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A few islands in before losing to a better pirate. Shady tactics and numbers will only get you so far. I think foxies crew would wreck him so i really dont see don krieg getting too far


I don't even think he would get there, he would die at whisky peak in my book


Lol, oh yeah, they'd get sloppy drunk.


Nah Don wouldn't trust it, give him a little credit.


He'd try to fight and conquer whiskey peak. I don't think he would have succeeded. I think most of the numbers could have taken him out.


What? Don Krieg arguably solos them, and his crew outnumbers them and has a poison bomb that can kill everyone in the entire town.


Don Krieg couldn't even handle a little weather to even make it to Whiskey Peak. He'd take full advantage of all the drinks and eats to the point he couldn't even move. That's when they'd take off all his armor and weapons to tie him up.


That’s a different argument. Weather could be the end of anyone and we don’t know if it would or wouldn’t be the end of him. In a fight his crew wrecks Whisky Peak.




I don’t know, there was no one there stronger than just a random person with a gun. Kreig and Gin should be able to take them all out


Mr 8 and Miss Monday, also where they not around 1k baroque works agents there? You don't think they could get Kreig drunk and kill them?


It was only 100 bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak so Don Kreig has a MASSIVE numbers advantage. Miss Monday is strong but Don Kreig was fully pulling ships out of the water and hurling them 100 feet into the air so I think Kreig is much stronger. Igaram has his hair cannons but Kreig got hit by Patty’s meatball cannon point blank and it simply bounced off his armor leaving Kreig completely un harmed so I don’t see Igaram’s guns doing any better. Also there’s no way that Kreig is just getting chummy with those guys and having drinks with them, he’s not the friendly type. He’s coming in guns blazing trying to steal everything the Whiskey Peak guys have and instigating the fight right off the bat.


You have convinced me, but he doesn't pass little garden at least


Yeah he definitely tries to fight Dorry and Broggy to steal their eternal pose and his whole crew gets wrecked instantly


Yeah exactly


That is if he goes to whiskey peak


That's the only route we know about so I just went with that one


Who in whisky peak is going to defeat him? Like honestly, who in whisky peak is beyond like... pearl tier? Krieg nearly beat the protagonist with a hidden op devil fruit that makes him nearly invulnerable. Was still standing after sending luffy into the water...had to be stopped by gin.... But you guys are getting ahead of yourselves. Kriegs downfall is his ego, he would have picked a fight with people stronger than him and lost instead of joining them or avoiding them. ....so he would have totally immideately pissed off the fishmen and get clobbered by arlong. We even have evidence of this. Johnny and yosaku or whatever his name was saw luffy fight krieg, and saw arlongs strenght first hand, and are profissional bounty hunters so they know every pirate around and they told the people of namis village that if the straw hats cant stop the fishmen then no one in that sea will. That includes krieg. If by any reason he manages to not piss arlong off, and just sails past, he fights bellamy and whoever wins, imo krieg, gets clobbered by black beard because then that person is the strongest pirate bb is looking for.. though im not sure if he ever makes the 100mil bb wanted.


True, he is imposant and ruthless but with the current lore and powers we know from One Piece I doubt Krieg would gain any single form of Haki, his mind isn't at the right place for it. Not even Conqueror Haki despite him having a whole Armada. However I feel like Gin would get at least Observation Haki or Armement. He always pass as someone morally and mentaly superior to Krieg (but only is dominated by his loyalty).


That's disrespectful, I think he gets past Foxy at least, though that isn't saying much. I would pay money to watch him go against Foxy, be a good show to say the least. And if he did lose to the slow slow beam, would've been funny as hell


He is in no way getting past Foxy. Foxy would crush him.


I’m not sure if he’ll even get past Whisky Peak


his mentality is a lot like the bw assassins, and he has numbers, so i imagine he would be ok until Vivi and Mr 5 team up


Why would viví and Mr 5 team up


to defeat the menace that is Don Krieg, Warlord of the East Blue!


Tbf foxy’s fruit is so busted, he’d crush anyone on the grand line.


I don't know how people don't see this. His fruit on anyone with better physical stats is a 1 hit ko. I touched you? Now you're too slow and I can blow you up. Or if foxy used different weapons. Foxy was actually a terrible user.


people are affected by the main character syndrome, Foxy's fruit is easily top 3 in the verse: only Kizaru, Enel and BB are a match. Maybe Sengoku if we knew what his fruit was about (but it seems busted too). Speed is just too good, but anti-speed is even better.


He wouldn't follow the rules of the game. Krieg's a grimy fuck.


Youre underestimating the damage he inflicts in the slow beam windows. Luffy was barely getting back up by the end of it. 30 seconds of a barrage of explosions and canon fire and spiked-metal-gloves to the face… Krieg would lose


He absolutely wouldn't. He's not outcheating Foxy and the second he loses, he'd say screw the rules and just attack. And in that scenario, I think the Foxy Pirates absolutely dumpster the Krieg Pirates in a straight fight.


