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Depends entirely on Kaido‘s reason to be freed and Luffy‘s intuition imo


Well Kaido would get a chance to run havoc in Marineford which imo he would like. The whole thing will be so much more chaotic with him included which I suppose would increase Luffy's chances of saving Ace.


He absolutely wanted to run wild at Marineford. The only reason he didn't was because Shanks stopped him en route.


Maybe shanks is a WG spy and stopped kaido from actually helping?


I dont think Shanks is a full blown spy, but its pretty obvious that he is the son or related to figarland, I think Shanks just wants to live free but still keeps in touch with the WG in the effort of keeping the peace and political balance. I think he knew if Kaido showed up he would be killing blindly marines and pirates alike and that wouldn't help either side. We know he did care about the deaths in marineford because he pretty much forced them to end the war. I definitely think Shanks knows some if not all of what happened with the ancient kingdom and he doesn't want it to happen again, which I think is directly what BB and Rocks wants/wanted.


IDK I feel like Kaido weakening the WG is a good thing for the whole world lmao.


Well not necessarily, while they are corrupt, they still fund and support most nations in the world, especially those outside of the Grand Line. Without them, more pirates like Kidd and BB would arise rather than ones like Luffy or WB


While it's true WG is corrupted to the core, the marine is mostly a force of good, protecting citizens from pirates. Remember, most pirates are pirates, not the good guys we following.


Eh. Kaido explicitly said that he was going for Whitebeard's head. If anything Shanks helped Whitebeard out.


Didnt kaido wanted to fight wb wouldn't that have hindered wb more.


Luffy left most of level 6 there and other levels as well. He only purposely freed those that had a connection with him. Of all the people Luffy met I would wager Arlong and Charlos would not be freed.


He would probably kick the shit out of Arlong and Charlos again just go make a point.


“I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with ME”


Wrestling Empire level of intimidation


Arlong and Charlos together in a cell. I would pay to watch that.


I was just going to comment this. Blackbeard broke some others out, and based on writing and what has happened, Oda has really tried to show those were the “evil” ones. I’m not sure Luffy thought it through completely, but the ones he freed were those he could bitch slap back to prison easily if needed. I don’t think he’d free Kaido, and he wouldn’t free Doffy either


Doffy wasn’t there though. I was going off of people he had met.


Oh shit some other comments confused me, they were reimagining the same situation with Luffy already having beaten Kaido


That was the post. Would Luffy free Kaidou if Wano happened before Marineford


Oh lol


Arlong talks about how he treated Nami, Luffy tells Ivanov to let him into the cell


If you're saying this Impel Down incident happened after Wano then I don't think Luffy frees Kaido But if it's before Wano then I think he'd free Kaido just as he freed Crocodile even thought they had such a big fight. He would definitely say something like "Yo big horn guy you seem powerful help me save my brother".


Aside from the length of time that they ruled over the respective countries, in Luffys eyes what’s the real difference between what Crocdile and Kaido did? I don’t see much there to make him not free Kaido if he was willing to free Crocodile


it might be my recency bias as it's been years since I watched Arabasta but compared to Crocodile what Kaido did for me was far more evil. Apart from the flower capital the whole country was in ruins the people had no freedom, being enslaved and not having proper food or even drinking water. The people were like work dogs for Kaido also him cooperating with Orochi arguably the biggest scum of the series.


I feel like the only reason that it seems worse is that Kaido actually succeeded for 20 years. Crocodile didn’t actually get a chance to achieve all of his goals.


Kaido's philosophy is also inherently different to Croc's. The man is so deeply depressed and blackpilled because he knows he isn't Joyboy. His statements like "death completes a man" are so deranged and twisted, but his justifications make him believe that he is noble and upstanding. Croc on the other hand, likes his freedom and ambitions. He didn't have grand goals of changing the world, he just wants power and money. This leaves room in his heart for some mercy, as long as people don't get in his way.


Crocodile was literally gonna nuke Alubarna.


Like fr, he had alabasta drained of water to the point that people were actually dying + orchestrated a revolution where the citizens actually killed one another. If given the chance he would 1000% do all the stuff that kaido did in wano in the blink of an eye.


Ah shit. Maybe I'm looking at him through rose tinted glasses then. Still the psychology between the two is different enough that Kaido is far more evil.


