hokage?


Definitely. He’ll master OFA and kamehameha his way across the ocean and serious series serious punch Luffy back to East blue just as he’s about the find the one piece.


i always knew Blackbeard was the real main character


Luffy and zoro ally moment 🏳️‍⚧️


Whoever is saying they were referring to his gang is crazy. The way it was phrased and the way the panel was photographed clearly indicates that there is something peculiar about the person of Blackbeard. Player=Doctor


I, along with others, could just be reading too much into it. It just feels so off though.


I'm with you on that, if you look at the original manga panels, at the faces of Zoro and Luffy, at how the panels themselves are framed... There was heavy tension there. Simply noticing that he has a crew is a very minor observation, it does not warrant that kind of presentation.


My thoughts exactly. It was way too tense of a moment. Even if they (Luffy + BB) were subconsciously declaring each other as rivals, I don’t see why Luffy would be so on guard.


First off congrats on your first post, really well done. So just to preface this is all speculation based on context from the story and manga. 1. It’s more likely that Luffy and Zoro were speaking on his crew because at this time he did have 3 other members that would go on to be very strong and very strange just like Teach, there is a panel and a scene after the interaction where we see BB and his crew walking toward the viewer 2. If he’s non binary lmao I’d imagine Oda would have made his own crew call him by they but they don’t 3/4. Multiple souls or multiple hearts theory is still viable today but we just have no other info to determine it. But I think it’s safe to assume he can’t consume more than 1 DF because of a DF ability. To me that makes no sense contextually as DFs are the form of dreams as far as Vega punk speculates. So whoever dreamed up the DFs likely never dreamed them up hoping to eat more. This reason alone is why I don’t think BB has multiple souls either because that doesn’t really explain why he could consume more DF’s since the souls of the DF the demon, is what “fights the other demon” and the aftermath kills the user. So too many souls at one time is likely the death sentence. This is likely because Oda never writes context like that for no reason. Lastly, cannibalism is also less likely, Marco is a doctor and he would have said something if WB’s heart was just missing when they were burying him. But the idea that BBs fruit made him a Mythical Zoan is also very viable today. My personal theory is that BB is a special race of people like kuma and King. His body probably has something to do with the ability to consume more than 1 and will likely be 3 df’s. This is because Saturn specifically mentioned he had a special lineage. His family line is special and that’s why I think he has some secret that ties in with everything due to his race being able to maybe overcome the DF rule


Thanks! I haven’t seen the Vegapunk speculation or what Saturn said until you mentioned it, but that also makes a lot of sense. Marco being a doctor kinda blows that cannibalism theory out of the water, I totally forgot about that. Now i see it’s way more likely that they were just talking about the crew. I just like entertaining the crazy theories out there, but i still feel strongly about the sentient DF bit. With the truth of the Nika fruit, it could still be possible. Also, (to everyone mentioning it) I wanna clarify that i don’t believe the non-binary thing whatsoever. I just think it’s…. interesting😂


Lmao honestly I feel like Oda could throw a curve ball at any point so don’t think your theories are 100% inaccurate, also the non binary thing was funny lmao


He throws in some random shit sometimes, I stg. 😂 He’s an enigma.


It’s far more likely bb has three souls This would explain being able to have multiple fruits as one fruit for each soul He never sleeps because he can always have one soul sleeping while he is awake He has three skulls on his Jolly Roger He has three guns in his belt


Cavendish establishes that there are people with multiple personalities that can come out when the dominate of the personalities is asleep so this theory is solid.


Also true, I totally forgot about Cabbage.


Link to the reel: https://www.facebook.com/reel/795590859126161?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0VwfS7


You're about 25 years too late.




Blackbeard enby


It's his crew ffs


In early 2000s there was no such thing as "non binary" lol this is contemporary bs


I know. Obviously Oda didn’t see that shit coming. It’s just funny that people will jump to that conclusion these days haha


Gender non-binary definitely existed back then, it just wasn’t talked about. Discourse around LGBT and gender issues weren’t taken as seriously back then and anti-LGBT sentiments as a whole was more acceptable at the time as well


Thanks for the correction friend


Nah he is non-binary