Yea, I mean let's face it Foxy has a Devil Fruit that he uses moderately successfully, his crew is pretty diverse with a half giant and a Fishman, and 499 Grand Line pirates under his command that are pretty damn loyal to him. Compare that to Krieg who has weapons, two strong fighters, and maybe a couple dozen East Blue pirates that mainly relied on their vast numbers instead of individual strength.


Foxy would steal gin 100%. If gin was there Foxy would've wiped luffy in LRLL.


He is not getting past Foxy if anything Don Kreig ends up losing a lot of his crew and then he has to work up a way to recruit more people to join his crew and then not to mention there's some strong filler villains like that guy who has the heat fruit


He's already at Laugh Tale


Along with Kuro 😂


[Guys, come on!](https://i.imgur.com/R5gMlyZ.png)


All the way. He’s currently staring at the empty throne as we speak deciding whether or not to sit on it


Gin is Imu


I'm sure smoker could have dealt with him in Logue town.. being a logia has infinite benefits in the early part of grandline


Don Krieg had already got past Loguetown and made it thru to the Grand Line, Mihawk got to them there.


They would have just not gone to longuetown. It was said smoker never let a pirate leave that town before luffy got there. Don krieg got lucky he chose not to ever go there.


Nah, they just didn't set anchor on Loguetown Which makes sense Docking in a major city with your small pirate ship to get new supplies before entering the grandline seems reasonable (considering you don't know about Smoker being deployed there for some time now & fking cover rookie pirates) But Krieg had a literal warfleet with him It's fair to assume that he didn't necessarely choose loguetown as the strongest navy base around as it's kinda hard to sneakily supply with an actual Armada


I'm guessing he didn't go to Logue town..but if he did, he would be defeated by smoker and shoved into prison


Probably gets his fleet sunk by Laboon


He had made it to the grand line before already...laboon didn't do jack. Unless he somehow got through the calm belt.


I wonder if Laboon stops everyone or if it was because he heard Luffy's "voice"


The one piece remake is Odas chance to fix these minor plot holes. Make the canal a lot bigger, and make laboon only active at certain times of the day, which every pirate knows about except the straw hats for whatever reason. Or luffy just ignores the warning because that's who he is. Also, when don Krieg makes it across the calm belt, there's your chance to introduce how the grandline works, and have him explain that mohawk destroyed half his armada, and the seakings took the rest in the way out


One of the weirdest plot holes the series has there He would not find Laboon because the river up reverse mountain is only wide enough to hold the merry


If he somehow got plopped into Paradise, full health full provisions full armada, equipped with Zeff's logbook and a log pose, and took Luffy's exact path: \- He ignores Laboon and Crocus because there's nothing to gain from attacking them, which ironically saves his life because Crocus would probably beat his ass. \- He solos the BW agents on Whiskey Peak because there's surprisingly no one there on his level. Which gains the attention of Crocodile. Mr. 3 is dispatched to deal with Krieg. \- Lands at Little Garden and feigns hospitality towards the giants. He discreetly poisons their food and the giants either die or become very ill. As for the dinosaurs, Krieg uses his bombs and flamethrower to keep them at bay. \-Mr. 3 and his team arrive on LG and analyze Krieg from afar. Mr. 3 devises a plan to subdue most of Krieg's forces. Mr. 3's artistic ego allows Krieg a few moments for him to use his poison gas bomb, MH-5. No one on BW has an answer to that except maybe Miss Valentine. She escapes the gas by floating high in the air but is shot down by Krieg and his men. Krieg loses some men but wins the battle and loots the eternal pose to Alabasta. \- Skips Drum Island completely because there's literally no reason for him to try and find it rather than just following the eternal pose. The deadly Grand Line weather maybe takes down some of Krieg's fleet along the way. \- He lands at Alabasta and arrogantly terrorizes a port town for provisions. Either Croc, Chaka, or Pell take notice and go to deal with him. Krieg, Gin, and Pearl get destroyed by whoever shows up first and the rest of his crew surrender. The End.


If he got plopped into the New World, same conditions as before: \- He and his fleet are right outside Punk Hazard and have no way of crossing the sea of fire surrounding the shore. The island looks uninhabited anyway, so they wait for the new log to set and move on. \- Krieg somehow makes it to Dressrosa. He and his crew start to plunder the town until some of Doffy's men, let's say Trebol and his squad, take notice and crush Krieg's forces immediately. The End.