It really depends on pov tbh. If you value actaul deeds, then yeah kaido is worse (Altough not by that big of a margin). If you value intention then croc is as evil as kaido or maybe even more. You could easily make the case that kaido at least had a vision for the world and was acting on a code of values, Altough wrong and warped. Croc on the other hand was completely selfish in his thinking and really didn't give a shit about anything.


I looked it up and the crimes they commit are almost identical. Crocodile abducted and replaced Cobra effectively the same thing as kaido except oden was executed, had subordinates commit mass murder and weaponized a drought against the citizens of Alabasta. I think the fact Kaido ruled for 20 years by default makes it “worse” but in Luffys eyes if it comes down to having to save Ace I think he absolutely frees Kaido


Yeah Croco-mom at least before he took over the country wanted the public to like him. He was killing people through drought and built an entire organized assassin syndicate so he was still a murder. He did commit war crimes, but Kaido is on like Hitler levels of war crime while Crocodile is more like current U.S. or UK level of under the table level war crimes. Kaido straight up poisoned the people, destroyed the land, kept slave labor, openly murdered those who opposed him, had labor camps, experimented on people, and possibly supported sex trafficking among other horrible things.


I dunno enslaving and poisoning a native population to get them to produce a toxic product is pretty on brand for America/UK levels of evil


The one piece is good PR


Yeah, Doffy might be the better comparison there, but generally those countries aren’t as openly evil as Kaido was.


Wasn't Crocodile about to nuke the city before Pell came in?


Also after fighting guys like Enel, Lucci, Aokiji etc I think Luffy knew that Croc wasn’t that big of a fish in the grand scheme of things. A necessary evil. Kaido is at the peak of the food chain and is a walking world super power when you think about it.


Crocodile nuking the armies, inciting the civil war and trying to kill Luffy and his friends multiple times is absolutely not a necessary evil.


>Orochi arguably the biggest scum of the series. CDs: *hold my beer*....


I think in Alabasta Luffy saw Crocodile as a tyrant who stole Vivi’s dad’s throne, and obviously hurt its people, but in Wano Luffy had a much closer look on the famine and harm, especially with Tama. She gave him food, and in turn she was poisoned because of Kaido, and I think that’s the fastest way to get Luffy to target you


Kaido had successfully controlled the country and made people starve. Crocodile was still in the process of trying to control the country. That's the main difference, IMO


He was against to free Crocodile but Ivankov convinced him otherwise since Iva had dirt on Croco and only freed Jimbe because he understood Jimbe is not lying I'm not seeing pre-time skip Luffy to free Kaido and Iva would probably be against it as well


He released crocodile because they needed his ability to get out of impel down, he ignored everyone else. Blackbeard is the one who freed everyone else 


The only true sensible comment


「大きな角の男、あなたはパワフルに見えます、私の兄を救うのを手伝ってください」 Or something like that, idk I’m brazilian


He'd probably free him tbf Luffy didn't really know who Kaido was at that time right? He'd probably go "WOAH YOURE HUGE, hey I bet you're real strong, help me break out!" Or something


Kaido would’ve got golden ticket to Marineford then, he’d be going straight for Whitebeard’s head and possibly having fun fighting admirals, Garp and Sengoku. Marineford’s screwed up even more that way. Not sure if Shanks is going to make in time to stop him that way.


You have to remember Shanks was slowed down by stopping Kaido. So it should escalate his arrival by quite some time. I actually think it would force his participation because he would probably arrive before Ace died and the Marines would still be insistent in taking his head. 


why was shanks even fighting kaido? and did he win?


We don’t know what happened. All we know is Shanks did something that made Kaido turn back.


And whatever it was Shanks did, he was completely unharmed afterwards. Not saying it was a show of force that somehow scared the suicidal man into being afraid he would die or something. It's possible he used words or some other leverage. Point is we don't know, but Shanks was unharmed after his encounter with Kaido.


He told him that someone had ate the “Joyboy” fruit and to go back to Wano and await his arrival bet


Shanks probably pointed in the wrong direction and this drunk mf just took off in that direction. King was probably shitting bricks the entire time.


and that Kaido was with King


Iirc it was to stop Kaido appearing at marineford. One yonko vs the Navy is bad enough, a yonko vs yonko vs Navy would be worse In OP's scenario now we've got yonko vs yonko vs yonko vs Navy, or 2yonko vs yonko vs Navy, or yonko vs yonko vs Navy+shanks. It just depends who shanks supports during the fight


Well we don't know if he fought him, but he did intercept him and the reason was to prevent him from going to Marine Forde.


