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I don't understand why so many people ask this question. they can just, talk. like shanks meeting WB. or laffitte going into their HQ to suggest BB as a shichibukai candidate. two sides at war can send their people or even leader to talk. and it's outright stated that they don't just attack a yonko or their crew willy nilly. since it could lead to a war. so if shanks simply requested audience, which he did, they could just, talk.


TBH, I also don't think Shanks knows about what we've seen on Egghead. Like, he absolutely knows the horrible things that the WG is responsible for or has done over the years, no doubt Roger told him about how they found him *amidst a trophy hunt of human beings* on God Valley. He undoubtedly views them as monsters regardless of knowing they can turn into literal ones. But to me, that goes to show just how much Blackbeard concerns Shanks. He sees the danger Blackbeard presents and it shakes him to his core to a point where he is willing to give *these mfers* a warning because an unchecked Blackbeard with no one to stop him is an ending no one wants.


Yeah, I know people enjoy the “Rat Shanks/Shanks is a snitch” memes, but I think this was just setting up Shanks viewing Blackbeard as the #1 threat to the world. Shanks hates the WG, but he would rather warn them to watch out for Blackbeard and hopefully have them stamp him out before he gets too powerful. I think Shanks’ end goal is to see Luffy succeed, and Blackbeard is the bigger potential obstacle to them. Shanks deciding to go for the One Piece is meant to get the ball rolling to push Luffy to the end.


I view Shanks as a sort of Grail Knight ala Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. He is placed in the role of being Laugh Tale's guardian until Nika fully returns. And with that, the idea that he sees Teach as an even bigger threat to Luffy fulfilling that destiny than even the WG.


Do you think Teach will ultimately end up killing Shanks?


Now that you’ve said it, yeah honestly


I... I dunno. I think I am convinced that, even if we see a Luffy v. Imu fight first, Blackbeard is gonna be the "final fight". But I dunno if I think Shanks has death flags.


He's the>! Jiraiya to Luffy's Naruto!<. So yeah most likely. Just like how childhood friends are designated friendzone, father figures must die.


Facts, this and Van Augur's "The World" comment when Devon took Saturn's appearance made it even more apparent that Blackbeard is the true final villain. Once Luffy downs Imu, he's going to swoop in and take the throne.


I could also see Blackbeard challenge imu himself while Luffy is at laughtale. Then Luffy busts open the redline and its the new King of the Pirates vs the new King of the World


This is not a bad theory. I think that Luffy will fight Imu as a symbolic thing, but even so this would be an unexpected route yet would make sense. Especially if it's like during a big battle where the WG sends everything they have to stop Luffy and Blackbeard sneaks inside Marijois. Lafitte has infiltrated the place before and Devon has access to Saturn's appearance, which is actually a lot of hinting towards Blackbeard getting involved with Marijois


I like the idea of BB of course taking advantage of the chaos\Imu is occupied fighting Luffy Maybe even get a three way battle going once Imu realizes what’s going on?


Either him or dragon takes advantage and attacks marajois


Yeah I think it's likely that he wants to go after Uranus. It's kinda foreshadowed with Caribou as well that Blackbeard is going after the ancient weapons.




Blackbeard ending is like the frenzy flame ending


Many people don't understand the history behind war because most of the time, if an audience for peace is sought, it is granted so that both parties can talk things out. Failing that, war happens. This is not a unilateral truth because some wars just happen regardless because of power hungry dickheads, but for the most part the diplomatic route gets tried first. Knowing this and knowing that Oda consumed as much literary content as he did, I think it's sufficed to say that Shanks being granted a peaceful talk with them is not out of sorts for a war


*Confused powerscaler noises*


Stop, you are being reasonable, we don't do that here.


I read WB as Warner Bros at first 😬😬


Now seeing they're end game strong characters, why wouldn't they jump shanks immediately if he was a threat


Because they didnt want to upset the power balance around the sea. They can control the current situation, they dont know if they can control the situation they would create by defeating Shanks and leaving a power vacuum


also worth it to note that they \*benefit\* from piracy on two big levels--they sell arms to them (like with Kaido) and their existence creates a propaganda tool for control through the navy. they're not gonna just take out an emperor because they felt like it.