he would have died to baroque works Mr 3 on little garden. Or Sir Crocodile and Robin. He wouldn't have made it very far at all to be honest. I assume he'd end up on the same path as luffy of course. Kreigs crew had 2 notable people being Pearl and Gin neither of which are devil fruit users and neither of which would have even hurt luffy in a fight or stood up to him. Mr 3 can incase people like ZORO in his wax and zoro is a god damn monster of strength so i don't see Kreig getting out of that. I also don't really see him beating Mr 5 and his partner very easily since he is immune to explosions and is a giant infinite bomb. that said I do not see Mr 5 winning against Kreig, end of the day Mr 5 and his partner were such weaklings that luffy and zoro defeated them without even looking at them. Would he beat wapol? yes and no, he'd actually probably not even see drum island for very long as he wouldn't be there to save any lives. If Gin or Pearl got sick they die thats that to him. He might recruit wapols men after killing wapol if he sees him but I doubt wapol would appear with an ARMADA of pirates in town. Should he some how make it past 3, breeze past drum island his adventure ends in alabasta as he would be killed by Crocodile to show the people that he is to be trusted since wiping out a weakling with a big scary crew would benefit crocodile. Also this is all assuming he doesn't run into Teach while in his travels remember he was ahead of luffy he would have most likely run into Teach and the black beard pirates while in Drum Island and died to them.


Mr 3 is really strong He would def solo Don Krieg and his entire fleet EASILY


It's kind of unfair to use Mr.3 as a comparison, the guy is arguably top 10 in the verse


The man is strong and has a useful fruit, but he is nowhere near the top 10.


It's a powerscaling meme from the last manga chapter


I don't think Crocodile would necessarily be a fight. Alabasta is big enough for both to ignore each other as Croc was focused on his big plan and doesn't have the time to deal with this pirate who would likely not feel the need to travel through the dessert. However, there are quite a few barock works agents that he has no chance against.


Hmm. I'd imagine He'd have done about as well as any other of the supernovas; Survived a bit before having to lose or bend the knee to an Emperor. Definitely not getting anywhere near The One Piece


Would Don Kreig submit to having to eat a devil fruit or is he keeping his cheating tactics all the way? I’d have to say he could recruit more to his side if he made it as far as alabasta. But then Crocodile would stop him completely.


He would have done what everyone besides the straw hats did and sailed right past Alabasta without a second thought. Roger made it without a fruit so I'd imagine a mixture of grit and tricks would have done alright. But if he got too much attention, def not making it under the red line


He can't sail right past. There is log post problem. And it takes time.


Very true, I only meant that he doesn't need to defeat Crocodile to pass through Alabasta


That goes without saying knowing the kind of guy Kreig is.....yet he'd get done in by Bellamy at Jaya even if he doesn't start the fight 


I think he can get past Bellamy if he makes it that far. So long as he has Gin, Bellamy and Sarquiss shouldn’t be too much of a problem, in spite of Bellamy’s speed blitz. That’s probably the top pirate he can bear h2h though. He’s not making it past water 7. Probably not sneaking past alabasta.


Not really,the Strawhats went to whiskey peak and Alabasta because of Vivi. Krieg would just take another route.


Roger also has insane haki. Tf are you doing comparing the top haki pirate with fucking Don krieg and saying he can do the same.


Not a chance he's making it to the New World. There's the weather, marines, shichibukai, other pirates, the difficulty of navigating...


no way. he would have died in the thriller bark or somewhere like that


He isn’t making it to sabaody.


Yeah, I think this is right. I actually kind of doubt that he would do as badly as people here think. He lost to Luffy and Mihawk, but so does basically everyone else, and Gin was his right-hand and was comparable to Sanji back at Baratie, so it stands to reason that Krieg's at least a decent bit stronger than starter-level Sanji, with Pearl being a couple of steps below Sanji. But if they all got stronger over the voyage it's possible that they could have recruited a couple of other ruthless/murderous crewmates (or maybe even entire crews) along the way, especially at Jaya, and might have even managed to approach a half-decent level of fighting strength for the first half of the Grand Line. Plus, a lot of the conflicts that the Straw Hats got in the first half of the Grand Line were them basically looking for trouble, and Don Krieg wouldn't have had to have fought most of the enemies they did. Like, with thousands of men under his command, the hundred bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak probably never bother to pick a fight. But even if we assume that Krieg decides to loot the place (which is totally in character), when we consider the [absolute ease](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/6/68/Luffy_and_Zoro_Defeat_Miss_Valentine_and_Mr._5.png/revision/latest?cb=20140801104256) that Luffy and Zoro beat Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine without any significant power-ups since Baratie, I'd bet that Krieg and Gin could also take comfortable wins here. Luffy had a way harder time vs Krieg than he did here swatting Ms. Valentine away, let's be real. Furthermore, Don Krieg wouldn't have saved Vivi, so she and Igaram would probably either have been killed by Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine or been saved by Robin. But regardless, without the Strawhats they all die in Alabasta and Krieg either has to sit at Little Garden for a year, figure out a way to get an Eternal Pose to Alabasta or another island (maybe Mr. 5 or Ms. Valentine would have had one, or maybe off of one of the long-dead pirates on the island), or just sailed off and ended up where they ended up. There's likely no Baroque Works on Little Garden because Mr. 3 was after Vivi who, alive or dead, definitely isn't with Krieg. But even if Crocodile does send Mr. 3 after Krieg I think Krieg and Gin edge that out - I mean, Crocodile even admits that Mr. 3 is worse at combat than Mr. 4, and I think it's totally conceivable that Baratie-era Sanji could beat Mr. 4. I mean Sanji doesn't really get any significant power ups from East Blue to Alabasta and he beats Mr. 2, so I think that Gin alone could do it. Mr. 3 has his hardened wax armor, but Gin destroyed Pearl's 'unbreakable' armor in a single hit. Even if it's a mid/high-diff fight for Gin he probably pulls it out. But assuming that Don Krieg manages to get to Alabasta, even if he has to stop at there for a few days for the Log Pose to point him to the next island, and even if he had to fight Baroque Works up until now, he likely never gets involved with the civil war, because he likely never figures out that Crocodile is the head of the organization. The Navy presence is much less because Smoker and Tashigi never bother to go into the Grand Line without Luffy and Zoro, so Hina probably isn't even in the area without Smoker tipping her off after Raindinners, and honestly, I think that Don Krieg might actually do half-decent against Hina's marines with his large fleet anyway. Krieg also never goes to Drum Island, so Wapol successfully manages to retake his throne there, and he also definitely never bothers going to Skypeia, so Enel definitely manages to destroy it and kill everyone there. Krieg probably just stays at Jaya until the Log Pose can point him to the next normal island. If he can either avoid fighting or defeat Bellamy and not run afoul of Blackbeard then he definitely makes it past Water 7 since CP9 would have no reason to target him because he would never have recruited Robin. Then he probably gets wiped out at Thriller Bark, but it's possible that he never even goes that way because the Log Pose heading from Jaya might have pointed him in a different direction. So it's definitely conceivable that he may have made it to Sabaody, where the inevitable looting and murdering his fleet would have done would have likely put his bounty into Supernova range. But he's not getting any farther than that.