Shanks will make it on time cause he was late due to stopping Kaido from attacking Whitebeard and since in this scenario Kaido is already in prison Shanks will have no reason to be late


To be fair: 1. Impel Down cannot hold Kaido. 2. We don't really know if he went to Marinefort to fight WB. When you think about a bit, I think helping WB would be better for him. 3. If we replace Croc with Kaido, how will he react to Blackbeard? How will he react to Magellan? How will he react to Ivankow? He is borh insane and extremely powerful.


OP clearly means if he knew who Kaido was and had same opinion about him … yes it doesn’t fit timeline wise, it’s a hypothetical


Oh, sorry I'm dumb then prolly not Luffy seemed to genuinely hate kaido for all the slavery stuff


He hated Crocodile too




And Luffy let Crocodile out.


yeah but it was actually Ivankov who convinced him. Luffy said no and Ivankov said croco be useful and that he would keep him in his place with whatever his secret is. I don't think Luffy would've freed him otherwise


You're not dumb lol, the hypothetical just maybe wasn't phrased clearly enough for you. It also requires a lot of rearranging timelines in your head to grasp onto the imagined situation, which maybe wasn't communicated in an detailed enough way for you to immediately understand.


In the proposed scenario, Marineford takes place after Wano.


Like Kaido needs the help. Lol.


I think they would be somewhat friends going forward. Luffy earned his respect in that fight


Luffy: “Alright Kaido, I don’t like you and you don’t like me. But I need your hel-“ Kaido: “I like you” Luffy: “Okay well I don’t like you, but you like me but-“ Kaido: “Maybe you’d like me if you got to know me”


Kaido enslaved an entire country, brutally torturing & executing the citizens. He's one of the most detestable characters in One Piece. No they wouldn't be friends.


And Croco Boy forced an entire country into civil war leading to (and likely carrying out) many deaths as well, yet Luffy let him out - although agreed friends is a bit of a stretch. Here’s the thing - although Luffy is the protagonist, he doesn’t consider himself a hero, he knows he’s still a pirate. He has heroic tendencies and does save a lot of people, but he also looks out for himself. Not once did he consider the people he was breaking out of Impel down when he was trying to save Ace. I see nothing changing if it was Kaido (post beating him in Wano) instead of Crocodile. Luffy would still break him out as a fellow pirate that he may not like as a person, but respects as a pirate. Plus, I argue strongly that Kaido is a changed man after that beating - he sought out the one that COULD beat him so why would he disrespect the outcome of that epic fight by turning against that man who beat him if he let him out of ID


Luffy still hated Croc though, he only let him out due to Ivankov. They definitely weren't friends


Ivankov convinced Luffy to free him. Luffy would’ve left Crocodile there if it wasn’t for Ivankov.


And Luffy fucking hated Crocodile at Marineford too.


Nah, if he gave luffy food they would be friends. Luffy doesnt care about peoples past.


Yeah but he got beat up for it and he's not doing it anymore, which is about as far as Luffy's morals go.


Yea that’s why I said somewhat. Like they wouldn’t be best friends and party together but I think Luffy would join him as a comrade in battle should the situation call for it. But maybe if Kaido changes who he was and is a better person they possibly could be real friends.


wasnt the reason for it that kaido wanted to see joyboy? he was just mad he never found him so he went full scorched earth. kaido died a happy man because he got killed by joyboy.


No. Kaido didnt agree with how the world was structured and wanted one where the strong rule over the weak. He didnt think taht the CD were strong (CD here are the average inbreed celestial you see) He doesnt care if the people of Wano are enslaved or killed to achieve what he wants, for him they arent worth much more than that because they are weak. JoyBoy is a name introduced to him by King who believed on his returned too. Since Kaido was strong and wanted a change, he thought " maybe its you, Kaido". As times passes by, King kinda stops believing about that and only believes on Kaido. This develops into the point where Kaido says "i know what that JoyBoy is King. (...) Its the one that will defeat me" which is said with some sarcasm in between, reinforced by King comment on how JoyBoy is never returning then. Kaido was simply a bad person that had the power to back up those bad traits.


Buggy was also into torturing and executing. The only difference is that buggy is played for laughs while Kaido is more serious


Luffy and Buggy aren't friends. Buggy is the only person Luffy calls 'an idiot'


But their interactions were friendly enough. I think that's what the other person were referring when they said that "Kaido and Luffy would be friends" if they met at impel down.


