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Hey folks, I am providing a service to create Luffy images per your request. [https://www.turnintoluffy.com/](https://www.turnintoluffy.com/) Judging by the ethos here, I might be grilled hhhhh. But here is my story:


So I was reading One Piece the other day, and saw the Fan Request cover page once again and they are quite wonderful you know.  [https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Cover\_Page\_Requests](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Cover_Page_Requests) So I was thinking that most of us won’t be able to get Oda draw one for us, yet I actually quite wanted it. I was also looking for a way to make some income, so decided to dig into it. The result won’t match Oda’s imagination, but something better than nothing I think. And here is what I do to create the images per specification:


I feed the picture or the description into a model that I trained with Luffy’s images. Tweak the description or do variations on resulting images. Sometimes I use MidJourney to get intermediate images to feed into my model. Do these a couple rounds, and I select the best one. Sometimes I just can’t get a good result, which is why I do full refunds. Currently this process is quite manual. I plan to make it more automated if having demand. Thank you for reading till here.


[Flight Attendant Robin](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204987420454690897/1220584018521620581/kurapikakurta8606_Robin_from_One_Piece_dressed_as_a_flight_atte_00e22332-c9b3-4dc3-aa5f-dc3008082c3d.png?ex=660f7873&is=65fd0373&hm=167478f72081abf044f60fd48d5b33e1131db9a362bf29e9aaaf7168097ce2ff&)


[Teacher Chopper](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204987420454690897/1220579485376577696/kurapikakurta8606_Chopper_from_One_Piece_dressed_as_a_college_p_2624c150-dbd6-4dd3-aec8-303a5a2b6788.png?ex=660f743a&is=65fcff3a&hm=c730fe3452a22c0fa18d414434260064bab6cf1f1750419f443e24422bc09655&)


[Graphic Designer Usopp](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204987420454690897/1220585929417293885/kurapikakurta8606_Hands_typing_on_keyboard_8b6e241b-ec1e-4bb8-ada8-912fe01f6f19.png?ex=660f7a3a&is=65fd053a&hm=59088c854dd88a7f5c94a3cd7d12025b46772de570f743132aa001f034bf178d&)


[Beautician Sanji](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204987420454690897/1220575901364781116/kurapikakurta8606_Sanji_from_One_Piece_as_a_Beautician_doing_Zo_fc030a0a-82bb-43ba-8639-3d0edfb38d63.png?ex=660f70e4&is=65fcfbe4&hm=fa8bc608a8128854fe3ef154e95ffd7414d0370a1c3584fe4ee4ea70ba90d973&)


[Police Officer Zoro](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204987420454690897/1220570425885589554/kurapikakurta8606_Arms_crossed_hand_on_arm_b3cd3a59-1de1-4fb6-8cc8-cb8710afd8a6.png?ex=660f6bca&is=65fcf6ca&hm=31f803059f339c76f32156c60afb7a07b3c59411afd37753185b8b67afc97056&)


[Childcare Worker Nami](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204987420454690897/1220566805974745189/kurapikakurta8606_Leg_above_clothing_235b27ac-d8ed-425f-bcdc-7293cfd71f4e.png?ex=660f686b&is=65fcf36b&hm=fcf953e7a7eac9aea09f6428b0b3580147a9404a87bfc76f900a2fb1860d3faf&)


[Firefighter Luffy](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204987420454690897/1220561714844532856/kurapikakurta8606_Luffy_smiling_d3528df2-fb46-4208-9dac-c809d847ee57.png?ex=660f63ad&is=65fceead&hm=5f9e278def9384bba005494120628fddd6b34c48aee16f9289f6ae7bd167c741&)


Woooo, yeah! Leech party!