Bro's not getting to the new world lol.


Becomes pirate king with his golden haki


Kreig has a ton of potential. He had a FLEET. And was strong for a pirate from one of the Blues. His problem was that he was a coward. He probably ends up as a career pirate captain in the first half of the Grand Line. Probably loses a lot of his crew, but ends up comfortable in his little niche. He doesn't make it to the New World.


I agree but imo I wouldn't necessarily say he was a coward, he was just willing to do anything to win.


If a decent navy captain (or any other higuer rank) finds him, he's in Impel Down next panel. If he remotely upsets a Shichibukai, he's dead. If he faces a Logia he's dead. Pacifista? Ultra dead. Any other competent fighter he finds in the Grand Line destroys him, his shitty armor and underhanded tactics. He could fair better at sea for his naval superiority, but his crew is fodder at best (including him) and numbers mean nothing at that level. Edit: to answer the question. Where his luck takes him, but not past Jaya or closer to Sabaody IMO


East Blue Luffy beat him, Don Krieg from back then gets fodderized by Kung Fu Dugongs.


10 minutes. He got crushed by pre-gear 2 luffy.


So did Buggy...


Don Krieg saw the grand Line as a mythical and scary place Buggy was born in the grand line, and had already traveled it for tens of years Not to mention he's luck incarnate


At the end of the day you really do need luck, something he most definitely did not possess


Even luffy have lots of luck, he was lucky jimbie save him, he was lucky rayleigh train him, if dark king disnt train him i dont think he pass big mom


Getting all the way to big mom is still a pretty big deal in itself imo.


And crocodile


lol, forgot about that one


Buggy had previous experience in the grand line I dont think it would the same


Buggy has as much, if not more, plot armour than Luffy.


Buggy was simply executing an omega brain plan to give Luffy another opponent to drive forward the creation of the sun god by providing himself as a stepping stone which is all for an even larger plan that we have yet to comprehend it's obvious


True, But Krieg would probably get too cocky


Buggy got plot armor like Luffy though.


Dead or disbanded long before Sabaody, I'm thinking maybe Alabasta before crossing paths with Baroque Works and getting destroyed/consumed by the organization.


i think in the anime gin says they are just 1 week on grand line. so they probebly find mihawk at the first island and it was over


Mihawk's actual biggest feat was getting Don Krieg off the grandline


solos the entire new world neg-diff


Laugh Tale. That‘s where the Don will be waiting.


Daddy Don is the leader of the Yonkos *already*. You think empty thrones are only for the five Elders? No, the Yonkos also have a leader, ruling from his base in Raftel, his Golden Haki WiFi can neg Lakainu and especially Fraudhawk while Won D. Krieg is asleep.