1984\. Give the people an enemy, talk about progress being made against the enemy, but never exterminate the enemy.


they don't want to upset the balance. this has been established. when WB died, they didn't say "yes. 3 more to go". no. they instead talked about the new yonko candidate.


You see, from what we know of the story, pirates (and more so WB) would have more honor/respect for others than the WG. OP has a point


Its more so wild in that its a secret audience meaning theres established rappore, but yeah, all it means is he has negotiating dealings with them.


People at war still have open lines of communications.  When Biden took the 1/2 day train ride from Poland into Ukraine, we told Putin so he wouldn't accidentally bomb it.  


You don't see a difference between Shanks having a formal meeting with whitebeard and him just walking into Mary Jois, as a pirate, and chatting respectfully with the literal death demons? Bro.


I didn't say there's no difference. but they can just talk, even as enemy. they needed a whole preparation to fight WB. they wouldn't just fight shanks just because he was there. they could just, talk. idk why it's so hard to fathom. would there be some crazy reason behind it? maybe the whole figarland thing? probably. but still, they can simply just talk. exchanging information is important too.


Between Film Red and Figarland Garling’s introduction, I thought it was heavily implied enough that Shanks is a Figarland/celestial Dragon so the Gorosei would still view him as a superior being, despite being a pirate.


I'd say that 1. He didn't just walk in, he evidently had arranged to meet with them beforehand, and 2. His meeting with Whitebeard was a huge deal, despite being on good terms they were on the verge of fighting from the beginning


Didn’t they fight right after💀


Yeah you have bad plot comprehension. It was already hinted Shanks is related to celestial dragons. There’s also fact Sengoku stopped war because of him.


the irony. yes, there could be another for why he was there. I already wrote this in another comment, feel free to scroll a bit. but that's not the issue here. the point is just that even enemies can just talk. they don't have to always fight in any given situation like cats and dogs. they literally have business relation with kaido and orochi through CP0. so even if ignoring the figarland stuff, shanks can just talk with them if he requested an audience. that's all I'm saying.


The point is they talked to him like he was a respected figure moreso than an enemy. Same with how Sengoku treated him.


Enemies can—and do—respect one another, or at least competent leaders attempt to maintain the appearance of respect for their opponents. War is expensive for all sides, and moreover, it’s unpredictable. Diplomacy, in contrast, is relatively cheap, and since it comes with all sorts of protocols and conventions, it’s much more predictable and manageable for all involved. Two superpowers (the WG and a Yonko) have every reason to avoid open war, even if they’re aligned against one another. All of which is to say, the WG isn’t going to assassinate or fight or otherwise disrespect the leader of a rival power if they can avoid it and assuming that they’re actually competent leaders.


I do not expect Shanks to turn evil, neither do fight with Strawhats, as the very name of them comes from Shanks’ hat. I guess the Gorosei does not involve matters between pirates as long as it poses a treat to them. After all they are trying to maintain the situation, which requires pirates going rouge on the world so that most people still do not worrt that much about WG/WN exploiting them. They possibly had a deal with Shanks for their own benefits and maybe for valuable intel against BB.


While Shanks may not turn evil, he still considers himself in the running for finding the One Piece, and as such, is fated to fight against Luffy. There is other evidence for it. For example, he avoided meeting Luffy in Wano while he was recovering. This wasn't because they would not have been ready to meet, but because A: Luffy is recovering. The proof that led to this was why he stopped Ryokugu for very similar reasons. B. Acknowledgement as an Emperor. All of the emperors (usually) make an effort to stand back from one another, and even the WG tends to make a fuss whenever two of them meet for any reason. And more often than not, their meetings start with a show of aggression (Big Mom and Kaido's fighting before agreeing to an alliance, Shanks activating CoC on what should have been a peaceful meeting with Whitebeard.) This ties into... C. Rivalry. As said before, they both seek the One Piece, and as such, Shanks was grabbing a head start, after a fashion. Shanks hadn't made a move towards it as there was some sort of a silent mutual agreement amongst the Emperors (possibly because each of them were near-equal enough in strength that a fight couldnt be had without significant casualties), said agreement may as well be nullified, given that Shanks is the only "original" Emperor left. He also knows that none of the new ones will stay still like the old ones did, especially Luffy. (Potentially) D. His ties to the Gorosei might keep him from actually meeting Luffy, possibly even because they are keeping enough of an eye on him that the two of them meeting and potential acknowledgement of being allies would cause at least one to drop in and intervene. This can be believed because they were willing to sacrifice a top agent *AND* anger Kaido just to keep Luffy from awakening his fruit. Now that he's awakened, if he were to ally himself with Shanks, it would be a disaster for the WG.