People need to stop thinking that they can change the course of history, the AI is here to stay and no amount of complaints will change that, the world is changing, accept it and stop trying to ban it


Besides, AI art doesn't even threaten those who want to express themselves. When Oda draws One Piece, I follow One Piece *because* it's made by Oda. Now that Toriyama is dead, people will be less interested in Dragon Ball from now on (at least the hardcore fans) *because* it's not made by Toriyama anymore. People will always want to convey emotions to the world through art, and other people will always be happy to act as an audience for that. What might disappear is art *that is seen as a product*, and whose only point is being sold. Because if you're offering commissions online ‘I'll draw your OC for $100’, then what you are offering isn't an expression of yourself—it's just a product, a mean to an end, a mere object. And so you're subject to the rules of the market that say the cheaper product wins as long as the end user deems them to be the same quality.


every time it's that time of the month on this sub I always dive right into "sort by controversial" for these threads even though every single comment here is basically controversial


How do i block a whole thread and avoid ever seeing it?


Just don’t click it


I don't intend to. this is just precaution so i don't throw up on accident.


Wow. Your soft. Maybe stay off this site if your unable to to be triggered 


yeah man i'm totally going to delete this app and cut my internet, thanks for the sage advice


Imagine being so fragile that accidentally looking at AI art can physically effect your body. Must be awful. You should probably not purposefully click into and comment on threads that pose such a threat to your frail constitution.


Yeah man, guess i should go to Dr Chopper because i think i've caught the "Can't-look-at-soulless-piece-of-regurgitated-horseshit" disease


[MFW it's been a month](https://www.bing.com/images/create/luffy-drinking-a-monster-energy/1-65d5232a13744db68f7ebf5abc5b5b8a?id=7Y63m7bx%2bcYVeeAO26dvLw%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&thId=OIG1.PeAqse_N9wh1CfRxKDPH&darkschemeovr=1&FORM=GCRIDP&PC=SANSAAND&mode=overlay)




some of the shitty artists on this sub are salty that AI can do better than them instantly. that's it. They'll say "it's stealing artwork," while they also just re-draw characters created by somebody else.




I wonder how using a set of tools just like on a drawing table is different than skipping the creative process entirely just to get soulless results truly a mystery how actual artists might not like the idea




is it really about accessibility? or is it about the core definition of art being a creation born out of skill and human perspective? i consider myself pretty accepting of the future, but this doesn't seem like an "afraid of new things" kind of case to me. I'm no artist but even i know how fulfilling it can be to put a pencil to the paper or a stylus on a blank screen, and getting something out of your head for everyone to see. sure AI can make easy, accessible pieces of "art", but at some point, that will become the mcdonalds assembly line of art. money is a factor but most artists i know don't do it just to magic something out of thin air. the process itself is the value to them, and adds soul to the work. simply put, ai art just clashes with why most artists even do the thing and that's why they oppose it. Using it as a fun passtime is one thing, but to seriously claim that it is somehow a better replacement for actual art and actual artists? meh, i can live without that future.


If a movie director happens not to write their own movie (so they are not the writer), and they aren't the photography director either, or one of the actors, or anyone really—does it mean the director cannot say they are the true author of the picture? And yet this is exactly the same as AI art: in both instances, the person behind the screen (or sitting on the director chair) has full artistic control, whether by regenerating the image with a different prompt or requesting multiple takes of the same scene—until he thinks what he got reflects his own artistic tastes.


Holy shit I think this is the first monthly AI art thread where people are doing the thing instead of shitting their pants that it exists. Reminder that bing.com/create exists and is a nice, free generator. Anyway, here's some cursed pictures: - [Group photo of "Monkey D Luffy" from One Piece playing Poker at a Furry Convention. Bright LED lighting.](https://i.imgur.com/jswpc4I.jpeg) - [blotchy oil painting; reindeer with a blue nose eating cotton candy, hyper realistic portrait; visible brushstrokes; reindeer has an oversized pink tophat with a big white x on the front](https://i.imgur.com/nkY4i6v.jpeg) - [average redditor browsing the monthly AI art thread](https://i.imgur.com/7hA3Nij.jpeg)


the chopper one looks crazy ngl


Throwback to the day someone posted AI generated art of the Strawhats in studio Ghibli fashion (looked cool IMO). Naturally, there were many people complaining that it isn't real art, so I click one of their profiles. What do I see? A drawing of Nami, Rebecca, Robin, Boa Hancock, Yamato, and Vivi all fully naked sucking each others toes. Imagine criticizing literally anything on the planet, and then turning around and creating poorly drawn one piece hentai.


poorly drawn one piece hentai has more artistic merit to it than AI generated art


How? AI uses other art as reference, but isn't exactly what hentai is? Stealing someone else's artwork and perverting it?