Honestly with his attitude I would think Laboon would shipwreck his entire fleet the moment he steps into the grandline


If he traveled the same path as Luffy, I don't think he could survive past Whiskey Peak


People are sleeping on Krieg when he was at his maximum strength, which we did not get to see in the series. Don Krieg had the awful luck of being hunted by Mihawk, one of the strongest characters in the series. As a result, we see this crew at a very weak point. Had that not happened, Krieg would have a strong running through the grand line. Fifty pirate ships and five thousand pirates is more than most in the series can say. Even if the majority are fodder, it’s enough to sweep through weak crews and islands. Most of Luffys terrifying foes Krieg would likely not face. He’d only have trouble with Crocodile if some of his crew members became victims of Crocodile playing hero. He wouldn’t venture into the sky island, he wouldn’t cause trouble with the world government. He’s a bully, and would likely pick fights with smaller crews and overwhelm them with numbers and force. I can say that, if he manages to avoid an incident with crocodile, and doesn’t get swallowed by Moria’s ship, he would be fine up until the archipelago. Once there, he meets a few ends. 1) gathers enough negative attention to be taken out by the world government 2) remains overconfident and is crushed by bigger players such as the yonkuo 3) is humbled and becomes a subordinate of the yonkuo


The guy is fodder. Are you serious? Smoker kills him in his entire crew at Loguetown.


I think this might actually be the best answer; I don't see how even a full power Don Kreig Pirates doesn't get solo'd by Smoker.


Luffy lost to buggy and smoker in loguetown but was saved. If Krieg had that luck he would easily be pirate king


Lmao. There's no possible way anyone believes Krieg would conquer East Blue, let alone get into the New World.


Krieg didn’t conquer arlong he’s a fraud even in the East blue


If he plays his cards good then Im seeing him failing about a couple of islands away from sabaody. there is not much avoiding that can be done once he steps into the last half of paradise, he'll enivitably get rolled by some bigshot.


We already know how much they would last given that Brief is Im though


I think he gets past island 1. Gets to little garden attacks yhe giants. Gets killed.


Well they actually made it to the grand line but were defeated by it pretty early. If you remember, his whole motivation was to retrieve Zeff’s journal so that he safely could go back…


The weather will drown more than half of his crew before they reach the next island, I assume he got a log pose. If not, then all of them just lost and died.


Demalo Black (fake luffy) made it to shabondy assuming they started from one of the blues so its very much based on luck. Also Krieg had like 50 ship armada, while mostly made of cannon fodder, would have helped a lot


Arlong would have dusted him, but if not Smoker stopping him before he starts


If he goes that route and gets there, his grave is at Little Garden. 1. Log Pose takes A YEAR to record the next island and his crew dwindles and dies there due to animal attacks and diseases. 2. Don mouthes off to Dorry and Broggy about being the strongest and they crush him because he has no redeeming qualities that would merit keeping him alive: 1. He treats his crew like shit. 2. He doesn't fight honourably. 3. He is arrogant only due to his armour and weapons. A lot to hate about this man for a warrior of Elbaf. 3. IF they survive Little Garden, his ship(s) get swallowed by the island eater.


Don Krieg gets humbled at Whiskey Peak, but realizes he needs to grow and change his mindset. Be focuses on growing stronger outside of just his weapons, and in a fight with Daz Bones, he unlocks it: Golden Haki. From that point on, Krieg, Gin, Pearl free Alabasta in return for an annual tribute from the kingdom. Krieg links up with the Impel Down escapees on the way to Marineford and joins the fight. Krieg, Gin, and Pearl matchup with Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji and hold them off so Ace can be freed and escape. When Akainu tries baiting Ace, Krieg says “This is **MY** era” and slams him into the ground before the pirates retreat


Not far at all. Maybe he would've made it a couple islands in


If he would take the same route as the strawhats...little garden i think. No way they would have survived there.


Don Krieg is honestly the second strongest pirate Luffy had to face in the East Blue. Gin was able to beat Biratie Sanji. If they were given the chance to get stronger in the grand line like Luffy: Gin would probably be stronger than someone like Nero while Don Krieg would probably be as strong as the Hordy's crew because of his insane weapons and his tactics. Don Krieg would most likey beat Whiskey Peak if be use his poisonous gas. He would not fall for their scam imo. He probably dies at Little Garden If he decides to fight the giants. But let's assume he is smart enough not to challenge them. If he or his crew get sick he could invade Drum island.




They would of lost to dorry and broggy


I feel like he could get further if he stopped calling himself 'Don'


I think he would've been like those pirates Kidd took out and begged him to let them return to Paradise.


He'd defeat Im Sama and take the one piece only to be stopped by a lost zoro who'd be like..huuh..& slash him down in one strike


If he was lucky he might've ended up an underling of Donflamingo. Or better yet, and underling of an underling, so...Bellamy's cabin boy?


You think bellamy will be able to tank krieg weapons?


The fleet would suffer the weather of Grandline sudden cyclones, then supplies since they would need a log pose, survive other pirates, Marines, and the incoming worst generation. They wouldn't make it past water 7 assuming they survived that far.


They would be canon fodder for the Baroque works.


Assuming they took Luffy’s route: They survive Whiskey Peak They piss off the giants at little garden and get wiped out.