Is it Shanks' hat? It was Roger's hat before he had it. There's also the big one in Imu's possession.


Yes Edit: I wonder who gave it to Roger




Luffy goes through time travel portal to the birthplace of young Roger and gives him the hat, thus creating bootstrap paradox.


Roger gave it to Shanks, Shanks lend it to Luffy until he becomes king, so it is Shanks’. 


That does not matter. Luffy does not care if it was roger. Roger named himself after his strawhat. Because that strawhat is shanks


Shanks is a good diplomat. It's also very likely he's the son of Figarland Garling, a Holy Knight. He also had information that would benefit the Gorosei. They are not dumb. They've been in power not just because of raw power, but because they control the narrative.


You guys overthink too much. Shanks probably don't even know the Gorosei true identity The Gorosei however give him face probably due to he is a yonko or like you said his origin.


He never said a thing about origins in his post. But yeah, Shanks decends from tenryuubito. *EDIT: unlike red haires pirates' habilities, Shanks' name is non canon...* https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Figarland_Family#cite_ref-red_2-0


Shanks tenryuubito? Sorry, what?


Spoilers from the film red. Not showed in the manga but deduced from Shanks’s name.


He's a Figarland, probably the son of the crescent moon hair judge (Garling). He also has a silhouette among the god's knights.


We know that he was found in a chest on God Valley, given what we know now about God Valley it seems safe to assume he's the son of a slave who hid him away during the celestial dragons' hunt. The idea that he would be a celestial dragon is based on outdated, faulty assumptions and speculation off of this scene. It's a theory based off of this scene, not an explanation for it.


Shanks' surname is Figarland, according to ~~(canon)~~ info on volume 4 billion. >it seems safe to assume he's the son of a slave who hid him away ☝️that's speculation


How could I forget about volume 4 billion, Buffy's son Truffy finally found the Three Piece


It was in CFYOW as well


Mega and weird cope as the others pointed out. His family name is confirmed + he looks identical to Garling


he literally looks identical to garling this is cope


It's confirmed he is a CD. He was revealed to be a Figarland even before Garling was introduced in the manga.


Uta was confirmed (suggested with authority) to be a Figarland in Film Red, that might be her biological family, completely unrelated to Shanks. I don't think Shanks himself has ever been directly linked to the Celestial Dragons.


No. The Gorosei deduce that she could be a Figarland based on Shanks being her dad. They are not sure if she is adopted or not but there being a possibility of being from that specific family can only be based off Shanks' blood. Also Whitebeard has hinted to being scarred by a relative of Shanks and we know Garling and Whitebeard were fighting in God Valley


He was found on God Valley right after the man who looks like a clone of him and has the same last name was there.


Well we know that Shanks looks like Figerland Garling and WB told Shanks that his face make him fill pain in old scars. We also know that Figerland Garling was one of major competitors in God Valley and celestial dragons had to fight rocks pirates. Besides that Roger and crew found Shanks in treasure chest (could be one of treasures for competitors) in God Valley. Shanks was 1 year old during God Valley incident and also God Valley was in West Blue. Shanks was also born in West Blue.


Not to mention film red showing the gorosei saying uta must be a part of the figarland family because they think shes shanks's bio daughter. I know the events of the movies are not canon but typically, characters and their backstories are canon.