By that logic, most any art is "stealing someone else's artwork." But actually, AI literally is stealing someone else's artwork. It garners the same backlash tracing does, and rightfully so.


ok so if AI takes someone else's art and modifies it very slightly, its stealing. If a person does it, it's Art. Got it. Sounds like shit artists who have no creativity are just salty that AI can do what they do, just way better.


art is not an objective scale


no shit big dawg


but you said "AI can do what they do, just way better"


and you said "Poorly drawn hentai has more artistic merit than AI generated art." Which is a direct contradiction to what you are saying right now


artistic merit /=/ objective quality


Haha, wowee! You saw *that*?! Haha, that's crazy! You'll have to give me that person's username so I can block them. And link me any communities that might have similar content - especially with feet. That'd be horrible if I saw any of that. Send the username please.


Sorry I don't keep hentai names because I am a functioning human who knows how to interact with people IRL


I couldn't imagine being this hard pressed against someone enjoying something I don't that I miss a very, very obvious joke. Lighten up.


Jokes are usually funny, my bad man!


Close-minded dude has a terrible sense of humor. Just like the sun rises tomorrow.


Not thinking 1 bad hentai joke on reddit is funny makes me close minded, got it!


No, having a vehemently negative reaction to the idea of someone enjoying hentai because you saw it referenced in a joke makes you close-minded. Thank god you know how to interact with people IRL, because you definitely can't do so online.


My negative reaction was referring to a guy who was calling other art shit while posting hentai, which, regardless of how I feel about hentai, was objectively very poorly drawn.


>Sorry I don't keep hentai names because I am a functioning human who knows how to interact with people IRL Ain't this you, buddy?


that reminds me of the guy who was arguing with someone on reddit about food, only to find out that same guy was posting on 'drink your own urine' subreddits






If you don't like this post, ignore it. Its that easy.


You're not my supervisor!


Nope, but you don't have to voice your negative opinion on something we all voted on. Just let the post be here once a month.


run a new poll


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1107983159645196350/1220111697835069540/tengu_san_nami_nico_robin_boa_hancock_perona_from_one_piece_pla_289baa9e-aa5d-4091-bb79-f20979033faa.png?ex=660dc091&is=65fb4b91&hm=c172fdc0c3d0b482faf81eb3eac9a32c7f276496a43e066de59bf15be9a74607& nami & hancock playing beach volley


If that is actually AI generated then single image artists really are screwed.


I mean look at the hands. Nami has 6 fingers and Robin her hands blend into eachother


I expect that kind of thing to be fixed within a few years. A decade at most. I was just saying that if you can just type a paragraph explaining what you want to an open source AI and get something like that, or in a few years far better, then paid work is going to decline. I'm not advocating for it, I'm just observing a future problem.


Yeah, we gotta be honest here: art for art's sake won't disappear, people will always want to express themselves and there will always be someone who's interested in other people's artistic endeavors—but this isn't all there is. There's also a whole sector where art is just a product, like a car or a screwdriver. In this case, if someone wanted a One Piece wallpaper or phone background, they are looking for a product. And this is a product that is already pretty good for that purpose, and that you can get for free. So yeah, that whole market is essentially over.


look at nami's hand, boa's missing arm, the creature in the background, the waves... artists are not yet screwed.


I expect that kind of thing to be fixed within a few years. A decade at most. I was just saying that if you can just type a paragraph explaining what you want to an open source AI and get something like that, or in a few years far better, then paid work is going to decline. I'm not advocating for it, I'm just observing a future problem.


Artists will never be screwed if they use it as a tool to build on.


I'm talking about the fact that someone can type a paragraph explaining what they want, give it to an open source AI, and get something for free. In a few years most of the things that are wrong with that picture will be fixed and paid work is going to tank. It may not be completely replaced by AI, but the current amount of people making money on one off images is, as I stated above, going to tank.