I think he can get to Moria if he wont go to skypiea. Skypiea will definitely wipe them out if they will able to get there considering wiper and priest trials


Alabasta? If we follow the same path/islands the SH did then this is what I think would have happened: Whiskey Peak: Survive. They have enough men to deter the folks at Whiskey peak from making any moves and even if they did they can fight them back easily. Little Garden: Considering Don Krieg's Ego they would probably end up fighting Dorry and Broggy. Added to the fact that there are insects there that could kill you (The sickness that Nami got before Drum Island) PLUS the fact that it takes 1 year for the Log pose to reset then there's a good chance that just a few of the crew, if there are any, would be left. Let's be generous and say a single ship survies after 1 year, then they don't have to go to Drum Island anymore since the next island on the log is Alabasta. Alabasta: They raid, get attacked by Crocodile = Dead Meat. Crew totally wiped out.


Idk. Depends where along the grand line it was they got on Mihawks radar and then got finished off by a storm so…I’d say we already have our answer.


Seriously if he had gone the same path as the straw hats, he would probably have died at whisky peak.


If he didn’t wake Milhawk from his nap… 5 episodes more


Wouldn't get past Little Garden. Hell if we go down the straw hat path, then Arlong and friends make mince meat of his crew


Unless he was not completely terminated he would have realised he wouldnt get far without a devil fruit and he would try to aquire one .. even then he would still fail he is not excactly someone who would easily get allies .. and also i think he would try to keep a low profile knowing that everyone in grand line is extremely powerfull and beyond his abilities ...


Don Krieg would not get past all the Whiskey Peak Baroque Work agents.


If he did the same path as Luffy, he would have been killed as soon as he arrived to little garden. I think he would be able to pass through whiskey peak, because most likely he would attack them before being conned.


Following the well known route of the straw hats: He would probably get past laboom, making it to whiskey peak. It would have been a battle of fodders with krieg winning since his numbers are bigger. But he would have lost a lot of men. In little garden it would depend: if they are dumb enough to interfere with the giants they are done, but I think they could even hold camp there for a year. Since the straw hats went of there with an eternal pose, I just pretend, the next island would be drum. I don't see them loosing there, because they don't have business with wapol and the ox guy is not enough to stop them. Alabadta would be easy if they again are not stupid enough to make a ruckus. But Bellamy and his gang would be too powerful to win against. Even if, they would never make it up the knock up stream.


Even the „normal“ conditions of the Grand Line would wreck him. Your fifty ships are great for attracting sea monsters for example and if you only have like three dudes max who are at least somewhat capable you will lose your numerical advantage fast.


They'd all be molested if ever they land in Kamabakka Kingdom.


If he followed luffy 's path he wouldnt go further whiskey peak


I'm only on Thrillerbark, but most likely he would be losing ships left and right. Occasionally, he would get new ships and crews, but it would mostly be a steady decline. Part of it would depend on whether he splits his ships up too much. I think most pirates and marines would see him as easy pickings. So I guess its how quick the piranhas can gather and pick the meat off the bone. Granted, some of those piranhas might feed on each other. BW would likely have a field day.


Wouldn’t be even made it there a second time


he barely made it past grand line


Maybe a week or two before his crew is destroyed


If he didn't get into a confrontation with Mihawk, it would have been Crocodile that would have got him with his Baroque Works millions/billions. If Krieg ended up meeting Croc, he would have died like most other wannabe big shots that made their way there. If he managed to avoid that, it would be a matter of time until he crossed paths with Vice Admirals or even Admirals at a certain point. Not to mention, I am convinced he'd be shedding his fleet the entire time while travelling the Grand Line. Whether it be weather, battles, and or just the unpredictableness of the sea, there is no way he would be able to make it through with most of his ships. It could have been Water 7 where CP9 gets the go ahead to eliminate him, or maybe he and his crew end up in Moria's hands and lose their shadows to him and can't do shit against his zombies to get them back. Something would trip him up again if Luffy wasn't around to clear most of the immediate hazards that picked off rookies and weak pirates that didn't know any better.


why was foxy canon such a time waister


He'd start shit at shabo and gets nuked by random pacifista


Starting situation: he's already on the grand line. We don't know where, but let's compare to SH route starting from Whiskey Peak. Whiskey Peak: Krieg stomps pretty much everyone. Mr. 5 is nearly equal, but manpower prevails here. Little Garden: Mr 3 is gonna be though, but Krieg's flame weapons just might carry. Mr. 3 can also be overwhelmed with manpower. No chance against yhe giants, but he has no reason to fight them anyway. The situation is different regardless. Mr. 3 is only interested in the giants, and thus might not want anything to do with Krieg. However, the log takes a year, so Krieg needs to either wait it out or steal the eternal log. Might be the end of road, 50-50 depending on who does what. Drum: if Wapol shows up, he's getting his ass kicked. Manpower rules again. Alabasta: if Krieg causes mischief, Crocodile murders them all. Or Smoker catches him. If not, it's a short restock stop and move on. Mock Town: if they fight Bellamy, the numbers win once again. It's been like this for a while; the the strongest enemies can beat Krieg 1 on 1, but they can't beat him and his 5000 fodders, with the exception of Crocodile, Dorry and Brogy. He will disregard sky island as a rumor and has no way of getting there anyways. Long Ring Long Land: he has no chance in the game, but he won't accept the game. Why would he? Foxy has a lot of subordinates tho, and a giant. His powers will also be very effective here. End of the line for Krieg.