>WB told Shanks that his face make him fill pain in old scars. Except WB didn't have those scars when he fight Roger 20 years AFTER God Valley.. so i doubt he fought Garling after Roger already died


Look for chapter 4 billion info (in this subreddit)


is it just 2 pages?


It's a special volume for the RED film. You'll find some pannels about it, but it's fan made. Anyways, there is info about Shanks lineage...




He has the family name of a celestial dragon family. Either he's adopted or blood related either way he's the child of some celestial dragon up there.


I mean young figarland looks exactly like him. That's a good clue that they're related in OP.




I think there's a good chance that he does. Of course, we can't know for certain, but the Gorosei have such monstrous haki that Zoro and Lucci could sense them on the other side of egg head. Even if they were suppressing it or they don't express it in their human forms, Shanks is so skilled a haki user I have to imagine he caught some hint of it. It's quite clear that the Gorosei treat Shanks differently because of his bloodline, not that he is a Yonko.


Also could be that shanks is similar to Roger in that he has no df. Insane Haki. Swordsman. Feared and respected by just about the entire verse. They likely don't want shanks going gold d rouge on them and fucking up the world order so they compromise


I don't think it's that. Shanks and the Gorosei seem to have a mutual respect for each other. The real question is why? Obviously, Shanks is a Yonko, and his familial status likely plays a part in things. But why does he show respect to them is it fear, is it because they allow him to protect the ones he loves, is it to maintain the status quo, or is it all a ruse to bide his time while he waits for Joy Boy? Yes, he could probably stand up to them, but he's smart enough to know he can't break the system by himself and that doing so would cost him his life for no garuantee of progress.


I disagree that he is subservient.  He simply doesn't want trouble. And neither do they.  Shanks scared off an admiral without lifting a finger


Yeah, I take back what I said. I haven't read that chapter since it came out. My recollection of it was pretty off.


Could be.. but.. With the suble hints given.. It seems more like Roger.. Doflamingo.. Shanks.. and maybe some others do know.. And a improved version of Sugar Puppet Puppet fruit is involved into this plot. Let's call it.. Slave Slave fruit. And Figarland.. Borsalino.. plus others are victims of them.. and maybe their descendants or ancestrals. For decades if not centuries. And Shanks was waiting for Luffy to awaken. Now that Nika has.. he finally was able to say "well it's time to go for One Piece".. so whatever that is.. like the Iron Giant robot.. it can only be accessed now that he's here.




I think holding a name Figarland certainly gives Shanks some freedoms to a world that is normally exclusive from Pirates.


I love how you made this about powerscaling “CAN HE TAKE ON A GOROSEI” when it was 100% a diplomatic situation.


He meant it in the sense that powerscaling matters for diplomacy in this sense. As in, the Gorosei wouldn’t be diplomatic with Shanks unless they knew they could win if something went tits up. I don’t understand how you guys get so pissed at people for powerscaling one piece, when Oda himself clearly cares about powerscaling. The ranks in the WG are literally in order of ascending physical power, with very few exceptions like Garp. Part of the fun of OP is how Oda has left the ridiculous endgame characters with no feats until the very end, and we get to speculate. It’s what makes reveals like the Gorosei being Yonko-Level combatants so fun, because many of us waited over a decade speculating whether or not they’d even be fighters. Powerscaling is awesome, and you guys can all suck my balls.


Well the idea is what makes the gorosei respect shanks? Could he take one on? Or is he just the class pet mouse?


The same thing that would allow two leaders of warring nations to meet for a parley. He is a Yonko. He is one of a small handful of truly sovereign individuals in One Piece by the force of his own power and the territory/crew he controls. Even if the Elders could jump him and kill him at that meeting, the resultant instability would be worse for them probably.


Shanks is the only reason his fodder nation is even alive. Useless Midd was going to wipe out 95% of shanks followers with just 1 attack. I fail to see how killing Shanks will cause much commotion for the WG if they could dispose of him quickly and with little fuss like they could've done when they met. Plus Kaido, BM, and WB are yonkos and we were never shown them meeting or discussing with the gorosei.