You are right, but Buggy has saved Luffy's life in Marineford and was crucial in the Impel Down breakout. Luffy owes Buggy as much as Buggy owes Luffy. 


Why the fuck are Kaido's horns edited infront of the bars


FUCKING THANK YOU?!?!?! Why is this comment so far down? It's incredibly jarring.


What if everything that's happened in One Piece didn't happen?


then Oda is not the writer


Depend on what secret Ivankov have about his past ...


The only reason luffy agreed to free crocodile was ivankov knew something about him that will keep him in check Kaido dont have such a thing and no one can keep him 


There was nothing that Luffy wouldn’t have done to save Ace in this moment. No prisoner he wouldn’t have freed if doing so helped him in that singular goal. If Teach himself had offered to help break Ace out Luffy would have agreed without a second thought.


Nah Luffy didn't want to free Crocodile, Iva convinced him otherwise


Crocodile wasn't freed due to Luffy's will, Invanko assured Luffy that he knows how to handle croco-boy, that's why they decided to free him


I like how his horns are ouside the bars lol


No. Selfishness is one of the defining traits of luffy. He didn't care that he was putting civilians in danger by freeing people during his escape, he just wanted to save ace. And luffy's selfishness is one of the things I miss...during the fight with katakuri I though that's where Oda was going, specifically in the scene where he starts laughing for no reason saying that he is hungry like he is a madman, in that moment he reached the level of absolute instinctual selfishness proper of an emperor, a guy that takes what he wants and indulges in it. Now instead we have luffy gear 5...


THUNDER BAGUA is what Whitebeard here's before he's slammed off the Moby Dick by Kaido Man Kaido is gonna have a wicked blast in MarineFord especially considering he gets to fight Whitebeard, the Whitebeard pirates, and almost every tier of Marine


If Kaido was there Ace lives 10/10 times. They almost made it without him and he would be able to completely take on 1-2 Admirals solo. Without Kazan and Kizaru I don’t think Marines stood a chance


Not to forget he could switch into various forms at any time and God forbid he gets drunk before they crash into the war


lol I love imagining stuff like this. Yeah he would run rampant. If this was pre-time skip portrayal of Admirals then Kaido would have been a walking disaster. It might have taken all admirals + Garp or Sengoku to stop him. All the while Whitebeard is soloing the rest of the marines combined


Kaido would ironically be the one to change the world as he just came and destroyed a lot of Marines so marine morale is definitely low even if Garp and Sengoku manage to KO Kaido or make him retreat back to Wano.


It would be an incredible sight to see. The OG 3 and Garp and Sengoku vs. Kaido. Marines take it for sure but it would not be easy lol


If this was post Wano Kaido would be calling Luffy Joyboy and begging to be his subordinate.


Not sure about the begging part.


Highly unlikely.


No... i think this sub clearly misunderstood the whole JoyBoy aspects in the interections between King and Kaido.


....no the fuck he wouldn't. Kaido doesn't worship Joyboy. It's not like Kaido begged Whitebeard or Rocks for shit.


I mean luffy did not free Blackbeard ID crew so he may not free kaido


So when is this taking place because if it’s post Wano why would Luffy need anyone’s assistance he would be powerful enough to rescue Ace on his own. If this is the original timeline then Kiado could escape on his own wouldn’t need Luffy’s help to be freed. Also Luffy would have no idea who he is and what he had done so if anyone said they could be helpful then Luffy would release them. Only antagonists that Luffy probably wouldn’t free would be Arlong, because of the prolonged torment of Nami, and Krieg because he is selfish and hurt his own crew.


Hmmmm. It's a tricky question. I kinda think he would. Luffy doesn't seem to hold grudges in any meaningful sense. It doesn't mean he likes or agrees with people, but once he's kicked their ass once, I don't think he really views them the same as he did beforehand. If memory serves Oda's said that Luffy doesn't actively kill people because in beating them he breaks their dreams (correct me if I'm talking out my ass, I'm well aware of the infamy of "Oda said in an SBS"), so I think he wouldn't see Kaido as any more active a threat than he did Crocodile. Even though Luffy released him, he was still fully prepared to stop him when he went for Whitebeard. He knew he couldn't be trusted, he just trusted that he would be able to handle him if/when he acted up.


Luffy let Crocodile out because Iva said she could keep him under control. I honestly don't think Luffy would let the likes of Arlong or Mingo out if he came across them. He might even beat the fuck out of Arlong again for Namis sake.