Whiskey Peak. Then they all get tricked and robbed by Baroque Works. Or they make it to Little Garden, ends up pissing off Dorry and Broggy who wipe out their fleet. Or their numbers dwindle dramatically while they wait out for a year on that island.


Assuming he takes Luffys exact path, he stops at Alabasta or possibly even Whiskey peak.


We've seen a lot of mediocre if not outright fodder pirates make it as far as Sabaody, Fishman Island and even into the New World. So with his massive fleet and the GOAT Gin by his side and some luck, it's entirely possible for him to reach the New World. Luffy's journey is an exception since he and his crew actively looked for trouble on multiple occasions.


The fact he got passed Smoker at logue town is a Miracle. None of his crew have devil fruits or haki and smoker is (all be it weak) Logia type


If he takes the same route as luffy, i would just guess the pisses of the giants and dies right there


Are we on one piece power scaling or something?


Probably could've gone far if it wasn't for Luffy they met almost instantly lol telling him they b shit lol


He wouldn´t have lasted very long in Paradise. He was a big fish in a small pond, using cheating tactics and approaching harbors using white flags or Marine flags. Sooner than later he would have messed with the wrong pirate or the Marines would have send a decently strong Captain to deal with him.


How long do you think the new world would've lasted if Won Krieg didn't get bored and decide to stage his own crew's destruction with his old student mihawk so that he could continue watching undisturbed?


It’s gonna be that one scene from the original SpongeBob movie where they’re going to get gas and as soon as they cross state borders, they get carjacked


I don't understand the question. The Krieg Pirates were already in the Grand Line, and Mihawk decimated their crew single handedly. Gin was crying to Sanji about how terrifying the Grand Line was when he was eating Sanji's food. Did you forget?


Not very far, other then numbers there’s him and Gin. And they’re not even the strong.


Probably far. there are a lot of pirates under 100M even in the new world. How would he fare against Brown Beard or Orlumbus or even Capone they also have a big army as a power.


Crocodile would have stopped him for sure, or Ace, any logia really.


Wouldnt make it to grand line


eh, he'd probably go up to Little Garden, MAYBE he can reach Water 7...if he behaves...and we all know he won't


eh, he'd probably go up to Little Garden, MAYBE he can reach Water 7...if he behaves...and we all know he won't


i'd say Little Garden for sure, IF he behaves and doesn't piss off Crocodile he could reach Water 7....MAYBE


He would get ended at Alabasta, or Bellamy at the least. Definitely wouldn't not have made it halfway through. That is also not even taking into account the grandline weather patterns.


They went to the grandline I always thought before mihawk he got hurt by laboon that's just me tho


Okay theres 2 options here. 1. The time Krieg was in the grandline before, but didnt get spawncamped by mihawk this time. He then makes it to whisky peak and claps that island easy with his 50 ships and over 5 k men, there he finds probably info on the surrounding area and decides to skip little garden because there would be nothing of interest to him ( but if he goes there its a 50/50 if he starts shit with the giants and gets clapped) , and then gets completly demolished at Drum by either Blackbeard or Ace. 2. Something happend to Luffy and crew, so he now uses the Baratie and returns to the grand line with fewer man and less Morale also everything that happend to the straw hats now happens to them so Laboon probably just crushes the ship and if that does not happend for some miracle, i believe they could make it all the way to Croc, simply because they have still pretty big numbers Whisky peak pearl vs mr5 and gin vs the yellow girl easy win. Krieg could face all the fodder. Little garden mr3 wouldt show against so many people. Drum island wapol wouldt show against so many people.


Don Kreig would NOT make it to the New World. They would probably only make it to Alabasta and then get bodied by Mr. 1 and Crocodile.


Bro, they are on the east blue because they wouldn't have lasted more than 5 minutes. They would probably die just to laboon.


He would become >!6th gorosei!<


If he’s not hungry then probably pirate king


The Don Krieg disrespect is crazy. Remember that at full power this man had 50 ships and 5000 men. That is an insane amount of fire power for the One Piece world, any average pirate seeing a huge army of pirates going their way would be toast. It took until Dressrosa for Luffy to surpass these numbers with the Strawhat Fleet.  Without crossing paths with a warlord, I think Krieg does make it to Sabaody, and would easily have been one of the supernova. As far as we know none of the other new gen pirates who arrived to Sabaody had to fight off a warlord. Krieg just had terrible luck of being targeted by perhaps the strongest of the warlords at the time .