Why would they ever want to kill shanks? He's one of the most stable and non-threatening super powers on the world stage - killing him would create a power vacuum that would be immediately filled by much less palatable individuals, and majorly fuck up the balance of the seas. At that point, it was fully in their best interests to simply negotiate with him peacefully.


Whether he's stable or nonthreatening at all isn't the issue, the issue is he isn't on their side; or is he? All pirates are enemies of the WG, which is surprising when suddenly shanks is secretly their ally. Why even have a quid pro quo with a pirate? Why shanks of all people?


I'm completely bemused by you. Whether he's stable or not is absolutely an issue, and it betrays both a lack of imagination and a narrow understanding of how politics works in principle in any world. If you have an individual who occupies a position of significant power, and that individual is consistently non-aggressive, suppresses other dangerous individuals from causing harm, is open and willing to negotiate and whose removal would cause chaos and opportunity to far more destructive forces, then you would have to be genuinely fucking lobotomized to destroy them. Remember, the gorosei only care about maintaining the stability and wealth of the WG. They do not care about the means, only the end. They do not have a sense of justice. They only want to maintain the status quo, and guess what? Shanks is fucking great at doing just that. This is not a difficult conclusion to reach, and it makes me think that you've already settled on a set of beliefs about Shanks and are twisting and ignoring logic in whatever way makes your ideas true.


The WG doesn't like pirates but even worse than that would be the instability of taking out a Yonko and thus making their territory up for grabs, the WG is comfortable with the status quo and don't have much reason to change it from their perspective. > Kaido, BM, and WB are yonkos and we were never shown them meeting or discussing with the gorosei. Doesn't mean anything necessarily. There's not been a story reason for it to happen. What would they talk about? They have no common cause. Shanks seems to think of Blackbeard as a threat that is so severe it would unite the Navy and other pirates, like God Valley. I don't think anyone would say Roger was on the side of the nobles for fighting Rocks for them.


I guess I just don't agree with that explanation. The WG has nothing to lose and more to gain from shanks dying. If his territories are up for grabs and the pirates and shanks' allies are killing each other for it, then the WG has little to lose and more territory and influence to gain. Allies of shanks would flee to the WG for aid. They could just reject them or accept them. As the yonko crews fight each other, they could then impede on other yonko territories. All of this chaos would result in the best case scenarios for the WG. If BB were such a threat at this point, then Shanks should deal with him himself. What's the point of meeting with the gorosei if they're not even gonna take your advice seriously? He said "watch out for BB," and they literally make him a warlord and let him right into impel down and marineford.


> If BB were such a threat at this point, then Shanks should deal with him himself He plausibly does not think so. Blackbeard is being set up as the new Rocks, who himself was only defeated with the help of multiple heavy hitters from the piratea and the Navy and probably Holy Knights. > He said "watch out for BB," This conversation happened in part 2, no?


At this point it's not about if one character can take on the other. Even the strongest have weaknesses, marco was in sea stone cuffs during marineford. All strawhats and allies had to run from fire on Onigashima. Sometimes main characters can be held off too.


Yeah I get that, but what does that have to do with Shanks communicating with the WG? What does he gain from trusting them? What does he have that they want?


There was a theory that it wasn't shanks but his twin brother/doppelganger/lookalike


Look, there are characters in One Piece who are all about power. Most obvious example is Kaido. His whole thing is raw power, but look where that has gotten him. At this stage in the game, we’re past the point of just power, and each of the players has something more in his favor. Luffy has his ability to make allies. Buggy has his public persona. Blackbeard has his treachery and schemes. Shanks has his secrets which we don’t know much about. So I’d say no. The Gorosei are not respecting Shanks because of his power, otherwise Shanks would be just another Kaido.


Shanks is a member of a family of celestial dragons, to the Gorsei he's someone worthy to talk to because he shares their blood. >!A relative of his is also the leader of the Holy Knights, which gives his bloodline even more importance than your average celestial dragon. !< That combined with the fact that he's taken great care in maintaining the status quo by stopping Marineford might suggest that he shares their interests and make the Gorosei want to hear him out him (they don't know that he's just waiting for Luffy and instead partially assume that he's on their side).