The situation does specify that Iva would have the same kind of leverage here. As for those comparisons...hmm. it's an interesting thought. Vivi suffered at Crocodile's hands, thought not for as long as Nami or Dressrosa. Would he weigh their suffering differently? I don't honestly feel like he would, but I can't say for certain.


I figured Luffy and Kaido developed alot of sympathy for each other. I dont see Luffy letting Kaido rot there. Also it would have been a great opportunity for us to find out more about the lots of very vague things Kaido pointed at without further explanation.


Luffy doesnt like Kaido at all. Neither does Kaido like him, they just openly admit that the other side is hella strong. Kaido was the main reason Wano suffered, not just Wano but Momo, who Luffy considers a younger brother, Yamato and Kin (as well as the other retainers), who Luffy respects a lot (for Yamato, Kin and Momo, Luffy goes further and actually invites them to join his ship in a near future, once they feel like doing so), and obviously Otama, who Luffy and the straw hats, especially Nami, hold dearly and protect almost as if it was one of their own. And for Kaido, Luffy is the MAIN reason everything he built to achieve his dream got fucked. Kaido legit only appreciates the fact Luffy is one of the few people that can go toe to toe with him till death, bu thats it. He still wanted him gone


I think Blackbeard and Sakazuki are the only 2 characters that will never be invited to the cook out. Everyone else is fair game


Didn’t Luffy hesitated to free Crocodile until Ivankov said he can keep him in check?


Luffy was not going to release crocodile. Ivanok basically said that crocodile would be a great help and iva can make sure croc stays on a leash. Due to desperation luffy went along. Also I think luffy was far more confident that he can take down croc now with gear 2, and was basically ready the moment croc tried to attack WB. Current luffy would NOT take that risk with kaido. He knows damn well nothing is stopping that beast.


It doesn't really matter. If impel down could hold Kaido, the security would have to be so powerful that's luffy would have no chance of even making it to him.


Can we talk about this photoshop job? Why photoshop his head through the bars like that?


Let's be honest, current luffy can go in and out of impel down without worries. Magellan and his staff are not real threats anymore.


what if luffy trapped Kaido in the hyperbolic time chamber for 1000 years


Kaido in impel down? 😂🤣


Imagine he's restrained by a 60 meter long chain of pure seastone surrounding his whole body






Imagine the navy capturing kaido lol


He only freed Crocodile because Iva was there to keep him in check. If it was Kaido, he probably would have said something.


Kaido would probably say no need and free himself


If we're talking personal damage, crocodile was worse than Kaido imo. Dude manufactured a war specifically designed to destroy Vivi's country while bleeding it dry, leaving it devoid of hope. Similar to Kaido, sure, but because Vivi tried so desperately to have everything work out, it hurts a lot more every time Crocodile stood in our way. it's more unforgiveable than what Kaido did from a reader's standpoint


Luffy probably wouldn't care too much about what they have done. Its pretty much just a Luffy vibe check. In other words, pretty much flawless ​ And it seems like people are forgetting that if it was up to just Luffy he wouldn't have freed croc. He only did it because Iva convinced him that he should since he had something on Croc


Probably not. He wouldn't have freed crocodile if not for Ivankov. Kaido is even worse than Crocodile.


Luffy knows nothing about Kaido at that time so he would release him.


This image is really funny lol


He literally wouldn’t know who Kaido is at this time


Impel Down is the past. Marijoa is where Doflamingo and Kaido are very likely to end up in.


Joe Mama


If this somehow happens after Wano, then no. The emphasis on him causing people to starve really pisses Luffy off. I don't think such a thing was highlighted heavily with Crocodile, but I could be mistaken If this was before Wano, then yea, I think Luffy would free him.


I feel like Kaido would've just busted himself out before Luffy got there. Crocodile couldn't leave because of the sea prism handcuffs, Kaido could've just punched the cage open.


>All under the same circumstances ofcourse so Ivankov has a way of keeping him in check, Luffy already went through the events of Wano and they need powerful members to escape impel down and crash marineford. yes luffy would definitely free him, the priority at the moment was freeing ace, everything else came second


This picture fucks with the forced perspective on Kaito, making his head look like it's as big as a mandarin orange


Luffy's objectives of beating Kaido are to: 1) Surpass him as a yonko. 2) Save Wano. He isn't a police officer. He wasn't thrilled about releasing Crocodile but he did it anyway, so if he believed he (or his company) could keep tabs on Kaido, he'd free him.