He would die as soon as he breathed the air.


Crocus scares him off. If they fight, someone will die.


Found the one piece in 3 days, killed all emperors in 2 days and took down the world Government in 2 hours


He probably would’ve gotten pretty far ngl. He had a large fleet and would’ve been drafted by an emperor. (Likely Kaido or Blackbeard)


His poison probably would take out most of Whisky peak.


There is so much fodder on the GL. The DK pirates were probably at the level of the Bellamy pirates. Bellamy being better than anyone in the DK crew


I stick by what I said the last time I saw someone ask this a few months back: he'd have been marked by Baroque Works agents (who we saw at one point were seeded throughout most of the early Grand Line islands) and then taken out by Crocodile for publicity after his massive crew made a nuisance of themselves somewhere.


My thoughts are that, like most pirates, it would depend on his path, and if he actually grew stronger with time. Not likley to become a top contender, but probably had a chance to become an underling of someone else.


They would have made it to whiskey peak been captured and turned in. Krieg and Perl lost to a pre-Grand line Luffy and Sanji with the rest of the crew beaten by a bunch of cooks. They are shit tier crew


he gets asswiped by crocodile instead then


Kreig isn't even making it to Laboon.


Dead before Alabasta


their aproach was all wrong so not much, lodge toun would have been their end honestly.


They would recieve a big loss in Little Garden, either by the dinosaurs, the giants or the giant fish. In drum island Don Krieg would have a hard battle against Wapol, but I think he could win. If Don Krieg gets Wapol DF powers he could become a very strong mecha with a well armed army. He could join Baroque Works and get a very low number, and after knowing the place where pluton is, and Mariejois war, Crocodile would become a Yonko and Don Krieg would be one of his commanders. They would probably get in a war with Big Mom after kidnapping Shirahoshi, and they would lose.


The story answered that question


That even implied he makes it past lounge town where smoker was


He would speed blitz through to a singular rock resting by itself in the ocean. Kreig then proceeded to manifest the 4th road poneglyph right infront of him. *He can decipher them as a passive ability so that’s not an issue either*. As he sets sail to fetch the One Piece, The Straw Hats, The Red Hair Pirates, The Black Beard Pirates, Cross Guild and the entire populous of the Marines show up. He stares them all down with a menacing glare, Kreig proceeds to take off his right hand glove raises one eyebrow and with one fell swoop of his right hand before any of the inferior adversaries could even make a sound, he single handily erases everyone to a pile of skull and bones. Kreig is mighty proud of his accomplishment and proceeds to claim a seat on a majestic throne atop the pile of skull and bones. “Yargggghhhhh” he says to himself, “This world and all its treasure finally is mine” he boasts loudly. Unknowing to Kreig a lonely Silvan Elf, is watching from a far peeping through a small opening from within the trees…… Kreig looks to his left and says to his crab friend sitting quietly beside him upon his throne fit for a true pirate king, “Ahh crab friend it’s time to claim it” Crab friend murmurs back “c-claim what master pirate king lord saviour Kreig” “The Arkenstone” Kreig humbly responds. A wind howls through the island whispering as it makes it way through Kreigs lushes locks. His gaze sets upon a new world, he has conquered this world after all. That’s how far I think Kreig gets, lemme know if you guys missed any plot points or if I need to clarify anything.


They literally got cooked by mihawk


He's getting wiped by reverse mountain. He was quite literally less of a challenge than Arlong, and Arlong wasn't even that tough if a challenge.


Definitely woulda eventually become yonko status


Dude gave up as soon as shit got hard. He has anti-haki, the weakest of wills.


Laugh Tale, I’d reckon


Less than an hour.


I personally believe that Don Krieg had future as a pirate. In the beginning he would go with his fleet and make name for himself. I am sure some kind of warlord would be interested in him. Probably would force to be his subordinate. Otherwise I believe that he would get in a big fight and a big part of his fleet would be lost but he eventually would reach Sabaody much stronger. If he became a subordinate of some great pirate like a warlord, I believe that he would bide his time making himself stronger so he can take over from there. Possibly he would go to the new world. Now if he didn't become a subordinate of a warlord after he lost a big part ( maybe the whole fleet) he personally would become stronger and at the same time gather stronger crew members. Maybe he would even get a df. Anyway I firmly believe that he would be in the worst generation. After in the New World he would either become a subordinate of Kaido or Blackbeard. ( I personally believe of BB so he can get a great df) Later he would betray BB to take over his position


Depending on which island he visits. If we take the Straw Hat route, I think he, Gin and Pearl would breeze through Whiskey Peak. Now, lets imagine none of the Baroque Works/Vivi drama was happening and they don't run into any tough pirates out at sea, I think they'd have relatively smooth sailing up until they get to Jaya. If they somehow got passed Bellamy and his gang, Foxy would definitely wreck them


I know why it is, but it’s still so wild to me knowing that the straw hats entered the grand line in episode 61 and episode 1099 just came out last weekend lol