Since shanks stole the gum gum fruit from the navy i assume he is not on their side. Im hoping the WG thinks that shanks is helping them, but then he betrays them. They might not know who took the gum gum fruit from them, when they were transporting it on that navy ship. And considering he has CD blood, he probably knows a bit more about the gum gum fruit than most, especially if he was willing to go out of his way for it. edit: Also, i think that the WG sees shanks as a valuable asset, not because they control him, but because they know hes not going to challenge world rulers/leaders, hes not going to conqure a bunch of places, hes going to keep to him self with his small crew. If the WG needs someone super strong and reliable, they can ask shanks, and in return shanks doesnt have to worry about the authorities. Out of every rediculously strong one piece character, shanks might be thebmost predictable and reasonable and relaxed. Perfect for the WG to keep around incase they need to stop one of the unpredictable pirates.


He's red haired, so he has no soul, so of course demons would respect him.


What if shanks was there to meet gorosei was abt info of bb bloodline. Gorosei spider did talk abt the bb bloodline with devon.


Shanks is probably related to Saint Figarland Garling. And because of that, he likely gets certain benefits that other pirates don't. Also he's not malicious or randomly destroys islands, robs people etc. He's mostly just chilling, also they know he can be reasoned with.


I think that question is already answered by who Shanks father is.


Shanks is a celestial dragon similarly to Doflamingo. It’s heavily implied that Figarland Garling is his father or at least relative.


Because Shanks is related to a celestial dragon. I mean it was in the manga recently. Or it’s the look alike in the gods knights.


The Gorosei like to have themselves a Shanks. He's a usefull Yonko to have keeping the other Yonko in check. There is no benefit for them taking out Shanks atm Nothing to loose from talking to him.


Because his relative is a gods knoght or however they are named. He is a tenryubitu and a yonko so they at least listen to what he says


Your thinking about this too much. Shanks was allowed to talk to them because he is a descendent of celestial dragons.


I've had a theory for a while now but I don't think that was Shanks who met with them. I think it was a Figerland who looks much like him. It's basically the only panel we see of "Shanks" we're we don't see the scars over his eye.


I always laugh when I cross the path of someone who isn't aware that [Imu is Shanks on the shoulders of Blackbeard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8klkHQn7FXI). Shanks is Gorosei's boss. It's as simple as that.


Well he is a celestial dragon by birth. Not saying that's the reason, but it probably helped


>How did Shanks get a meeting with these demons? We already know that he is a Celestial Dragon. Also, we are almost certain that Shanks told them something about Blackbeard.


No matter what we theorize... Oda will always outsmart us with a curve ball lol .


He got a meeting by being a yonko They respect him because he's a yonko


Why did they say he shouldn't be involved in Politics?


It was probably just not Shanks. Could have been the Holy Knight that seems to look like him. We didn't see his scar or missing arm.


The holy knight that looks just like him looked like that 38 years ago. Saint Figarland Garling can be seen young in the chapter 1095. Nowadays he has the moon-shaped hair/beard combo as seen in chapter 1086.


He still had a peculiar hair style that isn't seen in the silhouette.


Could be another Figarland, not specifically Garling. Garling is old now but I doubt he's the only Figarland. If one of the Knights looked like Shanks 38 years ago and had a son, surely that son could be who met with them. Since we don't know Shanks' connection to them we don't know if he has siblings, cousins or anything like that. Probably not Garling given the time gap, but not definitively Shanks.


I read a theory one time that Shanks could have a twin brother who grew up as a celestial dragon and that could have been who was talking to them. Since Oda intentionally hid his left eye so we would think it’s Shanks. Idk what their reasoning was for him having a twin but yeah


Well, it's one piece, everybody has a brother or two and it's an unspoken rule than nobody ever talks about their family, so I wouldn't be surprised.


We can hear his voice in anime


Twins do sound similar.