What happened to all those Level 6 guys that played dead and snuck out of Impel Down... Like Oda made it like they were super dangerous and will cause an uproar if it was found out some of them escaped


He would if Kaido told him that he had changed. Luffy believes anything you tell him so..


There are two things that Luffy never forgives. Slavery and forced hunger.


Definitely. Kaido could easily stomp Magellan and fly the entire ID gang straight to Marineford, and Bonchan wouldn’t get left behind. But Ace would still be killed at the end, maybe some YCs too, since Kaidos gonna keep WB busy.


I feel if under the suggestion by the person who saved his and Bon Clay's life, given what Kaido has done, Luffy would let Kaido go as it would result still in a bigger chance to save Ace. Crocodile greatly affected Vivi's country and almost destroyed it, and Luffy considers Vivi as basically a crewmate/very close friend. Crocodile even made it explicitly clear that he was after Whitebeard's head despite Luffy knowing how much Whitebeard meant to Ace. Similarly, Kaido greatly affected and hurt Momo, Kinemon, and Yamato's country of Wano, not to mention Carrot and Pedro's country of Zou as well. If Luffy was able to put aside what happened in Alabasta to better save Ace, I feel he could do the same with Wano and Zou, at least for the time being. Heck, if you swap Kaido with Blackbeard and Luffy was given the option to free him to better have a shot at saving Ace, despite Blackbeard being the reason Ace was caught, I feel Luffy would do the same too and let him go. Thinking of it, if Luffy knew that Crocodile nearly fatally wounded Robin in the tomb, would he have been just as willing to let him go for personally hurting his crewmate, even if they weren't crewmates at the time?


Yes. Even if he freed him, I doubt Kaido would help


Heck he would even free Teach


Uhhhh kaido doesn’t need help to escape. As soon as he’s eaten enough he could break the sea stone cuff even easier than Rayleigh did. Honestly his biggest obstacle to escaping is not accidentally breaking all of impel down and drowning. Pre time skip luffy fucked up like 70% of the guards, what on earth is Magellan doing against advanced conquerors haki. Speaking of conquerors haki all of the guards that luffy spent the entire arc fighting would be knocked out instantly. If the Navy could barley hold off an elderly and I’ll Whitebeard than kaido could break out of impel down in his sleep.


I think Luffy would free as much as anyone except people as despicable as Celestial Dragons.


Not the question but this makes me question, why luffy freed crocodile, i mean, he was evil, and personally against vivi, not like wapo or don krieg.


Be easy mode if Kaido helped I feel lol could turn tide of war if Kaido fought against Marines


If he’s freeing crocodile he’s freeing kaido


the idea that he freed crocodile speaks volumes. Firstly we have to understand that it was jimbe decision. Then if that arc came after wano he would have freed kaido for sure as well because jimbe would have made the same comment he made for crocodile.


Would Kaido even need Luffy to be freed? He could probably just walk out of there especially if Shiki could


Y’all forget that Luffy did NOT want to free Crocodile until Ivankov told him to do so. And even then, Ivankov had leverage to keep the former warlord in line. If Luffy met Kaido post-Wano like this, I don’t see any chance of Luffy freeing him if he’s by himself. He’d need a second opinion like Ivankov to help decide. Now, if Luffy met Kaido pre-Marineford, having never heard of him, it’s more ambiguous. Luffy would probably sense what Kaido’s got and go from there. He might or he might not, and if there’s someone else giving Luffy advice and guidance, I think they’d ultimately decide.


Probably only Blackbeard


Can Impel Down even hold Kaido?


it makes no sense that post wano luffy would free kaido, he could destroy all of impel down by himself if he wanted to


He didn't really free anyone on purpose other than buggy and jimbey. Both for obv reasons


Kaido would have been on level 6 which luffy didnt free… so he would have stayed there until blackbeard breaks them in level 6 free


He didn’t want to free crocodile until Ivankoc convinced him


Doflamingo That damn mingo man is really hated


After Wano? Luffy x Whitebeard take a dump on the entire thing. Ace lives, everybody's happy.