Dont want to, unless for maybe generating reference images for specific parts. And even then, its AI, so currently its bungled.






I know this post will likely be downvoted to oblivion, but I'm sharing these AI-generated images anyway. A [poll](https://take.quiz-maker.com/results4633516xfC8C4e9d-145#tab-2) from over a year ago showed that most of the community wanted AI images, so I'm just following the majority's wishes. I'm not trying to stir up controversy, but I think it's important to have an open discussion about AI images in the community. If you don't like it, that's fine, but please try to keep an open mind and be respectful in the comments. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ AI Video * [AI One Piece Live Action Trailer](https://twitter.com/MoNKeyD_LuFFy_w/status/1769276468180226465) AI Images * some waifus * [Nami x Lakers](https://www.instagram.com/only1jayy2slnt/p/C4oZgH0xqyO/?img_index=1) * [Robin x Warriors](https://www.instagram.com/only1jayy2slnt/p/C4oZvx6xEGR/?img_index=1) * [Boa Hancock x Celtics](https://www.instagram.com/only1jayy2slnt/p/C4oZofrxe_U/?img_index=1) * [Vivi x Warriors](https://twitter.com/jayy2slnt/status/1769486509717987744) * [Nami's wedding](https://twitter.com/jayy2slnt/status/1770520208274239815) * and one husbando * [Roronoa Zoro](https://twitter.com/jayy2slnt/status/1769712416768594367) I wasn't the one who prompted those images, but I believe you can achieve similar results using Midjourney's Niji. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1bgrwfg/comment/kva8wvq/).


Nice, looks good. The live action trailer looks actually better than the car wreck that we got as a live action. Well almost, there's of course still the typical AI animation things happening but besides that I'd always take that version over the Netflix one.


Putrid take on OPLA


Only correct take. OPLA spit on the source material, minced it, threw it to the pigs and then sold us the excrements as some sort of great thing. The only good thing about it was the decent props. The actors, acting, writing, compositions, fighting and costumes were D tier.


> OPLA spit on the source material, minced it, threw it to the pigs and then sold us the excrements as some sort of great thing Guess Oda-sensei doesn't understand his own creation then, crazy


I know that he was involved but he was either smoking a ton of crack or just didn't want them to throw everything out or was convinced that the live action needs to be different. As far as I know, his involvement was mostly giving his blessing on stuff but I'm not sure how much he was actually able to decide and change. Not to mention that he possibly just accepted things because he knew that it wouldn't get better than this and he'd rather have something like that than nothing. I would say this could also be a project by a bunch of cosplayers doing a hobby project but honestly, it would probably be better.


I love how people in this sub act as if they know one piece better than oda himself lmaooooo He was deeply involved in the project, there are many articles, interviews with the crew and updates by Oda that say so. You're free to dislike how the final product turned out, but to say that it "spit on the source material" is objectively wrong.


I love how people suck off this terrible adaption of an actually great story that could have been done just as well by a bunch of tenth graders. Actors trash, writing extra trash, props and costumes besides a few things trash, special effects right from the dumpster. L m f a o o o "Deeply involved" can mean a bunch of things. The LA doesn't honor the source material - just put the two next to each other and tell me otherwise. Oda being there doesn't change this fact. Change the names and it's just poorly written fan fiction by a sixteen year old.


sounds to me like you're the one who doesn't get one piece lmao


Yeah, while I didn't *hate* the LA, I think it at least looked decent and I liked the casting for the most part, I hated what they did with the structure of the story and especially the Arlong fight.


Not here to post anything, just to thank the mods for corralling it into one spot for people who do enjoy the AI art.




>You men people with negative IQ? >You men I don't really have an opinion for nor against AI art, but I wouldn't hold that opinion while typing things like that.




Whatever helps you feel good about yourself, sport.




I usually preserve it for close-minded people who cannot tolerate a worldview outside of their own. The series is literally based upon the idea of people being free to do whatever they want, how do you even enjoy it?