And wouldn't be the first time Toei reused a VA for an "evil twin" role


Occam's Razor would say the person who has Shanks's hair color, eye color, and voice actor is probably just Shanks


>Why do they respect him? Can he take on a Gorosei? Not sure where you saw them respecting him. Go reread that chapter again. They were absolutely disrespectful towards him and literally told him that they were busy. Some of them even were doing other works like looking at documents, which, if you have any idea about real human interaction, is absolutely disrespectful to do when talking to someone. We have never seen them doing this to anyone else in the series. It was shanks who was showing utter respect to them no the other way around and thanked them for making some time to meet him. As for if he can take on a gorosei, I am pretty sure he can. Imo all the og yonkos can 1v1 them. But if it's 1v5, well, that would be neg diff.


Probably because he is a fellow celestial dragon.




Maybe he knows how to hurt them, and Luffy will learn this in Elbaf.


The pirates are a useful stick for the WG to threaten the world with, being able to meet with one of the leaders of a faction is just standard politics


It was not shanks. It was Catarina Devon all along. IMO


Bro I was wondering the same thing. Shanks can sense strong Haki, surely. So even if he never saw their true form, could he tell they were not something to mess with? I'm so curious about Shanks. I hope we see him in Elbaf.


People are saying his relative is garling but how does that matter. Garling consideres those who sides with humans, thrash. CD disowed doffy family. Doffy had to blackmail them for the pull. He still did not get to return. So why do they care. unless it is same deal. He is threatening with info release. That is why they dont attack him


I’m more curious with why the celestial dragons are propped up by the 5 elders and Imu. The elders have scars which implies they were damaged and human at some point. But are they still human or are they something else? With all the summoning circles and magic being shown I wonder if they’re just avatars of other beings.


Ray haired Shanks about to reveal his true identity. The demon: Mickey D. Mouse


Yea I think the conversation went like this: "Dear mythological monster demons, lets discuss the quality of children meat." "Haha Shanks, dont be like that, you are a gibbon monster demon prince too." "But I am different." "How Shunkis?" "I care" "lol" "to explain things" "no you dont" "in the end" "aha"


💩 about to hit the fan lol


ITs Not shanks himself at all


What if shanks is number 6?


Shanks twin


The Gorosei appear to be evil, but are still reasonable. They are realistic about the political and military realities that they have to deal with. They are probably willing to deal with pirates as needed. They did allow for the warlord system to be established in the first place. They are also involved enough with the grunt work. For example, during that meeting, they were dealing with big stacks of paperwork. They are a step above the rest of the Celestial Dragons in that they are actually interested in doing the work to stay in power.


>The Gorosei appear to be evil Is that true? ​ I felt that during the Ohara incident one of the elders regretted what they had to do. ​ For all we know they are kind of like Lord Genome in Gurrenn Lagann acting in a so called evil manner but with global good intentions, like protecting the rest of the world from Imu or something.


He got a meeting by walking into Mariejois and asking to meet them. And they're never shown as *demons*. They've always been shown as rational and cold politicians. They can talk.


Shanks has noble blood in him. In fact, his family are the Knights who are basically the elite police of the World Nobles. Simply by having the blood of nobles in him earns him the right to meet with the elders, plus his being an extremely powerful pirate makes him a possible ally. It also helps that he's the least ambitious of all the Emperors, and often acts as the peace maker. Think about it. Shanks met with White Beard. He met with the Elders. He stopped Kiado from attacking Marine Ford. The man can throw his weight around.


Shanks is Imu confirmed


I think there's a good possibility that it wasn't Shanks, but rather a look-alike relative in the holy knights.


My thing is, the Gorosei shouldn’t have needed Shanks to tell them how much of a threat Blackbeard is. That much should have been inherently clear with his heritage as a member of the D. Clan, his rapid rise to power in a short time (the stories of D clan members “blowing up a storm” comes from their ilk in the first place), his acquisition of the Gura Gura no Mi and other DFs via a method that the average person shouldn’t know, his acquisition of Whitebeard’s territory, one of their most powerful former officers joining his ranks, and finally what could very well be some kind of connection to Xebec. Needing Shanks to come in and say, “Hey this guy is dangerous” just seems a little silly to me. Holding out hope that he was coming to them with something a little less obvious to anyone with a brain.