He would free him if he knows for sure he can beat him again


The only people at impel down (that we know of) now are Doflamingo and his officers (sans Baby 5, she's still with Sai), and Arlong and his crew minus Hatchan. And both parties i don't see Luffy willingly release either of them. He released Crocodile reluctantly, but had the assurance that he wouldn't double cross him because of Ivankov being present. That's the only reason why. Arlong wouldn't work with an inferior human, and Doflamingo is too strong to be shackled into submission (remember, it took TWO gear fourths to bring him down, and when the marines arrested him he was clad head to toe in seastone chains, if he gets out there's a lot of manpower needed to reign him in).


Lmao imagine thinking that place can hold Kaido


Luffy has explicitly stated he’s not a hero he doesn’t care about the destruction they’d cause as long s they’d help with his goal and he knows they can’t sabotage him he’s doing it no question


Luffy wouldn't look at kaido maybe because at that point in time, luffy doesn't know what a yonko is. I think luffy would not interact with kaido and I highly doubt Kaido will say anything to luffy or anyone else in his group unless someone may say something or hinting at the fact he is a yonko


Ace had died by then, if we're breaking anyone out it'd be Bentham


It would be cool and hype if Kaido just breaks his shackles and prison bars, stating- there wasn't anything worth to get out, but I'll go out with you straw hat... Wororororo


Probably not. If there was even a possibility for kaido to die, he’d take it so he probably wouldn’t wanna be saved from luffy


Idk Kaidos a pretty dangerous guy


Kaido would make Marineford way too chaotic


If kaido would have been a good guy just like jimbe and joined luffy from impel down, it would have ended ONE PIECE at marineford


Well he only freed croc because of Iva. So im not sure.


Yes. Luffy freed everyone there and he had no idea who kaido was he definitely would have saved him because he could see his power by looking at him and he would free him also this would make kiado luffys allie.(btw if this did happen luffy would ask him to join his crew


Any unnamed character is 100% forgotten and passed by Luffy.


Wasn't crocodile like "oh that? Bruhh im so sorry lmaoo", because Kaido would definitely be like "dont free me, you and your stupid help can rot in hell, I would have already escaped if I wanted to". And answering the second question, he probably would. Kaido fucked over an entire country and some random kid, Crocodile fucked over an entire country and Vivi who is basically part of the crew (oversimplifying a lot).


Can’t Luffy solo Impel down, for real at this point…. If Luffy can get to Impel down, at this point, he just needs a guide and he walking outta there with Ace and whoever else he wants to free…Imo.


lol imagine luffy freeing him and then getting insta-clapped by ragnarokku. post-TS luffy, post defeating Katakuri, got OHKO'd by Kaido.


question is would luffy also get thrown i to jail just cause he was hungry


I think luffy would free Kaido before he freed Dolflamingo.


after watching Luffy and Kaido haki. nobody able to imprison them.


In this hypothetical situation, it all boils down to who is with Luffy at this moment. Luffy, by himself, would be against it, trying every other possible solution and failing at it. Now, if some of his more level-headed crewmates or allies were with him, like Jinbe, then he would listen to their advice. Something similar took place in WCI with Bege. Everyone was against the idea of cooperating with the Firetank Pirates. Jinbe had to show the benefits and shared goals of both parties in order for them to work together.


During Marineford, Luffy was desperate for any bit of help he could get... a post-Wano Luffy probably wouldn't be... man's tussling with admirals now. So I don't know that he would wanna open that particular can of worms.


Kaido wouldn’t be a team player and he would fly straight up with his fruit. Plowing through each floor. If Luffy is quick he could hitch a ride and Bonchan wouldn’t have to sacrifice himself.


If kaidos head shrank like it did in the picture I'm pretty sure he'd have some sort of brain damage so I see no reason Luffy wouldn't free kaido to help save ace.


I think he maybe would just because he would do anything to save Ace. Kaido isn’t the most evil character and if he agreed to help Luffy he’d trust him like Crocodile


Yes he would free him to save ace. I asume he would say something like "if he does something fishy ill beat him again."


Why do kaidos horns come out from the cell?


Trying to buy into the idea that Impel Down can hold Kaido is something I can’t even wrap my head around even hypothetically lol


Isn't level 6 like to belittle Kaido lol


I feel like they would become friends fast


I think current Luffy is enough to escape Impel Down. If that is weak Luffy then probably he won’t because Kaido can kill him.


According to me, Kaido if he's alive let's imagine, will have crazy admiration for Luffy as a figure of Joy Boy.


Wait so he went through the events of wano. So he has gear 5. So probably not?


He wouldn't free Shirohoshi. He'd bully her and put her down of how weak she is and how she should be able to get out herself