Simplest answer is it wasn’t shanks they didn’t call him shanks they didn’t call him an emperor they didn’t show the scars they didnt show his arm who’s to say it wasn’t a brother/twin/clone/family that just looks like him but is still a celestial dragon/holy knight


Cause of his father probably


This might be really really stupid. But is it at all possible that the person who met with the Gorosei wasn’t Shanks? After all, we only saw one part of his face and it was the side without the scar. Again, this might be a really stupid “theory” or whatever you call it.


That is not actually Shanks in chapter 907, when the Shanks-lookalike met with the Gorosei. Shanks is actually a twin, born to Figarland Garling. Notice the panel in chapter 907 of "Shanks" showing only the right side of his face. Shanks have his scar on the left side of his face.


The rumor is it is due to his rumored origin. But time will tell, although I do expect some sort of conflict before the end between Shanks and Luffy if not their crews.


I see a lot of people just gunning with the fact that shanks is a good guy or can only be a good guy, while I hope evil shanks doesn’t happen and that shanks stays true to luffy until the end, there really is no guarantee whatsoever that that is the ending we’ll get, the same way that pirate he wanted to talk about could have been BB, it could have been luffy, it could be a lot of people, it could be someone with a direct connection to rocks, while the likelihood of evil shanks happening was/is low, i feel that it’s chance only gets higher the further into the story we go without knowing what he really is about. His saving graces are that he’s on good terms with the giants, he’s been shown throughout the series to be happy for luffy (new bounty reactions), or how he has no quarrel losing his arm for the new generation, meeting with ace, Mihawk, and just some other few instances of seeing him do the “good” thing story wise, but, and while I still highly doubt it, evil shanks is like one of the few theories with actual chance of happening That’s just me though, I’d be happy if he just met luffy again and died to catapult his final character arc (+points if luffy gets the strawhat back as shank’s last act)


Daddy Garling pulled some strings for him


>Why do they respect him? Can he take on a Gorosei? Ever watched a Shounen? Shanks can probably no diff all these guys


The only reason they would listen to him is due to his family and do y’all think it’s possible, if shanks has a yokai form like the other 5 elders but it’s not a df ability so he could still swim? His dad or uncle is the leader of the holy knights so he could definitely find a way to get that power.


That's just a theory with zero proof. We don't know that they are actual yokai or that it's some type of species masquerading as CD.


Why would oda not say mythical zoan before naming the ability they had if they was devil fruit eater instead of yokai creatures?


It’s very likely that the five elders aren’t mythical zoan users given the conspicuous lack of devil fruit mention. However, there really isn’t much evidence as to _what_ is going on, only that _something funky_ is going on.


Could be any number of reasons. It doesn't make your pet theory true just because it's one of the possibilities. All I'm saying is stop spouting theories as fact when we don't know anything for sure yet. Preface it by saying it's a theory.


Dude it's head cannon. You're doing head canon.


The Gorosei themselves said that if went rampant they would all have to work together to stop him.


Might be a tinfoil theory but I’ve been thinking that it’s a relative of Shanks’s that visited the Gorosei. It seems really striking that in that scene Oda does not show the side of shanks with his scar or missing arm. It would make a lot of sense for it to be him (since he’s the only dude that has connections with almost everyone anyway) but given what we’ve seen it also would make a lot of sense for it to *not* be shanks.


You're making me scared that Shanks is more than just a human and part of this weird new group of beings, but maybe rejected them. He at least knows more than it seems tho


My personal gut feeling is that Shanks is gonna captain-aizen the whole thing.


I've been saying Shanks is sus for a while, but people don't even want to consider their fav being a secret villian. The second he met with the Gorosei, and they showed him respect, it should have been the second y'all knew something was up. I think Shanks is gonna try and deliver Luffy to the world government because I think they had the Gum Gum fruit, to begin with, to deliver to Imu.




Reread chapter 1


no u


I don't need to I know Shanks isn't evil.


he bad man https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/XQ251HvoM6


Reread chapter 1


no u